Laura - Chapter 93
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On the flight home from Dallas Laura was so exhausted that all she wanted to do was sleep, but she was too wired. The flight was only half full, and her seat was in the rear where the flight attendants idled between tasks. As a consequence, she got into a conversation with a beautiful black stewardess named Lorrie, who had a very friendly, artless personality, and was candy for the eyes.Ordinarily she was just the kind of girl Laura would die to get into bed, but even though Laura felt attracted, she was too tired. And anyway, Lorrie was aggressively heterosexual, flirting with all the guys, white or black. It also turned out she had been a Playmate of the Month, about a year and a half before this. "So how come you ended up back here?" Laura asked her. "I thought that would be your ticket to some kind of stardom." "Actually, the opportunities aren't that great," Lorrie said, with a disappointed smirk. "Unless balling Hef is your one ambition in life. I got offers. Mostly soft porn films. Car ads. It's a pretty rough life. Lots of drugs, too. I don't like that. I'm sort of a prude, I guess. I was comfortable here, and they took me back." "They weren't mad because of the layout?" Laura asked. "I've heard of women being fired." "Oh, I didn't wear this uniform, so they didn't care. It was a kind of generic uniform they got from a costume shop. Most I just wore pieces of it, anyway," she grinned, her infectious dimples piercing Laura's heart. Laura wanted her. She felt familiar pangs. But she was so tired from the marathon fucking with Jonelle and (especially) with Kim that she couldn't really respond. And she knew she was heading back into a mess, with Sholandra, Yvette, and Barbara vying for her time and energy. But many things about Lorrie were very fetching. She had a spectacular body, of course. You didn't get to be a Playmate by being a skinny, pimply waif. Even her flight attendant uniform couldn't conceal her jutting breasts and outcurved rump and gorgeous legs. She also had a very outgoing, relaxed, funny personality. She sparkled, and everyone was attracted to her. She also had the most fetching dimples Laura had ever seen. "You look just like Stephanie Seymour, you know," she told Laura. "I've been told." "I met her once. She was flying with that rock star she used to live with, the one she later sued for beating her. She was gorgeous. Every guy on the plane looked like he wanted to eat her alive." She leaned close, and Laura could smell her delicious smell. "Some of them are looking at you that way too." "And at you," Laura laughed. The dimples came into play again. "Some, maybe." "I don't know about you, but I'm too tired to be eaten . . . alive or dead," Laura deadpanned. "Don't I know it, girl," Lorrie said. "My feet need a good long soak." "Do you live in San Francisco?" Lorrie shook her head. "L.A. But I'm on this run for a few days. I'll soak 'em at the Airport Hilton." "You could . . . stay at my place," Laura said, hesitating, feeling awkward, not knowing how her offer would be received. "I mean, if you're tired of staying at the hotel. You could soak them there." She smiled. "Golly, that's really nice of you," Lorrie said, dimples dimpling. "You really mean it, don't you." Laura nodded. "I really mean it." She realized that right now her offer sounded very authentic, not sly or calculating, because right now she really was too tired to care if she ever got to sleep with Lorrie. She might feel the other way in the morning, but not now. "You know, I do have a layover until tomorrow night. There sure ain't shit to do at the Airport Hilton, pardon my French." "Then it's settled. Do you have to check in or something? My car is in the long-term parking lot." "I'll meet you at the elevator to the parking garage about ten minutes after we land," Lorrie said, beaming. Laura's heart did a brief pitter pat, but she could still feel the aftermath of twenty-five or more orgasms during the past two days, as if they were imprinted on her flesh. Even for this ravishing girl, I don't think I could get up the interest, she thought wearily. When they got to Laura's apartment, Lorrie was impressed. "Gosh, you must have a great job to be able to afford this," she said. "All work and no play," Laura said. "At least I can come home to something nice." "I'll say. Let me see your bedroom." Somehow, these words of Lorrie's made Laura's blood suddenly leap, and sizzle. Tired as she was, the thought of showing Lorrie her bedroom, where she had fucked herself and so many other beautiful young women like Lorrie into frenzies of ecstacy, aroused her incredibly. But she stayed calm. "Okay." She took her to the bedroom, where Lorrie made big eyes and incredible dimples when she saw the king-sized bed. "Ooohh girl . . . why does such a small thing as you need such a big bed? Don't tell me." She pushed the firm mattress with her fist, feeling it give. "Don't want to be cramped for space, do you?" She giggled. "Don't tell me, you're going to let me sleep here since I'm your guest. And you're going to sleep on the sofa, right? Just kidding." She saw Laura's half-open closet and went over to it, looking at Laura's clothes, running her hand over a very sexy peignoir. "God, this stuff is beautiful," she said. "I'll bet it looks great on you. Makes the fellas quiver, right?" Laura smiled noncommittally. "I've got a little teddy like that I keep in my flight bag, just in case," she winked. "Though we don't live those racy lives everyone thinks we do. Usually too tired." "I can imagine." "Well . . . think I'll take a bath and go to bed," Lorrie said, stretching and yawning. Her full young breasts pushed against the front buttons of her uniform as she stretched, and Laura could feel a pulse beating in her own throat as she watched. "Is that okay with you?" she asked. "I guess I could stay up a while if you want to watch TV or something." "Oh no, I'm tired too. I'll take a bath right after you do." "I could sure use a drink," Lorrie smiled. "You wouldn't happen to have any vodka around here." "Coming up," Laura smiled. "Vodka tonic okay? I can bring it to you in the bath." "Oh, you're just trying to get a peek at this Playmate of the Month bod, aren't you," Lorrie teased. Laura started to blush. "No . . . really, I---" "Oh, don't be silly. I'm just teasing you. A vodka tonic will make me think I'm in heaven. Bring it right in." Lorrie went into the bathroom, and Laura could hear the water. She herself changed out of her traveling clothes and into a fluffy white bathrobe, very wholesome, though she was naked underneath. She didn't put on anything sexy, and tried not to think about the gorgeous Lorrie lying naked in the bathtub. And I have to take her a drink, she thought. I have to try not to look. It'll be okay. I'm certainly not horny, not after what I've been through. Sweet, passionate Jonelle. And that Kim really knows how to fuck. God, my nipples still hurt. She thought this might distract her from Lorrie, but when she got to the bathroom and knocked at the half-shut door, Lorrie popped her head around the corner of the door. "Just let me have it," she winked. "I decided to be modest. Every teenage boy in America has jerked off over a picture of my bod, but I don't have to inflict it on you, do I." Laura smiled and shook her head. "No, you don't. Here. See you in a minute." Lorrie winked again and shut the door. She had, mercifully, no suspicions of Laura. She was so open and perky and off-hand and darling--no wonder Playboy had chosen her. She had the girl-next- door quality they wanted so much to purvey. Fresh, direct, maybe innocent, but probably a dream between the sheets. Laura really liked her a lot, which made the thought of trying to screw her seem somehow crude and unworthy. However, that feeling changed a little when Lorrie appeared in the livingroom wearing only a bathtowel wrapped around her scrumptious body. "Would you have an extra bathrobe, Laura?" she asked. "All I have is that sexy teddy I told you about. It's not exactly appropriate." "Oh, I don't mind if you wear it," Laura joked, making sure Lorrie saw it as a joke. "Of course, I'll get you one." Lorrie followed her, and while Laura was rummaging in the closet, she fell backward onto the bed, bouncing exuberantly on it like a child. Of course the towel came apart and she was completely naked on Laura's bed, on her back. Laura couldn't help glancing over, and she nearly fainted. Lorrie's naked body was breathtakingly gorgeous. It was as close to perfect as any woman's body she had ever seen, except Rina's, which was just as fine. She swallowed, knowing she was looking too long. But Lorrie just giggled. "God, I lost my towel. You got to see the famous bod anyway. You like?" She stretched out in mock poses like those in Playboy layouts. "You're . . . breathtaking," Laura said softly, holding out a bathrobe to her. She couldn't take her eyes off Lorrie's perfect, round young breasts, fairly large for such a slender girl, but very firm and pear-shaped, with large dark brown nipples. Oh god, I can't look! she thought. She turned away. "I don't mind if you look," Lorrie pouted. "Gosh, don't you think I'm pretty?" "More than pretty," Laura half-croaked. She looked into Lorrie's eyes to keep from looking at her body, and she could see a glaze of half-understanding, or ambiguous curiosity pass over them. Lorrie then took the bathrobe and started to put it on slowly, but without taking her eyes from Laura's. Their eyes were locked together for a long, uncomfortable moment. Then Lorrie looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you," she said, genuinely. "That drink really made me feel good." She grinned at Laura with her infectious dimples. Laura was flabbergasted. She thinks she's the one to blame, Laura thought. I don't believe it. "I . . . I'm the one who should apologize," Laura said. "I . . . guess I've never seen anyone so beautiful." "Oh, don't be silly," Lorrie scoffed. "You're more beautiful than I am." "I don't have a body like yours." "I bet you do," Lorrie giggled. "Why don't you show me. I showed you. Now it's your turn." Things were swirling out of control, Laura felt. She even wondered if Lorrie realized it. The girl was so direct and natural, it was hard to tell if she knew what was happening. "I think I'll pass," Laura swallowed. "Chicken, heh?" Lorrie winked. "I'm going to take a bath too. There's more vodka in the kitchen if you want some." "Just might take you up on that. Don't be long." "I won't," Laura smiled. When she emerged from her own bath, Lorrie was in the kitchen. "You want another one too, don't you?" she asked. "I guess I could use it." She went in to the kitchen, and Lorrie turned and handed her a fresh drink. Then she raised her glass in a toast. "To you and me," she winked. "Friends from the first." "To you and me." At that instant, with Lorrie's dark eyes burning into hers, Laura realized that she would not be able to get through the night without making a pass at the girl. Something in Lorrie's eyes told her that Lorrie recognized it too. Laura remembered Rina, whom she had kissed here in her kitchen for the first time. Was it going to be the same now? She set her drink on the counter. The vodka had made Lorrie a little woozy, and she gazed goofily at Laura as Laura took her glass too and set it on the counter. "Why'd you do that?" she asked. Laura raised both hands to the girl's beautiful face and with her fingers caressed Lorrie's dimples on both sides. "Tell me to stop if you want me to stop," she murmured, "but I can't help myself." "It's okay. Everybody loves my dimples. Men cream their jeans over my dimples." Laura's fingertips strayed to Lorrie's full, sensual mouth. "How do they feel about your mouth?" she whispered. "Same way," Lorrie twinkled. Their eyes were locked, throbbing. Laura knew there was no turning back now. It would either happen, or it would get ugly. Her own mouth was very close to Lorrie's. She moved her fingers out of the way. Her lips came even closer. "What are you doing?" Lorrie whispered. Her eyes dropped to Laura's lips, then came back to Laura's eyes. Laura's lips touched hers, since Laura knew there was no turning back. She kissed Lorrie tentatively, hoping for a response. Lorrie's lips did not move. Oh no! Laura thought, heart racing. Overcome by cowardice, she pulled back slightly. "You don't have to stop," Lorrie whispered. Laura kissed her again, and this time Lorrie moved her lips in return, melding them into Laura's, but still keeping her eyes open, her motions limited and tentative. "Should we be doing this?" she murmured against Laura's lips. "I can't help myself," Laura confessed. "I sure don't want to stop," Lorrie breathed. "But I want you to know I'm not this way. I've never done this before." "I know." "You have, though." Instead of answering, Laura slipped her tongue between Lorrie's parted lips, into her mouth. For the first time, Lorrie briefly shut her eyes. Her tongue met Laura's, slowly, tentatively. They coiled tongues for a few seconds. Then Laura withdrew hers. "Did you say you don't want to stop?" she whispered. Lorrie's dark eyes had grown murky. "Yes." "Can we do that again?" "Yes." This time Lorrie's wet tongue met Laura's, and after a few seconds even slipped into Laura's mouth. Now they were really kissing, ardently, searchingly. Laura slid both of her hands inside the lapels of Lorrie's bathrobe, filling them with Lorrie's firm, warm, jutting breasts. "I don't think you should be doing that," Lorrie said in a tiny voice, her eyes dreamy as she opened them after the kiss. "Do you want me to stop?" Laura whispered. Lorrie nodded. She looked down as Laura slowly withdrew her hands. Laura pulled the lapels back together, patting them into place. "Sorry," she said. Lorrie didn't answer. Laura believed it was because she didn't know what to say. But Laura also knew the rhythm of these moments. If they broke the spell right here, right now, it would be very hard to regenerate. Lorrie's eyes were still swirling, with lust and liquor, shame and sexual excitement. "Can I kiss you again if I don't touch you?" Laura murmured, letting the hot, throbbing, pleading look in her eyes burn through. Lorrie nodded again. This time their kiss began more chastely, tentatively, but quickly turned hot. Without touching Lorrie, Laura's mouth lit fires that would not easily be put out. She kissed her cheek, her phenomenal smooth neck, her chin, then her sensual mouth again, hungrily. And Lorrie kissed back. When their mouths came apart, Lorrie's dark eyes were swimming. Slowly, deliberately, she pulled apart the lapels of her robe and cupped her exquisite naked breasts in her hands, offering them to Laura. Not wanting to seem too greedy, Laura kissed her again, this time with infinite tenderness, a kiss meant to reassure her. Then Laura kissed her way down Lorrie's superb, gleaming shoulder to her clavicle, across to her scupltured throat, then down, down. Lorrie had large, beautifully-shaped dark brown nipples, with big protruding stamens and wide smooth areolas. She sighed softly as Laura drew one into her mouth, and a sharp tremor seized her body, but quickly stopped. Her nipples, Laura found, were extremely sensitive, and from the way she quivered and moaned as Laura sucked them, Laura knew she could make Lorrie come right here, on the spot. Should I, or should I take her into the bedroom? The only time she had ever fucked in the kitchen was with Karen, when the two of them had fallen to the floor in a rutting frenzy like two wild animals. Even Rina had gone with her to the bedroom. But Lorrie was going to come any second, she knew it. Lorrie was leaning back uncomfortably against the sinkboard, while Laura thirstily sucked and tongued her beautiful wet pointing nipples. She moaned and trembled, gasping sharply when Laura sucked them hard. "Ahhhh! Ohnnn . . . god Laura, I'm going to . . . oh I'm going to . . ." "Yes, baby, yes," Laura panted, pulling her around so that she could press her back against the refrigerator. Lorrie's knees were giving way, her body totally pliant and loose, and Laura pushed her back into the fridge. She found the girl's slippery cuntlips with her fingers, rubbing Lorrie's clit and sucking one of her nipples at the same time. In seconds Lorrie spilled over with coming. "Auungghh!" she cried out, almost as much in shock as in pleasure. "Unghh! Oh! Oh Laura . . . auungghhh!" Laura held her against the refrigerator as she quivered and convulsed, moaning and whimpering until her climax waned. Then, as the strength came back into Lorrie's body, Laura held her while Lorrie tried to regain her composure. Her eyes still glazed, she half-smiled at Laura. "I . . . god, that's never happened to me," she gasped, regaining her breath too. "I mean, I just came . . . so fast. I'm sorry." Laura kissed her cheek, right on a deep dimple. "I hope you're not apologizing to me." She quickly realized that Lorrie's robe was open, but hers was still tied shut. It seemed somehow like a rape. She opened her own and pressed her naked body against Lorrie's, kissing her passionately again, now feeling the force of her own desire. "God, you're so beautiful," she panted against Lorrie's neck. "You feel so good," Lorrie responded. "You can fuck me too," Laura whispered. "Ooohh, it sounds so nasty," Lorrie said. "I never thought I'd be doing this." "Want to do more?" "Might as well. No use turning back now. I never came standing up either." "Mmmmm, come with me," Laura said, pulling her into the bedroom before she could change her mind. Shutting the door, as she nearly always did, and pulling down the bedspread in one motion, Laura skimmed Lorrie's loose bathrobe off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, then quickly slipped off her own. She drew the naked girl down on the sheet with her and immediately pinned Lorrie on her back, brushing her own naked breasts in Lorrie's face, sliding her nipples over Lorrie's lips until Lorrie took the bait and quickly sucked one into her mouth. She wasn't shy and quickly had both of Laura's breasts in her hands, feeding one nipple into her mouth, then the other, until they were wet and throbbing and hard. Laura placed her palms on each side of Lorrie's head and threw her head back, pushing her breasts into the girl's face and moaning excitedly. "Oh god, girl, yes yes!" she panted. "Suck me hard, please, yes!" "Oh Laura, your boobs are so lovely," Lorrie cooed, slurping and lip-pinching Laura's sensitive nipples, nearly making her swoon. "Do me with your hand, girl," Laura panted softly. "I don't know . . . how to make you come," Lorrie said. "You won't have to do much . . . unhh! Oh!" Laura moaned. "I'm . . . about ready to explode. Ohnnngg yes . . . there! Do it hard! Yes!" Lorrie's fingers found Laura's soupy-wet pussy and rubbed it awkwardly, but it didn't matter, since Laura knew that if the girl exhaled near her crotch, she would erupt. Her thighs straddled Lorrie's, her knees digging into the mattress, and she pushed her pussy down into Lorrie's hand, swirling her hips, pressing her breast into Lorrie's hungry mouth at the same time. Five seconds of this were all it took for her to come fiercely. "Ungghhh!" she cried out, straining and shaking as the hot climax wrenched her. "Oh! Auunngghhiieee! Oh oh . . . ungghhhh!" When it as over, she rolled to her side, still stunned by the orgasm. Lorrie looked at her fingers, still wet with Laura's juices. "I guess this is a night I'll never forget," she murmured, looking dreamily at Laura. "I want to know if your coozy tastes as good as your boobs." Slowly she licked each finger. Laura stroked her incredible body, a Playmate body, as close to perfect as she had seen. "I'd like to taste yours," she whispered into a perfect brown ear. "I never tasted a Playmate before." "Mmmmm, Laura, you can taste this one as much as you want," Lorrie grinned, opening her thighs as Laura slid down her body. She had a beautiful juicy flower of a pussy, and Laura feasted on it both hungrily and skillfully. She ran her tongue up and down every fold and crease, slipping it inside, enjoying the whimpers and increasingly uncontrollable churning of Lorrie's hips. But Laura was a connoisseur of pussy, and Lorrie had already had her quick, easy, exciting orgasm. This one would take longer, and be much more powerful. Laura knew how to bring her along slowly, and about halfway into it she could tell that Lorrie had never gone through a protracted sexual event like this. She was used to men, with their hot, jabbing, explosive, quick fucks. Even the men who liked to extend it could not approach Laura's patience. After five minutes of Laura licking and kissing her pussy, Lorrie was a wreck. She writhed uncontrollably, whinnying softly and squeezing her gorgeous breasts, pinching and twisting her large, swollen nipples, begging Laura to finish her off. "Oh god . . . Laura, ungghh! Oh . . . it's not fair! Please! Ohnnnn pleeease . . . oh yes, right there, oh yes! Oh . . . fuck me Laura please fuck me . . . ohnnn hard yes oh yes god . . . oh please let me come oh please!" she panted, whimpering almost hysterically as Laura raised the tension, then let it subside, then raised it again. Finally, Laura gave in. Using only her tongue, licking and tongue-stabbing Lorrie's swollen, purplish clit, she brought the girl to a crushing climax that stole her breath and sent her into wild convulsions as she came. "Oh! Unnnghimmnnggeeee!" she wailed, thrashing and arching her back, quivering helplessly as wave after wave of ecstacy wracked her lovely body. "Auunnghmmnngiieeee! Ohnnngg yes . . . yes! Ungghh! Yes!" Panting, she fell back to the sheet, and Laura let the waves subside briefly. But Lorrie was still plateauing, Laura knew, and now she slid two fingers up into Lorrie's tight, very wet pussy and fucked her with them while sucking her clit at the same time. Lorrie exploded almost immediately in another shattering orgasm. Laura let her recover from it, then made her come one more time before stopping. Lorrie's third orgasm in a row was so deep that she nearly fell into a trance, like Jonelle, a long rapture of sweet coming that Laura had to coax her back from. Finally, she blinked her eyes, still glassy, and squinted at Laura. "Girl, you are a caution," she croaked softly, lifting herself up on her elbows. Laura could not take her eyes off Lorrie's gently swaying, perfect breasts. She cupped one in her hand. But Lorrie shook her head, smiling. "Oh no . . . not another one," she said in a fatigued voice. "I could't stand another one. I'd faint." "You almost did." "I know. And you know, I never came that way either . . . until you. No one ever made me come licking me there. Always too eager to get to the pumping, I guess. But you just made me come three times. I never came more than three times in my life before, and you've already made me come four." "Lorrie, you have a body that can drive a person mad with desire," Laura purred. "I want you and want you, I want to fuck you again." "You're worse than a man," Lorrie said, wide-eyed. "At least he has to rest until his wiener will stand up again." "Mmmmmm, I thought you'd say I'm better than a man," Laura said, kissing her dimples, then her scrumptious breasts again. Lorrie didn't believe it, but she wasn't finished coming yet. Laura knew how to reawaken the smouldering coals, and in a few minutes Lorrie was moaning and twisting again, with Laura's tongue in her pussy, Laura's finger between her beautiful round buns, coming violently, two, then three more times. This time it took her longer to recover. Coming seven times in a row left her bleary-eyed and stunned, almost overcome with ecstacy and sexual shock. Laura had to tease and coax her back to real life from the fog of bliss that enveloped her. "God, Laura . . ." she sighed. "I could get real used to this. Could I drop by here every night on my way home? I bet I can sleep real good after letting you do me a few times." "Lorrie, I'll 'do' you whenever you ask me," Laura said, unable to resist the beautiful girl. Lorrie's dimples twinkled again as she smiled. "I kinda like to 'do' you too," she said, pushing Laura down on her back. Laura couldn't resist the gorgeous girl. She came one more time, fairly easily, in fact, with Lorrie's tongue coaxing a long, feathery climax out of her exhausted body. And then she was on Lorrie again, bringing her to two more orgasms before she would let her, reluctantly for them both, put her uniform back on and leave. |
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