The Lecture By M.C. A strong girl gives the bully of her high school a stern lecture on how he had better behave himself from now on, or else. Chapter 1: The Encounter in the Basement Sherri Thompson raised her right hand above her head, looked down and said with a girlish giggle, "Gee Ricky, what a cute tushie you have there, and it's just begging to be spanked too; tee, hee, hee." Then she brought her muscular right arm down with force - SPANK! She raised it up and again brought it back down. SPANK! After several more hard spanks from the surprisingly strong girl, the large and well-built boy that she had draped across her knees began to cry out, "Sherri, why are you doing this to me?" SPANK! "What did I ever do to you?" SPANK! "Please stop spanking me Sherri." SPANK! "You're hurting me!" SPANK! Seemingly obvious to his pathetic pleas, the pretty blond gymnast continued to spank the large, strong boy. "I'll decide when you've had enough tough guy," was all she said in response. When Sherri felt that Rick Cross, the star quarterback of her high school's football team, was on the verge of completely breaking down and about to start crying, she stopped spanking him. The tough little gymnast let Rick whimper for a minute or two (and in the meantime she fluffed up her long, pretty blond hair) and then, in a soft but firm tone of voice, said: "Why did I do this to you Ricky? Why did I take you down to the basement, beat you up and spank you? Because you're a big bully, that's why. And while it is true that you've never bothered me personally, that's only because you know that I won the city's martial arts tournament in the open division for the past two years. But just because you've never bothered me that doesn't excuse the way you treat the other students in school. The ones who are smaller and weaker than you; the ones that can't defend themselves. You think that just because you're the biggest, strongest and toughest guy in school it gives you the right to pick on everyone else? That because you're the star quarterback of our football team none of the teachers, staff or coaches will tell you how to behave? Unfortunately you've been right about that - until today that is." "There's a new sheriff in town now and she's fed up with the way you get away with everything without paying a price for it. And yesterday, after you pushed Tommy down for absolutely no reason, well that was the last straw for me. Now perhaps you didn't know that Tommy is my teammate and best friend Carol's boyfriend. And if you had known, you probably wouldn't have done that (Sherri holds black belts in both Tai Kwon Do, and jujitsu; in other words, she's not a girl you want to mess with). But that still doesn't excuse your behavior towards all of the other students that you've been harassing in school." "So that's why I invited you down here to the gym's storage room this afternoon and locked the door behind us after we entered. I knew that down here in the basement we'd be completely alone and undisturbed. That way I could give you the beating and spanking that you deserved without any of the other students finding out about it." Sherri then added with a grin, "And the reason that I locked the door after we entered was to prevent you from trying to run away from me while I was beating you up." "If I really wanted to humiliate you Ricky, I could have just beaten you up and spanked you outside in front of the whole school. What would all the students think about you then? And what would your cheerleader girlfriend Susan think? How long do you think it would be before she dumped you? Just think about it: the mighty Rick Cross, battered and spanked by little Sherri Thompson with everybody watching. In fact Ricky, you should probably thank me for bringing you down here so that I could beat you up and spank you in private." "But my purpose wasn't to humiliate you in public and destroy your reputation. My purpose was to teach you a lesson in humility so that you'll stop bullying the other students. And like my mother always said to me, 'Sherri, there's nothing like a good spanking after a beating to put a man or a boy in his place'. It's advice that I've taken to heart; as you just experienced. Now, nobody besides me and you ever has to know about what I did to you down here this afternoon Ricky; it'll be our little secret. I promise that I won't tell anybody, not even my best friend Carol. And I rather doubt that you'll be telling anyone either (smirk)." "But before I let you go, I want to make this perfectly clear to you: if I ever hear that you've been harassing any of the other students in school again, then I'm going to take you back down here for another lesson. But next time I won't be as gentle with you as I was this time. The beating and spanking that I'll give you then will be twice as bad as the one I just gave you. Did you understand what I just told you? I don't want there to be any there to be any misunderstandings about this Ricky. That would very be unfortunate - for you that is." A few moments of silence followed. Then Rick Cross, the proud quarterback of his high school football team, swallowed what was left of his masculine pride and, in a quiet and subdued voice said, "Yes Sherri, I understand. I won't bully or harass anyone in school ever again. I promise." "Good. Now get up!" When the large boy got to his feet and pulled up his training pants (Sherri had pulled them down to his knees before she started to spank him) the smaller girl rose from the chair that she was sitting on and stepped up on it. As Rick stood six feet-four inches tall to Sherri's five foot six, by standing on the chair they were almost eye-to-eye (although Rick was still a tad taller). "Just to show you that there are no hard feelings Ricky, how about a little huggie?" Before the somewhat surprised Rick had time to say or do anything, the pretty little gymnast put her small but quite muscular arms around the much larger athlete (her arms barely reached all the way around him) and began to squeeze. Sherri's hug was so strong that the macho high school football star soon found himself begging for her to stop. "Please stop hugging me Sherri," he pleaded. "I can't breathe. Your arms are too strong for me. Please, please stop!" The strong girl couldn't resist the urge to rub it in a bit (Sherri has her pride too you know). "What's the matter big boy?" she teased. "Is this little girl's hug too much for the big, strong, rough, tough football star?" Sherri released Rick from her python-like hug and he slumped to the floor, gasping for air. She then fluffed up her pretty blond hair again and jumped down from the chair. "I'm sorry Ricky," Sherri said as she smiled at him with her hands on her hips. "But sometimes I forget just how fragile you boys can be compared to us girls." After helping Rick to his feet, she walked him over to the door and unlocked it. "Well Ricky, I want to thank you for what turned out to be a very lovely afternoon - for me at least." Still in teasing mode, Sherri giggled and added, "And I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did; tee, hee, hee." Then, together but in total silence, Sherri and Rick left the basement and went their separate ways. Chapter 2: One Month Later Sherri was relaxing on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Her parents were away for the entire weekend and she had the house all to herself. Having won the women's all-round title in the statewide high school gymnastics tournament the previous week, and with two weeks to go before she was to defend her city's martial arts title, the pretty blond girl was enjoying some well-deserved 'down time'. As she was watching a silly show on the T.V. the front doorbell rang. And when Sherri opened the door she received the shock of her life - for it was none other than Rick Cross; yes, the very same Rick Cross that she had beaten up and spanked a month earlier! An awkward few moments of silence followed as Sherri and Rick stared at each other as if they were both searching for something, anything to say. At length, it was Sherri who finally broke the ice. "Why Rick, what a surprise to see you here." And after another few seconds of silence, she said, "Why don't you come in." Sherri led Rick over to a large sofa in the living room and motioned for him to sit sit down at one of the ends and, after he had done so, sat down on the opposite side. "So, to what do I owe the honor of this rather surprising and unexpected visit, Ricky?" Rick didn't (or couldn't) answer Sherri's question immediately but seemed to be struggling with what he wanted to say. Sensing this the pretty gymnast patiently waited and gave him his time; but nevertheless was wondering what he wanted to say to her. "Sherri," Rick began after a lengthy pause, "I know this will probably sound really weird to you, coming from me of all people, but I want to thank you for what you did to me last month; and for doing it in private so that none of the other students would know about it. That would have totally destroyed me." "You mean when I beat you up and spanked you in the basement Ricky? You really want to thank me for that?" Unable to control herself, Sherri began to giggle (Sherri likes to giggle a lot) and repeated, "A little girl beats you up and humiliates you, and you actually want to thank her for it? Hee, hee, hee. Are you crazy or am I?" Then, after a pause for reflection, Sherri said, "Like I told you down in the basement Ricky, my goal wasn't to publicly humiliate you, but to simply teach you a lesson. And it seemed to have worked; didn't it? I've heard from a lot of the students that you've changed. In fact, you even apologized to Tommy for bullying him. Nice going." "Yes Sherri I have changed, and you're the reason for it. And that's why I felt that I had to come over here today and thank you; difficult as it was for me to do though." Without realizing it, both Sherri and Rick moved closer to each other on the sofa. "I appreciate that Rick, I really do. It must have been very difficult indeed for you to come over here and say what you just said to the girl that beat you up and spanked you. That took guts; guts and maturity." Sherri moved even closer towards Rick and they were now sitting only a few inches apart from one another. "And Sherri, there's something else that I wanted to say to you today, you have the most beautiful hair." And that sealed the deal as Sherri and Rick then embraced in a long and passionate kiss that lasted for several minutes. "What about your girlfriend Rick?" Sherri asked after she caught her breath. "Does she know you're here with me?" Rick grinned. "It doesn't matter anymore Sherri. I broke up with Susan shortly after our 'encounter' down in the basement. I realized that she really wasn't what I needed. What I really needed was a strong, tough girl like you. A girl who can keep me in line." Then, after another lengthy pause, Rick asked, "Sherri, will you be my girlfriend?" The strong gymnast smiled and fluffed up her pretty blond hair again (Sherri likes to do that a lot, she's very proud about her hair). Then she reached over and playfully pinched Rick on his nose. "Beep, beep," she giggled as she did it. "I will agree to be your girlfriend Ricky, but first you'll have to agree to my terms; all of them. Is that clear?" When Rick nodded "Yes", Sherri began. "O.K. then, if you're going to be my boyfriend you'll have some chores to do, and they are as follows: One - every morning before school you're to come over here, brush my hair and tell me how pretty it is. You're to be here no later than 7:30; and if you're late for any reason, I will spank you. I take my hair brushing very seriously. Two - After you've finish brushing my hair we'll walk to school together. And in the afternoon after my gymnastics and your football practices are over, we'll walk back here and do our homework together. I'm a straight "A" student so I can help you with any problems that you may have with your homework. What I don't want is a big, dumb jock for a boyfriend (Sherri smiled and tweaked Rick's nose again when she said this). Three - After we've finish our homework we'll cuddle in my bed until dinnertime. Four - As far as dating goes, since you are a football player, you probably don't have any free time for a job on the side. I, on the other hand, teach martial arts several times a week at my parent's dojo; so I do have an income. That being the case, we'll treat each other out whenever our finances allow for it. So Ricky, these are my terms if you want me to be your girlfriend; and they are not negotiable. Do you agree to them, and I mean all of them?" The large football star nodded his head and said, "Yes Sherri, I agree to your terms; every one of them." "Good. Now, since my parents are away for the weekend, let's consummate our relationship; if you catch my drift (wink)." The pretty blond reached down with her strong right hand into the training pants that Rick was wearing, grabbed his already hard penis and gave it a firm squeeze. And then, giggling like a little girl, she led the large boy into her bedroom for a little "afternoon delight." Epilogue - Two Weeks Later Sherri smiled to the cheering crowd as she raised her right hand high above her head in triumph. The 18 year-old high school gymnastics star and martial arts expert had just won her third straight citywide martial arts championship in the open division (which means that it was open to everyone who qualified - male or female). By defeating all six of her male opponents - four by knockout - the pretty blond established herself as the city's all-time martial arts champion; nobody had ever won more than two titles before. As the officials placed Shelli's championship ribbon around her neck and handed her the first place trophy, all of Shelli's high school friends who had come to support her stood up and loudly cheered. But no one cheered louder than the large boy that was standing near the podium - Rick Cross, Sherri's boyfriend. As she stepped down from the podium, the victorious girl was literally engulfed by her beau. "Oh Sherri, you were wonderful out there, totally awesome! You're a real life Supergirl!" "Why thank you Ricky. What a nice, sweet thing to say to your little girlfriend." Long forgotten, it seems, was the humiliation that Sherri had put the proud high school football star through only six weeks earlier when she took him down to the basement below the gym, beat him up and then gave him a good spanking. Now when Rick looks at Sherri all you can see is the love that he has for her. After the commotion had died down and Sherri and Rick had a chance to talk privately together, she smiled and said to him, "Ricky, I have some really great news to tell you. The university where you'll be playing football in the Fall has granted me a full gymnastics scholarship. That means that we'll be going to the same university for the next four years. I've already asked my parents and they said it would be perfectly O.K. with them if you and I shared a student apartment together. Isn't that wonderful? So let's go out on the town now and celebrate all of this wonderful news." Hand in hand, Sherri and Rick left the martial arts studio where the tournament was held and headed towards the city center to celebrate.