Tony the Tiger By M.C. A big, strong and tough professional wrestler gets his comeuppance from a stronger and tougher woman. 1) Saturday Morning On Saturday morning Betty Morgan realized that she had a problem, and she only had a few hours to solve it. Ever since the tragic death of her loving husband George three years earlier in a traffic accident, her son Joey has been in a deep depression; and she didn't know how to get him out of it. Therapy didn't seem to be much help and giving him all the love and attention that she had to give wasn't proving to be too successful either. He just stayed in his room and brooded. Tomorrow, Sunday, he would turn twelve years old and Betty was planning a big birthday celebration. She had invited all of his friends from school and hired the best caterer she could find. But what good would all that do if Joey remained depressed? She had to find something that would cheer him up. But what? And then an idea occurred to her. "Joey," Betty said as she entered her son's dark bedroom. "Your mother has a few more things to do before your birthday party tomorrow and I may be gone for a couple of hours. I'll try to get back as soon as I can so I can prepare a nice dinner for us. O.K?" Her eyes having adjusted to the darkness by now, Betty gazed at the large posters of professional wrestlers that her son had hanging from the walls of his bedroom. Because his father had been a wrestler, wrestling was just about the only thing that Joey seemed to care about. And the largest poster of all was of the six foot-five inch, 315 pound mountain of a man called Tony the Tiger (his actual name was Tony Jackson but everyone called him by his nickname Tiger for obvious reasons). "All right mommy," came the soft reply. And then Joey asked, "Mommy, has Tony the Tiger answered my letter yet? The one inviting him to come to my birthday party tomorrow?" After a somewhat lengthy pause, Betty replied, "Not yet sweetie pie. But that doesn't mean he won't show up. Sometimes the mail is a little slow around this time of year so I wouldn't give up hope." Betty was, of course, lying. She knew that there was no way in hell that this large, pompous, arrogant, and conceited man that her son seemed to admire so much would bother to come (he didn't even bother to respond to Joey's invitation), unless someone were to persuade him to come that is; and she had no doubt as to who that someone might be. With these thoughts running through her mind, Betty left her home and began driving to her destination. 2) Confrontation in the Weight Room Betty arrived at the Main Street Gym, parked her car and went inside. When she poked her head into the weight room and looked around, Betty smiled. "Good," she said to herself, "nobody else is around except for Tony the Tiger so I'll have him all to myself; just the way I wanted it to be." Betty then entered and, so that she and the massive male wrestler wouldn't be disturbed, locked the only door to the weight room behind her. "Tony!" the muscular brunette said in a loud and forceful tone of voice, "my name is Betty Morgan, and you and I need to have a little talk." Betty walked over to where the huge man was standing, put her hands on her hips and stared up at him (at six feet-five inches tall and weighing 315 pounds, he literally towered over the five foot-six inch, 165 pound woman that was confronting him). "Why didn't you answer my son Joey's letter inviting you to come to his birthday party tomorrow?" she asked sternly. "He's a very big fan of yours and I think that at the very least you should have answered him as to whether or not you'll be coming." It may have seemed that Betty was just kidding when she said this to the immense man that was standing before her, but kidding she was definitely not; Betty meant every word of it. And if the much smaller woman was at all apprehensive as she stood before the mighty Tony the Tiger, you certainly couldn't tell by looking at her. For Betty displayed both a strength and confidence that seemed to be totally out of place when you consider the situation that she now found herself in. Tony the Tiger was not used to being challenged by anyone - and certainly not by a much smaller woman whom he outweighed by 150 pounds. Initially taken aback by Betty's unexpected assertiveness, Tony quickly returned to being his gruff, cocky and arrogant self. "And just who the hell are you to talk to me like this little lady? Just because your son in a fan of mine, that doesn't mean I owe him anything, In fact I don't owe him a damn thing. What am I? A clown who entertains children at parties? I'm Tony the Tiger, and I don't have time for these silly requests. If you're looking for somebody to do that, then just hire a clown; not me! So why don't you just run along and leave me the hell alone so I can finish my workout in peace." As she listened to Tony speak, Betty felt the anger rising up inside of her and she knew what that meant - that somebody was about to get a rather serious beating, and it wasn't going to be her. "Mr. Tiger," Betty said when she had heard enough, "you think that you're a big, strong, tough guy, don't you? Well I'm about to show you that you're not as tough as you think you are; that you're just a big, arrogant bully who needs to be taught a lesson. So why don't you and I go over to the mats and settle this little dispute of ours mano al womano." To further encourage Tony to take her up her challenge, Betty opened her purse and took out a wad of cash, counted out twenty $100 bills and said, "This is yours if you can beat me. But if I beat you, then you'll come to my son's party tomorrow. Do we have a deal tough guy? Or are you afraid to face me on the mats?" Thinking that he stood to make an easy $2000, in addition to putting this feisty woman in her place, Tony accepted Betty's challenge but added a condition - that it would be a free-for-all fight, meaning no holds barred wrestling and boxing. But if Tony thought that this would scare the smaller woman away, he was deeply mistaken. For Betty's response was simply to smile and say, "As you wish big boy; so let's get it on." As they walked over to the mats and squared off against one another, the huge 315 pound man said to himself, "This is the easiest paycheck that I ever earned. What chance could she possibly have against me?" And that, as Tony was about to find out, was the greatest miscalculation of his life. 3) A Bit of Background Despite being a loving and caring mother, Betty was no stranger to mixing it up; and almost always against men. As both of her parents were acrobats in a small circus that traveled around the country, Betty spent most of her childhood years in the circus world. Training with her parents as soon as she could walk, they soon discovered that Betty had unusual strength and stamina - and not just for a girl, but for anybody. So much so that by the time she was sixteen years old Betty was even stronger than the strongman in their circus and, after decisively beating him in a wrestling match, she replaced him and became the circus' strongwoman. Advertised as the Strongest Girl in the World, Betty soon became the circus' most popular attraction. In addition to the feats of strength that she performed during her act, she challenged anyone in the crowd to wrestle against her - enticing them to enter the wrestling ring against her by offering them $500 if they could beat her (they had to put up $50 to try). And despite facing literally hundreds of men in the cities and towns that the circus performed in over the first few years, Betty easily outwrestled them all! After a few years the owners of the circus decided to increase Betty's appeal (and their profits) by having her also box against whoever wanted to face her in the ring. So they brought in professional boxers to train her on the finer points of boxing. Betty learned how to box so quickly that after just two months she was able to beat all of her trainers. So they brought in even better boxers, but she beat them all too. In fact, in her sixteen years at the circus Betty estimates that she must have either boxed or wrestled against at least two thousand men. She took on the roughest and toughest men that each city or town had to offer and never lost a single match! When Betty was twenty-eight years old, her circus merged with another. But that presented a problem as they also had a strongman act called The Mighty George and the new owners felt that they didn't need two acts that were similar to one another; so one of them would have to leave. It was decided that she and George would wrestle and the winner would remain in the circus; and the result was that Betty totally crushed George. But a very strange thing happened to Betty during that match - she fell in love with her handsome rival, ironically while she was also mopping the floor with him. Go figure - maybe it was her female hormones kicking in. Betty told the circus owners that she would take a cut in her salary if they would keep George and she would incorporate him into her strongwoman act. And if they didn't agree, then she would leave the circus and become a professional wrestler. As Betty was the circus' biggest cash cow, the owners agreed to her terms. Betty and George were married a few months later and she continued to perform her circus strongwoman, wrestling and boxing acts for several more years until, at the age of thirty-two, she became pregnant. The powerful woman then retired from the circus - undefeated in wrestling and boxing with over two thousand victories to her credit. Betty and George bought a home and settled down. Betty was happy to just be a mother and a housewife while George became a professional wrestler. Betty, George and Joey shared a very happy life together until that tragic day when a drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into George's car as he was returning home from his workout at the gym. As fate would have it, it was the very gym that Betty and Tony the Tiger were now squaring off in against one another. 3) The Fight Tony the Tiger, nearly a foot taller and 150 pounds heavier than Betty, approached her with a look of supreme confidence; but he was about to receive a rather rude awakening. POW! Betty surprised him with a powerful punch from her rock-hard right fist that landed flush against the large man's jaw and immediately began to pepper his stomach with a blur of lefts and rights. "I little soft in the tummy I see," Betty teased as her punches drove him backwards. Betty didn't let up on her attack and continued to land fast, well-placed punches to various parts of Tony's body which he, much slower by far than his female opponent, seemed unable to block. Ironically, Tony's vastly superior size did not give him the advantage over Betty that you would have thought. To the contrary, all it did was provide the skilled woman with a bigger target in which to aim her punches - something she did with blinding speed and pinpoint accuracy. After the first minute of their fight, Betty must have punched Tony at least thirty times without him landing a single punch in return. WHAM! And with a solid right uppercut to Tony's jaw, Betty sent Tony the Tiger to the mats. "First fall to the girl!" she laughed as she raised her muscular arms above her head. Then to further rub in the fact that the powerful man had just been dropped by a woman, Betty fluffed up her long, pretty brown hair and asked with a girlish giggle, "Are my punches too hard for you Tony? Are they coming at you too fast? Would you like me to ease up and slow them down so that you'll have a chance to block them? Tee, hee, hee." Unaware that he was being played by a master in psychological warfare, Tony, furious now, rose to his feet and charged the smaller woman who was dancing up and down on her feet in front of him. "I'll kill you, you bitch!" he screamed. "I'll make you sorry that you were ever born. Nobody treats Tony the Tiger like this; and I mean nobody you bitch!" "My, my, Tony, such language," the intrepid woman calmly said as she prepared to meet Tony's attack head-on. "It looks like I need to teach you some manners on the proper way to speak to a woman. Perhaps a good spanking is in order." WHAM! POW! SMACK! CRACK! THUMP! And with another rapid series of solid lefts and rights to various parts of his large body, the well-trained and fearless woman not only stopped Tony's feeble attack, but drove him back again before - PUNCH! - she put him down again with yet another powerful uppercut to his jaw. "Second fall also to the girl; tee, hee, hee," Betty squealed. When she was in the circus, Betty learned how to play her male opponents as she wrestled or boxed against them. How that by teasing and giggling like a little girl when they fought, she caused them to lose control and fight without any discipline; just pure anger. That enabled Betty to overcome whatever advantage in size and strength the big, strong and tough men that she usually fought against might have had over her and defeat them with her superior fighting skills. And now, against Tony the Tiger, she was using these tactics to perfection. And as the fight wore on, and Betty's relentless beating of Tony continued, she actually began to feel a little bit sorry for her large but totally outclassed opponent. Truth be known, Betty was actually taking it easy on Tony as they fought. Yes, that's right - she was actually pulling her punches! Because, you may recall, her original goal was not to beat him up, but to persuade him to come to her son's birthday party the following day. And how could Tony possibly do that if he was in the hospital recovering from the severe beating that Betty had given him? That would be counterproductive to what she wanted. So the mighty woman was indeed taking it easy on him. But by easy I don't mean light, for Betty was pounding the much larger man all around the weight room and constantly teasing him as she did. But she took care not to mess up his handsome face any more than she absolutely had to - after all, what would Joey and his friends think about their hero if he were to show up for his birthday party with two black eyes, a swollen jaw and several of his front teeth missing; not exactly what Betty had in mind. So she lightened up on her punches when she directed them at his face. But unfortunately for Tony, the rest of his massive frame was fair game - except for the area around his groin which Betty had other plans for; if you catch my drift (wink). Seeing that her punches had done enough damage to the large man, and not wanting to hurt Tony any more than she absolutely had to, Betty decided it was time to switch tactics. "O.K. big boy, I think you've seen enough of my fists for one day. So how about we try a little wrestling? Maybe you'll do better at that than you did at boxing." Now you'd think that Tony - with an eleven inch height advantage and the 150 pound weight advantage over his female opponent - would finally have the upper hand in their fight if they wrestled; but you'd be wrong. For as dominant as Betty was over Tony with her boxing skills, she proved to be every bit as dominant with her wrestling skills too. And for the next half hour or so, this beautiful superwoman essentially conducted a clinic in wrestling with the feared Tony the Tiger as her stooge. Every hold that he got her into Betty broke out of. But when she got him into a hold, Tony was virtually helpless to free himself. Betty would even let him get her into holds, just for the fun of breaking out of them; like she did with his scissors. Betty allowed Tony to wrap his giant legs around her waist and began to squeeze with all his might (Tony often bragged that nobody has ever managed to escape from his dreaded scissors). But much to the big man's surprise, Betty just flashed him a pretty smile. Then, to make matters worse, she also teased him. "What's the matter big boy? Are my abs too strong for you? Is this really the best that you can do? Is this your super scissors that everyone is so afraid of? If you ask me, I think it's rather pathetic." After about two minutes, when Betty felt that Tony's legs were was weakening, she reached over, grabbed his ankles and, with relative ease, pried his strong legs apart. "Well, so much for your famous scissors that you bragged no one had ever escaped from. Here, let this little girl show you how it's done." In the blink of an eye, Betty wrapped her muscular legs around the large man's waist (she was barely barely able to lock her legs together on his other side) and now it was her turn to squeeze; and squeeze she did. Desperately, Tony the Tiger tried to free himself but, unlike her, he couldn't pry Betty's legs apart; Betty was simply too strong for him. And to make matters even worse for the huge man, Betty continued to giggle and tease him while he vainly struggled to free himself. "Is the little girl's legs around your waist too tight for you sweetie pie? You're turning such a lovely shade of red; tee, hee, hee." When it looked like Tony was about to pass out, Betty released him from her python-like scissors and gave him time to catch his breath. While he was doing so, Betty took her hairbrush out of her purse, walked over to a near-by wall mirror and calmly began to brush her long, beautiful hair. She smiled at Tony's reflection in the mirror as he was gasping for air and couldn't resist the urge to tease him some more. "I'm rather disappointed in you today Tony. I would have expected the fearsome Tony the Tiger to have given me a much better workout than this. Perhaps your nickname doesn't really suit you. I think Tony the Pussycat would be much more appropriate; don't you think? Tee, hee, hee." Despite the beating that he had already received from Betty, Tony still had some fight left in him. And the sight of Betty calmly brushing her hair with her back to him infuriated the proud wrestler. Furious, Tony got to his feet and began walking towards her. But amazingly, even though Betty saw the huge man approaching, she didn't even bother to turn around - Betty just continued to brush her pretty hair. Just as Tony was about to lay into her, Betty completed a brushstroke and, in the same movement, jammed her right elbow hard into the pit of Tony's gut with such force that he keeled over, and when he did - WHACK! - she smacked him in the face with the back of her hand, knocking him down. And she did this without even turning around! Betty grinned and continued to brush her hair. After a few more brushstrokes she returned her hairbrush to her purse, walked over to where Tony was lying and put her hands on her hips. "That was very rude of you Tony, disturbing a girl while she's brushing her hair. It looks like I really do need to teach you some manners." As the muscular woman gazed down at the large and feared Tony the Tiger who wasn't even trying to get up, she wondered, "What does Joey see in this pompous and grossly overrated blowhard of a wrestler? I mean just look at him - this guy's nothing but a pathetic wimp." And then she remembered that her late husband and Joey's father was also a professional wrestler, and Betty began to connect the dots. "Does Joey actually see this pathetic excuse for a man as a substitute for George? Is that the reason that Joey idolizes him? This guy isn't even fit to shine my late husband's shoes, and yet he's Joey's favorite wrestler. Hmmm, I think I'm going to have to do something about this; but what? What's is a mother to do in this type of situation?" By now Tony had managed up to get to his hands and knees. Betty went over to him and wrapped her powerful left arm around his neck, locking him in place. "No man has ever escaped from my headlock Tony - and trust me when I say this, you won't be the first to do so." The massive 315 pound man put his large, strong hands on her arm and tried to free himself from her grip, but amazingly he couldn't even budge her! As Betty relished in the complete control that she now had over the totally outclassed man, she decided to have some more fun at his expense by teasing him some more. "What's the matter big boy? Is this little girl too much for you to handle? Some tough guy you turned out to be. Why I hardly even worked up a sweat in this little fight of ours." As Tony the Tiger struggled with his ever decreasing strength to free himself from Betty's unbreakable headlock, the beautiful woman calmly began to walk him over to where her purse was, reached inside with her free right hand and took out her cell phone. Betty aimed the phone's camera at their reflection in the mirror and began to take some pictures. "These will be a wonderful addition to my photo collection of the macho men whose bodies and egos I've crushed over the course of my wrestling and boxing career. And when Joey gets to be a little bit older, perhaps I'll show them to him too. But I think he might be a little too young right now to see pictures of how easily his mommy beat up and humiliated the mighty wrestler that he seems to idolize. Don't you agree Tony?" Tony couldn't answer as he was nearly unconscious by now. When Betty noticed that he had stopped struggling against her and his arms fell limply by his sides, she released him from her headlock and gently lowered him to the floor. The fight was over. The great and feared Tony the Tiger was beaten - by a woman! 4) The Aftermath of the Fight As Betty looked down at the defeated man beneath her gasping for air, the victorious woman couldn't resist the temptation to tease him some more and rub in the fact that she had conquered him. She rolled the huge man over so that he was now lying on his back, staring up at her in shock. Betty smiled down at him, placed her right foot on his chest and flexed her sixteen inch right bicep in front of the mirror while taking a selfie with her left hand. Then she gave out an evil laugh, removed the shorts and panties she was wearing and sat down on Tony's face. "What do you think of my cute little tushie Tony?" Betty giggled as she took some more selfies. "Have you ever been smothered by a girl's tushie before? Tee, hee, hee. These pictures will definitely be a great addition to my collection. In fact they'll be the cr�me de la creme." (Definition - the very best). After letting the beaten and exhausted wrestler rest for a few minutes, Betty rose from his face, reached down and grabbed him firmly by his sweatshirt and pulled the huge man to his feet. She then dragged him over to a nearby bench, sat down and yanked him across her knees. "You've been a very naughty boy today Tony," Betty said in the tone that a mother would use when about to punish a small child. "This is for calling me a bitch." Betty pulled down the training pants he was wearing as well as his boxer shorts. "Mommy is going to give you a good spanking." And so she did. The sight of a five foot-six inch, 165 pound half naked woman spanking a six foot-five inch, 315 pound man to tears would have seemed surreal had anyone been watching the scene that was unfolding in the weight room now. But surreal as it may have seemed, it was actually taking place. Betty was indeed spanking the mighty Tony the Tiger to tears. And as she did so, Betty began to feel aroused; very aroused in fact. For even though she was not a sadistic person by nature, the powerful woman had always derived an erotic pleasure when she brought big, strong macho men like Tony to their knees. "I guess being a dominant woman is just part of my DNA," she said when her late husband George asked her about it after she had spanked him for not completing his household chores to her satisfaction. Betty climaxed at exactly the same time that Tony the Tiger broke down completely and began to cry. It was a wonderful sensation - for the beautiful wrestler that is. Betty let the large man cry for a couple of minutes (taking a few more selfies while she waited for him to stop), then ordered him to get up and sit on her lap. And after he had done so, Betty bounced the 315 pound man up and down on her knee as a mother would a small child, laughing as she did; and then she got serious. "O.K. Mr. Tiger, this is what you're going to do. Tomorrow morning you're to be at my home (Betty gave Tony her address) no later than ten; and I wouldn't be late if I were you, I'm a real stickler for being on time. You're going to help me set up all of the tables and chairs for my son's birthday party and blow up all of the balloons. With all that hot air that you seem to have it shouldn't be too difficult for you. Then when Joey's friends begin to arrive, you're going to greet them all and entertain them and make everyone feel happy that they came." Betty then concluded her lecture with a dire warning. "And if for any reason you don't show up tomorrow, then you'd better take a long vacation - to Antarctica; and don't come back. Because if I catch you, and I will, you'll get a beating and a spanking from me far more severe than the ones I just gave you. And I'll also do it in public so that everybody will know about it you'll be known as Tony the Crybaby for the rest of your life. Did I make myself clear? So, what's it going to be big boy? A birthday party or a public humiliation? The choice is yours." With his head bowed in shame after what this mighty woman had just put him through, the once powerful, but now broken, Tony the Tiger meekly said, "I'll come to your son's birthday party tomorrow Betty. I'll do whatever you ask. Just please don't tell anybody what you did to me here today. It will destroy my reputation, totally ruin me forever." Tears began to fall down the huge man's cheeks as he said this. "Oh you poor thing you," Betty cooed. She made Tony sit down on the bench, took out a tissue from her purse and sat down on his lap. "There, there now," Betty said as she began to wipe the tears from his face and eyes. "Let little Betty make it all better. And don't worry, if you show up for Joey's birthday party tomorrow as our little bet requires and do everything that I ask you to do, then I promise you that I will never tell anybody what happened here between us today." Then she gently patted Tony on the head and added, "It will be our little secret." "Well Tony, it looks like my work here is finished." Betty rose from Tony's lap and smiled down at him. "I suggest that you go home now and get yourself cleaned up for Joey's party tomorrow. I want you to look your best and wear some nice clothes." Then the muscular woman giggled and added, "Boy, it looks like somebody put you through a meatgrinder today; tee, hee, hee." Betty put on her panties and shorts, went over to her purse and put the $2000 back inside. Then she blew Tony a kiss, unlocked the weight room door and left; leaving a very stunned and chastised man silently sitting on the bench trying to come to terms with what had just happened to him over the previous hour or so. 5) Sunday Morning Before Joey's Birthday Party Tony the Tiger arrived at Betty and Joey's home 9:45 a.m. (he didn't want to take even the slightest chance that he might arrive late, so intimidated was he by Betty now). "Well, well, will you look at who's here," Betty said with mock surprise when she opened her front door. "Joey!" she called to his bedroom upstairs. "Come down here and see your birthday surprise. It just arrived." When the now twelve year old boy reached the halfway point of the stairs and could see the whole living room below him he stopped and stared with his mouth wide open. For there, in the flesh, in his very own home and standing right next to his mother, was the six foot-five inch, 315 pound mountain of a man known to the world as Tony the Tiger. "Well, don't just stand there Joey," Betty said with a wide grin. "Come down here and meet your special birthday guest. Don't be shy now Joey; he doesn't bite." And as it began to sink in, Joey's face erupted into a wide smile - a smile that Betty hadn't seen on her son's face in three years; and it melted her heart. A smile that prompted Betty to take Tony's hand and give it a squeeze - a squeeze so tight that it caused the huge man to wince. Oblivious to this, Betty whispered, "Do you see that Tony? That's the happiest I've seen Joey since his father died; and you Tony, are the only one that could have brought this about. Do you understand now why it was so necessary for me get you to come here today? Even if it meant humiliating you by beating you up and spanking you? Then Betty added, "I'm going to give you that $2000 anyway - you've just earned it." Tony's reply stunned her. "That won't be necessary Betty. I do understand now why you did what you did; and you did beat me fair and square. But can you please let go of my hand before you break it. After all, I won't be much use to you today with a broken hand now, will I?" Betty laughed when she heard Tony say this. "Oooopsy, sorry about that. Sometimes I don't even know my own strength. And as Betty watched Tony lift Joey up and begin to carry him around on his massive shoulders (exactly the way her late husband George used to do) and heard Joey's laughter as he did, she wondered, "Is this the same arrogant, conceited and pompous man that I beat up and spanked yesterday? He seems so different now. Could it be that the pounding and humiliation that I put him through was just the thing he needed? A little tough love? And why did he refuse to take the money I offered him? Look at the way Joey and Tony relate to each other. Hmmm, perhaps there might be something that I can do about this - on a more permanent basis." 6) Later That Evening Joey's twelfth birthday party was over and everyone who attended agreed that it was indeed a great success; Joey and all of friends had a wonderful time. That was mostly due, of course, to the presence of Tony the Tiger whom not only Joey, but all of his friends idolized. And as Betty observed the goings-on, the only one who seemed to be enjoying himself as much as her son, ironically, was Tony. Again she wondered, "Could it be that he really has changed for the better? That the beating and humiliation that I put him through yesterday actually got him to turn his life around?" After Tony and Betty cleaned everything up, they noticed that Joey had fallen asleep on the living room sofa - with the smile still on his face. Betty gently lifted her son up and cradled him in her strong arms. Then, motioning for Tony to follow her, she carried Joey upstairs to his bedroom and tucked him into his bed. Tony was standing just outside in the hallway next to Joey's room when Betty came out and closed his bedroom door. She put her index finger up to her lips so that Tony would be silent and then Betty did something that the enormous man would not forget for as long as he lived. The powerful woman bent down, put her strong right arm around his ankles and, seemingly without exerting any effort, lifted the 315 pound wrestler up over her right shoulder and carried him into her bedroom. After she entered, Betty kicked the door closed behind her and plopped the stunned man down on her bed. "You were such a good boy today Tony and made Joey and his friends so happy that I decided to reward you with a special treat tonight." As Betty started to undress she noticed that Tony wasn't moving - evidentially he was still in a state of shock over what this amazing woman had just done. "Tony," Betty said softly, "whatever clothes you still have on by the time I've taken off all of mine I'm going to literally rip off you. So I suggest that you start stripping them off now." Fortunately, Tony managed to removed his boxer shorts just as Betty removed her panties. Betty pushed Tony down on the bed (he had stood up to remove his clothes) and literally dove on top of him. The muscular woman then proceeded to dominate the huge man in her bed just as easily as she had on the mats in the weight room the day before. 7) Epilogue: The Following Morning Joey sat at the breakfast table and began to eat his dry cereal. He wondered why his mother hadn't gotten up to make him breakfast as she usually does. But since it was summer and he didn't have to go off early to school, he concluded that she was probably sleeping in. After all, she had worked very hard the day before to make his birthday party a success. And it was - especially since he and his friends' hero Tony the Tiger came. "That was great," he thought to himself. "I'll never forget it." Then Joey heard his mother's bedroom door open. And a few seconds later the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. As he was in the kitchen, Joey couldn't see his mother until she entered. And when she did, Joey's mouth dropped wide open because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. For there, standing not ten feet away from him, was his loving mother. But what was so astounding about this was that his 165 pound mother had the 315 pound Tony the Tiger draped over her right shoulder. Betty had carried the huge man from her bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen! "Honey, I have some wonderful news to share with you," Betty said as she gently lowered Tony to the floor. "Last night after I put you to bed Tony and I had an interesting discussion, among some other things (Betty looked at Tony and smirked when she said this). And I was able to convince him to move in with us. Furthermore, I also convinced him, after a bit of feminine persuasion (she winked at Tony), that he and I should get married. That means that your hero will shortly also become your stepfather. So, what do you think about that sweetie pie?" The smile on Joey's face when he heard his mother say this told Betty all that she needed to know.