Laura - Chapter 102

A few days later, she ran into Rob in the drugstore near work, the same one where she had initially encountered Barbara, starting an ongoing conflagration. He was looking through the magazines.

"Did anyone ever tell you you look like Stephanie Seymour?" he asked her, showing her a magazine cover.

"Only hundreds of people," she said, poker-faced. "It's very nice of them."

"She can't compare with you," Rob said, looking her up and down.

"Only a man who's fucked me in every orifice could say something like that," Laura whispered, leaning close.

"I can show you one who'd like to do it again," he grinned.

"What about the gorgeous Camille? Does she know you're out propositioning old girlfriends?"

"I happen to know she's had a little of you on her own. I'm envious. I want my share."

"It's so tough being this popular," Laura frowned. "I can't believe you're tired of that brown beauty already."

"I'm not. Actually, I was thinking of a . . . shall we say, party? My brother is in town, staying with us. I thought maybe you could join us for dinner . . . and then---"

"I accept," Laura said, cutting across, so quickly that she even surprised herself.

"Gosh, I don't even have to talk you into it?"

"If I think about it, I won't accept," Laura said. "If your brother is anything like you, I might end up in the hospital. Camille too. Do you really want your brother to screw your own wife?"

"Only if they both want to," Rob grinned. "I don't believe in forcing anybody."

"You, darling, are a wicked man," Laura grinned, chucking him under the chin. "What time?"

"How about tonight? Seven?"

"I have a big meeting tomorrow," Laura teased. "Will I still be able to walk when I leave?"

"Entirely up to you, my pet," Rob grinned back. "See you?"

"I'll be there."

It had been nearly two years, back in the beginning with Karen, since Laura had participated in a real group sex orgy. She felt rather strangely about it. The sense of excited sexual anticipation she had before sex with another girl, or even before sex with Camille and Rob, gave way to a mixture of dread and wild butterflies. It had been a while since she had been double-fucked.

Rick and Jamie. A shiver gripped her as she remembered how they had worked her over, fucking her in the ass and pussy at the same time, then switching places and doing it again. God, it's a wonder they didn't kill me, she thought. And those huge dicks of theirs!

Both of them had been hung like Rob. What if his brother was too? Would she be put through the same thing again? And Camille too? And yet, even though half of her dreaded it, the other half couldn't wait. It was so different from her usual sex, so rough and relentless and unforgiving, so hard and inescapable, so . . . male. She wouldn't want to forego sex with her clutch of wonderful black beauties, but just contemplating this got her blood pounding.

And Camille too! she thought.

However, when she got there at seven, as arranged, Camille was not there. Only Rob . . . and his younger brother, Eric. Eric was blond and athletic-looking, about five years younger than Rob. He was all smiles as Laura came into the house.

"Rob told me you were even better looking than Stephanie Seymour," he said, kissing her hand with a gentlemanly flourish. "But I didn't think he could be exaggerating."

Laura batted her eyelashes at him, willing to play the game. All you want is my pussy, you handsome thing, she thought, smiling. Is your cock as big as your brother's hall-of-fame weapon? Are you going to hurt me with it?

Laura realized she was wet already. "Where's Camille?" she asked Rob.

"Oh . . . she'll be along," he stammered, acting embarrassed.

Laura shot him a look that said: I hope you didn't use her as bait just to get me here alone.

"She . . . had to run out for something," he continued. "She should be back in ten minutes."

Laura flirted with both of them. I'm just a tramp at bottom, she thought. Suddenly I realize that I do really want to be fucked by both of you. Whether she's here or not.

They had a drink to relax, and made idle conversation, shot through with an undercurrent of sexual innuendo. All three knew what was going to happen eventually, and so they enjoyed the simmering buildup. Laura had worn some spectacularly sexy underwear, and she was able to luxuriate in the knowledge that they would soon discover it.

About a half an hour passed and still Camille had not returned. Eric was pouring Laura a fresh drink in the kitchen, with Laura looking over his shoulder.

"Not too strong," she cautioned. "I won't be able to do what I want to do."

He grinned back at her. "And what would that be?"

She made him put the bottle down and turn around. "You might be surprised."

"Surprise me, I'm ready," he said, closing his eyes.

Laura couldn't pass up the invitation.

Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing some of her black lace bra. It fastened at the very bottom of her breasts, so that all of her cleavage was visible, and the cups were sheer lace, so that the round circles of her nipples were visible too.

"Surprise," she whispered. "You can open them now."

Eric looked down at her open blouse and her bra. He looked toward the kitchen door, to see if they were being watched by his brother.

"What about Rob?" he whispered.

Laura caressed his cheek with her fingertips. "He's already had these. In his mouth," she added. "Wouldn't you like to catch up?"

"God . . . you're beautiful," Eric gasped, awe-struck by Laura's beauty.

"You're . . . pretty beautiful yourself, Eric," Laura breathed.

Her bra opened in front, and she reached down and undid the clasp. Eric watched her exquisite naked breasts come into view as she pulled the lacy cups aside. Laura cupped them in her palms and offered them to him.

He was not about to refuse. He bent his head and quickly took one of Laura's nipples into his mouth, sucking it gently, tentatively. Laura felt tingling excitement race through her whole body.

"It won't break, Eric," she whispered. "Suck it hard."

He did. He grabbed her breast with both hands and tried to swallow her throbbing nipple.

"Unhh! Oh!" Laura gasped.

After a few seconds he moved to her other nipple, doing the same. He was wildly hungry for her breasts, and it excited Laura. She held her shirt open and leaned back against the counter as he ravished them, sucking and squeezing her breasts passionately.

She couldn't keep from moaning.

"Ohhhnn! Ohhnnnn yes!" she panted to him.

"God, they're so beautiful!"

She held his head in her hands. "Suck me, Eric. Please."

He sucked her again, voraciously, both nipples.

"Ohhnnnnn!" Laura moaned, throwing her head back, pushing her wet, aching breasts into his face.

Her moans attracted Rob, who came to the kitchen door. "I see little brother didn't waste any time," he said wryly as he watched them.

Laura looked over at him. Eric seemed embarrassed and raised his head of from her breasts.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing," she said in her smokiest, most seductive voice. "Why don't we move to the livingroom, where it's more comfortable."

They did, Eric bringing up the rear, still almost mesmerized by what was happening, and by the beauty of Laura's body. In the livingroom, they helped her out of the rest of her clothes, then laid her on the sofa. Rob immediately knelt beside it, sliding between her thighs, and Laura gasped as she felt his mouth on her wet, tingling pussy.

"Oh! Ungghhh! Oh Rob, yes, oh yes," she panted, moving her hips rhythmically.

Eric had his pants down in seconds, and she took his huge cock, every bit as large as his brother's into her hands, feeding it into her open mouth, sucking him as hungrily as he had sucked her. It took only about a minute for all three of them to become frantic with lust. Laura knew they wanted her, and she knew she wanted it.

Rob had quickly undressed too, and now he lay on the floor next to the sofa and pulled Laura down on top of him. He kissed her roughly, guiding his mammoth cock up into her pussy at the same time. Laura could taste her own cuntslime on his lips, and she gagged softly as the monster penetrated her.

"Unghh! God . . . I forgot how huge you are," she panted.

Rob grinned. He looked up at Eric. "You get the other entrance, little brother," he said.

"You mean . . . ?" Eric hesitated, unbelieving.

"There's some baby oil in my purse," Laura panted.

"She comes prepared," Rob joked, upfucking into her cunt rapidly, making Laura nearly lose control.

"Unh! Unh! God," she gasped, "he better hurry up or I'm going to explode. Unh! Oh Jesus! Ownchhh! It's so big!"

Now Rob settled into a slower rhythm, fucking her slowly, scooping her dangling breasts up in his own hands and sucking her nipples thirstily as he fucked her. Laura wasn't kidding. She was wildly horny, almost on the verge of coming already.

Eric still couldn't believe it. "You mean . . . fuck her in the ass?" he said, watching his brother fuck Laura.

"Can you think of another way?" Rob asked. "Obviously little brother has never fucked a woman in the ass before."

"Not one as beautiful as this," Eric said.

"Please . . . Eric," Laura panted. "Please. Hurry. I want you both to fuck me. Hurry. Before Camille gets back. Please."

Eric pulled apart Laura's asscheeks with his thumbs and examined her tiny, pinched-closed rectum. "This thing'll never fit in there," he said, holding his huge half-erect salami in one hand.

About six or seven inches protruded from the end of his fist. Laura felt both fear and intense excitement as she looked at the huge piston. You're telling me, she thought. Shit, I don't know if I want to go on with this or not.

"You have to get it ready first, dummy," Rob told him. "Get the oil, like she told you."

The next few minutes were incredibly exciting for Laura. Rob continued to fuck her very slowly and skillfully from beneath, sucking and licking her nipples at the same time, while Eric lubricated two fingers with babyoil and set about the task of loosening her asshole to the point where it could accept his monster cock. After a couple of minutes of this, Laura was ready to come unglued.

She moaned and gyrated, her body quivering and stretching as they manipulated her flesh, her cunt impaled on Rob's huge prick, which slid in and out of her in a smooth, relentless rhythm. Now Eric decided she was ready. He swabbed his enormous pole with the oil, and then Laura held her breath as she felt him beginning to introduce it between her cheeks.

She bit her lower lip. "Ungh! Oh god!"

"Sorry . . ." he said softly, pushing harder.


Hot tears squirted from Laura's eyes. She bit her lip and tasted the blood. It was like having a thick, red-hot pipe shoved into her ass. Her body cried out in pain. She dissolved into a trembling, whimpering mass of helplessness, gurgling and gagging incoherently as the enormous tube of stiff gristle penetrated her ass, sliding in deep.

Finally he stopped. It was all the way in. Laura could barely breathe. She was skewered in the cunt and the ass by the hugest cocks she had ever seen, and her whole tormented body throbbed and glowed with pain.

"Ohhnngg shit!" she gasped. "Shit, it's so big!"

Rob had stopped fucking her too, and they both were just letting her get used to it. But there was no question of that. Her tormented body felt like it was just about ready to explode. She whimpered and moaned, twisting between them, agitating their stiff cocks within the tight clasp of her asshole and her wet pussy, driving both men crazy.

"Unngghhh oh fuck me you guys do it, do it hard and fast!" she panted deliriously to them. "Fuck me, quick, do it!"

They began to fuck her slowly, and for the next minute and a half the three of them settled into a kind of rocking motion, the two enormous cocks sliding deep into Laura's body, then sliding back out again, then in again, Laura wincing and moaning, waiting for the pain to be overshadowed by the sexual excitement she felt swelling below the surface of her agony.

It took a while, but it finally got there. She realized through the red cloud of pain that she too was pumping, groaning softly, clenching her teeth each time the mammoth pistons slid deep into her body, but quivering with an unearthly, fantastic sexual excitement that felt like it would soon obliterate her. The two men felt it too, and their movements accelerated.

In only seconds Laura was being mercilessly ripped and raped by them. All three were in the grip of a relentless sexual urgency, and Rob and Eric speared her body with their huge, hammering pricks again and again, while Laura writhed and moaned, completely sandwiched between them, impaled on their plunging hard cocks. They fucked her harder and harder each second, piercing her to the quick, jabbing their pricks deep into her. Laura knew she had never been fucked so hard, so brutally, in her life.

"Ungh! Owwnchh! Shit! Unghh! Oh god! Unghh . . . anngh! Oh . . . please! Ow! Ummggnnffunggh! Auugnhh!" she gasped as the two men nearly tore her to pieces, their fingers biting into her flesh as they raped her.

But at the same time she could feel the incredible wave of a fierce orgasm approaching, like a dark tornado cloud swirling toward her. She didn't realize she was crying too, until she tasted the salt of her own tears running down her cheeks. Brutally they speared her body again and again, Rob holding her squirming hips steady with his strong hands, then upthrusting his huge cock deep into her pussy, while Eric quickly followed by jabbing his massive pole as far into her ass as it would go.

"Auunnggg!" Laura groaned, biting her lower lip and wincing.

She knew when they were going to come because the attack became almost unbearable. They were both strong, young men, and they crushed her between them, panting, jabbing, nearly ripping her apart. She heard Eric groan sharply into her ear, then felt the hot jets of his cum squirting into her ass.

As often happened when she was fucking a man, the feel of his jism spurting into her ignited her own orgasm. She began to come only seconds after him, and Rob followed closely behind, spewing rockets of cum into her pussy.

"Awwoonggg!" she howled, writhing between their hard, relentless bodies, coming in wild, throbbing spasms. "Ohhhnn god! Auungghhiieeeee!"

It was an epic climax for all three, and they lay coiled together, panting, unable to extricate themselves for several minutes, until they were interrupted by Camille suddenly coming through the front door. She was in the apartment before they knew it.

"Oh my god!" she said, raising one hand to her mouth, eyes wide with shock.

Groggily, Laura looked over at her. Both Rob's and Eric's cocks were still inside her body, and the afterglow of her fierce orgasm still tingled in her pussy and her ravished asshole.

"Camille . . . I'm sorry," she whispered hoarsely. "I . . ."

"It's not her fault, honey," Rob said, grinning foolishly as the three of them disentangled their bodies.

Laura winced and grimaced as the two huge cocks pulled out of her. She glanced at Camille and saw that Camille was not exactly in shock any more, but curious, and tantalized. Rob quickly went down the hall and reappeared with towels for all three.

"Actually, it's Eric's fault," Rob grinned. "He went for Laura big time, and nearly raped her. I tried to protect her, and well . . ."

"Yeah, right," Camille said, just the hint of a grin curling the corner of her own beautiful mouth.

Eric was just embarrassed, attempting to cover himself with the towel, though not before, Laura saw, Camille had checked out his formidable equipment. Laura knew that if the evening were to reach its potential, it was up to her. Neither of the two men would be ready to romp for a few more minutes. She had to loosen up Camille herself.

Very seductively, she approached Camille, draping the towel around her body to make herself as alluring as possible. She and Camille had fucked in the past, and she knew she could draw the girl in again.

"Actually, I was waiting for you," she whispered smokily, her face now only inches from Camille's. "They attacked me."

"It looks like you really resisted hard," Camille said, sardonically.

"I wouldn't resist you," Laura breathed, bringing her mouth so close to Camille's that Camille couldn't resist either.

They kissed slowly, tenderly, remembering their past intimacy. Camille's hands rose up Laura's naked body to her breasts. She squeezed them.

"Can I suck them?" she murmured against Laura's teeth.

"Let's go to the bedroom," Laura whispered. "Let these two sit here and hold their limp dicks."

Camille broke into a grin, glancing at Rob and Eric. "Good idea."

Hand in hand, she and Laura walked down the hall to the bedroom. There they kissed again and Laura slowly began to undress Camille, kissing her delicious golden skin everywhere as she peeled away the clothing.

"I love your body . . . I love your skin," she murmured, kissing the deep cleavage between Camille's large breasts.

Camille wore a plunging blue silk bra that showed off her breasts beautifully, and Laura kissed every visible inch of them before removing it. Camille's breasts were as large as Karen's, really the only two girls Laura had known with large breasts (excepting Shawn, whose breasts were artificial), and Laura enjoyed them both extremely.

Camille's were not dark but burnished golden globes with large dark brown nipples, which Laura finally exposed by unfastening the bra clasp and pulling the straps down. Both she and Camille were aware by now that the two men were standing in the doorway watching them. But neither paid any attention.

Camille threw her head back, and Laura feasted on the exquisite globes, so firm and beautifully round. She licked and sucked Camille's large nipples until they sprang erect, teasing them threateningly with her teeth, bringing excited whimpers and yelps from Camille's throat.

"Unhhh! Oh . . . god!" Camilled gasped.

"On the bed, honey," Laura panted. "I want to fuck you."

"Yes. Oh . . . yes! Ungghh! Oh god . . . Laura," Camille panted back, lying back on the bed and letting Laura pulled off her jeans, then her wispy blue panties.

From the corner of her eye Laura could see that the men were already getting erections again, holding them, their eyes wide as Camille's magnificent voluptuous naked body spread out across the bed, and Laura began to make love to her. She had made love to Camille before and remembered all her sensitive spots, what drove her wild, made her insatiable, and in about a minute the girl was writhing uncontrollably, moaning, begging Laura.

"Oh yes . . . oh yes!" she gasped as Laura's mouth and fingers explored her soft, sleek belly, and her thighs, drawing closer and closer to the pink, runny cleft of her long, brown-lipped pussy. "Oh . . . Laura yes! Please! Unhhhh! Unh! Oh god!"

Without even raising her head, Laura could feel the two men behind her drawing closer, to get a better view. She was about to make Camille come, and she wanted them to enjoy it too. Already Camille was churning her hips spastically and squeezing her own magnificent breasts, twisting her wet, erect nipples, her beautiful face and intriguing Chinesey eyes caught in an expression of almost unbearable rapture.

"Ahh!" she gasped as the tip of Laura's tongue touched her wet pussylips for the first time. "Unggh!"

Laura slid it in all the way in, tasting Camille's tangy juices, which flowed copiously from her excited pussy. She tongue- fucked the delicious girl for several seconds, letting her tongue slide slowly out along the engorged nub of Camille's clit, feeling the girl's wonderful body quiver each time.

"Oh! Oh . . . I'm going to come!" Camille whimpered, twisting excitedly.

"Yes . . . yes, you are," Laura purred, parting the wet inflamed crease of Camille's pussy with her fingers and stabbing her tongue into the warm, slippery center.

"Ungghh! Oh Jesus!"

Now Laura slid two fingers into Camille's cunt and began fucking her slowly with them, while her tongue moved to the girl's swollen clit, teasing it, until Camille was crazy with need. She was even more aroused than Laura had realized, and only a few sucks of the small, engorged bud had her coming fiercely, groaning, her lovely body arching up off the mattress, quivering as each new spasm wracked her.

"Aujngghhhh! Ohnngghh! Oh . . . shit! Ungghhh! Auungghhiieee!" she cried out, flipping and surging, coming hotly, as her husband and Eric watched from the side of the bed, and Laura continued to lick her flooding pussy.

It was a very exciting climax, and Camille was very beautiful as her body shook with each successive spasm. Finally it subsided, leaving her body slack, her eyes glazed as she looked at Laura, then at the two men. Each man's huge cock had again reached its mammoth erect state, two formidable purplish clubs, jumping and pulsing.

A small smile cracked Camille's lips. "Are you going to let your brother fuck me, Rob?" she asked coquettishly.

"I was thinking of joining him," Rob grinned.

"Both of you?" Camille's eyes grew very wide. "I . . . I've never done it with more than one man before. I mean, at the same time."

"You saw Laura," Rob said. "Easy, wasn't it Laura."

Laura grinned ruefully. It you like being nearly torn to pieces, she thought.

But before Camille even had a chance to reply, Eric had lain down beside her, then rolled her on top of him and slid his massive organ up into her still-slippery pussy.

"Unghh!" Camille groaned. "God, he's even bigger than you are," she said to Rob.

Her luscious full breasts were dangling in Eric's face, and he grabbed them with both hands, feeding one of her nipples into his mouth and sucking it sharply. And now Laura was pretty much brushed aside as the two of them began to fuck Camille very aggressively. Rob had brought Laura's bottle of babyoil with him from the livingroom, and she watched him quickly oil his cock with it and climb up behind her wife on the bed.

"Auunghh!" Camille groaned with pain and alarm as she suddenly felt his enormous prick slip into her ass and slide in deep.

Laura could see the exquisite pain mingled with deep sexual arousal on her face as she glanced back over her shoulder at him. Now they had her sandwiched as they had earlier had Laura, and they proceeded to fuck her very thoroughly and almost brutally, showing her no mercy, and taking longer than they had with Laura. Camille had just climaxed herself, and so all three of them took longer to get back to the peak.

They fucked her hard and vigorously, plowing both her cunt and her ass sharply with their massive poles, bringing pathetic cries from her as they stabbed her again and again. Watching, Laura was torn by sympathy and yet wildly aroused by the spectacle. She knew they had fucked her this hard too, and she had exploded in killing orgasms, exactly as Camille was about to do.

She wanted to fling herself onto the three of them somehow and participate in the wild conflagration that was about to happen. But she was too late. Camille gave a tiny shriek, then began to come extravagantly. Both men erupted at nearly the same moment, pumping jism into her, and all three collapsed in a pile of thrashing, squirming, panting human flesh as the uncontrollable bursts of their orgasms mingled.

The three of them lay as if glued together, unable to move for almost a minute. The bedroom was filled with their harsh panting and sighing, which soon began to subside. Laura found that she was incredibly horny again, just from watching, even though her pussy and her ass both felt cruelly stretched, skewered, and ravaged from her own similar experience earlier.

But there would be no quick relief for her, since the others had nearly destroyed one another in the most shattering fuck she had witnessed in months. Camille actually screamed softly with pain as the two men pulled their gigantic dicks out of her body. She looked at Laura in a new way now, since they had both shared this ecstatic ordeal.

"If I knew it would be like that, I would've run in the opposite direction," she grinned, speaking softly to Laura, but obviously not really meaning it.

The two men were dozing. Laura pulled Camille aside, pulling her out of the bedroom into the hall.

"Come in the livingroom with me," she whispered.

Camille obediently followed. They had both been brutally hammered with double-penetration fucking, but it seemed only to raise the level of sexual heat between them.

"Leave them in there, I want to fuck with you," Laura whispered, slithering her tongue into Camille's marvelous brown ear.

"Mmmmmm, me too," Camille sighed as they stretched out together on the floor. "Do you think we should clean up first? I feel like cum is leaking from me everywhere."

"I know," Laura agreed. "But don't you kind of like the slimy, dirty, smelly way it all feels. Somehow it turns me on."

"Mmmmm, me too," Camille purred, rubbing two fingers in the wet groove of Laura's pussy, then licking them clean, curling her tongue around them sensually.

It was more than Laura could take. "I think I was interrupted when I was making love to these before," she murmured, taking Camille's large naked breasts in her hands and kissing them passionately.

For the next thirty minutes, they fucked with total abandon, as if the two brothers asleep in the other room had never touched them earlier, let alone double-drilled each of them. They each came twice, the first time face to face, their pussies crunching together, legs locked around each other's hips; the second time in a gloriously painstaking sixty-nine, each coaxing the other forward until they met at the same starburst of exuberant orgasms.

Only as they were groggily surfacing from this last firestorm of coming did they notice that both men had revived, and were watching them come, fascinated, each one holding his newly-hard huge cock and eyeing the girls predatorily again. In the ensuing half hour the four of them indulged in more conventional sex. Rob fucked Laura, and Eric fucked Camille.

But even though Laura and Camille came again fairly quickly, both men had a harder time getting there. And when Eric pulled out of Camille, leaving the beautiful girl whimpering and helpless from a sharp climax, his brother beckoned him, and Laura again felt fear in the pit of her stomach. Oh god, I don't think I can take it again! she thought.

"Hey, little brother, come over here with me and give Laura another ride on the bicycle built for two," Rob cracked.

"Ungghh!" Laura groaned as he jabbed his huge stiff prick violently up into her pussy. "Ungghh! Rob . . . you're so crude! Ungghh!" she gasped.

"What's the matter, Laura? Your little asshole hurts?"

"Yes! Unghh! Must you do it so hard? Ungghh!"

"Maybe he could put it in here with mine," Rob suggested. "Think there's enough room? Pretty snug already."

Laura pushed her naked breasts into his face to keep him from talking. Rob obliged by sucking her nipples like a sex-crazed wild animal. Suddenly Laura found herself in the middle of a loud, agonized shriek before she even knew it was coming out of her throat.

"Auunngghiiieeeee! Ohnngg shit!" she cried, looking over her shoulder.

Eric was behind her, and he was trying--and slowly succeeding-- to push his immense hard cock into her pussy too, though it was already crammed full of Rob's. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before. The pain was excruciating. It felt like her poor sore pussy was being ripped apart by these huge ramrods.

But Rob had an iron grip on her hips, and Eric was determined. Her first scream was her only one, because her breath was taken away by the pain. Eric had to pull his prick back out and lubricate it with baby oil before he could try again. And this time it went all the way in.

Laura nearly fainted. The next ninety seconds were the roughest physical moments she had ever had in her life. She was sure they would split her apart as they hammered their massive organs in and out of her engorged, throbbing pussy, fucking her in a wild, frenetic abandon.

It was only a minute and a half, but it seemed like an hour and a half. She was crushed between their stabbing, surging, hard bodies, whimpering helplessly as they impaled her again and again with sharp, jabbing thrusts that filled her whole writhing body with pain. And the closer they got to their climaxes, the more brutally they fucked her, until Laura was just a quivering, sobbing mass of meat between them.

Mercifully, it was so exciting to both men that it didn't take either one long to come at this pace. Soon they were lunging into her violently, then groaning and spewing rockets of cum into her painfully-stretched pussy, spurting so much that it began to leak out around the hard stalks of their still-plunging cocks. Laura did not come at all. She was so consumed by the pain of it that all she could do was hope for it to be over.

When it was finally over, the two men pulled out of her. Laura struggled to her feet, feeling jism run down her thighs, and ran to the bathroom. Quickly she washed, then returned to the bedroom for her clothes. Camille appeared while she was hurriedly dressing.

"I . . . I don't know what to say," she said softly to Laura. "Did it hurt?"

"You bet it hurt," Laura spat.

"I couldn't stop them," Camille said.

"Did you try?" Laura shot her a hostile glance.

Camille looked down. She was still naked. In spite of herself, Laura could feel a deep, distant throbbing in her own ravaged pussy as she looked at the girl's gorgeous body.

"It wasn't your fault," she told Camille, softening.

She went over to her.

Camille looked up. A big tear was balanced below each fetching Chinesey eye, ready to fall. They slid together down her cheeks.

"It wasn't your fault," Laura repeated.

She kissed Camille on the cheek, tasting the salt of Camille's tears. Then she grabbed her bag and left, without even speaking to Rob or Eric.

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