ABSolicious I - Now or Never English by Micha This Series is based on a true History. It is the first Part of an incredible, incomprehensible Series. I know everything still so exactly, as if it happened Yesterday. The main Figure in this Story was Mandy, my super muscular Girlfriend. What can I say about Mandy. OK, mostly you can read about her Look in the Story „Mandy, Oh Mandy..". Of what I know wanna tell you, is something, that happened nearly 2 Years later. Her Musclemass had stayed so quite now, she did not have improved so much more Measurement. She had rather defined the reached Things only still more. And to create that, was already very much, if you considered her Body from the Beginning. How did this wonderful Body look now? Now, yes, in order to describe it shortly, a few Facts of her. 24 Years old, 5.53' Height, 143 Lbs. Weight, Biceps 13,77 Inch, Thigh 21.25 Inch. A few Facts, what Weights she normally pressed. Bench Press 198 LBS., Incline Press 170 Lbs., Biceps-Barbell-Curl 110 Lbs., Squat 243 Lbs.. These Facts only, to give a View of her Look. The whole body trains up to the bitter end, in this case then very defined, insanely defined. One can see almost every Muscle-Faser. One sees where different Muscles are in her Body, as one would stand in front of a Anatomy Model. Her Skin is very thin, her Body-Fat, as if she would go, in a few Hours, On-Stage, and fight for Prices. However, what mostly is hard to explain on her Body Look were her Stomach Muscles, the Upper, Middle and Lower Ones, the Lateral ones, and the Rib Muscles. I already have explained, in the "Mandy, Oh Mandy,.." Story her Stomach Muscles very exactly, because I was so fascinated by that what one could achieve with good Training and even better Feeding. Only one must introduce oneself now, this Story deals with something which was 2 Years later. Speak, her ABS is even more compact, thicker, more defined and become stronger. A massive Wall, a 6-Pack. The single Pack's are indeed not so symmetrical, are opposite a little obliquely in each Case. But every Pack very thick, very strong, and between, very much deep Grooves, that that 6-Pack border and single Pack's separate. Very, very deep Grooves, which is an exceptional Achievement. At Crunchs or every different Stomach Muscle Exercise, it was already hardly to recognize when her Stomach was flexed and when not. Also in the Relax Mode, her ABS was, not of this World. Finally it was also her best Body Part, which she trained with Distance most with Pleasure, and which she showed also most with Pleasure. The only Muscle Part at her Body, which she could not train enough, the only Part with which she was never so correctly satisfied. Her ambition, to get out of the Training enough for the Stomach Muscles was uncontrollable. She was not to be stopped, even if she knew that the Nature of her Body, since also Borders were set. Nevertheless, in my Opinion, I could not believe, that one can get a lot so in such a way out of a feminine ABS. Now, back to the actual Event. At the Beginning, as we met, we still often trained together in the Studio. With the Time, however, that became too expensive to us, in addition came, the normal Problems, of a Studio. It is loud, and often the Bank or Machine was reserved for Others, and we have to wait to long. Therefore, Mandy and I, have ourselves 2 Compact Stations at Home, in one free Room, with many Weights, 2 Banks. All in all almost as a correct Studio, only not so absolute 10000 % of Quality. We had common Training Plans, which were so precise, that we could train together with the few Stations, which we had. We never came to ourselves into the width at the Exercises. Up to this Day. Watching back, I am glad, that it came on this Day so, through that some changed ourselves in the Future Life, positively changed. So, what happened on this Day?! The Day was planned, that Mandy trained her Legs complete of above, down to the Toes, after that then her Stomach. My Training was planned to train the Back as also the Shoulders. That was so planned, because Mandy needed already a lot of Weight for the Leg Exercises and I needed for the Back very much less, or to speak correctly, what Weights were still remaining. My Exercises were to be overcome mostly at the Stations, which were coated with Weight Plates. The first Exercises were all normal. Mandy completely passed through her Leg Exercises, and I various for Back and Shoulders, until then, so about 45 Min had passed by. Mandy had impoverished herself presumably too very much at her Exercises. It was very hot on the Day, and she sweated incredibly hard. Indeed she had drunk a lot again and again, but she also had laid more Weight onto the Barbell, to train this Day a little harder Way. „Hey Micha, puhhh, can you bring me some cold Water from the Refrigerator? I am so sweating, that can't be true. So much more Weight was it not, and I am top fit!", she said to me. „No Problem Mandy, I will bring you cold Water, rest a bit, take a longer Break, or let it today completely with your Stomach Training.", I spoke back. „No, everything is allright, I want my Stomach Training, that will be then not so hard, I will keep attention to that. But you know, I also wanna make my Training." „Ok, then simply do some Break, I will bring you something." I went therefore, and got a Bottle of Water, almost ice-chilled from the Refrigerator and went back to the Training Room. But I know, also Today not, why I thought about this following Thing, on this Day. Before I entered the Training Room, I saw Mandy, lying already on the Ground, for the normal Crunch Exercise. Hands crossed behind her Head, the Legs crossed in front on 90 Degrees. She was already starting the first Reps. At the Beginning, that was incredibable for me, to see her doing this. In the Meantime, it was rather normal, still an insanely breath-taking View, but normal. She was actually lying in the Room so, that I had enough Space for my coming Exercises. She was absolutely not lying in my Way, and she knew that too. Nevertheless, these Thoughts came to me for the first Time. „How resistant is her Stomach? Can one test something like that? If one sees, how thick the single Packs are, then Resistance must be there already a lot. But how could one test that? Should I simply step over her? Of course, that sounds crazy. But in this Moment, where I saw she like this there, only this Thought came to me. I would only do a simple Step, onto her Stomach. Not to kick her, simply to place the one Foot there only, in the movement once. As far, or anyway, would my Weight press her Stomach down? Also, this Action would surprise Mandy, and her Concentration on the carrying out of the Crunches would be really away. Could I hurt her also with that? Rather not, I would place the Foot in the lower Part of the Stomach. There Organs are indeed, but not the Ribs or Bones. And her ABS is very thick there, that one would still be between that. I simply had to know it. Therefore I went on, along the Hall and came into the Room. Clear, it was more than enough Place, in order to avoid Mandy. I do not know as many Hundreds of Times, I had already these Thoughts before, but nevertheless in the final Effect, I have never passed through something like that then. This Time, I was not to be diverted. I ran up to her, approx. 1 foot in front of her Stomach I made a Step with the left Foot and the next one then with the right Foot on her Stomach. But I stayed in Movement. It was only the one Step, so seated, that my Foot Middle was on the Belly Navel and in this Way, the Rest of my Foot around this Area. Mandy was in this, very short Moment, just in the Middle of the retrograde Movement of the Crunch, therefore back into the Starting Position for Crunches. Her ABS was not fully flexed, but neither fully relaxed. In spite of that, I noticed, that I had an unsure Walk, since I did not have any slippery subsoil with the Step. But that I would have pressed down her Stomach somehow deeply, was not. It was kind of a light Suspension, very light. It was also only in the Walk Movement, it was only the one Foot. The next step with the left was already again on the Ground. But I had done it. „Hey!, whats up? What are you doing there?", Mandy looked at me askingly. I smiled. „Sorry Mandy, I had to do that. How often, I considered already to do this. I did never trusted, however, I wanted to know, what happens, if I do a Step ,once during the Movement, on your Stomach. I wanted to know, how strong your Stomach is, if your ABS absorbs this Step, or whether I can press in something there, with my Body Weight. I am sorry, I hope, it did not hurt You. But I simply must do it." „No, you hurt nothing, and also I hardly did not feel so much. But I am a little confused, because of this Action." „OK, I will not do this again. I was only so curious. Since Eternity, that Thouhgt passes to my Head, whether anyhow can test, how resistant such a Stomach, such a well trained Stomach, is." „Micha, nevertheless, there is no Problem. I am not angry, I am only confused, because I did not have any Presentiment, what you planned. Very honest, often I also think, whether one can test something like that. If we often check my Stomach so, we notice indeed that everything there is so hard. But how much such a Stomach could take, we do not find out, in this Way. Would be already clamping, to know that." „Really?! You also want to know that?", I looked at her amazingly. That of course, did make me my Considerations with this mysterious Question, more simply. Only I, had not have undertaken now anything further anymore. Also, when this single Step has not brought me to a Result now, but that Mandy wanting to have answered also this Question, it was now a much better starting Position. „OK. Therefore, if you want to know it exactly. In the Moment, when you just did this Step, only very shortly, I did not notice much. Already, that there at the same Time, my Stomach was pressed down, however, I did not have completely the Feeling, that was something large heavy on it. Nothing against you, you are not light, but even if my Stomach was not so flexed, I only noticed, that there shortly was nothing else, than a short pressure.", Mandy said then to me. Through this short Dialog, our Training was, of course, completely underbroken. Meanwhile, I had sat down on a bank, and given Mandy also the Water Bottle. She was in Position half set up on the Ground, upper Body obliquely gotten up and the Legs in 45 Degrees Position. And so, as it was also then, we did not have in the Moment any Fun anymore, to continue the normal Training. „OK Mandy, you must also consider now, that I was in the Walk Movement. It was only one single Step. Maybe in the Moment, where this Step burdened on your Stomach, it had passed by 1/100 Second. And in this Time, also not my full Weight was on your Stomach, only a small Percentage. My full Weight would come first to the to support, if I stand with both Feet on your Stomach. Besides joins, that I can hold the Balance heavily then. Your Stomach is indeed hard, but not as hard as the Ground. Through that, my Weight would shaken then on your Stomach.", I told her then. Then Mandy, shortly, watched around, in the Room. „Hmm, yes, that's right. But wait. Something, if you hang on at the Multipress, at the long Barbell. I can lie down, really somehow under that and you climb then on my Stomach with one Foot, then with the next One. Your can better hold the Balance, if you hang on then at the Barbell. Would be at least an Attempt. But, if it will be then to heavy for me, please go down, from my Stomach, quickly.", she said back to me. „Yes, of course, Mandy. Not bad, what you think, I would not have arisen now. Of course, I will go down from your Stomach, immediately. I do not want to hurt you. We make it also slow, should become only once an Attempt!" Mandy nodded only shortly, got up and went to the Multipress. There, she laid herself then onto the Ground. I pushed down the Barbell of the Press so far, as possibly. Then Mandy could see, approximately, how far she had to lay herself under that, so that it will be able for me, to stand then very just on her Stomach. Not, that I would have to bend forward me, still half a meter, and standing obliquely. Then she lay correctly under that and I lifted the Barbell so highly, that I could catch the it later, in order to hold my Balance in this Way. „Hmm, how does we make that now? Am I supposed to attempt to flex the Stomach the whole Time, or do you wanna attempt it once with one Feet?", she asked then. „I would say, you flex, and I climb slowly once with one Foot on your Stomach. I must first already see, where I can put down the Foot best, without which I can hurt you later at Ribs or Organs, and there must really still be Place for the second Foot. If it works, you hold the Flex, for so long." „OK, we can do this. If that, however, long lasts too, I would have to relax the Tension in the Stomach really, a little then. You have to notice then, if you come with your Foot more deeply. We will see, if I can hold that. I will give already a Noise, if that becomes too heavy to me. Go down then immediately. I do not think, that can hold the Flex as long." „OK Mandy, I understand. I will watch at you exactly. If you lose Tension, I will completely pay Attention especially to that, if a negative Reaction will come from You." But really, her ABS was so so hard. Should it not be able to tolerate my 183LBs. of Weight. And if I stand once only with one Foot, it is really not once so much. Ok, if her ABS is not fully flexed, the Stomach is indeed also very hard then, but less, than fully flexed. I was, however, warned, to concentrate fully. So I packed the Barbell with both Arms and lifted the right Foot, in order to step it to Mandys Stomach then. I considered a Position along onto the lower Field, so under the Belly Navel. I would have to let also still Place for the left Foot, if it comes so far. Exactly in the Moment, when I wanted to put down my right Foot there, I saw, how Mandy flexed her Stomach fully. Besides, she also went up with her Shoulders a little highly, and one saw, that the single Pack's of the ABS, still insignificantly, became larger, therefore, also harder. Then I put my Foot there off, under the Navel. In the first Moment I shaked a little, because of the Imbalance. In this Position, approx. 3 Seconds went by, before I took of the Foot of her Stomach. I wanted to make it even more secure. She should tell me first, what she felt. „And?, how was it for you, it hurts? I was not sure, where I am supposed to put the Foot down, if we continue, I need also Place for the Second One. What I can say. Your Stomach is not, ok, as hard as the Ground is, but I did not have the Feeling, as if I would press down your Stomach Cover, only one bit. It was, like I would stand on the Ground, but not on so smooth Ground.", I asked Mandy. „Let me say it so, it does not hurt anything completely at all, but I already noticed, that a Weight burdens there onto the lower Stomach. But as you already said, that you press down my Stomach deep there now, no, I did not notice that either. Therefore only, that there stand something on my Stomach." „OK Mandy, then I would attempt first now something other. I would put down now the left Foot then, where I wanted, just a little While ago. I would take now first only the left Foot, however, and you tell me then, if I stand wrongly then. If I hit Ribs there or something other, that then maybe hurts. We have Time to try that." Again Mandy nodded. Without paraphrasing it longer. As before, only now with the left Foot, I put that onto the thought Position on Mandys Stomach, and she flexed her ABS. Again for short time, and then I went of her Stomach again. „No Micha, there you can stand well. I, even still, noticed less this Time, than before. It is due presumably to that, that my upper Stomach Muscles are more harder, than the lower Ones. Those ones are even firmer. However, I may still suggest something. I would like to see, what happens, if you stand first with every leg only onto the thought Position, but then, I solve the Tension slowly. You would have to sink then something or more deep in my Stomach. When it becomes too much then, I say it to you. But first with each, the right one and the left one, not yet with both together." „We can do that Mandy, if you liked that. It is your Stomach, your Body." Also here, I describe it rather shortly, as long. The situation as before with the right Foot. First, she flexed fully, I steped on her, and she let slowly the Tension out from her Stomach. I noticed that well, I pressed more deeply into her Stomach. I respected very exactly, if any Noise or Signs came from Mandy. Besides, I also noticed, however, that it became heavier to hold my Balance. This Time, more Seconds went by a little, and she did even not let off only the normal Tension, but she unloaded virtually her Stomach with Air. A deep hollow, still more deeply natural, formed itself through that, because also pressed through my Body Weight, at least, a Part of my Weight. But I admitted this, because no negative Reaction came from Mandy. Directly in the connection, without great Speaking between, I tried it out out also with the left Foot, then above the Navel standing. Here, it was even more difficult for me, to guarantee a Balance or secure Stand. Because, when Mandy let also Air now out from the Stomach, ok, again this deep Hollow, but at the previous Attempt with the right Foot, that one completely stood in the Hollow, the one left now, however, stood incline. Because, somewhere begins also the Ribs. For the right Foot, I had a solid base, for the left Foot, not so completely. Nevertheless, no Reaction came from Mandy. So, I put also then the Foot again of her Stomach. „And, this was now a little more, you wanted, as being said before. What did you feel, something hurt? I did everything, because nothing came out of you." „It's OK, there also nothing was, what I would criticize. OK, this Time I noticed, that Weight presses there on the Stomach more clearly, when I completely emptied the Stomach. But, that it does sore, no, absolutely not. At the left Foot, ok, did not hurt, but I have now noticed, that you do not stand there anymore on full pace. But no Fear, nothing really hurts." „OK then, we can try it with both feet, full Weight." „Sure. But, somehow, I have it in the Feeling, that will not be changed there much. OK, maybe you press down the Stomach something more, cause of the more Weight, but I will hold it. Let us see, I am very optimistic there, after something, we now already have attempted." „Hehe, ok, you do the whole Work. I can position myself only onto your Stomach, I can not do more. You can flex then, or not. You must know it." Then, we started it. Mandy did still a few Crunches, so to speak, as Preparation. She did not seem so sure, if she can absorb my 183Lbs. so easy. Then I steped on her Stomach first with the right Foot. As before, Mandy flexed, in the correct Moment, her ABS, very strong. I put down the right Foot a little below her Navel. I shaked a little back and forth on her Stomach, until I then, but quite, had my Balance. There were only few Seconds. I also did, the whole Time, look on Mandys Stomach, whether she still held full Flex, or already had to reduce the Flex. But there was everything OK. As before, she lifted up her Shoulders and her Head also still a little. Then I lifted quickly according to the left Foot, put it down directly next to the right One. Again I shaked a little, to say it correctly, my feet shaked on Mandys Stomach from Above to Down. Mandy could still hold the Flex well. Basically my Work was, rather my Pleasure, now done. I hung on at the long Barbell of the Multipress and looked then down onto Mandys ABS. When I had run the left Foot before, I noticed, that I pressed her Stomach Cover, but in fact, only a little. Now yes, there are after all 183LBS. of Body Weight. But it did not shine, as if Mandy would feel as much. I was amazed already a little, that in fact, I could not exert more Pressure, so that her Stomach was pressed more deeper in. But on the other Hand, Mandy pressed also in fact very hard. In total, only about 5-6 Seconds had gone by, for this Maneuver. Then I stand still out quietly, watching her Reaction, observed more her Stomach. OK, I had to correct the whole Time the Balance again and again, in this Case, one saw, how I moved her Stomach Cover easily from down to above. But Mandy did not do any Reaction. So this Game went about 15 Seconds. "Ok Micha, rest there, I wanna try something, everything is OK. Stay only quite there, attempt to hold the Balance in a as concentrated Way as possible now!", it came then shortly of Mandy. I was surprised, what she wanted to try. Then I noticed, how Mandy took down the Flex very slowly from the Stomach. I sank increasingly more deeply in her Stomach, and it became a little heavier for me to keep on standing quietly. But I succeeded in that. I only checked, what she did there, the whole Time. Finally she had taken then fully the Flex out, after few further Seconds. My Feet pressed her Stomach down now quite deeply. Should I now get off her, or does she still planned more? That would have sufficed for me now basically already. I found it rather merry, than I in this Case could only watch, as I press down her Stomach increasingly more deeply. But also no Noise came of her during this Action, therefore she had wanted everything so, and has it under Control. Just I wanted to apply and to go from her Stomach. „No, please rest, I still wanna do something. Not get off!", Mandy pressed out shortly. Sounded really funny. Think, there stands somebody with full Weight on her Stomach, presses that one fully down there, and then she attempts to talk a little. A deep Noise and something was distorted. Therefore I kept on standing, and watched. Madness, but Mandy flexed her Stomach Muscles again. I noticed, how virtually everything became again harder under my Feet, and I had to correct my Balance also once more now. And in fact, Mandy was managed to flex her Stomach in an again so completely hard Way, as before. And it made her not so much Work, to do this. „And now? Mandy, that is really fantastic. WOW, I would really have no thought that, that you have also the Strength to flex again the Stomach so fully. Super! Can you do that once more? You see me more than impressed. I know now all, what I wanted to know. From me, I can go now also under that. I want you not, to do too much." „No, no Micha, rest there. I want to know, how many Reps I can do, when you stand on the Stomach. That annoys me now very much, to figured out that. You must stand only quietly there, nevertheless, everything was perfect until now. OK, I noticed already the Pressure, but that does nothing to me.", she stuttered a bit, while she was holding the full Flex. „There is no more Need, to do that for me. I am now totally deeply impressed." „Everything is allright, keep on standing, I scream, when it becomes too much. Until now, that does not do a lot for me." Then she took again very slowly the Flex from her ABS and I sank again more deeply. The next Repetitions she did always fast. She pressed very quickly the Pressure into her Stomach Muscles, and if she took the Tension again, it went very slowly. I counted, first quiet, then also louder, so that she could also hear it. But I noticed that she did not flexed the Stomach more so quickly, after 15 Reps. But she did also no Reaction or Signs, to give up. Therefore, I kept on standing, always fully concentrated, that I stand also if possible quietly. 17,18, 19 ,it went now increasingly slower. The Flexing of her ABS had now approx. the rhythm, as now also the Relaxation. Nevertheless, she continued. When the 22nd Rep was, she kept on standing in the Relax Mode. „Should I get off?", I asked only very shortly. She bent only very shortly her Head back and forth, therefore, it was a No. Determines 6 Seconds, she only looked at me, and nothing did in this Case. She had come very much into the Sweating, now also at the Stomach. Her Sweat ran also under my Feet. Through that, it became a little more slippery, but I could still hold the Balance. Then I noticed and saw, that Mandy flexed her Stomach, but now very slowly, very slowly. One saw already the Strength, which she needed now. And it was a lot of Strength, it went very slowly, and I also knew then, it will be the last Repetition. But I mean, it is the 23rd. OK, usually she does many more, but without now 183LBs at Weight, that press the Stomach actually. At the end of this Crunch, she pressed the last bit with all Power in her ABS and that one was also then so hard, as always before. She did not do any institutions, to relax once more. No, rather she lifted up once more shortly with the Shoulders and Head, something intensified the Pressure. I could this, when also small Pressure, see and feel well. Repeatedly, she went very shortly with the Head and Shoulder again very back and then again a little highly. 5 Times she did this, and with every Time, I noticed another very small further Pressure, under my Feet. Approx. 10 Seconds had so, gone by. Always more Sweat flowed now through the Single grooves, between my Feet. And so 7-8 more Seconds went by. I stood simply, relatively quietly and in a stable Way onto her Stomach, looked to her into the Face. But she smiled only a little bit, a little tensed up, but she smiled. No Sign, that I should go off, no Word already at all. Then, I noticed, how the Sweat became more under my Feet, and much more. I had before, a lot of Problems to stand still, but it became increasingly more slippery. Therefore, I went then off, from her Stomach. Directly after that Mandy went also off from Flexing. I knelt down next to her and gave her a big Kiss. That had to be, the first big Gift, for so much incredible Strength. "Thanks Micha, wow, what a Feeling. OK, the last Reps were very hard, but nothing hurted me. It was now only the Pressure, that I have to press 183Lbs also up high. That was so much Fun. We must repeat that. But not now, but with Pleasure again. I would not have thought that, that my Stomach Muscles would be so strong." While she was speaking to me, I took a look at her Stomach, but except of the whole Sweat, nothing was to see there. No red Belly, completely no Marks. All in all, everything lasted about 3 ½ Minutes, in which I stood with full Weight on her Stomach. But one could nothing of that. Then also Mandy, lifted up with her upper Body and had a look also at her Stomach. „WOW, there is nothing to see. I thought, there were pressure Points, but nothing." „And now, say it, what all you noticed. Me seemed it so, that at the Beginning, it would not that Work for you to Flex, and first at the End it became really slow. I really had the Feeling, you can not get enough at all." „Yes, at the Beginning, it was also like this, as if nothing would were there on my Stomach. OK, nothing is not completely right, I noticed just already the Weight. But it felt only so, as if there would were some Pressure on that, nothing majority's. Nevertheless, the Pressure became then just increasingly bigger. I wanted to stop still already after the 19th Repetition, there you had slipped also a little. There you slid into a Zone, only very short, where something was more Pressure at the same Time, but much more Pressure. Then, when I was in the relax Mode, you had again the correct Stand, and I could do more." „Oh, I had not noticed that, but it became increasingly more slippery under my Feet. But nevertheless, it is unbelievable, that you did Crunches, if somebody stands on you. That's, nevertheless not normal." „That's something other. One can increase so the Intensity heavily at Crunching. Therefore, that is really one succeeded Alternative. And I noticed first, in fact only always the easy Pressure, later, the big Pressure. Never felt Pain. We must repeat that!" Yeah, of course, we repeated that. And with time we still found completely other Methods, always Tests, around to see, what such a trained ABS can take, or can press. Everything true, everything fascinating. More, of this, then in the upcoming Stories.