Laura - Chapter 65
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Exhausted from a day in which she had fucked with three different people (not including her private little video episode with Brandi), Laura slept soundly. And yet, when she awoke in the morning, it was from a dream of Cecilia. She had been holding the beautiful, coal-black girl in her arms, and Cecilia had been coming extravagantly, her stunning face torn with ecstacy.Laura could hardly believe it. I'm just way oversexed, that's all, she thought. How could I dream of her like that, after what I went through yesterday? Her asshole was still wide open, and it burned from the reaming Rob had inflicted on it. But when she saw Cecilia at work, she found herself quickly making up a story to get around the lie she had told the girl yesterday. "I think it was a false alarm," she whispered to Cecilia, when they were both in the ladies room. "I didn't get my period after all. I want you." Cecilia's eyes widened with excitement. She smiled happily. "I want you too. Meet me at my car after work." Laura took her home again and this time they fucked heatedly, with little regard for the clock, bringing each other to long strings of orgasms, until Cecilia finally left, exhausted, at six- thirty, a half an hour late. Even though they had not reached twenty orgasms, they had come close in only a little over an hour, and Laura wondered how long they could sustain this hunger for each other. But the following day, even that speculation suddenly disappeared as she was told she was going to Dallas for a trade show, and would have to leave immediately. Dallas! Her heart nearly stopped. Jonelle! And up until the time she actually boarded the plane, her feelings were a turmoil of butterflies mixed with deep, agonized longing for Jonelle. She would be in the same city with her, and yet not know where she was. She wouldn't even see her, when they were that close. As if Jonelle would consent to a meeting anyway. But Laura remembered the letter. 'I still love you' the letter had said. 'I don't hate you.' On the plane she had two drinks, just to keep herself from thinking about it. But nothing could stop her from thinking about it. In her hotel room, at about three in the afternoon, she found herself looking through the phone book. And she came across Roberts J, with a number and no listed address. Oh god! she thought. It's her! It has to be her! But it wasn't. She phoned it, her heart in her throat, and got an old woman, who snapped at her. The woman's name was Judy Roberts. Laura was ashen and dejected as she hung up the phone. Her eyes blurred with angry tears. But then she noticed, right below J Roberts, another possibility: J S Roberts. I can't, she told herself. I can't try it again. She took a shower. She looked at her naked body in the mirror while towelling off. She had put it through a lot since Jonelle. Only today was her ass feeling normal again, after Rob's ferocious rape. But it still looked pretty good. If she saw it, Laura thought, she'd be tempted. Wouldn't she? Wouldn't she want to . . . touch me? She stood by the phone again, in her bathrobe, staring at it. Should I? How can I not? She picked it up and dialed the second number. A little boy answered. Laura's heart was beating frantically, and her breath was short. "Hello?" "Hello. Is this . . . Eric Roberts?" A stab in the dark. "How'd you know?" Laura just about dissolved into tears of relief this time. But she caught herself. "Oh . . . I'm an old friend of your Mom's. I just took a wild guess. Is . . . she home? Your Mom?" "She's at work. Don't get home till about six." "Oh. Well. Maybe I'll call her then." Now Eric remembered his manners. "Can I tell her who you are?" he asked. "Oh . . . no, I guess not. I'll surprise her. Don't tell her. Thank you, Eric." "You're welcome." "Bye now." "Bye." She kept herself busy with work until six, but then got a real case of nerves as she sat by the phone, trying to work up the courage to call again. What if she hangs up? What if she doesn't even want to see me? And what if I do see her but can't have her? She was a wreck. Finally, gritting her teeth, she picked up the phone and dialed, holding her breath. "Hello?" It was Jonelle's voice. Laura was paralyzed. She couldn't even speak. "Hello?" Jonelle said again. "Who is this?" "Jonelle it's Laura," Laura said in one quick breath, running the words together. "Don't hang up please. Please." There was a long pause, but Jonelle didn't hang up. When she spoke again, her voice was very soft, faraway. "I . . . wouldn't hang up. Where are you?" "I . . . I'm here. Dallas. I'm attending a trade show." Laura began to cry without knowing why. "I couldn't keep myself from . . . calling you," she sobbed softly. "Don't cry, Laura," Jonelle said patiently. "Did you get my letter?" "Yes." "Don't cry. No reason to cry." Laura's crying seemed to bite deeply into Jonelle. "I want to see you. But I'll understand, if you don't want to. We could meet in public. Nothing would happen, I swear it." Another long pause. Jonelle was thinking. Laura was holding her breath, biting her lower lip. The urge to cry was gone. "I don't think so," Jonelle finally said, in nearly a whisper. "Please!" I'll do anything! Laura wanted to say. She wanted to beg, plead, implore. "Oh god, Jonelle, I love you, I love you," she suddenly let her voice pour into the telephone, losing all control. "Just let me see you for a moment. Only a moment. I won't even . . ." "Won't even what?" Jonelle said, but not sharply. Instead, her voice was punctuated by soft giggles, as if Laura were being preposterous. "You're laughing at me," Laura said, softly. "No, I'm not," Jonelle said evenly. "You want to come over here for dinner?" Laura gulped. "Oh god, yes!" "Eric will be here, so remember it's just dinner, all right?" "Of course. I told you. Nothing else." "Come right away. I'm fixing it right now. Take a cab." She gave Laura directions. Laura had the cab driver stop so she could pick up a bottle of wine. She was so nervous she almost feared she would wet her pants. And it wasn't sexual wet, this time. It was fear. Fear of rejection. And yet over the phone Jonelle had seemed relaxed and friendly. She greeted Laura at the door of her apartment with a broad grin and a careful hug. "Laura, so good to see you." Laura was speechless. Jonelle had changed her hair, wearing it out from her head, with fetching bangs, and she looked more gorgeous that even Laura remembered. Laura's words were all tangled up inside her throat. "I . . ." she gulped, thrusting the wine in its grocery bag out into Jonelle's arms. "This is Eric." "Hi," Eric said. "Hi. We spoke on the phone this afternoon," Laura stammered. But she had finally got her voice back. "Jonelle . . . you look beautiful." Jonelle closed the door. "You too," she smiled. She shook her head. "Some times I can't believe how beautiful you are." "Well, enough flattering each other," Laura said as she removed her coat. She and Jonelle were uncomfortable, but Eric soon made everything okay by warming to Laura, and showing her his model planes. They had a simple dinner, and Jonelle talked about her job, and her new life in Dallas. Each had a glass of wine, but only one, which loosened them up. After dinner Eric did his homework while Laura and Jonelle remained at the kitchen table. Only now, when they were more alone than before, did Laura start feeling the stirrings of sexual desire. After all, the girl was shockingly beautiful. If I'd never met her, I'd still want her, she realized. But she controlled her feelings ruthlessly. Just sitting across from Jonelle, being able to look at her, made her throb with happiness. And Jonelle seemed happy too. But after Eric went to bed, things grew more uncomfortable. They both knew what was in the air. Laura even reached across the table and put her hand on Jonelle's, gazing deeply into her eyes. But Jonelle slowly pulled her hand back. She shook her head slowly, slowly. "I know," Laura said, bleakly. "I wasn't trying anything. Really." Suddenly two big tears rolled down Jonelle's cheeks. "I haven't let anyone touch me since you did," she whispered, so softly that Laura could barely hear her. Laura felt a pang of guilt. She herself had had enough fucking for two or three lifetimes since she had seen Jonelle. "But you're so beautiful," she said. "Men must be fighting each other to take you out." Jonelle smiled grimly. "They want to. I don't want to." Laura looked at her fingers. "I shouldn't have come." "No. I'm glad you came. I . . . miss you, Laura. I never knew anyone like you." The tears kept rolling. They spilled off Jonelle's silken cheeks onto the table. "It kills me to see you cry," Laura said. "I'd better leave." She hoped against hope to hear Jonelle say, No, don't leave. Stay. Stay with me tonight. But Jonelle nodded, slowly, resignedly. In the livingroom, Jonelle was still silently crying, the big tears turning her cheeks slick and wet. Laura couldn't resist reaching for her as she tried to get Laura's coat. Jonelle almost fell into her arms, and their lips met in a searching, long, emotional kiss. Both of them were trembling with longing and sexual need by the time their mouths came apart. "My son is asleep in this apartment," Jonelle whispered against Laura's cheek. Her tears were all over Laura's face now too. Laura kissed her again, more briefly this time. "I know," she breathed. "I would never do anything to hurt you, or him. Never. I love you, Jonelle." She opened the door. Jonelle looked desolate. She grapped Laura's sleeve, then closed the door again, pushing Laura against it, kissing Laura desperately. "I love you too, Laura," she whispered against Laura's teeth. "I wish---" "Don't say it," Laura interrupted her. She pressed two fingers against Jonelle's ravishing, sensual mouth. "Don't say it. Let me imagine it." Laura slipped out and ran downstairs. She caught a cab a block away, almost doubled over with the pain of leaving Jonelle like that. It was the bitterest experience of her life, and on the way back to the hotel in the cab she herself cried in an agony of loss. Back in her room, she spent most of the night staring into the darkness, aching. Around 3 a.m. she fell asleep in the chair, awakening at 7, stiff and dry and feeling the hurt worse than ever. She took a bath, fell asleep in it again, and awoke when the water got cold. It was a little after 8. She had to be at the trade show by 9, but she couldn't get herself interested in it. Finally, she dressed, and was about to leave her room for the meeting rooms below in the hotel, when her phone rang. Who could that be? She picked it up. "Laura?" It was Jonelle, her voice tentative and faint. "Yes," Laura said, trying to survive the shock of hearing Jonelle's voice after thinking about her all night. "Yes, Jonelle. It's so good to hear your voice." "I'm downstairs. Here. In your hotel. Can I come up?" "Oh god, yes, please, come up. Come up now." She tried not to let the plangent longing in her voice become too overpowering. "You'll have to tell me the room number. They won't tell me, you know." "Of course. Room 833." "I'll be there in a minute." Laura put down the phone and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face seemed gaunt and hollow and stricken, but a new light was now glowing in her eyes, and she realized that she was still alive. A few minutes later, there was a knock at her door. She let Jonelle in. "I thought you were supposed to be at work," she said. "I thought you were supposed to be at that show downstairs." "I don't have to be there until nine," Laura said, looking at her watch. It was almost eight thirty. Laura closed the door. Jonelle watched her. "Don't you want to put that inside lock on?" Jonelle asked, seeming nervous for some reason. "What if some crazy person has a key? You know, I read about some robberies going on in these downtown hotels." "Okay, if you think so," Laura said, fastening the lock. "Here, let me take your coat." She draped Jonelle's coat over the back of the straight chair, then turned to find Jonelle standing right behind her. Their faces were inches apart. Laura could feel Jonelle's warm breath on her face, and it was enough to nearly send her reeling. "Oh baby baby," she murmured softly as Jonelle moved into her arms. At first their kiss was slow and searching, like last night's, but soon it became hot and demanding. While they were still kissing Jonelle began whimpering, and Laura moaned softly. Both had been so excited from seeing each other last night that Laura had not noticed that Jonelle had gained weight. No longer rail-thin, as she had been, she had put on about ten pounds, and Laura's fingers could feel the new firm flesh as she squeezed and caressed Jonelle while their tongues probed and intermingled. One of the two kingsized beds in the room was right behind them, and they half-fell, half-sat on it, devouring each other's mouths more than kissing now. Laura's lips ran up and down Jonelle's wonderful smooth black neck. Jonelle shut her eyes, but then opened them again, kissing Laura back, kissing Laura's throat, her ear, her cheek. "Couldn't stay away from you," she murmured. "I need you too bad." "I can't stop kissing you," Laura said. But she was reluctant to make any other move, even though it was clear why Jonelle had come. I can't let her think I only want her for sex, she thought. But Jonelle seemed to know what Laura was feeling. Without asking, she began to unbutton the back of Laura's blouse as they kissed. Soon she had it half-removed, and her mouth fell to Laura's shoulder, then moved to her clavicle, then dipped to the upper slopes of Laura's breasts. Laura took this as permission. Jonelle was wearing a thin yellow jersey, and Laura began tugging it up, over her bra, until both of them finally had to pull it over her head. Laura shrugged off her loose blouse, and they kissed slowly, solemnly again. Now Laura dropped her lips to Jonelle's delicious dark shoulder and devoured it, pulling off the bra strap in the process. It was only a few more inches to the clasp between Jonelle's shallow bra cups, and Laura's fingers had it undone in a second. She pulled the cups away and saw that Jonelle's weight gain had given her small but very real breasts, where there had been only swellings and large soft black nipples before. Laura cupped them and squeezed them with her hands, licking one of Jonelle's bulbous, protruding nipples. But before she could go on, Jonelle pulled her head up. Her eyes were deep, as Laura had remembered them, deep and dark, swirling with love and need and solemn joy. "Let's do this right," she whispered. "Let's get under the covers together and do it all day." Laura knew this was Jonelle's way of saying they should both be naked. "I don't know," she purred. "I kind of like raping you, with half your clothes on and half off." "Oh. You always were so evil," Jonelle beamed, reaching behind Laura to unclasp her bra. Quickly they helped each other undress. Then Laura pulled back the spread and blankets, and they got under the sheet. "Satisfied?" she asked, pulling Jonelle's lean, naked, beautiful body against hers. "Mmmmm, not yet," Jonelle smiled. "But almost." They began making love slowly, patiently, reawakening their love and lust for each other, but both were too hungry to take it slowly for long. Laura couldn't just kiss Jonelle's new, exquisite breasts, but had to nearly swallow them. And Jonelle nearly did the same to Laura's. In minutes they were whimpering and squirming. Laura slipped down between the moaning Jonelle's thighs, kissing her freely flowing cunt, tonguing it lovingly. And even though she was not a quick or easy comer, Jonelle's pent up need came gushing forth. Every muscle in her lean body seemed to clench. She arched her back, her face contorted in brief agony that quickly ran to fierce pleasure, and she came furiously. "Aaanngghhuummmggnn!" she cried out, her body shuddering as Laura continued to tongue-caress her spasming pussy. "Oh! Oh Laura god Laura! Ungghmmnnghiieeee!" Without stopping, Laura managed to get the corner of the sheet up to Jonelle's mouth, to muffle her helpless screams of rapture. But after a moment she let her hand relax, for Jonelle had sunk into her trance of ecstacy, a deep swoon of silent, trembling bliss that consumed her for minutes. When she finally surfaced from it, Laura was holding her, kissing her, and Jonelle was stunned and reeling from shock. Her eyes watered, and then tears slid slowly down her cheeks. But only a few. She looked at Laura. "Every time you see me, I'm crying," she whispered, almost inaudibly. "But this time good crying," Laura whispered back. "I don't know how you can make me feel like that. Nobody ever made me feel like that." The intermingling of their emotions, as well as their naked bodies, was so intense that Laura was on the verge of coming herself, just from her deep interaction with Jonelle's climax. And when Jonelle began to kiss her, she nearly swooned too. "Oh! Ohhnnnnn!" she sighed as Jonelle kissed her way slowly down Laura's body. She lingered over Laura's breasts, squeezing and sucking them lovingly, sucking even harder when Laura begged her, bringing Laura, who was already almost coming, quickly to the brink of a sharp orgasm. "Ahh! Oh . . . oh god honey . . . oh I'm going to come Jon . . . oh god Jonelle yes yes . . . touch me touch my pussy I'm going oh oh!" she panted, almost hysterically, churning her hips frantically. "Oh Laura . . . oh Laura . . ." Jonelle murmured, her fingers rhythmically stroking Laura's distended clit. Laura came in a sudden, blinding flash. Even though she knew she was going to come, the power of it stunned her, robbing her of breath, wrenching her in a sublime ecstacy. Her feelings for Jonelle were so deep that this climax was a shattering experience for her, sending her deep, deep into the same zone of rapture Jonelle had visited. Her body throbbed and pulsed with honeyfire, and it was a long time before even a groan escaped from her throat. "Aunngghhhh!" she cried out. "Oh! Oh! Oh . . . Jonelle oh god!" She didn't pass out, but it was a close call, and it took her a while to drift back to consciousness from behind a shattering explosion of bliss. Jonelle was hugging and stroking and kissing her, and she smiled as their lips met again. "God, how could we ever live without each other?" Laura asked softly. "I thought I was going to die." Jonelle's eyes were full of love. "I missed you, Laura." "If we make each other come like that, we'll both be dead by the end of the day." Jonelle smiled warmly, pulling Laura's naked body roughly against hers. "I think we might be able to do a little more before we get into the danger area," she said, showing a sexual aggressiveness that Laura had only seen a few times in the past, and that contrasted so fetchingly with her shyness. "Ummmm, so you want more, do you?" Laura teased. Jonelle rolled onto her back, pulling Laura over on top of her. Her dark eyes were solemn. "Never no one but you," she said, her eyes filling with tears again as she pulled Laura's mouth down into her own, giving Laura a fierce, demanding kiss. And this time they each gave free reign to their hunger for one another. The first time they had both been ready to burst, having contained their pent up need, both emotional and physical, for so long. But now they wanted to consume each other, and they tore at each other heatedly, whimpering, biting, fucking in a wild, passionate fury of desire. They each made the other come twice more, and before either could come down from the second climax Laura was entwining her legs with Jonelle and bringing their hot, squinchy, wet pussies together. She had never done this with Jonelle, and the girl nearly fainted from the intensity of sensation as she felt her pussy being kissed by Laura's. "Oh! Oh Jesus!" she moaned, staring straight into Laura's eyes as their cunts met and mashed together. "Oh . . . oh Laura! Oh god!" "Hold on, baby, hold on," Laura coached her. "Grab my leg and . . . yes, fuck me, like that, unh . . . unh! Yes, harder, unggh!" Grinding their pulsing, wet pussies together, they moaned and murmured to one another, each stroking the other's leg, holding it and fucking the other one hard, their bodies surging and twisting together as they drove each other crazy. As they drew closer to a climax, Laura pushed herself up off the bed, so that she was really on top, with Jonelle under her, Jonelle's right leg raised high in the air and propped on Laura's shoulder. This gave Laura more leverage, and she began fucking Jonelle even harder, driving the girl into a delirium of sweet wild sexual pleasure, pushing the slippery wet lips of her cunt into Jonelle's soupy warm slit. Just looking at Jonelle's beautiful face, torn with wild sexual excitement, and her small, gorgeous, jiggling breasts and the rest of her lean, lovely body straining and writhing as Laura fucked her made Laura nearly spill over herself with coming before she was ready. She had never seen anything so beautiful, nor had she felt such love mingled with such overpowering lust. Jonelle began to come, stunned by the force of her orgasm, and Laura was right behind, whinnying uncontrollably as the sharp spasms of a fierce climax ripped through her flesh. "Auungghh!" she groaned, whimpering, then moaning as successive waves of shattering pleasure wracked her body. But Jonelle had sunk again into her reeling rapture, and was making no sound. Instead, she was locked in a deep trance, her face transfigured, her body shuddering as the phenomenally strong orgasm wrenched her in repeating sharp spasms. Laura, still panting, disentangled their legs and embraced Jonelle, kissing her again as she slowly surfaced from the depths of her bliss. "Dear god," she finally said, eyes glazed, staring up at Laura. "You tryin' to kill me with fuckin' all over again." "No, trying to love you to death," Laura said, kissing her with deep feeling. "It felt so good," Jonelle beamed. "Feeling your . . . you know, your thingee, pressed against mine. I just came and came." "Me too. I can't get enough of you." They rested and fucked and rested and fucked through the rest of the morning. By noon each had climaxed ten or eleven times. They ordered room service, and Jonelle hid in the bathroom when it was delivered since both were nervous about the moaning they had done, wondering if anyone outside in the hallway had heard them. Laura remembered her hotel room experience with Yvette, when a bellhop had leered at them afterward and made salacious remarks. "Aren't you supposed to be going to that trade show downstairs?" Jonelle asked Laura after lunch. Laura nodded. "I'll tell you something honestly. If I lost my job over this, I wouldn't care. To have you here . . . it's just the best thing in my life." Now Laura began to cry, softly, tears rolling quickly down her cheeks. "Girl, if it's not me, it's you," Jonelle said, coming around the small table to her, kissing her tears, then slipping her hands inside Laura's robe. "Guess we have to do a little more healing of the wounds," she whispered. "I . . . guess so," Laura smiled through her tears. She didn't know how they could have a more emotionally or physically wrenching fuck than they had already had during the morning, but they did. The lunch pause seemed to have energized them both, and they made love first with a slow, simmering leisure, doing sixty-nine for the first time that day. But after a half hour of slow buildup, they began writhing and pumping again. Jonelle, more aggressive than Laura had ever seen her, brought Laura to three gasping, moaning, whinnying climaxes in a row, fucking her hard, biting Laura's nipples after Laura begged her to, and even fingering Laura's ass while Laura came exultantly. Then it was Laura's turn to return the favor. She lavished a symphony of sexual skill on the beautiful girl, toying with Jonelle, who was already wildly aroused, bringing her up, letting her down, but not letting her come, until Jonelle was actually begging her. Finally, she gave in, swarming over Jonelle's beautiful, lean, smooth, undulting body, kissing and squeezing and sucking her, bringing uncontrollable moans of need from her. Childbirth had made Jonelle's nipples less sensitive, and she liked Laura to bite them, so now, fucking her hard, Laura nearly swallowed the exquisite little breasts, one at a time, letting each one escape from her mouth only to catch Jonelle's nipple between her teeth and sink them slowly into it. Jonelle exploded in a prolonged sequence of orgasms that Laura kept going by clever caresses. She had already come almost a dozen times, and Laura knew these orgasms were deeper and more excruciating than the earlier ones. Carefully, she covered Jonelle's mouth, then sucked her small breasts hard and scissored her clit with two fingers, feeling Jonelle buck and shudder, then sink into a fierce trance of coming. And while she was still sunk deep in the rapture, Laura slid down and began to tongue Jonelle's beautifully shaped pussy, the most beautiful Laura had ever seen, and she had seen many. She licked and kissed it and slid her tongue way up inside, nuzzling Jonelle's clit, then flicking it with her tongue. "Ohnnnn!" Jonelle moaned, surfacing from her deep orgasm, writhing, stretching, arching her back, quivering sharply. "Oh . . . oh god oh Jesus Laura . . . please oh god please unhhh! Oh! Unggghh! Oh god . . . I'm going to . . . again! Oh shit, again! Ungghh! Oh!" She went into convulsions, coming in glorious, wrenching shocks, nearly passing out as Laura kept up the pressure, fucking her harder, turning her over. Now Laura focused on Jonelle's small, shapely, beautiful ass. God, is there anything about this woman that isn't totally gorgeous? she wondered as she began kissing and kneading Jonelle's hard, round little buns passionately. Only Chanitra had a more beautiful ass, and not by much. Laura devoured it, kissing the smooth round moons, then biting, nipping them, bringing hot squeals of excitement from Jonelle. Laura was rubbing her wet pussy at the same time, then invading the crack between Jonelle's tight little buns with her tongue. Jonelle went wild. She squimred and whimpered into the sheet. Laura knew what she was doing and timed the entrance of her tongue into Jonelle's tiny asshole to coincide with the push of her two fingers against Jonelle's clit, which quickly sent Jonelle off into another convulsive, moonstruck, shattering orgasm. Laura continued to tongue-fuck the wriggling girl's beautiful ass while she came. But this was merely a prelude to the rape that followed. Laura turned the still-coming Jonelle again onto her back, sliding a pillow under her squirming ass, and turned up the heat a notch or two. Now that Jonelle's asshole was lubricated with Laura's saliva, she slid first one, then two fingers into it while continuing to assault Jonelle's beautiful, flowing pussy with her mouth. And now she fucked the girl hard, bringing Jonelle up again from her trance of ecstacy, triggering yet another fierce orgasm. "Unngghh! Oh . . . oh god Laura . . . please!" Jonelle whimpered. "OH GOD! AUUNGGHH!" she cried as she came again, this time a violent shock of convulsions that wrenched her beautiful body. "Oh baby . . . oh baby!" Laura murmured, hanging onto Jonelle as the girl endured a fierce total rapture. Laura had never seen anyone come any harder. It was about the seventeenth or eighteenth orgasm Jonelle had had since she had walked through the door, and after the initial explosion this time she did actually pass out for a few seconds. Laura held her and rocked her, and she came back quickly, her eyelids fluttering as she gazed up at Laura. "You makin' me into a sex fiend, I swear," Jonelle whispered hoarsely. "What would my little boy think if he saw me layin' here with you, comin' like that?" "He wouldn't see it, I hope," Laura said calmly. "Why, aren't you happy?" Jonelle's eyes watered. "Don't you make me start crying again, Laura. I've never been this happy." "Me either," Laura confessed, surrendered her own body now to Jonelle, who swarmed over her in passion and gratitude, fucking Laura ingeniously, patiently, creatively until Laura too was coming in unbelievable long strings of orgasms, her body pushed to its sexual limits. In the next twenty minutes, Laura had six orgasms, each one stronger than the last, the final one a fierce, wrenching, excruciating bell-ringer that had her groaning, whinnying helplessly, and sobbing uncontrollably into the sheets as Jonelle first cranked up the tension to an unbearable level, having learned her lessons well, then let the dam burst with a shockingly throrough rape of Laura. When Laura finally came back from a long swoon of ecstacy, she shook her head, smiling at Jonelle. "Looks like I've created a monster," she teased. "You raped me." Jonelle lowered her head, trying to look guilty. "I wanted to." "Oh, you delicious woman!" Laura exclaimed, pulling the delightful Jonelle down into the rumpled sheets, where both had given one another more orgasms than they had ever shared before. "I remember the night you were scandalized because I dared to kiss you." "I still am," Jonelle said, eyes wide. "I really don't believe we're doing this now. And all day, too." "I know." Laura felt the pressure of time suddenly. "How long can you stay?" Jonelle burst into giggles. "Don't much matter now," she said. "I don't think either one of us has another climax left." Laura knew she was right. They had exhausted one another. And yet the idea of parting pierced her deep in her heart. They lived in different cities now. And of course the matter of Yvette, and Laura's relationship with her, had never come up. But Jonelle could see what she was feeling. She kissed Laura's cheek. "I know what you feel," she whispered. "I feel it too." Jonelle's eyes watered. "But we'll see each other. I know we will." But the tears were already streaking Laura's cheeks. "Is this really all we're going to have of each other? Just a hotel room, once a year, or less?" she wept softly. "Jonelle . . . I love you. I know I hurt you. But . . . I never felt this way for anyone else." She knew she was lying. What about Rina? What about Brandi? Or even Karen? But at least she didn't feel any more for them than she felt for this sweet girl. Rina was gone. Brandi would never be hers for more than a few hours. Karen and she together were sick, perverted. But Jonelle . . . ? They cried some more together. "God, all we've done today is fuck and cry, cry and fuck," Laura finally giggled, her tears mingling with Jonelle's as they became sexually entangled again, knowing it would be the last time for . . . how long? "Since we been crying, guess it's time to start fucking again," Jonelle smiled through her own tears, making them both laugh. And even though they had both climaxed over twenty times and were exhausted, they coiled together as if this were the last time ever and they had to make it count. And Laura knew, as Jonelle knew, that indeed it could be the last time. Who could say? And though they had shared some sweet, intensely emotional sex together in the past, they made this the most agonizingly intense ever. They explored one another patiently, even ingeniously, but by the time they were both ready to come, they were face to face, tears pouring down their cheeks as they kissed and coaxed one another into helpless, quaking, yearning spasms of killing ecstacy. It was the saddest and most joyous moment Laura had ever experienced, and she knew Jonelle felt that way too, except perhaps for the birth of her son. When they came, together, both were staring deeply into each other's eyes, throbbing and dying together on the same wave, their bodies linked and melting together everywhere. By the time Jonelle quickly put on her clothes and left, they were both so physically and emotionally fatigued that they could barely speak. At the door of Laura's hotel room, they kissed again, deeply, both in agony at parting. "I simply can't live without you, Jonelle," Laura whispered to her. Jonelle smiled bleakly. "We have to." "I know. But I can't." "You know where I am. You call me. You the one with the big corporate job. You come visit me. Okay?" "Okay." They had no more to say. After another long look deep into each other, Jonelle slipped out and Laura watched her walk down the hotel corridor to the elevator. |
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