BellyPunch Contest - Quarter-Final by Micha Part 5 4:45 pm, the quarter final is long over. The painful feeling in my stomach is still there. The match was harder than I had presumed. In the quarter final every woman will give more than 100%, much more than in the group fights, to come into the semifinal. Every women is doing much harder in her punching actions. I was glad, that my stomach was before the match, in quite fit shape. Now, he looks optical and feels very bad, like the same as yesterday evening. Yesterday evening, I went down again, to train once again my stomach very hard. Sarah helped me during the training. It was good, that I went down to the training room. There, I met a few other women, who trained also very hard. During my talks to experienced women, I found then out, that most women made themselves such kind of compresses, for the night, for the stomach. You first, cremed your stomach, with analgesic gel. Then, you put such kind of a cool compresses onto those places, where you felt the most pain and where the thickest swellings are. Finally, you bandages then the whole stomach, so that everything fits firmly then. During the sleep the compress can show his full effect then. Just the same, I had done then yesterday evening and I must say, that was a super tip. Ok, the swellings did not totally wnet away, that can not happen in only one night. But I was very satisfied, extremely satisfied, with the result this morning. Yesterday evening, I had then also trained up to my limit, so that I could fall asleep very quickly. This morning I waked up then with a beautiful sleep and was totally fit. After the training, yesterday evening, I went then also into the lounge from our hotel. There, all results of the group fights, hanged on the wall then. All weightclasses, of the women and men, as well as all fight results, were written down there very detailed. I could see then, who my opponent would be in the quarter final. It was Doreen Googins. Everyone of the quarter final competitors got also an extra paper. On this paper stood then all the results of the pre contests. From all women, which had come into the quarter final, in every weightclass. Therefore, I could see immediately, how good Doreen was, at her own pre contest. Doreens results were insignificantly better, like those from Magret, from my group. She weighs 130 lbs at 5,57 height and had won the pre contest in Kentucky. Her results there were: Posing round 9 points, crunches 90, capacity test 1:48 minutes. At the test with the machine and the punching arm, she had to give up at a punching weight of 152 lbs. She had achieved a normal victory in her group, as well as a victory through giving up of the opponent. For the victory through giving up, I have to add, that her opponent gave up in round 4! This morning, I had watched all her previous fights. Her last fight, the victory through giving up, was hammer-hard. Her group, was until then, also very equal. But how Doreen had hit her opponent in the last fight, wow, madness. I could recognize very good, how Doreen would punch, but mostly would kick me, if she wanted to come to the semifinal. Her other group fights were already hard, but her last one, wow. She had increased her punching and kicking power so much, that was incredible to see. I knew therefore, before our fight, which impact from punches and kicks, I would have to take. Doreen was such a opponent, which nearly used, in a match, mostly her legs for kicking. In her 3rd group fight, she had kicked her opponent so tremendous hard, that you have to puke. It was a bit surprising, that if you look at the results of the pre contest from her last opponent, her opponent was much better at the last test with the punching machine, than Doreen. So to speak, her opponent could take normally much more in her stomach, than Doreen. Now, imagine, that Doreen had forced this woman into a giving up, in only 3 rounds, only with kicking. If that was not impressing, than I do not know. So, I went then, with a not so very good feeling, into our match. The match was schedulded for todays afternoon at 2pm. All female quarter finals were at the same time, but all were recorded, so that you could watch them all afterwards. I had gone at 1:15pm into the training room, to prepare myself. Like I said, over the night, the thickest swellings had completely not disappeared. So, my partner had done a few more hard punches and I must say, I could put away all without problems. I went then to the ring. Doreen was already in the ring. As I had seen her fights on DVD, I could already see, that she had a very definied leg musculature. But the picture on the laptop was very small. When I stood then in the ring, I could see her legs in full size. Her musculature was very hard. Her upper body lean, of course, very much well trained and definied, but not so bulky. Her arms also normal, but her legs, yes, they were big muscled. When I saw them then directly before myself, I knew then better, why her opponent had given up so fast, in her 3rd group fight. Her stomach looked optical impeccable. Nothing. Ok, a few blue marks, a few dark red, but no swellings. She had taken anything in her last fight, only in the first two fights. What me fascinated much more, was her skin colour. Beautiful dark tanned and through that, her ABS came brilliant to the shining, breath-taking. It was already a fascinating view. Her stomach looked nearly as perfect, like those from Sarah. Her 6-pack looked damned hard, very deep and definied. Her side stomach muscles were also good to see, but they faded in comparison to her straight ABS muscles. Perfect, maximally trained, from the lowest, up to the uppest ABS. At my stomach, only the place, in which Magret had unintentional hit me, was a little swollen. My partner had often tested this place during the warming up. He did then some punching and also some single kicks, but I only felt there still a little pain. Also, I had several blue and dark red marks, but on them, I did not feel anything. From the very beginning, Doreen made a very sympathically look. Now, afterwards, I can still say, that the whole fight was, at the end, incredibly hard, but always very fair. So, the 1st round began then. Doreen was allowed to do the first punch. She hit me into my gut. Her punch was already hard, but I could put away it. My stomach was flexed until the limit, therefore, I did not have any problems with the punch. I stood there, like a wall, did not bob, did not have to make a step back, nothing. But I could not be so satisfied, that I took her first punch so easy. I recognized, that Doreen had only done a test punch. It was hard, but she had still a lot of free power less, in order to punch me much harder. I, on the other hand, wanted to give everything and directly from the beginning. I not wanted to do such a big testing, no, no. Just immediately punching her so hard, I could, in her gut. I also did that then. How much strength was then behind my punch, you could see very well at Doreens reaction. She made 2 smaller steps to the back after my punch and you also could hear a small groan. But, all in all, it was only a minimum reaction. I had hit her very hard, but also I had still some power left. After Doreens 2nd punch then, I was flabbergasted. Her punch went into my left side, beside the navel, deep in my stomach. The left side was that, which still was swollen a bit. The side, in which Magret had mistaken hit me yesterday. At that moment, I knew then clearly, that also Doreen had watched the fight, of me against Magret. She had seen, that I am there full vulnerable. Even, if over 17 hours, since the last match had gone by, even, if the best cooling and analgesic gel could ease the pain, I immediately felt a little more pain at this place. Doreen had also punched much harder, than her first punch. My upper body inclined immediately towards the left side and I covered my stomach side, with my hands, for a few seconds. Besides, I massaged it still a little bit, before I did my next punch. I saw on Doreens stomach, that a little to the right, obliquely above the bellynavel, a place was blue marked there. I wanted to hit her exactly on this place. I also succeeded and saw then, that I presumably had hit a vulnerable place in Doreens stomach. This time, I had given everything, with all additional reserves. Doreen went into the knees and sighed. I heard, how she did a few deep and loud breaths. She stayed long in this position. For so long, that the minute of the first round was around. While she was then getting up again very slowly, the referee told us, that we both were still allowed to carry out our 3rd punch. I already knew then, how my 3rd punch would look like. Yeah, I aslo knew then, how my tactic for the whole match would look like. Doreens reaction after my 2nd punch was hard. My 3rd punch, as well as further punches and kicks, during the next rounds, would aim then mostly at the former hit place in her stomach. But first, the 3rd punch from Doreen came. She brought my upper body again to bent forward. She had hit me with all strength, in my lower stomach area. That my upper body bent then so forwards, was an automatically reaction. That happens, if somebody is punch so deeply into the lower stomach. From the punch itself, I had felt something, but that punch did not make me worry. Then, my 3rd punch. It went into the same place, like already my 2nd punch. Also the 3rd punch hit her fully. I already must weakened her in that first round, I absolutely wanted to come into the semifinal. Again, Doreen went into the knees. After further 15 seconds, the referee told us then, to go into our ring corners for the break. I was very satisfied with my first round. My punches had already shown a perfect effect in Doreens stomach and I, myself, could absorb her punches optimally. Ok, I could not absorb her 2nd punch so good, but when I was in my corner, I did not feel anything anymore in my left side, from that punch. 2. Round: As I had watched before all of Doreens fights, I had seen there, that she attacked her opponents directly at the beginning of the round. Sometimes, she had success with that, sometimes not. But I was warned, that she would exactly also do that in our fight. During the break, I observed Doreen in her corner. Always, if someone of her team, cremed that gel onto her painful place at her right stomach side, her face looked a bit hurtingly. Not a lot, but it showed me, that she seemed more vulnerable at this place, than you could imagine. I had to use every chance, that would offer me, to weaken her there, more and more. Then the gong sounded. We both got up quickly and like I said, Doreen stormed already onto me. Of course, I could go out of her way. But she hunted me totally crazy around the ring, in order to do a punch. I ran so quickly, that I had to pay attention, not to ran against the ropes or the ring post. The time came, where this cat and mouse play were too stupid for me and I kept on still standing. I could not get a lot of swing or aim exactly, I only simply wanted to hit her very fast into the stomach. She saw, that I stood immediately still and had then to break herself down quickly. Otherwise, she had then bounced again my body with full speed. Exactly this, still so short distracted time of her, I used then. It was not even a second, but it was enough time, that I could hit her quickly. I hit her, when she was shortly before the stand. In that moment, it was not so important for me, to where I would hit her. It was more important, to interrupt this hunting in the ring and to calm down the match. But the punch was then not so aimless. It went into her right stomach side. Not exactly onto the place, where she was so vulnerable, but she sure felt it immediately. Without giving her the chance, to recover from the punch, I kept on. Quickly, I did 7 more hits. Because of the fact, that she stood then, at these punches, more uprightly and straight, I could aim better. Exactly into her vulnerable place. After the 7th punch, I could not fast enough kept on punching, because she went into the knees and her upper body bowed down directly over her knees. I had only a chance, to hit or kick her into the left stomach side. She knelt down so stupidly, that only her left side was open for punches or kicks, but at least, I still had a place to kept on punching. If somebody kneels down just like she did, then you can do punches only with moderate strength, so kicks are more effective. Without hesitating, I started then kicking her and did every kick very quickly behind each other. I could kick then only 8 times, before the gong sounded. But exactly my 8th and last kick, had hit her then so, that she had fallen to the ground. But she got up immediately and went very quickly into her corner. She went back so quickly to her corner, in order to use the 30 seconds break completely. Immediately, her coach and another team member came into the ring. The other team member cremed her with the gel and her coach pressed onto the one place in her right stomach side. So, he found out, how much pain Doreen felt there. Her coach stood exactly before her. I could not see Doreens reaction by every press from her coach. But I was glad, that I had gone, her first qick rush, out of the way and that I could decide the round for me. Furthermore, I had weaken her already a little bit more, but I also knew, that I would have to show many more, to get her in a panically situation. Her stomach was vulnerable, but still very, very hard in the taking. 3. Round: The 30 seconds break were quick over. Then, Doreen did not storm onto me again, she had recognized, that she did not have any success with this rush-tactic. Therefore, we both went into ring middle. I clenched my fist and wanted to punch. Doreen pulled in her stomach so far, so that my fist hit her stomach only a bit. Her next action was then surprising. Instead of punching me directly, she tried to do a kick into my stomach. But very fast, I quickly saw, that she wanted to ram her right leg into my stomach. I grasped her leg, held it and did myself a punch. Because she still stood too far away, to hit her deeply, my fist did not hit her purposefully enough. Immediately, I had an idea. Instead of leting her leg go, I would keep grasping it. I could use her leg then, to pull her whole body in front of my body. Pulling her body so near to me, that my fist could hit her then deeply. Immediately, I did this and I succeeded in pulling Doreens body to me. Of course, Doreen tried everything to defend herself. She sure wanted to pull out her leg from my grip, but I still could hold the grip loosely. Then, I had made it, that her whole body stood directly before mine. I had to held my leg grip very strongly, so that she could not flee after my next punches. Though, I had to use much strength, to held her in this position, I succeeded then, to hit her hard into the gut. She was powerless. She only could flex her stomach, so good she can, to absorb my punches. I could land very hard and deep punches, because she stood then so directly before me. First, Doreen still defended herself, with punching me also into my stomach sides. You must imagine, that cause of this position, my stomach also stood directly before her and so, she also had the chance to hit me deeply. Ok, like I said, at the beginning, she still defended herself with own punches. Some of them sure were painfully, mostly those ones, which got into my left stomach side, but I gave my best to put away everything. And, Doreens did not defend herself for so long. My hits were more purposeful and harder, so that she then concentrated herself, to protect her stomach with the arms. She did that very well, but there were still many places, to hit her. Every punch of me hit her fully, you could hear that clearly at Doreens sighs. Her breathing became much faster. But through this faster breathing, also the flexing and relaxation of her ABS gets faster. I, indeed, had Doreen fully under control, but this picture, how her stomach muscles became so flat, at the breathing in and came then again deeply out, while breathing out, was unbeliavable to see. Ok, I know that view also from my stomach and from many other women, but somehow, at Doreens stomach, that looked then very fascinatingly. That distracted me already a little bit. You also could hear the people for pleasure screaming, as they saw the same thing. They scream very loud for enthusiasm. But I kept on punching. I, indeed, was a little more distracted then, but my hits were still good enough. But, the faster her breathing became, the more I looked at her stomach. It was breath-taking. Her dark brown skin and all the sweat pearls, everywhere. Her stomach shone so much, crazy view. Hard to describe this beautifully picture. Before I started so looking at her stomach, I had hit here very fast. But that became then increasingly slower, because I only looked then at her stomach. Then, the gong sounded. I, immediately, let off the grip of Doreens leg and we both went into our corners. I still was so enthusiastic, because of the view of her stomach. Also my partner saw my reaction. In the corner, he immediately told me then, that I must concentrate me only on my punching and not of viewing onto her stomach. If I would keep on doing that, then it could happen, that I were so unconcentrated, that this gave Doreen the chance to punch me very hard. I told him then, that if he had seen her stomach like this, that he also could not turned away his eyes from her stomach. But sure, he was fully right. That can distract you very quickly and then Doreen could hit you hard. But this round had shown his full effect. Doreen was after that a little more vulnerable, not only at that one place, but also at 2-3 more. 4. Round: In this round, I wanted to surprise Doreen and wanted to attack here very quickly. Immediately, after the gong sounded, I got up very quickly and went precisely towards her. During these short yards, I clenched my fist then. I saw then also, that Doreen made the same, only with the differnce, that she walked very slowly torwards me. Everything resulted then in a double punch. My fist hit her harder and pressed her nearly to her ring corner back. Her fist had hit me above the navel, but I did not feel it so much. Again, I was in the better position and used this chance immediately. With 2 further hard punches, I could press her then in her own corner. And again, her breathing became faster. She did not seem so conditionally fit, if only a few punches already demanded her so much. Exactly in the moment, when her body was pressed against the ring post, she was shortly unconcentrated. Immediately, I pulled up my leg and kicked her with full impact. Her stomach was fully flexed and could so totally absorb my kick. The upper body inclines then mostly automatically forward, if you kick a woman so in the stomach. Happened then also at Doreen, even if the impact was not so hard. Without hesitating, I let 3 hard punches follow. These brought her upper body then again in a upright position. She wanted to hit back, but I could pull in my stomach good enough. Therefore, she did not hit me, but I hit her much better. If you have the chance, to caught somebody so in a ring corner, you must do always very fast actions, so that the opponent does not have any chance, to defend himself, or to flee away from the corner. Just the same, I also did then. I kicked her always fully in the stomach, her upper body went then forward, I did a few punches, until she was again standing full uprightly. Then I started with a new kick, etc. etc.. That all, I had to do very quickly and I had full success. Doreen could not do even any punches and when she succeeded, I could pull in then fast enough my stomach. Also, it was absolutely impossible for her, to flee from the corner. My actions were so fast, that she did not have any chance to flee. Sometimes, I had to sweep away quickly her hands shortly from the stomach, because she wanted to protect herself. It was already really amazing, how quickly you will see everything and reacted then so correctly and quickly. You are then so fixated on the beating, you are so fully concentrated, that you can do several things simultaneously. Only for the end-result, to hold the opponent in the corner and that you can kept on beating her, more and more. After a while, Doreens body wanted to slide down along the ring post. Then, I had to hit her much harder in the stomach, so that her upper body raised up again, only from the impact of the punch. For such a punch, I had to use a enormous strength in my arms. That happened then during that round more often and so my arm strength became weaker from punch to punch. The moment came, where I could not punched her so strong anymore, so that she then stood again uprightly direct for me. And so, her body slided down then, until she was sitting on the ground. If you sits then like her in a ring corner onto the ground, it is heavy to kick somebody with full success. But I tried a few punches and also kicks. Doreen attempted, to protect her stomach, once she succeeded in it, once not. I could not hit her so much more, because the round was over then. Like already in the first fight against Sarah, also Doreen had then the luck, that she was already in her corner and could be immediately massaged. I went back happily to my corner. Very happy, because the match ran very well for me. Ok, I had to take some hits in all rounds, again and again, but I could put away them all. That's totally normal, that Doreen defends herself so wildly, but my stomach looked still fine. To that came, that I had won already 3 rounds and Doreen was already a little more hit. I could get her, very quickly, under control, in every round. 5. Round: But even, if I could be so satisfied, something was still missing. The feeling, that my punches and kicks hit her stomach painfully. Ok, I could land many hard punches and kicks, but her stomach still looked very hard. It seemed not, that I had demanded her stomach too much. That a woman sighs or moans is normal. That happened automatically, if you get such hard punches. It could also not be, that I had hit her too weakly. My arms were stronger and had more power, than hers. No, no, let me say it just very simply. Her stomach was simply very good, to good trained. To bring her stomach onto the limit, was an absolute challenge for me. You could see it again clearly, as we started the 5th round. We went both, this time slowly to the ring middle. I had only 2 seconds of time, until I arrived there. This time was enough, to see, that she had gotten a few more pressure points and that some more places coloured darkred. But if you punch and kick an opponent so hard and that over 3 rounds long, then you wanted to see, that she walked a bit more painfuller. Or, that you can see, that her stomach has to feel much more pain and also looked like much more painfuller. Ok, ok, you also could see that all at her, but too less. Clearly, I won 3 rounds and if I would win another 2 more, I would be in the semifinal. I only have to go then through the last rounds in this match, without a own giving up. This is a very good feeling, if you lead like this. But every woman here also wants, let me say it like this, we just wanted nearly to destroy the stomach of our opponent. We do not want to hit a stomach so hard, that he will be injured at the end. We simply want to demonstrate the opponent, that her stomach is too weak for such a contest. But Doreens stomach was far away, to call it too weak. Ok, her stomach was indeed then a bit more hit, but her limit, what her stomach could take at the end, was still much too high. The best thing, in order to bring up Doreens stomach to the limit, were punches or kicks into her right side. Above the navel, it seemed, that she felt there a little more. In that round, I wanted to try again, to get immerdiately the control over her. So, I got up and went once again, very fast, torwards her. I only thought then in that moment, that self, if she could also hit me again, I would then only keep my concentration on punching her into the right side. I had to do the best punch, I could do and slammed it into her right side. So it also came then. Like hypnotized, I went torwards her, clenched my fist and looked only at her right stomach side. Like in the round before, it resulted again in a double punch. I aimed fully into her right side, exactly there, where she felt the most pain and she hit me in the gut. Her punch was also beyond any weak, therefore, our both reaction was completely identical. Both of us had to do a step back, after the impact. But also, noone wanted to stop punching. Again, we both clenched our fists and hit the other one at the same places, like before. Then, a hard punching exchange took place. The referee had to watch us very exactly, that noone made a punching error. Completely out of control, we both hit the other into the stomach. Noone paid so much attention about, where she punched the other one. It was only important, that we hit into the other ones stomach and hit then so hard, we could do. I had to take many hits. You first could not see, who will take an advantage in that round. I concentrated me then more, on hitting her again, purposefully, into her right stomach side. But simultaneously, I also had to put away some very extremely hard hits from Doreens fists. Now, after the fight, I know, who won this round. I won it. Why, you want to know? On the DVD, you can see it exactly. This exchange of punches, lasted nearly until the end of the round. It was maybe my internal clock, which told me, nearly 18 seconds for end of the round, to give once again absolute everything. On the DVD, you can see the time running down. It were only another 18 seconds left, when I had Doreen, a little but more under control. I could do then 2 immense hard punches. Sure, Doreen hit back, but in the rest time, I did then much more hits into her stomach, than she into mine. That was then the reason, why I won the round. The round was over then. The whole round was only an exchange of hard punches. But exactly that had brought the people outside into rage. That was exactly, what they wanted to see. Doreen and I sat into our corners. This time, we could take a look at each other. Before, mostly somebody stood before us, from our teams. They massaged or cremed our stomaches then. This time not. So we looked at ourselves. This exchange had cost us both a lot of condition. You could see that at out fast breathing. As I looked then so at her stomach, I had to recognized, that her stomach was still looking harder, than mine. Neither she or I made a painfully face. Noone of us wanted to show the other one, if and how much pain she felt. I did not know what she would think so. I only thought: "What a shit, I won now 4 rounds, I had given so much and her stomach shows only small weaknesses, what must I still do, to get her in more panic?" Sure, after my punches into her right stomach side, she had shown a clearer reaction. But if I did such punches to Sarah or Magret, they would already went down into the knees, but Doreen not. 6th and 7th round: Therefore, I thought, that I must get her in such a position, where I could kick her into the stomach side. A kick of me is much harder, than a punch. But first, I simply must get her once into such a position. The 6th and 7th round began then, like the the 5th had begun. Directly from the beginning, it resulted in an full hard exchange of punches. It became increasingly wilder within the rounds. The referee had to do a difficult job. If it became too wild, he went between us, shifted us shortly away, from each other, before we restarted the exchange. The public got louder and louder. They were more than satisfied. I had hit nearly 90 % of my punches into her right side. Doreen hit me mostly in my lower stomach or the left side. She won the 6th round. She won that round, because a few of her punches went into my left stomach side. Those punches were indeed within the area, in which she was allowed to punch me. But I felt then the pain again, which I had gotten from Magrets unintentional punch there. That brought then Doreen the advantage in round 6th. She could land there many more hits, than I. I won round 7 and that gave me the chance, to increase my winning rounds again. But it was already a madness' match, what we showed there. You saw it also at the public around the ring. More and more came to our ring. Those ones came from the other quarter final fights to us, because the atmosphere was so sensationell. That was a sign, that the women in the ring gave everything. And we did that. But I had reached my main target. After the 7th round, I lay, with 5:1 rounds, in front. If Doreen would not force me into a giving up and I would survive the rest rounds, I would be in the semifinal. That was a top motivation for me. But you also must then think, what Doreen thoughts were. Exactly those thoughts, what her coach said then to her, in the break after the 7th round. That she only still could win through a giving up from me and that she must show the next rounds so much, that her own target would be that giving up from me. With everything, she could use, she must destroy my stoamch. Ok, I had to reckon that also now and must prepare myself for that. I only hoped at this time, that the remaining match would still be fair. Not, that she somehow unfairly provides an advantage and hit me then so, that I must give up. 8. Round: Therefore, I wanted to go into the defense. I did not need to win further rounds. But, cause of the fact, that Doreen would then fight more harder, I had to go, her punches or kicks, out of the way. I must surive 3 more rounds, without getting anything harder anymore. This is easy said. Doreen wanted to begin the 8th round so, like the other ones before, with starting directly from the 1st second on. But I did not want that. Also, when crowd outside would call me then weak, it was more important for me, to protect my stomach, how good I can. I saw, how Doreen came up to me and wanted to punch me. I went quickly to the side. Doreen kept on punching, but I always avoided her. I tried to land a few hits myself. Those ones were mostly too weak, in order to demand Doreens stomach somehow. So Doreen blew to the hunt onto me. She hunted me through the ring, tried to hit or kick me. Mostly without success. It became a wild hunt. Then, she hit me with her leg. Good for her, unhappy for me. She aimed into my left stomach side and this very hard. I went immediately to ground. Doreen kept immediately on and kicked into my side. So fast, that I did not have any chance to protect my stomach. I felt the pure power of Doreens legs. Those ones were really extremely muscular. I felt that at every kick. She did not give up. Because I laid on my side, the position was not optimal for Doreen. She decided then, to turn me so, with her next kick, that I laid then straight on my back. Happened then also. Immediately, I wanted to protect my stomach then, but Doreen was again faster. Once again, she did immensely hard kicks, only with her right leg. For the reason, that I could not turn myself, she placed her left leg against my right stomach side. She stood then over me. She pressed her left leg against my right side and kicked me with her right leg, from above into my left stomach side. It did not last long, until I only still concentrated me, on surviving this round somehow. The kicks of Doreen were comparable with those, which Silvana had done. If you imagine Silvanas kicks, then you know, they were incredibly hard. Only the difference was then. Silvanas match was yesterday, the 2nd in the group. It was the match, before Magret had hurt me, in the 3rd match, in my left stomach side. Against Silvana, it was already very hard to take them and my stomach was, in that match, far fitter than in this match. In this 8th round, you can then imagine yourself, how you would feel such kicks, if they went into an extremely vulnerable area. I know, that Magret had not done that punch yesterday with intention. But through that, she had brought my stomach side into such a vulnerable situation, that every opponent could use this side for intensivly hard kicks. Magret had guaranteed every upcoming opponent, that they have an optimal place for punching or kicking and could so force me into a giving up. And if I survived this match, I would have, in the worst case, 4 more fights. There would be then first the semifinal. It does not matter, if I will win or lost it, I would have then 2-3 more fights. Self if I only fought for place 3, I have 2-3 more fights, because of the rule "Best of 3". But what should I do. I had done everything, in order to get this left stomach side again in shape. But that does not work in so little time, between the matches. But it is already amazing, how the own psyche can somebody motivate like me. I knew, that I am on a good way into the semifinal. With this advantage in the head, I found always new reserves, to keep up my resistance against Doreens heavy kicks. Doreen did not stop and kicked only into the left side. Of course, I did not want to give up, but I was very glad, when I heard the gong. Doreen was going easily into her corner. I could stand up not so well, but went then a bit bent into my corner. That, what I wanted to do the whole rounds with Doreen, to weaken her enormously in her most vulnerable place, exactly that had done Doreen with me in only one round. It was a brutal feeling in my left stomach side. I stood again at the point, where I had to clench my teeth, because of the pain. My partner massaged me in the left stomach side and creamed it too. But if you always get, again and again, from match to match, punches and kicks into it, you can not do much there anymore. The place becomes then increasingly more vulnerable. I had to pull myself, there were only 2 rounds left. It would become insanely heavy, because I was very hit. I knew, that there were again the time, where every step would be painful for me. In such a situation, I do not have any chance, to bring Doreen into trouble. She would, in the next rounds, then mostly kick into this side. I only had to survive that. 9. Round: Like I said, in only 30 seconds of breaktime, you can not handle such a painful place so fast and ease the pain. I wanted to stand up then and saw Doreen, better said, her right leg, how it came into the direction of my body. I had luck. I did not stand up fully, but I could turn my body out of the way of the kick. But in spite of that, Doreen hit me, but not in the left side, like she wanted it, but she hit into the right side. As I had turned my body so fast, I had fallen on the ground. I fell on my stomach. I laid then so, that my right stomach side looked directly to the lowest ring rope. Through that, the left, painful side, was totally open. Doreen wanted to kick immediately in there. But I could grab the ring rope and turned my body so to the rope, that I laid then fully on the left side. Through that, my left side was closed and safe for kicks from Doreen. But that did not matter Doreen so much. After my turn to the rope, my right side was then stretched up highly a little and Doreen kicked then in there. With every kick she pressed me against the lowest ring rope. My partner came to me, on the outer side of the ring. He stood then outside, directly before me and motivated me, to resist anything. I really already did that, with all of my strength, which I still had. I also saw some people of the crowd outside, how they gave me to understand, that I should give everything and that I would have the strength to resist Doreens kicks. But they all can talk so well. They did not feel, how hard these kicks really were. Then something happened, what had not happened in my fights before. In every match, you have a 2nd referee. This moves only at the outer sides of the ring. He watchs, if somebody of the team members is doing unfair attacks. As I was then so pressed against the ring rope, the referee in the ring could not see, if I want to give up. He was not allowed to leave the ring. If he would do that, he had not longer Doreen in correct view. Doreen could maybe then, if she would be unfair, use that chance to kick me unfairly. So, this other referee came then to me, on the outside and asked me, if I wanted to give up. Of course I denied that. Doreen heard me and kicked me again hard furthermore. The referee told my partner then, to go back into our corner. The outside referee asked me again, for a giving up. Because of the fact, that I denied that once again loudly, the outside referee told the inside referee, that everything would be ok with me. Well, ok, was a little badly exaggerated. Nothing was so OK. Doreens kicks became harder, much harder. It was maybe only a feeling, but her kicks felt for me harder, than those from Silvana. But, I held my body further in this position. I grasped the rope strongly and remained lying on the left side. Even, if the right side started then also becoming painfully, I did not want to give up. Simultaneously, I had to use all of my strengths, to grasp the rope and to flex somehow my right stomach side. That all costed me a massively strengt. But only surviving counted then. But the time came, where I lost slowly my strength for all that. At least, I still only wanted to grasp the rope, if I could not flex my stomach anymore. Would I give up the grasp of the rope, my body would turn so, that I would lie then on the back and Doreen could kick me into my left side. I would not survive that. If you got, directly from the first second on, so hard kicks, then 2 minutes were longer than eternity. I also could not protect my right side, because I used both hands, for grasping still the ring rope. I, so to speak, gave Doreen the chance, to kick me without any own resistance. Then the outside referee came to me and asked me once again, if I wanted to give up. I denied again and tried, sighing, to ask him, how long the round would still go. It was nearly like a deathblow, when he said, that the rounds would be still 40 seconds running. I felt, that Doreens kicks did not come more so quickly, behind each other. So, she lost slowly the strength for kicking. But the kicks, which she made, were much too hard for my stomach. I had given up flexing my stomach since a long time. I, rather more used my strengths, to grasp still the ring rope. That was more important for me. Further 11, far too hard kicks, went by, before I lost then also the strength to hold the rope. Like I had presumed it, my body turned then so, that I laid on the back and my whole stomach was far open for punches or kicks. Doreen used her chance and kicked, immediately, hard into my left side. I had to shout and moan very loud. It was an incredible pain. I succeeded a few times, in protecting me there with my hands. But Doreen swept than quickly away my hands with her free leg and kicked immediately again after. If there was something positive at this situation, then the fact, that she could not kick me so often. She needed always some time, to sweep my hands away and only then, she was able to do the next kick. Immediately, also the referee knelt down next to me and watched, how my reactions were. But giving up, NO!!, absolutely NO!! Ok, then, absolutely nothing worked anymore. It was only pain and sighing. But I still could tell the referee, that I could take that all. It was more my facial expression which told him that. I really, could not take that all anymore. But I knew, a too painfully face and the referee would stop the match. Then, the public started counting down the remaining seconds. At every 3rd second, a unbeliavable hard kick came from Doreen. Then it was over. The gong sounded. So many painful rounds yesterday, I had always survived, but that 9th round today, in the quarter final, was the hardest of all. Doreen went into her corner and I, yes, I already laid into my corner. I had not gotten away from there. My partner took the chair and lifted me on that. But the pains were so big, that my upper body fell forward. I did not fall on the ground, but the stomach pressed my whole upper body down. 2 times, my partner helped me up again, 2 times, I fell again forward. Also the referee saw that and hurried immediately to me. Before he could ask again, if I would give up, my partner said to him, that this reaction would be only cause of my pains and that I still would keep on fighting the last round. I, myself, also confirmed that then. The referee went then to the jury and spoke with them. I hoped for me, that he was not talking with them about my giving up. When he came back, he told us then, that I would get 2 more minutes. He said that also to Doreen then. I was very glad about the 2 minutes more and that he had not given up for me. 10. Round: Nevertheless, I was in a much too hard way hit. 2 minutes more, would not bring then much more. Again, my partner tried it with massaging and creaming and did this to both stomach sides. My stomach middle looked still quite good, well, no wonder, it had not gotten so much. I, myself, checked then my stomach sides too. My stomach was so hot, the hell is a refrigerator against that comparson. In the meantime, the swelling, at the left stomach side, had become a little bigger and at the right stomach side, a new swelling came out. But I still, had only to survive that last round. Then the gong sounded. I wanted to get up, did not go. 2. Attempt, did not go. The pains were so big, that they pulled me always down again. Doreen had come up to me. The referee went between us and said to her, that she should no do anything. He looked at me and asked, if I still would think to continue fighting. And, if I could not get up anymore, that it would not make anymore sense to continue the match. I replied then to him, that, if I would stand uprightly again, I sure could continue. He said then to Doreen, that she should go to the ring middle. My partner helped me standing up and I could go, in fact alone and fully uprightly, to the ring middle. But, as I stood then there, my whole body trembled. A small draft and I would fall to the side, so unsurely I stood there. Once again, the referee looked at me. Once again, I gave him to understand, that I can continue. Then he gave the sign for fighting. Immediately, I hit Doreen, with my very last strength, into her right side. The punch was strong enough, that she did not only made 2 steps to the back, no, she also fell after that then on the ground. But I was at my end. It was the only punch of me. Because, that I had bent, during the punch, also a little forward, I fell then to ground. But Doreen made nothing. She had fallen against the ring ropes and sat then, below onto the ground. I laid on my stomach on the ground. I moaned and sighed. I was totally finished. My fell on the ground had given me the rest. The referee knelt down next to me, but I immediately said no, before he could ask. I, indeed, could not do anything anymore and the pains were dreadful, but I not wanted to give up. Doreen needed a while, before she stood up and came torwards me. I still, do not know yet, what had happened to her. My punch had hit her so much, like if it were a K.O. punch to her stomach. Very heavily breathing, she came to me and turned my body around. But she did not kick me, only sat herself down on my abdomen and thighs. You saw clearly at her, that she presumbly did not have any strength, to stand uprightly. Until nearly up to the end of that last round, she punched me then only into the left stomach side. She did not hit me more in a so hard way, because also her condition and strength was away. But every still so easy punch hit me then so hard, that I had to sigh more deeply. Like yesterday in the 1st match, I closed then my eyes. I thought only of surviving and resisting. I did not try to protect my stomach with the hands. I was simply totally finished. The time, from one punch until the next one, from Doreen became larger. But, so good that sounds, instead, her punches became then harder. Every punch went very deep into my stomach, because I had zero resistance. In that situation, she pressed the whole air, in my body, very quickly through my body. You could hear that at every sigh and every groan. While I closed my eyes, following thoughts came into my hand, again and again. "Well Lindsay, you nearly won the match, you are then in the semifinal, but you are also over your limit. Do you still want this feeling in 4 more fights? Or is it not better to give up? Ok, the contest will then totally over, but your stomach will thank you for that." Multiple times, I thought that. It was possible more logical to give up, also when I would be so short for winning that match. The semifinal is also today and after that 10th round, it were just 5 1/2 hours until then. The match is schedulded for 8pm. In these 5 1/2 hours, I can not get my stomach nearly fit enough, not after such a match. That would be completely impossible. But, would you give then up? No, the intelligence switches then totally off. It is really like this. Only pure egoism counts then, only to survive that all. You put away then every pain. You feel, that completely nothing worked anymore and your breathing is beyonf of any normal. But you only still want to go through that match. Ok, so, Doreen pressed her last fists then only more deeper into my left side and did not make so many more punches. That's a sign, that her strength is short for the end. But for me was that painfuller, as if she would hit me a series. With that, she pressed down my pain, deep into the stomach. That caused a far more painfuller feeling, than single punches, which comes fast after each behind. I could not clench my teeth, because all the air, which Doreen pressed from my stomach trough my body, must go out of my mouth. Even, if Doreen did not do so many punches in this last round, like before, the round was worse painfuller, like all before. I could not put any resistance against her punches, there were no more. It was really so, as if somebody would lie there unconsciously and some other hit her into the stomach. But I was not unconscious. Ok, I had closed my eyes, but I realized everything. I noticed, that the referee asked me another 2 times, if I wanted to give up. I also noticed, that the punches of Doreen ncame more less and less. But if they came, they went in more deeper into the stomach. But, the most painfulliest moment, with far distance, at that contest, should still come. Seconds later, I felt, that nothing more came from Doreen and also the pressure of her body weight disappeared from my thighs. I opened my eyes and saw Doreen, as she stood besides me. But I unfortunately also saw then, how she already had lifted far up her right leg, for the very last action in this match. So it also came then. She only still could do this final kick, because diretly afterwards the gong sounded. It seemed, as if she would have presumed it so, before. I still know yet, how she had kicked me into my left stomach side. For me, that kick felt, like if Doreen had smashed a steel carrier onto my stomach. You heard her foot hitting on my stomach so loud, that the crowd outside also looked wierd and were shocked. Her last kick was so massive. I could not do anything other, than crying it out. But, the match was over. I heard then also the gong. I had won the match, but with what price. My stomach was totally far over his personell end. Absolute nothing went anymore. Flexing, standing up, turning the body around, absolute nothing worked anymore. My partner helped me then, but he also did not manage it, to help me standing up. Then the referee came also to us and both dragged me then to the ring corner and they both lifted me on the chair. The referee announced shortly the end result. Normally, the referee would stretch up one of my arms, to show the crowd outside, that I won the match. But he saw, that I was totally finished. Therefore, he did not make anything anymore. Doreen and herr coach came then also to me and congratulate me. Doreen said then some respectful words. Somehow, I also said then something respectfully to her, but I was no more fully concentrated. Then she and her team went away. I remained sitting on the chair. Because the DVD ended then, I can not say, how long I still had remained sitting there. I only still know, that sometime, my partner and the referee together lifted me then outside the ring and both brought me to my hotel room. They held me at both body pages, otherwise, I had immediately fallen on the ground. First in my hotel room, it became conscious to me, that the price, to come into the semifinal, was absolutely too big. First there, it became conscious to me, that this contest was not anything for me. It was too brutal. What I had to take, was beyond any normal. Ok, every other woman, in the quarter final, will maybe feel the same, but is it that worth? We have now 5:30pm in the afternoon. Since, they brought me to my hotel room, I did not went out from it. I lay the whole time in the bed. 3 hours went by. My stomach recovered only very little, hardly noteable. The semifinal is already in 2 ½ hours. How can I fight there, with that pains? I do not know. I will not train before. I will use the time, to keep on recovering, if that is anyway possible. I must talk to my partner, if I really should do that next match. I, still have not inform me, who my opponent in the semifinal would be. But it does not matter, who it is. So groggy, like my stomach is now, I can not survive, even one round, against every woman. Tell me then, why I should do that next match? If I would not do it, I would become the 4th best, of the whole contest in our weightclass and that would be sensationally for me. The more positive would then be, that my stomach would not get anymore punches or kicks. I must think, with my partner together, very well about that semifinal. I do have to fight there, I can give up at any time. That maybe sounds now weak, but if you would feel, what I feel in my stomach, you maybe would also stop at this time. We will see, how I descide.