The Toughest Girl in School by M.C. A seventeen year old girl describes her life in high school. 1) Introduction Hi, my name is Sally Jenkins and I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself and the high school that I attend. I'm a seventeen and a half year old senior in high school who stands five-feet nine inches tall and weighs around 140 pounds. And although I'm very fit and somewhat muscular (the result of my many years of working out with weights), I don't have the huge muscles that female bodybuilders have. But I am strong; that is to say VERY strong. I'm also an expert in martial arts. But more about that a little bit later. I guess that you could say that I attend a typical high school as it has all of the usual student cliques that you'd expect to find in high schools. We have the tough, macho jocks and the pompous and slutty cheerleaders who fawn over them. The intellectual nerds who are studying calculus and physics so that they can get into the elite universities. The "bad boys" who smoke marijuana in the bathrooms during class breaks, and just about everyone else. But I would have to say that there is one thing about my school that you might find a little bit unusual. Here, the roughest and toughest kid happens to be a girl. Yes, you heard me right; a girl! And how do I know this? Well, because that girl just happens to be me (wink). I am the roughest and toughest kid in all of Washington High; and it's been that way ever since I started attending this school two years ago. And if you don't believe me, then just ask any of the other students here and I'm sure that they'll all agree. Because if they were to mention anybody else, then I'd beat the crap out of that person to prove that they were wrong (a girl has her pride you know). To put it simply, I am the undisputed Queen of Washington High. 2) A bit of background Both of my parents are martial arts experts and own several dojos throughout our city - I teach at one of them on weekends. In fact that's how they first met. My mom defeated my dad-to-be in the city's annual martial arts tournament that he had won three times in a row prior to that. But instead of feeling bitter and humiliated at being beaten by a woman, my dad fell in love with her and they wound up getting married. A few years later I was born. So for me martial arts was not just a means of self-defense, but a way of life. My mom began to teach me the basics when I was around three years old and I took to it like a fish to water. By the time I was twelve years old I had earned a first degree black belt in karate; and one day before my fifteenth birthday my second. I am currently about to add a black belt in Kung-fu to my belt collection. Being able to shatter boards and bricks with her hands and feet does wonders for a girl's self-confidence as I found out whenever I confronted the bullies in my schools. As I grew older, I also discovered something very interesting about myself - that I actually enjoyed beating up these rough, tough macho guys and putting them in their place. And as I got older I found that feeling to be, well, erotic. I liked the fact that me, a smaller girl, could take down even the toughest guys in my schools. And I especially enjoyed rubbing it in by doing girlie things like fluffing up my long, pretty blond hair and teasing them while I was battering them into submission. And what did the teachers and administrators of the schools that I attended think about me doing this? They were all actually quite pleased about it because I was able to solve their school's bullying problems for them. And if it happened to be a girl who was taming the bullies? Well, so much the better. Last semester the coach of our high school's football team actually begged me to stop beating up his players. I told him that I was only doing it because they were either harassing the smaller and weaker students in school or not treating their girlfriends with the respect that they deserved. I further told him that I would continue to beat then up until they behaved themselves. I guess the coach must have had a serious talk with his team shortly afterwards because I haven't had to beat any of them up since. Which proves my point - you don't mess with the toughest kid in school; even if she happens to be a girl! Afterthought: I just love the feeling that I get when I walk through the halls at school and everybody - even the tough, macho football players as well as the teachers - stand to the side and let me pass unobstructed. 3) Dating Now, you might think that because I'm the roughest and toughest kid in school (and a girl to boot) that I would have problems getting guys to date me - that they would be too intimidated to ask me out. Well you might think that, but you'd be wrong. Because, to the contrary, for me to get guys to date me is the easiest thing in the world. If on a Friday or Saturday night I wanted to go out on a date, I would simply tell a guy in school that I fancy that he's taking me out- or else! At first some of them did refused to date me which proved to be a big mistake, for them that is. There's nothing like a good beating from a girl to break down even the toughest guy's resistance. And if they happen to already have a date or a girlfriend, well I'm afraid that's just tough. After all, in the law of the jungle it's survival of the fittest isn't it? And in all the schools that I've ever attended I've always been the fittest (i.e. toughest). But I didn't keep the guys for very long. After two or three dates I usually tired of them and sent them back to their girlfriends and forced the girls take them back. I once got wind of some of the pompous, slutty cheerleaders that were saying nasty things about me behind my back because I was forcing their big, strong, macho, football playing boyfriends to take me out; so I decided to have a little "chat" with them to straighten them out. And how did my little chat with them go? Well, first I cornered the four or them in the gym one afternoon, grabbed them firmly by their long hair and tied them all together in a knot (I can also be nasty when I want to be). Then I dragged them over to a near-by bench, sat down and, one-by-one, yanked each of them across my knees and gave them all a good spanking. And while I was spanking the pompous cheerleaders, I gave them a stern lecture on how naughty they were. I left them all crying on the floor of the gym (with their hair still tied together in a knot) and, so far as I know, none of them have said a bad word about me since. Gee, I wonder why (smirk). As I said before, you don't mess with the toughest kid in school. 4) Big Ed One day I caught Big Ed, a six foot-four inch, 235 pound guy who also happens to be our school's heavyweight wrestler, bullying a smaller and weaker boy in the schoolyard. After he stupidly ignored my warning to leave the kid alone and apologize to him, I decided that a good beating was in order - so I gave him one. Unfortunately, I beat him up so badly that he was unable to wrestle in the city championships the next day and, unless a replacement for him was quickly found, our school would have to forfeit his match. I didn't feel that it was right that the whole school should have to suffer because Ed was a jerk so I decided to wrestle in his place. Although the guy that I wrestled was undefeated and the city's defending heavy- weight champion who outweighed me by over a hundred pounds, I had little difficulty defeating him (did I mention that I'm very strong?). In fact I was even able to play around with him and giggle while I was dominating him (I can be such a tease sometimes). I did feel sorry afterwards about the severity of the beating that I had given Ed though. So I tried to make it up to him by giving him the trophy that I had won. Truth be known though, Ed would never have been able to beat the guy that I had so easily crushed. But I didn't have the heart to tell him that (you see, I can also be a nice girl when I want to be). After Ed recovered from the beating that I gave him, I forced him take me to our high school's New Year's Eve party. And, after a good talking to (and a not so thinly veiled threat), I convinced him to become my steady boyfriend (I think he's a real cutie pie). It's just another one of the perks that I get for being the roughest and toughest kid in school. Oh how I love being a strong, tough girl. Although, as I've already said, I'm very tough (and not just for a girl but for anybody), I also have a soft, feminine side to me too. I like to laugh and giggle a lot and make a fuss about my hair. I have long, curly blond hair and I enjoy fluffing it up - even while I'm in the process of punching out some tough bully. Every morning Eddie (that's what I call him now that he's my boyfriend) has to come over to my house before school and brush my hair; as I made all of my previous boyfriends have to do. And as he does so he has to tell me how pretty my hair is. I like to tease him by telling him that because of his big, strong muscles he's the best hair brusher I've ever had. Eddie wasn't too keen about being forced to brush my pretty hair at first. But one should never underestimate just how persuasive a good spanking or two from a girl can be in convincing a guy into seeing things your way; if you catch my drift. Sometimes I'll invite some of my girlfriends over in the afternoon after school so that Eddie can brush their hair too while we all sit around engaging in some "girl talk". Did I mention how much I love dominating my boyfriends? I always have. It's such an erotic feeling for me to have a big, strong and good- looking guy like Eddie completely under my control. I guess that I must have the dominant female gene in me; just like my mother. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree I suppose. Because he's such a big and strong guy, I make Eddie come to the advanced women's self-defense class that I teach at one of my parent's dojos on Saturday mornings. That way my students can practice their martial arts skills on him. It must be quite a blow to Eddie's macho ego to get his ass kicked by girls and women every weekend though - some of whom are literally only half his size. And while the older women simply slap each other five after they flatten him, the younger girls sometimes laugh and giggle. Poor Eddie. But I guess it's just something that he'll have to get used to when he's with a dominant female - just like my father had to do. I do try to make him feel better after the class ends though by engaging in some serious cuddling; and sometimes even more than that if you know what I mean (wink). Guys are so fragile really. Although they pretend to be strong and tough, they're really only little boys at heart who need the strength and wisdom of a strong female to guide them through their lives That's another lesson that I try to impart to all of the female students that I teach in my self-defense class. And many have thanked me for this afterwards for giving them the strength and self- confidence to change their relationships with their male "significant others" for the better. 5) Final Thoughts So, there you have it. A short explanation of what it's like for me being the roughest and toughest kid in her high school - and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm afraid that I'll have to sign off now because Eddie just arrived to brush my pretty hair before we walk to school together. He's so sweet to me now that I've trained him properly. And I've only had to punish him once since we got together and that was when he showed up a few minutes late for my hair brushing (I'm a real stickler for guys being on time). But after the good spanking I gave him he hasn't been late since. Oh how I just love being a strong, tough girl.