Batgirl vs Catwoman by Miranda A downtown jewellery wholesaler draws out Catwoman and a report of a robbery draws out Batgirl. Let the games begin. by Miranda The Batcycle on stealth mode with its headlight off noiselessly turns right into the alley. At that moment, about three-quarters of the way ahead, a door bursts open and three sexy figures in black make their way catlike out the door. Batgirl immediately turns on her floodlight causing the figures to momentarily freeze. After the three quickly exchange glances, they turn and head up the alley, turning right at the end. Batgirl guides her Batcycle to the open door turning almost completely turning it around to almost face the street so that anyone coming out would have climb over the cycle to get to the street or get past her to get to the alley. I settle into my position in the building looking down the alley. This was exactly the situation I had hoped for when I had sent Catwoman that phoney tip. With her weakness for jewellery, I knew she would show up. I had also chosen a night when I knew Batgirl was on duty at Headquarters. Knowing the speed of the Batcycle, I phoned in the annonymous tip for Batgirl after I watched Catwoman and her accomplices enter the building. I knew she would stay long enough to make sure she had looked everywhere for the merchandise. Catwoman suddenly leaps through the doorway landing right in front of the Batcyle. Batgirl quickly looks up from behind her Batcycle and drops her Bathelmet on the ground. "Figures", snorts Batgirl. "Another stray cat wandering around the city at night." "Prrrrrrrrrhaps", replies Catwoman. "But, that's not a crrrrrrime. Seeing you again, is." "And so is 'breaking and entering'. You're coming with me to the police. And since you won't be able to prove to them that this is your building, it will keep another lost and dangerous animal off the streets." "Thank you for your grrrrracious invitation, Batgirrrrl, but I have other plans tonight." Suddenly, Catwoman's right foot shoots out and kicks the rear wheel, sending it skidding across the pavement and causing the Batcycle to topple towards her. She leaps out of the way, turns and heads up the alley following her accomplices. Batgirl quickly reaches forward to grab the Batcycle and prevent it from crashing to the ground. As soon as she steadies it, she reaches into a section of her Utility Belt pulling out two small disks with the right hand and a small switch box with the left. She sprints up the alley in pursuit of her prey, dropping one of the disks. Just as she makes the right turn her adversaries have made, her guts explode in pain. She flips through the air hitting the ground with a thud and rolling over several times. "Prrrrrrfect", says Catwoman smiling, as she lowers her right foot back to the ground. Filled with pleasure from the accurately placed surprise kick, she takes a few steps toward her adversary, enough to see that Batgirl is unable to immediately attempt pursuit. She turns back to follow the row of buildings her friends did when they made their escape. Batgirl has enough wits about her to throw the second disk in front of where Catwoman is heading and hit the button on the switch box. It is now Catwoman's turn to be surprised. Just before she reaches the spot where the disk had landed, it gives off a brilliant flash and a puff of acrid smoke. Coughing and disoriented, Catwoman tries to find her way back to the alley. She finds it just as her head and lungs begin to clear. But as she heads down the alley toward the Batcycle, she meets the same annoying combination. Returning to the corner of the building where she ambushed Batgirl, she leans against the wall, coughing and rubbing her eyes. At the same time, Batgirl begins to rise to her feet, the air slowly returning to her lungs and her breathing slowly returning to normal. She straightens up with one hand over her aching midsection and carefully advances toward Catwoman. "Hold it, Batbitch! If you really think you've got what it takes to bring me in, lose the belt toy. As you can see, I've got nothing up my sleeves", sneers Catwoman, stretching her arms out at her sides. "Yeah, right. You only specialize in sneak attacks. If it wasn't for my 'toys' you would have gotten away again." "Oh, don't crrrrry, Batbaby, because you can't handle a rrrrrreal woman. Anything goes in love and war." "I'd love nothing better than declaring war on you right now," the Dark Maiden responds, taking off her belt and throwing it with the switch back in its compartment toward her Batcycle. "Brrrrring it on", Catwoman replies, beckoning with her hands as she circles to her left. Batgirl is also circling to her left, shaking her arms and hands. Eventually they stop, Catwoman to my right and Batgirl opposite her. They both bring their arms up and put their bodies into fighting stances. I feel my body warm with anticipation to what I am about to witness. The taller Catwoman, the dancer with her feline reflexes, is obviously the quicker of the two. She uses her hands and feet in quick slashing motions to put Batgirl off balance. A left feint at Batgirl's head is followed by a right snap kick to the midsection, doubling the Dark Maiden over. A left knee from Catwoman to the right breast sends Batgirl spinning away. She quickly regains enough of her balance so that when Catwoman moves in, Babs is able to kick up her right foot and catch Selina in the ribs, causing her to grunt loudly in pain. For the next several minutes, both women are much more cautious. When the action resumes, Catwoman continues to try and use her superior speed to gain an advantage. Batgirl begins to anticipate Selina's patterns and block most of the blows. Her stockier body is able to absorb the feline's kicks and punches that do get through. Barbara is also able to put more weight behind her own punches and kicks. She weathers Catwoman's initial fury and strikes fewer, but harder blows into that lithe body. Soon Selina is breathing more heavily as solid kicks and punches connect with her ribs and dent in her midsection. Confident and in control, Batgirl performs a leaping spinning back kick that is only partially blocked by Catwoman before banging into the ribs. Selina staggers away to my left in obvious pain. Barbara seizes the advantage and comes up behind drills punches with both hands into the kidneys. Catwoman stiffens and cries out in pain. In desparation, she swings her right fist to try and backpunch Batgirl in the head. The Dark Maiden ducks the blow. The miss causes Catwoman to spin around unprotected. Batgirl drives her own right up into the feline's liver. With a loud, meowing grunt, Selina doubles over. A left knee lift up into the right breast sends Catwoman onto her back moaning in pain. Catwoman's left hand is over her sore right breast and her left arm is across her bruised and pained midsection. Batgirl walks around to her left side and stands with her hands on her hips and feet spread looking down at her foe. "Well, had enough?" she asks haughtily. "Looks like it's time to put this cat in the 'house' for the night." Suddenly, I notice a blur of movement in the corner of my eye. My vision, enhanced by the parathemys, is able to see a form strike Batgirl in the upper chest. As Barbara lies stunned on her back, the form gets up from the ground and is joined by two others. I immediately realize that the accomplices have returned. The latter two reach down and each grabs one of Batgirl's arms. They pull her to her feet, nod at each other, then each drives a knee up into Barbara's ribs. With a loud grunt, the Dark Maiden doubles over. Off balance and defenceless, she can offer no resistance as she is dragged back to the corner of the building where she was first attacked by Catwoman. The Feline Fatales pin Batgirl to the corner of the wall so that it jams right into her spine. They each use both they hands to stretch the arm they are holding up and as close to the wall as they can. Then they use their legs closest to Batgirl to pin her feet against the wall. Just as they have gotten her into position, the first member of the trio comes up and nods her approval. She uses both hands to throw wicked slashing hooks into Barbara's midsection. She grunts loudly as each blow tears at the muscles of her six-pack. Soon her head is hanging down as the pain becomes overwhelming. Just as I think about intervening, I notice that Catwoman has recovered enough to get up and closely watch the proceedings. When the puncher takes a break, Selina goes to her and whisper something in her ear. She turns to her leader and nods in agreement, then heads toward the Batcycle and the belt. "Welllllll," purrs Catwoman, back to her confident villainess self. "Not so high and mighty now, are we?" When she gets no response from Batgirl, she drives a punch up into the solar plexus, driving the air out of the lungs with a loud grunt. "Snappy comeback. You were nothing but hot air anyway. These grunts actually make you sound half interesting." Catwoman throws her own slashing hooks into Batgirl's battered abs. After half a dozen with each fist, Selina starts throwing uppercuts and hooks to Barbara's full, firm breasts. Each punch distorts the orbs bringing new cries of pain from the Dark Maiden's ruby lips. Catwoman then throws half a dozen ripping uppercuts with each fist into Batgirl's solar plexus. Pained and breathless, her knees give out. Selina nods to her two accomplices who release their hold on Batgirl allowing her to fall to the ground. I notice the other Feline Fatale returning and that the Batcycle and belt are gone. She rejoins the other two for a brief conference with Catwoman, and then they disappear into the night the same direction they had earlier. Unsure of what Catwoman will be upto now, I decide to intervene. I then realize that my own excitement and arousal at what I had witnessed had prevented me from intervening sooner. I head downstairs to the exit. Just as I steathily go outside, I see that Catwoman has turned Batgirl over and is straddling her. She is moving her face slowly all around above Barbara's face and body. She finally stops above the upper thighs and purrs, "Time for some pussy for this kitty- cat." Before she can do anything else, I purposely approach. "Actually, kitty has had enough play for tonight. You need a good cat-nap." Startled, Catwoman just stares is surprise. Then, a look of hunger born of lust sreads over her face. Not that I could blame her, but it was time to bring the evening to a close. "Meeoooooowww!" she purrs rising to her feet. "More nip to snack on." She then springs at me. I quickly move to my right to sidestep her. She slides by, but manages to slide to stop and turn back to me on a dime. My quickness surprises and annoys her. While she is still mentally dealing with that, I snap a right front leg kick that catches her right in the bellybutton, doubling her over. I follow up with a left uppercut into her pert right breast that straightens her up. I step forward and drive my right knee into her solar plexus. She collapses in a heap on the ground, desparately trying to get the air back into her lungs. I immediately drop to the ground. I grab her right arm and pull her body toward me so that I use my long, thick, firm thighs. Already short of breath, she can barely voice complaint as my python-like scissors begins to crush her guts. In just over a minute I have rendered Catwoman unconscious. I release the hold and go back to Batgirl who is conscious, but in serious pain. I scoop her up and take her back to the door she had stopped to investigate. I gently place her on the ground and open the door. As I suspected, her Batcycle and utility belt are inside. I carry her inside and put her in a sitting position against the wall. When I go back to the corner of the other building, I notice that Catwoman is no longer on the ground. Certain that she could not have possibly recovered so soon, I nonetheless carefully check around the corner to make sure I don't get surprised. I just manage to see the three Feline Fatales working together to get Catwoman up to the roof of the building they had twice before used as an escape. From the constant checking over their shoulders, I knew that if they hadn't seen what had happened to their leader, finding her in that condition meant they didn't want anyone to find them. And if they had seen, they wanted to make sure I wouldn't do the same to them. No matter, they were of no concern to me. I had gotten close enough to Catwoman on this occasion to know that some time in the future, I would definitely have to indulge in some cat-nips.