Laura - Chapter 100

Laura ran into Rhonda in the hallway at work.

"Long time no see," Rhonda smiled. "Why don't we have a drink after work?"

Even though they had once hated each other, and now only tolerated each other's predations, their eyes exchanged a crackling current that both recognized easily.

"I'm exhausted," Laura said.

"Didn't you just take three or four days off? Rest and relaxation? You must've been rutting, dear girl." She bent close and whispered. "Who was it? That delicious Sholandra Mason?"

Laura shook her head. "Nobody you know."

"Don't be so sure."

"Ms. Olympia," Laura said, casually, feeling nasty, wanting to rub it in, never thinking Rhonda would know who she was talking about.

"You're kidding," Rhonda said, obviously floored. "You don't mean it. Not that gorgeous Brandi Pearson with all those muscles."

Now it was Laura's turn to be floored. "You know who she is?"

"Laura, I have several videos I made myself off ESPN of those contests. I know them all. Yolanda Hughes. Laura Creavelle. Especially Brandi. God, I can't believe you actually went to bed with her. You bitch. How did you meet her? How did you get her into bed? Is she naturally . . . you know, like us?"

Laura blushed and stammered, totally flummoxed by Rhonda's questions. "It's . . . really none of your business, is it," she said softly.

"You bitch," Rhonda repeated, but not angrily. If anything, she was envious. "I almost come just from looking at her body."

"I've known her for a couple of years," Laura said weakly.

"Those thighs . . ." Rhonda rhapsodized.

Oh yes! Laura silently agreed, feeling her heart flutter and her pussy throb.

By now Rhonda had pulled Laura out of the hall traffic, over against the wall, where they could whisper without being overheard.

"How did you get her to go to bed with you?" Rhonda asked. "I heard she just got married. I'd be afraid she'd take a poke at me or something. God, have you seen those arms? But then, of course you have. Oh . . . you bitch. You lucky bitch."

"Rhonda . . . I'm very uncomfortable talking about this here."

"Come into my office," Rhonda said, leading her down the hall.

"Maybe we shouldn't," Laura said, trying to pull away.

"Of course we should."

Rhonda pulled Laura into her office and shut the door. Suddenly they were uncomfortable. Both remembered that the last time they both were here, Rhonda had walked in on Laura while she was licking Yvette's pussy, and Yvette was coming, lying on top of Rhonda's desk. But Rhonda didn't let the thought bother her for long. She half-pinned Laura against the door and asked her point- blank:

"How is she in bed? She's so gorgeous. So strong. Did you really fuck her? I'm so jealous."

In spite of herself, Laura realized that she was aroused. After all, she and Rhonda had screwed energetically only a few weeks ago. Rhonda was beautiful, and a sex maniac like herself. And talking this way about fucking Brandi excited Laura all over again. She could see that it was exciting Rhonda too.

Laura's eyes dropped to Rhonda's mouth, a full, sensual mouth. Rhonda's eyes dropped to Laura's mouth. Suddenly they were kissing heatedly.

"I don't know why I want you so much," Rhonda panted softly. "You're the only white girl I've ever screwed."

"Then you're an equal opportunity dyke," Laura whispered in her ear, breathing into it sexily.

"You bitch."

"If you keep saying that, you'll hurt my feelings. Ungghh! Oh!" Laura gasped.

Rhonda had quickly got a hand under Laura's skirt and brought it up to Laura's crotch, slipping two fingers under the elastic of Laura's panties and sliding them up into Laura's wet pussy.

"You're wet, honey," she panted. "You want me to fuck you."

"Yes," Laura gasped, weak-kneed. "We can't. What if someone comes in?"

"This is my office."

"Unh! God . . . Rhonda, unghh!"

Rhonda pushed Laura back into the door, rubbing her pussy rapidly, expertly. Laura came almost before she knew what was happening. Her body simply exploded in a sharp, hot, uprushing orgasm, and she had to push her face into Rhonda's neck to keep from screaming.

"Unnggmmnneee!" she cried out, muffling her mouth, screaming into Rhonda's neck.

"Oh baby, yes, you really came hard," Rhonda murmured to her, pinning Laura's limp body to the door so that Laura wouldn't fall.

"Ohhhhnnnn god," Laura moaned.

Still holding Laura up, Rhonda managed to get the front of her own silk blouse open. Her bra fastened between the cups, and she quickly undid it with one hand. Both of her firm, round breasts and large, madder brown nipples came into view.

Laura, unable to resist, bent her mouth to one, sucking Rhonda's nipple between her lips.

"Oh! Oh . . . yes!" Rhonda panted excitedly.

Laura got her strength back quickly. Rhonda really did have beautiful breasts, and Laura devoured them hungrily, holding both resilient, smooth globes in her hands and sucking Rhonda's nipples with skilled sensuality. Rhonda was the only white girl she had ever screwed too, but she had no difficulty figuring out why, not at a moment like this. In only seconds Rhonda could barely remain standing.

"Oh, Laura . . . if you touch me I'll come!" she whimpered softly, looking down at her wet nipples as Laura's lips ravished them.

Laura kissed her, tangling her tongue with Rhonda's. "I want to stick this in your pussy," she said.

"Ohhhh . . . me too!" Rhonda shivered, biting her lower lip as Laura's mouth once again dropped to her breasts.

"But we can't," Laura murmured. "Remember what---"

"I know, I know," Rhonda panted. "Just touch me. I'm about ready to go off."

"Like this?" Laura raised her hand up under Rhonda's skirt, as Rhonda had done to her.

"Unhhhh! Oh yes . . . unh! Do it hard . . . fast!"

Laura did, and Rhonda nearly came unglued.

"Oh . . . bite my nipple!" Rhonda urged frantically. "No . . . don't, oh god, I'll make too much noise. Suck me hard instead. Yes! Ungghhh!"

"Oh baby . . ." Laura murmured, sucking Rhonda's beautiful nipples, pinching them with her lips, bringing Rhonda quickly to the brink.

"Oh now. Now!" Rhonda gasped.

She came sharply. Laura was holding her against the door, and it felt like Rhonda's body had been struck by a rocket. The jolts of her orgasm temporarily robbed her of breath. Then she pushed her face into Laura's neck and whimpered as the spasms subsided.

"Oh . . . Jesus!" she gasped, her eyes still glassy, as Laura embraced her, holding her up and kissing her.

Then Laura refastened Rhonda's bra and buttoned her silk blouse back up. "You have the most beautiful breasts, my dear," she whispered. "Ms. Olympia can't compare."

She figured the absent Brandi could survive this little falsehood, since Brandi's breasts, though small, were enchanting.

"I still hate you for screwing her," Rhonda pouted. "But I don't know whether anybody can make me come the way you do."

Laura winked. "Next time let's try a bed. Your place or mine. I'm so tired of this office danger."

"I know what you mean," Rhonda said, looking around nervously. "But I just had to have it, you know?"

Laura nodded. "Want to try for tonight?"

"I . . . have a date," Rhonda stammered.

Laura grinned wanly. "Hope it's not anyone I know."

"It isn't. Maybe tomorrow."

"Maybe," Laura flirted. "Maybe the Pope is Jewish, too."

"You still didn't tell me about Brandi Pearson. What it's like to fuck her."

"It's like screwing an anaconda, my dear," Laura joked.

"God, it must be heaven."

Laura kissed her and slipped out of the office before things could go any farther.

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