Laura - Chapter 5

And she turned out to be right about him. After about twenty minutes, he was all over her again, his massive cock alive and thundering with hard, jumping lust. This time he forced her down onto her stomach and fucked her from behind, screwing her with brutal completeness. She wondered if it was because she had told him about her affair with Karen, and how many times she had come.

Was he jealous? Angry? He crouched over her ass and stabbed his huge prick deep into her splayed pussy, reaching around her body with his hands and gripping her breasts fiercely, kissing her neck and impaling her cunt again and again on his iron-hard spike.

For Laura it was rapture. Even though his huge, pussy- splitting cock ripped deeply into her body, causing sharp arrows of pain, it was intermingled with the most shocking ecstacy. Her quivering flesh strained and shuddered in his grasp, and after a few minutes of vicious rape, she exploded in torrents of fierce coming, shrieking hysterically as the sharp spasms rocked her.

On top of that, Rick had already come twice and so it took him longer this time. He continued to fuck her in the same violent, brutal, vicious way for several more mintues, bringing her to another convulsive orgasm. And then, when he began to come, he reared up so forcefully that his fierce lunges actually lifted her body off the bed. His cock spurting deep inside her ravished pussy electrified Laura, shocking her brutalized body into a final, incandescent, throttling, wailing climax that left her depleted and almost delirious with bliss under his hard-charging lust-machine.

Even though she had only come five times with him, the way he had fucked her left her body feeling more used and wrung out and exhausted than her twenty-one orgasms with Karen had. Her pussy was sore and aching, her breasts throbbed, and her nipples actually hurt when the cloth of her bra rubbed against them. Never had any man fucked her so thoroughly and so brutally.

That's what I get for telling him about her, she thought. Boasting. Taunting him. God, it was wonderful! I came so hard that last time, I thought I was going to just disintegrate.

She realized as she made her way home that she could hardly walk. God, I've never been fucked like that in my life! she thought. And I do mean fucked. I feel like a tree trunk has been raping me.

For days afterward she felt her body returning to normal. And when the twinges of rawness left her nipples, and her cunt stopped throbbing in memory of its plundering by Rick's monstrous organ, she almost began to miss the physical evidence of such a violently sexual evening.

Well, at least I don't have to worry about being a lesbian any more, she thought. Not if I miss having the holy hell fucked out of me like that. God, I really do think I'd just die on the spot if I had both of them fucking me at the same time.

By now she had not seen Karen for about a week. The two of them had been avoiding one another at work, and Laura knew it was because they were both embarrassed and ashamed of what they had done, as well as consumed by the forbidden excitement of it. And the longer it had been since they were together, the more wild and troubling it seemed.

That was why Laura had gone to bed with Rick, which she certainly didn't regret. And she wouldn't be surprised to hear that Karen had done the same. God, we're just not lesbians! she thought over and over. But fucking with her was heavenly!

And after a week, Laura couldn't control the impulse any longer. One night she picked up the telephone.


"Yes . . . Laura." The excitement in Karen's voice was unmistakable.

"I . . . I don't know how you've been feeling," Laura began hesitantly. "But . . . I miss you."

"I miss you too," Karen said in a smoky voice.

"Here, or there?" Laura asked.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," Karen said.

Laura's pussy got so hot and wet that she had to change her panties while she was waiting for Karen to arrive. I may not be a lesbian for real, she thought, but thinking about Rick didn't get me this hot. If she kisses me hard, I might come!

Her heart raced as she heard the doorbell ring. Her hand shook as she twisted the knob.

"Hi," Karen smiled, more beautiful than ever.

"Hi," Laura whispered, letting her in.

She fastened the deadbolt lock, trying not to seem too obvious about it. They were both nervous. But we've done this before! Laura told herself. We had twenty-one orgasms together!

They went into the livingroom, sat down.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Laura asked.

"That would be nice."

Karen's eyes were shiny. Laura couldn't help looking at the girl's fantastic body. Karen's full breasts strained at her yellow silk blouse. She followed Laura into the kitchen.

"Coke or vodka tonic?" Laura asked.

Karen approached her from behind, her long, skillful fingers caressing Laura's neck, then massaging her shoulders through the cloth of Laura's shirt. Laura turned. Their eyes burned together.

"I haven't been able to forget it," Karen murmured.

"I . . . haven't either."

Slowly, their mouths came together in the most agonizingly passionate kiss Laura had ever experienced. Somehow they didn't even want to go on, to move beyond the kiss. Instead, their mouths expressed their longing and their lust, searching, probing, searing one another, until they broke apart, panting and mewling softly in a sweet delirium of need.

Karen put her fingers to Laura's mouth. "Don't say anything."

Laura's eyes were begging Karen, imploring her. She took Karen's hand and drew her out of the kitchen, down the hall to the bedroom. Together they pulled down the bedcoverings. Then they began to undress, not looking at one another until they were down to their underwear.

But by then they couldn't keep their shaking hands off each other. Laura undid Karen's bra clasp, slowly pulling the straps down the girl's long brown arms. Karen's breasts were even more beautiful than she had remembered. She cradled the firm round balls in her palms, brushing Karen's large, thick, black nipples with her thumbs.

"I dreamed of kissing these," she whispered.

"Then do what you dreamed, baby," Karen breathed, her eyes pulsing with need.

Laura lowered her mouth to them. With her tongue she teased Karen until the girl was moaning and whimpering, coiling it around Karen's plump nipples, tickling them. When she finally sucked one between her lips, she could feel Karen's body stiffen with excitement.

Karen's fingers bit into the flesh of her back. They clawed at Laura's bra clasp, frantically freeing it, pulling off Laura's bra. And then they both gave into the wild urgency of their hot need for each other. The slow, simmering passion and shy reawakening of their previous desire gave way to a rush of need. Laura sucked Karen's swollen nipples sharply, making the girl howl and cry out with ecstatic pleasure.

"Oh god . . . baby, fuck me," Karen panted. "I never wanted it so much the first time as I want it now."

They fell together onto the mattress, Laura sighing and moaning heatedly as Karen's mouth found her breasts and tried to swallow them. Wildly they tried to suck and and kiss and fondle each other while undressing each other the rest of the way. Their fingers tore at one another's skirt, and panties, until they were naked, writhing and twisting together, groaning and shivering with unbearable lust for each other.

But each knew what she wanted, and it was the same thing. Suddenly, they stopped clutching and sucking and groaning. They gazed deeply into each other's eyes, then slowly moved their naked bodies into position. Their legs intertwined, and they drew their dripping, aching, oozing pussies together, both looking down, until the wet cuntlips kissed, and their swollen, erect clits touched.

"Ahhhh!" Laura gasped.

"Ohhnnn . . . ohhnnn! God . . . do it hard, baby!" Karen panted.

They kissed savagely, grinding their wet pussies together, nearly fainting from the intense pleasure that gripped their gyrating bodies. They were both so aroused that they knew it would be quick. Each girl dropped her mouth to the other's breasts, and each sucked one of the other girl's nipples fiercely, pumping with her hips and grunting softly at the same time.

In less than a minute, they dissolved together in a frantic torrent of hot coming, squealing and moaning, their surging bodies churning and shuddering.

"Ungghh!" Laura grunted. "Auungghiiieeee! Ohnngghiieee!"

And Karen clung to her, wheezing and gagging on an uprush of sharp spasms. "Unnmmgghh! Oh! Unghhhiieeee!" she cried out, grimacing as an intense orgasm seized her.

Laura buried her face in Karen's smooth neck, realizing after ten seconds that tears were sliding down her cheeks. She looked up and saw Karen's face wet with tears too. Their mouths curved together in a slow, heart-wrenching kiss.

"Ohhhhh god . . . it's never been this way, never this way," Laura moaned into Karen's cheek.

"I know . . . I know," Karen murmured, holding Laura, caressing her body, reawakening the terrible fire that consumed them both.

And now, the first, urgent passion relieved, they coiled together in a more warm, leisurely rhythm, kissing and caressing one another with careful tenderness. Laura held Karen's exquisitely shaped breasts and licked her large round nipples, finally sucking them until each one was stiff and rubbery and springy as she tugged them with her teeth, bringing semi-hysterical whimpers of need from deep in Karen's throat.

"Oh Jesus . . . yes! Unngghhh!" Karen gasped, holding Laura's head, pushing her breasts into Laura's face.

"Oh baby, I've wanted to do this so much," Laura sighed, slipping down between the girl's silky black thighs.

She smoothed away the black hair from Karen's gaping wet slit, then slithered her tongue deep into the girl's pussy. Karen groaned and her luscious body arched and stiffened. She began quivering and moaning uncontrollably, surrendering totally to Laura's clever caresses. Laura tongue-fucked her until Karen was a helpless, squirming basket-case, mewling insanely, biting her full lower lip, her hips quaking and churning frantically.

The perfect black moons of Karen's ass clenched and twitched as she drew closer to her climax, and Laura filled her hands with them as she devoured the girl's streaming cunt. She squeezed Karen's smooth buns and teased Karen's swollen clit with her tongue, then sucked it into her mouth, bringing the black girl to a quick, explosive orgasm.

"Auungghhh!" Karen cried out, her bowed, taut body quivering as one overpowering spasm after another wrenched her flesh. "Nnnunnggmmmm! Oh! Oh . . . Jesus, unnggmmmnnnggghhiieeee!"

Laura prolonged the girl's climax as long as she could, then let her down gently, finally embracing and kissing her. They lay in each other's arms.

"Nobody ever made me come like you do, Laura," Karen murmured. "Not so hard. Not so many times. Not so long. You know, I have a confession to make. After last time, when we were together, I called this guy I used to date."

"Because you were afraid you might be a lesbian," Laura said softly.

"You must've felt the same thing, right?"

Laura nodded.

"Girl, he fucked me until I couldn't even walk. I came three or four times. Good, too. I mean, ecstacy. I didn't even think about you. Not until the next day, when my sore pussy began to feel okay again. And then . . ."

"You don't have to tell me about it," Laura said, feeling a twinge of jealousy at the thought of someone else fucking Karen.

"I want to. In the middle of the day, at work, I'm typing this letter, and suddenly I go all wet and itchy, and I see visions of you, naked, and . . ."

Laura was fascinated, and flattered. She listened excitedly.

"I went into the ladies room and . . . you won't believe this. I made myself come, right there. I wadded up a bunch of toilet paper and bit down on it and came, thinking of you."

The story aroused Laura, who was already pretty aroused from lying next to Karen's naked body. Having just brought Karen to an orgasm by eating her sweet pussy also excited her wildly.

"You know I did the same thing," she whispered. "And you know you shouldn't tell me a story like that and get me so excited without doing something about it."

"Oh, you mean something like this?" Karen grinned, sliding her hand down between Laura's thighs, slipping two fingers into Laura's wet pussy and rubbing it in a way she had that quickly brought Laura to a fever pitch.


"You like that?"

"Oh god, nobody can do that to me but you!"

Karen dropped her mouth to Laura's breasts. She knew so well where the secret nerves were that in only about a minute she had Laura on the edge of coming. She sucked Laura's aching nipples and rubbed Laura's clit roughly, and suddenly Laura spilled over in a violent climax.

"Ungghh! Ohnngg! God . . . yes! Yesss! Mmmnngggeeeee!" she wailed, her beautiful body surging and convulsing as a fierce orgasm wracked her.

And Karen didn't let her come down from it. Instead, she wriggled down between Laura's quivering thighs and began to eat Laura's pussy hungrily, licking and slurping it, tormenting Laura's throbbing clit, devouring the entire wet, pulsing gash of Laura's cunt, until Laura was quickly coming again, groaning and shuddering through a fresh shockwave of spasms.

"Ohhhnnnn . . . ohnnnnn god, Karen, oh! Yes! Yes! Ungghhh! Ohhhnnn . . . aanngghhiieeeee!"

Finally, Karen eased up, letting Laura catch her breath, letting her racing blood slow down. Laura kissed her warmly. "Is this going to be a night like the last one?" she murmured, her head on Karen's bare shoulder, unable to keep one hand from Karen's luscious breasts.

"Baby, I hope so," Karen breathed.

"But how can we top that?"

"Mmmmmm, we don't have to top it," Karen smiled. "All we have to do is fuck until we can't fuck any more. Then rest, and fuck again."

And they both dissolved into laughter.

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