Laura - Chapter 75
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Even though it had been a day filled with fucking, first with Barbara, then with Jonelle, then again with Barbara, and Laura had had about twenty orgasms in all, she awoke alone in her bed in the middle of the night longing for Jonelle. Jonelle was in town, only a few miles away, at her sister's home, probably fast asleep. But knowing she was that close was torture for Laura.And the longing wasn't only sexual; in fact, it was barely sexual at all. She and Jonelle had shared several shattering orgasms earlier in the evening, and though she knew if Jonelle were there right now nothing could stop her, Laura, from eating the girl alive, still the throbbing she felt inside was just to see Jonelle, to touch her. And she didn't even know the sister's phone number. She slept fitfully. Then, just as she was leaving for work, the phone rang. On the wild hope that it might be Jonelle, she dashed for it and broke a fingernail on the receiver. "Oh shit," she swore, trying to control her voice as she picked it up. "Laura?" It was Tracy's voice. "Yes. Tracy. Oh god . . . it's you." "Are you okay?" "Yes. I just broke a fingernail." Tracy sounded funny, distant. "Could I . . . you know, see you? Some time today?" "After work, I guess," Laura said, suddenly smiling as she began to think of Tracy. "Yes, definitely, after work. Here?" "You know, I can only stay about fifteen minutes, if it's that late. My kids . . ." "Oh, of course. I forgot. Look, maybe I could take off the afternoon. How about meeting me here at two? Is that better?" She could almost hear Tracy smiling with relief. "Much better. I'll see you then. I have some news." But before Laura could get it out of her, she had hung up. She nursed her finger through the morning, then hurried home. Tracy was already there, looking wildly fetching in a yellow sweatshirt that showed off her pride-and-joy jutting breasts, her hair swooped low over her forehead in beautiful bangs. Laura, for all her pining after Jonelle, and her surprisingly deep soul-fucking with Barbara, wanted to grab Tracy and rape her on the spot. I'm a sex fiend, I really am, she thought, embarrassed. "Hi," she said, almost shyly, ashamed of her blatant lust. "Hi," Tracy smiled warmly, brightly. "Take me inside so we can kiss without everybody thinking we're lesbos, okay?" she asked, still smiling falsely now, with fake cheery friendliness to hide her own desires. Laura blushed. She was still not comfortable thinking of herself as an actual lesbian. God, I'm not really one, am I? Even if I die to sleep with these lovely girls? She smiled uncomfortably and led Tracy into her apartment building. They rode up silently in the elevator. But as soon as they were inside Laura's apartment, Tracy lifted the sweatshirt over her head. "Tell me you haven't been dreaming of these," she smiled, reaching behind her back and quickly unhooking her bra. It slid down her arms, exposing her beautiful, plump breasts, her big nipples popping and swelling. Laura was stunned with lust. Tracy held her breasts in her hands, cupping them, as she had done before, offering them to Laura. "God, they're beautiful," Laura swallowed. "Aren't you going to . . . you know . . . kiss them or anything?" Tracy asked coyly. Laura smiled. They were still standing by the door. She had to reach over Tracy's bare shoulder to throw the deadbolt lock. She let her lips brush Tracy's incredibly smooth black cheek. Then she let her lips fall to the girl's neck, her naked round shoulder, then down to one exquisite breast. Tracy whimpered softly as her large, soft nipple disappeared into Laura's mouth. "Unnhhh! Oh yes!" she gasped softly. Laura took the breast in both of her hands, squeezing it as she sucked, pushing Tracy back into the wall. Tracy's nipple was wet with Laura's warm saliva, and stiff, rubbery, but Laura wouldn't let it go. She sucked and tongued it, then nipped it, then pinched the wet, erect bud with her fingers and tickled it with her tongue at the same time, driving Tracy wild. "Oh god . . . nobody does it to me like you do," she panted. Laura kissed her, a demanding, scorching, hungry kiss. She held Tracy's breasts in her hands at the same time, the wet one and the dry one, squeezing them passionately. "I want you . . . to fuck me," Tracy whispered against Laura's teeth, panting almost uncontrollably. "I can't wait. Please." Laura drew her down the hall, into the bedroom, closing the door behind them. Still fully clothed herself, she pulled Tracy down on the bed and unzipped the girl's skirt, pulling it and her panties down her shapely black legs. Now Tracy was naked, totally, wildly desireable to Laura. "I want you to be naked too," Tracy said under her breath, her dark eyes smoking. "I like seeing your skin against mine. Don't you like that?" "Yes," Laura breathed. "I love that." Quickly she removed her clothes, while Tracy watched everything, apparently enjoying Laura's naked body as much as Laura enjoyed hers. When they were both naked, Laura pinned Tracy on her back, holding Tracy's wrists to the mattress above her head, dangling her own breasts above Tracy's, which were so firm they barely slackened but stood up high, her protruding black nipples swelling from the tops of them. Both of them watched, fascinated, sexually electrified, as Laura lowered her dangling breasts to Tracy's, brushing her thick coral nipples against Tracy's swollen black ones. Finally, their breasts were mashed together and their mouths kissing hungrily, almost frantically. They were both so aroused that Laura knew this would be no patient, drawn-out coupling. She had never had a really urgent, uncontrollable, frenzied, animalistic fuck with Tracy, but they had one now. Neither girl could control her lust. They were all over each other, squirming, sucking, biting, squeezing, rubbing. Laura, who was already on top, bunched up Tracy's hard, plump breasts in her hands, sucking the shiny, bursting, black nipples hard, while at the same time rubbing her thigh sharply up and down in the wet groove of Tracy's pussy. Tracy went wild. Her nails bit into Laura's back as she bucked and writhed, mewling hysterically. "Unnghh . . . oh god, yes! God . . . oh Laura, bite them, bite them hard . . . aannghgh oh oh! Yes, harder, bite my nipples hard Laura please do it hard! Oh! Unnghghhh! Oh . . . oh god!" she panted excitedly. Just when Laura thought Tracy was going to come, Tracy squirmed over on top of her, kissing and sucking Laura's nipples almost as hard as she had done to Tracy's, then quickly sliding down between Laura's thighs and gobbling Laura's pussy with crazy hunger. Laura was already so aroused that she had a sharp little orgasm immediately. "Ungghh!" she groaned, shocked by its suddenness. "Oh! Oh shit yessss! Ungghhhhhiieee!" she squealed, her hips surging, jerking as the spasms gripped her. But it only whetted her appetite. She was all over Tracy again while the aftershocks were still hitting her. Again she had Tracy on her back, kissing her mouth voraciously, hand-fucking her rapidly, devouring her breasts again, sucking, then biting her nipples, as Tracy had begged her to do. Whooping and panting hysterically, her luscious body flexing and twisting, Tracy came in a hot burst of ecstacy, whinnying helplessly as wave after wave of coming shook her. "Auunngg! Oh Laura . . . sweet Jesus oh god I'm . . . oh! Ungghhnnggiieee! Ohnnggnneee!" Both of them were slightly out of breath, and Laura held Tracy while she came. But neither of them wanted to stop. They clawed at one another, kissing heatedly, tongues intertwining, legs intertwining, hands groping in each other's wet pussy, kissing and fucking themselves into another orgasm, a simultaneous one this time, an explosive burst of rapture that wrenched them both at once. They lay quivering and embracing, but still not satisfied. "I want more of you," Laura panted, sucking and tonguing Tracy's nipples hungrily. "Me too . . . me too!" Tracy panted back. "Quick . . . let's do this." They assumed a sixty-nine position and began slowly, but within seconds were both again out of control. Laura's fingers bit into the firm dark moons of Tracy's ass as she buried her tongue in the girl's flowing dark-lipped pussy, then fastened her lips around Tracy's nubby, purplish little clit. At the same time she could feel Tracy's mouth devouring her own hot slit, tongue-stabbing it, sucking Laura's cuntlips, then her clit, sharply. "Ungghh!" Laura groaned, closing her eyes against a sweeping delirium of sexual bliss that instantly flooded her body. She couldn't even keep eating Tracy. The hot, torrential flood of an orgasm swept her away, and her clenching, shuddering body nearly burst with rapture. She held onto Tracy, pressing her cheek to the girl's smooth dark belly and coming exultantly. "Oh god . . . oh god!" she gasped as the shocks began to weaken. Then she noticed that Tracy's hips were still gently, almost unconsciously swirling. She dipped her mouth again to Tracy's sweet, glistening pussy and slowly, deliberately brought Tracy to a wrenching, white-hot explosion of coming that left Tracy too gasping for breath, and destroyed by a surfeit of bliss. Now, having nearly wiped one another out in a frenzy of wild fucking, they lay together exhausted, whispering, finally content, the hottest fires at least temporarily doused. "I never fucked with anybody like that," Tracy confessed softly. "So, you know, hot and exciting. Like animals." Laura kissed her. "It was great, wasn't it." Tracy beamed. "If I knew we could do it like that, you know, biting and scratching and everything, I would've done it the first time. I think even the other times when we did it, I never came as hard as this time. The first one even almost hurt, it was so strong. You know, when you were biting them?" She looked down at her large, bulbous, gleaming nipples. "Do they hurt now?" Laura asked, concerned. "They throb a little, but it only reminds me of that climax. I never had one that strong, not even with you. I'm going to miss it." Laura felt ice in the pit of her stomach. She remembered that Tracy had said she had news. "Miss it?" Tracy looked troubled but also wildly happy at the same time. "They promoted me to assistant manager," she said. "Oh baby, I'm so happy for you," Laura beamed, hugging her. "But it's in Monterey," Tracy said glumly. "They're even moving me and my kids down there, how do you like that?" Laura swallowed. "Oh . . . well, Monterey," she stammered. "That's not far. We'll see each other." "We better," Tracy cooed, snuggling her face into Laura's neck. "After that, we got to see each other. No dude ever fucked me like that." She kissed Laura, but Laura's mind wasn't on it. "So why do you say you'll miss it?" "Are you kidding? How often do you think we get to do it now? My kids are enough of a problem. And now I'll have to work even harder, just to prove myself. You work pretty hard yourself. When are we going to have time for a little biting and scratching and fucking like this? God, it makes me excited just to say it." "You're a pervert, that's all," Laura teased, squeezing one of Tracy's incredible plump breasts and twisting the large nipple in mock menace between her thumb and forefinger. Tracy's eyes went glassy. "I'll give you two seconds to put that in your mouth and do the same thing to it," she breathed. "Mmmmm, like this," Laura asked. "Oh . . . yes!" "And this?" "Yes! Ungghh! Bite it, Laura." "But you said they throb." "Oh god, fuck me rough, like you just did!" Tracy panted. "One more time. Do it hard, please!" Laura really didn't believe they could whip themselves up into another frenzy-fuck, the second in less than an hour. But the combination of Tracy's wild desire for it, and Laura's sense of loss now that Tracy would be leaving, was enough to raise their lust to a fever pitch again. In only seconds they were devouring one another, if anything this time more hungrily than the last. They fucked and climaxed almost constantly for the next thirty minutes, coming five or six more times apiece, and finally collapsing from exhaustion. "I can't go on," Tracy finally sighed. "I have to have enough energy left to go home and feed my kids." Laura felt a tear roll down her cheek. She was almost ashamed of herself, since however fond she was of Tracy, it was nothing like what she felt for Jonelle. Somehow she felt like she was trying to manipulate Tracy by crying, and hated herself for it. But she couldn't stop. "You ain't crying because of me, are you, girl?" Tracy, now almost dressed, asked, bending down, kissing Laura's forehead. "I suppose I am," Laura said, sniffling. "We just got started." Tracy sat beside her on the bed, comforting Laura, one arm around Laura's shoulders. "I don't know . . . do you ever feel like sex between you and me is so good . . . partly because it's wrong?" she asked, musing out loud. "I feel that way sometimes. Like we're too hot, too too hot, know what I mean? Like, I don't want to start thinking I'm a lesbo, and have to do it with every pretty chick, you know? Just because it's so damn hot and fine, like it just was with us. No man can do that to me, but maybe I shouldn't be letting you do it to me either. Giving me a false sense of what's possible. Am I making any sense?" Laura nodded. "Unfortunately, you're making perfect sense." "On the other hand, I couldn't live without you," Tracy smiled broadly. "You have to come and visit me in Monterey." She leaned down again and whispered. "And promise to fuck me like you just did. All hot and wild and like an animal. Okay?" Laura smiled at her through her tears. She stood and they embraced. Then Tracy left as quickly as possible, to prevent, as both of them knew, any further emotionalism on either part. She would call. They would see each other soon. Her eyes told Laura how much the afternoon had meant to her.
"I could come over for an hour or so," Jonelle said. "Oh god, really?" Even Laura could hardly believe herself. In the past forty- eight hours she had had over thirty orgasms, with Jonelle, Barbara, and Tracy, and yet her heart leaped up in frantic excitement at Jonelle's offer. Her body was exhausted, but her yearning was as intense as ever. "My other sister is here now for a while. I couldn't stay long, though." "Please come right away," Laura almost begged. It was almost midnight, so that it took Jonelle only about twenty minutes to get there. Laura had changed into a very sexy peignoir for her. They were in bed less than a minute after Jonelle walked through the door. Laura couldn't believe the way she almost ate Jonelle alive, considering all the sex she had already had in the past few days, some of it with Jonelle herself. And Jonelle could hardly believe it either, but she was on the receiving end, and soon reeling and swooning through two of her heart-stopping, suspended-animation orgasms in a row, so deeply struck with rapture that Laura began to worry during the second one, wondering when she would resurface. But she did, gradually, and a few minutes later began making love to Laura in a way that would culminate about twenty minutes later in one of the most sublime orgasms Laura had ever had. She realized that it must be the sexual exhaustion of her body that made it harder for her to come, and yet when she did finally come, her orgasm seemed to equal those Jonelle had already had, a deep, intense, blooming, endless explosion of almost excruciating bliss. Now it was Jonelle's turn to worry. Laura was almost extinguished by the ecstacy of her orgasm. It took her a long time to recover. Finally, she looked groggily up at Jonelle and smiled. "You really knocked me for a loop," she murmured. "Just wanted to give as good as I got," Jonelle murmured, smiling, nuzzling Laura's neck. "Sorry I can't stay and do this with you all night." "Neither one of us would survive," Laura whispered. She lay in bed while Jonelle dressed. For the second time that night a beautiful woman was leaving her bed, going away, and Laura didn't know when or if either one would return. But she swallowed her pain, already having given into it once, and kissed Jonelle goodbye without a scene. |
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