Little Bundle Of Power [The attached story is a fantasy. That is to say it is one of my fantasies. If this isn't your fantasy that is fine. But DON'T write and tell me why you didn't like the fantasy or the situation. They are what excites me and I don't expect them to impact you the same way. DO write and tell me where the writing sucks, or where you would have done something differently to improve the story - I am trying to get better at this. I am not a professional writer, although I'm told the only difference is that I don't get paid for this. If you like stories of women far stronger and more skilled than the men they meet, you may find some enjoyment in these stories. Many of these stories are extremely violent, explicit, and graphic in nature. You must be over 18 to read this.] Send comments to: (This is a happy story, really it is) The character of Eve is based on Bodybuilder Eve Polmar, star of the Utopia Entertainment video, "Eve of Destruction". Check it out, she's incredible. "I'm sorry, Eve, I just don't think this is going to work out," the man's voice said. He was a fairly large man, around 6'2" in height, over 200 pounds, and decently muscled. He obviously worked out hard and had the body of an athlete. He was handsome, with dark hair and a pleasant face. His hard body and cute face was sure to make him popular with the ladies. "I'm sorry to hear that, Ethan," the woman replied. She was even more impressive. Almost a foot smaller than the man, she was well muscled with incredible definition. She was wearing a tight halter top that accentuated her upper bodies dense musculature. Her arms were large and well peaked, even unflexed as they were now. The top showed her awesome chest development, her pecs were upthrust on slabs of muscle and showed carved ridges that led into her cleavage. Her abs were shredded, demonstrating a combination of hard work and genetic perfection. Her legs were equally defined with huge thighs and sleek, sexy calves. The short skirt she had on let the bottom of her large and incredibly firm glute muscles show through. Her hair was blonde and fell to the middle of her back. Her facial features were stunning and she could easily have been a model, which she was, even without the muscular, curvaceous body she possessed. Her voice was sweet and feminine, with the hint of an eastern accent. "What seems to be the problem?" she asked. "Well," Ethan replied, "You may be about the most beautiful bodybuilding woman I have ever seen, but I don't think you can give me what I'm looking for." "What are you looking for, Ethan, - and thanks," she crossed her legs as she talked. Her calves and thighs bunching with power as she moved. Ethan watched her body with obvious delight. "You have the muscles, but look at me," he pointed at his body. "I'm 6'2" and 220 pounds and pretty strong if I do say so myself. I'm looking for a woman who can overpower me completely. Who can make me feel weak and powerless. Someone who can make me surrender and feel what it's like to struggle against a woman with all my strength and come out second best. I want to actually feel afraid of what she can do to me with her strength. I don't think you're big enough to do this. It's no good if I have to let you win." "That won't be a problem, Ethan. I can assure you that you won't have to LET me do anything." Her voice made it clear that she obviously believed what she said. "Oh, come on," Ethan replied sarcastically. "I mean how big are you?" "I am 5'3" tall and was 140 pounds as of this morning. But," she leaned in close to the man, "I have more strength and ability than you can possibly imagine. Way more than enough to fulfill all of your fantasies." Ethan sat back as the woman moved towards him. She certainly appeared confident and had an unmistakable air of dominance that he found incredibly arousing. "I would like to think that's true, but I'm not sure I believe it." "Why don't we try something," Eve replied. "We wrestle, and if you win, even one fall, you owe me nothing. If I win and make you give, you owe me double the original rate." "If I win, its free?" he questioned. The manner in which the man licked his lips and surveyed the woman's fantastic musculature indicating that the thought of feeling her body in a wrestling match was not the most unappealing idea he had ever heard. "That's right, she breathed sexily. "But WHEN I win you owe me $500.00. Come on big man, what do you have to lose. If you win, its no skin off your back. But if I win you get your dream come true. For $500.00 that's a bargain." Ethan found her voice and overwhelming beauty intoxicating, and agreed. Even though $500.00 would just about take every penny he had brought with him on his vacation. He didn't really think he was going to lose, I mean she's half my size he thought as he changed into shorts and wrestling shoes. As he walked back out and saw Eve his breath caught at the sight of her. She had on a one piece, striped red and white bathing suit that ran up over the shoulders and barely covered each breast. Her abs were showing and Ethan swore that he could see each individual muscle, the definition was so extreme. It ran high on the glutes and exposed nearly all of her muscled legs. Beating her may even be worth the money, just to get to feel that body up close, he thought as he did some stretching exercises. Eve looked at his shoes and his stretching. "You've done some wrestling," she commented as she stretched her own body. The muscles bulged obscenely with each move of her cultured body. The definition appeared even more pronounced as she flexed. Veins began to appear on her arms and legs as she pumped blood into her body. She began to feel the rush of adrenaline that accompanied each match. He was big and probably skilled, but he didn't count on just how strong she was, she thought. And she knew that no one could match her wrestling skills. Ethan stopped and watched her appreciatively. "Yes ma'am. I was a state champion in high school and did pretty well in college. There's no way anyone you're size could really thrash me. No offense," he added hastily noticing the look in her eye. "It's going to be so much fun, changing your mind big boy. Come on let's get started." Eve circled round the big man. Normally she let her clients have a chance to put her in some holds before she overpowered them. She would grapple with them for a while and let them feel like they had a chance. But if Ethan wanted to feel helpless, she was going to show him what it was really like. Besides his lack of belief was a challenge she couldn't pass up. Ethan circled her and mat her in the center of the room in a traditional lock- up. He expected her to try and avoid his rushes, since he was so much larger, and kept in good balance as he went to hook up with her. She surprised him by meeting his rush head-on. He noted how extremely hard her body was, and the enticing way the muscles bulged as she exerted herself. She managed to throw Ethan back slightly by setting her legs and pushing with her arms. For all his size and experience Ethan could not obtain sufficient leverage to push back and from his off balance position, she easily pulled him forward and put him into a headlock. Eve was a little disappointed at the ease at which she had ensnared the man's head. That was a simple move, she thought. "You must have underestimated me, big boy, that was simple. Now feel some real female power," she crowed as she worked the head lock, pressing Ethan's face into her chest. "It's too bad you can't see how pumped my muscles get as I crank you're pathetic, male head." She compressed hard with her arms and was glad to hear Ethan grunt in pain. She so loved to make men squirm. Ethan's eyes were half closed from the pain and pressure of the lock. He couldn't get over how strong she was and how expertly she had him held. Normally, a standing head lock was a simple hold to counter, but as Ethan tried a few moves he found he was unable to extricate himself. He hesitated at going for the more painful moves, like slamming his elbow into her midsection. But soon he may be forced to do just that he reasoned, as his face became numb between her arms and steely hard chest. In all his experience he had never been in a lock so tight, he was impressed and incredibly turned on. Sensing his growing weariness, Eve flipped him over her hip and onto the mat. From here she could really put some leverage into the hold. She spread her legs and formed a wide base. Ethan struggled but she knew he had only a fraction of the power necessary to break her hold. She was impressed that he had held out this long. She was squeezing with all she had and he hadn't given up yet. "Feel it," she taunted. "Feel those feminine muscles as they crush your skull. You better give it up before I really start to squeeze," she lied. "Come on Ethan, how does it feel? I can't hear you." Ethan was in tremendous pain. His hands probed her arms and chest and were unable to find any sign of weakness. They felt amazingly hard, harder than Ethan thought a human body could get. Can this woman really be stronger than me, he thought. A few moments ago he would have thought that was impossible, now he wasn't so sure. If anything her lock was getting even tighter. Fearing she could sap all his strength this way, Ethan gave up. "I give," he mumbled unable to open his mouth completely to talk. "What's that, Ethan? I can't hear you, did you say harder?" She clamped down a few more moments making the man yell out his submission a few more times. Finally she let go and jumped lightly to her feet. A light sheen of perspiration had begun to form on her body, making it even more erotic as she stretched her muscles. "I thought you were going to be more of a challenge. Still think I'm too small to give you your fantasy?" "Well you bitch," Ethan replied, rubbing his chin to get some feeling back. "You had me in real trouble there. I'm ready for you now." "What did you call me," Eve's voice had dropped about an octave and the look on her face had turned from amusement to anger. "No one calls me a bitch. Do you hear? No one!" It was time to begin showing the big man what it was like to fear a female's muscles. She wasn't really mad, but she wanted him to think that she was. She flexed every muscle in her body as hard as she could and slowly stalked the man. Ethan was startled by the transformation, suddenly she looked fierce and predatory. Her muscles even appeared more forbidding as she approached him. He backed off, "I didn't mean anything by it, it's just an expression." To a viewer it would have looked humorous. The large, well built man retreating from the smaller woman. "Let's just calm down here." He put out his hands in a placating manner. Eve slapped his hands away and quickly stepped in putting the man in a bear hug. She squeezed her arms and was gratified to hear the air whoosh out of his lungs. She felt his back arch and the rest of his body tense as the pain hit home. This was Eve's favorite hold. It was true she could do much more damage with her legs, but it was always a kick to take a man down with just the power of her upper body. She loved the intimate contact of the bear hug. As the air left the man's body and he became unable to resist he melded closer and closer to her muscular frame. She took in a deep breath and flexed her chest as well as constricted with her arms. She could feel her pecs press into Ethan, the nipples digging into his chest. She knew her body was not the one giving way and she loved the sensation. She could also feel Ethan's arousal and had to admit the she was becoming incredibly turned on as well. "How does it feel," she breathed into his ear. "I love it, you feel so weak and tiny as I crush you with my little hug. What's the matter big boy? Is the little girl too much for you?" Ethan's only response was to grunt in pain as she alternately flexed and released her arms. He was almost completely out of air now as each time she squeezed he gasped and her arms tightened a little further. "I'll teach you that no one calls me a bitch. I hope you have good medical insurance." She laughed as she felt Ethan's body almost collapse against her own. Ethan was in real pain. Her hold was unbreakable, he tried every counter he could think of but she was just too strong. As his mind registered this he still found it hard to believe. She was crushing him with ease. His dream was coming true, this woman was pummeling him with her muscles. As he found himself unable to breathe he began to panic and pounded his fists on her back and screamed his surrender. "Please," he gasped in a barely audible whisper. "I can't breathe, please stop, you're too strong." His hands bounced off her iron back with no effect. "PLEASE!!" Eve laughed at her victim. "Oh keep doing that," she said about his feeble attempts to hit her. "It feels so good. You men are all the same, a little squeeze and you give up. I know dozens of women who could beat you without even working up a sweat. But I'm going to show you just how weak you are. You're going to regret showing up here before I'm done." Ethan was swooning from the lack of air and had given up his screams. Eve continued, knowing that she was the only thing holding him up right now. Just before she felt he was going to pass out she released him and he slumped to the ground. Ethan greedily gulped in air. His back and ribs throbbed in pain as he gasped in an attempt to re-inflate his lungs. "You're incredible," he managed to pant to the supreme form standing over him. He was aroused as he had ever remembered being. "I'm just getting started." She let him have a few moments to recover before starting again. "Do you apologize for calling me a bitch." "Oh God yes, I'm sorry," Ethan pleaded. He wouldn't have thought it possible that she could have reduced him to this so quickly if even at all. He was truly begin to fear what this muscular goddess could do to him. He was also a little humiliated at the ease she had done this to him, and he wanted a chance to redeem himself. He wasn't sure if he was up to the challenge in his currently weakened condition. "I don't think you mean it," Eve replied. "But you will, you will give yourself to me completely and totally before I'm through. Now let's continue the lesson." She plopped herself down onto Ethan's body and spread his legs apart with her own. She rolled him onto his back and held his arms down. She stared at his face as he tried to get up. His pathetic attempts made her smile grow wider. His face got red as he pushed with all of his male might. But the female still held him securely to the ground. "You can't even budge me, you are so weak. What a wimp," she laughed. "I thought you were supposed to be a wrestler. Maybe I could find someone your own strength to wrestle. Like my ten year old niece. No, she would probably be too much for you. Come on struggle, you feel so cute down there." She rubbed her pelvis across Ethan's crotch. "Oh, you're enjoying this aren't you?" Ethan was amazed that he couldn't move. Her legs kept him from twisting and she had positioned herself somehow so he was unable to roll out of her grasp. Her arms kept his pinned as effectively as if he was nailed to the ground. He gasped and strained, but she would not move. It was the most humiliating and arousing experience he had ever had in his entire life. If she continued to grind herself against his crotch he was going to cum. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met and she was going to force him to ejaculate into his shorts. He pushed with all his might and whispered, "I can't believe this, you're so amazing." Eve could feel him growing hard beneath her. She rubbed her steely muscles against his hardness. "You better believe it. Can you feel my hard muscles against you," she breathed in a sexy voice. "You can't move, it looks like a pin. One, come on move me, Two, you're so weak, I can't believe it. Three, I could count to a hundred and you would still be stuck here. What a wimp. Four... Five... Six...," She continued to count as she pumped her body expertly against Ethan's member. "I bet you can't last until twenty," she teased. "Ten... Eleven..." Ethan was becoming more embarrassed. She could tell how aroused he was yet he had no ability to do anything about it. She was going to make him cum and he was powerless to prevent it. It was a dream, but he didn't want to look like such a weakling in front of this beautiful woman. He still had too much male superiority drilled into him to give up. He loved her strength but he was supposed to be the conqueror. But she was simply way too powerful. She held him easily, while he was almost exhausted from trying to get up. He grew hard and knew it was only a matter of time. The combination of her sexy voice and incredible body was too much. At the count of 29 he shot into his shorts. Eve felt him release. She got off his body and stood over him. "That's such a good boy. The weak little boy likes his big muscle mama. If you kiss my feet maybe I'll do it to you again." She placed her foot into the man's face. He slapped her foot away angrily. "I'm not kissing anyone's foot," he spat. "You proved you're stronger than me, but I'm nobody's slave." Obviously this was a sore spot to the man. Eve took it as another challenge. "We'll see who's a slave. Now kiss my foot before I get mad. Admit it, that's what you want to be controlled and dominated. You can't resist me and you love it." Ethan got to his feet and pushed the woman away. "I'll admit you turn me on something fierce. But I don't bow down to anyone. Besides, that's only the first rounds, I'm still going to get this encounter for free," he challenged as he jumped at the woman. Eve stepped away and tripped the big man to the floor. Eve was impressed with his gumption, even if he wasn't particularly bright. Most men would have gotten the idea that she was superior to them by now. She straddled his head with her thighs and compressed. She placed her hands under his midsection and lifted it in the air. She tightened on his head and stomach at the same time. "You don't seem to learn. I'm too much for you. Just admit it." She crunched hard on his head. He yelled in pain. "Guess some people have to learn the hard way." She doubled her efforts on his head, squatting a little to get maximum impact from her thighs. The muscles bulged and she loved the sensation of the man's head between her thighs. She really got into it and quickly reduced Ethan to screams. "OWWWW!, stop, stop, please. It hurts. You're crushing my head." Ethan screamed in pain. He had never felt anything like the incredible pain he was in right this moment. Eve relented and dropped him to the mat. Ethan saw stars and was dizzy as Eve grabbed his body and lifted it off the mat. She put his tired body on her shoulders and walked around the floor. "What are you going to do now," Ethan asked fearfully once he got a little of his wits back. He now realized she could do anything she wanted to him and he was powerless to prevent it. It was arousing but more frightening to realize. Eve let him struggle for a few moments before continuing. "I saw this move on TV. I believe Lex Luger called it the Rack." She placed her hands on top of Ethan and pulled down as she lifted up with her shoulders. She felt his body bend as she pulled, and his screams testified to the fact that it was a painful maneuver. She made a note to remember this hold. It didn't take a lot of effort and Ethan's reaction assured her it was lethal. "Oh GOD!" Ethan cried. He was wrong, THIS was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. His body felt like it was being torn apart as she laughed and taunted his weakness. He was beginning to not care about being called a wimp, anything to make the pain stop. "Please, I give," he renewed. I'll do anything you want." Eve was a little disappointed at the speed of his capitulation. I thought he had more than that, she thought as she dropped him to the mat. He lay there twitching and moaning in pain. She encircled his stomach with her thighs and wrapped her arm around his head. She squeezed her legs as she pulled his body apart with her arm. "Not yet, you don't give up," she informed him. "Feel my thighs, feel their incredible power as I crush you." She flexed her legs as Ethan obediently rubbed his hands along her muscles. "Tell me how they feel." "It hurts," was Ethan's only reply. "I know it hurts, you wimp. Tell me how my body feels. Tell me how sexy I am before I really decide to crush you." As a little warning she flexed once as hard as she could causing Ethan to scream in a high pitched voice. "Start pleading for your life, big man." "Please stop, you're so strong. I can't believe how strong you are. You're muscles are so sexy," Ethan pleaded, his hands searching for a way to remove her legs from his middle. "I want you so bad, but I'm too weak. Please stop." "What about the money?" Eve asked. "$500.00 you deserve it. Just please stop." "I think I want a thousand now. You're certainly in no position to argue. Don't you agree wimp. Tell me you're a wimp." She again squeezed Ethan, feeling his midsection bow a little. She knew how to apply this hold to cause maximum pain but with little long term effect. All Ethan knew was that it hurt. "But I don't have a thousand dollars." "You shouldn't have told me than, Ethan," Eve squeezed even harder. "Now I may have to punish you some more. I may kill you just by accident, you being such a wimp and all." She flexed with all her might and Ethan started to wave his arms frantically in the air. "I'll get it, I'll get it," he screamed at the top of his lungs. "I'm a wimp. I'm a wimp!! Please stop, don't hurt me any more." He tried to continue pleading as the air left his body once again. He was frantic, but totally powerless to stop him. This is it he thought as the edges of his vision began to grow dark. I'm going to die. He passed out. Eve released him when he passed out, as always the moment of a male's ultimate submission had turned her on to the point of no return. She felt the need to orgasm burn inside of her as Ethan began to stir. She kicked off her clothes and stood before him naked. She wasn't done with him yet. Ethan was disoriented, where am I he thought as he looked up and saw Her. He saw Her incredible, naked body and remembered Her sexiness. He also remembered extreme pain. He yelped a little in fear and hugged Her legs. "No more, I can't take any more. I'll give you everything you want." "You've already given me everything I want, Ethan," she replied lifting his body to his feet. "Now I want your life." Ethan's eyes went wide and he began to thrash form her grasp. He managed to break her hold and flopped on the floor. Like a scared horse he began to kick and punch blindly, she let the blows rain off her body with no effect. When he tired she caught his hands and pulled him to his feet. Flexing her bicep in front of his face she commanded him to feel it. Ethan obediently rubbed her muscle as she slowly talked to him. "You're going to please me now, but not with your male tool, that's too wimpy. Maybe you're head can do the trick." She roughly grasped his head and forced it between her legs. "Now get to work, or you might not make it out alive." Ethan felt her legs compress on his head painfully. He worked his tongue into her and she pressed it in even further. Soon she was rocking back in forth in ecstasy as Ethan worked. He had never done this to a woman before and he was surprised to find how much it aroused him. As she became lost in the throes of passion her grip became more painful and Ethan began to work more frantically. He was out of air and quickly lost consciousness once again. Eve felt him stop moving and finished the job by rocking his head inside her. "That's a man for you," she said to herself. "Never able to complete the job alone." She felt the stirrings and had to remember to release Ethan's head as she orgasmed, for fear that she really might kill him. She rubbed her pussy all over the man's unconscious face and got up. She went into the next room and changed into a new set of clothes. She knew the impact this had on men, to realize they were out long enough for her to do all of this. As than stirred, Eve checked out his body. Ethan awoke and started to plead to her again. "No more, please. You're too strong, you'll kill me." He blinked at her new outfit. "How long was I out?" Eve laughed. "Don't worry, it's over. You'll have some bruises, but nothing is broken." It took Ethan a moment to realize she wasn't going to hurt him any more. "I'll give you everything I have now, and get you the rest of the thousand dollars right away. Really." Eve laughed again. "So how did it feel to be terrorized by a muscular woman, everything you dreamed it would be." She looked at his confused face and smiled. "That's right, I wasn't really going to hurt you - not too badly anyway, you can get in too much trouble that way. And forget the grand, just pay the regular amount. It's the going rate for less than an hour. And bedsides I did kind of take advantage of you there." Ethan looked at the clock and was amazed to see that his entire destruction had taken only 45 minutes. He got dressed, feeling the pain in his body as he moved. Eve laughed at his discomfort and rubbed his back as he walked. He winced in expectation as she reached for him. He really was scared, Eve thought, her insides tingling with the realization. Ethan reached into his wallet and gave her $500.00 "Here, double the original rate, you deserve it. It was more than I ever could have dreamed it would be," Ethan clutched his painful body for effect. Eve took the money and laughed again at the big man. "Come back any time," she intoned flexing her body as he went out the door. "Oh I will," Ethan replied as he walked out the door. His views on women and the stronger sex irrevocably changed from this day forth. "I most definitely will." THE END