Laura - Chapter 46
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Laura moped around throughout the weekend, unable to forget that she and Jonelle could have been gloriously and exhaustively fucking in the absence of Jonelle's little boy, if only Jonelle had been able to give in to it. She couldn't get rid of her feelings, which were deeper for Jonelle than for anyone since Rina. God, I love her, she thought. I can't stand it without her.But she had to. Monday at work she ran into Yvette in the bathroom. They were alone. Yvette's eyes burned. "Laura, god, I'm dying for you," she said in a hushed voice, looking around to make sure there was no one in the stalls. "All I do is dream of fucking with you." "Shhhh. What if someone hears?" "There's no one here. Kiss me. Quick." "No . . . don't!" Laura pulled back. "We can't. It's too dangerous." "Come in here." Yvette pulled her into a toilet stall and shut the door. "We can't . . . Yvette." But Yvette's warm, wet mouth was already crushing hers, drinking hers. Yvette's hand squeezed her breasts through her blouse and bra. Yvette's tongue coiled around hers. Laura's pulse jumped up and raced frantically. But finally she pulled away. "We can't! We'll get caught." "I know." Quickly, they smoothed out their clothes and stepped back out of the stall, just as someone came through the door. Sighing with relief, Laura took her into the hall. "Meet me in Bob Scheinbaum's office in ten minutes," Yvette said. "I need you." Laura felt a stab of panic. "No. I can't. His secretary knows me." God, I can't go there with Yvette, in front of Jonelle! she thought. But she knew she wanted it as badly as Yvette did. Yvette looked gorgeous. It had been over a month since they were last together, and Laura desired her fiercely. Yvette wore a sheer white blouse that made her bra and slip straps visible, as well as her smooth, black skin. Laura could feel a tiny hot pulse beating deep in her cunt as she looked at the girl. Yvette frowned. "Jonelle Roberts? That aloof nigger bitch?" Laura gulped. "Why do you call her that?" "'Cause she is. Thinks she's too fine to be friends with anybody. Stuck up. Frigid, probably. Bob would give his right arm to fuck her." "She seems nice enough to me," Laura said softly. Suddenly Yvette squinted, jealous. "You'd like to screw her too, wouldn't you," she said. "Don't be silly," Laura said, looking away. She was not good at lying, and feared blushing. "I'm sorry, Laura," Yvette said, suddenly contrite. "I get jealous." "I know." "We could go across the street to the hotel again." "But it's so expensive. Anyway, we almost killed each other the last time." Yvette smiled, remembering it. "God, you're right. Let's do it." Laura shook her head. "I can't afford that again." "Let me think. I know. Jasmine Harper is gone for the afternoon. School conference. You know where her office is?" "Did you let her fuck you too?" Laura grinned. Yvette grimaced. "Only kidding. Yes, I know where it is." "Meet me there at three?" Laura nearly went into meltdown on the spot. "Yes," she half- croaked, already beginning to tremble with lust. Just existing until three was hard, let alone getting any work done. She thought of Yvette, of the wild pleasure they had given one another in the past, of that lunch hour in the Hilton hotel across the street. And she thought of Arthur, and how he had viciously raped her and threatened to kill her next time. And she thought of Jonelle, sweet, frightened Jonelle. She remembered the deep, aching, long orgasms the girl had had in her arms, and she thought of Yvette's fierce, almost preternatural jealousy. At five minutes to three, she walked the corridors to Jasmine Harper's office, which was at the other end of the building. Even the faces she saw there were unfamiliar, which made her less uneasy. Yvette was already there. She let Laura in and shut the door. "How'd you get the key?" Laura whispered. "She never locks it," Yvette winked. "But if that's true, couldn't anybody just pop in?" "What's the matter, a little danger bother you? Doesn't that make it more exciting?" Yvette smiled mischievously. While she was talking, she unbuttoned her blouse, and slipped her bra and slip straps down her arm, exposing one of her beautiful breasts to Laura. The thick, black, bulbous nipple gleamed. "Don't you want this?" Yvette teased. "Isn't it worth the risk?" Laura couldn't resist. She cupped Yvette's exquisite small breast in her hand and lowered her mouth to it, sucking the big soft nipple in deep. "Ahh!" Yvette gasped excitedly. "Don't make any noise," Laura murmured. "God, baby, suck me hard," Yvette panted. There was no sofa in this office, no place to lie down. Laura sucked Yvette's beautiful small breasts until she was whimpering, very softly, with need. Then she pushed Yvette down on top of Jasmine Harper's desk and pulled up her skirt. In seconds she had Yvette's panties off and her mouth on Yvette's streaming pussy. "Oh! Oh!" Yvette gasped, trying to be quiet. "Shhhh!" Laura warned, hungry for her but terrified of being caught. "Oh god, I'm going to come!" Yvette moaned. "Now . . . now! Unnnggh! Auunngghh!" Desperately, Laura's hand flew up to Yvette's mouth to try to stop her cries of ecstacy. She muffled them somewhat, and after the initial sharp spasms of her climax, Yvette got control of herself. Her body stopped quivering, and she caught her breath. "God . . . I'm sorry," she said, sitting up. "I didn't think it would happen so fast. I was so horny for you." Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door. Both of them froze. Laura pulled back while Yvette slid off the desk and pulled down her skirt. She quickly tried to get her bra, which was only half off, back on and her blouse buttoned while Laura scooped her panties up from the floor and quickly pitched them into the wastebasket. Thinking quickly, Laura sat down at the desk, motioning to Yvette to go over by the window. The knock came again. Laura cleared her throat, trying not to panic. "Yes?" she said in a slightly shaky voice. A clerk opened the door, a girl, who seemed oblivious to what had been going on. "Oh, I'm sorry," the girl said. "I was looking for Ms. Harper." Didn't hear us, Laura thought, with relief. Didn't hear Yvette, that is. She glanced over at Yvette, who looked over shoulder furtively. "Ms. Harper is away for the afternoon," Laura said evenly. "I'm doing some work for her, so she let me use her office." "Oh. Well, will you see that she gets these?" said the clerk, laying some papers on the desk. "I certainly will." The clerk looked to Yvette, then back to Laura. She seemed to feel something was fishy, but didn't care to make an issue of it. She left, and Laura looked at Yvette with pained longing, and unrequited lust. Yvette crossed the room to her. "I'm sorry," she said. Laura kissed her, impetuously. "I want to fuck you. I want to really fuck you, us together, naked, in a bed." "I know. I do too. Maybe I can get away." Laura shook her head. "Don't risk it. He'll kill you." "I'll think of something." And she did. Laura had walked in the door of her apartment only five minutes when the lobby bell rang. It was Yvette. Laura's heart fluttered and she felt herself getting wet as she waited for Yvette to come up in the elevator. As soon as she got through the door, and Laura bolted it, they began tearing at one another's clothes. "God, I need you, I need you," Laura heard herself panting, almost embarrassed by her animal lust for Yvette. "Come over here," Yvette said, pulling her away from the door, into the living room. They couldn't make it to the bedroom. Yvette had Laura undressed in seconds. "God, what gorgeous underwear," she murmured as she slid Laura's lacy bikini panties down her legs. "And what a beautiful pussy for me to lick . . . and suck," she breathed, quickly sliding between Laura's tawny thighs and pressing her mouth to it. Laura went almost insane with sex hunger. Somehow the combination of her disappointment with Jonelle, and being interrupted earlier when fucking with Yvette, and being safe with Yvette in her own apartment released a wild, hot, frantic urgency in her that she hadn't felt in a long time. She was lying on the sofa, going nearly hysterical with lust, pushing her pussy up into Yvette's face and squeezing her breasts mercilessly, whinnying, then squealing wildly as a sudden sharp stabbing orgasm pierced her thrashing body. "Anngghiieeeee! Mnnnggeeeee!" she squealed, unable to stop the high-pitched screams that came from her throat. "Oh god!" Yvette was still half-clothed, and Laura pulled her up, quickly unzipping her skirt, pulling down her panties. They both wanted to feel each other's naked body. They kissed and coiled together passionately. "I only have a few minutes," Yvette whispered. "Let's go into your bed and make it count." "Yes." They went to Laura's bedroom, and in her bed nearly tore each other apart. It had been months, even years, since Laura had had such savage, unrestrained sex, only with Karen, and then so overlaid by careful, ingenious perversions that it didn't compare with this. She and Yvette tried to eat each other alive. The fact that Laura had climaxed only minutes earlier in the living room seemed to have no effect. They kissed and sucked and fucked each other so hard that both came in less than a minute, then came again as they found it impossible to stop. But such a whirlwind of passion couldn't last, and after the second one in Laura's bed, they had to stop. "We'll kill each other if we keep this up," Laura teased, nipping Yvette's gleaming black shoulder. But Yvette was sad. "I want to keep going. I want to fuck with you all night." "But you have to go." Yvette nodded. "He keeps close watch on me now. I told him I was staying a half hour late at work. If I'm any later, he'll call." "He might smell me on you." "I know. He's so suspicious." "You could take a shower." "I haven't got time." She was up, dressing, her beautiful naked body disappearing under her clothes. "When will I see you again?" Laura asked plaintively. This quick, excruciatingly intense fucking had reminded her how deep her attachment was to Yvette, thoughts of Jonelle aside. "You'll see me tomorrow, at work," Yvette smiled ruefully. "Though we won't be able to do anything about it." "I know." "By the way," Yvette said, absently. "Do you know Karen Washington?" Laura acted dumb. "Washington?" "She says she knows you," Yvette said, a little more pointedly. "Black, big boobs, good looking. Very good looking, actually. I thought you might have . . . you know---" "Oh, her," Laura said, feigning a difficult recollection. "Karen. I do know her. Yes. She used to work in Procurement, which was right next to my cubicle when I worked in External Affairs. She is good looking, you're right." "You two never . . ." Yvette looked both inquisitorial and faintly jealous. Laura decided that the only way to deflect her suspicion was to laugh it off. "Can't say I wouldn't like to," she said, tongue in cheek. "Why, did she come on to you? Is she . . . that way?" "I don't know if she was coming on to me or not," Yvette said, seriously. "I think she was." "You sound tempted." "Listen, my husband's already eager to kill me over you. Do you think I'd give him another reason?" "I guess not." "Next time she comes on to me, I'll give her your phone number." Laura embraced and kissed her. "Don't sound so mean." "I'm sorry," Yvette said, softly. "But I know you're not just sitting around waiting for me to get free. I don't even want to think about you in bed with someone else." Laura had no idea how to respond. Instead, she kissed Yvette again, then sadly watched her walk down the hall toward the elevator. Later in the week, Karen dropped by Laura's apartment at dinner time. "Just wondering if you'd like to dine out or dine in," she smiled. "In, of course," Laura said, feeling her blood begin to race as it always did when she saw Karen. Not only was the girl gorgeous, but together they had such a history of overheated, unrestrained sexual perversion that Laura's body responded to the sight of Karen almost automatically. Oh, now I'm going to get savagely, brutally, gloriously fucked, her body seemed to tell her. And she got wet immediately. Karen, she knew, responded the same way to her. Laura shut the door and slowly, tantalizingly, salaciously slid the bolt shut. "Oooohh, trapped," Karen winked. "By an evil witch, in her dungeon," Laura teased back. Karen's eyes widened theatrically. "What she gon' do to me?" Laura took her hand and led her through the living room, into the bedroom. "Why . . . I believe you mean to take advantage of me physically," Karen said with mock fright. Laura kissed her mouth, and Karen kissed back aggressively. "God, it's good to see you," Laura said. She began to undress Karen, and had Karen's blouse almost off, and her bra unclasped, when her doorbell rang again. "Oh shit, who can that be?" she wondered out loud. Karen's eyes twinkled. "You'd better answer it. Could be your little teenage cutie, with her fantastic body. If you don't answer, she might take that little coozie over to some stud's house and let him pound it." "God, you might be right," Laura said. "Don't worry about me. I can dress myself," Karen grinnned, fastening her bra again, buttoning her blouse. "Just sit tight," Laura told her. "I've got plans for you." "I hope so." She went to the door. And it was Chanitra. My god, she's psychic! she thought of Karen. How did she know? "Hi . . . Chanitra," she said, awkwardly. "Hi. Can I come in?" "Well . . . actually, I already have company." Chanitra grinned her mischievous grin. "Company? You mean some chick you fuckin'?" Laura blushed beet red. She couldn't remember having been so embarrassed. "Don't talk that way," she said, grabbing Chanitra by the elbow and yanking her inside. "Not in the hallway. Somebody might hear you." Laura closed the door. Chanitra looked around. "Where is she? In the bedroom, I bet." "Look, I'm fully clothed, Chanitra. Do I look like I was . . . doing what you said?" "You took a while coming to the door," Chanitra smiled. "Why are you so interested?" Laura could feel her blood stirring. "Maybe I'd like to . . . you know . . ." Now that her embarrassment was lifting, Laura looked at Chanitra's body for the first time. As usual, she was dressed provocatively. The weather was warm, and she wore her cutoffs, showing off her beautiful young legs. On top she wore a loose white shawl-like blouse that draped across her shoulders, revealing lots of her delicious, smooth black skin, and suggesting the hard little balls of her breasts beneath it. Before Laura had a chance to reply, she saw Chanitra's eyes widen as Karen walked in from the direction of the bedroom. "Ooohh, she black, too," Chanitra said, sounding even more amused and excited now. "You really dig African-American pussy, don't you, Laura." Laura blushed again. But Karen smiled and walked over to her, putting one arm around Laura's shoulders and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "She digs this one," she said in a very soft, suggestive voice, staring hotly at Chanitra. "And from what I can gather, she digs yours too." |
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