Laura - Chapter 58

After this wild, ecstatic night with Brandi, Laura found that her preoccupation with losing Jonelle was actually beginning to fade. It wasn't exactly the great sex that made her forget, but more the watershed of her relationship with Brandi. She didn't feel that because she loved Brandi that she loved Jonelle any less, but somehow having lost her seemed less final, less devastating.

Still, she knew she would rarely see Brandi. It was true, they were dynamite to each other. A normal relationship between them was impossible.

But Laura put the video away in a safe place, until she should need it again. And she returned to thinking about Cecilia and masturbating in the evenings.

Seeing Cecilia at work each day only made her desire hotter. At night she would lie in bed and indulge in heated reveries about seducing the girl. She would imagine herself slowly removing Cecilia's clothes, and often she would come before the image of the girl in her mind was even naked.

God, she's so gorgeous! she thought over and over. It was the first time in her life that Laura had countless self-induced orgasms while dreaming of someone. And she had, of course, never seen Cecilia naked. But Cecilia was a sharp dresser, and she dressed to show off her tall body, her jutting breasts, her tiny waist, her beautiful ass. She dressed tastefully, but nevertheless cleverly.

And at night, alone, Laura in her mind removed Cecilia's clothes and kissed her black black black skin, touching her own pussy carefully with only one finger, until she came. Now having lunch with the girl grew difficult. Cecilia chattered on about her boyfriend.

"He's so jealous," she said. "He's even jealous of you. Can you believe that? I told him about you, and I don't know why he thinks you're a threat to him. Men are so silly. I mean, he knows I don't . . . you know, like, do it with girls. How dumb!"

"Right," Laura smiled. "Dumb."

And yet all the while she was looking longingly at Cecilia's exquisite dark smooth long neck, wanting to kiss it, wanting to suck it, wanting to hear the girl yelp with a hot, uncontrollable sexual excitement that she, Laura, caused. I'm jealous of him too, she wanted to tell Cecilia. He gets to run his hands all over your naked body.

She shivered abruptly, shot through by a hot pang of sexual excitement.

"Oh, what was that?" Cecilia asked, concerned. "Are you getting sick?"

Laura realized that she must look a little wan. Just horny for you, my darling, she wanted to say.

"No, I'm all right. I just felt faint for a moment."

Cecilia reached across the table and felt her forehead for a fever.

"You're hot. You should lie down."

"I'm okay. Really."

"You know, my boss is out of town. You could lie down for a while on the sofa in his office. I do it sometimes, after lunch, if I'm sleepy. You know," she crinkled her nose, smiling mischievously, "if Ron's been pumping me the night before, keeping me awake?"

Laura smiled. She did feel a little faint. And it would mean being closer to Cecilia for a few more minutes. She gave in. Cecilia took her back to her boss's office. She propped up a pillow behind Laura's head, comforting her, leaning close, letting Laura smell her wonderful fresh odors, letting Laura's lips come agonizingly close to her incredibly black and smooth cheek.

She even leaned over far enough for Laura to peek down her blouse and see the full cups of her stark white bra, almost popping from the pressure of Cecilia's hard young breasts. This of course made Laura feel faint with lust again.

Cecilia leaned close and whispered. "I'd like to stay here and keep you company, but I really have to get to work or people will talk. But I'll look in on you in a few minutes."

"Thanks," Laura said, hungrily devouring the girl's legs with her eyes as Cecilia left the office.

She lay there for about ten minutes, mainly realizing how wet she was, how desperately she wanted to make love to Cecilia. Then she got up and went outside. She stopped at Cecilia's desk.

"Gosh, are you okay?" Cecilia said, wonderfully bright-eyed, naive, and good-natured.

"I'm . . . much better. Thank you for letting me lie down."

"Want me to take you home after work? I've got my car here?"

Oh god! Laura thought. Temptation. "That would be nice," she said softly, half-hating herself, but spending most of her effort trying not to blush with shame.

"Meet me here at five," Cecilia said, smiling.

Laura could hardly stand the tension. She actually got a headache during the afternoon, waiting for five o'clock. It must be pent-up lust, she thought. What else could it be? But she took aspirin, and was fine by five. Cecilia drove her home, then offered to come up before Laura could even ask her.

"Just to make sure you don't faint or anything," she said.

"Why are you being so good to me, Cecilia?"

"I like you, Laura. Isn't it obvious? I like you a lot."

"I like you too."

Laura offered her a glass of wine, once they reached her apartment. She glanced around hurriedly to make sure that Brandi or Karen hadn't left some piece of underwear lying in a conspicuous place that she had missed. But everything was clean.

"I shouldn't. I'm driving," Cecilia said.

"Maybe you're right." Laura so expected to be turned down that she didn't push it.

"But I will anyway," Cecilia said, perkily as ever.

Laura poured wine for them. Her mind briefly skittered back over all the girls she had poured wine for in her kitchen before taking them back into the livingroom and slowly maneuvering them into bed. And of course a few of them had left in a snit, only to return later, even hotter for it after having thought it over.

They talked about work, then about men. Laura enjoyed just feasting her eyes on the gorgeous girl. But then Cecilia began talking about how beautiful she, Laura, was.

"I've always looked up to you," she confessed. "I think you're so beautiful. You really should be a model, or a movie star, with your kind of looks."

Laura blushed. "You think so?"

"I really do. I know I'm . . . well, pretty good looking. But I'm black, and people really don't go for that as much."

"I think you're wrong there," Laura said. "What about Naomi Campbell? And by the way, you're far more beautiful than she is."

"Ohhhh . . ." Cecilia scoffed.

"It's true. And you have such a gorgeous body."

"You sound like a man. You got me blushing."

Giddy with sexual excitement, Laura felt like plunging ahead, but restrained herself, with difficulty. She sensed it wouldn't take much to push Cecilia too far. The girl was naive and artless.

In the past she had seduced girls by caressing them, flattering them, but she wondered if taking a different tack with Cecilia might not work. Cecilia thought she, Laura, was gorgeous. Maybe she should play on that.

"I feel so stiff and uncomfortable in these work clothes," she said. "You wouldn't mind if I changed, would you?"

"It's your apartment. If I were home, I'd be in shorts in about a second."

"I'll be right back."

In her bedroom, Laura quickly shed her clothes and put on the revealing aquamarine teddy that she had worn first for Barbara, then later for Karen. It was very provocative, and she knew it would have an effect on Cecilia, though she didn't know exactly what effect. But it was also too blatant to wear by itself. She had a light robe that she put on over it, leaving the sash tied loosely enough so that the teddy was still partially visible.

Looking at herself in the mirror before returning to the livingroom, Laura realized that she did look good enough to eat. Would Cecilia think so?

Cecilia didn't say anything, at first. But Laura could see her looking. After a few minutes, when Laura's robe grew even looser, revealing the teddy, and much more of her body, Cecilia couldn't suppress her curiosity any longer.

"What's that beautiful thingee you've got on?" she asked.

"Oh, this?"

"Gosh, yes. Let me see all of it. Take the robe off."

Laura could feel her cunt getting wet, but she tried to control herself. This means nothing, she thought. Nothing! Don't get excited over nothing!

Slowly, a little seductively, she removed the robe, letting Cecilia see not only the teddy but also her spectacular naked legs. She turned and moved skillfully so that her perfect breasts would sway under the fabric. She could see Cecilia's eyes on them, on every part of her body.

"God, where did you buy it?" Cecilia exclaimed. "Ron would love it. I could drive him crazy, wearing that little thing."

Laura's spirit dropped, though she tried not to show it. Ron! How about me? Don't you want me? You said I was beautiful.

"You want to try it on, yourself?" she asked, trying to calm her beating pulse.

"You know it wouldn't fit. I'm bigger than you. Not only taller, but up here too." She pointed to her magnificent, jutting breasts.

"I guess you're right."

"How do you get it off?"

Laura remembered this question, the same one both Barbara and Karen had asked.

"Snaps. Want to see?"

Cecilia nodded. Laura's pulse raced more excitedly than ever as she dropped one hand to her groin and unsnapped the two tiny snaps. The fabric parted, displaying the silky hair of her thatch. Each small movement of her body made the teddy move even higher, exposing the smooth skin of her belly. Cecilia seemed excited too, looking at Laura's body.

"How does it feel?" she asked. "I mean, is it scratchy?"

Laura shook her head. "Want to feel it?"


Cecilia came over and slipped one finger under the teddy at Laura's bare shoulder. Her eyes were smoky and throbbing, but Laura wondered how much she knew of how she was feeling.

"Feels okay," she said, in a slightly hypnotized voice.

"Want to feel more?" Laura whispered.

"What . . . do you mean?"

Their mouths were only inches apart. Laura looked down at Cecilia's beautiful, sensual lips.

"Do you want to feel . . . me?" Laura murmured, so softly that she herself almost could not hear it.

But Cecilia heard it. She stiffened visibly and pulled back.

"I . . . I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered clumsily. "I don't know if you're . . . that way or not, Laura. But you know I'm . . . not that way. So, just so we don't have any misunderstanding, I think I'd better go."

Cecilia was not frightened, just a little nervous, but clear- eyed and strong. But she didn't let her eyes stray a second from Laura's face.

"I . . . didn't mean to upset you," Laura said, trying not to show how crestfallen she was.

"You didn't. Case closed."

"You could stay. I didn't mean anything. I'll put my robe back on."

"No. I'd better leave."


At the door, Cecilia lingered. Her eyes were still throbbing. Laura walked slowly over to her, still wearing only the unsnapped teddy, her naked breasts bobbing firmly under it, her large coral nipples drifting under the semi-transparent fabric. Cecilia's eyes were on them.

"No hard feelings," she swallowed as Laura approached her.

"No." Laura shook her head. "I still wish you would stay."

"Are you . . . really one?" Cecilia finally asked, unable to stop herself.

"No," Laura said softly, lying straight into the girl's eyes.

"I still think I'd better go."

And she left, taking one long, lingering look at Laura in the risque teddy, then turning and leaving without a look back.

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