Who Wears The Pants Around Here? By M.C. A beautiful gymnast and her tough, macho boyfriend battle over which one of them will be in control of their relationship. Everybody felt that when Susie Winston and Jason Simmons got together, it was a relationship made in heaven. She was the beautiful blond star of the university's womens gymnastics team; and he, the strong, tough offensive right tackle on the football team - what could be a better match-up? After dating each other a few times, the two 21 year-old juniors decided to rent an apartment just off-campus and live together. But on their very first night in their apartment, an incident occured - an incident which was to have a profound effect on the future of their entire relationship; indeed, for the rest of their lives. It all began over something rather trivial actually - over what program to watch on the television. Susie wanted to watch "Sex in the City", her favorite program, while Jason wanted to watch "Monday Night Football." But as the argument continued, it became more and more intense. "What makes your show any more important than mine?" Susie asked the six foot-three inch, 245 pound lineman as she boldly stared up at him with her hands on her hips. "Because it's a football game, that's why!" Jason growled in reply. You might think that the five foot-two inch, 125 pound girl would be intimidated by the massive man glaring down at her. But if you did, you'd be wrong; because Susie didn't back down an inch. "You already watched a football game yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. Now it's my turn!" she shot right back. "Oh yea, we'll just see about that," Jason barked as he tried to grab the remote control away from her. But much to his surprise, Susie simply put up her arm and blocked his in mid-air. "You'll have to be faster than that big boy," the little blond said with a smirk. She then took a few steps back and challenged Jason to try and take the remote away from her. "Come and get it, tough guy," she teased. "Very well then," he said angrily. "If that's the way you want it Susie, that's the way it's going to be. I'll show you who wears the pants around here." Jason lunged forward and took a swipe at the remote again. But quick as he was, Susie was quicker. "Missed me again; tee, hee, hee," she giggled as she darted to the side. Then she responded to something Jason said. "So, you think you that just because you're a big, tough, macho guy, you'll be in charge around here? 'Wearing the pants' as you put it?" "Yes I will!" he bellowed. "That's the way it works. Now give me the God Damn remote!" Susie sighed to herself and put the remote control down on a near-by table. "Honey," she said calmly,"I think there are a few things in our relationship we need to straighten out." "Like what?" "Like who's really going to wear the pants around here." As she spoke, Susie kicked off her tennis shoes and removed the sweatshirt she was wearing. She then tied her long, beautiful blond hair back into a ponytail. "I guess this is as good a time as any to get this thing straight between us," Susie added as she began walking towards him. A strange scene now began to unfold in the middle of Susie and Jason's living room - a five foot-two inch, 125 pound girl was about to engage her muscular, six foot-three inch, 245 pound boyfriend in a battle to see who would be in control their relationship. Showing not the slightest trace of fear, the pretty blond gynmast walked right up to the massive football lineman and stared him directly in the eyes."I'm ready whenever you are, macho man," she said firmly."So let's just see who'll be wearing the pants around here!" Perhaps if he had been a calmer, more thoughtful person, Jason would have reacted differently, and the subsequent events might have been avoided. But their argument over which show to watch - plus his natural inclination to be in charge of whatever relationship he entered with the opposit sex -exasperiated Jason to the point where he probably wasn't thinking too clearly. He was being challenged by his much smaller and seemingly weaker girlfriend to a fight in his own apartment, his domain (that fact that it was also her apartment too didn't seem to enter into his equation). Furthermore, Susie was also challenging his role as the dominiant one in their relationship. Wasn't he 'The Man?' Didn't that make him, by right, the one who should be in control? That's the way it had always been for Jason, so why should it be any different now? With all this going on in his mind, the large man lunged at the much smaller girl standing in front of him. WHAM!!! From seeingly out of nowhere, Susie's right foot shot up and landed directly underneath Jason's chin. The suddeness and surprising force of her kick drove his head upward. THUMP!!! Jason felt a small but rock-hard fist penetrate deep into his stomach. POW!!! Another hard kick to the side of his face and the tough football lineman was driven backwards. He tripped over a chair and fell to the floor. "First fall to the little girl!" Susie squealed and raised her hands high above her head. As the pretty blond watched her stunned boyfriend get to his feet, she laughed and said,"Oh, did I neglect to mention to you that I hold a third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do? Hmmm...must have been an oversight (smirk)." "It won't do you any good!" Jason snarled as came at her again. This time Susie met his attack with a flying leap kick. She literally jumped several feet in the air before lashing out at him with her right foot, nailing Jason squarely on the nose (had she not held back, Susie probably would have broken his nose as she can shatter boards with both her feet and hands). As soon as she landed, Susie whirled around and whacked Jason with another strong kick to his face. She then followed that with several hard punches to his mid-section again. "You're tummy's a bit soft there sweetie pie," Susie teased."I expected more from my rough, tough football player." Jason looked up at her (he was keeling over from Susie's hard body blows) and barked out, "Screw you BITCH!" "My, my. What a naughty thing to say to your sweet, little girlfriend. It looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson in manners too." PUNCH! PUNCH! PUNCH! Three quick left jabs followed by - WHACK! - another strong kick to the jaw put Jason back on the floor. "Yes," Susie said as she looked down at him with her hands on her hips,"you definiately need to be taught a lesson in manners Jason; and it'll be my pleasure to teach you one. You'll have a lot more respect for me by the time I get through with you." Despite the pounding Susie had already given him, Jason still thought he could beat her. After all, he was a big, strong, athletic guy - and a football player at that - and she was basically just a relatively small girl. All he had to do was catch her just once and the fight would be his. Then he'd show Susie who was in charge. With this in mind, Jason staggard to his feet. But before he even had a chance to do anything, Susie launched another series of powerful kicks and punches at him; his large size making him an easy target for her. Fifteen years of intensive martial arts and gymnastic training had turned this pretty little five foot-two inch, 125 pound girl into a highly efficient fighting machine; more than capable of taking on an opponent much larger than she; or even several for that matter. And as Susie continued to batter Jason all over the room, it became obvious to both of them that he was incapable of stopping her. BAM!!! With yet another powerful roundhouse kick to the side of his face, Susie sent Jason down for the third time. As he struggled to rise, Susie calmly looked at a mirror on the wall. She undid her ponytail and fluffed up her hair a bit. Then, noticing that Jason was almost on his feet again, she tied her hair back into a ponytail again before turning around to face him. By now Jason was not a pretty sight. Several minutes of being battered by Susie's lethal hands and feet had Jason bleeding from his nose and lips. He also had the makings of at least one black eye and the whole left side of his face was beginning to swell. But still his macho pride forced him to fight on. As he staggard towards her however, Susie began to feel sorry for him. He was, after all, her boyfriend and she still wanted to keep him after she taught him a good lesson. So Susie decided a change he tactics was in order. Instead of continueing to pummel him with kicks and punches, the star gymnast leaped headlong to the floor, rolled herself into a tight ball and did a somersault. She then sprang up at him feet first. Susie wrapped her short - but very powerful - legs around his neck and began to squeeze. Her momentum forced Jason to fall back against the wall. He reached back and grabbed her ankles, then tried to pry her legs apart. But Susie's legs - strengthened by 15 years of gymnastics training - proved to be too strong for even the large football player to pull apart. As she dangled below him with her muscular legs wrapped tightly around his neck, Susie smiled up at her struggling opponent."What's the matter sweetie pie? Are the little girl's legs too strong for you? You appear to be turning red; poor baby." When she felt Jason's strength was beginning to wane, Susie played around with the amount of pressure she was exerting - lightening up when it appeared he couldn't breath (it wouldn't be any fun for her if he was unconscious), then tightening her grip again after he took in a few gulps of air. Finally, unable to break free of Susie's stranglehold and severly weakened by the pounding she had given him, Jason fell to his knees, then collapsed on the floor. Susie was lying on her side now, still holding Jason's head snugly in-between her powerful thighs; and only about an inch from her pussy. It was at about this time that she began to get very aroused - having a big, strong macho man helplessly trapped in her legs with his head so close to her womanhood always had this effect on her. Relishing in the superior position she had him in, Susie playfully began to tweek Jason's nose, teasing him as she did. "What's the matter honey? Is the little gymnast to strong for the big, bad football player; tee, hee, hee." Battered from Susie's kicks and punches, and barely able to breath, the once mighty Jason could do nothing more than just lie there. He was completely beaten, and they both knew it. Not used to being so easily dominiated by anyone - let alone by a girl half his size - tears began to form in the tough, macho football player's eyes. "Oh my poor baby," Susie cooed when she saw this,"it looks like the little girl is too much for you; tee, hee, hee." Long ago, Susie discovered something very interesting about herself. After she destroys a tough male opponent in a fight (something she has done many times over the years) Susie just loves to rub it in. For her, seeing a strong macho man like Jason reduced to tears by her superior female body and fighting ability is very big turn on. In fact, on more than a few occasions Susie even had an orgasm while grinding a guy's ego to dust - and Jason was to prove to be no exception. For the more she humiliated him, the more she broke him down, the more aroused she became. And when her teasing and girlish giggling (not to mention the complete physical dominiation she had over him) finally caused Jason to break down completely and he started to cry, Susie had a monster of an orgasm. So much so in fact, that without meaning to, she caused him to pass out. When Jason regained consciousness a few minutes later, he found himself in a very strange situation. He was lying on his back and completely naked. Susie was standing over him, smiling down at him with her hands on her hips. But what was strange about it was that she was wearing his pants! (Susie had to make a few extra holes in the belt so they wouldn't fall down). "Welcome back sleeping beauty," she laughed when she saw Jason had awakened. "How do you like my new pants?" Jason's head was still groggy from the beating Susie had given him and he wasn't quite sure what was happening. "I took the liberty of removing your clothes while you were unconscious. And since I'll be wearing the pants around here from now on, I figured you wouldn't be needing them (wink). Oh, and by-the-way honey, since I'll be wearing the pants, I thought it would be appropriate if you would wear these...I think they'd look cute on you." Through his puffed up eyes, Jason glanced up and her and a look of sheer terror came over his face. For Susie was holding up a pair of bright pink panties."I admit my panties might be a bit small for you. But they are elastic so they should stretch around that cute butt of yours." "No fucking way!" Jason managed to blurt out. Susie sighed as she approached him. As Jason was still flat on his back, she sat down on his chest and began in a soft, but firm, tone of voice. "Honey, I don't think you understand. I'm not asking you to put on my panties...I'm telling you to. Now we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. But one way or another, you will wear my panties. So put them on...NOW!" "Not in a million years can you make me wear those!" he replied. "Well, we'll just have to see about that won't we." Susie reached her hand back and began to slap Jason hard across his already badly bruised face. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! "Please Susie, please stop this!" he begged after about twenty seconds (or 15 slaps, depending on which timeframe you're using). "Will you put on my panties now?" When he didn't respond immediately, the pretty blond continued slapping him. "Yes! Yes I'll wear them. Please stop hitting me!" Jason was nearly crying now and Susie was getting very aroused again. "Then do it!" she barked. Susie got up and held out her undergarment for him. Fighting hard to hold back his tears, the six foot-three inch, 245 muscular pound football player took her panties and, with difficulty, managed to put them on over his large hips. "My, my, don't we look cute," Susie laughed. "I think I'll make you wear them all the time around the apartment." Humiliated beyond all he could stand, Jason broke down and began to cry again. Susie smiled as she took in the scene. Standing before her stood this big, strong, tough macho man whom she - a pretty little blond - had reduced to nothing more than a pathetic crybaby in just half an hour. The feeling of her superior female power sent surges of ecstacy throughout her body. Susie was so hot now that she felt she was about to burst at the seams. She reach inside the panties that Jason was wearing and began to fondle his penis. And when it became hard, she looked up at him and asked, "So Jason, who wears the pants around here?" Jason bowed his head and softly said,"You do Susie." "That's right honey...and don't you ever forget it!" Susie then squeezed his penis firmly in her masterful hand and led Jason into the bedroom. Epilogue The next day, Susie went to her favorite women's clothing store and bought four new pair of panties. For variety, only one was pink - the others were yellow, turquoise, and lavender; and all were size extra, extra large. "They're for a friend of mine," Susie grinned at the surprised storeclerk when she checked out. "A very large friend." When she returned to her apartment, Susie call up a few of her girlfriends from the gymnastics team and invited them to come over. "I have a very special surprise in store for you," she told them. When they arrived, Susie sat them all down on her couch. They couldn't help but notice that she was wearing a pair of very large men's pants and there were four pair of extra large women's panties on the table in front of them. "You'll understand everything in a few minutes girls," Susie laughed,"it's an interesting story." She then turned towards the bedroom."Jason, please come out. Some of my friends dropped by and I want introduce you to them." Jason had been in the bedroom until now, recovering from both the beating Susie had given him the day before as well as the night of lovemaking that followed during which the little gymnast dominiated him as easily in bed as she had out of it. When he emerged, Susie smiled at her friends and said,"as you all know by now, this is my new boyfriend, Jason Simmons. You know him as a big, strong, rough, tough macho football player. But now I'm going to show you that he also has a soft, feminine side too (she couldn't stop herself from giggling at this point). So Jason, will you be a good boy and please put on the pretty new panties that I brought for you today? We'd all love to see you in them." The room suddenly turned deathy quiet and everyone present knew that a test of wills was taking place between the pretty little blond and the massive man. After a few moments of silence, Susie said - a bit more forcefully this time - "Jason dear, I'm not going to ask you again. Put on the panties...NOW!" To the amazement of her friends, Jason slowly bowed his head and meekly said,"Yes dear." Indeed, amazement was probably an understatement - they were flabberghasted. For standing right before them was what they all thought to be the prime example of male machismo - a big, strong, powerful male athlete. And yet he was being forced to humiliate himself in front of them by his pretty little girlfriend."It's simply a question of attitude girls," Susie laughed when she saw the surprised looks they had on their faces."Attidude plus a little bit of training. Isn't that right sweetie pie?" "Yes dear," Jason said, sobbing now. "Good. Now show us how you look in your new panties, starting with the lavender ones." And so for the next hour, this mighty male athlete was forced to parade around the apartment in the panties Susie bought for him while she and her friends laughed and giggled. "Gee, I wish my boyfriend would do this," one of them said. "Well bring him over, Sarah," Susie replied."I'll personally train him for you." "I think Jason looks the cutest in the turquoise panties," another chimmed in. "I beg to differ," Susie smirked. "Pink is definiately his color." Before Jason's ordeal was over - that is to say, after he had modeled all of the panties and the girls voted on which pair looked the cutest on him (despite Susie's lobbying, the turquoise won hands down), Susie made Jason brush all of their hair. And after her friends left, she turned to her disheveled boyfriend and said,"well honey, the girls may have thought you looked the best in turquoise, but I'm still partial to pink; it is my favorite color you know. So kindly put on your pink panties." After he had done so, Susie walked over to him, put her hands on her hips and smiled thiumphantly. He was hers now, hers to do with whatever she wanted, and for as long as she wanted. "Oh, the feeling of female power," Susie thought to herself. "It's so intoxicating, so... erotic." She reached inside Jason's pink panties and firmly grabbed his penis; then began walking him back into the bedroom."There's something about a big, strong, macho man dressed in a pair of pink panties that I simply can't resist; tee, hee, hee," Susie giggled as she dragged him inside for another long peroid of erotic lovemaking.