Laura - Chapter 21

After they all recovered from this firestorm of orgasms, they went to Karen's bedroom, tore the bedspread off her kingsized bed, and spent the rest of the night fucking. Rina and Laura fucked Karen, then Laura and Karen fucked Rina, then the two black girls fucked Laura again. Finally, they ended up in a circle, each girl with her mouth on another's pussy, closing a circuit of ecstacy that left them shattered and completely drained from repeated, wrenching climaxes.

Laura was surprised, through the following weeks and months, by how well the three of them managed this unconventional relationship. There seemed to be no jealousy, no wounded feelings, no feelings of rejection. They paired off during the week, fucking in interchangeable couples, then met together, all three of them, on weekends for exhausting, inventive, marathon fucking parties.

Even though they were often tempted, both Laura and Karen restrained their inclination to tempt Rina into the sadomasochistic sexual practices they continued to enjoy when they were alone together. Now, however, they were both more careful not to leave marks or bruises that Rina might discover.

Instead of being jealous, Laura found that she was aroused by imagining Rina and Karen fucking without her, so aroused that when she next saw them together, they had wild, heart-stabbing orgasms caused, she knew, by the anticipation. Both the other girls felt the same.

But it was an intensity that couldn't last. Nothing could remain that heated and not burn itself out. They found themselves drifting apart before long, each, surprisingly enough, ending up with a man for a while. For Laura, it was Ken Robbins, the manager of the health club where she often went after work. He was a good, tireless lover, and she was so accustomed by now to having multiple orgasms that she was grateful he had such incredible stamina.

It wasn't like fucking with Rina or Karen, but it was more normal, for a change, and she enjoyed it. For the first month or so, she didn't even miss them, or the hot girl-girl sex that had become such a necessity in her life.

Then, something happened. Ken had invited her to the health club because a female body builder was appearing there to authograph her new book. The girl was a celebrity, Miss Olympia, winner of many competitions and well-known in body building circles. She was also, Laura discovered to her chagrin, black, phenomenally beautiful, and wildly attractive sexually.

In the back of her mind, Laura had always found the thought of female body builders vaguely repulsive. Why would a woman want those bulging, rippling muscles all over her body? But when she first saw Brandi Pearson, she knew instantly that she was wrong. The breath caught in her throat, and she felt the hot, wild pulsing deep inside her cunt that she had come to feel when she saw Rina or Karen, a sharp, insistent throbbing that meant she wanted to fuck them, hard and quickly.

Worse, when she had met Karen and Rina, they had at least been fully clothed. But Brandi was clad only in a magenta-colored bikini. Two tiny triangular patches of cloth covered her nipples, and two more her asscrack and pussy. The rest of her was naked, gleaming from the oil she had spread over her skin to highlight her muscles.

And she had a body that made Laura afraid to be in the same room with her. She was afraid everyone would feel the vibrations of horrible, all-devouring lust that shook her when she looked at this girl's incredible body. Brandi Pearson was very dark black with a gorgeous face, full, sensual mouth, flashing black eyes, and skin like polished ebony. Her body was hard and extravagantly muscled but also dramatically curvaceous, rippling with sleek strips of muscle but also smooth and clean and athletic-looking. Laura knew that body-building diminshed your breasts, replacing fat with muscle, and yet Brandi's breasts were still full, though small. They were big enough to swell over the edges of the two tiny triangles covering them, and her thick, protruding nipples were conspicuous under the cloth.

And her ass was a masterpiece of hard, sculpted flesh, round and compact, two smooth, bulging moons of muscled flesh that made Laura's fingers quiver. She wanted it, she wanted every inch of the magnificent girl. And from the way Brandi's eyes flashed when they were introduced, she wondered if the girl felt it, felt the hot, horny desire for her incredible body that Laura could barely conceal.

But Laura tried to hide it, and seem reserved, even aloof. But she couldn't keep her eyes off Brandi. And several times, Brandi caught her looking.

Finally, they ran into each other in the restroom. No one else was there, momentarily, at least. Laura felt somehow so nervous, ill at ease, being fully clothed, while Brandi Pearson was still nearly naked in her tiny bikini. And Laura so clearly wanted to fuck the girl, she knew it had to show.

She smiled, giggling nervously. "I . . . I'm sorry if I stared at you," she apologized. "You're really . . . I don't know, gorgeous."

Brandi smiled easily. She wasn't pretentious. "I'm used to it," she said. "Some people, especially women, think I'm a freak. Others . . . well, you know."

She looked hard into Laura's eyes. She knows, Laura thought.

"I . . . I think your body is . . . fantastic," Laura stammered, swallowing, feeling sweat bead up on her forehead.

"I'm not that way, though," Brandi said, pointedly. "People think, you know, because we focus so much on body sculpture, on appearance, on narcissism, you know, that we're all dykes. But it's not true." She smiled at Laura, but firmly, as if to set things straight. "I'm not. I'm not one."

Laura was stunned with embarrassment. Does she think I'm a lesbian? she wondered. Despite her lengthy affairs with Karen and Rina, Laura still didn't think of herself as one.

"I . . . my boyfriend Ken invited me here this evening," she half-stammered, trying not to seem too foolish. "I mean, I hope you didn't think---"

"Oh, no no no," Brandi Pearson laughed, throwing back her head, revealing her long, smooth neck. "Not you. I didn't mean you."

But they both knew that she really had meant Laura. Laura knew it. She knew she had better keep her eyes off the girl's hard, glossy thighs, off her swelling breasts, off the rippling muscles of her washboard stomach, off her mouthwatering ass.

On the other hand, Brandi enjoyed being looked at, that was clear. She hadn't scuplted her body into this breathtaking master- piece in order to be ignored. She left the restroom slowly, letting Laura's eyes linger on every flexing muscle in her strong, gleaming, perfectly-shaped legs, and on the shifting, hard moons of her exquisitely curved ass.

Laura nearly had a small orgasm just watching her. I've got to have her, she thought. But she knew it was impossible. Hadn't Brandi made it perfectly clear? She was used to getting hit on by lesbians. She was ready for them, even if they couldn't admit their desires. She knew. She knew people wanted her body, men and women.

That night, Laura nearly killed Ken with fucking, trying to forget Brandi Pearson. But she had dreams of the girl anyway. She dreamed of removing the girl's bikini, slowly, doing it herself while Brandi smiled in a sexy, hot invitation. She dreamed of licking Brandi's naked body, running her tongue over the gleaming black skin and smooth, rippling muscles. She had an orgasm in her sleep and awoke, gasping and keening, forced to tell Ken it was a nightmare.

Then, a few days later, he told Laura that Brandi Pearson had been to the health club and asked about Laura.

"She said she liked you," he said. "Wanted to know when you usually came there so she might run into you again."

"Really?" Laura said.

Her pulse leaped. Warm stirrings and flowing nectars enveloped her pussy. Oh god! she thought. It can't be true.

"What did you tell her?" she asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"I said you usually dropped by on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work," Ken said, looking puzzled, since she already knew the answer.

"Oh. Right."

This was Wednesday evening. The following day Laura could hardly keep her mind on her work. At five, she made herself stay twenty minutes late, just so she wouldn't seem too eager, to herself or to Brandi Pearson.

As it turned out, Brandi wasn't there when Laura arrived. She didn't show up until an hour later. In fact, Laura, feeling glum because nothing had happened, saw the girl only when she emerged from the locker room after showering. And since this time Brandi was fully dressed, Laura almost didn't recognize her. Then she noticed this stunning black girl talking to Ken.

Oh god, it's her! she realized.

Slowly, she went over to them, wondering what to say.

"Here she is," Ken smiled.

"Hi," Brandi said, smiling with genuine friendliness.

There was no disguised lust or hidden innuendo or veiled kinkiness in her smile. Maybe she really just wants to be friends, Laura thought cautiously.

"Hi," Laura said, wiping the strands of wet hair away from her forehead. She had just emerged from the shower.

"I'm glad I ran into you," Brandi said, as if it were by chance. "I was just going to work out for about half an hour, then grab a bite. Too bad you're already finished."

"Oh . . . I could, you know, wait around, I guess," Laura said, trying to seem casual.


"Sure." Laura smiled.

"Okay. I'm going to go change. You can watch me work out if you want to. People always want to know what it takes to look like this."

"I'd love to," Laura said, swallowing to hide her nerves.

In five minutes, Brandi emerged from the locker room. This time no bikini. Instead she wore a bright yellow workout jumper with a low scoop neck, thin shoulder straps, and high cutouts over the thighs. In fact, to Laura she looked almost more ravishing in it than she had in the bikini. Brandi's small, hard breasts made a sharp swelling in the jumper, and her fantastic legs looked even more breathtaking due to the scoop in the yellow fabric above her hips.

Laura followed her into the weight room, trying not to look at the shifting, hard, perfectly round moons of Brandi's incredible ass. Even though she tried to keep her mind off sex, she could feel her cunt growing wet and prickly. Soon she knew her eyes would be betraying her interest.

On the other hand, Brandi obviously enjoyed the attention she got from everyone. And Laura wasn't the only one who stared. The girl was Miss Olympia, after all, and even though fewer muscles were visible when she was wearing the jumper, the ones you could see were still amazing.

A small crowd gathered around as Brandi lifted weights, lying on her back. This time she wasn't wearing the body oil they put on for professional competition and appearances, but after a few minutes her sleek black skin began to glow with a thin film of sweat. Her body gleamed, her muscles rippled as she moved the barbells up and down. Her thighs clenched, and Laura's eyes were drawn to the hard, sculptured muscles of Brandi's ass, which clenched too, sending spurts of wild sexual desire through Laura's cunt.

She had to look away.

After this, Brandi worked on the Nautilus machines, and watching her body was an exquisite torment for Laura. She remembered how in her dream she had been licking the girl's skin, licking her body all over until she had erupted in an orgasm. She couldn't get it out of her mind. She wanted to do it now, wanted to lick the sweat off Brandi's flexing legs, wanted to run her tongue along the hard, flexing, smooth muscles of the girl's shapely arms.

Brandi's sleek thighs were a masterpiece, though certainly over-muscled for most tastes. Thick, long cords of hard muscle stood out when she tensed her legs to support a lift, smooth strips of iron flesh, gleaming, rippling, curved and black. God, she's so strong! Laura thought. Making love to her could be dangerous. She could crush you.

But how exciting it would be to make her quiver and moan and beg, she thought next. To make her strength irrelevant, to make her need you, want you.

A sharp shiver of sexual excitement gripped Laura, and again she had to turn away. Finally, Brandi was finished. Glistening now with sweat, she came over to Laura.

"I'll just take a shower," she said. "I won't be a minute. Wait for me?"

Laura nodded. Something in Brandi's voice made it a stronger appeal than it seemed. She somehow knew that the girl really wanted her to wait.

When Brandi reappeared, twenty minutes later, they left the health club together.

"Want to go somewhere and have a drink?" Laura asked.

"I don't drink."

"Oh. Of course. I forgot. Seeing you without your muscles makes me forget," she joked, winking.

"I know. I'm really normal, though. I just don't drink."

"You could have a . . . lemonade or something."

Brandi looked reluctant.

"Okay, then. Let's have dinner. Where do you like to eat?" They had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. Then Brandi drove Laura to Laura's apartment in her Jaguar.

"Want to come up for a drink?" Laura asked, before remembering. "Oh gosh, there I go again. You must think I really like to drink."

"Of course not. Sure. I would. I mean, I don't drink, but maybe just a glass of wine or something wouldn't hurt me. I'm not really in training or anything right now."

"You probably should be careful if you're not used to it."

"Maybe you're right. I'll just have a cup of tea or something."

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