The Specialist Mick Sloane A man’s ex-fiancé hires a specialist to punish him for his behavior Amber straddled him, on the sofa in the living room of her house, sitting on his lap in her matching lacy white panties and bra. She kissed the top of his head hungrily, her long, curly blond hair falling around his face, as she roughly ran her hands through his course, dark hair, pulling his face against her. He kissed her neck, and her chest, the exposed portion of her breasts, pressing his face into the soft valley in between them. He ran his hands over her shoulders, her back, her hips, slipping them in and out of the tops of her panties, touching the upper portion of her buttocks. She moaned girlishly as she swayed her hips on his lap, feeling his erection beneath his boxer shorts. Their clothes lay strewn about on the living room floor. She wore only the bra, panties, and black high-heels. She had helped him strip down to only a cotton white tee shirt and the boxer shorts. She pulled away from him now, long enough to take off his tee shirt, then she scooted forward on his lap, straddling him, with her legs to either side of him on the sofa, pressing her body against his naked chest, moaning, breathing on his face. She looked down into his eyes for a moment, and then pulled his head back to her, pressing his face against her chest once again, and he resumed kissing her body, running his hands over her. She moaned his name, “Oh, Scott.” Amber was what men refer to as “drop-dead gorgeous.” Long, blond curls, bright green eyes, beautiful, delicate face, with high cheekbones and full red lips. She had a fantastic, tan complexion with taut, firm skin and was perfectly toned from head to toe, with not a single feature out of proportion. She stood five-ten, with a tiny waist, and full, supple breasts. She had curvaceous hips and a round, firm butt. Her legs were spectacular as well, perfectly sculpted, long, strong, sleek. Scott couldn’t believe he was going to have her, to have sex with her, on their first date no less. It was all he could do not to come in his shorts as she stirred, practically nude, on his lap, pulling his face into her heaving breasts, this unbelievably perfect woman, as she kissed his head and moaned his name. Scott was right not to believe. He was not going to have Amber. She was going to have him. Amber leaned back from him, holding his head still. She smiled at him seductively, and reached her hands behind her back, undoing her bra. She slid it off, setting it next to him on the couch. Scott looked at her fantastic breasts for a moment, and leaned his head forward to kiss them, to rub his face on them. Amber moved her hands back to his head, placing one on each side, holding his head away from her breasts, smiling playfully. Scott returned her smile, looking directly into her beautiful, bright eyes as he moved his hands up to her arms, making a motion to pull her arms to her side so that he could move his face to her breasts. Amber continued to hold his head, smiling playfully, moving her body up on his lap, pressing herself against him, straddling him on the sofa. She smiled down at him, saying “I have a confession to make, Scott.” Scott turned his face to kiss her arm, as she continued to hold his head lightly, but firmly. “What’s that?” he asked. She turned his head with her hands, so he was looking into her face. “I’m sort of a professional,” she said, searching his face for reaction. He smiled at her, confused. “Professional?” he asked. “You mean, like a prostitute?” She continued to look at him directly. “In a manner of speaking, I suppose.” Scott’s smile was frozen on his face. Whatever was going on, he did not want to blow this. “But ... we’re on a date. Right? I didn’t offer you money, and you didn’t ask for any. We’re just on a regular date, aren’t we?” Amber smiled down at him sympathetically, in complete control. “Well, not exactly. We are on a date, but not the way you think. See, this is my job, lover.” Scott could no longer mask his confusion, his impatience. He tried to change his position, but she sat on him firmly, her full, nude breasts still only inches from his face, his erection taut against the recess between her buttocks. “Amber, I’m not understanding you,” he stammered. “This can’t be a job for you, because I’m not paying you.” He looked at her suspiciously, saying “Unless all of this foreplay was to close the sale, and now you’re asking me for money. Is that it?” Amber laughed at him, her breasts shaking slightly as she did so. “Oh, no, Scott. That’s not it at all. You see, I’m already paid for. You don’t have to give me any money. I doubt you will want to.” Scott’s eyes narrowed. “Are you saying that someone hired you for me?” She looked amused at his question. “Well, I wouldn’t have put it that way, really, though I guess it’s true.” “So who’s paying you then?” She smiled, and said “Janice. Janice is paying me. You do remember Janice, don’t you?” “Janice?” Scott exclaimed. “My ex-fiancé Janice?” Amber smiled like a cat. “That’s right, Scott. That Janice. The one you broke up with after the wedding invitations had already gone out because you ‘weren’t ready to get married.’ You remember her, don’t you? She says ‘hi.’” Scott’s eyes widened and he started trying to get up, but Amber sat on his lap firmly, and continued to hold his head in her hands. “Why the hell would Janice hire me a hooker?” Amber laughed. “I’m not really a hooker, Scott. You see, I’m kind of a specialist. Janice hired me to go out with you, take you home, beat the hell out of you, humiliate you terribly, and capture the entire thing on videotape, so she can watch it whenever she likes, or give out copies to your mutual friends.” Now Scott laughed. “Specialist? Amber, what in the hell makes you think you can beat the hell out of me? I’m much bigger than you, and I’m a guy. This is some kind of joke, right?” Amber smiled down at him briefly, and then pulled his head firmly against her chest. She wrapped her arms around his head, pushing his face in tight between her breasts, using her elbows to hold her breasts together. As he struggled to pull his head back, or to get her off of him, she said “No joke, lover. I do this for a living, and I’m not cheap. This is all I do, and I only do maybe four or five a month.” Scott thrashed about, trying to break free. He couldn’t breathe. He could feel the reverberation of her voice in her breasts against his face. “You’ve seen my house. You’ve seen my car. I make six figures, dear, and I make it because I always deliver.” He tried to speak, but his voice was muffled between Amber’s breasts, and he could not take in any air. He tried desperately to break free from her, using his arms to hit her back, but he couldn’t see anything, and she had all of the leverage. She was sitting on his lap, holding his face tightly between her breasts. He could feel her laughing at him as he struggled to break free. By the time he realized that he could not breathe, that she was not going to let him breathe, it was too late. He struggled frantically against her, as she held him between her fantastic breasts, laughing. Amber could not help but laugh at his struggles. This was how she got all of them. She had him already. It was a foregone conclusion. She had done this to over a hundred men, most of them bigger than her. She loved her work. She couldn’t imagine a better job. It required a real mean streak, but she had that. She loved it, taking them apart, humiliating them for the women they had mistreated, and she was great at it. After a few minutes of holding his face buried deep between her breasts, Amber forced him to pass out from lack of air. It was all over for him, now. The lesson was just beginning. The fun stuff was all still yet to come, but she already had him. When she was certain that he had lost consciousness to her, she released him, watching to make sure that he resumed breathing. She wanted him asleep for a few minutes, not dead. She climbed off of him, walking across the room to set up her equipment. She returned to him, then, placing her hands underneath his shoulders, and dragging him across the floor. She set his body down where she wanted it, and she leaned down to the floor, locking his ankles into manacles that were firmly attached to the floor. She lifted up his body, and moved a sturdy, cushioned contraption in front of him, leaning his body over it. The contraption looked like the vault used in gymnastics competitions, and she let his body drape over it, so that his stomach was firmly against it. She sat down on the floor in front of him, using a handcuff to secure one of his wrists to a metallic ring which was affixed to the floor. Scott awoke just as she finished securing his hand, and began screaming, waving his other arm around, trying to push the vault out from under his body. Amber laughed, easily catching his free hand by the wrist, and looking up into his eyes as she gleefully cuffed his other wrist and pulled his arm to the ground, attaching the cuff to another ring on the floor. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Scott demanded, his body doubled over the vault-like-device, his ankles and wrists shacked to the floor. Amber laughed, leaning down beneath him, placing her shoulder under the device. She turned a knob beneath the vault, and forced her shoulder upward roughly, raising the cushioned rail across which Scott’s body was draped. She heard him gasp, as the sudden force into his stomach winded him, and she laughed again, saying “I already told you what I’m doing, sweetheart. I’m going to beat the crap out of you, and make you cry and plead for mercy.” When she had lifted the bar as far as Scott’s body would allow, stretching his arms and legs taught, she tightened the knob again, so that his body would be held that way. She stood up, walking around him, menacingly, still wearing only panties and high heels. He wore only boxer shorts. “Not much of a fair fight,” he screamed, his head level with her knees, facing behind him, so that he saw between his legs. Amber laughed at him. “You wouldn’t be in this position if you had been strong enough to prevent me from suffocating you to sleep with my boobs,” she said. “But you couldn’t stop me, could you, tough guy? You’ll have other chances, later. Not that you’ll be able to do anything with your chances. You will be too busy trembling in fear and begging me for mercy. I’ll free you when I’m ready, because I’m making the decisions here, love.” “God damn it!” he shouted, pulling at his shackles with his arms and legs. “Let me go right now!” She laughed, scraping his back lightly with her fingernails, and walked across the room. He turned his head, so that he could watch her. Amber opened a drawer, and slowly withdrew a long, brown, leather whip. It was braided, with a finished wooden handle at the base, and it tapered along its length like a tail. “What in the hell are you doing?” he shouted, pulling again at his shackles. Amber laughed deliciously, walking over to him, saying “You ask too many questions, my sweet. I’m doing whatever I like, and what I like is beating the living shit out of men who deserve it, and getting paid handsomely for it.” She climbed onto his back, straddling him, letting her legs dangle over the front of the padded rail. She bounced up and down rudely on his back, laughing as she forced his stomach against the bar, knocking the wind from him. She leaned forward, holding one end of the whip in each hand, and she looped it around his neck. He tried to shake her off, but he could hardly move, and she laughed at his efforts. When she tired of his attempts to free himself, she pulled the whip upward, slowly, letting it pull his head and shoulders upward, until his back was arched, and his head would lift no more. She continued to pull, slowly, hearing him cough and gag as she choked him with the whip. She let him breathe occasionally, and then tightened the whip around his throat again, playing with him, making him angry. He would see, this way, just how vulnerable he was, how helpless. He would become afraid, as he should. Beating a man was not just a physical action, Amber knew. There were important mental, emotional components as well, and she enjoyed these parts of the experience just as much, if not more, than the physical domination. Making big, strong, macho men afraid, making them scream, making them beg, making them cry. She enjoyed these parts of her job more than even the money. Eventually, she tired of choking him and hopped down to the floor, walking around him, circling him menacingly in her high heels, dragging the whip beside her. “Are you frightened?” she cooed. “Well, you have me all locked up, don’t you? It isn’t like this is a fair fight, though, is it?” he said contemptuously. “Life isn’t always fair, Scott,” she said, standing behind him, her arms folded. “Yeah, well then you just go ahead and delude yourself into thinking that you have beaten me or dominated me, what with me being all shackled and everything,” he said sarcastically. “Oh, Scott. You’re really going to cling to that, aren’t you?” she laughed. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m going to do you a favor. Well, no, I’m going to do Janice a favor. I’m going to let you free, and I’m going to beat you that way first. That’s what you want, isn’t it, to be let free, to have a chance?” “Oh, yeah,” Scott said. “Then we’ll see.” Amber laughed quietly, leaning down to undo his ankles, saying “Think about this, though, tough guy. If I beat the hell out of you this way first, then it will be even more humiliating for you, won’t it?” “That won’t happen, you little psycho,” Scott said, kicking at her with his newly freed legs. Amber laughed, dodging his kick, and walked around in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his middle, and pulled forcefully, pulling his lower body up and over the rail, his hands still cuffed to the floor. She flipped him all the way over, and dropped him on his back, eliciting a grunt. She knelt down and uncuffed his hands, quickly stepping back from him once he was free. “Now we’ll see,” Scott muttered, standing up. Amber smiled, folding her arms across her chest, watching him carefully. “Oh, yes. We will see,” she said coolly. Without any notice, Scott lowered his head and charged at her. Amber was very quick though, and she sidestepped him, holding her forearm out, catching his neck as he ran passed, tripping his feet right out from under him, as he landed on his back with a thud. She put her hands on her hips, looking down at him, shaking her head, mocking him. He quickly got back to his feet, this time walking towards her steadily, cautiously. He threw a tremendous punch at her face, but Amber backed out of the way, catching his wrist, twisting his arm behind his back. Before he could respond, she had his other arm behind him, too, and she lowered her body, pushing him forward roughly, smacking him into the wall, pulling him back, and smashing him against the wall a second time. She held him against the wall, as he struggled to break free, and she brought her knee up sharply into the small of his back, laughing as he screamed in anger and pain. She pulled him back again, by the arms, and threw him forward into the wall, with incredible force. He fell to the floor, shaken up, but trying to get back to his feet. Amber stepped around behind him as he was getting up, while he was on his knees. She wrapped one of her arms around his head, pulling it up against her body, so that his face was flush against the side of one of her firm, nude breasts. She pulled his head in tight against her, squeezing her arm around it, drawing it against her body with great force. Scott tried to break the headlock, but Amber had executed it very well, so that she had great leverage, and so that he had very little. She poured the pressure on, squeezing his head as he struggled frantically to break free from her. Unable to break free, Scott displayed great strength, wrapping his arms around Amber’s torso, lifting her completely off of the ground. She continued to hold his head tightly, squeezing it against her breast, her feet no longer touching the floor. When he still couldn’t break the hold, Scott dove to the ground, taking Amber with him, landing on top of her with all of his weight. She grunted and gasped, as the force of his weight landing on her made her lose her breath, but she maintained her hold, locking his head in firmly against her, pouring on the pressure as he thrashed about, trying to break free. With Scott on top of her, Amber lifted her legs, placing one against the small of his back, and positioning her opposite knee against his stomach. She turned her body forcefully, rolling him off of her, so that he was on his back, and she was on her side. She used her free hand to hold his head still, so that she could readjust her headlock on him for maximum leverage. When she reapplied the hold, she did it with much greater force, crushing his head in her arm as he screamed at her and thrashed about. Her body lay firmly on one of his arms, and he was poorly positioned to do anything with the other one. As Amber contracted her arm around Scott’s head, mashing his face against the side of her breast, she began digging her knee into his stomach, using her leg on his back to hold him steady, to force his body into her knee. He thrashed about, as she pushed her knee into his middle, and cranked on his head with her arm. As she forced his stomach to contract with her knee, his breaths became shorter, and he shouted from the pain as she crushed his head and tummy. Amber laughed at him now, humiliating him, as she lay there, just holding him as he struggled and screamed in pain, unable to do anything about it. She caught his free hand with her free one, and rubbed it along the length of her hips and legs, over her calves, her buttocks, up over her breasts. “Was it a fair fight this time, love?” she laughed, as he struggled still. “Fuck you,” he shouted, writhing about. “Come now, dear. I’m just a girl, and you were completely free to beat me up, rather than being beaten yourself. You couldn’t do it, though. You can’t even still. I’m going to beat and humiliate you, love, worse than anything you have ever even dreamt. I'm telling you this now, ahead of time, and still you can’t seem to do anything about it. How pathetic,” she laughed, catching him by surprise, and pressing her knee into his gut harder, taking away more of his breathing capacity. “This isn’t over yet, you bitch,” Scott gasped, between his short breaths. Amber laughed hysterically at this, saying “Oh, yes it is, dear. You just don’t know it yet. You’d better brace yourself. Your time is up.” With that, she clasped her free arm around the arm in which she held his head, for added power, and squeezed his head mightily, causing him to gasp and scream. She kept up the pressure against his stomach, knowing the lack of air would make him weak, and she squeezed his head in her arms, against her body, with incredible force, as he screamed in pain. Before long, she had squeezed him unconscious again, from the severe pressure she had applied to his head. Once she had him asleep, Amber relaxed, taking a moment to rest, with Scott’s motionless head laying on her breast. When Scott awoke, he was back in the restraints, his body doubled over the padded rail, his wrists and ankles shackled, his arms, legs and torso pulled tight. Amber stood in front of him, hands on hips, holding the whip menacingly, looking at him coldly. He struggled against the restraints, and realized quickly that he wasn’t going anywhere. She had him. “You see what I meant, now, love?” Amber said coolly. “It’s even more humiliating now, because you had such a good chance, and I beat you ever so convincingly. I made you go to sleep, once again. It won’t be the last time,” she said, laughing confidently, walking slowly around his body, as he tried to follow her with his eyes, nervously. “Come on, Amber,” Scott said, his voice a little desperate. “Let’s just forget this, okay? What’s Janice paying you? I’ll pay you more. Just let me walk.” Amber laughed, standing behind him, running her fingernails on his legs, on his back. “Quite a different tune you’re singing, my poor sweet. Are you no longer convinced that you can get the better of me, because I’m a woman? I don’t need your money, dear. Janice is paying me enough, plus I get to hurt you. Badly,” she said, taking hold of his boxer shorts, pushing them slowly down his butt and legs, around his ankles, allowing her hands to rub against him all the way down. “I’ll have you arrested if you touch me,” Scott said, his voice trembling slightly. “And tell the world that a beautiful woman beat the hell out of you, made you cry and beg, made you do things for her? By the time you leave here, telling anyone what happened won’t even be a consideration. You will live in fear and awe of me, lover,” she said, setting the whip on his back, hugging her breasts against his buttocks, maneuvering her hand beneath him, feeling his erection in her fingers, laughing as he gasped. Scott said nothing more, and Amber stood up, pulling away from him, pulling the whip slowly off of his back, letting him feel it trail across his body. “Just remember, lover,” Amber said, delivering a powerful, stinging lash to his butt with the whip, laughing at his scream, “just remember that this is from Janice.” She pulled the whip behind her, and beat him with it again, drawing a red welt on his left buttock, causing him to scream desperately. “And if you try to reciprocate against Janice,” Amber began, issuing another lash, raising another welt, causing another frenzied scream, “I’ll find you, my sweet. And I’ll show you pain you never imagined, things even more horrible than what I have planned for you over the next few days,” she paused , waiting for his response. “Few days?” he said, his voice panicked. Amber laughed, whipping him again, making him scream anew. “You’ll leave when I let you, and it won’t be tonight. I told you, already, that I only do one per week. I’ve got great things planned for us. Beatings, humiliation, crying, begging, all sorts of things. I’m going to turn you into mush,” she said, rubbing her breasts on his buttocks again, this time eliciting pained moans, as she pressed them firmly against his welts. He trembled in pain and fear, clearly disturbed by the news that she would be keeping him for days rather than hours. Amber walked around his body, circling him, letting him fear her. She cracked the whip against his back, raising another welt, smiling as he screamed. She circled back around behind him, whipping his buttocks again, and again, as he screamed for her to stop, his breathing growing heavy, his body tense. Amber set the whip on the ground, right near his hands, though he could do nothing with it but look at it. She hopped up onto his back, straddling him, facing his lower body, bouncing up and down on him, smashing his middle against the rail as he gasped. “I’m going to make you cry now, love,” she said, hungrily. She reached down and rubbed her flat hand against his buttock, feeling him tense, hearing him whimper as she touched the lash marks she had made all over his ass. She began spanking him, as she sat on him, spanking him with her open, bare hand. He screamed as she slapped his butt harshly with her hand. She felt him trembling between her legs, heard him screaming behind her, and she beat him harshly, causing him unspeakable pain. She smiled knowingly, powerfully when she heard him begin to sob, his body convulsing, tears streaming from his eyes, as the beating she issued became unbearable. She spanked him for a while longer, anyway, simply because she loved the feeling of it, sitting on him as he lay helpless, beating him, making him sob like a little boy. When she was ready, Amber stopped beating him, and hopped off of his back, standing on the floor again, walking around in front of him. She kneeled down, pulling his head up by the hair, looking into his face. She wiped a tear delicately from his cheek. “I’m going to fuck you now,” she told him, studying his face curiously for reaction. She picked up the whip, showing him the finished wooden handle, smiling at him with satisfaction as his eyes widened in fear, letting go of his head carelessly, letting it hang upside down once again. She walked slowly around his body to his ass, which she had beaten so severely. She smacked it again now, laughing at his pained shouts. She hugged her breasts against his ass lightly, again causing him great discomfort, letting him feel her body laugh at his screams. She licked the wooden handle of the whip, rubbing it along his ass, and used her hand to part his buttocks. Amber put the handle inside him, then, slowly, smiling as he screamed and pleaded. She continued to push it inside of him, very slowly, talking to him, humiliating him, as she penetrated him. She pushed it into him, several inches, letting his butt slowly take it in, feeling herself tingle all over from her position of total power. She heard him gasp and plead as she pushed it in farther, and farther. When she had it deep inside of him, she said “I’m going to fuck you now, up the ass. You can’t stop me. You have no power. You can do nothing but be fucked,” she said, becoming greatly aroused. She withdrew the whip handle several inches, then forced it slowly back into him. She pulled it back again, forcing it into him a little faster this time. Each thrust became easier, as she loosened him, and lubricated the handle with his perspiration. “How do you like being fucked up the ass by a pretty little woman, not being able to do anything about it?” she asked, laughing, pumping the handle in and out of his ass a little faster. As it became easier, she pulled the handle out further, and forced it back into him further, laughing girlishly at his screams, pumping him up the ass faster and faster. As she reached orgasm, standing there behind him, she thrust it deep into him, his screams, his helplessness intoxicating her. When she had recovered, she resumed laughing at him, leaving the whip handle deep inside of him, walking around him, kneeling down in front of him, pulling his head up again, searching his eyes. “Take a good look at me, you big, strong man. I just fucked you, up the ass. You will never forget what I look like, what I did to you, what I will do to you still.” She dropped his head again, walking slowly around his body, taking the whip in her hands, twisting the handle slowly inside of him, and withdrawing it suddenly, causing him to gasp. She dropped the whip to the floor. As he lay there, trembling, his breathing heavy, Amber stooped below him, below the rail, loosening it, lowering it perhaps a foot, relaxing the tension against his body, then tightening it again. She sat on the rail, next to him, sliding a leg underneath his body. She lay backwards, arching her back, using her leg underneath his body to maintain her position on the rail. She slid her body below his, so that her butt rested on the rail, and his body was pressed firmly against her lap. Amber stretched her legs up into the air on either side of him, wrapping them around his middle, arching her back, allowing herself to hang upside down beneath him, facing him. She put her hands on him, as they hung there, using his body for leverage, pulling him against her. Her breasts were full, as she hung upside down, and she pulled him against them, positioning herself so that they were face to face, upside down, her body pressed to his, her legs wrapped around him. She looked into his eyes hungrily, devouring his fear and pain. She used her legs to pull him against her firmly, wrapping them around him, as her butt rested on the rail. He was tight against her crotch, with her thighs around his middle, and her legs behind his back. Her body was arched below his, pressed firmly against him, her breasts heaving against his chest, her face inches from his. He could feel her breath, could see her arousal at his total helplessness. She began to squeeze his body between her legs, feeling him there, pressed up against her, looking into his eyes with satisfaction as she squeezed him, her body flush against his. She squeezed him steadily, slowly increasing the pressure in her thighs, feeling him wriggle between them uncomfortably. She reached above her head for his arms, grabbing hold of them for a moment, using them to push her body upwards, firmly against his middle, wrapping her legs around him tighter still, squeezing him more and more. She continued to look directly into his face, as he started to scream from the pressure. Amber held him tightly between her legs, feeling his body weaken as she crushed it. She felt the give of his muscles against her thighs, noted the shortness and quickness of his breaths as she contracted him. Amber continued to play with him, patiently, slowly increasing the pressure of her thighs around his body, breathing softly on his face, stirring her breasts delicately against his body. She could feel his erection. He couldn’t help himself. He would be hard for her for as long as she kept him here, literally for days. She squeezed him more, muffling his screams as she pulled his face against hers, kissing him hotly on the mouth. His eyes widened as she crushed him relentlessly between her powerful legs, squeezing him harder and harder as she softened his body with her thighs. She continued to kiss his face, his neck, his mouth as she crushed him, as he screamed. She played with him, climaxing again against his body as she powerfully compacted it between her legs, kissing his mouth possessively as he screamed and cried. “It’s quite unbearable, isn’t it, my sweet, the pain,” she said softly, her lips against his face, as she crushed him still more. “I think you need a rest,” she said against his cheek. “I’m exhausting you, and we’ve so much more to do, lover. Yes, I think a nap would be wise.” She let go of his body with her hands, bringing them up to his face, holding his head in her hands as she continued to devour him with her legs. She ran one of her hands through his hair, on the back of his head, pulling him to her. She pet his face with her other hand, briefly, and then used it to pinch his nose between her thumb and forefinger. She crushed him tighter still, forcing air from him in gasps and screams, looking directly into his eyes. Amber kissed him then, sealing her mouth over his, holding his nose closed with her hand, pressing his face to her with her other hand. She kept her eyes open, watching his face, crushing him between her legs, smiling against his lips as she saw the realization in his eyes. She squeezed him roughly between her thighs, pulling her face back for a moment, exhaling, clearing her lungs. She pressed her lips to him again then, sealing them over his mouth, looking into his eyes. She continued to hold his nose shut, ravaging his body between her legs, and she began to slowly inhale, sucking the air from him, draining him. She searched his eyes, letting him feel her smile slightly against his face as she held it firmly in place, crushing him, drawing the air from him. He struggled to pull his head free, but she held it firmly, squishing his body all the while, taking his breath from him. She studied his eyes, curiously, waiting, watching, until they closed, until he lost himself to her. Once she had made him pass out, Amber relaxed her grip around his middle, letting go of his face, allowing herself to hang upside down beneath him for a few minutes. She slid out from under him, eventually, and gently pulled his shorts back up. She stooped to the floor and unlocked his ankles, then his wrists, hoisting him off of the rail, setting him gently on the floor. He was still out cold. She had meant what she said. She would let him rest, for perhaps an hour or so. It wasn’t nearly as fun to beat them if they were too exhausted. “I hope you’re enjoying this, Janice, sweetie. I think you’ll agree that it’s going quite well. There’s lots of great stuff yet to come, too,” Amber said, seemingly to no one. Janice would see her, though, and hear her, when she watched the tapes. Every room in Amber’s house had at least one camera, and every room was wired for sound. Janice would probably receive about a dozen six-hour videotapes which, in totality, would show every event, in its entirety, from beginning to end. Nothing would be left out. Amber would also edit a two or three hour version which included only the best parts, for Janice to view or to copy for friends as she wished. Amber would, of course, keep a copy for herself. She had amassed an extensive library of her work. She had her personal favorites, instances where she had really destroyed a man, or been particularly creative in her methods, or caused a man extraordinary pain or humiliation. She watched these tapes, from time to time. The best ones made her climax simply from watching them. She didn’t even have to touch herself. Merely seeing herself beat and humiliate a big strong man, and remembering what it was like, in any one of her several favorite videos, was enough to bring her to orgasm all by itself. When she was ready to play some more, when she felt Scott had gotten enough rest, Amber laid him flat on his stomach on the floor, shackling his hands to the rings in the floor, at his sides, rather than above his head. She sat on his back, still wearing only panties, and lifted his head towards her, crossing her legs around and beneath his chin, so that his chin rested on her calves, which were crossed beneath it. She reached around to his face and put a hand over his nose and mouth, blocking his breath, and he awoke with a start, eyes wide in terror. She laughed at him, and withdrew her hand from his face. As he realized where he was, seeing only her legs and feet in front of his face, he struggled angrily beneath her, but quickly saw that she had him just as she wanted him, once again. “Are you ready to play some more, lover?” Amber said, sitting on him, squeezing his head slightly between her legs. Scott said nothing. “I’ll bet I can make you talk,” she said to him sternly. “I’ll bet I can make you beg me.” “Screw you,” Scott said, hatefully. Amber raised her eyebrows in mock surprise, turning his head with her hands so that he could see her, and smiled down at him sternly. “All right then,” she said. “You’ll be crying and begging me in ten minutes, and kissing my feet in fifteen.” “The hell I will,” Scott said bravely, but Amber saw the fear in his eyes, and she drank it in. She straightened her legs below his chin, crossing her ankles, pulling his head back towards her, tight against her crotch. She squeezed his head between her legs for a minute, then, pouring on the pressure, making him scream. Amber laid on her back, on top of him, still holding his head between her legs, squeezing it tightly as he lay on his stomach on the floor. She lay back, allowing her head to rest on the floor between his legs, catching his legs by the ankles, and bending them over her shoulders at the knees. Amber held his legs firmly, and she began to sit up, slowly, still holding his head between her thighs. His arms were still attached firmly to the constraints. He tried to kick his legs free, but she held them tightly, laughing, squeezing his head between her thighs. She could not see his face, unfortunately, as he faced down, with the back of his head pulled in tightly against her crotch, and his chin firmly against the tops of her legs. “It’s been about four minutes,” she said. “You’ll be crying well ahead of schedule.” She began to really squeeze his head between her legs. Simultaneously, Amber began to bend her upper body forward, downward, as she might if she were doing a stretching exercise, trying to touch her toes. Because she held Scott’s legs and head firmly, she bent his body backward as she continued to bend forward. She quickly arched his back against hers to a point at which he became very uncomfortable, screaming as she bent him. As she squeezed his head tighter and tighter, she forced her body to bend forward, stretching him across her back, quickly making him scream harder still She had lifted his entire body off of the ground now, except his shoulders, on which she sat, pressing his head between her thighs, stretching his body, bending it backwards as he shrieked in pain. It had taken perhaps two minutes for her to contort his body like this, and he was utterly helpless, completely beaten. He could do nothing but allow her to bend him, to make him scream, as she sat on his back, crushing his head between her thighs, bending his body backward until he thought she might break him. She held him stretched as far as he would go for several minutes as he shouted from the unbelievable pain. “This must hurt very badly,” she said, humiliating him. “I can do whatever I want to with you, lover. I have total control over you and your body. How sad for you.” Keeping her body bent, she rolled backward, onto her back, forcing Scott’s lower body against the ground, lifting his shoulders, chest and head up above her, keeping her legs wrapped around his head. Amber curled her legs at the knees, placing her calves across his face, and began bending him backward further, pulling his head upwards toward her roughly. The pain became more than he could bear, and his shrieks quickly turned to sobs. His body wracked with them, as Amber continued to stretch him, to use his body as she wished, dominating him easily. She smiled as she heard his sobs, felt his tears on her legs. She continued to apply incredible pressure to his head, and to bend him to the point of breaking, letting him scream, letting him cry beneath her. “Beg me to stop,” she said finally. “Beg me before I break you in half.” She bent him a little farther, feeling the incredible tension she created in his body as she did so. “Oh, God!” Scott cried. “Oh, God. Please stop. Oh, please, please stop.” Amber sighed, coldly, and bent him further, eliciting new screams, more sobs. “I didn’t hear the word ‘beg,’” she said. “And I didn’t hear the word ‘mistress’ either.” She held him stretched as far as he would go, smiling to herself at his screams, squeezing his head, saying “Now beg, my weak little man.” “Oh, please!” he shouted quickly. “Mistress, I beg you. Oh, I beg you, please stop, Mistress!” She smiled, but did not stop. “Do you believe that I could break your back right now, if I wanted to?” “Yes!” he sobbed. “Please don’t, Mistress. Oh please!” Amber smiled, and lowered her legs to the floor, lowering his body with them, letting his body bend forward and straight. She still held his head between her legs, and she lay comfortably on his back, as he sobbed convulsively. She released his legs, and then his head, sliding off of him, rolling him over onto his back, then climbing back onto him, sitting on his lap. She leaned forward, pulling him up into a sitting position by his shoulders, so that he faced her, her legs wrapped around his middle. She looked into his face as he continued to cry, wiping his tears with her hand, saying “That’s it, my poor little dear. Cry.” She hugged him lightly, pulling him against her naked breasts, putting his head on her shoulder, holding him firmly between her legs. He cried on her shoulder, as she held her soft face, her silky hair against him. She squeezed his stomach between her legs possessively, easily causing him pain in his weakened condition. She held him, letting him cry on her shoulder as she squeezed his tummy between her legs, sitting on his lap, feeling his erect penis beneath her. “I do love making big, strong men like you cry, my sweet love,” she said against his face, as he sobbed, as she handled him easily between her thighs. “It’s really tremendously arousing, forcing you to cry for me, a thing which you would never, ever do, if I hadn’t dominated you so greatly, so easily. So humiliating for you,” she whispered longingly against him. She held him that way for perhaps half an hour, squeezing him just hard enough to make him continue to cry on her shoulder. It took hardly any effort on her part, so weak had he become at her hands. She came again, sitting on his lap, squeezing his soft middle, holding his head on her shoulder as he wept. “Beg me some more, love,” she whispered, tightening her legs around him. “Please, Mistress. Oh, please,” he cried. “I beg you, Mistress. Please don’t hurt me. I beg you.” She smiled, holding him loosely between her legs. “I want you to kneel before me, to kiss my feet. Will you obey me?” “Oh, yes, Mistress,” he sobbed. “Anything, anything.” Amber let him go, and stood up, kicking off her high heels, placing her hands on her hips, waiting. She did not wait long, as Scott quickly got on his hands and knees before her, kissing her feet lovingly. She stood on his hands in her bare feet, letting him kiss one, then the other, the tops, the toes, the heels, the ankles. She lifted her feet, one at a time, so that he could take them into his mouth, sucking her toes. "That's a good boy," she said softly, firmly. "Now, I want you to lick my legs. Start with the left, at the foot. I want you to lick every inch of my leg, from the toes, up to the foot, to my calf, to my knee, then my thigh, my hip, my buttock. Then the other leg. Don't miss anything, my sweet, or I'll have to hurt you. Do we understand?" "Oh, yes, Mistress," he said obediently, and began licking her toes thoroughly, carefully, working his way up to her foot. As he got to her calf, and her knee, she stooped to pet his head, to run her soft fingers through his hair. "You're being very good," she said gently. "You've learned a great deal." Anything to stop the pain, Scott thought. "Thank you, Mistress Amber," he said, continuing to lick one of the legs she had used just earlier to bring him to tears. "Don't think, though" she said, looking down at him, "that we're through, my puppy. I have much more to teach you about pain, about humiliation at the hands of a beautiful woman, about how you must treat the women in your life." His face fell. "But, Mistress …" he began. She smacked him, with the back of her hand. "Lick me," she said. "Who is making the decisions here?" "You, Mistress," he said quickly, and began licking her leg again. "Good. And who is doing exactly as he is told without a second thought?" He lifted his head from her thigh. "I am, Mistress. I am." "Very good," she said, as he licked her leg obediently. "Do not make the mistake of questioning me again," Amber said firmly. She stood with her hands on her hips, then, and let him finish carefully licking every inch of each of her lovely legs. When he finished, she pointed firmly to her feet, and he lowered his head, resting his face on her feet. "I will sleep now," she said. "I doubt that you will, but you will stay with me, and be silent, and make not the slightest move. Come." She began to walk towards the stairs which led to her bedroom. He rose to follow her. She turned back, eyeing him sternly. "Crawl," she said, and confidently turned back around, continuing to walk. "And keep up with me, or else." She did not look back to see that her order was followed, so certain was she that it would be. When they arrived in her bedroom, Amber pointed to a spot on the floor, near the bed. "Kneel right there, and wait." She went into the bathroom, washing her face, and brushing her teeth, and then returned. Amber shut off the light, and lay on her back in the center of the bed, resting her head on a pillow. "Now," she said. "You will lay on top of me, face down, with your body between my legs, your feet together. You will rest your face on my breasts, turning it to one side, so that you can breathe. You will slide one hand underneath each of my buttocks, open and flat. You will be perfectly still, perfectly silent, or I will beat you. Do it." He obeyed quickly, and she smiled to herself, feeling him on top of her, between her legs. He would never be able to sleep like that. None of them ever could, in that position, or any of her other favorite sleeping positions. His face was against her firm, warm breast, his body between her legs, and his hands pressed beneath her butt. His lower legs and feet extended off of the edge of the bed. Not a chance that he could sleep. She would, however, and a good sleep it would be, too. She felt his discomfort, knew that he was hard as a rock for her, and she drifted off to sleep thinking of how nice it would be tomorrow, when she could hurt him and humiliate him in ways he had never contemplated. Scott lay perfectly still, very aroused, very uncomfortable. He lay on top of Amber for several hours, thinking. He was tremendously attracted to her, physically, but he clearly would not be having sex with her, at least not in any way that would leave him fulfilled. As attracted to her as he was, he was even more afraid. It was ridiculous, he knew. The fact that she was able to have her way with him so easily, so completely, went against everything that he knew. Still, she was clearly quite good at beating and humiliating much larger, seemingly stronger men, and she took great enjoyment from it. Scott's only hope, he decided, of avoiding more pain, greater humiliation, at Amber's hands, was to escape. She had been asleep for several hours, and seemed to be resting quite soundly. Scott held his breath as he began, ever so slowly and carefully, to remove his hands from beneath her lovely, firm butt. He took perhaps ten minutes to do so, and she stirred slightly, once or twice, but she had been doing that all along, driving him wild. Finally, his hands were withdrawn, and he slowly moved them up on the bed, placing them on either side of her shoulders. He began lifting himself, then, very carefully, using for leverage his hands next to her shoulders and his lower legs, which rested on the edge of the mattress between hers. Eventually, he was able to get to his knees, kneeling between her legs. He looked down at her cautiously. She seemed to be sleeping soundly, still. God, she was gorgeous, and so very feminine. This stung his male ego, that she was so unbelievably pretty and that she had beaten him to tears, made him kiss her feet, but he decided he had better just learn to live with what had happened. He could try to make a move on her now, while she was asleep and defenseless, but every indication from his experience thus far was that she would still be able to overcome him easily. Scott began to get off the bed, then, slowly stepping over her leg with one of his, and then quickly, carefully lifting his other leg over her. He moved quietly across the bed, and stepped silently to the floor. He tiptoed across the room, and out of the door, tiptoeing then down the stairs. He was fairly certain that his clothes were still next to the couch in the living room, and his car keys in the pocket of his blue jeans. That was assuming, of course, that she hadn't put them somewhere else during one of the "naps" she had imposed upon him. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when he reached the living room and saw that his clothes were still there. He walked over to them, and stooped down, picking up his jeans, feeling for his car keys. They, too, were still there. He stepped into his jeans, first one leg, and then the other. "Going somewhere, love?" he heard Amber say from somewhere behind him in the dark room, practically giving him a coronary right there, right then. He thought quickly, as he turned around to face her. "I …" he began, as he turned around. Before he could finish, Scott felt something sting his neck, painfully, and then wrap around it. As he completed the turn, he saw her, and he saw that she held the whip, that she had lashed out at him and, skillfully, caught him by the neck with the whip. She pulled the whip towards herself now, cruelly, forcefully, pulling him off of his feet and flat on his face. She relaxed the tension on the whip, and unraveled it from his neck. Before he knew what was happening, Amber was beating him with the whip, as he lay at her feet. He screamed as she landed a lash on his upper back, breaking the skin easily, and then another on one of his legs. He screamed out in pain as she whipped him again, and again. He closed his eyes tightly, and curled himself into a fetal position to try to protect himself. He felt something tickling at his shoulder, and he slowly opened his eyes, like a child hopeful that the bogeyman had disappeared. Amber stood over him, one foot on either side of him, looking down at him menacingly, her arms crossed, the whip dangling carelessly across his body. "Please," he began, quietly, trembling. "Silence," she said softly, firmly, and he obeyed. She took a step back, so that she was no longer standing over him. "Crawl back upstairs, this instant, before I take off more of your flesh with my whip," she said sternly. He got on his hands and knees, immediately, and began crawling, knowing that she was walking right behind him. "I am glad to see that you have the good sense to fear me," she said from behind him as he crawled up the steps, "but you will be punished for this, my sweet. Not now. You have already disturbed my sleep for long enough. Tomorrow. You can think on that as you lie awake in my bed until morning," and she kicked him in the butt, eliciting a quick, short yelp of pain, as his posterior was severely damaged from his earlier beatings. When they arrived in the bedroom, Amber said "Now, lie in my bed, face down, and spread your arms." He quickly obeyed, and Amber went to her dresser drawer, withdrawing two pairs of nylons. She bound his hands firmly to the bedposts at the head of her bed, making no effort to be gentle with him. She walked around to the side of the bed, taking hold of his boxer shorts and pulling them down his legs and off of him. She threw them carelessly on the floor, grabbing one of his ankles, and securing it to one of the bedposts at the foot of the bed with another of her hose. She did the same with his opposite ankle. "Now," she said. "You will lie very still, and will not make a peep. If I wake again this night, whether by your doing or not, I will beat you within an inch of your very life." She reached down, finding his testicles, as she stood by the bed, giving them a rough squeeze, smiling at his gasp. "Is there any part of that which you do not understand, or wish to argue with me about, my pet?" "No," he said quickly. Amber smiled, releasing his testicles. "Good," she said wearily. She climbed on top of him, still wearing only her panties, and she lay on him, facing down, her legs between his, her breasts full against his back, her soft face, her softer hair, against the back of his neck. She rested her hands carelessly on his shoulders and upper arms, and quickly fell back to sleep. Scott did not sleep a wink, as he felt her on his back, sleeping, breathing, stirring. He thought fearfully, for hours, about what she would do to him in the morning, about what she would do to him over the course of the next several days actually, and about what she would make him do. About what she would turn him into. She had that kind of power, and it terrified him. He could do nothing. His erection persisted, though he knew that this was exactly what she wanted. It only added to her power over him, to his complete humiliation at her hands, but again, he could do nothing. In the morning, when Amber woke, she got up, saying nothing, and went to the bathroom. When she finished, she walked silently through the bedroom and out, towards the rest of the house, not speaking a word, leaving Scott tied face down the bed. She returned a few minutes later, drinking from a glass of orange juice. She was healthy all right, Scott thought, dejectedly. She stood next to the bed, towering over him, looking at his bound, naked body. She smiled slightly, noticing the fear in his eyes. "Your ass looks so inviting, love. So badly wounded." She turned to her dresser, setting down her glass and picking up her hairbrush. "It's punishment time, I'm afraid, darling." Amber climbed into the bed, and sat firmly on his back, straddling him, facing his legs, and his butt. She rubbed the brush over his beaten, bruised ass, laughing at his whimper, saying "Payback's a bitch, isn't it my sweet?" With that, she began beating him on the ass with her hairbrush, savagely, ignoring his screams, his pleading. "I will be obeyed," she said beating him repeatedly as he screamed. "It is that simple. You may have difficulty taking direction from a beautiful woman, when you would much rather be fucking her, but deal with it, my pet," she said, beating him relentlessly. "I will be obeyed, without question." She quickly beat him to tears, and continued for several minutes, as he lay beneath her, sobbing, begging for her mercy. When she finished, Amber continued to sit on him, as he sobbed, waiting for him to quiet down. She ran a soft hand over his buttock then, saying "I'm going to rape you now, my lover. I'm going to fuck you up the ass with the handle of my hairbrush, the one I use every morning to brush my long, pretty, blond hair. Try to stop me." She climbed off of him, walking into the bathroom, and quickly emerging with a tube containing some sort of lubricant, which she applied to the handle of her brush as she resumed her position on his back. She lay down flat on him now, facing downward, her feet on either side of his head, her knees driving firmly into his shoulders, her breasts against his back, holding her head just above his butt. She touched his ass with her brush, causing him to tremble. She slid it just between his buttocks, and then stopped. "Please, Mistress," he said. "Please don't." "Begging is good, my love, very good." She pushed her brush further into him. "But it does not always mean that you will get what you ask for." She laughed as he continued to plead, slowly penetrating his butt with her hairbrush. When he had taken in the entire handle, Amber placed her hands on his buttocks, spreading the cheeks apart, and she pushed it further into him, feeling his body tense, hearing him scream. She began working the brush, then, withdrawing it, then pushing it back in. She began slowly, and increased in both speed and force, pumping him. "I'm fucking you up the ass, love. How undignified. Can you do nothing to stop me?" She laughed as he began to beg her again, pumping him harder, faster. She caught either side of his head between her feet, and forced his face rudely into the mattress. She slid her free hand beneath him, finding his erection, holding it gently in her soft little hand, massaging it, lightly holding his testicles. She found the skin between his testicles and his ass, and began rubbing it lightly with her fingernail. Before very long at all, he reached orgasm, coming on her bed, having no choice but to lay in it, as she sat on him, his arms and legs bound. When he came, Amber pumped the brush into him forcefully, causing him to gasp and buck, mashing his face into the bed with her feet. When he finished, she withdrew the brush, and set it carelessly on his back, behind her. She climbed off of him, standing next to the bed, her hands on her hips. After a moment, she leaned down to untie his ankles, and then moved around the bed to release his wrists, which were very chaffed and red. "Thank me," she said softly, sternly looking down at him as he rolled onto his side. "Right now." He quickly got out of the bed, crawling to her feet, kissing them tenderly, saying "Thank you, Mistress Amber." "Good. Now, you will thank me some more. Get back into my bed. Lie on your back." He quickly obeyed, feeling the wetness of his discharge against his back. Amber climbed onto him, straddling him high on his chest. "You will pleasure me now," she said. "Do it well, my sweet, or suffer my wrath." She moved forward on him, placing her knees on the mattress to either side of his head. She hooked her bare feet over his arms, holding them firmly against the bed. She knelt with her crotch just above his face, looking down into his eyes. "Now, lick me." Amber lowered herself onto him, resting on his face, covering his mouth, and his nose. She left his eyes exposed, so that she could look down into them, so that he could see her, so that he would remember what she looked like as he considered what she had done to him. "That's it. Suck me, sweet love. Put your tongue in me." As he pleasured her, obediently, Amber leaned forward, carelessly mashing herself into his face, reaching over to her night stand, picking up the telephone. "Don't you dare stop," she said, moaning as she felt him resume. "What I do is not your concern. Your concern is to lick me." Amber dialed a number, and put the phone on his chest, behind her, holding the receiver up to her face. "Yes, Janice? This is Amber. Hold on just a second." Amber did not cover the receiver, as she looked threateningly down at Scott, saying "Keep licking me, or by God, I'll put rip your tongue out and put it in me myself!" He quickly resumed, sucking her, pleasuring her, as she spoke on the phone to his ex-fiancé, who had hired her to beat and humiliate him in the first place. "Janice? Yes, hi," Amber said, still looking sternly down at Scott, patting his head as he sucked her crotch obediently. "Yes, it's going very well. I think you're going to love it. Yeah, I beat the crap out of him, in ways you have never imagined. I've got lots of other fun stuff planned for the next couple of days. Actually, he's right here. Yeah, I'm sitting on his face. He's sucking me off right now." Amber laughed into the phone. "I'll tell him. Yeah, sweetheart, I'll be in touch. Bye." Amber hung up the receiver, leaving the phone on Scott's chest, using him as she wished. She looked down at him, as he continued to lick her. "Janice sends her regards," she said, smiling powerfully. "How humiliating that must have been for you, to have me talking to her while I sit on your face, as you pleasure me." She searched his eyes, seeing his defeat. "And you, not able to do a thing about it. How frustrating," she said in mock sympathy. "Oh well," Amber shrugged. "Now suck me." She moaned as he put his tongue deep into her, squealing girlishly as he obediently licked her. She rocked on his face, roughly, and tore at his hair with her fingers as she climaxed. Amber stayed on his face when she was through, looking down at him, her power absolute. She spent the day beating him, crushing him, defeating him, climaxing repeatedly throughout the day as he screamed, sobbed, and begged. Her energy, her power, was unending, as she put him in one painful, humiliating position after another, his begging, his weeping music to her ears. She knew he had not slept, and crushed him into unconsciousness several times throughout the day, letting him nap when she decided he should. At the end of that day, he was utterly subservient. He belonged to her, was hers, if she chose to keep him, which she would not. Breaking them was the wonderful part, the part she adored, the part at which she was without peer. She slept on him again that night, forcing him to lie awake beneath her in a different humiliating position, which he did without question. The next day, Amber did not beat him, or rather, did not beat him much. Instead, she focused on showing him, and Janice as well, just how subservient, just how obedient he had become. She made him bathe her, and dress her. She made him carry her throughout the house. He fed her, and lifted her beverages to her mouth when she asked him to. She sat on him, at all times, on his chest, his back, his lap, his face. When she ate, when she talked on the telephone, when she reviewed the video of their initial night together, she sat on him. And he humbled himself before her, at her command, kissing her feet, licking her butt, sucking her breasts, pleasuring her, his head clamped between her powerful thighs. The following morning, after he had bathed her, dressed her, fed her breakfast, Amber told Scott that it was time for him to go. She allowed him to put on his clothes, and walked beside him as he crawled to the front door. She looked down at him, as they stood by the door. "Remember what I told you, my little slave, about Janice. If I so much as hear that you have spoken to her, I will find you, and beat you to a pulp first, and then find out the circumstances later. You will stay clear of her, my love. Is that understood?" "Yes, Mistress," he said quickly, earnestly. "Good. Now you may go. Do not try to contact me, ever. I will not take kindly to such an attempt. You will resume your life now, but you will remember me always. You will treat the women you profess to love with respect, and a reasonable degree of obedience. Is that clear, sweet?" "Yes, Mistress Amber," he answered. "Fine. Now go. Do not forget to thank me, my slave, or I shall be most disappointed," she said, putting her hands on her hips. Scott stooped to kiss her foot, and she leaned down, kneeling on his back, resting her weight on him as he kissed her foot for several minutes. She stood back up straight, offering her other foot, leaning on his back again as he kissed her foot subserviently. "Thank you, Mistress," he said. She opened the door, and he crawled out of it. He waited for Amber to close the door behind him before he stood and walked to his car. Amber turned back into her house, and smiled, power rushing over her. "I hope you enjoy this, Janice, my dear" she said, knowing the tapes were still rolling. "I don't see how you could not, though, I must confess. You know what he was like, for heaven's sake, you practically married him, sweetheart. See what I did to him, all by myself, and in only three days? Just imagine, love, what you yourself could do to a man if you had weeks, months? What if you were to train the man you marry in that fashion? Just think on that! Complete subservience, obedience, from your mate for the rest of your days. You've seen the tapes. It isn't that difficult. It's really quite easy. Well enough lecturing. I tell that to all of my clients, sweetie. It's something to think about, though. That's all," Amber said, shutting off the recorder.