The Wrestling Queens By M.C. How a strong and tough mother convinced a chauvinistic wrestling coach to let her daughter be on her high school wrestling team. 1) Penny comes home Millie could tell that Penny, her 17 year-old daughter, was not in the best of moods when she came home from school that day. Was it the slamming of the front door when Penny entered their home that gave it away? Or maybe it was the way Penny stomped up the stairs and went straight to her bedroom without even saying “hello” to her. The reality is that it was both (these are the subtle hints that tell a mother that her daughter is not a happy camper). And as a widowed mother whose loving husband died of a heart attack three years earlier, it was now entirely up to Millie to find out what was bothering her daughter and what she could do to help.   “What seems to be bothering you today Penny?” the powerfully built woman tenderly asked as she entered her daughter’s bedroom and sat down on the bed next to her.   “It’s that stupid wrestling coach, Coach Richards. I tried out for the wrestling team today, and even though I beat every boy on his team at and above my weight division - including the heavyweight who outweighed me by at least a hundred pounds - he refused to allow me to be on the team. He said that it’s because I’m a girl. I proved myself and I still can’t wrestle for my new school? I mean how fair is that mommy?”   Millie put her muscular right arm around her daughter and gently tugged her closer so that Penny could rest her head on Millie’s large shoulder. “It’s not team, then you certainly have earned the right to be on it.” Millie thought it over for a few moments and then added, “Perhaps I should go and have a little talk with this Coach Richards tomorrow and try to explain to him how unfair this is to you and maybe I can convince him to change his mind.”   For the first time since she entered her home Penny’s face brightened when she heard her mother say this. “Gee mommy, would you do that? It would be really great if you can convince the coach to put me on his team. But Coach Richards is a very tough, macho type of man. He’s also the coach of the high school football team and a former Marine to boot. So I’m not sure that he’ll take too kindly to being lectured to by a woman.”   Millie laughed when she heard this and squeezed her daughter closer to her. “Oh I wouldn’t worry too much about that honey. I have ways of persuading people, especially men, into appreciating my side of a situation. After all, they didn’t call me ‘The Mighty Millie’ during my career as a professional wrestler and strongwoman in a circus for nothing (Millie then flexed her sixteen inch biceps to remind her daughter of who she was). I’m sure that after the coach and I have our little chat he’ll see the error of his ways  - one way or another (wink).” Mother and daughter shared a giggle after she said this before Millie, with mock sternness, said, “O.K. now young lady, it’s time to get going on your homework. And I want it to be completed by dinnertime. You may be the best wrestler in your new high school, but you’re still no match for this ‘old lady’.”   2) The following afternoon at the high school gym   Coach Richards and his high school wrestling team stood in surprise when Penny and her mother walked into the gym during their afternoon practice. Penny was still dressed in her school clothes but her mother was wearing nothing more than the one-piece bathing suit that she used to wrestle in which clearly highlighted both her still muscular arms and powerful legs. “Coach Richards,” Millie said in a loud and commanding tone of voice, “my name is Millie, and I’m Penny’s mother.” Not one to beat around the bush, Millie came straight to her point. “What’s this I hear about my daughter not being allowed to wrestle on your team? Didn’t she easily beat all your best wrestlers; including your heavyweight who outweighed her by a hundred pounds? I demand an explanation from you!”   Not one to back down from a confrontation - especially not from a woman in front of his students - Coach Richards shot back, “As I explained to your daughter yesterday Miss whoever-you-seem-to-think-you-are, there’s absolutely no place for a girl on my wrestling team; period! And that’s all I have to say on the matter.”   “Well that’s not all I have to say about it Coach Richards,” Millie replied with equal firmness. “Why don’t you and I go into your office now where we can discuss this matter in private and maybe I can convince you to reconsider your decision.”   “My decision is final Miss and there’s nothing you can do about it. But if you really want to discuss it in private in my office, then let’s go. But as I have already stated - there will be no girls on my wrestling team; period!” The large, tough 225 pound wrestling coach led the 175 pound muscular woman into his office. Before she entered, Millie smiled and winked at her daughter who smiled back. Then she and the wrestling coach went inside and closed the door behind them.   3) Inside Coach Richard’s office   After Coach Richards and Millie went inside the coach’s office, all of the wrestlers on his team plus Penny gathered around just outside of it; wondering, no doubt, what would happen next. They had all seen how well built Millie was, but she was, after all, just a woman. And they all knew Coach Richards to be a very tough macho man; not to mention the fact that he was quite a bit larger than Millie. But despite this, they also noticed that Penny didn’t seem to be too concerned about that. To the contrary, she actually had a smile on her pretty face while all this was going on. Did she know something that they didn’t?   For a couple of minutes all anyone could hear coming from the inside of Coach Richards’ office was a low murmur of a male and female voice which they couldn’t make out. And then, suddenly, they heard - SMACK! WHAM! CRACK! THUMP! SMASH! POW! All of the wrestlers looked at each other and wondered, “were they really fighting each other?” (Penny was still smiling while all of this was happening). The fighting sounds continued for several more minutes before they heard a final WHACK! Which was followed by a loud THUD! - and then everything became quiet inside.   After about two minutes of silence, they now began to hear coming from the inside of Coach Richards’ office SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! This was soon followed by what could only be described as a man’s voice - crying! (Penny was actually giggling now). After another minute or so the spanking sounds stopped and the crying sounds slowly subsided which was then replaced by low murmuring again. And although they couldn’t make out what Millie was saying, the voice of Coach Richards was clearly audible. “I’m sorry Millie, I’m so, so sorry. Yes, your daughter can be certainly be on my wrestling team - in any weight division she chooses to compete. I promise. I’m so, so sorry about the way I treated her yesterday. Yes. I’ll apologize to her.”   4) The aftermath of the beating   The door to Coach Richards’ office opened soon afterward and a smiling Millie walked out, dragging the completely disheveled wrestling coach behind her by his sweatshirt as she did. The appearance between the two of them couldn’t have been more dissimilar. Millie didn’t have so much as a single mark or scratch on her; in fact her hair wasn’t even mussed. But Coach Richards, on the other hand, looked like he’d been put through a meat grinder. He had a black eye, a bloody nose, several welts and bruises on his face and, no doubt, many more that were not visible through his clothes. His eyes were red (the result of crying no doubt) and he was, in short, just a shadow of the strong and tough macho man that had entered his office just fifteen minutes earlier. Millie dragged him over to where her daughter was standing - and still giggling. “Penny, I believe that the coach here has something to say to you, don’t you Coach Richards?”   Swallowing what was left of his pride, the badly beaten and humiliated man bowed his head and softly said, “Penny, I’m sorry about the way I treated you yesterday. Please forgive me. You’re an amazing wrestler and it would be a great privilege for me to have you on our team. And since you’ve already beaten all of my best wrestlers, including our heavyweight, Roger, you can decide in which division you wish to wrestle. The choice is entirely up to you.”   Penny winked at her mother who gave her the thumbs-up sign in return. As Penny considered her options, all of the boys on the wrestling team lowered their heads because they knew that if she choose their weight class, they’d then be booted off the team. After a minute or two of what seemed like careful consideration, the pretty brunette said, “Coach, I’d like to wrestle in the 175 pound light heavyweight division (Penny weighs a mere 125 pounds), that would give me more of a challenge.” Then she smirked at Raymond, the team’s light heavyweight wrestler. “Well Ray, I guess this means you’re off the team; tee, hee, hee.” (More about this in the next chapter). The issue settled, Millie and Penny left the weight room, went out to their car and began to drive home.   5) Penny’s decision   As Millie drove home, she turned to her daughter and asked, “Honey, Coach Richards said that you could wrestle in any weight division that you wanted to. So why did you chose the light heavyweight division instead of the heavyweight one? Wouldn’t it be much more prestigious to be the heavyweight wrestler?” Penny didn’t answer her mother right away. Instead she remained silent as if she was carefully thinking about how to respond to her mother’s question. In fact it wasn’t until they got home and entered their house that Penny finally answered her.   “It’s like this mommy. Because you got this new, well-paying job as an advertising executive, we had to move to a new city. That means that I had to give up all of my friendships and start from scratch. Everybody else in school has already established their friendship circles except me. Being a new girl in a new school sucks bigtime (Millie cringed when she heard her daughter say this because, having moved around a lot during her childhood, she understood exactly where Penny was coming from).   “Wrestling, thanks to you (Millie began to teach her daughter how to wrestle when she was just three years old so that Penny would grow up to be a strong and confident woman), is all that I have going for me at this time. I wrestled and beat every boy on Coach Richards’ team; and beat them all easily. It wasn’t even funny. But of all the boys that I beat yesterday, Roger, the heavyweight, was the only one that was able to swallow his wounded pride at having been beaten by a girl half his size and compliment me. He shook my hand after our match and said, “Congratulations Penny, you’re a great wrestler.”   “Every other guy that I beat couldn’t bring themselves to say that. In fact Raymond, the one I replaced, even went so far as to spread nasty rumors behind my back after I beat him. That’s why I rubbed his nose in it when I got him booted off the team (grin). But if I had chosen the heavyweight division, then Roger would have been booted off.” Penny paused before continuing. “And besides, I think Roger is a real cutie pie; and, as far as I know, he doesn’t have a girlfriend. So what chance would I possibly have with him if he was kicked off the wrestling team because of me? And if we’re both on the team, then I could teach him many of the wrestling skills that you taught me mommy in order to help him become a better wrestler. And who knows where that could lead to?” After listening to Penny’s reasoning, Millie had to admit that her daughter’s logic was impeccable and never brought up the subject again.   6) Epilogue: One month later   The pretty brunette opened the front door to her home and led Roger, her school’s heavyweight wrestler, as well as her new boyfriend, inside. And as they walked up the stairs to her room, Penny paused by the door to her mother’s. Since it was partially open, Penny poked her head inside and was greeted by a most unexpected sight. For there was her mother, calmly sitting on the edge of her bed and completely naked. But what was astounding about it was that her mother had Coach Richards, who was also naked, draped across her knees and she appeared to be getting ready to give him a another good, hard spanking.   “Hello sweetie pie,” Millie said when she noticed her daughter. “I invited Coach Richards over so that he and I could have a little chit-chat. As you know, his wife passed away from breast cancer about three years ago, around the same time that your father had his fatal heart attack. So I thought that since we’re both single, and available, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea if we got to know one another better. But like most of the men I’ve known in my life, Mr. Richards is stubborn and seems to have some ‘issues’ about being with a strong, assertive woman. So I’ll have to convince him of what’s really in his best interest - just like I did with your father many years ago. Mr. Richards may be a tough nut to crack, but I’m sure I’ll prevail in the end. After all, I always do; don’t I? And as I’ve mentioned to you many times before Penny, one should never underestimate the persuasive power a good spanking has to help the male of our species understand what’s really in their best interests.”   “I know mommy,” Penny grinned as she looked up at Roger, “believe me, I know.” Millie and her daughter shared a girlish giggle after Penny said this, but Roger and Coach Richards were, for some reason, strangely silent. Penny winked at her mother and then closed her bedroom door. Then she grabbed Roger firmly by the hand and led him into her room. And as they entered, they couldn’t help but hear the loud spanking sounds that were now coming out of her mother’s bedroom. “Mommy taught me everything I know,” Penny giggled as she lifted the 250 pound heavyweight wrestler off the floor and plopped him onto her bed.   “You don’t have to remind me of that Penny,” Roger replied with a sigh. “After all, my butt is still sore from the spanking you gave me other day.”