Laura - Chapter 25

They dressed and went out for dinner, then came back and spent the rest of the night in bed. The sex was so acutely pleasurable that Laura found herself wanting morning not to arrive. How two people could create so much bliss was amazing to her.

But morning did come, and Rina did go. She insisted, saying what Laura also knew was true, that the reason these moments were so intense was that neither one was really a 'lesbo,' as Rina called it. Their delight in each other was fiercely exciting and would only stay that way if they didn't make it humdrum and normal.

Laura knew it was true. It hurt her dreadfully to acknowledge it, though. And watching Rina walk away from her door made her tremble with sadness, even desolation. Rina, going away. Brandi, gone. She cried off and on the rest of the day.

But by Monday morning, she had resigned herself to it. Dry- eyed, but edgy and gnawed with a sense of loss, she returned to work. When Karen came by her office at mid-morning, she found herself stirring with physical desire again. She hadn't seen Karen for weeks. She was my first, after all, she thought. I was her first, too. And god, look at those magnificent breasts. I'm surprised men aren't falling all over her when she walks down the hall.

But when Karen leaned down and whispered in her ear, Laura's world fell apart. Rina was dead. The police had accused Gerald of raping and strangling her.

Tears sprang up in Laura's eyes. But her deep, rending sobs were caught in her chest, and couldn't escape.

"I . . . guess I always knew how you felt about her," Karen said, comforting her. "God, honey, I'm sorry."

But Laura was desolated by grief. She couldn't even speak. Her supervisor sent her home with his condolences, telling her to take the next two days off. Karen said she would drop by after work.

Laura had never had a death touch her so closely. Fewer than forty-eight hours ago, she and Rina had been pressed naked together, moaning and throbbing in convulsions of thrilling ecstacy. Now Rina was dead. No more. She would never come back. Her body, which had given Laura such incredible pleasure, was cold and lifeless, instead of warm, vibrant, exquisitely shapely.

But she couldn't cry. She was so stunned that even tears could not get out of her shocked, grief-shattered mind and body. And Karen's visit didn't change anything. Karen was nearly as grief- stricken as Laura, for she too had made love with Rina many times. They talked softly, solemnly, unable to shake the gloom.

"I miss her so much," Karen confessed. "But I also feel guilty. I feel like I'm partly responsible for what made him kill her."

"Think how I feel," Laura said. "I seduced her. The very first time. She would never have thought of it if I hadn't wanted her."

"I know. But you didn't force her."

For some reason, this started Laura's tears. They seemed to gush from her eyes, and deep rending sobs wracked her body. Her tears started Karen's, and in seconds they were both sobbing uncontrollably.

They cried inconsolably for half an hour, then held each other and cried some more, physically wrenched by the pain of losing Rina and the guilt of having somehow caused her death. But somehow their mingled guilt and sorrow, and the comfort they offered each other, and the warmth and familiar sensuality of their bodies overwhelmed them, and they found themselves each slowly undressing the other.

Karen's bra came off first, and Laura's hands were full of the girl's firm breasts, and her mouth devoured Karen's large swelling nipples, bringing short, panting moans of need from deep in Karen's chest.

She got Laura's bra off too, and her lips found Laura's aching nipples quickly, sucking and tonguing them passionately.

"Should we go to the bedroom?" Laura panted.

"No. Right here. Quick."

Both knew it was an attempt to blot out their grief and guilt, but they continued anyway with a white hot urgency, stripping frantically, sucking and kneading and probing roughly. Laura had never had any sex like it. She and Karen tore hungrily at each other's naked body, devouring each other, raping each other with fierce, insatiable violence.

The fact that they had fucked each other violently in the past encouraged them, and before long they were both panting and whimpering in a wild mania of uncontrollable lust.

"Ungghhh!" Laura groaned, feeling Karen's fingers jabbing into her ass and pussy, feeling Karen's savage mouth on her tender breasts. "Ohhnnggg! Oh god! Ungghh! God, yes! Hard!"

And she was assaulting Karen in the same way, swarming all over the girl's luscious black body, sucking her viciously, making Karen yelp excitedly as the mixture of pain and intense pleasure drove her writhing body closer to the ultimate convulsions.

"Ungghh! Oh . . . girl! Yes! Ohhnnn! Anngghiiee!" she cried out as Laura let her feel teeth for the first time, sinking them lightly, then harder, into one of Karen's bulging, thick, black nipples.

Wild with need, they knew they were going to come any second, both of them. They quickly turned into a sixty-nine position. Laura's body stiffened, and she squealed softly, as she felt Karen's fingers penetrate her again, then felt the girl's skilled lips on her clit. She did the same to Karen, and both of them came in five seconds.

"Anngghiiieeeee!" Laura cried out, whiplashed by a ferocious orgasm that wrenched her shuddering body.

Karen was just a split second behind her, her body arching, straining, then flipping wildly as she screamed through a sharp climax.

"Unngghnnghiieee!" she cried, her pelvis shaking frantically, her ass and pussy plundered by Laura's plunging hand, her clit throbbing between Laura's sucking lips.

Neither girl was ever satisfied with one orgasm, and this time their guilt and sorrow and desperate lust drove them to keep fucking, to keep coming, to wipe out anything but pure, fanatical, maniacal, brutally focused sex. And in the next ten minutes they both came twice more, orgasms more quick and sharp and roughly summoned than all but the most violent they had shared in the past.

And after the third, they both had to stop for a moment. Laura thought she hurt too badly to continue. She could still feel Karen's teeth in her nipples, and Karen's fingers ramming up into her ass.

Karen was rubbing her own nipples tenderly with one finger. "God, baby, I thought you were going to bite this one off," she said softly. "I never felt you bite so hard. It hurts."

"Mine hurt too," Laura said. "We better stop."

Karen nodded reluctantly.

But neither of them had thought of Rina while they were doing it. Only now. While Karen was in the bathroom, Laura, looking idly in the mirror, saw the reflection of the end of the rope she and Karen had used months before protruding from under her bed. It hadn't crossed her mind for a long time, and now suddenly the hot blood leaped and surged inside her veins.

Once, long ago, she had tied her own body up and masturbated while thinking of--Karen? Rina? She didn't recall. But she knew how to do it, and by the time Karen returned from the bathroom, Laura had looped it around her breasts and belly and shoulders and through her crotch and between her buns. She held the short, loose end out invitingly to Karen, her eyes smoky with hot challenges.

Karen barely smirked as she walked over to the bed and took the end of rope in her hand.

"What have we here?" she said softly, her eyes glowing with sexual excitement. "A little package all neatly wrapped for me?"

"Yes," Laura breathed, her voice almost gone in her own excitement.

Karen rubbed the frayed end of the rope across one of Laura's bulging, swollen nipples. Shivers shot through Laura.

"I thought you were hurting," Karen whispered.

"Not enough," Laura whispered back, more a soft croak.

"These coils aren't tight enough for you to really enjoy it," Karen said, pulling the rope tighter around Laura's swelling breasts, which turned mauve from engorged blood, her nipples flaring even more, throbbing sharply.

Then Karen looped the rope around Laura's wrists and knotted it behind her back. She pulled Laura's trussed body down beside her on the mattress, kissing Laura with slow, simmering, threatening passion.

"I'm going to hurt you and make you come," she warned in another hot whisper. "You'd better tell me now if you want me to stop."

"Gag me," Laura begged. "I'll scream."

"What can I use?"

"There's a dish towel in the hall closet."

Laura's hungry, sex-crazed eyes devoured Karen's luscious, naked black body as she left, then returned with a towel. Karen saw her eyes.

"I'll make you a promise, to help you stand the pain," she whispered as she tied the gag in Laura's mouth. "When I'm finished with you . . . it's your turn."

A fierce shudder of sexual excitement gripped Laura's bound body. It gripped her again as she felt Karen's hands and mouth beginning to explore her immobilized body, at first with loving, tender caresses, but then with more insistent, rough sucking, kneading, pinching, probing.

She and Karen had done this to one another before, though not for a long time. Maybe that was why Laura had forgotten the main principle, which was to prolong the agony by clever caresses until the unbearable need resulted in an excruciating explosion of coming. And so Karen, knowing how Laura felt about her perfect black breasts, dangled them in Laura's face, brushing Laura's lips with her bulging, soft nipples, knowing that Laura's gag prevented her from seizing them with her lips.

Laura quivered and yearned with lust, mewling and whimpering and twisting. Next Karen descended, kissing Laura's naked back and buns and tickling Laura's asshole with her tongue until Laura was writhing and moaning urgently. Slowly, deliberately, Karen began caressing the helpless Laura more roughly. Her fingers dug into Laura's firm, round asscheeks, and she stabbed her tongue into Laura's asshole, then slipped one finger into it, fucking Laura's ass, then two fingers, biting Laura's asscheeks and fucking her ass more and more roughly. Tears poured down Laura's cheeks as the sensations grew more intense.

Her muscles strained against the tight rope, and she sobbed and whimpered with increasing desperation and need. This fed Karen's lust, and she began licking and tongue-fucking Laura's streaming pussy while still finger-raping Laura's ass. Laura almost came. The rough sex had her on the edge, and almost without warning she could feel the first hints of a killing climax.

But Karen sensed it too, and drew back. She knew from experience how to bring Laura to the edge, and she backed off this time, cooing and murmuring obscenities in Laura's ear.

"Ohhh, you want to come, don't you, baby? You want me to go ahead, and fuck you hard and make you come, don't you? Oh, but I'm not going to give you the satisfaction. You have to wait. I'm not ready to let you go off yet. A few more minutes. A little more pain. I haven't even touched your beautiful breasts yet. I haven't even got to suck and . . . well, you know what I want to do to them, don't you?"

Laura strained in the tight ropes, whimpering almost hysterically. And her keening became even more shrill and desperate when she felt Karen's hands and mouth on her swollen, throttled breasts. As usual, at first Karen was tender. She loved to caress Laura's breasts, and she fondled them tenderly, licking Laura's protruding, throbbing nipples, making Laura squirm and groan with frantic excitement.

Then she began sucking them, and Laura almost came again. The excitement was too much, and her flesh began the telltale quiver of a ripping, killing orgasm, which Karen quickly prevented by pulling back, by removing her mouth from Laura's aching wet nipples. She kissed Laura's neck, squeezing Laura's hard, bursting breasts with her fingers.

"Oh . . . you want to come, baby, I know," she murmured teasingly.

Laura squirmed, imploring Karen with her eyes, beseeching her to do it, do it fast, make her come. Please! her eyes begged. Oh please, Karen! Please!

Karen kissed her cheek, tweaking Laura's bulging, bursting nipples, making Laura wince with mingled pain/pleasure. "If I bite them, will you come?" she murmured teasingly. "Like I do? God, when you bite me, I just explode. Do you want me to bite them?"

Laura's eyes filled with tears. She nodded frantically. Anything! Anything! Make me come! Please!

Slowly, dragging it out unbearably, teasing Laura until Laura's tightly-trussed body was shaking and quivering pitifully with crazy, agonizing sexual need, Karen held one of Laura's mauve, throttled breasts in one hand, squeezing it mercilessly and peppering Laura's popping, pulsing nipple with kisses, while slowly rubbing Laura's flooding pussy with her other hand. Then she did the same thing to Laura's other breast, moving her hand even faster against Laura's pussy.

Laura pumped and shimmied her hips desperately, nearly fainting as she felt the first hint of Karen's teeth on her swollen, throbbing nipple. Oh god!

"Unngggnmmmnngghh!" she moaned into the gag, her body straining fiercely at the rope coils.

Karen lightly pinched Laura's bulbous nipple with teeth. Laura moaned. Then she felt Karen's teeth sinking into it. At the same moment, Karen's hand mashed into her clit, rubbing it sharply, brutally. Almost immediately, a fierce uprush of coming seized Laura.

Her straining body shimmered into convulsions of white-hot bliss, goaded from one level of ecstacy into a higher one by Karen's continuing, aggressive fucking. Karen's mouth fastened on Laura's other nipple, sucking and biting it passionately too, while her fingers penetrated Laura's cunt and the palm of her hand brutally pummeled Laura's clit until Laura was yelping and climaxing repeatedly in hot, rolling waves of fierce orgasmic rapture.

It seemed to last for long, shattering minutes, until finally her body could take no more pleasure and collapsed, with Karen panting and moaning softly on top of her. Karen's eyes were glazed, her mouth slack, her body alive with sensuality, and she untied Laura's body with the same hungry desire she had shown in fucking Laura, caressing the rope burns, kissing Laura's flesh, quickly arousing them both again to a point of no return.

It seemed to be a tradition with them to come to another climax quickly after a sado-masochistic one, and within another minute Laura was shuddering and moaning through an excruciating orgasm, with Karen's lips fastened to her clit, and Karen's hands squeezing her ass. But now, as they both recovered their breath from the exquisite just-concluded episode, Laura knew that it was her turn. And, twisted or not, she knew that she loved these brutal, rough-sex encounters with Karen as much as Karen did.

"Oh baby . . . oh baby," she murmured, rolling Karen onto her back and rising up over her, grabbing the loose coils of rope.

Karen's lovely face was contorted into a grimace of wild expectation and fear, mingled with sublime sexual pleasure. "Oh yes," she breathed. "Oh yes . . . do it to me. Please."

She was completely pliant and submissive as Laura wound the rope around her silky body, gasping as Laura imprisoned her scrumptious breasts in several thick, tight coils. They jutted up like two hard cones, with popping, protuberant, large black nipples, and Laura lowered her own ravished, rope-marked breasts onto Karen's throttled globes, brushing Karen's huge bursting nipples with her soft coral buds. The sensations drove both girls wild. They whimpered and quivered, but Laura regained control and in minutes had Karen tightly bound, gagged, and immobilized.

Then she began the slow torture of caressing Karen into an hysterical state of sexual need. It had been months since she had done this, and she lavished all her skill on it, arousing them both to a fever pitch in only minutes. If anything, she proceeded even more slowly than Karen had done with her, exploring every inch of the girl's delicious, roped body with her hands and mouth, even sucking Karen's toes until she thought Karen might have a stroke from the wild excitement. Only when she stopped did she realize, by looking into Karen's swirling eyes and hearing her harsh, violent panting, that Karen had almost come, just from that.

Oh, that would spoil everything, she thought, vowing to be more careful. She had underestimated how aroused Karen had become while fucking her, Laura. It wouldn't take much to make her explode, and Laura was determined to stretch it out unbearably. She nibbled Karen's beautiful round ass, and tongue-teased her huge, swollen nipples, kissing and even sucking the smooth, bulging, perfectly round undersides of her extraordinary breasts, until Karen was whimpering and twisting uncontrollably.

Then Laura slid down between Karen's roped, silky black thighs and began to toy with her pussy. She had to be careful, both because Karen might come, and because she herself wanted to assault, ravish, fuck and swallow the delicious pink oozing cleft, to rape the girl quickly and savagely, bringing them both to a swift, violent climax. But she controlled the urge.

She teased Karen's wet, black-lipped pussy and tickled Karen's distended clit until the poor girl was going crazy with need. Then she slid up to Karen's luscious, strangled breasts again and carefully sucked and teased her nipples. Karen was desperate with need. Laura had never seen her beg so pitifully with her eyes, with her wild, contorted groans. She knew that now she could carry out what she had been thinking of.

Leaving Karen tightly-bound and quivering, moaning desperately, on the bed, she dashed to the kitchen and quickly returned with a huge cucumber and a large banana she had bought the day before. In the market, she had eyed the cucumber with the thought maybe of masturbating with it herself, not knowing then that this would occur. There was only one, but the banana was huge too and would work. Carefully, using her cuticle scissors, she trimmed off the coarse ends of the banana in front of Karen's widening eyes.

Then she ran her finger along the hard ridges. The banana was still green, and just as hard as the cucumber. She rubbed both of them all over Karen's throttled breasts, pinching Karen's large nipples between them, making her whinny hysterically. Finally, she slid between Karen's yawning thighs and pushed the cucumber slowly up into the girl's tight pussy. It was a tight fit. Tears squirted from Karen's eyes as the huge thing penetrated her. A soft keening moan came from deep in her chest.

Laura fucked her with it for a few mintues, but not roughly enough to bring about a premature climax. Then she opened her bedstand drawer and removed a tube of K-Y jelly. By this time, Karen was so far gone in need that she barely noticed. She was writhing and trembling as Laura turned her onto her side and began to lubricate her asshole with the jelly. As soon as she could get two fingers into it, she knew it was ready for the banana.

She slathered K-Y jelly all over the thick banana, then slipped it between Karen's beautiful black buns. Karen groaned softly as it slid up into her ass. Now she was impaled in her cunt and her ass on the two huge, hard tubes, and Laura moved them both in and out of her body at the same time.

Karen's face was slick with tears and seized with almost unbearable rapture. Laura knew she was in pain, but she also knew how Karen loved it, and she could see that the girl was almost ready to come at any instant. Just a touch would make her explode. She knew she couldn't prolong it any more. Karen was ready. She might come without help if help were too long in coming.

Fucking Karen with both hands, driving the cucumber deep into her cunt and the banana deep into her ass, Laura's mouth fell on Karen's hard, strangled breasts, sucking and biting her nipples savagely. Karen erupted in sharp spasms of coming almost immediately.

The two of them thrashed around violently on the mattress, Karen's trussed body whipping and jerking spastically as a fierce orgasm gripped her, Laura on top of her, still fucking her and sucking her into repeated waves of climaxes. And then, as they had done when the positions had been reversed, Laura quickly untied and ungagged Karen and massaged her rope burns and kissed her freed body and brought her to another long, agonizingly sweet orgasm.

They were both drained.

"I don't know about you, but I don't think I can go through one of these more than about once a year," Karen said softly, rubbing her bruises and wincing. "It takes my pussy and my ass about a week to get back to normal. And my nipples hurt for days."

"I know," Laura said bleakly. "It's really sick, and we should stop. It's just . . ."

Karen put a forefinger up to Laura's lips. "I know. It's just that you can't help yourself. Neither can I. God, I come so hard, so long. It seems like it's worth it."

Laura nodded. But she knew they were both chastened by the experience. This was the second time they had fucked so violently, and it left them feeling drained, guilty, sore, and somewhat dirty. On top of that, there was the sorrow and grief from the loss of Rina, which had driven them to it in the first place. They had forgotten her while they were fucking so furiously, in a white heat of perverted lust, but now the thought of her death haunted them both.

They finally parted sadly, with a lingering kiss, not knowing when they would see each other again, afraid of the danger they held for one another.

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