Breaking Up Mick Sloane A woman breaks up with her boyfriend, and then she breaks him Rebecca sat patiently on the couch, sipping a vodka tonic, waiting. Her boyfriend, John, was coming for dinner. Or so he thought. He was coming over, in any event. That was all that mattered. It was Friday night. She had suggested that he come over to the house for dinner, and that they spend a quiet evening alone together. She knew it would be private, because she was the only one in her sorority who was staying in the house over the summer. She had agreed to take care of things around the house in exchange for living there rent-free during the summer break, while she took some extra classes and worked to save some money for next semester. She had dimmed the lights in the main dining hall, and had set one table for two, right in the center of the room, with nice linens and dishes. Two tall, white candles stood on the table, their yellow flames flickering in the murky light of the big room. That was the only preparation her plans for this evening would require. There would be no dinner. She was going to eat him alive, to be sure, but that was another matter. That required no real preparation. She had been preparing for that all of her life, in a manner of speaking. Rebecca was in excellent physical condition, and always had been. She was tall, at five feet and eleven inches, though not as tall as John, who was well over six feet. Rebecca had been active in sports throughout high school, especially track and basketball. She played basketball on her college team, and had begun to see some playing time last year, her sophomore season. She continued to run, and to lift weights regularly. She had taken up karate last year, enrolling in classes at the university. Her frame was tall and lean, however, rather than bulky. She was muscular, but with a toned, sinewy physique. Her arms, her legs, her body were solid and strong, but lean and compact rather than big and bulky. She was an extremely attractive woman, often turning heads with her long, blond hair, her pretty face, with blue eyes, high cheekbones, and cute, feminine nose. Her long, tan, muscular legs, though, and her firm, tight butt were what usually attracted the most attention. She had always been able to be choosy about the men she dated, selecting ones that were taller than her, strong, muscular, handsome. She never had trouble finding dates, if she wanted them, and she wouldn't have any trouble after she broke up with John, she knew. That was exactly what she was going to do this evening, too. She was going to dump him, and she wasn't going to let him down easily, either. Not after what he had done. She would teach him. No. She didn't really care whether he learned anything or not. Rebecca only cared about hurting him, embarrassing him, as he had hurt and embarrassed her. No, far worse. He deserved it. He had started it, so she would do him one better. And no one would be able to hear him scream. Not from within the depths of this big, empty house. They had been dating almost two years, and all she wanted to do was hurt him. "Hell hath no fury," she said to herself, scowling. Rebecca thought about all of these things, as she sat on the couch in the entry hall of her sorority house, sipping her vodka tonic. She sat with her lovely legs crossed, casually, waiting. She was wearing a tight shirt, and a hot little black skirt, and sexy black boots. No stockings. She wanted him to remember this night for a long time, if he survived it, and to realize, too late, what he had lost. Beneath her sexy outfit, Rebecca wore tight, gray, thigh-hugging workout shorts and a sports bra. She was ready. John arrived about fifteen minutes late, as usual. He looked good, tall and handsome, with dark hair, chiseled face, broad shoulders. He was very muscular, a little on the bulky side. He was on the school football team, though he was not a starter. They had often joked that Rebecca saw more playing time than he did. He wore a golf shirt and denim shorts. He looked great. Rebecca vowed to herself that he would not look so good after this evening. She smiled as he came in, rising to give him a warm hug and a kiss. He had just arrived back in town today for summer school, and they had not seen one another in a couple of weeks. She had stayed in town during this time, working her job, taking care of the house, planning for this evening. "Wow are you a sight for sore eyes, Bec" John said charmingly, taking a step back so that he could take in her gorgeous body and sexy little outfit. Rebecca smiled, playfully. "You don't look so bad, either," she said. "Want a drink?" "Sure," he answered. "Jack and Coke?" she asked, walking towards the hallway that led into the sorority rooms. "Great," he said. "I'll run to my room and get it. Make yourself comfortable. There's no one else here." "Just us, huh?" John asked, smiling sexily, mischievously. "That's right, sweetie. Just us," Rebecca turned away, so that he could not see the hungry look on her face. She went up to her room to fix his drink, leaving him in the entry hall of the house. When she returned, he was sitting on the sofa, looking around the room quietly. She handed him his drink, taking his other hand in hers, pulling him up off of the couch. "Let's go downstairs to the dining room. Dinner should be ready soon," she lied. "Wow. Okay," he said, putting an arm around her as they walked through the empty house together. "Gee, Bec," he said, as they arrived in the dining area. "I hope you didn't go to any trouble." She smiled sweetly. "No trouble at all, for you, darling." She led him to the table she had set, and sat down in one of the chairs. He set his drink on the table, and sat down in the other, facing her. "How's the family?" she said, looking into his face from across the table. "Oh they're fine," he answered, rolling his eyes. "They drove me crazy, as usual. Mom can't understand why I don't get straight 'A's, and Dad can't understand why coach doesn't give me more playing time. I can't understand why I go back to see them." They laughed, and Rebecca thought to herself "I know why you went back. And it wasn't to see them, you pig." "Do you need any help with dinner?" he asked politely. "Oh, no. I have everything under control in the kitchen," she said. "It will be another few minutes. I thought we could just talk until dinner's ready." "It's been almost three weeks," John said, raising his eyebrows. "Are you sure you want to talk?" She smiled mischievously, casually touching his leg with her foot under the table. "Later," she said. "I have an incredible evening in store for us. Let's just talk now." "An incredible evening?" he asked, smiling. "You can't just say something like that and not elaborate. Your killing me." Rebecca smiled again. "Let's just say I'm going to do things with you that no woman has ever done before." She looked directly into his eyes, gauging his response. He laughed and fanned himself with his napkin. "Is it warm in here? Let's eat and get on to that other stuff!" She smirked, pleased. "Soon enough, darling. Be patient. I promise this will be new and very exciting." John returned her smile, saying "I trust you. But you know, I'm no alter boy, Bec. It takes a lot to surprise me." Rebecca smiled thinly at the irony of his statement. "Don't worry. You've never done anything like this," she said confidently. He studied her face. "So, what do you want to talk about?" "Oh, I don't know. Tell me what you've been up to since you went back home." "Not much, really," he said, looking at one of the candles. "I'm afraid it was just another boring visit with the family." She took a deep breath, looking into his face, preparing herself. "Why don't you tell me about Jenny," she said, her tone level. He looked at her face, and knew instantly that she knew. Something at least. He did not know what she knew, though. "Jenny?" he said, his face confused. "You know," she smiled emptily. "Jenny Thompson," she said, her eyes betraying the slightest hint of the anger which she held back, controlling it, channeling it. "Oh," he said. "Jenny Thompson. She's a cheerleader for the football team, I think," John said, cautiously. "What about her?" Rebecca laughed wickedly. "Why don't you tell me about fucking her in the bathroom at your fraternity during your spring party, while I was helping out at the bar?" He said nothing, looking at his empty plate on the table. "Oh, I know," Rebecca continued, enthusiastically. "You could tell me about the nights she spent in your room at the house during finals week, when you were too busy studying to see me." Still, John was silent, looking at the table. "Here's something we can talk about, sweetie," she continued, looking into his face, as he continued to avert his eyes. "Let's talk about how you and she were all over each other at Dana's party back home last week. Or maybe how you and little Jenny ran into Cindy and her boyfriend at the movies the week before last. Maybe you can tell me what made you think that my friends, my sorority sisters, wouldn't tell me about her." John looked up at her. "Rebecca, ..." he started. "Maybe we could talk about how all of your little fraternity friends knew that you were cheating on me for the last three months, and how they helped you hide it from me. Probably because you help them hide their little flings, too," she spat, her voice growing louder, her speech more angry. "Bec, I'm sorry," he said. "You've got it all wrong. It wasn't anything." "I don't guess you would want to talk, then, about how embarrassing it is for me that all of your friends knew about her. How about that my friends all know about her, too? That's a little humiliating for me, don't you think? My boyfriend of almost two years starts sleeping around with a slutty little freshman cheerleader from that sorority full of slutty little cheerleaders, and everyone knows about it before me. You're a real classy guy, John," she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "Bec, please. Let me explain. It wasn't anything. I love you," John said, desperately. "Oh, please! Don't give me that crap. Are you saying you didn't sleep with her, multiple times?" His face fell. "No, I'm not saying that. You already know that I did." "Are you saying, then, that you didn't hide it from me?" "No," John said. "I'm not saying that. It didn't mean anything though, Bec." "So, then," Rebecca continued angrily, "maybe you are saying that you were at least discreet about screwing around on me, so that none of our friends know about it." "No," John said. "I guess I wasn't. It sounds like they know quite a bit." "Yeah, I'll say," she said, glaring at him. "Maybe you can tell me something, at least then." "What," he asked, hopefully. "Tell me why, you heartless son of a bitch," she spat. "I don't know, Bec. I made a mistake. She was just, I don't know, all over me, and I guess I kind of liked it, having this cute little cheerleader interested in me. But it doesn't mean anything. I don't love her." "Oh," Rebecca said, sarcastically. "Well, that's good to hear. It sounds like it was all her fault, then." "No, I didn't say that." "Good. You had better not. And don't give me that crap about how you love me, either. You have made it clear that you don't." "But I do, Bec," he pleaded. "When my dad left my mom for that trampy little secretary in his office, at least he had the decency to tell mom the truth, that he didn't love her anymore. This is not something that people who love one another do, is it?" His face fell. "But I do love you. I just made a stupid mistake." She looked at him hatefully. "I'll say you did. Do you even understand what you have done to me? Hurt me, betrayed me, humiliated me. Do you hate me or something?" "Oh, God, no," John said. "No. I just made a mistake. I'm so sorry, Bec. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you." "I'm not ready to accept any apologies, John. You did hurt me, and you embarrassed me in front of my friends, and in front of your fucking friends, too. Those damned idiots probably think I'm some kind of fool. How do you think that feels, John?" "I understand," he said. "You're very hurt and upset. You have every right ..." "You don't understand," Rebecca said, getting up from the table, pacing back and forth. "You may know that I'm hurt, that I'm upset, but you don't understand. You will though. You will," she said, looking him in the eye. He stood up. "Oh come on, Bec. I'm so sorry. I feel just terrible," he approached her, making a move to embrace her, to calm her. "You don't know from sorry. You don't have any idea about feeling terrible," she said angrily, as he tried to embrace her, smacking his face harshly, taking him by the shoulders, as he was off balance, pushing him away harshly, slamming his back against the wall. John's eyes widened in surprise, and then narrowed. "Don't do that, Bec. That isn't called for. I'm begging you. Let's talk about this. I need your forgiveness." He approached her again, trying to take her hands in his. Rebecca would not let him though, stepping to his side, and pushing his shoulder forcefully, making him trip backwards several steps. John's eyes narrowed again, and he said "Okay. This isn't a good time to resolve this, I can see. I'll just go, and we can talk about this some other time, when you are a little bit more rational." He tried to walk around her, towards the front entry hall. "You aren't going anywhere, you bastard," she said coldly, and lowered her shoulder, slamming it into him, smacking him backward and against the wall again. "Damn it, Bec," he said, visibly losing his cool. "I'm leaving. Get the hell out of my way," and he again tried to walk around her. She beat him on the back with her fists, and ran around him, standing in front of him again, blocking his way. As he tried to walk around her, she again lowered her shoulder and forced it into him, sending him backward several steps. "That's it, Bec," he said angrily. "I understand that you're angry, but I'm leaving. Now get the hell out of my way." She continued to stand in his path, putting her hands on her hips defiantly. John walked towards her, then lowered his shoulder, running now, and slammed his shoulder into her chest, sending her flying backwards. She lost her balance, and landed on her back, on the floor. As John tried to walk around her, Rebecca caught one of his legs with her feet, tangling him up, tripping him, and he landed on the ground next to her. She kicked him in the back with her boot as he lay on the floor. Before she could get up, though, he rose to his hands and knees and jumped on top of her, pinning her to the ground, straddling her middle, holding her arms by the wrists, looking down at her angrily. "Damn it, Becca, you're pissing me off. I don't want to hurt you. Just stay down, and let me leave," he said angrily. She stopped struggling, and he loosened his grip on her wrists. When he did, she pulled one of them free, and forced the heel of her hand upward, hitting him forcefully in the chin. He swore, and caught her wrist again, holding them both tightly in his hands, still sitting on her. He squeezed her wrists tightly, angrily, wanting her to feel his strength, to remember who she was messing with. "You're hurting me," she said. "Don't make me hurt you worse," he said, his blood boiling with anger. She looked up at him hatefully. "Was she good?" Rebecca asked him, thrashing, trying to break free. He returned her angry gaze, his voice filled with hate now. "She was great," he said cruelly. "You won't be able to fuck her for a long time, when I finish with you," Rebecca said, still thrashing to break her hands free. He held her tightly, and smiled. "You're in no position to make threats, Bec. Now stop acting like a spoiled little girl, so I can let you go, before I really hurt you." She glared up at him, and spat into his face contemptuously. He released one of her wrists, and slapped her, his hand stinging her face, her eyes widening from the shock of his blow. She tried to hit him back, but he caught her wrist and held it tightly again. She arched her back, and planted her feet flat on the ground below him. She used the leverage in her lower body to throw him off of her, and he landed on his side, next to her, with a grunt. She rose quickly to her feet, as did he. She crouched slightly, watching his every move. He stood his ground, keeping a little distance between them, watching her cautiously. She threw a kick at him, catching him solidly in the chest, then kicking him in his side with her other boot. She used her long legs to land another kick to his midsection, and then a fourth. He extended his arms, and came running towards her, in an attempt to tackle her with his body before she could kick him again. Rebecca sidestepped him, simultaneously catching one of his arms by the wrist and sweeping her leg underneath him, tripping him. As he fell, she brought her free forearm up into his arm, which she held by the wrist with her other hand. She pulled his arm forward, as he fell, striking it sharply with her forearm, snapping the bone, hearing it crack. John landed on the floor, and screamed in pain, quickly rising to his feet. "Damn you, Bec!" he shouted. "You broke my arm! Do you have any idea what you just did? Now I can't practice with the team this summer! You'll pay for that, you nasty little witch!" he shouted at her. She crouched, still ready. "I'll do worse before you leave, you bastard. Not playing football will be the least of your problems. You'll have to eat through a straw, fucker," she said, exhilarated. She had broken his arm. It would get easier and easier if she could continue to damage him. He ran at her, catching her by the neck with his good hand, surprising her. He forced her, by the neck, powerfully into the wall, knocking her head and her back into the wall with a thud, sending the wind from her. She fell to the ground, and he kicked her, in the shin, in the side, in the back, as she rolled around, trying to recover her breath and dodge his kicks at the same time. She caught one of his legs between hers and rolled over, pulling it out from under him, forcing him off balance, and he fell to the floor next to her, howling in pain as his broken arm absorbed some of the impact of the fall. As she regained her breath, she rose quickly, but so did he. John took her by the neck again, holding her head tightly against the wall, looking into her face hatefully. She returned his gaze coldly. Rebecca punched him savagely in the stomach, catching him by surprise, feeling her fist force the air from him. He gasped, and let go of her neck, taking a step back. She walked forward, landing another punch into his stomach, and then a third, punishing his stomach, knocking the wind from him. He gasped, and tried to step back, but she caught him by the shoulders, and lifted her knee savagely into his injured stomach, pulling him into her simultaneously by the shoulders. He tried to punch her, but she stood too close, and his blow did no damage. She lifted her knee into his gut again, and again, lifting her leg like a piston into his stomach, holding him in close to her by the shoulders. When she released him, he fell to his hands and knees. Rebecca stood over him, eyeing her work with satisfaction. While he was on the ground, on his knees, using his good hand to support himself, she stomped on his hand, which was flat on the floor, with the heel of her boot, hearing him scream, hearing one of his fingers snap. She held her boot on his hand for a moment, causing him a great deal of agony, then released it. He pulled his hand away, still on his knees, and she kicked him in the chest with her boot, sending him flying backwards, onto his back on the floor. Rebecca stood over him, and stomped her boot onto his stomach. He gasped, and rolled onto his side. She kicked him in the stomach again, forcing him to lay on his belly to protect it from further attack. Rebecca stepped onto his back with one boot, then the other, standing on the small of his back with all of her weight. He tried to get up, but could not. One arm was broken, one finger on his opposite hand also broken. She stood, her full weight on his lower back, so he could not use his legs to throw her. Rebecca stood on him. She felt no guilt. She was exhilarated. He deserved what he was going to get. She bent down, grabbing the wrist of his good arm, taking his hand, with the broken finger, in both of her hands. She pulled it up, sharply, toward her, behind his back. She began twisting his arm, and simultaneously crushing his hand in both of hers. She continued to pull on his arm, moving one of her feet onto his shoulder, holding him flat against the ground, as she pulled his arm up and back, twisting it. He screamed and kicked his feet, shouting obscenities at her. She could hear the pain and desperation in his screams, as she crushed his hand, with the broken finger, in both of hers, and she loved it. She felt his bones mashing together in her hands, and she crushed it tighter, mercilessly. He screamed in pain as she stood on him, pulling his arm back, crushing his hand. She felt the little bones in his hand collapsing, heard them breaking, kept crushing his hand, harder and harder, his fingers and the little bones in the center of his hand breaking in her grip. His screams became harsher, his voice higher pitched. She continued to hold his broken hand firmly in hers, and she pulled his arm back further and further, twisting it as she pulled, relishing his screams, her boot on his shoulder. She felt his arm stop twisting, and then she pulled and twisted sharply, savagely, dislocating his arm from the shoulder with a popping sound as he screamed, gasping and hyperventilating from the unbelievable pain. She released his arm, and it fell limply to the floor, as if it was no longer a part of his body, laying beside him motionless. He continued to scream, still shouting obscenities at Rebecca. She turned around on his back, walking on him rudely, as if he were designed for her to step on. As she stood on him, she took off her shirt, and her little skirt, now wearing only her tight, gray exercise shorts, sports bra, and heavy black boots. "I'm going to break you, my love, literally. All over. I'm going to find every bone in your body, and break it, my sweet. And you'll be awake for all of it. You think you're in pain now? Just wait," she said coolly. She wouldn't really break every bone in his body. She would break as many as she could think of without doing any permanent damage, though. She sat down on him, on his butt, straddling him, facing his legs and feet. She reached down and caught one of his legs by the ankle, pulling it back towards her. He used his free foot to kick at her, catching her sharply in the chin. She stood up, quickly, stepping off of him, and away from his foot, before he could kick her again. She stood to his side, using her foot to roll him over on his back, standing over him still. Rebecca leaned down, catching his leg by the ankle, lifting it off of the ground slightly, pulling it straight at the knee. "I'm going to break your fucking leg, now, dear. Try to stop me." John thrashed about, trying to kick at her with his other foot, unable to do any damage, screaming in pain and fear. "Please, Bec," he shouted. "I'm so sorry. Please let me show you how sorry I am. Oh, God, please!" "Later," she said coldly. "I'll let you show me later. I like hearing you beg, though," she said, and she lifted his leg sharply, lifting her knee at the same time, and pulling his leg forcefully into her knee, hearing the bone in his lower leg shatter against her. He screamed and began sobbing from the pain, as she held his broken leg, feeling strong, aroused. "Do you want to kick me again?" she spat. "No, I'll bet not." Rebecca let his leg fall to the ground, and kicked him back onto his stomach, facing downward. She resumed her position on his butt, straddling him. "Now, where were we?" she asked cruelly, easily catching his undamaged leg by the ankle. His other leg remained on the floor, broken, useless. She bent his leg at the knee, pulling his foot back into her lap. She held his ankle between her knees, firmly. She took off his shoe, tossing it over her shoulder, bouncing it off of the back of his head, as he continued to scream and sob and beg. She took off his sock. She ran her fingers lightly up and down the bottom of his foot, in between his toes, feeling his body tense from the sensation, and from fear. She took his big toe in her hands, then his next toe, then the next. "Which little piggy?" she said, laughing as she sat on him and held his foot firmly in her lap. She settled on the middle toe, gripping it firmly between her fingers. "This one first," she said, bending it forward, sharply, hearing the bone snap, hearing him scream and cry beneath her. Rebecca laughed cruelly at him, pressing his broken toe lightly between her fingers, eliciting additional screams from him. "Well I can't only do one," she said. "Please, Becca. Please. No more! Please only do one!" he shouted from beneath her. She laughed at his pleading. "All right, love," she said. "I'll compromise with you. I'll break a little one," she said, laughing, waiting to hear him scream and beg before she snapped his little toe at the joint with her strong hands. She released his foot, and he pulled it away from her, laying it gently back on the ground behind him, next to his other. Rebecca got off of him, and leaned over to roll him onto his back. She stood above him menacingly, her hands still on her hips. She kicked off her boots, standing next to his head in her bare feet, looking down into his face. "Beg me not to hurt you anymore," she said. "Now." "Please, please don't hurt me, Becca," John said quickly. "I'm so sorry. Please stop hurting me." "Suck my toes," she said, putting her foot firmly on his face, dangling her toes over his mouth. He opened his mouth, taking her toes into it. Rather than sucking them, though, he bit them, hard, drawing blood. Rebecca kicked him in the side of the head with the heel of her other foot, once, twice, but he did not release her, in fact he bit harder. Quickly, she stepped on his neck with her free foot, bringing all of her weight onto his neck, causing him to gag and gasp, and to release her toes. The biggest two toes were bleeding, and they hurt, but the damage was minimal. She stepped off of his throat quickly, before he passed out from lack of air. "You fucking bastard!" she screamed, as he gasped in a breath of air. "You had your chance. I'm really kind of glad, though, you fuck. Now I don't have to feel bad about breaking you some more." "No, Bec! I'm sorry. You just hurt me so badly. I was angry. Please don't hurt me anymore," he shouted, his body shaking visibly. She ignored him, laying down on the floor, her body perpendicular to his. She lifted his legs rudely, laughing at the screams of pain she produced, sliding her leg in underneath his butt, and placing the other above his crotch, circling his pelvis and hips with her long, muscular legs. She smiled as she felt his erection against her inner thigh, beneath the leg which she had wrapped over the top of him. She propped herself on an elbow, laying on her side, looking at his face, resting her leg loosely across his lap, with her other leg beneath him, feeling his flesh, his muscles between her thighs. "You want to chew on my feet, do you, my cheating little dear? Well, I'm going to chew on you, now. I'm going to chew you up between my legs, crush you, squish you, break you, listen to you break, and scream, and cry, and beg." "No, Becca, please!" John shouted. She smiled at him, and began squeezing him between her thighs, feeling his torso squirm, seeing him lift his head from the floor to watch as she crushed him. She increased the pressure slowly, steadily, hearing his screams rise in desperation proportionally. Rebecca laughed. "I wonder how long it will be before you are able to fuck Jenny again, loverboy." She clamped down harder on him, evoking another scream, more thrashing. "I wonder if she will wait for you to heal, darling? I'm afraid she will probably find some other dumb football player to slut around with long before you're well enough to satisfy her, though, don't you think?" She clamped down harder, hooking her top leg around his body to pull him in closer against her crotch. She straightened her legs then, and began squeezing him in earnest, as he screamed and sobbed, feeling his muscles, his flesh, his bones, between her thighs. She continued to squeeze him, until she reached a point where his body wouldn't squeeze any more, where her legs would not contract any further. She looked into his face, and gathered all of her strength, loosening her grip slightly for a moment, and then squeezed rapidly, mightily, with her thighs, and she heard something snap, felt something give between her legs. He screamed and sobbed in pain. She wasn't sure if she had broken his pelvis, or perhaps dislocated one of his legs, but she had damaged something. She relaxed her legs around him, and just enjoyed the feel of his soft, wrecked body in between them, trembling. Rebecca came in her shorts, squeezing him lightly as she did so, just to hear him scream and beg some more during her orgasm. She released him from her legs, after she lay there for a while, recovering. She walked over next to his head, and sat down on the floor next to him. She brushed his face lightly with her hand, wiping away his tears, humiliating him, letting him feel her complete control. She draped one of her legs across his face, with her calf on top of his closed mouth. "I want you to lick my leg now. I want you to lick and kiss my leg. Do it quickly, and perhaps I'll stop hurting you soon." John complied quickly, opening his mouth and licking Rebecca's calf, kissing and licking it obediently, tenderly, feeling its strength and power with his mouth. She smiled and felt power surge through her as he licked her leg. "How humiliating for you, really," she observed, as he licked her and kissed her. "Laying there all squished and broken, having to lick my leg, the leg which just crushed your big, strong, muscular, male body so effortlessly. I abused you terribly with this leg, yet here you are kissing it, sucking it, because you have to, to make me happy, in the hope that I won't hurt you anymore." She laughed at him. John stopped kissing her, and turned his head to the side, so that he could speak, so that his voice would not be muffled by Rebecca's calf. "I can't believe that I dated you for two years, Bec, and I never saw what a horrible, crazy bitch you were. You will get yours, though. Count on it. You will," he said, hatred in his voice. She took her leg off of his face, laughing. "You'll excuse me if I'm not terribly frightened by your threats, love, what with you laying on the floor, all broken and useless. You know, this was just me and you, sweetie." She stood up, and leaned down, gripping him under his arms, pulling him upward. "I did this to you, all by myself. A girl. I wear makeup and jewelry. I wear skirts, high heels, hose, bras. I have long hair, soft skin. Just a woman" She was holding him up now, her hands under his arms. She lifted him, facing her, so that his eyes were level with hers, his face inches from hers. His legs dangled uselessly below him, and his body was weak. He would not have been able to stand on his own. She looked directly into his face, making certain that he could feel her breath, smell her perfume. "I'm only a girl, big man. I have been your girlfriend, your woman, for the past two years. You took me on dates. You paid. You fucked me. Look at me. I can feel how hard you are down there. I'm just a woman," she said, looking deep into his eyes. "And I have beaten you, broken you, crushed and humiliated you, listened as you screamed, as you cried, as you begged. Begged me. Just a woman. A smaller, softer woman. How frustrating for you." John's pain was excruciating, more so now that he was no longer flat on his back with the floor to support his broken body. He scowled at her, and said in a pained voice "You're out of your mind, Bec. I'll get you if it's the last thing I do. Believe it." She laughed softly in his face, holding him up, and she moved her face closer to his, kissing his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, licking his ear, his neck. She kissed him softly on the mouth, feeling his erection against her. She pulled her face back, perhaps an inch or two, looking delicately into his eyes, seeing his arousal, letting him feel her breath against his face. His breathing had quickened. She spoke softly, sexily into his ear. "Remember the feel of my kisses, of my mouth on you, love. Keep thinking about that, and feel my breasts against you, as I crush you now. I want you to remember who I am, what I feel like against you, what I taste like. I'm a girl, sweetie." With that, she lowered herself, one arm, and then the other, wrapping them around his middle, finding the point where the stomach ends and the chest begins, and hugging him against her breasts. She straightened her legs and her back, standing up straight, lifting his body a few inches off of the ground, hugging him against her, her arms wrapped around his back, her head below his chin, her face against his neck. "No, Becca! Please," he said desperately. "Shhh," she said against his neck soothingly. She clasped her wrists behind his back, pulling him in tightly against her breasts. She spoke with her lips against his neck, "Feel my body pressed up against you. Feel my strength, and your weakness." And she began hugging him, tighter, and tighter. She felt his torso wriggling in uneasy discomfort, heard him asking her to please stop. She kissed his neck softly, with moist lips, and she continued to squeeze him against her, more and more firmly. She could feel his bones against her chest, feel the air rushing from him as she continued to squeeze, feel the muscles in his back weaken as she hugged him. He screamed louder and louder, as she continued to hug him, to kiss his neck, to lick it playfully, to bite it softly. "Feel how completely you have lost to me, love. I'm holding you off of the ground, completely supporting your broken body. I'm crushing you in my arms, as you scream, and cry, and beg. Feel my face, my lips, my tongue on your neck. Feel your own erection, despite yourself. It betrays you, because you are so weak," she said, her lips against his neck again, kissing, biting. As she continued to squeeze him harder against her, she reached a point where she felt that any additional pressure might break him, felt that this was the optimal point at which to hurt him, just before the breaking point. She held him that way, swaying lightly, crushing him, hearing his labored breath through his neck, kissing his neck and shoulders, letting him feel her laughter through their bodies. He screamed, and he cried, as she held him that way for perhaps fifteen minutes. Finally, when he seemed to be growing used to the pain, seemed to be calming down, she whispered against his neck, "Brace yourself, my darling. Here we go." "No! Please, God, no!" he sobbed. She increased the pressure of her hug suddenly, forcefully, in one quick motion, hearing one of his ribs snap. He shrieked in pain, convulsing from the pain all over his body. She moved her hands up on his back, slightly, and squeezed him against her again, forcefully, breaking another rib, or perhaps two. Rebecca loosened her grip on him, allowing him to slide down her body, so that his face was level with hers. He continued to scream and cry from the pain, and she leaned her head back, so she could look into his face, so he could see her. She nuzzled his face, kissing him on the mouth, as he continued to cry and shiver. She moved her head aside, letting his head rest on her shoulder. She kissed the side of his face, licked his ear, whispered to him. "It doesn't look good for you, my sweet. I know this must be extremely painful, and so humiliating. You must wish that it would just end, but it won't, not yet. It won't because I'm in control, and I'm not done yet." "Please, Bec. Oh, please. I'll do anything you say. Honestly. Just please don't hurt me anymore," he pleaded. "Shhh," she whispered in his ear. "You had better brace yourself again. This is likely to hurt you, love." She squeezed his upper chest against her, feeling his body, his muscles, press against her breasts. Rebecca hugged harder and harder, feeling his muscles weaken, his breaths shorten. "That's it dear. You can cry on my shoulder. Perhaps if you kiss me, and lick me, on the shoulder, on the neck, I won't torture you quite so badly." "Oh, yes, please," he said desperately, as she continued to hug tighter. He kissed her neck, his tears streaming down her shoulders. He licked her, sobbing, screaming as she pulled him against her more, then more. She reached orgasm again, standing there, holding him, crushing him, as he cried on her shoulder, licking her neck, begging her to take mercy on him. As she came, she squeezed him in her arms with all of her might, breaking more of his ribs, squeezing tighter still, really hurting him, making him scream and sob like a tortured animal. When she had finished breaking him, Rebecca released him, carelessly, letting his body thump to the floor, the impact of the fall on his broken bones and torn muscles causing him to scream anew. She stood over him as he lay on his back, whimpering and crying, convulsing from pain and exhaustion. She lifted a foot off of the ground, setting it on his chest, ever so lightly, feeling him with her foot, watching him squirm, hearing him scream as she touched his tender, broken chest with her foot. She watched him carefully, curiously, as she moved her foot down to his crotch. He was still erect, but her light tough on his crushed body caused him immense pain. She continued to walk around his body, touching his legs, his feet, his arms and hands with her foot, hearing him scream as she found yet another of his broken bones. He eyed her fearfully, literally unable to make her stop or to move away from her. "Have you had enough, then, love?" she asked, her voice gentle. "Yes," he said weakly, desperately. "Please, no more. Please." "You would be willing, then, to do anything to convince me to stop hurting you," she said softly, powerfully. "Oh," he said earnestly. "Yes, anything." Rebecca smiled down at him, leaning to remove her shorts. She wore no panties beneath them. "Here is how you will convince me then, love. I want your face in my ass, your tongue in my sex. I want you kissing me, licking me. I want to feel your voice, begging against my ass, begging me not to hurt you anymore, your lips moving against my ass, telling me that I have won, that you gladly accept my complete superiority over you. Will you do that, if I agree to stop beating you?" "Yes," John said eagerly, "anything you want. Please don't hurt me anymore." She smiled, feeling her control. John had never pleasured her orally, had always said that he did not like to administer oral sex. He would do it now, though, quite willingly, if only she would stop hurting him, just stop inflicting pain upon him. The arousal she felt was unbelievable, beyond anything she could remember ever feeling before. She stood above his head, one foot on either side, and lowered herself to her knees, her crotch, her naked buttocks inches from his face. She lifted his head off of the floor, pressing his face lightly against her. On her knees, Rebecca turned her lower legs inward, placing her calves beneath his head, holding him firmly, and letting go with her hands. She stroked his hair softly, and then she quickly tightened her legs around his head, lowering her body forcefully against his face. She felt his face against her skin, against her ass, her sex. "Go on, my sweet. Show me now why I should not hurt you anymore. You had better convince me. You have plenty of bones left unbroken, and I have plenty of time, plenty of energy, and I do so enjoy breaking you." She felt him, pressed up against her, kissing her obediently, licking her. "That's it," she said. "Feel me sit on you, on your face, using you. Kiss my butt, lick me," she said. He complied, kissing her, licking her ass, her crotch. "Beg me not to hurt you more," she said. "Tell me that I have beaten you, am superior to you." She felt his lips, his breath, his voice against her, doing as she had told him. "Lick me deeper. Deeper, or I swear I'll crush you into pulp. That's it. I want your tongue inside me. Deeper. Find a way to stretch your tongue, love. I want to feel it in my throat." He complied desperately, licking her deep within her ass, and within her sex, as she clamped his face against her tighter and tighter, forcing him deeper and deeper within her. She could tell that he was no longer able to breathe, but she held him against her tightly, saying "You'll breathe later, if I let you. Just lick me. Suck me." As she came on his face, she brought her calves up against the back of his head sharply, cruelly, grinding her body harshly against his face, hearing his nose break, feeling it collapse against her. She got off of him quickly, before he could bleed on her, dropping his head carelessly on the ground as she released it from her legs. As she stood over him, looking down at him, she felt a pang of guilt. He was a mess. He was moaning, sobbing, and blood was flowing from his nose. John was unable to do anything to prevent his nose from bleeding, because Rebecca had broken one of his arms and crushed his opposite hand. She had really beaten him badly. She bent down, quickly, and picked her tee-shirt up from the floor. She sat behind his head, and crossed her legs, lifting his head up onto her lap. Rebecca held the shirt gently against his nose, holding his head up on her lap, trying to stop the bleeding. Before she realized what she was doing, she brushed her hand gently through his hair, saying "Shhh. Hush, darling." He managed to settle down. It was extremely painful for him to scream, to cry, even to speak, because of his broken ribs, as well as the excessive damage to the rest of him. He lay still now, his head in Rebecca's lap, as she held the shirt against his face, checking periodically to see if the bleeding had slowed. Eventually, his nose stopped bleeding, and she set her soiled shirt on the floor next to them, still petting his head with her hand, trying to comfort him. "Wow, Bec," he said after a while, his voice pained and nasal as he struggled to speak with a broken nose and broken ribs. "You really beat the shit out of me. You're just amazing." "I'm sorry," she said. "I went much too far." "I'll say," he said, and started to laugh, but stopped quickly, as the pain it caused was terribly severe. "I'm just in complete awe. You are simply incredible. I would never have imagined ..." She continued to stroke his hair, gently. "Now you know, my sweet." He looked up into her face, upside down though he was. "I do love you, Becca." Her expression changed quickly to surprise. "What?" she exclaimed. "Surely not still, even if you did before ..." "No, still," he said. "Maybe even more, as ridiculous as that sounds." She shook her head in disbelief, murmuring "I'll be damned." After a few moments, she looked down into his face, brushing her hand against his cheek softly, and said "You know, I love you too, John." He again started to laugh, and stopped quickly. "You have a hell of a way of showing it." "Well, you do too," she said, laughing quietly. She did love him, though. She may have forgotten it for a while, in anger, but it was true. She would never have been so angry, been capable of such rage, in fact, if she hadn't loved him, if he hadn't hurt her so much with his betrayal. "So what now?" he asked, his speech, his very breath labored and pained. "We should get you an ambulance, my love. I'm afraid you will need extensive medical attention," she said, softly. "Yeah, no shit," he said. "What will we tell the paramedics, the doctors, the nurses, everyone else?" She thought about this for a moment. "We could tell them that I beat the shit out of you," she said. "You could go to jail," he answered. "Not if you don't press charges," she said to him, patting his head lightly. "If that's what you want to tell everyone, then that's what we will tell them," he said matter-of-factly. She was amazed at his willingness to appease her, but she couldn't go through with it. "No, my dear. I won't put you through that kind of public humiliation. You've paid enough for your indiscretions." He breathed a little sigh of relief, saying "Well what then?" "How about an accident?" Rebecca suggested. "It would have to be one hell of an accident, Bec." She laughed. "Yes, it would. How about a fall from the roof?" "Three stories? I would be lucky to be alive," he answered. "You are lucky to be alive, though," she said, laughing softly. "Yeah, I guess that's true," he said, sheepishly. "You were up there fixing the cable on my television. After you fixed it, you slipped and fell onto the cement in the parking lot. How's that?" she asked. "All right," he conceded. "We'll have to move you out there, my love," she told him. "Oh, God," he said, dejectedly. Rebecca pet his head lightly, and set it back on the ground, rising to her feet. She folded one of the long, rectangular, wooden dining room tables, placing it flat on the floor next to John's broken body. Being as gentle as possible, she slid his body onto the table, as he held his breath, screaming from the pain only when it became unbearable. "I'll be right back," Rebecca told him, once she had him positioned on the table. "Where are you going," he asked. "Shhh. Trust me," she said, laughing to herself at the irony of her request as she left the room. She ran into the basement, finding a roll of duct tape, then returning to him. "I'll try not to hurt you," she said, falling to her knees beside him. "I need to do this to hold you still, so we can move you." "All right," he said, bracing himself. She ran strips of the tape across his chest, his stomach, his legs, struggling to ignore his screams and moans as she performed the task. When she was done, she stood behind the table, behind his head, and she leaned over to pick it up. It was incredibly heavy, but she was able to lift the end of the table off of the ground. She dragged him, on the table, towards the front door. Every so often, Rebecca set the table back onto the ground, as gently as possible, so that she could rest. Eventually, she got him outside, and dragged him around to the side of the house, in the parking lot. She removed the tape, as delicately as she could, and he held his breath, his face showing his pain, but he did not scream. "You'll need to be face down, my sweet," she said softly. "Oh, dear God," he said. "I'm so sorry," she said, and she rolled him softly, quickly, off of the table and face down on the pavement. She leaned down and pet his head, gently. "I'll bring the table back in and call for an ambulance. Have we forgotten anything?" "I'm not sure," he said, hesitantly, his thoughts justifiably unclear. "I don't think so ..." Rebecca's face fell, as something occurred to her. "Your nose, love. Your nose." "What about it, Bec?" John asked, resting his face against the pavement. "It's broken, I'm afraid, my sweet." "Yes, I'm quite sure it is," he said. "I don't understand your concern." "It would be bleeding, then, wouldn't it? If you had just now fallen, I mean." "Oh, Becca! What are you saying?" he said softly, horror in his voice. "We want them to believe us," she said, struggling to keep a straight face. It was horrible, but it was also more than a little amusing. "What should we do then?" he asked. "My sweet, I'm afraid we have to make it bleed," she answered. "I was afraid you might say that," he groaned. She dropped to her knees beside his head, stroking his hair gently. "I'll try not to hurt you. I promise. Are you ready?" "Oh, God, Bec, don't wait until I'm ready. Just do it," he pleaded. She smacked his nose, lightly, with the back of her hand, and he screamed out in pain, tears welling up in his eyes, but his nose did not bleed. "It's not bleeding," she told him. "Oh, shit," he said, struggling to deal with the pain he felt. "Let's just forget it," Rebecca said, petting his head. "Good," John answered, closing his eyes, resting his head on the pavement. Rebecca seized the opportunity, and smacked him in the nose again, harder this time, causing him to scream and shake from the pain. This time his nose started bleeding. "Damn it, Becca!" he swore. She leaned down, kissing his forehead. "I'm sorry. I had to. I'll go call the paramedics," she told him. She rose to her feet, and dragged the table back inside with her. When she got inside, she dashed to her room and called an ambulance, crying hysterically, telling the dispatcher that her boyfriend had fallen from the roof, three stories down, to be exact. Rebecca stayed by John's side until the paramedics arrived. Once they did, she stood back from him, sobbing as they lifted him carefully on to a stretcher, hooking him up to various equipment inside the ambulance, poking and prodding him as he groaned from the pain. She rode with him in the ambulance, sitting by him, petting his head softly, whispering to him, tearfully. When they arrived at the hospital, John was rushed into the emergency room, and Rebecca was directed to the waiting room, the attendants promising that someone would be out to give her a report once they better understood the situation. She waited for several hours, with no word. Finally, a doctor came to speak with her. John would be fine, the doctor thought, but he was injured extensively. His right arm was broken, as was his left leg, and two of his right toes. His left hand was broken in at least eight places, probably because he tried to use it to break his fall, the doctor speculated. John's left arm was dislocated from the shoulder. His pelvis was broken in two places. Five of his ribs were broken. Oh, and his nose was broken, too. The doctor said that John had been very lucky, considering the length of the fall. He said that he was a bit surprised that there had not been more blood, frankly, more scrapes, bruising, cuts. Everyone was different, however, and without actually seeing the fall, the doctor said that he could not be sure exactly how John had landed. John would probably make a full recovery, the doctor guessed, except perhaps for his left hand. The broken bones would heal, but there were so many of them, and John's hand had been crushed so severely by the impact, that he might not regain full mobility in that particular appendage. His recovery would be lengthy. He would be bedridden, for the most part, for at least a couple months. He might be able to return to classes in the fall semester, but probably in a wheelchair. "Can I see him?" Rebecca asked. "In the morning," the doctor told her. "He was in tremendous pain, so he's pretty heavily sedated right now. He is sleeping, albeit somewhat fitfully." "Poor thing," Rebecca said, her eyes welling up with tears. "Can you reach his family?" the doctor asked. "Yes, of course. I'll call his parents immediately," Rebecca told him. "Good. Get some rest, and come back in the morning." Rebecca called John's parents, telling them about John's accident, explaining his condition, assuring them that the doctor had said he would be fine. They thanked her, told her they would come tomorrow, and told her what a wonderful girl she was. When she finished speaking with them, Rebecca drove back to the house, changed clothes, and picked up a few things. She then returned to the hospital, sleeping in the waiting room, and her presence did not go unnoticed by the doctors and nurses on duty. John's parents arrived in the morning, and Rebecca welcomed them tearfully, returning their hugs, their kisses. The three of them were allowed to visit John for a while that morning. He looked terrible, casts and bandages all over his body, his breathing labored, but he seemed in good spirits. He quietly recounted the story of his fall, smiling sheepishly at his carelessness, but cautious not to laugh. Laughing was incredibly painful. Rebecca spent the day with John's parents, and they thanked her again for everything that she had done, told her how much she meant to John, remarked on what a special girl she was. The three of them were allowed to visit him again that afternoon. John's parents stayed in town for several days. Rebecca offered to prepare a room at the sorority house for them, for which they were grateful, but they decided instead to stay at a hotel. The three of them spent their days at the hospital, visiting John when they were allowed to do so. Rebecca took some time off from her job. After almost a week, the doctors discharged John, and his parents took him home with them. They had prepared their van to transport him. He stayed home with his parents all summer, spending most of his time in bed. Rebecca visited him faithfully on weekends, and called virtually every day to see how he was doing. Reluctantly, his parents agreed that he should return to school for classes in the fall. He would use a motorized wheelchair, for the time being. Crutches might have been enough, if he had only a broken leg, but with the damage to his pelvis, ribs, and shoulder, it would be several months more before he could operate crutches. Rebecca promised to take good care of him. His fraternity brothers promised to help him, as well, and they arranged for him to have his own private room at the fraternity house. Rebecca was the model girlfriend, arranging her classes and work so that she could help John get to and from his own classes, and she took him to his physical therapy sessions regularly. She often spent the night with him at the fraternity, helping him study, helping him eat, helping him to bed. She became very popular with John's friends at the fraternity. They were quite jealous of John, actually, because he seemed to have the perfect girlfriend, beautiful, kind, caring, loving, attentive. Many of his friends grew to like Rebecca a great deal, and to speak of her with great respect and affection. Rebecca's friends, on the other hand, were quite taken aback, at first, by her behavior. Her closest friends at the sorority knew of John's affair, and they couldn't understand her loyalty to him. Rebecca did not wish to lose their respect, and so she told a handful of her closest friends what had really happened. When they were reluctant to believe her, she convinced John to confirm her story, gently promising him that her friends would keep their secret, and would behave most discreetly. Once they learned the truth, Rebecca's friends had a newfound respect for her as well, and for John too. Imagine, they said to one another, how much they must love one another, that she would be so hurt, so enraged, by his infidelity, to have beaten him so. And that she was capable of doing so! Well, that was amazing in and of itself. And that he, for God's sake, that he would still want to be with her after she had beaten him, humiliated him, so badly. And that he was willing to admit what had happened to Rebecca's friends, to protect her from their ridicule and disrespect. He was truly a catch, obviously. He had simply made an immature mistake with that cheerleader tramp. Rebecca's friends gossiped amongst themselves when, later that semester, Jenny Thompson, the cheerleader tramp, was found unconscious on the front lawn of her sorority late one night. She had several broken bones, and her cute little cheerleader nose had been broken in two places. Rebecca denied involvement vehemently to her friends, but they knew better. The campus police, meanwhile, concluded that the incident had been an unsuccessful rape attempt. One of Jenny's sorority sisters, the one who had found her, had seen a tall, thin, masked figure running from the scene. Jenny had been unable to provide an additional description, other than that her assailant had been very strong, and very vicious. Rebecca spent most of her free time with John, in his room at the fraternity, caring for him faithfully, attentively. He followed her instructions obediently, and allowed her to take care of him. When they were alone together, in his room, with the door closed, he would suck her toes, and lick her calves. It had been his idea. He had asked her if he could. So, as they sat, alone in his room, she would place a bare foot delicately on his shoulder or chest, as he lay in bed, and he would suck her toes, sometimes for an hour or more. They spoke frequently of how wonderful it would be when he had recovered more fully, when Rebecca would be able to beat him and humiliate him again. He wanted it as much as she -- and she really wanted it. Rebecca thought of it often. Beating John, making him cry and beg, had been the most exhilarating, erotic, arousing experience of her life, and his too, apparently. Of course, she would be much more careful, from now on. She had been angry before. This would just be for pleasure. She could beat him, hurt him, without breaking him, damaging him. There were so many things that she could do to him to make him hurt, to make him cry, to make him beg, without causing lasting injury. She couldn't wait. It would be fantastic.