Laura - Chapter 8

Laura looked at Karen, who suddenly stopped panting. They both waited for the intruder to go away, but instead the bell rang again.

"I've got to answer it," Laura said.

"Ngghhhh!" Karen shook her head.

The bell rang again.

"It's the only way to make them go away," Laura said.

She grabbed her bathrobe out of the closet and went to the door. It was Rick Perkins. He was grinning, holding flowers and a bottle of champagne. And he had 'fuck' written all over his eyes. On top of the kinky situation she was already involved in with Karen in the bedroom, his grin just made Laura's heart beat faster and her pussy tingle and run with juice even more.

And yet she knew she had to get rid of him. He wanted to fuck her, and he had no idea about Karen. And what would he think if he knew Laura's girl lover was tied up in the bedroom? And I'm the one who tied her up! Laura thought, flushing with shame and sexual excitement. It's all so sick!

"Hi, baby," Rick said. "I thought you'd be here. Saw your light on. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"I . . . I'm sorry, Rick. I'm busy right now. Can you come back?"

"Busy? You got some other guy here?"

He pushed her aside and came right into her apartment, without being asked. Laura tried to block the door, without success. He looked around at the empty livingroom. His eyes fell on Karen's coat, which she had left on the sofa.

"Oh, I get it," he grinned. "The girl. Right? The girl who made you have over twenty orgasms? Right?"

Laura flushed and looked down, trying to hide her embarassment.

"Is she in the bedroom? Were you two fucking? Gosh, how exciting. Looks like I came at just the right time, right?"

Rick started down the hallway. Laura grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back.

"Don't, Rick. Please. "It's so . . . embarassing."

He pulled her over against the wall and shoved her back into it. Then he slowly removed her bathrobe, running his hands all over her naked body, ending at her breasts, which he cupped in his palms, pinching her thick nipples lightly, in a way that he knew turned her on.

"Weren't you the one who told me how exciting it would be with three?" he whispered, kissing her neck. "Weren't you?"


God, yes! Laura thought.

"Then what are we waiting for? I'm sure you can talk her into it."

Laura was not so sure, but she had no choice because Rick was much stronger than she. He pulled her down the hall to the bedroom door and shoved her inside, following right behind her. Karen was just as Laura had left her, bound and gagged on the bed, her luscious black naked body crisscrossed by the white strands of rope, her crotch spread and vulnerable.

And now there was terror in her eyes instead of sexual excitement, as she saw Rick.

"Unnggnnooo!" she whimpered softly through the gag.

Laura went over to her. "Don't worry, baby. He won't hurt you. It's Rick. My . . . friend. He won't hurt you. I promise. I won't let him."

"Wow, you guys are kinkier than I thought," Rick said softly, his eyes drinking up the sight of Karen's gorgeous, vulnerable body. "She's just as beautiful as you said, too," he told Laura.

Karen's black eyes burned into Laura's, accusing, angry. But she didn't have long to indulge her anger. Rick reached out one hand and began to caress her, starting with her arm, her shoulder, then quickly dropping his hand to one of her strangled breasts, cupping it, squeezing the hard globe, rubbing her swollen, bulging, black nipple.

"Don't, Rick," Laura murmured, trying to draw his hand away.

"What do you mean, don't? Look at her. She's dying to be fucked. And weren't you the one who told me how exciting three would be?"

Laura swallowed and nodded. By the second she was growing more aroused. Karen might never forgive her, but she wanted him to strip and join them. And without any overt encouragement from her, he began to unbutton his shirt and unzip his pants.

"What's your name, you beautiful creature?" he asked, caressing Karen's hard, glossy thigh.

Laura lay down on the bed next to Karen, kissing and caressing her. But Karen was tense, angry, her eyes brimming with tears of shame and betrayal.

"Her name is Karen," she said softly. "Karen, we're going to fuck you together. Oh god, baby, won't it be wonderful!"

But Karen shook her head vigorously. "Ngggmmnnnoooo!" she grunted through the gag.

"Oh baby . . . baby," Laura cooed, beginning to suck and kiss the girl's fantastic, throttled breasts.

The muffled noises she made showed that Karen wanted to resist, but the writhing and struggling of her luscious body against the tight ropes only made her more alluring to both Laura and Rick. Laura gulped silently as she saw his gigantic cock spring into view. She had forgotten how really big it was.

He joined her on the bed, and between them they kissed and squeezed and sucked Karen's beautiful, imprisoned breasts and bursting-plum nipples until the black girl was keening hysterically and nearly climaxing already.

Her first orgasm came only half a minute later, as Laura slid down the girl's trussed body, surrendering Karen's breasts totally to Rick, and slipped between the Karen's quivering thighs. Using her fingers to spread apart the swollen, rope-pinched lips of Karen's cunt, she tongue-fucked and clit-sucked her lover into a quick, wrenching uprush of hot coming.

"Unngghmmmnnrriieee!" Karen groaned into the gag, wincing and straining in her tight bonds.

And before Karen was even finished coming, Rick was behind her, guiding his huge, rockhard prick up under her buns and into her pussy. Laura's eyes widened as she watched him push the enormous thing all the way into Karen, deep.

"Mmnggg!" Karen groaned, a grimace of shock spreading over her beautiful face as she realized the size of the massive cock cramming her tight young pussy.

Rick reached around her, grabbing her hard, ballooning breasts with both hands and squeezing them as he began to fuck her in a rough, plunging rhythm. Karen went wild with lust. She no longer tried to resist them at all. Instead, she surrendered totally to their maneuvers, moaning and shuddering as Rick brought her to another climax in seconds.

And Laura got into the act too, sucking Karen's extra-sensitive nipples, then biting them in the way she knew drove Karen into a frenzy of orgiastic coming. Again she descended to Karen's groin and tickled the girl's clit with her tongue as Rick's fat salami rode in and out of the Karen's engorged pussy. It was then that she got the idea.

All of them were more aroused than ever, their need undiminished. Laura felt her body crackling with lust.

"Put it in her ass," Laura murmured to Rick. "Then I can suck her pussy at the same time."

"It's pretty big to go up there, baby," he said.

"I'll get some oil."

He grinned. "Okay. If you want to try it."

They both knew that Karen was so far sunk in sexual delirium that she hardly knew what they were talking about yet. While Rick kept fucking Karen, Laura darted into the bathroom and returned with a small bottle of baby oil she kept for cosmetic purposes. The sight of the two of them as she came back in the bedroom door left her breathless, her pulse pounding and her pussy flooding.

Karen had just begun to come again, her lovely face torn with ecstacy, Rick's huge cock sunk deep in her cunt, his hand rapidly rubbing her clit. Her beautiful body strained against the rope, sleek and glossy, her breasts bulging, her nipples gleaming and swelling. Laura nearly fainted with lust.

She staggered to the bed and handed the baby oil to Rick. He held it while she unscrewed the cap. Then she watched him pour some into his palm and spread it all over his throbbing prick, until the gigantic thing was shiny, glistening, and slick. Her heart skipped a beat as she imagined it being shoved up into her tiny asshole. God, will she ever forgive me? she wondered.

But she swallowed her misgivings and pulled Karen's delicious, round, firm, black buns apart so he could gain entry. He started by widening Karen's rectum with one oiled finger. Karen grunted and moaned softly as she felt the penetration.

"Mnnngg . . . unnnnnn!" she groaned, wincing, her eyes suddenly glowing with fear as she realized what was happening.

Karen shook her head wildly. Laura embraced her, rubbing her own naked breasts against Karen's strangled globes, hand-fucking the girl vigorously, trying to get Karen's kinky lust back up to a level where she wouldn't object to anything, or resist them.

"Mnnngggooooo!" Karen begged through the gag, shaking her head.

"Oh baby, it's going to be so good," Laura reassured her, kissing her neck, murmuring hot obscenties in her ear. "We're both going to fuck you. You're going to come so hard!"

She saw Karen's face suddenly become paralyzed, and water appear in her eyes. Tears slid down the beautiful girl's cheeks, and Laura realized what was happening. She looked down and saw the huge stiff tube of Rick's cock sliding into Karen's shapely ass. The baby oil lubricated it so well that he pushed it all the way in.

"Nnnngggg!" Karen moaned, grimacing horribly, clenching her teeth on the gag.

Not knowing what else to do, Laura slid down to Karen's pussy and began to fuck it with her fingers while teasing the girl's swollen clit with her tongue. Karen went wild, and so did Rick. The tightness of her virgin asshole squeezing his enormous cock drove him crazy with lust, and he began fucking Karen's ass sharply, ripping the monster up into her shuddering body, bringing howls of ecstatic pain mingled with pleasure from her throat.

Laura knew that the two of them would come any instant. Obviously the sensations were so intense that they couldn't hold on for long. She filled her hands with Karen's beautiful firm buns, pulling them apart and squeezing them, watching Rick's massive piston as he buried it deep in Karen's ass, then withdrew it to the rim, then plunged it sharply into her ass again, bringing fiery yelps of exquisite pleasure from Karen's muffled mouth.

"Awwwnnmmmgg! Ooohhhhh! Awoommmmgg! Ohnngg!" Karen groaned as he hammered his huge cock into her ass again and again, grunting himself and wincing as the terrific pressure pinched him.

Laura couldn't believe the sexual intensity as the three of them moaned and panted their way toward a final explosion. She herself was on the verge of coming too, only from the excitment. She rubbed her wet pussy with one hand and sucked Karen's clit feverishly. The tension, violent fucking, panting, and groaning were unbelievable.

Suddenly, Karen screamed. Her body shuddered with wild spasms, and a transcendant expression of sublimely intense pleasure passed over her face. Her orgasm seemed to remove her to another plane of being. She groaned and twisted in the ropes and in Rick's and Laura's embrace, coming fiercely, agonizingly, shaking and sobbing as fresh waves of coming burst inside her body.

Rick came only seconds later, groaning loudly, burying his enormous rod deep in her ass and spewing hot jism into her, jabbing Karen into yet another fierce, electrifying orgasm. And Laura came too, spurred by their climaxes, rubbing her own clit rapidly, then cawing and moaning as a sympathetic orgasm shook her flesh.

Paralyzed by the shattering three-way explosion they had experienced, all of them seemed to dissolve back onto the mattress, moaning softly and panting, slowly extricating their bodies from one another. Laura was still very conscious of what she had done, how she had cornered Karen in a sexual act that Karen had not invited but had borne the brunt of. And what a brunt! Laura almost gagged again as she saw Rick pulled his massive wet cock out of Karen's ass, which he had just pierced and plundered so completely.

She hurriedly untied the girl's gag and removed it, letting Karen's intense moans escape. She could see the creamy dollops of Rick's jism leaking back out of Karen's ravished asshole.

"Ohhnnnn god, Laura . . . please take off the rope now!" Karen begged her softly. "It's hurting now."

"Oh baby . . . of course. Of course I will," Laura comforted her.

She had the rope untied and removed from Karen's beautiful naked body in no time. Karen stretched and rubbed the tender spots where the rope had bitten into her skin.

"Shit, Laura . . . every time I'm with you I get fucked worse and worse," she grinned, holding up one of her exquisite breasts to examine the rope burn underneath.

Laura kissed the spot, then took Karen's breast in both her hands and lovingly, tenderly, caressed and gently sucked Karen's large, soft nipple into her mouth. Karen moaned, and threw back her head.

"Ahhnnnnn!" she sighed. "Oh baby . . . do you want to start me up all over again?"


"What about your friend with the cannon for a prick?" she asked, looking over at Rick, who was watching them, fascinated.

"I guess he'll have to watch for a while," Laura murmured.

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