Laura - Chapter 43

Her reunion with Brandi had been so thrilling, exhausting, ecstatic that she had briefly forgotten about the encounter with Arthur, though some of the bruises on her body remained for days. Finally, they were gone. After Brandi, she went without sex for a while. Yvette had been out of town on business, so fortunately Laura did not run into her at work.

She did spend an evening with Rob, who somehow redeemed her faith in men. He made her come repeatedly without the horrible violence she had endured from Yvette's enraged husband. And Rob, whose cock was even bigger than Arthur's, knew how to use it without hurting her.

She also spent a hot after-school afternoon with Chanitra, who somehow knew where to find Laura at lunch and had tempted her into taking the afternoon off work. She couldn't resist Chanitra. One glimpse of the girl's body was enough. They had spent hours of exuberant fucking, and Laura had thought of Yvette only a couple of times, and of the trouble they were in. Thank god you're not married, she wanted to tell Chanitra.

But when Yvette returned from her business trip, Laura knew she couldn't avoid the issue any longer. She got a call at her desk.

"Meet me in Bob Scheinbaum's office," Yvette said in a whisper.


"Right now. He's out of town. His secretary is at lunch. No one will see you."


"Please . . . Laura."

Her voice sounded so plangent with need and pain that Laura couldn't refuse. She couldn't forget, either, the times they had fucked passionately on the floors and sofas in the offices of out- of-town executives.

"Where do you get the keys to these places?" she asked as Yvette let her in and locked the door.

"I went to bed with the pompous old shit once," Yvette said. "He's been trying to get me to do it again ever since."

Laura's eyes raised slightly. She was learning more about Yvette. "How about the other two offices?"

Yvette smiled mysteriously. "Just friends."

She moved close, putting her arms on Laura's shoulders, bringing her mouth close to Laura's. But Laura was stiff, cold, unyielding.

"Did you go to bed with them too?" Laura asked, aware that she was being gratuitously nasty in order to keep a distance between them, and to counter her own desire.

"Why not?" Yvette's eyes twinkled with malice. "Every fat old bag of shit around here wants to screw my hot black pussy. So do you."

Laura blushed. The shoe fit very well, she knew. She gulped. Yvette tried to kiss her, and she turned her head away. Suddenly, the sharp, sarcastic Yvette changed. Her voice broke. Two huge tears rolled down her cheeks.

"He told me," she sobbed softly. "Oh Laura."

"How did he find out?"

"Chanitra told him."

"Chanitra?" Laura was shocked. I just spent an afternoon fucking with her. The little minx.

"She wants you for herself." Yvette dropped her arms from Laura's shoulders and walked away, furtive, distant. "Did he . . . hurt you?"


"Rape you?"

"Yes. He said next time he'd rape me, then kill me. I felt like he meant it."

"He does." Yvette's big eyes were jeweled with tears. "But I can't live without you."

Now she came over to Laura again. She embraced Laura and kissed her, but Laura did not respond.

"Laura, please . . ."

"He'd probably kill you too."

"I know he would. He just about did already."

This got to Laura. She was able to stay distant from Yvette until she imagined Arthur hurting her. She knew her feelings for Yvette ran very deep.

"Oh baby," she said, involuntarily.

They came together, kissing heatedly, Laura kissing away Yvette's tears.

"I want you," Yvette whimpered softly. "I want you bad."

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"It's too dangerous."

"No one will know. Bob fucked me right there on that sofa with his secretary sitting outside. She never knew a thing."

Laura walked away from her. She didn't like the way she felt so tempted. She wanted Yvette too. It also hurt her to think of Yvette being 'fucked right on that sofa' by anyone else.

"Yvette . . . we're putting both of our lives in danger."

"You mean Arthur? He doesn't know you work here. Nobody here could tell him."

She walked over to Laura and started to unbutton the back of Laura's blouse. But Laura pulled away again.


"Laura . . ."

"Yvette, we can't." Now Laura felt tears in her own eyes.

"Please," Yvette asked softly, eyes pleading.

Laura shook her head. She went to the door and let herself out. Her eyes were clouded with tears, but she noticed that Bob Scheinbaum's secretary had already returned from lunch, a thin but shockingly beautiful black woman with chiseled features, a little older than Yvette, probably in her early thirties, whom Laura had never seen before. She smiled at the secretary, not daring to look any longer at her, then fled down the hall before Yvette could follow her.

But that Sunday afternoon Yvette showed up at her door.

"I can't let you in," Laura said, keeping the chain on, as she always did now, after Arthur's visit. "This is even riskier than the office. He might be following you."

"He's at the ballgame with a friend," Yvette snorted. "Let me in. You know you want to."

Laura knew she was right. She wanted Yvette more than anything. It had been weeks since they had made love in the hotel room during lunch hour, fucking so tenderly and passionately that they had surprised even themselves. But that had been before Arthur.

Yvette leaned close to the door and whispered through the open crack, so that the neighbors, if they were listening, couldn't hear. "I'm wet for you. All I do is think of you. I masturbate in the bathroom, thinking of you. I came in my sleep last night dreaming of you. Please."

Laura's hand shook as she unfastened the chain. Yvette was inside in a flash. Laura closed the bolt, and they were in each other's arms, devouring one another. It felt like they hadn't been together for months, instead of a couple of weeks. Kissing Laura hungrily, Yvette also pulled Laura's loose sweatshirt up to her neck, then pulled away only long enough to lift it over Laura's head.

Laura wore no bra, and Yvette's hands scooped up her breasts, while her mouth fell to them. They had not moved from the front door. Yvette sucked Laura's nipples passionately, bringing small helpless whimpers from Laura.

"Come to the bedroom," Laura whispered. "Please."


In Laura's bedroom, they quickly undressed each other. Having Yvette's long, beautiful, naked body in her arms again made Laura quiver with thrilling desire. She kissed Yvette's shoulders, her neck, her throat, her chest, her breasts, sucking the plump black nipples sharply.

They lay down together on the bed, eagerly caressing and kissing each other, neither one willing to let the other take over.

"Oh god, Laura, I've wanted to fuck you so much," Yvette panted, swarming all over Laura's body, making Laura yield to her aggressive caresses.

Laura had no choice but to give in, and clearly Yvette was intent on setting some sort of record. She did not let up until she had brought Laura to six progressively more wrenching climaxes. Laura could hardly believe the sexual whirlwind she had unleashed. Yvette had always been a hot lover, but this time Laura was astonished.

"What got into you?" she finally asked, after regaining her breath, her body still tingling from her last, fierce orgasm.

"You didn't enjoy it?" Yvette looked worried.

Laura beamed at her. "I wish I could chain you to the bed and make you do that to me every morning."

"I wish you could to," Yvette smiled back.

By now Laura had pulled the girl down onto her back. She kissed Yvette everywhere, luxuriating in the feel of the girl's smooth black skin under her lips.

"Ummmm . . . two can play that game, though," she murmured, sliding between Yvette's yawning thighs.

"Oh! Oh god!" Yvette gasped as she felt Laura's mouth on her pussy. "Oh! Oh please! Oh god oh Laura I'm going to . . . going to come! Right now! Ungghhaaauughhiieee!"

Laura had been the one who had taught Yvette what she had done to Laura first, the hot wild strings of coming, the relentless pressure, until one explosion followed another, and she was able to return the favor. Yvette had three more orgasms in quick succession, followed by a final, excruciating climax that Laura let build for several minutes, until Yvette, too, almost blacked out from the intensity of it.

Laura let her rest for a few minutes. They coiled languourously together, kissing and cooing, stroking and squeezing, unable to get enough of each other.

"If I couldn't do this, I'd die," Yvette confessed.

"You wouldn't. You just wouldn't be this happy."

"I guess I am a lesbian."

"Who cares what it's called. We just like to fuck each other."

They began kissing again and gradually worked into the sixty- nine position, where they experienced a shared orgasm so shattering that Laura was afraid the neighbors would be alarmed. Nevertheless, she pushed on, knowing that Yvette was now primed for a string of g- spot miracle orgasms.

Shifting around so that she could slide a finger up into Yvette's cunt, she began by kissing the glistening, black-edged rose petals, slipping her tongue in too, while rubbing Yvette's hard little clit with the tip of one finger. In seconds Yvette was churning her hips and moaning again, though she had exploded with coming about two minutes earlier.

Has she forgotten that I can do this to her? Laura wondered as she slid her forefinger up into the tight, juicy slit and rotated it, knowing the tip of her finger was only a hair's breadth away from the spot that would unleash a frenzied flurry of orgasms in Yvette's long, lovely body. I haven't done it to her in a while. Maybe she forgot. Oh baby, oh honey . . .

She bent her lips to Yvette's clit, sucking it and pressing the g-spot hard with her finger at the same time. Yvette's body nearly rose up off the bed as a whirlwind of coming suddenly wrenched her.

"Oh! Nnnnnggeeeee! Oh . . . uummmmnnnggeeeee!" she cried out, flipping and straining, shuddering violently as the spasms ripped through her.

Again and again she came, as Laura turned up the heat, devouring her clit and rubbing her secret spot roughly at the same time, bringing a convulsive string of excruciating climaxes to Yvette's thrashing, squirming body. There didn't seem to be any end to them. Yvette moaned and shook and arched her back, pumping with her pelvis, screaming as yet another climax wracked her flexing body.

She must have had about four orgasms before Laura pulled back and let her collapse on the bed, panting and sobbing and laughing all at once from the release.

"Oh god . . . oh god!" Yvette gasped. "I didn't think you could do that to me again!"

"I'm going to have to gag you before I do it to you next time," Laura grinned, still overcome with deep affection for the girl, kissing her lovely naked body and stroking it.

"God, that sounds so wonderfully kinky," Yvette smiled. "You promise?"

A hot squirt of sexual excitement raced through Laura's cunt. Do you think she'd really do it? she wondered, all her most perverted sexual impulses suddenly surfacing. But then she saw Yvette's face fall, and she knew it was too good to be true.

"But we have to . . . talk," Yvette said, reluctantly.

"I know."

Fresh tears filled her dark eyes. "Arthur threatened to take my baby away from me, if I ever saw you again."

"Oh no."

"He said no court would let a lesbian keep her."

"He might be right."

For the next thirty minutes they talked, deeply gloomy, about how they would not be able to do this again. Laura told Yvette about Rina, how she had been murdered by her boyfriend, for sleeping with Laura.

"I'd kill myself if that happened to you," she told Yvette.

"I can't risk losing my little girl," Yvette sobbed. "But . . . if I thought I was never going to see you again, I'd die."

Somehow the sadness made their passion more acute than ever. Even though they had both climaxed more than ten times, they fell on each other again with a renewed fury of lust, fucking hard, coming hard, and repeatedly, until they had nearly burned each other out.

By the time Yvette left, each girl had emptied herself into the other. They kissed, murmured deep love words to each other, and parted, sure they would never share these intimate moments again.

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