Tina Gives It A Try by MilesEn@aol.com [The attached story is a fantasy. That is to say it is one of my fantasies. If this isn't your fantasy that is fine. But DON'T write and tell me why you didn't like the fantasy or the situation. They are what excites me and I don't expect them to impact you the same way. DO write and tell me where the writing sucks, or where you would have done something differently to improve the story - I am trying to get better at this. I am not a professional writer, although I'm told the only difference is that I don't get paid for this. If you like stories of women far stronger and more skilled than the men they meet, you may find some enjoyment in these stories. Many of these stories are extremely violent, explicit, and graphic in nature. You must be over 18 to read this.] Send comments to: MilesEn@aol.com Tina was nervous. She wasn't as strong as Lynne, or a black belt like Ellen, or as mean as Wendy, or - anything. She did know that she had made great strides since beginning her training with the girls, but she had never tested her abilities against anyone besides the other girls, and they always took it easy on her. But there was one thing Tina was sure of. She wanted it, she wanted it badly. She had heard the others' stories of what it felt like to destroy a man with their bare hands and it almost drove her crazy with envy. The ability to beat a man and make him her slave. How much time had she spent dreaming about that? There was no questioning her desire, but was she good enough, strong enough? She needed to find out. Tina had never been very athletic in school. Tall and skinny she had never been much of anything in school. One of the anonymous many who blended into the crowd and was easily forgotten. Her feelings of inadequacy had been well beaten into her by her abusive father. She never felt worthy of attention by the boys and eagerly accepted any meager signs of it that were given. This had made her an easy target for further abuse and neglect by a string of boyfriends through most of her college years. Eric had just been the last of it. He had seemed so nice in the beginning, but he ended up just like all the others. No, even worse. He started by ignoring her and then cheating on her. When Tina had confronted him, he beat her terribly. Worse then daddy had ever done. Tina started going to the gym to aid in the recovery process. Her bruises and scars brought attention from a group of women who trained there. And what a group! Tina still could remember how impressive they all looked when they first approached her. They all had incredible bodies and as she got to know them she found that their abilities were even more amazing. They showed her that there were things women could do that she never would have thought were even possible. The girls helped Tina to get in touch with her pain of all the years of abuse. Following the pain, came rage. Rage at all the men in the world and what they had done, not only to her but to all the women in the world. Watching Lynne lift weights, or Ellen perform her forms routines, or watching Wendy fight for that matter, could there be any doubt that women were the superior sex? Yet the men had suppressed this knowledge and made the women forget it. But it was getting loose now and there would be no stopping it, if Tina had her way. Her progress had been fast. All the women said so. It was a testament to her desire. She trained harder than any of them and at times it seemed that her gains could be measured almost daily. After a little over a year and a half from when she had started she had totally transformed herself. No longer tall and thin, she was now a voluptuous beauty. Her body was strong and firm and covered in curves she had not believed were there. She had not been convinced of the complete changeover until the girls had taken her to a pick up bar on the other side of town. The men were all instantly attracted to the girls, of course. But many of them seemed to be attracted more to her than even Lynne! She began to look at herself through their eyes after that and she found that she agreed with them. Her body would be the envy of any beauty or fitness contest. When the others began to go on their "conquests" she did not immediately join in. She did not feel she was ready yet. The others tried to convince her that while she may not be at the level of any of them she was much more than the equal of any mere man. Her desire and ferocity, pushed even them to be at their best in any wrestling or boxing match with her, they argued. But she wasn't sure. She would do it when she felt it was right she told the others. Then she saw the tapes. Especially watching the tape of what Wendy had done to Eric had been fun (he was barely recognizable after the terrible beating she had given him). She had also found herself being turned on sexually by watching Eric's destruction. She had not been with a man since him, she would not allow any of Them to be with this body she had said, and when she saw what Wendy did she easily pictured herself in that position. She knew that was the only way to have a man, under your control and taking only what you wanted to offer. She announced she was ready and now had to only find her first "victim". ------ Why did he have to be so big? That was Tina's first question to herself when she had first seen Jeff. He was easily 6'4" or so and had to weigh at least 240 pounds. He had the kind of deep musculature that bespoke of years of training and dedication. Shelly also spoke of his many bar fights which showed his obvious experience in that arena as well. After her description of him and what he had done, the other girls had all instantly volunteered to take him on, but Tina had declined. She had no doubt he had to be her first. Shelly was Tina's neighbor, and when she had noticed her mail piling up she made some inquiries into her whereabouts. She found Shelly in the hospital, recovering from a brutal beating by her ex-boyfriend Jeff. He had not liked the way Shelly had broken up with him and had come over to discuss it with her. The discussion become a brawl with Shelly receiving numerous bruises, cuts, a broken nose, and several broken ribs. Tina felt the old anger build up in her worse than ever. Shelly refused to press charges against him of course (why couldn't the stupid cops realize how afraid of him she was and try a different tactic?). When Tina approached Shelly about her desire to retaliate against Jeff she was hesitant. She didn't want to get Tina in trouble - or hurt. Tina showed her the tapes of what the others had done to some of their victims, and Shelly's eyes lit up for perhaps the first time since she had left the hospital. "Can you do that?" she asked Tina hopefully. "To Jeff?" "Yes I can," Tina answered unhesitantly. Inside she still felt some uncertainty about whether she could handle a big man like him, but she knew she had to find out. Shelly had shown her where he lived and briefed him on his habits. She wanted to watch, but Tina didn't think that was such a good idea. She decided to tape it for her. She could use the cabin on the lake the others had set up for that purpose. It was perfect. Private, no one to hear the screams - she thought sadistically, and available for long term use. She wanted to drag out Jeff's punishment, make him suffer for all the men who had abused her for so long. That settled all that remained was meeting Jeff and arranging a date with him. She decided on the direct approach. She went to the gym where he worked out and "bumped" into him there. She thought that a macho jerk like that couldn't refuse to ogle a beauty like her (that she now thought of herself as a "beauty like that" still amazed her some times) - and she was right. He made some lewd comment and when she had responded positively the rest was easy. He suggested a date that night. She agreed and gave him the address of the cabin to pick her up. Watching him finish his workout, she fantasized about his body beneath hers, begging for mercy. She began to tingle down below and forced herself to wait. After he completed his last set on the bench she went over to the bar. It was an impressive amount of weight, even to do reps with, but it was nowhere near her best. She smiled, picked up the bar, and with a mighty effort curled it to her chest. This is going to be fun, she laughed. ----------- Jeff arrived at 7:00 that night. A half hour late, but the cabin was a little out of the way (that's the point of it isn't it she chuckled). Tina activated the camera system - 4 cameras at different points getting the entire room from a variety of angles. Ellen would take the tapes to one of her slaves who would create a single version of the event with all the best shots cut together. - and opened the door. He gasped at her attire. She had chosen to wear nothing but a two piece pink string bikini and a pair of high heels. She wanted him to completely realize what a woman was doing to him. Jeff looked hungrily at her body. She was a shapely 5'10". Her breasts were decent sized and firm. Her arms and shoulders were muscular, but not overly so. Her tiny waist was lined with muscle. Her legs were long and muscular. From the large quads to the pumped up (from the shoes) calves her legs radiated pure power. He blinked in surprise at what he saw. He had definitely noticed that she had a great body at the gym, but he hadn't realized how great. Earlier he hadn't how firm she was, now he couldn't concentrate on anything else. Being a dedicated weight lifter he prided himself on knowing bodies, and this one was one of the best he had ever seen. Muscular, but not huge, not a sign of fat anymore - and a sense of strength and power that did not usually come from women. He licked his lips and smiled idiotically. "Guess I can cancel that dinner reservation, looks like we're going to get right to it," he said. "Oh we're going to get right to it," she replied. "But not the way you are expecting. I brought you here tonight for retribution." He stared uncomprehendingly at her as she paced across the room, flexing and relaxing her muscles. "I can see by the stupid look on your face that you don't get my meaning. Let me explain. I'm here to teach you a lesson for Shelly and all the other women you've hurt in your pathetic life. And I'm afraid it's going to be a very painful lesson." She continued to pace the room. "This room is where your final destruction as a male begins - and ends," she finished menacingly. As she talked, his expression went from shock to amusement, to anger. "What the hell are you talking about," he replied angrily. "Did that bitch, Shelly put you up to this. She deserved what she got and now it seems that you want some of the same." He stripped off his shirt and flexed his huge body. "You think you can compete with this?" he continued. His arms and legs bulged with masculine power. "Don't you know when you don't have a chance." "Oh its you that doesn't have a chance," Tina answered. "But I don't expect a man like you to understand that." "I understand all right. I get to beat up a woman and rape her in her own house. Two of my favorite things." Jeff continued to remove his shoes and pants and now stood before her in his shorts alone. His big body was flexing and unflexing with his desire to start. "Give me your best shot, bitch" he cackled. She began to circle him, her high heels causing her to only be an inch or two below him. Jeff lunged at her grabbing her by the arms. He had expected to easily lift her and throw her into the wall, starting his complete annihilation of her. He was surprised to find he couldn't budge her! He pushed harder with the same result. Soon, he was pushing with all of his might, his big muscles were bulging with effort and his breath grew rapid with exertion but still she did not move. He couldn't believe that a female could be strong enough to resist him! This was great, Tina thought to herself. She could tell from Jeff's expression that he was pushing with all of his might, yet she held him off! She was having to expend a good deal of energy, but she had no doubt that she was stronger than he. That knowledge was such a turn-on to Tina that she began to tingle in anticipation. The things I can do to him, she thought. She began to force him backwards - slowly, step by step. The veins in his neck and arms stood out boldly from the strain, yet he was unable to stop her from pushing him across the room. When, she got within a few steps of the wall, Tina let loose. She braced her legs and pushed with all her might sending Jeff flying into the wall. He grunted in pain from the collision and collapsed onto the floor. Tina felt so powerful. She had pitted her strength against a man, a man who was almost a hundred pounds heavier than she, and she had won. She began to taunt his weakness. "You don't have nothing, big man," she began. "Nothing when you compare your strength to a real woman." He crawled over near her on the floor and she walked up to him considering her next move. Jeff suddenly shot up and delivered a wicked punch into Tina's midsection. Her breath flew out of her as she bent over in pain. Jeff followed up quickly sending his knee hard up into her head. She rocketed back and onto the floor. Jeff pounced on her and began to slap and punch her unprotected head. "Take that, bitch," Jeff crowed as he delivered a particularly nasty blow to Tina's face. As she was reeling, Jeff ripped off Tina's bikini top, exposing her round, hard breasts. He began to fondle them in between slaps to her face. Tina knew she was in trouble. His big body was placed squarely on top of her and she was unable to buck him off. She eventually managed to get her legs up and under the big man. Then, he lifted his body to try and take his shorts down. Seeing what he was attempting, Tina doubled her efforts to escape. She managed to bring her legs under his torso and with a mighty effort she flung him with all her strength across the room. He crashed to the ground, but quickly dragged himself back to his feet. Tina had also gotten up and had managed to shake most of the cobwebs out of her head. She could taste some blood in her mouth, but the pain was not that bad. Her training and strength had saved her from any real damage. Most of all she was mad. Mad that she had gotten careless and allowed this man to do this to her. She had vowed that this would never happen again, and she had meant it. More than ever she needed to teach this slob some manners. As he came near her, mumbling something about "bring them to papa" she feigned injury. She lured him in and when he got close she stepped into him and tripped him to the ground with a good jujitsu maneuver. He crashed to the floor, not expecting any further resistance from her. Tina jumped on top of him and she heard the air rushing out of his lungs. She grabbed his hands in hers and forced them over his head. She wrapped her legs around his and stretched him as far as her nimble legs would go. Having regained her strength she easily resisted his efforts to throw her off. She could see that her grapevine hold was causing him pain. She stretched her legs even farther apart and he barely stifled a little cry. In this position she could stare the big man directly in the eye. She showed him the easy manner with which she controlled him by smiling and winking, as she alternately stretched and returned his legs. Jeff was in extreme pain, but did not want Tina to know this. He valiantly struggled with all his prodigious strength, but she had him expertly pinned. He attempted to goad her into a mistake. "All right, you got me in this one. I can't move. Are we going to lay her all night, or are we going to fight some more?" Sensing that he had stopped struggling and that she had gotten all that she could out of this hold, Tina began to get up. Then, she thought better of it and came back down on top of him. "You were enjoying my breasts so much, why don't I give you a close look," she exclaimed. She then pressed her breasts over the man's face, positioning them so his flow of air was stopped. He began to violently thrash and buck, trying to unseat her but she continued to ride his ugly face. "What's the matter, don't you like them as much up close. I'm crushed," she laughed. His ragged breathing and cursing against her tender, but strong tit flesh sent shivers of excitement down her spine. She thought she may actually be able to orgasm simply by suffocating this slob with her chest. She could actually feel the strength draining out of him as his struggles got weaker. With his stopped movement the excitement was lessened. She decided to release him and go on to some other holds. Knowing how tricky he could be, she remained on top a few more minutes until she knew that he was spent. When she got up he breathed in with an audible gasp and began to cough and gag. Tina got up and stood over the man. She reached down, grabbed him by the hair, and lifted him to his feet. He was still groggy and disoriented from lack of oxygen. She put him in a headlock and ground down with all her might. He began to cry out in pain, but quickly stopped. He clawed at her arms but were unable to budge them. He then attempted to lift the girl off her feet and crash her to the ground, but she easily blocked his move and clamped down even harder. She felt strength coursing through her as never before as she crushed the man's head with her bare hands. She knew she could easily render him unconscious in this hold, but that would be too simple. He began to swoon from the lack of blood flow to his underdeveloped brain and soon the only thing holding him up was Tina as his legs dragged uselessly on the ground. She let go and he flopped onto the floor, helplessly. Tina rolled him onto his back and grabbed one of his burly arms, forcing it behind his back in a painful arm bar hold. She wrenched the hold for all she was worth. The pain brought Jeff back to life as he struggled and cursed at the beauty, but he refused to give up or acknowledge the pain he was in. Tina could feel the tendons and ligaments in his arm stretch to the breaking point, but still he would give no cries. Tina grabbed his other arm, stood up placing her foot on the middle of his back, and wrenched his arms in a devastating surfboard. She could feel his arms and body quivering from the abuse she was giving him. "Who's stronger, big man," she taunted. "Can't take a little girl? I could tear you apart in this hold. Maybe if you begged me I could show some mercy." Even in his pain Jeff managed a quick "Fuck you bitch" at Tina as she continued the hold. She sensed that he was not going to submit in this hold so Tina let go and turned him over onto his back. She took her right hand and clenched his hard stomach in a claw hold, adding additional leverage by pressing down with her other hand. Jeff began to cry out in pain and tried to pry her hands loose from his stomach with no effect. As she ground in harder, Jeff stopped his struggles and lay on the floor, his eyes closed in obvious pain. She asked him again to submit, but he stoically refused to say anything. She let go of the hold and put her shapely legs around his midsection. It was a long stretch to get them around his big body, but she was able to lock her ankles on the other side of him and squeeze him in a body scissors. He grunted in pain but refused to give up or cry out. Tina angrily clamped down harder and cursed at his inability to hurt her. She felt his ribs begin to bend beneath her legs yet he still refused to say anything. He ran his hands along the shapely contours of her legs. She entertained him by tensing and relaxing her legs allowing him to feel their incredible, steely hardness. Even in his pained state, Jeff marveled at the woman's beauty and strength. How could she be so strong? It crashed all his beliefs about the order of things. This woman, a member of what he had always considered the weaker gender, had destroyed him with ease. Even now as he attempted to tell her that she had won, her strength prevented it. She had so expertly squeezed all the air from him that he was unable to say anything, due to lack of air. Every time he tried to draw in a breath Tina clamped down harder on his ribs. As he was swooning from lack of air and fatigue he leaned up and tried to mouth something to Tina, but unable to get it out he fell back and stopped moving. He was unconscious. Tina got off him, feeling supremely powerful but somewhat cheated. She had wanted him to beg her to stop, to plead for the pain to stop. It now seemed that this man may die before he acknowledged a woman as his superior. He began to stir and she moved over to him. She stepped up to him and asked if he was ready to submit and accept his rightful position at her feet. In a last ditch effort to regain his masculine identity he responded by cursing at her "Screw you, bitch," and sent a feeble punch into her midsection. In his weakened state, she absorbed the punch with ease, and anger swelled up in her. Anger of the years of abuse she had taken. Anger at men for what they had done to women. Anger at this man for being unable to tell her what she longed to hear. It all boiled up in her at this moment. She heaved Jeff to his feet and flung him to the wall. She slapped his face four times to revive him somewhat. His eyes began to focus and she glared at him menacingly. "I was going to beat you. I was going to take you and abuse you as a sex toy. I was going to rape you. But I don't give a shit about any of that anymore," she said in a low voice full of venom. "Hell, you'd probably enjoy most of that anyway. What I'm going to do now is give you the worst beating a human body can possibly endure. You're going to pray for death before I'm through." She drew back her fist, Jeff held out his hands in pleading objection. He had seen the look in her eye and knew that she had meant what she said. Too late, he tried to give up and admit that she was his superior in every way. She ignored him and began to pound his midsection with her fists. She punched and punched. Her fists moved with piston like rapidity into his exposed belly and ribs. He began to cry in pain from the blows, but soon he was unable to mouth any objection. Still she continued. Her fists sank deeper and deeper into his body as his muscles, bones and internal organs gave way before her onslaught. She faintly heard the cracking of bone as she splintered many of his ribs, but she paid it no mind. She was in a zone where nothing could disturb her and her task - the complete obliteration of the object in front of her. She eventually became aware that she was still punching him. Her body was covered in sweat from the prolonged exertion. Her arms and shoulders felt sore and her fists were covered in welts. She did not know how long she had been pounding this man's body. Time had ceased during her angry attack. She stopped and looked at his body. What had formerly been a proud, strong man was now a lump of flesh and blood. He had long ago fallen unconscious, feebly beating at her with his arms and legs. His chest and belly were turned an ugly purple from bruises and internal bleeding. He was bleeding slightly from the mouth, and Tina knew she had probably caused extensive internal damage. She pressed experimentally against his chest and felt it give way easily, flowing under her touch. He moaned in pain and began to come around. Tina knew she should feel remorse at what she had done, but instead she felt exultant. Her strength was immense! She knew she could kill this creep with her bare hands. This filled her with an excitement she had never known before. Her vagina was tingling and flowing in excitement. "It was better than sex!" she decided. She again slapped his face until he came around. His eyes slowly focused and saw the beautiful temptress who had destroyed him. He began to plead and beg for mercy. "Oh God," he stammered. "I give up. You're too strong for me. Please stop. I can't take any more." As he continued to plead, Tina orgasmed. It was the most incredible feeling she had ever felt and she knew she would need it again, and again, and again. She threw him to the floor and tore off his shorts. His exposed penis bobbed onto his bruised belly, already half erect. Tina savagely grabbed it and began to tear and twist at it. He began to cry in terror at this new pain. Tears began to flow down his cheeks as this big destroyer of women began to abject himself to her. "Please stop," he cried. "You're killing me, please, I'll do anything. Just please stop. HELP!" His cries were whiny and pitiful. Music to Tina's ears as she continued to abuse his appendage. She placed both hands on his testicles and crushed with all her strength. She continued to crush and tear at his sign of masculinity. He was fully erect, but the pain kept him from ejaculating. Unable to stop her he moaned in terror and pain. Tina stood up. She looked down at the beaten hulk. The tingling was back in her loins and she needed release. She took her high heel (she had continued to wear them throughout the long encounter) and pressed it onto his hard, bruised prick. It erupted with cum. Pump after pump gushed onto his bruised stomach as he was unable to contain himself. Each ejaculation caused extreme pain in his bruised penis and balls, but this only caused him to ejaculate more. Finally he stopped and lay there, moaning. She knelt down beside him and wiped her hands through the semen on his stomach. She took her lovely fingers and wiped them in his face and hair. He didn't even try to stop her and actually began to kiss her hands and lick his own cum off of her slender hands. He managed to get to a kneeling position and began to kiss her feet and calves. This sign of servility only served to excite Tina further. She needed further destruction. She rolled him over and grabbed his left leg. Violently, she bent the leg over her leg, snapping the knee horribly in the wrong direction. Her training with Ellen allowing her to do this without doing any serious damage, but enough to keep him off his feet for a while. He screamed in agony and cried for her to stop. She slammed his knee over her leg twice more. She let go and stood up, the anger temporarily satiated. He scooted away on his butt, trying to put distance between himself and this killer. He cried for her to stop and pleaded for his life. She looked down at him and smiled. "Now, should I continue, or should I just kill you outright?" she asked. She continued to stalk him with a smile on her face a smile that was anything but friendly. She wasn't really going to kill him but she loved the fact that he wasn't sure - and knew she was capable of it. "No, please," he cried. "Please stop. I hurt so bad." But she continued to come at him outlining what may be next. "You still have a few bones I haven't broken. Maybe I can arrange your face like a Picasso painting. What do you think. Nose over here," she pointed to his left cheek. "Ear over there." He truly feared for his life and screamed for help. He had always been the strong man but now he had absolutely no control over what happened to him and it scared him to death. He didn't know what to do. His pleading had no effect on her. She was going to kill him! He was sure of it. He cried in terror but she just laughed at him. Unable to control himself he pissed his pants, the yellowy urine running onto the floor. Tina smiled, this one a true smile of amusement. His debasement was complete. She decided to finish the encounter by placing his face into her vagina and smother him with the symbol of her womanhood. She pulled down her already soaked bikini bottoms and motioned for Jeff to come over to her. Unable to comply fast enough to suit her, she went over, grabbed him by the throat, and dragged him across the room. He began to plead anew. "Please stop, I'll do anything. Just stop hurting me. PLEASE!" he cried out in terror. "I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself. Let's see if you can be of any use to a real woman, other than as a punching bag." She thrust his face deep into her waiting pussy. He eagerly worked his tongue into her moist box. She pumped and grinded on his face sending it deeper and deeper into herself. As she felt the familiar feeling rising in her she forgot completely about the man beneath her and clenched her legs together tightly around his head. As she orgasmed he once again passed out from the pain, fatigue, and lack of oxygen. As she came back to herself she felt his head still pressed between her upper thighs. His head felt as if it was starting to compress, so she stopped before she really did kill him. She dressed and gathered his belongings. She carried him to his car and drove him to a hospital on the other side of town. He stirred slightly as she pulled up into the Emergency Zone. She looked down at him, kissed him lightly on the cheek and said, "Thanks a lot for the great evening. I had a lovely time." She blew the horn several times, got out of the car and walked away. She felt fantastic. Better than she had ever felt before. ------- Jeff recovered physically fairly quickly. His knees were not permanently damaged and the broken ribs hadn't hit any internal organs. His description to the police of his assailants varied. Between 3 - 5 big men had done this to him. But no one at the hospital could explain his stark terror every time one of the female nurses came close to him. It was almost an accident that they found that the male nurses did not have this effect. Shelly received almost everything in the divorce procedure. Jeff almost gave it to her eagerly. The lawyers both noticed him blanch noticeable and have to be restrained from leaving the room when Shelly rolled up her sleeve and flexed an impressive looking bicep. ---------- Shelly was watching the tape again for the fourth time. She eagerly froze and slow motioned some of the more grisly hits. Her training was coming along great, the others said. Even faster progress than Tina. Shelly couldn't wait for her opportunity to try this herself.... More to come.