Laura - Chapter 16

Laura could barely walk for two days. Going to the bathroom was an ordeal. She called in sick at work and spent most of the time in bed, reliving the experience in her mind and trying to ignore the after effects on her body.

Well, I guess I know what a gangbang is like now, anyway, she thought. It couldn't be much worse with five or six guys. Those two are like a small battalion. But at least no one can accuse me of being a lesbian. I came both times. Then I let them come all over me, in my mouth, on my boobs.

Even though it had been horrific, she could still get aroused thinking back on it. They really tried to kill me with fucking, didn't they? she thought in amazement. She almost couldn't believe she had been through it. And yet the purpose of it all had not been achieved.

On the third day, with her body beginning to heal, her thoughts began to linger again obsessively on Rina. And the almost unbearable heartache returned. The physical aches paled before the wrenching pain of knowing she would never hold the girl again, never kiss her, never embrace her while the two of them shuddered in white-hot ecstacies.

And so, that evening just before dinner time, when the doorbell rang, she had no expectations. She answered it expecting nothing in particular. She didn't even comb her hair, and just pulled on an old threadbare bathrobe. And who should be standing there but Rina.

Laura couldn't help grinning wanly. "This is getting to be a habit with you, isn't it," she said weakly.

"You look like shit," Rina said.

There was long, uncomfortable pause.

"Well, shall we just stand here trading compliments, or do you want to come in?" Laura said, poker-faced.

Rina came in without answering. She turned and faced Laura.

"I'm not kidding. You look like shit. What happened to you?"

Laura tried to brush it off. "Oh . . . nothing. I had a little workout, you might say."

"Want to tell me about it?"

"You wouldn't be interested."

They went into the livingroom. Rina was wearing her work outfit, a tight, short red skirt that showed off her perfect, glossy legs, and a creamy silk blouse that hung loosely around her jutting breasts. She crossed her fantastic legs. Laura tried not to want her.

"Try me," she said, leaning forward.

"Before I do, tell me why you're here," Laura said softly.

She recalled the last time and didn't want to get her hopes up, even though butterflies were stirring in her stomach.

Now Rina got shy. She looked down, twisted her fingers. She crossed and uncrossed her legs. Laura could feel her cunt getting wet in spite of herself.

"I . . . didn't want to just leave it the way we . . . left it," Rina whispered. She looked up, her eyes murky with ambiguities. "Know what I mean?"

"Yes," Laura nodded. "I know. I didn't want to leave it that way either."

"You really hurt me," Rina said softly.

The hurt shone in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I can't explain it. We were friends before you."

Rina looked away. "I know," she said, almost inaudibly. "It killed me. I hated you. I came over to . . . oh, you know. To . . . love with you."

"You can say it."

"You know what I mean."

"To fuck with me?"

Rina nodded slowly, still embarrassed and excited at the same time by acknowledging it out loud.

"Only it's more than that. At least with me. More than I feel with any dude, anyway."

"For me too," Laura said. "More than with her. Or any guy."


Big tears were rolling down Rina's cheeks now. Laura couldn't control herself any longer. She got up from her chair and went over to sit down next to Rina on the sofa. She put her arm around Rina's shoulders and drew the beautiful girl's head down on her own shoulder.

"I thought I'd never see you again," Laura said, choking back tears herself.

"And you look so bad," Rina wept softly. "You look like a biker gang had you."

"Close," Laura chuckled wryly.

Rina lifted her head and looked hard and Laura with her wet eyes. "Tell me."

"Oh . . . after I left your place, I dropped by the apartment of a guy I know. His brother was there. One thing led to another."

Rina's face expressed her shock. "Both of them?"

Laura nodded. "At the same time. Twice."

"Twice? You mean they did you in the pussy and your . . ."

"Then they traded places and did it again."

"Girl, I hope their things weren't big."

Laura's eyes glistened. She smiled. "Biggest ones I ever saw. Or felt. I thought they were going to kill me."

"Why didn't you try to leave?"

"I was trying to do something that would make me forget about you," Laura confessed.

Rina shook her head. "I'll bet that'd make you forget about anything."

"Actually, I was so sore that I didn't think about you for a few hours. But then it came back."

Her eyes pleaded with Rina. Kiss me. Stick your tongue in my mouth. Let me undress you, let me fuck you. Please.

"My poor Laura," Rina said softly, her tone of voice making Laura nearly swoon with need.

Rina's face came close to hers, and in a second they were kissing, a long, aching, tender kiss. Then they took turns kissing each other's tears, then pressed their mouths together heatedly again. Finally, Rina broke away. She sat back.

"No . . . no, we can't," she said. "I mean . . . I want to do something special."

"I want to do something special to you," Laura said under her breath.

"No. I've got to tell you something. Laura, I want to give you something. Because of the way I feel. And because I was so . . . cold to you. To make it up to you. I want to make love to you. But I've thought it over. I'm not a lesbian. I don't want you to touch me. I can't do that any more. But I want to give it to you, this one last time."

Laura was shocked and stunned. She heard Rina's words and tried to make sense of them. Her boyfriend's talked her into this, she thought. It was all she could think.


"No. I know what you're going to say. Don't."

"But Rina."

"Don't." Tears were starting up in the beautiful girl's eyes once again. "Because I have very strong feelings for you. And I . . . shouldn't."

"But if you do . . ."

"That's why this is the last time. I want to make love to you. I want to give it to you. So you'll remember me."

"I could never forget you."

"So I want you to promise not to touch me," Rina said, her eyes shiny and wet. "Okay?"

It was all so charmingly innocent and weird that Laura couldn't do anything but nod. This wonderful girl! Did she really think this up by herself? That she can fuck me and give me an orgasm and then everything will be all right and we'll never see each other again?

Laura knew it wouldn't work out that way. She knew that once Rina touched her, they would be unable to prevent a full-scale conflagration. In the past they had nearly eaten each other alive. How could Rina think it would be any different this time?

But Rina was so solemn about it that Laura knew she had spent a long time thinking it over. Obviously she was devastated to think she was a secret lesbian, that she had these twisted, fierce desires for Laura. And it clearly wouldn't be easy to argue her out of it. She would have to work it through herself. Frankly, Laura thought, if she wants to make love to me, even if I can't touch her, it's a lot better than I had a right to expect before she rang the bell an hour ago.

"You promise?" Rina said, almost like a small child, although Laura could detect the heat in the girl's eyes, signs of lust she had seen there before.

"I promise," she said softly. "Shall we go into my bedroom?"

"Don't you think it'd be better just to do it right here?"

"Anywhere you want, Rina. Do you want me to take off my robe? Or do you want to undress me?"

Rina bit her knuckle. "You make it sound so . . . I don't know, cold, formal."

"Maybe you should kiss me, then."

"Okay, but don't try to get me going."

"I won't."

Rina bent forward and they kissed again. This time their kiss was more tentative, shy, partial. But as it continued, it inevitably began to heat up. Laura tried just to let herself be kissed by Rina, but it was hard not to kiss back.

Rina kissed her neck, her throat, then began to untie the sash of her robe. Carefully, she opened the lapels and ran her graceful, long fingers over Laura's breasts, cupping them, caressing them, scissoring Laura's soft nipples with her fingers.

Her lips ran down Laura's sculptured shoulder to her clavicle, then dipped over between Laura's breasts. Then she cradled one firm globe in her palm and sucked Laura's aching nipple into her warm, wet mouth. Laura moaned and quivered uncontrollably.

"Rina . . ." she breathed, almost unable to speak.

The way Rina sucked her was impossibly sweet, sweeter and more agonizing than any caress she had ever felt. And Rina was serious. With slow, tender skill, she sucked and tongued both of Laura's nipples until Laura was twisting and moaning feverishly.

Afraid she would come too quickly, before she had a chance to enjoy the solemn, lengthy ritual Rina had obviously planned for her, she sat up straight in the cushions of the sofa, holding Rina's beautiful face between her hands.

"Oh Rina . . . god, it's killing me not to feel you," she murmured, her eyes glassy with hot desire.

But Rina shook her head slowly and gently pushed Laura back down into the cushions. She lowered her head and began kissing Laura's midriff, her soft flat belly, her hips, the upper slopes of her tawny, hard thighs. She had learned her lessons well, and had Laura climbing the walls in minutes.

By the time her tongue reached the edges of Laura's inflamed, throbbing pussy, Laura was whimpering uncontrollably with need. She writhed and moaned softly, her spastic fingers fluttering in Rina's hair, her breasts jiggling as she squirmed. Rina's tongue explored the wet folds of Laura's pussy slowly, but passionately.

Until now, Laura could sense that the girl had maintained control, at whatever cost. But now, with her lips on Laura's fiery, oozing cunt, Rina was unable to mask her own arousal any more. She even groaned herself softly, licking and invading Laura's sensitive pussy teasingly, making Laura twist and arch her body involuntarily, bringing desperate moans of need from deep in Laura's chest.

Rina slid her hands under Laura's firm, round buns and held her ass, lifting Laura's streaming pussy to her mouth, exploring it with more and more heated passion. But she avoided Laura's clit, knowing how to prolong the excitement, knowing how to reduce Laura to an incoherent mania of need.

Laura was in seventh heaven. Being unable to touch or caress Rina's fantastic naked body was a terrible drawback, but Rina had reduced her to a frantic, churning, whimpering mass of sex-hungry nerves, crying out for release, for the stupendous climax she knew was coming, coming, almost there. Suddenly the girl deserted Laura's flaming pussy and returned to her breasts, tormenting her nipples again with clever, passionate sucking, squeezing the hard globes, tearing at them with her full sensual lips, until Laura was cawing and groaning helplessly.

"Please . . . please, Rina . . . ohhhh please ohhhh please! Quick, do me, make me come!" she panted. "Quick . . . oh please!"

"Oh Laura," Rina murmured, almost overcome herself by the sexual storm she had created.

Through the dazed trance of her own lust, Laura could see Rina's face, see the throbbing in her dark eyes, the naked desire in her expression, the hot need. She knew Rina needed her the same way she needed Rina.

"Oh Laura," Rina panted again.

Laura could barely speak. Her eyes begged Rina, and Rina hypnotically lowered her face again between Laura's thighs. Again she slid her hands under Laura's buns, clutching the smooth, firm moons, raising Laura's throbbing pussy to her mouth. This time her tongue found Laura's swollen clit, and she tickled it vigorously before drawing it between her sensual lips.

And Laura exploded in fierce convulsions of coming. Great bubbles of white-hot sexual flame swelled and burst inside her spasming cunt, and her body writhed and squirmed in the sofa cushions.

"Auungghhh!" she cried out. "Oh yes! Rina . . . anngghhh! Oh! Anngghiieee! Oh Rina . . . baby, uunnmmgghiiee!"

And Rina didn't let go of her even when she began to wilt, to slide down off the peak. As she had done to Rina in the past, Rina brought her back to the pinnacle again for another thrashing, throttling orgasm, which left Laura gasping and sobbing in a violent gush of emotional coming.

Then Rina laid her cheek on Laura's heaving belly and held her until Laura's breath was calm again, and the weeping had stopped. Then she lifted her head, her eyes swimming with love and sexual desire. She kissed Laura one last time, then stood up to leave.

Laura sprang up beside her. "Don't go."

"Have to."

"You're not a lesbian," Laura said desperately. "I want you."

Tears of frustration and confusion welled up quickly in Rina's eyes and spilled down her cheeks. Quickly, she pulled on her clothes.

"One last time," she said softly. "You can remember me by that."

"No," Laura said weakly. "You can't . . ."

But Rina was already heading for the door. Laura followed her, naked, abject. "Please . . . Rina!"

But Rina was already out the door.

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