Last Call Mick Sloane Barmaid Jordan deals harshly with an unruly patron Jordan stopped next to the table where the muscular young man in the baseball cap sat, by himself. Eyeing him warily, she said, "Can I bring you anything else? This is last call." The man looked up at her, allowing his eyes to wander leisurely up her body, taking in her legs, her hips, her waist, her breasts, her lovely face. She was beautiful. Probably six feet tall, and full framed. Long, muscular arms and legs. Curvy hips. Small, tight waist. Large, firm breasts. Straight, long, blonde hair. Sweet, pretty face. Lovely blue eyes. She was wearing a tight, little pink tank top and a short miniskirt that showed off her shapely, long legs. The handsome young man smiled confidently at Jordan. "You about to get off work?" he asked. "Where are you going then"? "Home, sweetie," Jordan answered, smiling thinly. Missy, the other waitress working that night, had told Jordan about this guy earlier. Missy had taken his drink order, and the guy had grabbed her ass as she turned to walk away. Jordan wasn't going to encourage him, but she half hoped he would put his hands on her, the way he had with Missy. Jordan was feeling like beating up a boy today. No particular reason. She just liked to. She had an impressive talent for cruelty, and it brought her tremendous joy. It had been a couple months since the last one, and she had built up a lot of aggression since then. Not to mention the fact that she was definitely in the mood for some sexual gratification -- on her terms, of course. So she was kind of hoping that this one would piss her off. She could tell by the look of him that she would have no trouble at all taking him apart. He had to wrong her somehow first, though. She didn't just beat them up for the heck of it. What would be the fun in that? "Home?" the man answered, looking up into her eyes. "What would you want to go there for?" "Because I'm tired, and I want to get off my feet," she answered. The young man smiled confidently, placing the palm of his hand on the inside of Jordan's thigh and closing his fingers gently against her flesh. "I want to get you off your feet, too, beautiful." Jordan focused very hard on maintaining her demeanor. She did not flinch when he touched her, or change her facial expression, or step away from his hand. She let him leave it there, on her thigh, and she smiled back at him. "Oh, do you?" she asked quietly, raising her eyebrows. "Oh yeah," he answered, moving his hand slowly up her thigh towards her crotch. "Stay here," Jordan told him. "I'll be done in half an hour. Do you want another beer?" "Sure," he said. Jordan brought him another bottle of beer. She lowered her face close to his, taking his chin softly into her hand, and she looked into his eyes. "Back in a flash," she said, winking mischievously. True to her word, she came back a few minutes later, carrying another beer and a glass of whiskey. She pulled out the chair opposite the young man and sat in it. She slid the beer across the table to him and took a sip from the whiskey. "Wow, you like the hard stuff, huh?" he asked, winking suggestively. Jordan just smirked back at him, and took another sip. "So what's your next move, cowboy?" she finally asked him. "I'm Cal," he said, extending his hand across the table. "Jordan," she replied, shaking his hand. "So, what's your next move, Cal?" "Well," Cal said, taking a big drink of beer, "I thought you might like to come back to my place and you know, see what happens." Jordan smirked again, and rolled her eyes at him, taking another sip from her drink. "See what happens? Does that mean you want to have sex with me?" She looked directly into his eyes. She was beautiful. "Um, OK, sure," Cal returned, grinning. "What makes you think I would want to have sex with you?" she asked, smiling at him flirtatiously. "Because you'll never forget it," he said, grinning again. "What's the matter, don't you like sex?" Jordan giggled at him. "Oh yeah, I love sex, sweetie. I have some unusual tastes, though. Are you into that?" she asked, licking her lips seductively. "Sure," Cal said. "As long as it doesn't involve any animals, or other men, I'm up for whatever." Jordan waved across the room as the bartender made his way to the front door. "Good night, Sam. I'm fine. I'll lock up before I go upstairs." "Upstairs?" Cal asked, as the bartender walked out of the front door. Jordan nodded, smiling mischievously. "I rent the apartment above the bar from the owner. I go to college during the day, and I waitress in his bar at night to pay him rent. It's a great apartment, and I never have to go far when I want a drink. Want to see it?" she asked, smiling at him. "Yeah, sure," he said, rising to his feet. Jordan got up and walked towards the front door of the bar. "Let me just lock up." She locked the door and put the key in the cash register. "There," she said, arching her eyebrow seductively. "Now we have the whole place to ourselves." Jordan went behind the bar, and she returned with an opened bottle of whiskey and two bottles of beer, which she handed to Cal. They left their empties on the table. She took his hand, smiling at him naughtily, and she led him through a door behind the bar, to a staircase. "Follow me," she said, and walked up the steps. Halfway up the stairs, she looked back over her shoulder and caught him looking up her skirt, at her taught little behind. Jordan smiled down at him and turned to face forward, continuing up the steps. "Like what you see?" she asked as she walked. "Oh, yeah," Cal answered. 'Good,' Jordan thought. 'You'll be seeing a lot more of it in the next few hours, very close up.' She was thinking about breaking this one, at least a little. Sometimes she just hurt and humiliated them. But sometimes she liked to break them, too. This one seemed like a real asshole. Besides, she had all that aggression to work out. Her classes had been particularly tough this semester. At the top of the stairs, she stopped and used a key to open the door. She walked in, turned on a light, and set the keys and the bottle of whiskey on a table near the door. Cal came in behind her, and she took the bottles of beer from him, and set them on the table as well. She gestured to the apartment behind her. "Well, this is it," she said, looking into Cal's eyes, standing just inches away from him. "I love it," Cal said, without looking at the apartment. He leaned in to kiss her, and Jordan returned his kiss, hotly. He moved his hands to her waist, and then down her skirt, over her buttocks. She sighed, putting her own hands on his chest, pushing him backwards slowly, backing him up against the door. She pulled her head back, away from his lips, looking in to his eyes, and she turned her body, facing away from him. She leaned back against him, slowly, pushing her rear end against his pelvis, leaning the back of her head towards his face. Cal kissed the back of her neck and her shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her, moving his hands up her taut belly, caressing her breasts. Jordan sighed, rocking her hips back and forth, pushing her rear end back against his crotch. She could feel his erection against her bottom, and she smiled to herself. Cal continued to kiss her neck and shoulders, and Jordan moaned, reaching behind her to take hold of him with her hands on either side of his waist. She arched her pelvis forward, pulling it away from his crotch, sighing with arousal as he continued to kiss her shoulders and caress her breasts. Jordan brought her hips back, suddenly, slamming her buttocks against Cal's crotch with terrific force. He squealed in pain and surprise, and his first instinct was to try to move away from her, but she leaned her whole body back against him, holding him flat against the door for a moment. He swiped at her with his hands, but she quickly caught his wrists and held them tightly, pulling them out in front of her. She arched her hips forward again, and his body slumped, slightly. A split second later, before Cal had time to react, she brought her hips back again sharply, slamming her firm, round buttocks against his belly, thoroughly winding him. She let go of his wrists and stepped away from him, turning to face him. He stumbled forward a few steps, and Jordan took him firmly by the shoulders, shoving him brutally back against the door, smirking to herself as his teeth chattered audibly at the impact of his head and body being slammed against the door. Cal fell to the floor, rolling and writhing, disoriented, gasping for breath. She turned to look down at him, folding her arms across her chest. As Cal regained his ability to breathe, he slowly rose to his hands and knees, preparing to stand. Jordan stood in front of him, looking down at him, and she lifted her right foot high into the air. Before Cal knew what she was doing, she brought it down with brutal force, smashing his left hand against the floor with the heel of her boot. She shrugged down at him sweetly as he looked up at her in horror, shrieking in pain as the bones in his hand splintered beneath her foot. She held the heel of her boot down on his hand, cruelly grinding it against the floor as he once again collapsed, writhing in pain as Jordan pulverized the bones in his fingers and hand. Finally, she casually lifted her foot, and took a quiet step backwards. Jordan slipped her feet out of her boots, looking down at Cal as he lay on his side, curled into a ball, holding his broken hand protectively against his body. As she walked toward him, he shrunk away from her, but Jordan easily caught up to him, and brought the heel of her foot down brutally into his belly, smirking down into his face as his breath left him once again. Without giving him time to recover, she suddenly brought herself down on one knee, using the weight of her body and the momentum from her fall to force her knee into his belly. She looked into his eyes coldly as he gasped desperately for breath. She quickly stood back up, towering over him, her hands on her hips, sternly watching him as he struggled to slowly recover his breath. When she sensed that he was breathing, and observed that he was once again starting to recoil away from her, she leaped into the air and brought her knee back down into his gut. This time she held it there, though, cruelly jabbing her knee into his belly like a knife, smirking down into his face as he gasped for breath and writhed in pain. He lashed at her with his arm, moving to push her knee away, but she caught his wrist. He began trying to buck her off of him, but she dug her knee into his stomach savagely, the look on her face making it clear that he had better stop, which he soon did. After another moment, Jordan removed her knee from Cal's gut, and she threw her leg across his body, settling her crotch down on top of his stomach, straddling him. He tried to sit up, but she stretched her legs forward, putting her feet on his shoulders and using them to slam his body back against the floor, chuckling at him as he groaned from the teeth-rattling shock of the impact of his upper body being thrust against the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you? You fucking crazy bitch," he managed, finally, still struggling to get up. He couldn't get Jordan off of him, though. She held his upper body down with her feet on his shoulders, and she had all of her weight on his belly. His feet were stretched flat on the floor in front of him, and she leaned back to put her hands on his upper legs, so he couldn't get any leverage from them, either. "Wrong? With me?" Jordan cooed. "Nothing's wrong." "God damn it," Cal continued to struggle to get up, and Jordan laughed at him as he tried to get free to no avail. "What the hell are you doing?" Jordan pulled her legs back beneath herself, positioning herself on her knees as she continued to straddle him. Cal tried to sit up again, and Jordan leaned forward, curling her hand into a fist and landing a savage punch to the side of his face. "What am I doing?" she laughed at him. "I'm beating you up." He recoiled after she hit him, and lay back on the ground, rubbing the side of his face with his hand and groaning. "And stay down," she snarled, looking down into his face menacingly. She put her hands on her hips, looking down at him, and she lifted herself up onto her knees, lifting her body off of his stomach for a moment, and then she relaxed her knees, slamming her crotch down against his belly, knocking the wind from him yet again. Jordan laughed down at him as he writhed in pain and gasped for air, and she again lifted herself up, and slammed herself down on his belly. Cal tried to sit up, but his stomach muscles wouldn't let him. He reached for her with his good hand, but she caught his wrist and held it tightly in her hand. She slammed her crotch into his stomach again, and again, and again, the last time holding it there, spreading her knees further apart so that the weight of her body bore down on him, digging her crotch into his belly as he gasped desperately for air. "Why are you doing this?" he managed, as he continued to struggle weakly beneath her. "Because I want to," she said quietly, slamming her pelvis down into his belly again and holding it there, looking coldly down into his eyes. "Because I can." "You fucking bitch," he spat, still struggling for breath. She smiled down at him coldly. "I wouldn't speak to me like that, if I were you," she said, and she slammed her crotch down into his gut savagely, and held it there, looking down into his eyes as he wailed in pain and gasped weakly for air. "You're killing me," Cal gasped. She smiled down at him sweetly, "Oh, honey," she said. "I'm just softening you up. This is nothing. Nothing. Take my word for it." She watched his face with amusement as his eyes widened. Jordan turned around on his body so that she was facing away from him, still straddling his belly. She again brought herself up onto her knees, and she slammed her buttocks down on his middle, chuckling to herself as his body doubled over in pain. She flipped her hair back over her shoulder and turned her head around to look down at him, just as he was once again trying to sit up. Jordan brought her elbow back sharply, catching him on the side of the head with it, laughing to herself as he fell backward once again, landing on his back with a grunt. "I said stay down," she said quietly, and she lifted herself up, and brought her bottom down on his stomach again. She did this repeatedly, until he was so weakened, and in so much pain, that he did not resist at all. He just lay there, moaning and gasping for breath. Jordan turned around on him again, straddling him, facing forwards. She leaned forward and took a handful of hair on his head. She pulled him towards her rudely, giggling as he shrieked in pain. "All right," she said. "You wanted to sit up. Now you can sit up." She pulled him into an upright position, so that he was sitting up, on the floor, and she was sitting on his lap. She wrapped her beautiful legs around his waist, looking bemusedly into his eyes as he tried to push her away. She settled her crotch in tightly against his belly, and interlocked her ankles behind his back. Jordan began squeezing him between her thighs, gently at first, increasing the pressure very slowly, very deliberately. He could do nothing at all to resist, because she had already wreaked such havoc on the muscles around his stomach. She took her time anyway, though, putting her face inches from his, holding him close to her, watching his eyes as she slowly, steadily increased the pressure around his middle. She could tell when it started to hurt, and to impair his breathing, because his eyes widened in fear, and he started struggling immediately, and flailing at her with his arms. "Oh no," she said, catching his arms and putting them behind his back. He shrieked in pain as she carelessly handled his broken hand. She crossed his arms behind his back, pulling each in the opposing direction and pulling his upper body into an embrace with her at the same time. She leaned her head back, though, so she could continue to look into his eyes, her face just an inch or two from his. Jordan squeezed tighter. "So you want to touch my thighs, do you?" she asked him. "You want to feel them? Well now you have my permission. Go ahead. Feel them." She laughed in his face as she squeezed harder, and harder, and harder. He was gasping for breath, now, and trembling in pain. "Mmmm," Jordan sighed. "This is one of my favorite things in the whole world," she said. She squeezed harder still, looking into his eyes coldly as he winced in pain. "Oooohhh. Yes," she cooed. "I fucking love this. Taking a boy like you, one who has had the bad judgment to annoy me, and just squeezing the shit out of him between my thighs. Mmmmm." She squeezed harder. She was feeling waves of arousal now, as Cal shuddered involuntarily between her powerful thighs. She leaned back and pulled Cal's shirt off of him, and then she took off her own top, and then her bra, looking with amusement into his eyes as she noted his gaze move immediately to her full breasts, erect nipples. She was crushing him between her thighs, brutalizing him, and still he couldn't help but stare at her breasts. And she felt his erection, through his shorts, against her buttocks, as well. Men are so pathetic, she thought to herself. A pretty girl can do whatever she wants to them, and still they will be in awe of her. Jordan wrapped her arms around his upper body now, pressing her breasts against his chest, her erect nipples poking at him, and she squeezed her thighs together violently, moaning in ecstasy at his pained, high-pitched screams. "Oh, yes," she said throatily, her face against his ear. "There is no feeling in the world that I enjoy more," she whispered, her lips against his ear, "than the feeling of a man, crushed and squishy, trembling and gasping helplessly between my legs. You have no hope. None. You are fucking mine, to do with as I will." She squeezed her thighs together tighter still, until she reached the point where she feared squeezing any tighter would break him, and then she held them there, swelling her breasts against his chest as he squealed and gasped for air. "This must be terribly humiliating. I'm having my way with you, deriving such great pleasure from it, against your will, causing you terrible pain. I'm afraid that you will find that I'm an awful bully." Cal convulsed in pain, his chin resting weakly on her shoulder. "Please stop," he managed as she crushed him between her powerful thighs. "Mmmm," Jordan moaned. "Make me. Make me stop," she taunted, arching her crotch in against his belly, hugging her thighs possessively around his waist, swelling her breasts against him, breathing in and out slowly, comfortably as he shook in pain and struggled for breath. She laughed at him as she felt his hand " the one which was not broken " weakly trying to pry her legs off of him. "Oh my God, yes," she enthused. "Keep trying to make me. Go on. Make me stop it. You have no idea how much it adds to my enjoyment when you struggle. Pathetic fucking man," she taunted. She slowly lay down on her side now, pulling him over with her, and she crushed his middle between her thighs, looking bemusedly into his eyes as he wailed and gasped. Jordan rolled onto her back, pulling him with her, so that she lay on the floor, on her back, and he lay on top of her, his middle trapped between her thighs. She loosened her legs around his midsection, and Cal gasped in breath, and he immediately tried to get up. Jordan pushed him, sliding his body down lower on her own, and she raised her thighs up around his chest, wrapping her legs just under his arms, and locking her ankles behind his back. He flailed at her with his arms, but she quickly caught both of his wrists and held them out to either side, smirking down at him with amusement. Jordan pulled him down flat against her, and she began squeezing her thighs around his chest. She arched her back, thrusting her pelvis up against his chest, and pulling his arms farther and farther apart, pulling his body down towards her as she chewed on it with her thighs and arched her pelvis up against him. In no time at all, she had forced the air from his lungs. Jordan took hold of his head with her hands on either side, roughly grabbing big handfuls of hair and simultaneously bending her body at the waist, pulling him up towards her bosom even as she continued to crush his chest between her thighs. Jordan pressed his chin firmly against her chest, between her breasts, and tilted his head so that he was looking up at her, into her eyes. She brought her thighs together brutally against his side, and arched her back, forcing her pelvis up against his rib cage, moaning in ecstasy at the feel of him squeezed tightly between her legs. He squealed in pain as she squeezed him ever tighter, looking down coldly into his eyes, her erect nipples poking against his face as he gasped for breath and struggled weakly to free himself. "How do you like me now, bitch?" she asked sternly, arching her pelvis up cruelly against his ribs. He struggled desperately to break free, but she had him. His situation could not possibly have been any more hopeless. "Mmmmm," she moaned, squeezing his upper body ever tighter. She looked into his eyes as she loosened her legs slightly, lowering her pelvis, and then quickly crushing her thighs together and arching her pelvis up against his chest, with a forceful, sudden motion, smirking coldly at him as both of them heard his ribs crack. He shrieked in pain and terror. She loosened her grip on him again, roughly turning him onto his side, as she lay on her back. She brought one powerful thigh against his upper back, and the other across his chest, just beneath his arms, and she locked her ankles as he gasped in horror and flailed about. Jordan reached her hands up and caught hold of his face, turning it so that she could look into his eyes as she brought her thighs together with horrific force, cracking more ribs and shrugging carelessly at him as he wailed in pain and began sobbing. She moved her thighs up and down across his back and chest so that she could agitate his broken, splintered rib cage. "Oh, fucking awesome!" she sang, holding his face so that she could maintain eye contact. "That's it. Cry, pussy. Do you think I'm a bully? Is the mean pretty girl picking on you?" she asked sweetly, crushing her thighs together and chucking as she splintered his ribs. Cal's ribs were shattered in several places, now, and he was in unspeakable pain as Jordan crushed his upper body between her thighs. He could barely breathe at all, and each little breath that he was able to draw was unbelievably painful. Jordan was now able to hold him more loosely between her thighs, as even the slightest amount of pressure or movement from her caused him horrific pain. She was in complete control. He could not escape, and she was able to torture him cruelly with very little effort on her part. She moved her crotch slowly back down to his belly, laying on her side, wrapping her legs around his body tightly, constricting his middle in between her thighs, pulling him in tightly against her crotch. Jordan wrapped her arms around his upper body, embracing him, pulling him against her snuggly. She touched her nose to his, looking directly into his eyes, letting him feel her breath on his face. She breathed easily, swelling her breasts against his broken chest, smirking coldly into his eyes as he whimpered in pain. She began squeezing his stomach brutally between her thighs, as she hugged her breasts lightly against his chest, poking her nose playfully against his. Jordan smirked into his face as he grappled at her legs, trying desperately to pry himself loose and gasping in tiny little breaths, the only breaths she would allow him. She inflated her chest against his, easily causing him terrible pain with her full, firm bosoms against his broken, shattered upper body. After another moment of struggling, he relented. "Please stop," he gasped urgently. She looked into his eyes with amusement as she crushed him between her thighs, effortlessly torturing him. "Can you make me stop?" she asked quietly, digging her thighs into his sides, pressing her firm breasts against his crushed rib cage, as he looked back at her desperately, in terrible pain, struggling for every breath. "Can you?" she repeated. "No," he whimpered. "I didn't hear you," she taunted. "No," he managed. "No, I can't!" She moved her mouth in closer, putting her lips on his ear, squeezing him brutally all the while. "Then how will you get me to stop?" she asked quietly, as if out of idle curiosity. "I'm enjoying this. So I have no motivation to stop. How will you cause me to stop?" "I?" he stammered. "How?" she repeated, sternly, mashing his body between her muscular thighs, arching her back to thrust her crotch in taut against his stomach, making his body convulse in pain, smiling into his face cruelly, dis- passionately, as he coughed in tiny little breaths. She took his chin in one of her hands, as she crushed him between her thighs, and she tilted his head up so that he was looking directly into her beautiful eyes. "Tell me," she said. "How will you get me to stop?" When he did not answer immediately, she squeezed harder, violently, smirking coldly into his face as he shrieked and his body convulsed in pain between her thighs. The convulsions were uncontrollable, but they caused him even more pain, as his broken chest moved and trembled against her bosom. "You can't make me stop. And I'm enjoying crushing you. I've already told you that crushing a man between my thighs is one of my favorite things in the world. But you need me to stop. You can barely breathe. Your ribs are broken and splintered. The pain must be quite terrible. And if I squeeze much harder, you may suffer permanent damage. I might squish some of your internal organs. I might even break you in two. I can do that, you know. It would not be difficult." She smiled bemusedly, squeezing just a little harder, for emphasis, and he wailed in pain and coughed weakly. "Mmmmm," she sighed with arousal. "So I ask again. How will you make me stop?" "Please!" he wailed. "Please, stop! I don't know how to make you!" She held him tightly between her legs, looking coolly into his eyes as he struggled weakly. "As I see it, the only way for you to get me to stop hurting you is for you to convince me to stop. We have already established that you cannot force me to stop, and that you cannot get away from me. So you'll have to convince me to stop of my own volition. I'm in control, here. Total control. If you want something from me, you'll have to convince me to give it to you. That's a very, very pathetic and humiliating position for you to be in, I'm quite certain. But that is the position in which you find yourself. Your only hope is to find a way to persuade me to stop, and to do so before I put you in a body cast, or a morgue." She studied his eyes and felt waves of arousal rush over her. Jordan swelled her breasts firmly against his chest, as she crushed his middle relentlessly, smiling to herself as his little gasps for air got even smaller, as she forced the air from his chest cavity with her breasts, causing him unspeakable pain. He squealed like a tortured animal as she looked coolly into his eyes. "Beg me," she said finally, her lips against his ear. "Beg pretty Jordan to stop bullying you. Beg." "I? I beg you," Cal whimpered. "Please. Oh, God, please! I beg you," he squeaked as she crushed him. "Mmmmm. God, yes," Jordan moaned. "That's so fucking awesome. You need to beg some more. Beg me some more. Do it," she commanded. "Ah!" he squealed. "I beg you. Oh, please, please, please stop hurting me. I beg. Oh, I beg you!" "Ooooh. Good," Jordan moaned. "That's a really good start," she smirked against his neck, kissing and biting him hungrily. She squeezed tighter, swelling her chest against his shattered ribs, giggling to herself as he screamed in pain. "It's a good start, but I'm going to need something more, if you really want to convince me to stop." "No! Please stop!" he gasped urgently. "Mmmmm," Jordan laughed playfully, crushing him between her thighs. "Yes. I love squeezing you; the feel of you, completely helpless between my legs, against my pussy. Effortlessly hurting your strong, hard body with my soft, firm breasts. Causing you humiliation you would never have imagined possible. You still can't believe this is happening, I'll bet. Pretty girl, hurting you, making you beg and grovel. I love making you beg for my mercy " beg, because you know that you have no other alternative. If you want me to stop doing something that I enjoy so thoroughly, you are going to have to offer me something else, something that I might enjoy even more." She smirked naughtily at him and powered her thighs against him until he squealed like a wounded animal. "Well?" she asked, arching her eyebrows. "What have you to offer me?" "I don't know," he gasped. "What do you want? Tell me. I'll do anything! Just please stop hurting me!" "Oooooh," Jordan moaned, grinding her crotch against his belly, swelling her chest thoughtlessly against his. "You want my advice, then? You want me to suggest something for you to offer me?" she cooed. "Yes! Anything!" he squealed. "You had better start fucking begging me, then. Beg for my help, my advice, and maybe I'll suggest something you might offer to me to persuade me to stop crushing you. Do it," she said quietly, her lips against his mouth. "Beg me. Plead with me." "Oh, please!" Cal began immediately. "Please, I beg you. I beg you. Just tell me what you want. I'll do anything! You're killing me!" "Killing you?" Jordan giggled. "Oh, this is nothing, sweetheart. You would be surprised how much pain a person can be forced to endure without actually dying. I've seen it. I've inflicted it. Now, beg me some more. Grovel for the pretty girl, before she breaks you into more pieces," she laughed in his face. "I beg you!" he gasped. "Oh, God, please! Tell me! I beg!" "Oooooh," she sighed. "Good." Jordan took his chin in her hands, bringing his face in close to hers, tilting his head until their eyes met. "If you want to convince me to let you go, you might offer to kiss my ass. To meekly lick my tush, for as long as I want you to, until I tell you that you may stop. I do so enjoy it when a man licks my ass, because he has to, because I've left him no other choice. Such a clear confirmation to both of us of his total powerlessness, of his being completely at my mercy. A show of total defeat and subservience. If you were to offer to do that, and to convince me that you really wanted to do it, based on your current situation and the lack of alternatives available to you, and that you would do it well, it is at least possible that it might be enough to convince me to stop crushing you. Do you want to kiss my bottom?" she asked, smirking coolly into his face. When he did not answer right away, Jordan powered her thighs in against him, arching her back, thrusting her crotch in violently against his belly, tightening her arms around his upper body, swelling her full, firm breasts against his broken rib cage, easily causing his entire body to convulse from the pain. "Yes! Yes, I'll lick your ass!" Cal squealed. Jordan held her position, pouting at him coldly as he writhed all over in horrific, unbearable pain. "Wait just a minute there, sweetheart. I didn't ask you to lick my ass. I'm not asking you to do anything. I don't ask for things from men I've defeated. They offer them. They beg me for the opportunity," she smirked, squeezing him brutally. "I told you that I might stop crushing you if you offered to lick my bottom. I'm not going to fucking ask you to do anything. I'm completely satisfied to crush you between my thighs and hug your broken chest against mine, snuggling you as you convulse and whimper and squeal in pain, bringing me to climax after climax after climax, until I tire of it and must break you some more to entertain myself. We can just do that. We can see how long you last. How much you can endure. That would be incredibly enjoyable for me. Should we do that?" she asked, squeezing him harder, giggling in his face as he screamed in pain. "No! Oh, please, no!" he begged. "All right then," she smirked. "All I said was that if you want me to stop crushing you, stop doing this thing that I adore so very much, you might offer to kiss and lick my bottom, because I really enjoy that, as well. It would at least present me with a viable alternative to crushing you, and thus make my decision a little bit more difficult. Because right now, it's a very easy decision," she purred, crushing him between her powerful, silky thighs. He gasped desperately for air as she squeezed him. "Will? will you please stop, if I lick your ass?" he managed. "Hmmmm," she cooed, acting as if the idea had never occurred to her. "And kiss it, too?" she asked, squeezing him cruelly, smirking with her lips against his as he whimpered and shuddered in pain. "Yes! Yes!" he squealed. "For how long?" she asked quietly, looking into his anguished face in amusement, squeezing him mercilessly all the while. "As long as you want!" he cried. "Well " I don't know," she said, crushing him until his whole body shook in pain. "I do like having a man kiss my ass, kiss it because he has determined that he has no other choice, because it is the only thing that he can do to appease me. But I'm really enjoying crushing you between my thighs, sweetheart. I just don't know," she pouted, kissing him sweetly, and squeezing him until she had him shrieking like a girl. "Perhaps, if you beg me," she said finally, laughing in his face as he squealed and trembled between her thighs, gasping in short little breaths, crushed by her beautiful, powerful body. "Maybe that will help. Why don't you beg me to let you lick my ass? That's what I would suggest. You need to grovel to convince me to stop crushing you and to let you put your tongue in my ass." "Oh, please!" he whimpered against her lovely cheek, as she continued to chew on him with her thighs. "I beg you! Please, let me kiss your ass! Please, let me lick your ass! I beg you! Please!" Jordan smirked at him, and she hugged his chest against her bosom, laughing to herself as he squealed and shuddered in pain. She swelled her lovely chest slowly against him, smiling to herself as she felt his erection against her bottom. She moved her face in close to his ear, and she squeezed his middle mercilessly between her legs, moaning in ecstasy as his body convulsed involuntarily against her crotch and he squealed in pain, struggling for breaths that she would not allow him to draw. "Are you going to do a good job?" she said quietly, her lips against his ear. "Are you going to kiss my ass well? Are you?" she repeated, crushing him until he screamed, biting his ear and moaning enthusiastically. "Yes!" he screamed. "Yes! I'll do a good job!" "Hmmm. I just don't know. I think you had better convince me," she purred in his ear, crushing his body between her thighs. "Beg me to allow you to kiss me, and to lick me, and convince me that you are going to do an outstanding job. Otherwise, I'm more than content to just keep crushing you." "Oh, please, let me!" he wailed, meekly. "I'll do such a good job licking your ass! Please, please, please let me lick your ass!" Cal began kissing her shoulder and neck, meekly, obediently. "Oh, please," he groaned repeatedly, between urgent kisses, as she continued to crush him brutally. "Please let me "" "Please, Mistress," Jordan said quietly. "Call me "Mistress." Do it," she snarled, crushing him with tremendous brutality, for emphasis. "Oh!" Cal wailed in pain. "Please, Mistress! Oh, please, Mistress! Let me lick your ass, Mistress! I'll do such a good job! I'll lick it so well, Mistress! I beg you! Please!" "Hmmm," she looked cruelly into his eyes, squeezing him harder still, smirking in his face as he whimpered and gasped helplessly, his arms flailing in desperation. "No, I don't think that I will let you go. I'm just going to crush you, ever so slowly, between my thighs. Bully you until you make me come, over and over, against your weak, broken body. I simply am not convinced that you will do an adequate job licking my ass." She looked coldly into his face as she crossed her legs tighter still, and he shook in pain. Cal sobbed now, uncontrollably. "Please," he wept desperately. "Oh please." Jordan held his chin in her hands, positioning his face inches from hers, so that their noses touched. She looked into his eyes, squeezing him brutally between her thighs as he wept and plead for mercy. "Beg me," she moaned. "Beg me some more. Tell me in great detail what you will do, when you lick my ass, that I might enjoy more than crushing you between my thighs and making you cry. Plead with me," she smiled coldly into his face. "Grovel with the pretty girl. Is she an awful, terrible tyrant? Go on, beg," she taunted. "Oh, please!" he wailed. "I'll lick your ass so well, Mistress!" Jordan feigned boredom, rolling her eyes at him as she crushed him between her thighs. "You've said that already. I'm going to need more." She reached her hand behind her back, bringing it beneath her bottom, reaching it forward, beneath Cal, until she found his testicles. She smiled flirtatiously at him as she cupped his testicles lightly in her hand, pulverizing his middle between her thighs all the while. She smiled at him seductively, drinking in his fear and arousal at her touch. Jordan slowly tightened her hand around his testicles, looking directly into his eyes. "Which part of my ass are you going to kiss?" she asked. "I? uh?" Cal stammered. Jordan tightened her hand forcefully around his testicles, crushing his body between her thighs all the while. He writhed and shrieked helplessly, but she ignored him. "Are you going to kiss every inch of it?" she asked quietly. "Yes!" Cal squealed. "Yes!" She squeezed his testicles harder, her eyes narrowing. "Yes, who?" she asked sternly. "Yes, Mistress!" he squealed helplessly. "Yes, Mistress what?" she taunted him, crushing his body between her legs and his testicles in her hand. "Yes, Mistress, I'll kiss it all over! Every last inch of it! Please, Mistress! Please, let me!" "Every last fucking inch of it?" she continued. "Every last inch, Mistress!" he pleaded. Jordan loosened her grip on his testicles slightly, still squeezing them hard enough to cause pain, but reducing the pressure enough for Cal to notice. She smiled prettily into his face. "Good," she enthused. "And what else? Will you lick it, too? Will you lick my bottom? Will you put your tongue on it?" She snuggled his face against her neck. "Yes, Mistress," he wept against her throat, as she crushed him. "Yes, I'll lick it. Please let me! Oh, please," he groveled. "Where will you lick it?" she asked, absently tightening her grip on his testicles. "Everywhere, Mistress!" he squeaked, obediently. "I will lick every inch of your ass. Oh, God, please! Please, please let me!" he sobbed on her shoulder as she crushed him. Jordan moaned to herself with arousal, and she took his arm in her hand, guiding her hand down his arm so that she could clasp his own hand in hers. She brought his hand behind her back, pressing it flat and open against her back, and sliding it down until it was flat against her left buttock. "Look into my eyes," she said coldly, and Cal immediately obliged, lifting his face from her shoulder and looking into her pretty eyes as she crushed him between her legs. She moved his hand between her buttocks, thrusting his fingers deep between them as she spoke. "That's it, feel my ass while you tell me how well you'll lick it. Now, where were we? Oh, yes, you'll lick every inch of it?" "Yes, Mistress," he pleaded, looking fearfully into her eyes. "And in between?" she smirked in his face. "Tell me about that." "Mistress, I will lick between your buttocks," he answered, as she continued to crush him. "How deep will you lick in between?" she laughed at him, squeezing tighter all the while. "I'll lick your ass so deep, Mistress! Please, oh please!" he wailed. "Oh, I see," she taunted, feigning pleasant surprise. "So you mean, you'll put your tongue all the way into my asshole, and you'll lick my asshole? Really?" She crushed him violently between her legs, looking into his eyes tauntingly all the while. "Yes, Mistress!" Cal sobbed. "I'll lick your asshole. I'll lick it so well! Please, please let me!" "And you'll put your tongue in deep, then? Way up in my asshole, so that I can really feel it in there?" She thrust his fingers into her ass as she asked the question, so he could feel her ass as he told her how deeply he would lick it. "Yes, Mistress. I'll lick your asshole so deep," he groveled. "Wow, that does sound kind of nice," she taunted, bullying him between her thighs all the while. "And for how long? How long will you lick and kiss my ass?" she asked with mock curiosity. "I'll lick your ass for as long as you want me to, Mistress! As long as you say!" he pleaded to her. "I like my ass licked for a long time," she smirked. "For hours, sometimes. You mean you'll lick my ass for as long as I want, even if that means licking it continuously for several hours?" She hugged his middle brutally between her muscular thighs. "Yes!" he wailed. "Oh, yes, Mistress! I'll lick it for as long as you want! Please, please let me!" She ignored his urgency, continuing slowly, deliberately as she brutalized him. "So, you'll put your whole face in there, then?" "Yes! Yes, I'll put my whole face in your ass, Mistress. Oh please, please let me!" "When will you breathe, then?" she smirked at him, crushing his middle, swelling her breasts absently against his chest. "I'll breathe when you let me, Mistress," he wailed as his body shook in pain. "When you let me!" "Mmmm, good," Jordan nodded in approval, shaking his body playfully between her thighs. "You'll breathe when I fucking let you. If I let you. Is that right?" "Yes! Yes, Mistress! I do what you say, when you say!" he pleaded. "Damn fucking right," she snarled, her lips against his. "And tell me," she continued, pausing for effect, squeezing his testicles in the palm of her hand, "will you be passionate and attentive, when you lick and kiss my ass? Or will you be distant, and methodical?" "I, I?" he stammered. Jordan squeezed him brutally between her thighs, and she took his chin in her hand, holding his face up, putting her lips right next to his own, ignoring his shrieks, his convulsions, his labored breathing. "Shhh," she commanded. "I know I'm causing you unbearable pain, and I do not intend to stop. But you find a way to be quiet. Shut the fuck up and listen to me. Do you understand? Do you fucking understand?" she asked, looking sternly into his eyes and squeezing him brutally. "Yes, Mistress. Yes, I understand," he answered meekly, gulping back a pained scream. "Good," she said coolly. "I asked, will you kiss and lick my ass passionately, and attentively? A girl can tell sometimes, when she has forced a man to lick her ass, if he is just doing it only as well as he thinks he needs to in order for her to stop hurting him for a while. And really, that is only a partial victory for the girl. Yes, the man is kissing her ass, and putting his tongue in it, because he has to. But he is doing it halfheartedly. He is doing as little as he thinks he can get away with." She cupped his testicles lightly in her hand, smirking to herself at his throbbing erection. "What's much nicer for the girl," she continued, looking into his eyes, her lips against his, "is when she has defeated the man so thoroughly, when he is in such fear and awe of her, that he not only kisses and licks her ass as deeply as she wants him to, for as long as she wants him to, but he also does so in such a way that indicates to her his complete and total subservience to her. So he licks and kisses her in such a way that it is clear to her based on his performance that he very earnestly wants to please her. That he wishes to do whatever he can within his power to appease the girl, in the hopes that acknowledging his complete and total subservience to her might somehow cause her to feel less inclined to hurt him further." "So I ask you again," she smirked at him as he convulsed between her powerful thighs, "when you kiss and lick my ass, every inch of it, as deeply as your tongue will stretch, for as long as I want you to, breathing only if and when I allow you to; will you be passionate and attentive to my ass? Will you convince my ass of your adoration of it? Will you belong to my ass, absolutely? So that there is no doubt in my mind, or in yours either, that I have defeated you? Defeated you so totally that your only recourse is to appease my ass, to beg, and plead, and grovel with my ass?" Jordan loosened her legs around his middle, parting them slightly and pulling him against her, arching her crotch in tightly against his stomach. She looked into his eyes as she brought her thighs together brutally, squeezing him tighter than ever, crossing her legs behind him until her knees were almost touching. "Will you?" she ignored his screams. "Shut up and answer me, bitch. Will you be attentive and loving to my ass, and convince it of your total subservience to it?" Cal's body shook in pain and he was completely unable to breathe between Jordan's powerful thighs. "Yes!" he whispered weakly, urgently. "Yes, Mistress! Please let me. Oh, please, please let me! You will be convinced! I promise you! Please!" He put his lips desperately on her shoulder, kissing it obediently. His body wracked with sobs as she bullied him, and he begged and pleaded with her, and meekly kissed her shoulder and neck. "Ooooh, yes," Jordan moaned, thrusting her crotch cruelly against his belly as she climaxed, holding her thighs around him tightly all the while, hugging his upper body to her and swelling her chest against him until he shuddered and convulsed in pain, her lips smiling against his ear as he continued to weakly kiss her neck and shoulder, sobbing for mercy and begging her to let him lick her bottom. She held him that way for several moments more, letting him continue to beg and to gasp weakly for breath against her, even as he convulsed in pain, kissing her shoulder subserviently and pleading with her to show him mercy by allowing him to kiss and lick her behind. Finally, Jordan leaned back, looking into Cal's eyes as he continued to whimper desperately for her to let him lick her backside. "All right," she said. "I will relent. I'll let you kiss my bottom." She took hold of his face by the chin, tilting his head to look directly into her eyes, and she dug her fingernails into his chin menacingly. "But you had better please me, or I'll show you pain and humiliation like you've never imagined." "I will! I will! Please, Mistress!" he groveled. She released him from her thighs and pushed him away, rising quickly to her feet, smirking to herself as he fell to the floor, on his side, curling up into a ball, still shaking all over from the pain and gasping in breath after giant breath. Jordan walked across the room to the kitchenette, withdrew a glass from the pantry, and some ice cubes from the freezer. She walked back across the room and poured herself a glass of whiskey. She swished the ice cubes gently around in the glass, and took a big drink of it. She silently removed the rest of her clothes, and she walked to where Cal lay trembling on the floor, in a fetal position. She put her left hand on her hip, standing over him menacingly, and she took another big sip from the glass. He looked up at her with an expression that was a combination of fear and attraction. "Get on your hands and knees," she said quietly. "Now." She smiled to herself as Cal silently did as he was told. Jordan turned her body to face away from him. She turned her head back to look at him, casually flipping her long, blond hair over her lovely shoulder. She reached back and took a handful of his hair and pulled him forward rudely, until his face was just an inch or two from her bottom. "Look up at me," she said, threateningly, and Cal quickly looked up into her eyes. "I'm going to walk to my bedroom now. You will follow me, crawling on your hands and knees. Your face is a couple inches from my ass right now. You maintain that distance. If you fall behind, my goodness will I ever hurt you. The pain you have endured thus far is nothing, com-pared to what you will suffer if you disobey me. Do you understand me?" "Y-yes," Cal stammered. Jordan tightened her grip on his hair, looking down at him strictly. "Yes, what?" she asked through clenched teeth. "Yes, Mistress," Cal returned, fearfully. "Damned fucking right," Jordan said, her eyes narrowing threateningly. She let go of his hair, and turned her head back to face forward, and she began walking, slowly. She walked back over to the whiskey bottle, turning her head to look back over her shoulder every so often to assure that Cal was crawling obediently behind her, with his face inches from her buttocks " which he was. Jordan took another sip from her glass of whiskey and began walking slowly towards her bedroom. "That's it," she said, as he crawled behind her. "Take a good look at my ass. Think about how you are going to have to put your mouth on it in a minute. Your tongue in it. That's it. Watch my ass. Think about having to lick it. Wanting to lick it. Think about how you had to beg me to let you lick it, because it was the only way you could get me to stop hurting you. Is the pretty girl a mean bully? Is she making fun of you? Did she beat you up? Did you have absolutely no choice in the entire world other than to beg her to let you kiss her ass to convince her to relent? You fucking pussy," she taunted. She came to a stop across the room from her dresser, which had a large mirror on top of it, so that she could see herself in it, from the waist up. Jordan set her glass down on the dresser, and turned her head to look back over her shoulder, down at Cal, who was on his hands and knees behind her. "On your knees," she said, menacingly. "Good. Back up, against that wall. That's it, put your feet and your back flat against the wall." She backed up a step herself, so that she stood with her bottom an inch from his face, and she looked back down at him over her shoulder. "Now put your hands on my hips. That's it, flat against my hips. Now put your lips on my left buttock. Do it. Right in the middle. That's right. Give it a big, tender kiss. Press your nose against it. Look up at me. I want to see your eyes. No, don't you fucking dare take your lips off of my ass. Just tilt your head up so I can see your eyes. Kiss it again. Good. Call me "Mistress." No, leave your face against my ass, and call me "Mistress."" "Mistress," he said, his face muffled against the smooth, firm flesh of her left buttock, and she felt waves of arousal rush over her as his lips moved against her bottom to form the word. "Good," she said, turning to face forward, casually admiring herself in the mirror. "Now kiss it more firmly. Push your face in against my buttock, and give it a nice, firm, open-mouthed kiss. Mmmm. That's it. Kiss my ass, bitch. You do what I fucking tell you to do," she taunted. "Is the pretty girl a terrible bully? Is she picking on you? Poor, poor thing." "Now kiss the right one. That's it. Right in the middle. Push your face against it, and kiss it like you love it. Convince me that you are passionately in love with my right ass cheek. Do it, or I'll thrash you like you have never even imagined. Your pain will be greater than you can possibly fathom. Mmmm. That's it. Kiss my ass adoringly, you little pussy. Kiss the pretty girl's ass so that maybe she won't hurt you anymore. That mean, mean bully. Maybe she'll stop picking on you," she purred, smirking to herself in the mirror and taking another sip from her whiskey. "Put your face in the middle, now," she said. "No, push it in there. I want to feel your nose between my buttocks, you little pussy, or I'll crush every bone in your body, one at a time. That's it. Now lick. Lick between my butt cheeks. That's it. Give me a nice open-mouthed kiss between my buttocks. Call me "Mistress,"" she demanded. "Mistress," came his muffled reply. "Mmmm. That's good. That's it. Keep licking. Lick my ass, bitch. You are totally licking my ass. You have your tongue in my ass, and you're licking it, because you don't have any choice. You have to appease me. I am totally in control of what happens to you. All you can do is try to convince me not to hurt you, by licking my ass obediently. Lick. That's it," she said, taking every opportunity she could to humiliate him. She let him continue to lick her obediently in silence for ten minutes or so, and then she spread her buttocks apart with her hands and said, "Now, lick deeper. Put your tongue in my asshole. Way inside of it. Do it, bitch." When he didn't respond quickly enough, Jordan arched her hips back forcefully, forcing her bottom back against his face, shoving his head against the wall. She smiled to herself in the mirror as his head smacked against the wall and he groaned in pain. She leaned back against the wall, thrusting her bottom against his face, working her hips forward and back in slight, forceful movements, smacking Cal's head lightly against the wall, repeatedly. She put her hands on her buttocks, and spread them apart. She arched her bottom against his face, trapping it firmly against the wall. She laughed audibly as he gasped for breath, and she moved her hands to the back of his head, taking hold of it possessively and pushing his face firmly against her backside and holding it there. "I said put your tongue in my asshole," she said coldly, mashing her backside against his face rudely and giggling to herself as he complied. "Mmmm. That's it. Put your tongue way in my ass, and lick me. Show my ass that you understand who is in charge. Appease my ass. Grovel to it. I want to hear you say 'Mistress' with your tongue thrust deep into my asshole. Say it," she commanded, throatily. "Mistress," came his muffled response, and she shuddered with arousal at the feel of his tongue attempting the word from inside of her, as he meekly licked her. "Ohhhh, God," she moaned. "Good. That's very good. Keep licking me. The longer you can amuse me, and keep me happy, with your tongue meekly licking my ass, the longer you will avoid suffering more pain for my amusement. Oh, yeees. Lick me. Lick your cruel mistress's ass, and hope that she will not torture you anymore. See if you can convince her to have mercy on you with your tongue in her ass." Jordan let him lick her, his tongue deep, deep within her bottom, for perhaps half an hour, allowing him a short little breath every so often, when she felt he needed one. After she had climaxed several times, she smirked to herself in the mirror and pushed her bottom back roughly against his face, covering his nose and mouth with it, and holding him back against the wall. "Keep licking my ass, bitch," she laughed as he began to struggle for breath. "Keep licking me, you little fuck. Lick my ass, even as I suffocate you. Lick me until you pass out. Don't you dare stop." She laughed at him as his body began to thrash for air. He continued to lick her backside, all the while. "How completely, totally humiliating this must be for you," she said. "Ohhh, yes. Keep licking me. Lick your Mistress. You are totally licking my ass, with your tongue way, way up my asshole, licking my little tush obediently. Because you have to. Because I'm making you. You'll do whatever the fuck I tell you to, or I'll make you do it." "That's it, sweetheart," she cooed. "Even as I suffocate you, as you struggle for breath, focus on licking my behind. Do whatever you can to appease me. You have no other choice. Such a terrible, mean, awful bully I am. Poor, poor baby. Keep licking." She smiled to herself as she eventually felt him stop moving, and she held his motionless body against the wall with her backside for a moment. Finally, she took a step forward, laughing back over her shoulder at him as his defeated, unconscious body slumped to the floor at her feet. ________ ________ ________ Cal was not certain how much time had passed when he awoke, but Jordan was standing over him, completely nude, looking down sternly at him over her breasts. She had one hand on her hip, and in the other she held her glass of bourbon. She smirked down at him coldly. "Nice nap?" she taunted. Cal did not answer. Jordan silently leaned down and backhanded him in the mouth, smiling sweetly as he screamed and recoiled away from her. "I said, did you have a nice nap, bitch?" "Y-y-yes," Cal answered this time, still more than a little disoriented. "Yes, what?" Jordan asked, leaning down so that her face was inches from his. She looked into his eyes threateningly. "Yes, what? "Y-yes, Mistress," he answered fearfully. "Good. That's better. Show me some fucking respect," she said, absently stepping on his broken hand with her bare foot, laughing in his face as he squealed in pain. Jordan took a few steps back. "Go and lean against my bed," she said, gesturing towards it. "Fucking do it. Now." She smirked down at him as he slowly complied, crawling over to the bed on his knees and his one good hand. He sat on the floor and leaned his back against the bed. "Perrrrrfect," she told him. "Don't move a muscle, or I'll make you terribly sorry." Jordan walked over to where he sat, and she turned away from him, standing and straddling his legs, with her feet on the floor to either side of him. She stepped backward until her buttocks pressed against his face, and she smiled to herself. She slowly lowered herself to her knees, running her bottom slowly down the front of his body, shaking it playfully against his broken chest and giggling to herself as he wailed in pain. When she was sitting on his lap, facing away from him, feeling his throbbing erection against her bottom, she turned to look back over her shoulder into his face. "Oh, you like me, poor thing? Don't you? You still like me. You're hard for me, aren't you? And trembling. Pretty girl beats you up, humiliates you, makes you beg and lick her ass, and still you're rock hard for her. How unbelievably pathetic," she cooed, her lips against his face. Jordan turned away from him and stretched her legs out to either side and slid them behind her, underneath the bed, so that her thighs were wrapped around Cal's waist, and her buttocks faced upwards. She parted her legs and leaned forward, putting her hands on the floor in front of her, to either side of Cal's legs, and pushing her body backwards until her crotch pressed firmly against his stomach. "Please, oh please no! Mistress please!" he whimpered, pushing at her with his good hand. She turned back to look at him bemusedly over her shoulder. "This may hurt a bit," she pouted, and she brought her legs together beneath the bed, locking her ankles, crushing his middle between her thighs, shoving her backside against his stomach as he was held in place by the edge of the bed. He could do nothing but look down helplessly at her thighs and buttocks as they crushed his body. "Please, Mistress!" he whimpered as she crushed him. She turned her head to look back at him over her shoulder. "Please what?" she asked, sweetly. "Please squeeze you harder? OK," she smiled, crushing his body between her thighs, laughing at him as he squealed and shook. "Oh, please stop Mistress," he pleaded. "Please! I'll do anything!" "Of course you will," she said, matter-of-factly. "You'll do anything I fucking tell you to do, won't you? Won't you, pussy?" "Yes!" he sobbed, as she bullied him, chewing on his body with her thighs. "You had better start begging, then," she said sternly. "Fucking beg me not to hurt you." "Please, oh please!" Cal wept. "Please stop!" "Beg my ass to stop hurting you," she commanded. "Put your mouth on it and beg." Cal tried to bend his face down to reach Jordan's buttocks, but she held his midsection firmly between them, and she did not loosen her grip on him at all. She laughed at his attempts to bend his face down to reach her bottom. "Put your mouth on my ass," she smirked at him as she crushed him between her thighs. Cal tried desperately. "I can't, Mistress," he cried. "I'm so sorry! I can't." Jordan squeezed him harder, ignoring his pained screams. She turned her head back to look at him, narrowing her eyes sternly and saying, "You had better find a fucking way, bitch. Bend your fucking body somehow, put your mouth on my ass, and beg it to stop crushing you." She crossed her arms over Cal's legs and lay her head down on them comfortably, letting him feel her full breasts rise and fall against his legs, squeezing him harder and harder. Jordan looked away from him and smiled to herself as she felt him struggling desperately to comply, gasping for breath and squealing in pain all the while, bending his broken upper body as best he could to touch his lips to her bottom. When he finally bent down low enough to kiss her left buttock, she smiled triumphantly to herself, and she reached her hand back, rudely grabbing a handful of his hair and mashing his face against her bottom. Jordan giggled as he screamed in pain, while she crushed him and rudely contorted his body, holding his face possessively against her backside. She crushed his middle between her legs as she held his face against her bottom, his upper body bent unnaturally in his desperation to appease her. She felt his tears running down her buttocks and she moaned enthusiastically. "Lick my ass, bitch," she said, mashing his face against it as she continued to chew on his middle with her powerful thighs. "That's right, lick it. Beg it to stop hurting you. I want to hear you begging it, with your tongue on it. Beg." "Please, please," Cal begged in desperation, as he meekly licked her bottom, pressing his lips against her firm, taught backside. "Please stop!" he squealed as she squeezed him tighter, shaking his entire body between her thighs. Jordan turned to look back at him, and she lifted his face from her bottom, tilting his head up so that she could look into his eyes. "All right, pussy," she said. "I'm going to stop squeezing you. And the second I do, I want you to lean back against that bed, and lick my ass. I mean the second I stop crushing you, your tongue is in my asshole." She crushed his middle brutally. "Do you understand me?" "Yes! Yes, Mistress," he whimpered. "Good," she smiled sweetly, crushing him horrifically between her thighs. "I want to feel your tongue way up in my ass. Right " fucking " now," she said, releasing his middle and rising to her hands and knees, backing her bottom in against his upper body. Cal immediately thrust his face between her buttocks and began licking her obediently. "Ohhh," she moaned approvingly. "That's right. Put your tongue in my asshole. Put it in farther. Lick my tight little asshole, bitch. Worship it, and pray that I will stop bullying you. Lick. Mmmm. Good. Lick that ass," she enthused. Cal thrust his tongue deep inside of her, and Jordan reached her hand back, finding his erection and absently holding it lightly in her hand. Cal moaned with arousal, from deep between her buttocks, and Jordan smirked, tightening her grip ever so slightly on his erect penis. "Pathetic little piece of shit," she laughed at him. "Beaten mercilessly, broken, crushed, forced to lick my ass, again and again, and yet still hard as a rock for me, even as I make you lick my tush and plead for my mercy." She scratched her fingernails lightly up and down his erection. Cal moaned with arousal, and he forgot himself for just a moment, lightly and affectionately biting Jordan's left buttock. Jordan smiled to herself, looking away from him and saying, "Were those your fucking teeth I just felt? Did you just bite my ass, you fucking bitch?" She looked back at him threateningly. "Did you?" "I?" Cal began. She grabbed his head rudely by the hair, mashing his face in between her buttocks. "Shut the fuck up," she said, backing her bottom against his face, trapping his head against the bed. "You did. How dare you! You don't bite my fucking ass! My ass is not for your pleasure! It is for your complete and total subservience. You worship it, and plead with it, and grovel to it!" Jordan laughed at him as he tried desperately to get away. She held her bottom pressed firmly against his face, ignoring his muffled entreaties to her. "That's right," she giggled. "Beg me. Try to get away, and beg me to let you go. You're completely helpless. Totally at the mercy of my bottom. I do what I want with you. And right now, I want you to struggle helplessly for breath against my ass." His body convulsed as he ran out of oxygen, and he tried desperately to turn his face away, so that he could breathe, but Jordan would not let him. She held his face against her bottom as he thrashed about, until finally his body went limp again. As it did, she laughed to herself and rose to her feet, chuckling as he slumped ineffectually to the floor. Once again, Cal could not tell how long he was asleep. He only knew that when he woke up, Jordan stood towering above him, looking down at him menacingly, her arms folded disapprovingly across her lovely chest. "Oh, are you awake?" she asked, smirking down at him. "Good. I was growing bored. And you know what happens when I get bored "" Jordan turned silently away, and she tossed an expectant glance back at him. "Now that you're awake, go ahead and put your tongue back in my ass. I want you to lick it some more." When Cal did not comply quickly enough, Jordan kicked him cruelly in the head, knocking him onto his back. She took a brisk step backwards and brought herself down roughly on his face, straddling him, facing his lower body, with her butt resting on his face, all of her weight firmly planted on top of him. He immediately began to struggle. Jordan smiled to herself at his muffled screams. She leaned her body forward, bringing her legs out straight behind her, on either side of his head. She reached behind herself to grab a handful of his hair, using her grip on his head to pull his face in tight between her legs, so that the lower part of his face was flush against her bottom. She crossed her ankles behind him, locking his head between her thighs, and she lay down on top of him, nestling her breasts playfully against his erect penis, folding her arms over the tops of his legs and resting her head comfortably on top of them. She arched her back, forcing her weight onto his chest, mashing his broken ribs with her taught little belly and giggling to herself as he screamed. Cal had no chance of getting up, so he quickly began to struggle with his arms and hands, pushing at her, striking her, trying to pry her legs apart. Jordan began to squeeze his head between her thighs, simultaneously cutting off his breathing and causing him tremendous pain from the pressure of her thighs against the sides of his head. She giggled as he squealed and choked. Squeezing harder, and stirring her breasts casually against his erection, she said, "Stop struggling. Put those hands down or I'll squeeze harder. I'll squash your head way before you ever suffocate," she cooed. "The last thing you will feel will be my thighs breaking your skull, while you lay here helplessly with a hard on for me even as I squish you." Cal immediately stopped struggling. "That's better," Jordan said, squeezing harder, smirking to herself as Cal made pathetic choking noises. "Now, did I tell you to put your tongue in my asshole? Answer me, pussy," she taunted, loosening her thighs slightly, so that he could breathe and speak. "Yes," he choked, from between her thighs. Jordan quickly tightened her thighs again, shifting her breasts against his erection, and said, "When I tell you to do something, you had better fucking do it. And I mean right the fuck away." She put her hands on his legs and lifted her lower body up, pulling his head up with her, and she slammed it against the ground, smacking the back of his head against the floor, arching her pelvis cruelly against his broken upper body. She did this repeatedly now, with increasing force, smacking his head against the floor rhythmically with each word. "When your mistress tells you to do something, YOU FUCKING DO IT," she snarled, bringing her body back down to rest on top of him, smiling to herself as he wept against her crotch. Jordan let him cry for a while, and plead helplessly with her, as she held him between her thighs. After a few minutes, she silently turned herself around on him and slid forward onto his neck, lowering her crotch onto his throat. Her knees were on the floor on either side of his head, and she managed her weight on his throat with her knees, increasing and decreasing the pressure on his neck at will. She cut off his breath easily and scowled down at him as he gasped weakly. She folded her arms across her chest and looked down at him threateningly. She spoke through clenched teeth, looking down into his eyes as she continued to cut off his air supply with her crotch on his throat. "Listen carefully, bitch," she said. "When I get up, you will get on your knees. And when I tell you to put your tongue in my ass, you will fucking do it immediately. You will do it when I want, how I want, and as long as I want. And that goes for anything else I tell you to do, too. Unless you can overpower me or escape, you have no choice, no fucking choice at all, but to do exactly what I tell you to do. And right now, that means licking my asshole some more. Is there anything about this that you do not understand?" Cal was turning blue. "No," he managed with his lips, though no sound came out. "Are you sure?" Jordan asked. "Yes," Cal mouthed. "You fucking better be, pussy," she said, her eyes narrowing, and she brought herself up onto her knees, lifting her body off of Cal's neck, laughing at him as he coughed in air. She brought herself back down, this time with her crotch on his face, just for fun, for a moment or two. She smirked down at him as he struggled for breath against her sex, and then she rose quietly to her feet. "Get on your knees," she said, looking down at him with her hands on her hips as he coughed in breaths again. "Now." Cal moved as quickly as he could to comply. The physical punishment was clearly taking its toll on him. His motions were slow and deliberate, and his breathing was labored. When he was on his knees at her feet, Jordan turned to face away from him. She backed herself up against him. This time, though, she picked up her leg and lifted it over his shoulder, placing her foot on the floor behind him, between his own feet. She put her hands on his head and shoulder to support herself, and then she lifted her opposite leg over his other shoulder, placing her feet together on the ground, behind his back, between his feet. Jordan was standing now, with her legs behind Cal's back, with her feet on the floor between his, with her buttocks mashed against his face and her thighs on either side of his head and neck, forcing him to bend his head back. She put her hands firmly on his shoulders to support herself. "Put your hands on my waist again," she said quietly. "Now." She felt him immediately comply. "Good. Now," she said, using her hands to spread her buttocks apart and arching her back to press her bottom against his face, "put your face in my ass. Do it. Put your face way deep in my ass and start kissing it." She put her hands back on his shoulders as she felt him comply. His face would keep her buttocks spread apart sufficiently now. She bent her legs slightly at the knee, digging her knees into his back, and she arched her body, forcing her butt against his face. "Mmmmm," she moaned girlishly, lightly digging her fingernails into his shoulders. "That's it. Lick my ass some more, bitch. Ooooh, God. Yes. Put your tongue in my asshole. That's right. Put it in there. Deeper. I don't give a fuck if you can breathe. You just lick my ass. If you want to make it out of my ass alive, you had better do a good job licking it." "Oh, God, yes," she sighed, squeezing her thighs against his head and arching her bottom against his face possessively. "Lick my tushy. Put your tongue in me. That's it. I'm going to let you breathe, now," she said, and she leaned forward, putting her hands on the tops of his legs, letting her bottom pull forward from his face, allowing him to support her body on his shoulders as she arched herself across them. She let him breathe for a moment, but she kept her butt right there in front of his face the entire time, so that he could see it. "There," she cooed tauntingly as he coughed in breaths, "is that better?" "Yes," he panted. "Hmmm, yes what?" she asked quietly, tightening her legs casually against either side of his neck. "Yes, Mistress," he managed. "Good," she said. "I'm glad it's better." Jordan raised her body back up and looked back over her shoulder down into his face. She used her hands to spread her buttocks apart, and she said, "Now thank me. For letting you breathe," and she arched her bottom in against his face, sighing to herself as he pushed his face in between her buttocks and resumed licking her. She put her hands on his head to support herself, and she playfully scraped her fingernails in his hair and behind his ears, smirking to herself as she felt him shiver involuntarily. "Ohhhh, yes," she said. "Lick your Mistress's tushy. Lick me, bitch. Put your tongue in my ass. Deeper. I want it in there deeper. Do it. Find a way. Put your fucking tongue in me. Oooohhh, good. Keep doing that. That's it. "And while you're licking me, keep thinking about what you're doing," she said, "and why." She moved one of her feet between his legs, from behind, and arched her toes up, smiling to herself as his erection throbbed against her foot and she felt his body shiver. She moved her foot back and forth against his erection, taunting him as she continued to speak. "That's it. Lick me. Lick my asshole." She lifted her right foot slightly, bringing it to rest on the top of his leg, curling her toes against his leg as he thrust his tongue deep into her backside. "Oh, God, yes. Lick my ass. I'll let you breathe again, okay?" He couldn't lick her if he was unconscious. She let him breathe again briefly, and then she made him lick her some more. "I hurt you so terribly, and left you with absolutely no alternative in the world but to beg me to let you lick my ass, which you did, and now here you are licking it. You have no fucking choice, whatsoever. You have to do it. I was hurting you so bad that you couldn't bear it. You couldn't make me stop. You couldn't escape. I wasn't going to kill you or knock you unconscious. I was just going to keep hurting you, just hurting you and hurting you until the pain became completely unbearable, which it did." "Mmmmm, that's it. Lick my fucking ass, bitch," she taunted, arching her toes against his throbbing erection, digging her nails into his shoulders. "I can't even imagine how humiliating this must be. I mean, being crushed between my thighs was humiliating, I'm sure, but this is so much more pathetic than that. Licking a pretty girl's ass, in her bedroom, because you have no choice in the world but to do it. You thought you were going to pick me up, and maybe even fuck me. And now here you are just obediently licking my ass because it's the only thing you can do to stop me from hurting you, or at least to delay it. That's it, keep licking. Lick me well. As soon as I tire of this, I'll go back to hurting you. Ohhh, that's it," she smiled to herself as he licked desperately at her bottom, now, kissing it passionately and adoringly. Jordan took hold of his hands, and she moved them up her body, pulling him in against her ass as she pressed the palms of his hands carelessly against her breasts. She giggled as she mashed his broken hand against her full, firm bosom, causing him to whimper in pain. Nonetheless, he licked her tight bottom obediently all the while. She laughed at him as he climaxed in his shorts, his erection throbbing against her calves. "Just when I thought it couldn't get any more humiliating for you," she taunted. "I beat you up, caused you inconceivable pain, deprived you of breath, forced you to beg me to let you kiss and lick my ass, am even still at this very moment forcing you to lick it, and yet still, you are hard as a rock for me. Still, you climax in your boxers for me. I cannot imagine anything more pathetic. You must feel so terribly humiliated and angry and upset. And yet, you do the only thing that you can do, which is to go right on licking my ass. That's right, lick me you fucking pussy. Lick me and beg for my mercy." Jordan forced him to lick her bottom for a little over an hour. She let him put his tongue deep between her buttocks, and then she clenched them together possessively, turning her pretty head back to look bemusedly at him over her shoulder as he wept meekly against her bottom, his tongue trapped tightly inside of her. She threw her hands hungrily behind his head, mashing his face against her firm, tight bottom, forcing him to struggle meekly for breath against her powerful, female form. She made him whimper and plead adoringly to her backside, his lips mashed against her. She pressed her bottom carelessly against his throat, laughing down into his face as he struggled ineffectually for breath against her. In short, she exerted ownership over him. She left him with no doubt that he was hers, to do with as she wished. Each time Cal began to believe that Jordan could not possibly humiliate him any further, she showed him that she could. Once she had shown him so fully the extent to which he would go to please her, that her dominance over him knew no boundary, Jordan quickly began to tire of him. She loved having her ass licked, but half of the fun was forcing a boy to do it because he realizes that he has no other choice. Once she had completely robbed a man of his pride, and humiliated him so much that he didn't care anymore, Jordan became bored with him. But Cal would not go without a more lasting impression of Jordan. She was confident that she could still extract just a little bit more pleasure out of their encounter. With his tongue still inside of her bottom, she moved her legs behind his back again, one at a time. "Don't you fucking dare stop licking my asshole," she snarled down at him. "You lick that butt. And kiss it. Say "Yes, Mistress."" "Yes, Mistress!" came his muffled reply, and she chuckled to herself. Jordan began to lower herself to the floor, straddling his face as he continued to lick her bottom. "No, Mistress, please," he whimpered from between her buttocks. She laughed to herself as she forced him onto his back and brought his head down against the floor beneath her with a thud. Jordan leaned forward slightly, and she spread her legs far apart. She reached behind her back, taking his head possessively and positioning it between her buttocks so that his mouth was between her thighs and the top of his head extended upward, forcing him to bend his neck at a ninety degree angle. She brought her legs together behind his head, locking her ankles behind her, trapping the lower half of his head between her thighs, his face against her crotch, and she lay her upper body down comfortably on his legs. "Now," she said throatily, her breasts pressed firmly against the tops of his legs, "lick my pussy. Fucking do it," she commanded. She reached back behind herself, loosening her thighs slightly and moving his mouth against her sex. "Lick it. And lick it well," she laughed, tightening her powerful thighs around Cal's face and smiling to herself as she felt him thrust his tongue inside of her. "Mmmmm. Good," she moaned, tightening her legs around his head. "I own you. You're mine," she cooed, throatily. "If you don't belong to me, totally, then go ahead and stop licking my pussy," she taunted him, rocking her hips back and forth roughly. She laughed at him and squeezed tighter still, as he continued to lick her sex. "God damned right," she sighed. "You better keep fucking licking me. Lick. Lick. Lick that fucking pussy, bitch." Jordan squeezed tighter still, and Cal could feel the muscles in her thighs beneath her smooth, firm flesh. He screamed with his face mashed into her sex, as she squeezed him harder and harder still, mashing his head between her thighs. "Lick me, damn it," Jordan snarled. "Fucking lick my pussy. Watch my ass, as it crushes you, and feel my tits pressing against you. Feel me all over you, bullying you, owning you, doing whatever the fuck I want to you. And sit there, and meekly, obediently lick my pussy. You have to. You want to. You don't have any other choice. Lick it. Deeper. Ohhhh. Yeeess!" she enthused, squeezing him harder and bucking her hips forcefully. "Oh, God!" she moaned as she felt herself beginning to climax. "Yes! Lick me, you fucking bitch!" she screamed. She reached around behind her and took hold of the back of his head, and she loosened her thighs slightly, pulling his mouth in tight against her crotch. As she came, she brought her legs together around the lower part of Cal's face with thunderous force, sighing with ecstasy as she broke his jaw between her powerful thighs even as she climaxed against his face. Cal squealed and moaned gutturally, his body thrashing beneath her, but Jordan held his head tightly between her thighs, his mouth flush against her crotch. She moaned and sighed enthusiastically as he whimpered and shook. She tortured him cruelly, holding his broken jaw tightly between her powerful thighs, alternately easing and then increasing the pressure on him just to cause him pain and humiliation. "Oh, God," she sighed as she felt his tears running down her buttocks. "Oh, yes!" she moaned. "You can't even lick me any more, with your jaw broken, can you?" she laughed cruelly at him. Jordan squeezed him tightly between her thighs one more time, smiling to herself as he wriggled helplessly beneath her, weeping pathetically against her bottom. Then she released him, chuckling to herself as his head knocked against the floor. She turned around and straddled his body, lowering her backside onto his chest. She looked down into his eyes as she brought her knees up, pinning his shoulders to the floor, and she sat with her full weight on his broken, shattered chest. He squealed helplessly and kicked his legs weakly, but he was completely unable to stop her or to escape. Jordan smirked down at him cruelly, putting her hands on her hips and bouncing the full weight of her lovely body up and down on his chest. She tortured him, slowly, casually, as he wept and shook in pain, helpless to stop her. "Does it hurt, poor baby?" she taunted him, moving her hands over her breasts, playing with her nipples as she caused him unspeakable pain. "Mmmmm." She brought herself up onto her knees, drilling them into his shoulders, and she moved her crotch over his face. Laughing down at him as he whimpered and moaned for her to stop, Jordan lowered herself onto his face, looking down maliciously into his eyes as she slowly spread her knees apart, until all of her weight was on his face, on his broken jaw. She put her hands on her hips and looked down sternly into his eyes as he squealed and kicked his feet from the horrific pain. "What's the matter, baby? Is the mean girl hurting you some more? Can't you don anything? Anything to stop her?" She laughed at him as he tried weakly to push her away with his good hand. She took it by the wrist and used it to massage her breast. She swayed her hips cruelly on his face, looking down into his eyes as she caused him unspeakable pain, letting his fear and humiliation wash over her in wave after wave of arousal. "Does it hurt, baby?" she pouted down at him over her firm breasts. "Oh, my, it feels pretty good from where I'm sitting," she taunted, rocking her body back and forth on his broken jaw, using his hand to caress her breast. "I cannot even imagine how much pain you must feel, how much humiliation. Oooohhhh!" she moaned. "Can you even fathom how completely, totally you have been defeated, at the hands of a pretty girl? And even now she tortures you, and mocks you, and yet you must lie there, helplessly beneath her ass, no longer even able to grovel for her mercy." "Mmmmm," she continued. "Forced to lie there beneath my ass, as I rest comfortably with the full weight of my body on your broken face. Broken by me. Because I felt like it, and because you could not stop me. Oh, God! Stuck there, helplessly under my ass. After I forced you to kiss it, and lick it. For hours. And after I wrapped it around you, and broke you with it. Pathetic," she laughed down at him. "Aaahhh, yes!" she squealed as she climaxed on his face, looking down into his eyes, caressing her breasts and bucking her body brutally on his face as she came, smirking down at him as he whined and sobbed, shaking weakly beneath her. "Oooohhh," she sighed happily, looking down at him. "That felt fucking good. For me, at least. You must be in quite a lot of pain," she giggled at him, her hands on her hips, holding the full weight of her body on his face. "Too bad you have nothing to offer me, to convince me to stop hurting you," she continued, looking down at him over her full, firm breasts. "With your jaw broken, you can't really lick my ass anymore. So really there isn't much that you can offer me to stop hurting you." He could do nothing but lay there and weep as she tortured him. After a few minutes, Jordan said, "I'll tell you what. I know that you would gladly, enthusiastically lick my bottom for days on end if you could, wouldn't you? Of course you would. You don't have any fucking choice. But since you can't, if you wish, I will allow you to nuzzle, and caress, and worship my ass. And if you do it convincingly enough, lovingly enough, then I will perhaps take mercy on you and stop hurting you. If, however," she said sternly, looking down menacingly into his eyes, her hands on her hips, her full weight on his face as he gasped desperately to remain silent, "if I am not convinced, then we will find other parts of you to break. There are plenty left. We will break them slowly, and then we will play with them." "I will not ask you if you agree, or insist that you beg me to allow you to worship my ass, because I know that you would grovel with your mistress to do so immediately, if you could. So I will stand, and then you will rise to your knees, and you will worship my ass, and shower it with affection, and respect, and adoration," Jordan smirked down at him. She rose to her feet, and turned to face away from him, her hands on her hips. She turned her pretty head to look back over her shoulder expectantly at him. She chuckled at him as he labored to his knees, weeping and shaking in pain. He crawled to her, and placed his hand gently on her bottom. He moved his face to her left buttock, wincing as he pressed his cheek against it, and rubbed his forehead on it. He continued to nuzzle her bottom obediently. "Look up at me," she said, looking down at him over her shoulder. "Look at me while you worship my ass. That's right," she cooed as he pressed his face adoringly against her backside. "That's a good boy. Worship that ass. You are really quite good at worshiping my ass. That's it. Grovel with my bottom. Show my ass how much you respect it. Good." "Keep looking up at me," she said sternly, as Cal continued to caress her backside with his face and hand. "Can you even fucking believe what you are doing? I hurt you so bad that you groveled with me to let you lick my ass. You licked it for hours, and then I hurt you some more. I broke your jaw, and then I sat on you, torturing you. You can't lick my ass anymore, to appease me, because I broke your face. And so now you are reduced to nuzzling my ass with your broken face, pleading with it, pleading with me not to hurt you anymore. And you are completely at my whim. Powerless to do anything but grovel for mercy at my bottom. Gosh, that must really suck," she taunted, looking down into his eyes as he meekly continued to caress her backside as best he could. Finally, Jordan turned and reached down, taking hold of him by the throat. She pulled him to his feet, looking in to his eyes all the while. She guided him backward, until he was backed up against the wall of her bedroom. She put her hands on her hips, and she crowded her body against him, pressing her breasts against his chest, smirking in his face as he winced in pain. "Just stand there, she said, quietly. She breathed slowly, easily, looking directly into his eyes, her face inches from his. She pressed her chest against him, crowding him, bullying him. "Just look into my eyes," she said. "Do I own you?" she asked him quietly, drinking in his total defeat, complete subservience and humiliation. "Do I? Do you belong to me? Are you mine?" Cal nodded his head, looking down at her shoulder. "Look in my eyes," she commanded him. "Would you do whatever I tell you to do? You have to, don't you? Don't you?" He nodded, looking meekly at her beautiful, young face. "Mine," she said, swelling her chest against him, poking him with her erect nipples. "You do what I fucking tell you to do. Get down on your knees, and grovel at my feet. Now." Cal waited for a moment for Jordan to back away, to give him space to kneel, but she did not. He slid down against the wall, as she bullied him with her feminine body. She pressed her breasts against his face, pinning him against the wall with them, looking down into his eyes for a moment, and then she allowed him to move to his knees. He lowered his face to the floor, and pressed his cheek obediently and adoringly to her feet. She looked down at him, crossing her arms at her chest, as he fearfully groveled at her feet. "Good," she said after a few moments. "Now, you can go." She bent down, and took hold of him by the ankle. Jordan pulled his ankle roughly, laughing to herself as he fell onto his chest and squealed in pain. She callously dragged him across the floor by his ankle. She dragged him to the stairs, and she began to pull him down the stairs, slowly, so that his broken chest and face smacked against each step. "Ironic, isn't it," she called back at him over her shoulder, as she dragged him down the steps, smirking to herself as he moaned weakly. "Now that I own you, I don't want you. I just wanted to own you, not to have you." She reached the bottom of the stairs, and she laughed audibly as his face smacked the floor. She dragged him across the bar, and through the back door, onto the back porch. Jordan let go of his ankle, and she reached down and picked up Cal's head, by a clump of hair. She pulled him up, and she pressed his face against her right buttock. "Have a good look at it, baby. That's it. Try to memorize what it feels like. Next time you see a pretty girl, and you think about saying or doing something disrespectful, you remember my ass. You remember kissing it, and licking it, and groveling with it, and lying helplessly beneath it. You remember all that, and you mind your fucking manners," she said, and she threw him by the hair off of the porch, into the alley, where he landed on his side. Jordan turned and went back inside, as Cal lay in the alley, sobbing and groaning in pain. Jordan locked up, went back up to her apartment and fixed herself another drink. She had a hot shower, and then she lay down in her bed. The cool sheets felt lovely against her body. She listened through the open window, and she heard Cal sobbing and whimpering in the alley below. She smiled to herself and drifted off to sleep. When she awoke the next day, he was no longer out there, and she never saw him again. The End