A Most Unusual Job by M.C. My girlfriend supports herself through college in a rather unusual way - she’s a bounty hunter. There are many different ways that students who do not come from wealthy families or get full scholarships work to support themselves while studying at universities. I, for example, wait on tables at a near-by restaurant. It isn't the most rewarding work, and the salary is low. But on a good weekend, with tips, I can earn enough to get by. Other students sell things at malls or serve drinks in bars. Some are taxi drivers or tutor students in their spare time. But perhaps the most unusual job that I've ever heard a student having is what my girlfriend Betty does - she's a bounty hunter. Yes, you heard me correctly, Betty is a bounty hunter. And if that seems a bit strange, consider this: she's only five feet-six inches tall and weighs a mere 130 pounds. So how can this pretty 21 year-old brunette take on some of the roughest, toughest men (and they are almost always men) and bring them to justice against their will? Well, let me tell you a little bit more about my girlfriend. When she was a mere three years old, her mother - an ex Marine and a martial arts expert - began training her in the finer arts of hand-to-hand combat. She believed that the stronger her daughter was, the more confidence she'll have; and not just in fighting but in all aspects of life. And Betty's mother was right. For I have never met a person - male or female - who has as much self-confidence as Betty. By the time she was twelve, Betty had already earned a first degree black belt in taekwondo; and by sixteen (when we first started dating in high school) her second. She recently attained her fourth degree black belt and, in addition to her already impressive martial arts portfolio, also added a black belt in ju-jitsu. But despite her amazing fighting skills, Betty has always been a nice, sweet girl around me. In fact she's the last person I'd expect to be an incredible fighting machine. I just couldn't believe it...until last week that is when, for the first time (well second actually), I personally saw Betty in action; and she was indeed a sight to behold. As I stated earlier, Betty is my girlfriend. She and I have been friends since we were sixteen and are now living together in a student apartment near the university we both attend. Since neither of us are rich, we both need to work to support ourselves. I, as I said, am a waiter in a local restaurant, while Betty, taking advantage of her impressive martial arts skills, teaches several classes in women's self-defense at the university. But a few months ago she discovered another way to augment our income. She became a bounty hunter, and it all began quite by chance. I was waiting tables at the restaurant I work at when Betty and several of her girlfriends stopped by for a drink and to say hello to me. As they sat there, a large, tough looking man sitting near-by started to make lewd comments about them (he had obviously had a bit too much to drink). After a few more of his unsavory comments, Betty got up and walked over to him. She demanded that he apologize to her and her friends and then leave the premises. His reaction was predictable: he rose from his seat and, in a loud, arrogant voice, said,"and just who's gonna make me...you?" What happened next had to be seen to be believed (I saw it and still can't believe it). In less than a heartbeat, my beautiful 130 pound girlfriend whirled around and landed a perfect round- house kick to the side of his face which sent (and I'm only guessing his weight here but he was big) the 230 pound man spinning around. And while I called the police, Betty, with a few more well placed punches and kicks, sent him down for the count. She then winked at me and calmly returned to finish her drink with her friends. But the strangest thing about this incident actually occurred later, when the police informed Betty that she had beaten up a wanted criminal - and that for doing so, she would receive a $500 reward for assisting in his capture. All for what amounted to less than two minutes of work! And that's when the idea of becoming a bounty hunter took root with her. Over the course of the next several months, Betty would receive mysterious calls on her cell phone and then disappear for a few hours. When she returned, she usually had a big wad of cash with her. When I asked her where she went, Betty would simply say,"I had some work to do honey, and I think the less you know about it the better." She'd then shower, change her clothes and then take me out to a nice dinner which she would pay for. I suspected what she was doing, but stopped asking her about it...until last Friday afternoon that is. We were cuddling on the couch in our living room when her cell phone rang. "Yes...this is she. He's there in the tavern? Good. Is he alone? There are two other men with him? No, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll be there as soon as I can. And thanks for the tip. You'll be rewarded." Betty closed her phone, looked at me and sighed. "Honey, I'm afraid there's been a slight change of plans (we had planned to go out to an early movie that evening and then dinner afterwards). It looks like I have a bit of work to do, and I don't know how long it will take." I don't know how I did it, but after many weeks of silence, I finally got up the courage to ask, "Betty, I'd like to go with you...I'd love to see what you do. Can I come?" She reached over and gently pinched my cheek. "I know you've been wanting to come with me for a long time now, sweetie pie. But there are things that I sometimes have to do that might be considered, well, somewhat dangerous. I think you know I'm a bounty hunter, and the men I usually have to deal with are not exactly the nicest. And I'm sure the ones I'll be confronting this afternoon are no exception. Jeff Morgan, the man I'm after, is wanted for robbing several banks in the area. I know I can handle myself in these kinds of situations. But if I also have to worry about you getting hurt, then it could compromise my ability to deal with them. So maybe it would just be better if you stayed home honeybunch. I'll try to finish this as quickly as possible and maybe we can still make it to the movie on time". "But maybe I can enter the tavern a little bit before you Betty. That way no one will know that we're together. And I can stand off to the side if an altercation should happen. I just really want to see you in action. Just this once...please." A long silence followed and I could see that Betty was carefully considering all her options. "Very well honey," she said at length."Although it goes against my better judgment, I will allow you to come along this time." Then she added in a strong, firm voice that sent a shiver down my spine,"but you must do exactly as I say; understand? And under no circumstances whatsoever are you to get involved. Because if anything were to happen to my sweetie pie, I'd never be able to forgive myself." After I agreed to her terms, Betty rose from the couch, smiled at me and said,"as long as you're coming along honey, you might as well help me get ready." "Sure Betty. What do you want me to do?" "I find that it's much easier to fight when my hair isn't getting in my eyes, especially when fighting several people at once. So will you please be so kind as to brush my hair and tie it back into a ponytail?" As I brushed Betty's long, beautiful brown hair, the irony of the situation wasn't lost on me. Here was my five foot-six inch, 130 pound girlfriend about to confront several large, tough men - one of which was a wanted criminal. And what was she most concerned about? Her hair! It seemed incongruous to say the least. After I finished tying her hair into a long, pretty ponytail, Betty playfully pinched my nose and said,"O.K. sweetie pie, now that my hair is in 'fighting shape' we can go." As she drove to the tavern where her source said her target would be, Betty reminded me again about what would - in all likelihood - take place, and that under no circumstances was I to try and help her. "But Betty I..." "I don't want to hear any buts Michael!" she said firmly (Betty rarely refers to me by name, it's almost always 'honey' or 'sweetie pie'. And when she does, it's usually Mikie; but NEVER Michael. I could tell she was angry). Betty pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned off the ignition. "Look," she said in a loud, firm, no-nonsense tone of voice. "I'm not really happy about your tagging along with me today; as I said things will probably get nasty. You can watch but you're to stay out of my way and that's that! And if you can't understand that, then I'm turning the car around right now and taking you back home where you'll stay until I'm finished! Understand?" When she saw the hurt look I had on my face, Betty softened her tone. She reached over and gently touched my arm. "I'm sorry I lost my temper and yelled at you Mikie. But I don't need you to be tough - trust me, I'm tough enough for the both of us, and then some. You're the kindest, sweetest, most gentle boy I've ever known and that's why I love you so much. And if anything should ever happen to you, I honestly don't know what I'd do. We each have a role to play in our relationship. Yours is to be my sweet, loving companion; so please just eave the rough stuff to me. Are we on the same page here sweetie pie?" "Yes," I replied meekly. Betty smiled and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "O.K. then honey, let's get this over with. I still want to make this movie." Betty parked her car about thirty feet from the entrance to the tavern. I got out, walked inside and ordered a beer at the bar. There were about twenty men and women hanging about. Some sitting on stools at the bar, a few others playing pool and some sitting at tables. Off to the side in one of the corners I saw three large, tough-looking men whom I assumed were Jeff and his friends. Each one must have weighed at least 200 pounds and, judging by their appearance, not the nicest types of people you'd want to meet. How, I thought to myself, could Betty deal with all three of them at once? Well, I didn't have long to wait for the answer. About three minutes later, the door to the tavern opened and Betty walked in. Ignoring me completely (as planned), she glanced around until she spotted the three men sitting in the corner; then approached them. "Jeff Morgan," she said in a strong, confident tone of voice. "You're wanted for robbing the Bank of American on Broadway last week along with several others...and I'm going to bring you in. Now, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. The choice is yours." To say that the scene unfolding before me was surreal would be a gross understatement. Here was my beautiful girlfriend - all 130 pounds of her - confronting three very large, tough men; and she didn't even show a trace of fear (I hate to confess this but I began to shake uncontrollably at this point). And as they simultaneously rose from the table, I could see that each one of them dwarfed her in size. But Betty seemed to be amazingly calm considering the situation she was in. In fact, she even motioned to me with her hand to stay where I was as if she somehow felt that, despite the tongue lashing she had given me earlier, I might still try to help her. But I had learned my lesson and stayed put. Fortunately for Betty, whatever efforts I might have tried to make to support her were totality unnecessary as my incredible girlfriend was more than up for the task. In an amazing display of her martial arts abilities, I watched in stunned silence as this incredible girlfriend of mine, with a devastating series of punches and kicks, battered the three large, tough men around the tavern. So fast and graceful were her movements that I can only liken them to a ballerina whirling around a stage - except that this ballerina's movements had devastating effects for anyone unfortunate enough to be within the range of her hands and feet. So despite their superior size and apparent strength, Betty easily proved to be more than a match for the three of them; much more. In fact Betty was so much in control of the situation, that after she flattened one of her hapless attackers, she looked over at me and winked before returning to the business of battering the other two. In desperation, one of them grabbed a bottle of beer and attempted to smash it over Betty's head. Big mistake. Betty caught his arm in mid-air and "CRACK!" snapped his wrist like a twig. She then put him down with a hard kick to the face. That left only Jeff standing; and he was clearly overmatched. "You've been a very naughty boy Jeffy," Betty teased as she backed him into a corner. "So mommy has to teach you a lesson." As Betty began to battered him with her fists, I noticed that she was actually holding back; not hitting him as hard as she could. "I wanted to punish him for awhile," she told me afterwards. "I'm not cruel or sadistic - I only broke the other guy's wrist because he tried to hit me with a beer bottle. But I felt Jeff deserved a good beating. So knocking him out with one or two punches wouldn't have sufficed." After she battered Jeff in the corner for about a minute, my incredible girlfriend finally did knock him out with a powerful right uppercut to his jaw (I swear her punch actually lifted him off the floor a few inches, though Betty insists it was just an optical illusion). The fight over, Betty put her hands on her hips and surveyed the scene. Three large, tough men were now lying, battered and unconscious, on the tavern floor - all by a single girl! She looked over at me and smiled, then walked over to the bartender. "Here, this is for you," Betty said as she reached into her pocket. She took out three $20 bills and placed them on the bar in front of him. "And thanks again for the tip." Betty then walked back over to the corner where Jeff lay - and what she did next amazed me almost as much as her fighting skills. Betty reached down and grabbed the unconscious man by his shirt and yanked him to his feet. Then she bent over and lifted what must have been at least 200 pounds over her right shoulder, wrapped her right arm around his ankles and carried him over to where I stood. "Come sweetie pie," she said in a soft, sweet voice. "Let's take sleeping beauty here to the police station so I can collect my ransom. And maybe we can still make the early show." "What about them?" I asked, motioning over to the other two men lying battered and beaten on the floor. "So far as I know there's no reward out for them. Their only mistake was in their choice of friends. Jeff's the only one I need. Let's go honey." Seemingly without effort, my amazing girlfriend carried the large man out of the tavern towards her car. "Open the back door for me sweetness." After I had done so, Betty tossed him inside then started up the car and off we drove. About half way to the police station Jeff began to stir. Betty pulled off to the side of the road and, leaving the motor running, got out of the car, opened the back door and WHAM!, knocked him out again with a single punch. Then she returned, gave me a wink and resumed driving. Betty parked the car in front of the station, yanked the unconscious man out from the back seat, lifted him up over her shoulder again and carried him inside (where she gets the strength to do this so easily is a mystery to me). I don't think I will ever forget the looks on the police officers faces when Betty and I entered the station. Imagine seeing this beautiful girl - all five feet-six inches and 130 pounds of her - calmly carrying a battered 200 pound man over her shoulder. She carried him over to the front desk and plopped him down on the floor. Betty then put her hands on her hips and smiled at the stunned desk sergeant. "This is Jeff Morgan, the bank robber. I believe there's a reward out for his capture." About an hour later, after Jeff's identity had been confirmed, Betty and I - now $1000 richer - left the police station and began the drive back to our apartment. "Well sweetie pie," Betty began as she playfully punched my jaw with her right fist,"what do you think of your little girlfriend now, having seen her in action?" "You were incredible! Totally awesome! You beat up those three large, tough men without getting so much as a single scratch. Your ponytail isn't even mussed - it's still as soft and fluffy as when I brushed it before the fight (I have to admit, watching Betty's long, pretty ponytail swishing around while she was pounding those men was a very erotic experience for me). You made it look so easy." "That's because it was easy honey; for me at least. Even one or two more wouldn't have caused me too much trouble. But what I'm most concerned about is your reaction after watching me beat them up. After all, not every guy can handle watching his girlfriend beat up three large, tough men." She paused for a few moments as if she was considering what to say next; then she continued. "I love you very dearly sweetie pie. And I'm a bit apprehensive that you seeing me do what I did this afternoon doesn't make you...well...intimidated by me. Because that's the last thing I ever want you to feel." I thought about what Betty said for a few minutes and then looked at her."Betty, please pull the car over to the side of the road." After she had done so I put my arm around her and said,"Betty, you are the most amazing girl I have ever known. And if I loved you before watching you in action today, then I love you twice as much now. Thank you for allowing me to tag along and watch. You are an absolutely amazing, incredible girl!" After a long, passionate kiss, she drove the rest of the way home. When we arrived, Betty glanced at her watch. "Good news honey!" she exclaimed. "If I take a quickie shower and change, we can still get to the early showing of the movie on time. Just like we had originally planned. I really want to see this one." Less than a half an hour later, Betty and I were sitting in the movie theater and sharing a large box of popcorn. And what was the movie that Betty wanted to see so badly? Why "Wonder Woman" of course. Later That Night Betty and I lay naked on the bed together, her strong, well-toned body resting, as usual, on top of mine. After several hours of intensive love-making, I was completely exhausted; she, on the other hand, seemed to have a limitless reserve of energy. But she did understand my need for a rest, so we just lay there together cuddling. "Betty," I asked, "aside from your bounty hunting and teaching self-defense to women, have to ever needed to use your martial arts skills?" "Well honey, as you know, I always try to avoid altercations whenever possible. I'm not a brawler and I like to keep as low a profile as possible. But occasionally something will occur where I do feel the need to take action; like that day in your restaurant for example." She paused for a few seconds before adding,"in fact, there was an incident that occurred just a few weeks ago where I had to use my martial arts skills." "Really? What are you referring to?" Betty paused again before answering. "I'll tell you sweetness, but you must first promise me that what I tell you will never leave this room. There are only three people that know about this little encounter." After I swore I wouldn't tell a soul, Betty continued. "Do you remember the party we had at Karen's house last month?" "Yes. How could I forget it? That's when those two huge, obnoxious guys from the football team crashed the party and began ruining it for everybody else. They were acting like complete jerks. What were their names? Bill and George I think." "Exactly. Bill and George came uninvited and were ruining the whole atmosphere of the party. But because they were such big, strong guys, no one wanted to confront them. Karen is one of my dearest friends so I felt that they couldn't be allowed to ruin her party with their obnoxious behavior. So I decided to take matters into my own hands...and feet (smirk), and deal with them myself." "What did you do?" "Well, I walked up to the two of them and, in my cutest 'little girlie' voice, asked them if they wanted to go down to the basement with me for a little 'chat'. Judging by the looks on their faces when I said this, they must have thought I wanted to...well, you-know-what (wink). But in reality - as they were about to find out - nothing could have been further from the truth. I led them both down the stairs to the basement, locked door behind me so that we wouldn't be disturbed, tied my hair back into a ponytail and..." "And what?" Betty began to giggle,"and I proceeded beat the crap out of both of them; tee, hee, hee." "What? You beat the crap out of both Bill and George at the same time? But aren't they like the two toughest guys on the entire football team?" (I was beginning to get aroused again). "Maybe they are honeybunch. But then again, I'm not exactly on the football team; am I?" "What did you do to them?" "Well, I didn't want to mess up their faces too much; that would be cruel. And I didn't want to kick them in the balls; that would be cheating. All I really wanted to do was teach them both a good lesson. So I concentrated most of my punches and kicks to their gut. But I also slapped them around for awhile. A slap, if you do it correctly, can hurt just as much as a punch but it doesn't leave the welts and bruises that a punch would. As I said honey, I didn't want to hurt them any more than was absolutely necessary." "And?" "After several minutes of punching them in the gut and slapping their faces, both Bill and George were begging me to stop. Bill actually had tears in his eyes. I guess George was a little bit tougher, but not much. I told them I would stop beating them if they agreed to behave themselves from now on and to stop being obnoxious bullies. I coupled that with a stern warning - that if I ever heard of either of them misbehaving again, I would repeat the beating I had just given them - only the next time I beat them up, it would be in public and everyone would soon know about it." "Would you actually do that Betty?' "Of course I would honeybunch; I'm a girl of my word. But I very much doubt that that will be necessary. After I saw the looks on their faces when I said that, I seriously doubt that either of them will ever be causing any more trouble. One of the things I've discovered over the years is that sometimes the only way to cure a male of his macho, chauvinistic ego is a good beating by a girl; it seems to work wonders (giggle)." "Wait a minute Betty. I was at that party. So where was I when all of this was going on?' "You were probably outside with your friends sweetie pie; talking about the sports stuff that you guys always like to talk about. Anyway, I can see that my talking about this is making you horny again (she pointed to my rock hard penis and giggled). I seem to have recharged your batteries. So let's get going again you stud you." And so we did...for the rest of the night...and then some. Epilogue: One Week Later Betty and I were engaged in our favorite Friday afternoon activity, cuddling on the sofa. She was resting her head on my shoulder and I was gently running my fingers through her long, beautiful brown hair. Later, we planned on going to another movie and then to dinner. This time we were going to see "Atomic Blond". Betty really likes movies where the woman kicks ass (truth be known, so do I. I guess that's why I love Betty so much). Then her cell phone rang. "Yes, this is she. He's there? Good, Is he alone? Three others? No, that won't be too much of a problem for me. I'll be there as soon as I can. And thanks for the tip; you'll be rewarded." Betty closed her cell phone and sighed. "It looks like I have a little bit of work to do honey. Hopefully I'll be finished in time for the early movie like we planned. If not, then we'll have dinner first and catch the later showing." She reached over to the near-by table and picked up her hairbrush. And as she handed it to me, she smiled and said,"I believe you know the drill, sweetie pie." Betty did indeed return in time for us to catch the early movie; and it was awesome! Charlize Theron was fantastic! She was wiping out guys left and right - just like Betty. It was definitely our kind of movie. The dinner afterwards was great also, and it was all Betty's treat. I guess there are some advantages to having a strong, powerful girlfriend...especially if she also happens to be a bounty hunter.