Womankind By M.C. Mankind didn't see this coming but perhaps they should have; after all, there were signs. Note: The events described below have yet to take place, but hopefully, someday in the not-too-distant future, they will - for the good of us all. Chapter One: Janet - The Boxer Richard: I was lying in bed next to my incredible wife Janet, running my fingers through her long, beautiful brown hair. "You were absolutely magnificent tonight honey," I said in a gross understatement. "Totally awesome!" "Why thank you Richard," she replied with a smile, "What a sweet thing to say." "I mean the way you beat up the heavyweight boxing champion of the world - the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world I should add - and took away his title. The way you battered him all around the ring. You made it look so easy Janet." My wife began to giggle when she heard me say this. "That's because it was easy sweetie pie; tee, hee. He really wasn't so tough. If I had wanted to, I could have probably knocked him out as early as the first round." "Then why didn't you?" "I wanted to play around with him for a while and get in a decent workout before taking him out; and also to give the crowd their money's worth. After all, they paid a lot to see this so-called 'Battle of the Sexes'." ('Battle', as it turned out was a misnomer, 'Massacre' would be a far more accurate description of what actually took place). "So I figured the fifth round was a good time to end it. The champ had endured enough punishment by then and, after all, I'm a boxer not a sadistic person." "That was nice of you to put your arm around his waist and help him get back to his corner when the fourth round ended." "Well he seemed to be very disoriented when the bell to end the round rang - probably the result of too many of my punches to his head. So I kind of felt sorry for him. I wasn't really even hitting him that hard (Janet frowned). I guess he just couldn't take any more; poor dear. That's when I decided to end the fight in the fifth round." "Why did you ask me to brush your hair in-between rounds? I mean it wasn't even mussed. In fact your hair was just as soft and fluffy when the fight ended as it was when you left the beauty parlor this morning (Janet always likes going to the beauty parlor to get her hair done before she fights because, as she explained it to me once, 'I may be strong and tough Richard, but I want everybody to know that I'm still one hundred percent woman')." "I know honey. But when I looked over at the champ's corner in-between the rounds and saw all of his trainers and handlers trying to stop the bleeding of his nose and mouth, and reduce the swelling around his eyes from the beating I was giving him, I realized that you, as my cornerman, didn't really have anything to do. I didn't want my honey-bunny to feel useless (Janet reached over and playfully pinched my cheek when she said this) so I thought that brushing my hair during the breaks would make you feel that you were actually doing something; even if it wasn't really necessary. Brushing my hair is probably all you'll ever have to do during my fights." I first met Janet when, ironically, she pounded me senseless to take over my spot as the heavyweight boxer of our university's boxing team - whereupon she went undefeated for three straight years. She apologized for the beating she gave me afterwards and offered to make it up to me by taking me out on a date and the rest, as they say, is history. "You were the nicest, sweetest boy that I ever beat up," Janet sometimes teases me by saying. "How do you do it Janet? How can you beat up the undefeated heavyweight boxing champion of the world and tease him while doing so." My amazing wife gave me a cryptic smile and simply said, "you'll find out soon enough honey. You'll find out soon enough." Overcome with awe at the magnificent woman that I married I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her as hard as I could, only to be completely overwhelmed by the monstrous hug she gave me in return. "Oooopsy," she said with a giggle as I nearly passed out, "I really should try and remember just how fragile you men are (I stand six-feet two inches tall and weigh in at a fit and muscular 220 pounds). I really should try to be more gentle with you Richie; tee, hee, hee." Janet and I then proceeded to engage in a long and passionate love-making session that lasted throughout the night and well into the following morning. Chapter Two: Betty and her friends - All-Round Super Female Athletes Gary: My wife Betty and her girlfriends were all sitting in our large living room and giggling like little girls as they watched the taped replay of the incredible performance they put on earlier that afternoon - when these eight big, strong, tough female wrestlers totally crushed the Superbowl Champion New England Patriots 56 - 0 in a "Battle of the Sexes". And not only did these eight women wipe out the Superbowl Champions, they did it by playing in nothing more than their sexy wrestling outfits! They didn't even put on helmets because they didn't want to get their hair mussed! "We wanted everybody to know that although we're strong and tough, we're still women through and through," Betty told a reporter after the game when he asked her about it. "Oh Sally," Betty exclaimed as she watched one of her friends bulldoze her way through the Patriots secondary for a fifty yard touchdown run. "I just love the way your ponytail was swishing around as you ran for that touchdown (It never ceases to amaze me how Betty and her friends can be so strong and tough, and yet so feminine at the same time)." "Thanks Betty. But I really couldn't have done it if you and Rhonda hadn't flattened those big, strong linemen at the line of scrimmage and giving me a hole to run through. You took out half of their defensive line. I could have driven a truck through that space you created for me." "I was very disappointed in them," Candy , another strong, tough woman, chimed in. "I thought they'd give us a much better workout. I mean they're the Superbowl Champs for god's sake, and we mopped the floor with them." While Candy was talking we watched her smash through the Patriot's offensive line and sack the quarterback for a ten yard loss. "Just look at how easy that was. They were so pathetic." "Well what did you expect Candy?" Janet added her two cents to the discussion. "They're just a bunch of men. After all, you saw how easily I beat up the 'undefeated' heavyweight boxing champion of the world last month. These guys are all just a bunch of wimps." Janet paused and then added with an evil grin, "I guess it's time for the 'change' then girls, isn't it?" Betty and all of her friends smiled and nodded their heads in agreement after Janet said this and I wondered just what in the hell these women were talking about. After the tape of the game ended Betty's friends said their 'good-byes' and departed. My awesome six foot-four inch 250 pound muscular wife then lifted my six foot-two inch 220 pounds up over her right shoulder and effortlessly carried my naked body into the bedroom (Betty insists that we always be naked around the house, that way she can feel me up whenever she wants to). She plopped me on the bed and laid down on top of me- "It's the only position for a dominant woman to be in," she likes to remind me. Then we softly began to cuddle each other for, despite her size and tremendous strength, my wife can be as gentle as a kitten when she wants to be. "So sweetie pie, what did you think of your little wify and her girlfriends today?" Betty asked as she playfully began to fondle my penis. "You girls were magnificent! Totally awesome! But tell me honey, what did Janet mean when she said, 'I think it's time for the change' Betty? And then all of you nodded in agreement. What's going on?" Betty flashed me a beautiful smile. "Before I answer that question Gary, let me ask you this: did it bother you to see me and my friends ground your mighty Superbowl Champions to dust this afternoon? Did it in any way deflate your male ego?" "No Betty. You taught me a long time ago just how superior you and your friends are to men. I'll never forget just how easily Janet beat up the heavyweight boxing champion a few weeks ago. And who could forget the Olympic tryouts where you and your friends won virtually all of the track and field events - in the men's division! You even crushed the NBA's 'Dream Team' in basketball 130 - 90. And they only got 90 points because you played the final five minutes with only four women!" Betty giggled. "Well we just wanted to make the game more interesting for the fans and thought that that would make it a bit more even." "It didn't matter because even with just four players you still outscored them. I couldn't believe how fast your reflexes were and how amazingly high you girls could jump. And you never seemed to missed a shot Betty - even from half court (I was getting hard just thinking about it). And in that 100 meter relay race you girls had such a big lead on the rest of the field that you ran your final leg backwards - and they still couldn't catch you! It's just too bad the Olympic committee didn't let you compete in the actual Olympics, you and your friends would have won at least 100 gold medals." (Betty sighed), "Well I guess they didn't want us girls to show everybody up. Masculine pride honey, it's why you men seem to think you have the right to rule the world and make a mess of it in the process. Fortunately Gary, those days are about to end; and it's not soon enough if you ask me." Chapter Three: The Future - "Womenkind" Essentially all men and women spoken through Betty and Gary: "What do you mean by that Betty?" "I mean everything is about to change honey. Just look at how easily my friends and I destroyed your mighty Super Bowl Champions this afternoon. They was pathetic. We could have easily scored three or four more touchdowns had we have wanted to - and there were just eight of us! Just think of what a team of eleven women could have done. It would have been a slaughter instead of the mere 56-0 drubbing we gave them." Betty paused before continuing. "I'm afraid that your male gender is in for a rude awakening over the next few weeks Gary. For you see, the crushing of your mightiest male athletes and grounding them to dust like my friends and I did today as well as what we did during the Olympic tryouts last month is just the tip of the iceberg of what we women have planned for you. Believe me sweetie pie, there's a lot more on the way." "What's going to happen Betty?" I was suddenly becoming nervous - VERY nervous. Betty squeezed me tighter, "It's like this honey, you men have proven to us females that you're totally incapable of leading this world. With all your greed, hubris, misogamy, racism, gender inequality, environmental disasters and the endless series of wars that you've been waging since time immemorial - and all because of nothing more than your macho male egos. We females have finally had enough so many of us have gotten together and decided that, for the good of the world, women need to take over and save the planet before it becomes too late for all of us. We secretly got together and devised a plan to supplant your male domination of us with female domination of you." I was totally flabbergasted by what my wife had just told me. "You mean you women are going to mount a coup-de-ta against all of mankind Betty?" "I'm afraid so honey, only it'll be called 'Womankind' from now on. And you won't be studying history anymore, it'll be called HERstory. (Author's note: the word 'history' actually comes from the Greek word 'historia' which means 'inquiry, knowledge acquired through investigation' and, as far as I know, is gender neutral. I just thought the pun would add a nice touch to the theme of this story). And there will be a lot of other changes that we'll be making in the English language - like 'chairwoman', 'handywoman' and 'womanhandled'. And women who beat up their spouses will be referred to as'husband beaters'. Husband beating, unlike wife beating today, will be a serious crime - unless the husbands deserve it that is (wink). These are just a few of the changes we'll be making to the English lexicon Gary; so I suggest you get used to it." When Betty saw the look of horror that I must have had on my face when I heard her say this she smiled, then continued: "Grinding your best male athletes into dust, as my friends and I did today, was just the first stage of our conquest; or realignment as we prefer to call it. Soon women will begin taking over the governments, universities, armed forces, corporations, banking institutions and all of the other organizations that you men have been using to dominate women up until now. So yes, we women are starting to mount a world-wide coup; but it's in order to protect the world from the mess that you men you have made of it. And as planned, our crushing of the Superbowl Champs this afternoon was the signal for the coup to begin." Betty then giggled and added, "and you probably thought it was just nothing more than a little game of football, didn't you? You're so sweet Gary; naive, but sweet. I guess that's why I love you so much." After a lengthy hug (in which my mighty wife practically suffocated me), I managed to ask, "But Betty, most men will probably not be willing to accept these changes that you women planned. There will undoubtably be a lot of resistance from men. Things could get very messy." Betty grinned and playfully pinched my cheek. "I know honey, we do expect that. I suppose it's inevitable. But we females have been planning this takeover for quite some time and we're more than prepared to meet - and overcome - any resistance that you men might have to offer. As you witnessed earlier today Gary, females are by far the superior sex now. We're physically stronger, intellectually smarter and far more compassionate than men; and, therefore, more qualified to lead 'Womankind' to a better future. And any man dumb enough to try to resist us will be sent to rehabilitation centers where strong, dominant women will 'retrain' them - through various methods - into accepting the new way of life. How easily or difficult they adapt to our new 'world order' is entirely up to them." When Betty saw the tears in my eyes she paused and gave me another long, loving hug. We lay there in silence for a few minutes before concluding: "I know it must be very difficult for you to hear me say these things honey, but think about it this way - because females don't have the monstrous egos that the majority of your male gender possess, with us in complete control, wars will become a thing of the past, Earth's wealth and resources will be shared equally and, as a result, hunger and poverty will be virtually eliminated. We'll impose strict environment controls so you men don't pollute the air, water and ground like you've been doing. It will become a much better world for everyone. So you see honey, by virtue of women now being stronger, smarter, wiser and more compassionate than men, we will all be living in a much healthier, cleaner, more equal and peaceful planet. In short, it will be a win-win situation - for all 'Womankind."