. . . Then Batgirl by Miranda The fun continues All this superflesh, so little time. I had thoroughly enjoyed whipping and dominating Catwoman. Now I wanted her opponent from that night in the alley, Batgirl. Why should bad girls be the only ones to have fun. Part of what made that night so hot was imagining myself in Catwoman's place. At the same time, Barbra was a 'superheroine', one of the good gals. I wasn't sure if it would be as much fun as beating up that snotty reporter, Lois. And it definitely wouldn't compare to the pounding I had laid on 'Superhunk'. Uuummm, I get wet just thinking about it. Several weeks after my enjoying 'catnips', Batgirl's motorcycle in stealth mode climbs the specially built underground ramp. An anonymous (guess who?) tip has Catwoman once again on the prowl, and Batgirl knows it's up to her to stop her. Barbara Gordon, who has used this secret exit many times before, switches on the infrared night vision feature of the wind screen. This, along with the steath mode, allows her to surreptitiously pass through the disguised opening in the wall out to the secluded alley, and then head down to the street. There she can use the headlight and the engine at full power to speed to wherever she is needed. But tonight, in the middle of the alley, Batgirl brings the cycle to an abrupt halt. For there, clearly on the windscreen display, is the heat image of a human female three feet ahead, directly in her path. For the first time in this alley, Batgirl turns on the headlight. In its light she sees standing before her - ME! Batgirl cautiously dismounts the cycle and approaches. Despite the special goggles I am wearing as protection against the headlight, she recognizes me. "What are you doing here?", Batgirl asks sharply. "I thought you pledged to keep our secrets safe." "Oh, don't worry, Batty dear," I reply smiling. "Your little secrets are still safe with me." "Then what do you want? I have business to attend to." "No you don't," I respond. "I called in that report. I know that Catwoman isn't going to be seen anywhere for awhile, thanks to me. But I knew her name would bring you out." "That still doesn't tell me what you want." "I want you," I continue. "More specifically, I want to test myself against you. I've already bested Catwoman, which is why she'll be out of the picture for the time being. Since you defeated her, I need a new measuring stick. "How do you know about that fight? Just wha -" "Easy, Babs," I say soothingly, as I see she is getting more and more agitated, her hands clecnhed in fists on her hips. "I was the one who arranged that little get together between you two. I was also the one who stopped Catwoman from having her way with you. And I was the one who made sure you and your cycle were safely stowed away." "You mean you were there and you did nothing to help?!" "Well, you are a superheroine. I figured you could take three Feline Fatales. At any rate, I've more than made up for it with the whipping I gave Catwoman. Besides, I figure if anyone is going to have there way with you, it should be me." "Like you could," Batgirl retorts. "Well, that's why I'm here, to prove that I can. To see who really is the best woman." At first, a cold silent stare of disbelief is the only response. Finally, Batgirl relaxes her hands and folds her arms under her full, firm breasts. With a slight smile, she says, "Hey, if that's what you really want, I'll be happy to kick your ass." "Good. Then turn off the light, move the cycle out of the way and ditch that belt, and we'll get at it." Smiling, Batgirl turns and goes back to her bike. She steers it to the nearest wall, turns off the light, removes her belt, and finally turns back to look make sure I'm still there. We walk toward each other, hands hanging loosely at our sides. Not waisting any time, Batgirl snaps a left jab at my head that I just manage to slip. She follows with a sweeping right that pounds into my left side, causing me to bend to the left with a slight grunt. She then throws a left at my head, which I duck, and follows it up by spinning and bringing her the back of her right fist, which I back away from. "You can't fight from back there," Batgirl teases. "You're right," I reply calmly, "but I do want to give you a chance." I circle to my left rethinking that she is faster that I thought, although I easily will be able to withstand her blows. To show her she actually is in for a fight, I flick up my right leg and snap a quick kick to Batgirl's left upper arm, causing her to wince. She then takes a step back to re- evaluate. "Not bad," Batgirl offers. "Now that the preliminaries are out of the way, let's get on with it." "Fine with me," I respond, then send a straight right to her full left breast. Batgirl covers up and backs away, circling to her left. She stops suddenly and kicks up her right leg into my left side. A look of dismay appears in her eyes as I am able to absorb the blow. She then tries a snap kick to my head which I easily avoid. Showing that a little of her earlier agitation has returned, she unknowningly telegraphs her next punch, a right to my abs. I am able to tighten up and easily absorb the blow. Uncertainty now appears in Batgirl's eyes. It doesn't seem right to her that an ordinary human should be able to not only anticipate, but easily handle her blows. She suddenly turns to her right and side-snaps her left leg. To her great surprise, I grab her foot with my left hand, pull her in and drive a right into her left kidney, causing her to grunt. I push the leg back causing her to somersault over onto her hands and knees. When I approach, Batgirl suddenly springs forward and drives her right shoulder into my midsection, causing me to grunt. Angered that I allowed her to catch me by surprise, I drive a double-fisted hammer shot onto her back sending her down to her hands and knees. I move a step back and to my right so that she cannot repeat the manuevre and watch her get to her feet. As she approaches warily in a fighting stance, I decide it's time I took the initiative. I quickly step forward and slash a right across her midsection, a left hook to the outside of her right breast and a ripping right uppercut to her left breast that stands her up. With her standing up and wide open, I drill a straight right-left combo into her bellybutton which doubles her over with a grunt. A right knee to the left breast sends her stumbling back to fall on her pretty ass. I again wait until Batgirl gets to her feet, a bit more unsteadily this time. Before she has properly set herself, Babs tries to throw a punch with her right. I easily block it with my left and answer with my own right uppercut to her solar plexus, doubling her over with an explosive grunt. I move in behind her and use both fists to drill short, sharp punches into both her kidneys. When I stop, she collapses to the ground, groaning loudly. Batgirl once again struggles to her feet. I must admit the girl has spunk. I move in and throw a left-right combo to each breast. I follow up by slashing punches with both hands across her midsection, causing her to back up. A left knee to the midsection puts her back up against a wall. As I go in, she weakly kicks up her right leg to my stomach. I easily weather the blow and reply by driving hooks with both hands into her sides causing her body to bend around each punch as it penetrates her obliques. Straight lefts and rights flatten her breast flesh back against her chest. A right uppercut to the midsection lifts Babs off her feet and blasts the last bit of air out of her lungs. She collapses onto me, face in the hollow of my neck and her arms draped over my shoulders. I wrap my arms around Batgirl's back and pull her into a tight breast to breast hug. I instantly respond to the feeling of our full breasts pressing against each other as my nipples stiffen. I ease her back against the wall and thrust the length of my body against hers. I moan with delight as I feel my rock-hard nipples dig into her mounds. My feelings of pleasure are increased when I realize that Babs is gently nibbling on my neck. I move one hand up to the top of her cape and gently pull her head up. Through the pain, I see desire in her eyes. I slide my hand across the top of Batgirl's shoulders and slip it underneath her cape, finding the release for her uniform. Very quickly, I take off her outfit down to her waist, leaving her cowl on. She responds by removing my bustier. I gently lower her to the ground and ease myself down on top of her. We eagerly start kissing, building passion in each other with our tongue and lips. The increased heaviness of my breasts is accented by Babs' stiffened nipples that are pressing into my mounds. We add to the feeling by taking our hands and rubbing them up and down each other's thighs, asses and backs. We are soon both moaning loudly. As Batgirl's right hand slides back up my left side, she gives a gentle push on my ribs. In response, I move my left leg to brace myself, and lean over a little to my right. Given the space she wants allows Babs to begin caressing my left breast. In turn, I move my left hand up to her right breast, and our nipples and mounds are being stroked and played with in the most delicious ways. As passsion continues to build, Batgirl snakes both legs around my left on and pulls down. I eagerly accommodate and press my left thigh up into the junction between her legs. She responds by pushing her left thigh up between my legs. We go back to deeply and urgently kissing each other as our thighs rub and press against each other's pubic mounds. Our hands are now gently touching each other's faces and necks. Our nipples dig into each other's breast flesh as we bodies press and rub together. We then embrace tightly as simultaneous orgasms shake our bodies. After lying for several minutes in each other's arms with our heads buried in each other's necks, Batgirl sighs. "I bow to your superiority," she says softly. "And by this delicious treat you've given me after defeating me, can I assume that you are still on 'our' side?" I smile as I look back at her. "You should never assume," I answer. "But I have no intention of doing any harm to the organization. A girl just wants to have fun you know. And thanks to you being so 'delightful' tonight, I certainly have."