Laura - Chapter 60

Laura finally got a letter from Jonelle. She was so upset when she saw the handwriting on the envelope that she felt faint and had to take a few deep breaths before locking her mailbox again. It was postmarked Dallas, Texas, and she nearly ripped the envelope trying to get it open in the elevator, on the way up to her apartment.

Dear Laura,

You know I would have written you sooner if I could. It's not easy even now. But I'm not writing to hurt you back, or twist the knife, or anything like that. For a long time I thought I wouldn't need to write you at all. But something inside me makes me need to tell you that I really did love you, a love so deep it scared me. And I don't blame you for what you did. I know you and Yvette were lovers before you met me, and it's hard to turn your back on that. I probably would have lied, too.

Now that I know we won't see each other again, I can tell you that I still think of you often. I also remember the times we spent together. All of them. Nothing like that ever happened to me in my life. And I won't ever do it again, because there won't be anyone else like you. And the thought of doing it with someone else makes me sick.

I think of you all the time and I still love you, I think. I'm crying now and can't finish this as I wanted to. But don't feel bad because of me. And I don't hate you. Be careful who you let . . . oh you know.



Laura's hands were shaking by the end. Her own eyes blurred with tears. And worst of all, she could feel herself getting wet as she read it. She hated herself for that, for being so sexual, for letting lust interfere with her deep, pure, true longing for Jonelle.

And yet, even Jonelle had referred to it in her letter, which Laura read about fifty times before dinner. Jonelle had said she remembered their moments together. All of them. That told Laura she remembered every kiss, every touch, every orgasm. And Laura remembered each one too, there had been so few.

Her first thought was, God, I've got to fly to Dallas and just search until I find her! But her common sense told her that would not work. There were a thousand barriers to finding Jonelle, and Laura couldn't just leave her job, either. But neither could she give up the hope of seeing her again. After all, Jonelle had written She said she loves me, Laura thought. She didn't have to write, and she didn't have to write that. So there's hope.

After her wild afternoon with Shawn and Yvette, Laura hadn't had sex for nearly two weeks. It was always hard for Yvette to get away, and of course she saw Karen only rarely. She had called Barbara once, but Barbara was out of town for the holidays. That left only Chanitra, and Laura had always waited for Chanitra to contact her. You couldn't exactly be calling up a teenaged girl for a fuck-date, especially when you were the same sex.

And so when Karen phoned, she was very receptive, even happy. Oh god, you saved me from myself, she thought as they talked. And yet that wasn't really true, since they both brought out, if not the worst, certainly the most depraved side, in each other. Last time Karen had even asked to be whipped in the pussy, and Laura had obliged her. Karen had had excruciating orgasms, and Laura could feel her blood race just remembering it. But it was also appalling. She was appalled that Karen would ask for it, and that she herself would do it.

And so they were both skittish about getting together again, as usual. "So, what do you think? Should we see each other?" Karen asked, tentatively, feeling Laura out.

"Do you think we can control . . . you know, the urges?" Laura asked.

"I don't know. We never have yet."

"I know."

"But the more we talk about it, the more aroused I'm getting."

"Me too."

"You want to come over here?"

"Okay," Laura said. "But no . . . whipping this time. Okay?"

"Of course. No . . . what you said."


"I promise."

But Laura could feel them both losing control even as she drove to Karen's apartment. The two of them were like colliding trains. When they got together naked, anything could happen, and usually did. With each other they were both deeply perverted, and as long as it didn't draw blood, they were capable of nearly anything.

Laura particularly remembered the red rings that Karen's tight thongs had left around her breasts just before her second night with Jonelle. She recalled how anxious she had been that Jonelle would discover them, how embarrassed she was when Jonelle did see them, but also how shockingly hard she came when Karen had done it.

Somehow the linkage with Jonelle in her mind made her blood race even more wildly. She needed the hot, depraved, even painful sex with Karen to blot out the hurt.

Karen met her at the door wearing a diaphanous peach shortie nightgown, looking absolutely ravishing. One look at her and Laura briefly wondered why she herself bothered with other girls. This one gave her everything she could imagine, including a strong, almost toxic, dose of perversion.

Karen's large, beautifully-shaped breasts were shadowed fetchingly under the peach gauzy fabric, the large protruding bulbs of her black nipples making alluring bumps in it.

"God, I could eat you alive," Laura said to her, stepping inside.

"I was hoping you'd feel that way," Karen smiled, closing the door and slowly, theatrically fastening the bolt. "You may get your chance."

Laura reached for her, but Karen moved back, smiling seductively. "I want it. I want you," Laura murmured.

"Not so fast," Karen smiled, eyes glittering with mischief. "How about a little build-up?"

"I haven't had a climax in two weeks," Laura said. "I'm desperately horny, and you're gorgeous."

"You all say that," Karen winked. "Just want me for my body."

"And what a body."

"You like?" Karen pirouetted, showing her profile.

"How does rape sound?"

"Mmmmm, not violent enough," Karen grinned.

Laura came closer. "I want to tie you up and fuck you," she breathed.

Karen's eyes rolled up. "Oh god yes!"

She embraced Laura, undressing her as they kissed. Laura slipped her hands under the nightgown and ran them all over Karen's smooth, warm body. Karen's lips on her neck made her cunt flood with warm juice, and her pulse raced as she felt her shirt sliding off her arms, and Karen's fingers unclasping her bra.

"In the bedroom," Laura whispered to her, "in the bedroom. Come on, let's go in there."

"It's been too long," Karen said, filling her hands with Laura's perfect naked breasts.

"I know."

Without letting go of one another, they somehow got into Karen's bedroom. Laura kicked off her shoes and dropped her skirt in under two seconds. Karen knelt, kissing Laura's smooth creamy belly while skimming Laura's panties down her spectacular legs.

Laura wanted Karen's delectable body too, but Karen was too insistent. Before Laura knew it, Karen had her on her back, was hovering over her, scooping up her breasts, then nearly swallowing them, bringing harsh, ecstatic moans from deep in Laura's throat. And then she was licking Laura's pussy, then attacking it passionately, making Laura arch and quiver and cry out.

And then a sharp, sudden, devastating orgasm wrenched her, without warning.

"Aungghh! Oh god!" she groaned, shocked by the fierce uprush of coming. "Ohnnggmnnnaauunnggh!"

Unlike most of her orgasms, this one buckled her body, throwing her into wild, convulsive spasms of blinding pleasure. She jerked spastically, grunting and moaning helplessly, until it released her, then lay panting and dazed as Karen's smiling face looked down at her.

"Gosh, you really know how to make a girl feel welcome, don't you," she croaked up at Karen.

"You were telling the truth about being horny," Karen smiled.

"Mmmmm, I still am," Laura grinned, sliding her hands under Karen's diaphanous nightgown and up her delicious smooth body to her dangling breasts. "I want these.

Karen reached down and slowly pulled the wispy nightie up, pulling it over her head. Her magnificent breasts swelled and thrusted forward as she raised her arms. Her large satiny black nipples gleamed, the areolas swollen and puffy, the center stems thick and protruding, and Laura thought in a flash of the difference between Karen's and Shawn's breasts.

Both of them had large breasts, though now Shawn's were ridiculously big. But Karen's were beautifully-shaped, pear-shaped though large, her nipples swelling and uptilting, whereas Shawn had really ruined hers for the sake of men who liked big boobs. Shawn's breasts were too unnaturally round, and her nipples were now flattened across the hard balls, with only a little bit of each center nub pushing up.

Laura had always loved Karen's breasts, and now, still lying on her back with Karen dangling the full, upswept beauties in her face, she took one firm globe in both hands and swirled her tongue around Karen's large, protruding nipple. Karen watched eagerly, her eyes glowing and throbbing excitedly as her nipple slowly disappeared into Laura's mouth.

"Oh Jesus!" she said, under her breath. "God . . . Laura!"

Laura squeezed the firm breast with her fingers and sucked Karen's nipple passionately, until Karen's arms, which were propping her up over Laura, began to shake. Laura let the wet nipple out of her mouth, staring hotly up at Karen. Then she took Karen's other breast in her hands and did the same thing to it.

By the time she finally released the second wet nipple, Karen was moaning and shaking. Quickly, she left the bed, opened a dresser drawer, and returned with . . . the long leather thongs. Laura could feel a hot squirt of heightened sexual excitement in herself as she saw them.

"You want to go right to it?" she asked softly, running her hands all over Karen's delectable breasts, gently pinching the large, sensitive nipples she had just been sucking.

"You said you wanted to tie me up and fuck me," Karen said, dark eyes throbbing. "Here's your chance."

Laura looked at the girl's incredible, jutting breasts, their swollen, damp nipples still glimmering with her own saliva. "I've never been able to turn you down," she murmured, solemnly.

"I know," Karen said, handing the thongs to Laura.

Slowly, since both of them got an extra charge out of the very process, Laura began to wrap the thongs around Karen's breasts. They both watched as each dark globe began to swell. Karen's huge nipples began to swell too, bursting off the surface of her bulging, throttled breasts, two hard strangled balls of flesh now with protruding black bulbs exploding out from the centers.

Holding the strands of the thongs tightly in one hand, Laura shook the taut, swollen balls of Karen's breasts back and forth, teasing Karen's bursting nipples with the tip of her tongue.

"Ohh!" Karen gasped, wincing and panting excitedly as her distended nipples danced past Laura's mouth, lashed by Laura's tongue. "Unhh! Oh god! Oh shit . . . Laura . . . please!" she whimpered, quivering uncontrollably.

"Mmmmm, I see they're still as sensitive as ever," Laura murmured, teasing Karen more heatedly now, catching her nipples between her teeth and threatening the very brutal treatment that Karen was begging for.

"Oh! Oh . . . oh god!" Karen moaned. "The gag, baby, the gag. I can't take it."

"Where is it?" Laura asked.

"Same drawer."

"You'll have to wait while I tie this knot."

Carefully, adding insult to injury, she wrapped the thongs a few more times around Karen's bursting, tortured breasts, then knotted them at the side. Both girls were shaking, so quickly had they plunged one another into the depraved mania of their wild shared perversions. Laura found the gag and had it fastened in place on Karen's head in under a minute, the ball tightly between Karen's teeth.

"Now, baby, now . . ." she threatened in a husky, quavering, lust-clotted voice, pulling Karen down on the sheet, lowering her lips to the girl's bursting, tortured breasts, and bringing one hand up between Karen's quivering, sleek, black thighs at the same time.

Karen was almost coming already, her pussy so wet that the warm juice was running down the inside her of smooth thighs. She whimpering hysterically and churned her hips, arching her back to push her tortured breasts up into Laura's face.

"God, you're so wet," Laura said, feeling her fingers bathed in Karen's buttery juices as she slid two of them up into the girl's hot, squirmy trench.

This time there would be no steamy build-up. They had got to it so fast, and Laura knew they were on a collision course. The instant her fingers touched Karen's pussy, Karen's body began undulating wildly. Laura sucked one large, bursting nipple into her mouth, sucking hard, then closing her teeth over it, biting it and hearing Karen's strangled cries, muffled by the ball in her mouth.

Karen's flipping, surging body went out of control, and Laura had no choice but to fuck her roughly and completely, without any delay. She plunged her fingers into Karen's runny slit, releasing the first nipple and quickly sinking her teeth into the other one, fucking Karen hard, scissoring Karen's clit and yanking it brutally. Karen spilled over in shocking torrents of coming almost immediately.

"Nnnggmmmmmphh!" she grunted into the ball gag, her eyes fiery, demented by paralyzing jolts of ecstacy.

Still holding the thongs tightly in one hand, Laura shook Karen's imprisoned breasts sharply, continuing to suck and bite Karen's huge, swollen, wet nipples savagely, while her other hand raped Karen's pussy. There was no other word for it but rape as she gouged another, and yet another wrenching, incapacitating orgasm from Karen's flexing, clenching, shuddering body.

Finally, after three horrific climaxes, Karen's muscles went slack. She fell back to the mattress, gasping horribly for breath through the gag, which Laura quickly unfastened. Then she lay keening and sobbing softly from the release, as Laura gently unwound the thongs from the girl's tortured breasts and tried to caress them back to life.

"God, I didn't know you were going to try to kill me," Karen half-croaked, smiling at Laura, tears still staining her cheeks.

She winced as Laura kissed the marks the thongs had made under her breasts, and even gasped with pain as Laura's lips again found her nipples.

"Ouch! They hurt!" she whimpered. "You bit them so hard."

"You loved it," Laura murmured, sucking both nipples again tenderly, until Karen was cooing and sighing and enjoying it.

"If you keep doing that, I'll make you fuck me again," Karen panted.

"Make me? How are you going to make me?"

Karen pulled her down on the bed, then rolled on top of her, bunching both of Laura's small, perfect breasts up in her hands, squeezing them roughly.

"Mmmmm, I'm going to rape you so viciously that you'll want to get back at me," Karen whispered.

Laura was suddenly filled with such a hot, alarming flux of lust and strong emotions that she began to tremble and whimper excitedly. Not only was she overcome by the usual depravity that Karen and she always shared kicking in. But her anguish over the letter from Jonelle mixed with it, and her loss of Cecilia, along with the wild arousal she was already experiencing from having fucked Karen so hard only minutes ago.

"God, I want it, I want it!" she murmured crazily to Karen.

And then, she found the wild idea entering her brain, the forbidden idea, the horrible idea, the idea they had promised to forswear. And yet they both knew, deep down, that what Karen had experienced, Laura would sooner or later experience too.

"I want you to . . . whip me," she said to Karen, in a shaky voice.

Karen's black eyes flared. "We promised we wouldn't."

"I know. I . . . want it anyway."

Karen pinned Laura to the bed, kissing her tenderly, movingly, her kiss imbued with all the deep emotion they had for one another after over a year of this dangerous fucking.

"You know I can't refuse you," she whispered to Laura.

"I know."

"It hurts."

"I know. I saw you. I heard you scream."

"You still want it?"

Laura nodded. "I saw you come, too."

Karen smiled in a fetching though sinister way. She reached under the bed and pulled out the long white rope, the rope she and Laura had first used on each other long ago, many shattering orgasms ago. Laura could feel her heart and pulse leap with fear and wild excitement inside her body.

Karen started slowly, giving Laura plenty of time both to back down and to anticipate the delicious pain she had requested. She tied each of Laura's ankles to the foot of the bed, splaying Laura's legs and exposing the glistening, pink cleft of Laura's pussy, which was now so wet that it was dripping onto her ass.

"You don't think I can whip this beautiful pussy without kissing it first, do you?" Karen said.

Karen knew how to tease. She and Laura had perfected it to a high art, and Laura was so overwrought with incredible sexual need at this moment that Karen's teasing was a fierce torment. For the next five minutes she alternated between slowly licking Laura's inflamed, puckering, flowing pussy, and then dangling her luscious breasts in Laura's face, giggling softly as Laura's lips chased her huge, popping nipples.

But Laura's hands were not yet tied. When Karen was licking her pussy, she grabbed and squeezed and pinched her own breasts, churning her hips, moaning insistently. And when Karen's breasts were dangling in her face, she grabbed them and stuffed her mouth with Karen's nipples, nearly bringing them both quickly to the brink of an unplanned explosion.

"Owwnncchh!" Karen cried out, pulling her wet nipple out of Laura's voracious mouth. "God, haven't you bit me enough?"

Laura's eyes danced with fire. "I want you to hurt me," she said, now panting uncontrollably.

"Hon', you gon' get your wish," Karen said, grabbing the rope and quickly tying Laura's hands too.

She didn't tie them to the headstand, but instead behind Laura's back, so that Laura had to lie back on her own arms very uncomfortably, a position that made her breasts jut dramatically forward. And now, eyes blazing, Karen snatched up the leather thongs and began to wrap them around Laura's naked breasts.

Laura, her eyes streaked with fear now, watched her breasts swell into hard round upjutting cones, discolored purplish by entrapped blood, her thick coral nipples flaring and shiny.

"God, those are so hard and pointy," Karen said. "I could even fuck my pussy on one of those."

Both remembered when Laura had done that on one of Karen's strangled breasts, months ago, squatting over Karen, holding Karen's throttled breast in one hand, and rubbing her clit all over Karen's hard nipple until she exploded with coming.

"No . . . do me," she whimpered to Karen. "Please do me, oh please, Karen! God, I need it. Hard, do me hard."

Again the sinister smile passed over Karen's face. "'Do me'?" she said. "What does that mean, 'Do me'? You can't say it? You can't tell me what you want?"

"You know what I want," Laura said, in a weak, quavering voice. "Whip me."

"Where? In this beautiful wet pussy that I'm going to kiss and suck right now?"

"Ohhnnnn . . . ohhnngg god!" Laura groaned, delirious with lust as Karen's clever mouth met her pussy.

In only fifteen seconds Karen brought her to the verge of a screaming climax, then pulled away just in time, stopping it, leaving Laura gagging and panting hysterically.

"Oh shit . . . oh shit!" Laura panted. "Fuck me . . . do it, rape me, whip me, please, Karen, please! Do it!"

"Mmmmm, I guess it's time for old gageroo, honey," Karen teased, dangling the harness in front of Laura's glazed eyes. "Baby, you gon' come hard."

"Please!" Laura begged, her beautiful face contorted with incredible need.

"Oh yes, oh yes," Karen murmured, unable to resist brushing Laura's face with her own upswept, spectacular naked breasts before fastening the ball gag in place.

Now, Laura knew, there was no turning back. Her bound body writhed and struggled, her pelvis quivering uncontrollably, her eyes streaked with terror. God, it's going to hurt! God, it's going to hurt! her mind repeated over and over again. She watched Karen go to the drawer and take out the long, thin whip, with the small leather square on the tip. Her body tensed when she saw it.

Smiling, caressing the whip with her long, dark fingers, Karen stood beside the bed. She extended the whip and ran the small leather tip of it all over Laura's writhing body, until Laura was grunting softly and whimpering crazily. When the tip of the whip grazed her swollen, throbbing nipples, she shut her eyes, expecting the worse. She opened them just in time to see Karen raise it, then snap it down on one bursting nipple, making Laura almost leap into the air as a sharp, sexual pain shot through her breast.

Karen's eyes glittered. "God, you liked that, didn't you," she gasped. "Let's see how the other one likes it."

Quickly, she snapped Laura's other nipple too with the whip, two quick snaps that left Laura seeing red, her nipple throbbing with pain. But through the glaze of pain she could still follow the end of the whip with her eyes as Karen maliciously drew it slowly down her body to her crotch.

"Unngmmnnggh!" she groaned into the gag as Karen tickled her cuntlips with it, teasing her, tantalizing her, threatening her.

Laura writhed and strained against the ropes. Her whole, trussed body vibrated with fantastic sexual tremors. All the things, all the weird, perverted things they had done together in the past couldn't match this. She knew why Karen had begged her, and now why she had begged Karen. It was sick, it was depraved, but she was shaking uncontrollably with the most excruciating sexual excitement she had ever experienced.

"Oh, baby, you're so hot," Karen murmured, finally brushing Laura's swollen, hard clit with the whip. "You want it right here, don't you. Right here."

"Unnghaauhggnh!" Laura groaned, nodding her head, squirming pitifully.

"Well, here it comes, honey. Right . . . now!"

Laura watched the whip end rise, then snap down, a direct hit on her splayed, wet pussy. It did not land on her clit but squarely in the center of her puckered furrow. Pain shot through her body, and she almost passed out, but forced herself to remain conscious, so that she could feel the worst. She knew Karen would whip her everywhere but her clit, at first. The only question was, how fast would she come? Would it take three blows, four, five?

Karen said nothing but snapped Laura's vulnerable wet pussy twice more with the whip, each blow harder than the last. Laura's bound body rose up off the bed with each stroke, quivering and straining at the ropes, her cries strangled in her throat by the ball stuffed into her mouth. Finally, on the fourth blow, the square leather tip of the whip landed directly on Laura's clit, sending her into convulsions that quickly turned into a fierce, horrific, excruciating orgasm as Karen brought the whip down again, and again on the same spot.

"Uuunggmhhpphh! Owwnngggg! Aununggghiiieee!" she wailed, her body surging, writhing, rising off the bed with each blow, then dissolving into uncontrollable convulsions of almost unbearable rapture.

By now Karen had discarded the whip and replaced it with her mouth. She lay between Laura's quaking thighs, licking and sucking Laura's wounded pussy until the horrific whipping orgasm was quickly followed by a long, undulating second climax, just as intense as the first, though not as painful. When she began to recover from it, she looked down to see Karen unwinding the thongs from her breasts, then kissing them, then sucking her nipples, then biting them while hand-fucking Laura passionately, until Laura spilled over in yet a third jolting, shattering orgasm.

And now she was finished. She could barely move.

"You didn't tell me it would be like that," she said in a hushed, totally drained voice, after Karen removed the gag.

"You didn't ask me," Karen smiled. "And you don't realize how envious I am."

"God, I don't know whether I could ever do it to you again now that I know what it's like," Laura confessed, looking at the marks on her body.

"I don't know how you couldn't," Karen said.

"It's just so . . . extreme."

"It sure made me extremely horny, doing it to you. You don't have to go that far, Laura, but do you suppose you have enough strength left to fuck me?"

"Mmmmm, I suppose I do," Laura smiled, pushing Karen onto her back, suddenly in a hurry to thank the girl for the incredible experience she had just provided Laura.

She remembered how guilty she had felt after doing it to Karen, and how Karen had made her forget her guilt the same way. They coiled together in a perfect rhythm of fucking, borne of many months of learning one another, and caring. This time it was not fast, but it was thorough, and after ten minutes or so both girls melted together in a climax so deep that they were locked in a moaning embrace for a full two minutes before it began to wane.

When the finally peeled themselves apart, Laura was struck by how their fucking had changed from the first early days. Then they had rarely parted until having twenty-five or more orgasms apiece. They both came easily, especially with one another, and once they had discovered the ability to come many times, they couldn't resist it. But lately they rarely had more than six or seven each, though two or three of those had become an excoriating, debilitating experience, like the two orgasms Laura had just had under the whip.

She mentioned it to Karen, who chuckled softly. "I don't think either one of us could survive twenty like those you had," she said.

"I know. How long will it take for my pussy to stop burning?"

Karen shrugged. "Heals fast. I think I felt better the next day. It's these that'll take a while to fade," she said, caressing the red marks left by the thongs around Laura's breasts. "You won't be able to take those cute young things you like so much to bed for a few days."

"What do you mean?" Laura blushed.

Karen grinned. "I mean I don't think you wait until you see me to get laid, darling."

Laura kissed her. "But I do wait for you for the . . . you know."

"I know," Karen said, solemnly. "Me too. And next time will be my turn, remember."

"When's next time?"

"Don't think we ought to do this very often, do you? Too dangerous. You could have heart failure from an orgasm like that."

"I know," Laura nodded. "How about three weeks from today?"

"How about three days from tomorrow?" Karen winked. "You think I can wait that long? I get wet just remembering how you looked, coming like that. I'm jealous."

Laura grabbed her breasts, large, firm, upswept and beautiful. "I'm going to bite you again, I'm going to make your nipples hurt the way my pussy hurts."

"They already hurt," Karen said, eyes swirling.

Laura took one between her lips. Then she clamped it loosely with her teeth, watching Karen's eyes widen, hearing the girl's sharp intake of breath, seeing Karen wince.

"Can you come again, baby?" she asked.

"You know the answer to that," Karen panted.

This time there were no thongs. Laura held Karen's exquisite breasts in her hands and mouth-mauled them, while bringing one of her thighs up into Karen's crotch, as Brandi fucked her, Laura. And it was over in a couple of brief, hot, and wildly frenetic minutes.

Pinning Karen under her, Laura squeezed and bit the girl's gorgeous breasts passionately, while cruching her thigh muscle up and down in the wet furrow of Karen's hot pussy. And Karen came thrillingly, arching her back, shuddering, turning her face into the pillow to muffle her screams of ecstacy.

Several minutes later she was still dazed. "Laura, I don't know why we ever wander," she finally said, in a hushed voice. "Nobody could ever make me feel the way you do."

"I know. Affairs of the heart come and go, but you can make my body . . . I don't know, cry out, you know? It's why we can't do this often. Too good."

Karen smiled ruefully. They kissed goodbye, and Laura went home, still aching from another agonizing session with her first, and the one she would never be able to part with.

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