Laura - Chapter 68

An evening of exuberant, athletic fucking with Chanitra was just what it took to cure Laura of morbid, introspective depression over the perversions she shared with Karen and seemed unable to renounce. There was nothing at all perverted about Chanitra, whose fresh innocence was infecting, who loved fucking with Laura and saw nothing wrong with it. A few hours with her exhausted Laura physically and yet left her glowing with contentment and happiness.

The pang of being without Jonelle was less insistent. She even, after fucking her teenaged sister so vigorously, began to think of Yvette, and how long it had been, weeks, since they had shared a bed. But all this suddenly took a back seat when she unexpectedly received a phone call one evening from Brandi.

"Where are you?" Laura asked. "Are you here? In town?"

"No. I'm in Flint, Michigan. It's where I live, you know."

"Oh." Laura's voice dropped.

"What's the matter, Laura?"

"I . . . guess somehow I thought I'd never hear from you again."

"Are you kidding? I just called to tell you I won my fourth Ms. Olympia. I know you don't follow those things and---"


"Yes. Last weekend. In New York. It was fantastic."

"Oh god, I'm so embarrassed. I should've sent you flowers or something. How wonderful. God, I'm so happy for you."

Brandi's voice dropped, conspiratorially. "I won money, too, you know. I wanted to know if I could come out and see you."

Laura's heart jumped. "Oh . . . yes! Oh Brandi. Yes."

"I could be there by noon tomorrow, if I leave soon."

"I can pick you up at the airport."

"Would you?"

"Wild horses couldn't stop me."

She barely slept that night. She phoned in sick to work and got to the airport a full hour before Brandi's plane was due. When Brandi appeared in the airport lobby, it was all both of them could do to restrain themselves from a hot, passionate embrace and a scorching kiss. Instead, they both hugged gingerly, looking around with embarrassment in case someone should smell the fact that they desperately wanted to tear each other apart with lust.

As usual, Brandi looked stunning. She wore a red backless and shoulderless blouse, really only a triangular piece of expensive red silk that tied around her neck and covered the front of her incredible body. And she wore a white mini-skirt. Lots of her beautiful, sleek black skin was visible, and her beautiful body, and she got plenty of stares, which she accepted graciously, knowing they were well-deserved.

"You must be getting pretty famous," Laura said to her as they walked to the parking lot.

"Not really," Brandi smiled. "People just think they ought to know who I am, so they stare."

"You've got a lot to stare at," Laura said. "I'd like to just . . . oh, sit and stare at you myself for a while. I missed you so much."

"Oh Laura, how sweet of you," Brandi beamed. Still smiling broadly, she said between her teeth, "But we'd better not kiss any more because everyone already thinks we're lesbians, and it'll just confirm their suspicions."

"I know, I know," Laura smiled. "But you do look delicious."

They arrived at Laura's car. Laura opened the trunk for Brandi's suitcase, then shut it. Brandi leaned against the car, grinning in the dark parking garage.

"You look pretty delicious yourself, pretty white lady," she said, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Get in the car before I rape you," Laura whispered.

"Oooohhh . . . promise?" Brandi teased, opening the car door and sliding onto the passenger side.

Laura had felt a lot of sizzling sexual tension in her time, but she had a hard time remembering anything as intense as the crackling current that ran between her and Brandi on the drive to her apartment. They chatted about the Ms. Olympia contest, and Laura's work, but underneath was a constant, pulsing flow of sexual electricity that excited and even alarmed both of them. My god, we're going to put one another in the hospital, if we don't watch out, Laura thought.

When they reached her apartment, and Laura closed and bolted the door behind them, she turned to look at Brandi, and suddenly they both felt oddly nervous and shy.

"Maybe a drink," Laura said, nervously. "Oh, I forgot. You don't drink."

"Wine would be okay," Brandi smiled. "I'm not in training. I already won, remember?"

She followed Laura into the kitchen.

"Gosh, I can see why," Laura said. "What a body. You look even better than you did last time I saw you."

"Thank you," Brandi said, mock demure. "The judges thought so too, I guess."

Laura started filling a wine glass for each of them when she suddenly realized the temporary shyness was gone. Both of them were about to explode with need. She turned to face Brandi and saw the same thing in Brandi's eyes.

"Oh god---" she gasped just before their mouths and bodies came together in a searing kiss and crushing embrace.

Brandi was such a thrilling paradox of strength and softness, hard muscles and tender feelings, that Laura felt enveloped by a hot whirling fog of lust as they kissed searchingly. Brandi's arms crushed her, Brandi's fingers bit into her flesh. And Laura ran her fingers up and down the girl's unbelievable naked back, feeling the smooth muscles and the rippling ridges.

"Mmmmmm, you ain't gon' fuck me in the kitchen, is you, pretty white lady?" Brandi whispered sensually against Laura's cheek.

"I want to kiss your back," Laura murmured. "Every part of it."

"Then we better get naked."

Without speaking, Laura drew her by the hand, out of the kitchen, down the hall, into the bedroom. She closed the door. Brandi reached behind her neck with both hands to undo the strings of her blouse.

"Let me do it," Laura said.

Brandi smiled, her eyes swirling with desire for Laura. She turned her back to Laura, who began kissing and caressing it slowly, sensually, running her tongue up under Brandi's shoulderblades, making Brandi shiver and whimper softly. Finally, Laura's lips reached the nape of Brandi's neck. She untied the strings and let the blouse fall away, turning Brandi around.

Two soft rubber cones that Laura had seen before covered Brandi's small, hard breasts.

"Il faut souffrir pour etre beau, right?" she grinned, quoting Brandi from the first time she had seen these.


Carefully, Laura peeled them both off, exposing Brandi's breasts, just as beautiful as ever.

"Good thing the judges didn't see these, or they might have made you the champion forever and ended the contest right there," Laura said, filling her hands with the hard, round little balls of flesh, and lowering her mouth to Brandi's gleaming black nipples.

"Oh! Ohhhhh . . . Laura," Brandi moaned softly, as Laura began squeezing her breasts, then sucking one, nipple and all, deep into her mouth.

"God, nobody does it like you do!" she sighed, as they settled back onto Laura's bed, with Brandi on her back.

Laura devoured her breasts, sucking Brandi's nipples until Brandi was twisting and moaning heatedly. The sight and the feel of her fantastic muscular body rippling and undulating under Laura's hands aroused Laura wildly, as always. She caressed and kissed Brandi's incredibly hard stomach, packed with smooth muscle, and her ribcage, tugging at the white patent leather belt of her mini-skirt, unzipping the skirt, pulling it down.

"I want you naked, I want you naked," she panted, almost delirious with lust for the girl.

And Brandi was equally worked up, panting too, her dark eyes glazed, her beautiful face contorted with sexual urgency. She helped Laura get the skirt off, kicking off her shoes at the same time. Under the skirt she wore the most abbreviated bikini panties Laura had ever seen, merely an inch of cloth to cover her pussy. It was so provocative that she nearly tore it getting it off. Brandi had shaved off most of her crotch hair so it wouldn't show outside the panties, so that her pussy was nearly naked. It took powerful self-restraint for Laura not to descend on it with her mouth immediately.

But now Brandi was naked. Laura, however, was still completely clothed. Brandi pulled her down on the bed and began unbuttoning Laura's blouse, kissing her neck, her throat, her lips dropping until she was kissing the valley between Laura's breasts.

"Laura, you don't know how I've dreamed of you," she murmured, peeling off Laura's blouse and unclasping Laura's bra.

Laura managed to get her own skirt and panties off while Brandi was fondling and kissing her breasts, kicking them free just as Brandi nearly swallowed one of her aching nipples.

"Oh! Unhhh!" Laura gasped, throwing her head back. "Yes!"

Brandi sucked and gently tugged Laura's nipples with her teeth, squeezing her breasts at the same time, bringing Laura to a high pitch of need.

"Oh god . . . Brandi, oh!" she panted, pulling Brandi up and kissing her with scorching lust.

Brandi gazed hotly into her eyes. "Fuck me, baby, I've dreamed of it so long," she murmured.

Laura quickly slid down between Brandi's huge, glossy thighs. "Oh baby, you're so wet for me," she whispered, opening Brandi's swollen cuntlips with the tip of her finger, exposing the glistening pink cleft, then slipping her tongue into it.

"Ahhh!" Brandi gasped, arching her back sharply. "Oh god, yes!"

And for the next twenty minutes, Laura delivered what Brandi had dreamed about. She knew Brandi hadn't flown out from Flint, Michigan for a mere quickie. She also knew they would be sleeping together for several days, days of marathon fucking. But she wasn't about to let her best opportunities escape.

She gave Brandi the full treatment, bringing her to the brink, then pulling back, exploring the girl's incredible body with her mouth and hands, then gradually bringing her up again, until Brandi, the powerful Ms. Olympia, was quivering helplessly and begging Laura for release.

"Ohhhnnn . . . oh god!" she moaned, her muscles rippling as she strained and squirmed.

Now Laura was back, after a tour of her wonderful body, tonguing Brandi's glistening black pussy, and Brandi was going crazy. Her hips gyrated in sharp, rhythmic fuck motions, and she clawed the sheet, moaning, then begging.

"Please . . . oh Laura Laura oh please . . . unhh! Oh! Unhh! Please . . . Laura, oh god now . . . please!"

"Mmmmm, I love your fantastic body," Laura murmured, prolonging the agony for yet another excruciating minute, slipping her tongue deep into Brandi's pussy.

She knew it would drive Brandi up the wall but not really make her come, not yet. But the slightest touch of her clit would probably make her explode, and so Laura avoided it, teasing her, enjoying the vulnerability of such a powerful body. Brandi's sleek muscles clenched and strained, and her beautiful face grimaced with frantic sexual need as Laura tormented and teased her.

But finally Laura gave in. She attacked Brandi's swollen clit with her tongue, and Brandi arched her back in a beautiful, flexing arc, then dissolved into wild spasms of coming.

"Unghh! Oh . . . oh, Laura Laur unh! Oh . . . shit, auunngghiieee!" she cried out, coming violently, her hard-muscled body convulsed by sharp spasms of shocking ecstacy.

When Laura realized how hard Brandi was coming, it only aroused her more. Oh, she probably hasn't come like this in six months, Laura thought. All that training and self-denial, and a husband who can't make her come like this.

And so instead of stopping, Laura turned up the heat. Brandi was not yet recovered from her first fierce climax, and Laura began fucking her hard, slipping two fingers into her cunt and fucking it while she peppered Brandi's swollen clit with tiny kisses. Brandi, who was coming down, began panting and squirming again, whimpering, her hips churning frantically.

"Oh god . . . oh Laura unh! unh! Oh . . . oh shit!" she gasped, realizing with shock that she was going to come again, and quickly.

Laura knew it too, and she devoured Brandi's sleek black pussy with a sharp-edged passion she usually reserved for her rawer moments with Karen. She sucked Brandi's cuntlips into her mouth, stabbed her tongue deep into the warm, squinchy furrow, and sucked Brandi's clit until Brandi's voice disappeared into a tiny, throttled squeal deep in her throat as she came violently.

This time her powerful body thrashed and strained so that Laura had to loop her arms under the girl's fantastic, flexing thighs, holding onto Brandi's strong legs and sucking Brandi's pussy sharply, bringing her to a third orgasm right after the second, this time a cataclysmic seizure that left Brandi breathless, stunned, and slack with exhaustion as it finally released her.

After she regained her senses, she grinned at Laura, batting her eyelashes coquettishly. "I shore glad you ain't got muscles, pretty white lady, 'cause you'd probly kill a poor little thang like me by jist fuckin' me pure to death," she said.

Laura kissed her. "I gave it my best shot," she whispered. "God, I forgot what it's like to be fucked by you. I'm sorry. I don't know how I could."

"Mmmm, you mean your husband doesn't do it right for you?" Laura asked, sarcastically.

Brandi raised one eyebrow. "Don't get me wrong. He's a nice enough guy. Great body. Great . . . you know." She held up her hands to show how long. "But he doesn't seem to have a clue about getting me to that place you just got me to." She embraced Laura, pressing their naked bodies together everywhere, kissing Laura's mouth as she talked, which aroused Laura terrifically. "In fact, nobody ever did that to me but you. That's why I flew all the way out here."


Brandi shook her head. "It's great to be four-time Ms. Olympia. But it's also great to be really screwed by a real artist. Who happens to be beautiful, too."

She dropped her mouth to Laura's breasts, and for the next twenty minutes Laura got a full return on her investment. Brandi explored her body slowly, and just the feel of the girl's hard, glossy flesh moving against hers was enough to bring Laura quickly to the brink, let alone Brandi's mouth on her body everywhere. In only a few minutes she was coming unbelievably, sharp, short bursts of ecstacy.

"Unh! Oh! Ungghh . . . anngghh! Yes . . . yes! Oh god yes . . . annuungghiiee!" she cried out, feeling Brandi's mouth on her pussy.

But instead of satiating her, this quick, sharp orgasm only fanned the flames of her lust. She was consumed with it, shaking, moaning helplessly, surrendering her body completely to Brandi.

"You know I want it," she whispered hotly into Brandi's beautiful dark brown ear. "You know I can't wait."

"Oh baby," Brandi said, kissing her shoulder, her neck, her face.

"I want it . . . like before," Laura panted, nearly out of control. "On the chair . . . then on the bed."

"Oh baby."

"Fuck me, Brandi," Laura gasped hoarsely. "Don't hold back."

"Oh baby."

Laura could hardly believe how much she was shaking, overcome by wild sexual excitement, as Brandi lifted her and carried her to the easy chair. She nearly swooned as Brandi extended her huge thigh, glossy and bulging with muscle, then let Laura straddle it, easing Laura's groin down until the wet, exposed inner cleft of her pussy met the taut brown skin.

"Ah!" Laura gasped, as intense pleasure shot through her body. "Oh god!"

The feel of Brandi's hard thigh muscle against her vulnerable pussy nearly made her faint. But she took two or three deep breaths, knowing the sublime, unimaginable ecstacies in store for her. Her naked breasts were in Brandi's face, and Brandi could not ignore them. She held Laura's hips, moving her slowly back and forth along the hard ridge of thigh muscle, while with her mouth she chased Laura's nipples, sucking and nipping them until Laura was a wreck, panting and mewling in an agony of need.

"Do it hard . . . oh yes, hard, do it hard, honey!" she whimpered, pushing her breasts into Brandi's mouth. "Bite them, please, do it, bite them, oh! Ungghh!"

"Oh baby," Brandi murmured, now moving Laura's greasy pussy back and forth more rapidly on the huge ridge of muscle. "Oh baby . . . you're going to come."

"Yes . . . ungghh, oh yes! Do it to me on the bed. Please! Quick! Oh god, do it hard, Brandi!"

"I will . . . I will."

By now, Laura was quivering and moaning uncontrollably, totally consumed by sexual need. Brandi quickly moved her to the bed, laying her on her back, hovering over her as Laura's thighs yawned open to receive the ultimate loving rape. And then . . . it happened!

She whimpered as the silken-sheathed iron muscle of Brandi's incredible thigh brushed the wet, swollen lips of her inflamed pussy.

"Unh! Oh god . . . unngghhh!" she gasped as Brandi's thigh kept coming, moving, crunching into her pussy.

The sensations were so sharp and overpowering that Laura nearly passed out that instant. But Brandi was embracing her too, and she could feel the girl's entire naked muscular body against her, their breasts mashing together, Brandi's lips on her cheek, and the huge, phenomenal thigh moving up and down in her groin. Brandi's fingers bit into the flesh of her back, and Brandi's hard, massive thigh fucked her pussy brutally.

Only a few powerful strokes, only a few frenzied, passionate seconds, and Laura exploded in a violent paroxysm of wild coming. It was a thunderous, wrenching, heart-stopping orgasm that completely robbed her of breath, then briefly of consciousness, as her body was overcome by a pleasure so exquisitely deep and long that when she began to surface from it, she realized she now knew what Jonelle experienced during her endless swoons of rapture.

"Ohhnnnn . . ." she moaned softly, coming to her senses in Brandi's arms, her body still throbbing with aftershocks. "Oh god, Brandi, you make me pass out. Nobody but you ever made me pass out."

"Good," Brandi smiled, kissing her. "Then I'm special."

Laura smiled up at her. "You're pretty special, all right. I thought I was going to die."

As she had done in the past, Laura reached down with one hand and caressed Brandi's shapely but huge, bulging thigh muscle. Brandi smiled at her.

"I got another one of those, pretty white lady," she murmured.

Laura was gripped suddenly by an involuntary shiver. "I might have heart failure if you fuck me again," Laura whispered.

"Well, I sure wouldn't like that," Brandi murmured, kissing her with fresh, ardent sexual heat, very aroused from Laura's orgasm. "Because I want to do this with you over and over."

She realized that Laura was still nearly swooning from her violent climax, and she quickly brought her other thigh up between Laura's. Laura moaned and clamped her own thighs on it, whimpering excitedly.

"Want to risk it?" Brandi murmured in her ear. "Want to risk heart failure, pretty white lady?"

"Oh god . . . yes!" Laura gasped, plunged quickly again into a raging heat of need. "But this time, rape me. Hard! Oh god . . . ungghhh!" she groaned as she felt Brandi's huge thigh muscle crunch into her pussy again. "Unngghh . . . oh! Oh shit . . . annghhh!"

Having already come, Laura wasn't so hair-trigger this time. She clenched her teeth, feeling the huge thigh muscle plow into her open pussy. And Brandi was more aroused too, from participating in Laura's wild orgasm. This time she was much rougher with Laura.

She also had one of Laura's thighs squeezed between hers, pressed into her own wet pussy, and Laura knew they were both going to come this time as Brandi pumped her ferociously, bringing them both to an uncontrollable frenzy of lust. Brandi was so strong that she almost squeezed the breath out of Laura. Her iron thigh rammed again and again into Laura's pussy, mashing Laura's clit, crunching it, until Laura was whinnying hysterically, almost insane with sexual excitement, churning her hips frantically, pushing her flooding pussy up into Brandi's fierce thigh.

"Unngghuunngghh . . . oh . . . oh yes!" she gasped, writhing in Brandi's fierce embrace. "Unh! Ohngg! Unh! Oh god! Yes, unghh!"

"Oh . . . baby, oh Laura!" Brandi panted, burying her beautiful face in Laura's neck and raping Laura brutally with her thigh, bringing them both up into a brilliant explosion of white-hot coming.

This time Laura fainted straightaway, her body riven by a shocking ecstacy so deep that she died a small death of thrilling pleasure in Brandi's arms. But Brandi was coming too, a jolting, piercing orgasm that left her sobbing and moaning into Laura's neck as spasm after wrenching spasm shook her clenching body. Their two writhing bodies were a unity of flaming ecstacy, pressed so tightly together that Laura swore, through the throbbing jolts of a stunning orgasm, that she could feel Brandi's heart beating exactly in synch with hers. Their groans and whimpers intermingled, and when the fierce spasms began to release them, they found their flesh stuck together by a fine film of sweat, requiring them to peel their bodies apart.

"Oh god, we're glued together, they'll find us here dead like this in my bed, unable to unstick," Laura giggled as they came apart.

Brandi beamed, and repeated what she had once said to Laura. "I didn't know people fucked like this until I met you."

"People don't," Laura murmured, kissing her. "You and I do."

"I've never come like that. Except with you. Never."

Laura felt tears welling up in her eyes, for some reason.

"Nobody ever made me pass out," she confessed, as she had confessed before. "You do, almost every time."

"We're dangerous for each other. I shouldn't have come out here."

Laura grabbed Brandi and rolled her onto her back, caressing her marvelous naked body aggressively. "Are you sorry? Tell me you're sorry and I'll stop."

But Brandi's eyes quickly grew murky with sex again, and Laura knew the heat of their desire hadn't waned any just because they had both come several times. Brandi's lust for Laura was naked on her beautiful face.

"I want to feel yours against mine," she whispered, looking deep into Laura's eyes.

"Me too," Laura whispered back.

So for the next twenty minutes they lay with their groins pressed together, fucking one another with slow, sensual, simmering passion, in no hurry now, after what they had already been through. They took their time, but when they got there, Laura thought her bed might break from the violent thrusting and churning. They shared a wrenching, burning, thrilling orgasm that left them moaning and quivering in its wake.

And for a long time after it died away, they refused to disentangle their legs. They lay there panting, their pussies totally fused together, in a deep emotional union neither was willing to break.

"I love you more than I love my husband," Laura heard Brandi whisper faintly, her face resting on the mattress next to Laura's shin.

Slowly, Laura pulled apart, twisting her body to free her legs, then sliding down face to face with Brandi, caressing Brandi's smooth dark cheek with one finger.

"Don't take it out on him just because you and I fuck better together," she whispered back. "I love you too, Brandi. But sex for us will always be better. We've learned how to make each other die of coming, and we can't go back now."

"I know," Brandi pouted, wide-eyed. "I don't want to be a lesbian. It seems so awful. I just want to love you, and . . . you know, do it with you, that's all."

Laura smiled, knowing how the girl felt. She didn't really like to think of herself as a lesbian either. But I guess I must be one, she thought. I certainly couldn't stand the thought of life without these beauiful girls.

"Guess what," she said softly. "We are doing it, and we do love each other. So it's okay. You don't have to feel bad. And he doesn't know a thing about it. And nobody knows you like to let me fuck you."

Brandi's eyes sparkled. She whispered so softly that Laura could barely hear the words. "I think your pussy and my pussy just kissed each other into heaven."

"Mmmmm, and now I'm going to kiss yours back into heaven with my mouth," Laura whispered back.

And even though Laura was reluctant to see them burn each other out on the first evening of Brandi's visit, she knew there was no way they would stop until they could no longer lift a finger. She and Brandi had indulged a couple of times before in orgasm marathons, and this time it was well after midnight before they stopped. Each had come nearly ten times, and their bodies were slack and limp with fatigue. Even Brandi, who had phenomenal stamina, was weak and shaky.


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