Tara, the Jungle Amazon: Part 3 by M.C. The mighty, primative woman continues her adventures in the modern, *civilized* world. Three years ago I began what I thought would be a continuous series of episodes built around a massive, super strong - but naive - woman named Tara. She and her primative tribe live on an isolated, primeval island in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean which had been completely cut off from the outside world for thousands of years. Quite by chance, Tara meets - and falls in love with - Mike, a man from the modern world whom she rescues after his jet crashes into the ocean near her island. Three years later a scientific research vessel ventures into their part of the world and discovers them. Tara decides to accompany her lover back his home in Los Angeles so she can see for herself what this *civilization* is all about. On their way Tara and Mike are married by the ship's captain. Although I had several more segments in mind when I first began writing this series, other projects overtook me and this one was relegated to the back burner...the very back burner. After a hiatus of several years I have decided to take pen in hand (metaphorically speaking of course) and continue the saga of "Tara, the Jungle Amazon". Interested parties can refresh their memories by checking out parts 1&2 which are located in the M.C. bookshelf. An illustration of Tara (which was what inspired me to begin writing this series in the first place) can be found in the 'clubhouse' section of this website. Tara is the immensely muscular woman holding the huge club - nice pun Diana (wink). And now for part three... The huge woman walked down the street, trying to pay as little attention as possible to the stares she was attracting from the pedestrians along the way. At six feet-six inches tall, the incredibly muscular, 350 pound Amazon was gradually getting used to being an anomaly in this strange new world she now found herself living in. On her remote, isolated island, Tara was known as 'The Mighty One' - the protector of her tribe; as was her mother before her, and her mother before that...and so on as far back as anyone could remember. But in this strange new world, Tara was just another female, albeit a rather large one, and nothing more than an object of curiosity to the people she passed by on the sidewalk. As Tara paused in front of a shop window to gaze at all the strange and bizzarre items on display there, she suddenly felt a pair of small arms wrap around one of her massive thighs. Looking down Tara saw a familiar face - that of the little girl whose life she had saved a few days earlier (see the end of the second part of the Tara series)."It's great to see you again strong lady," the girl smiled up as she clung to Tara's thigh, "you left before my mother and I had a chance to thank you for saving us." Tara returned her smile. Bending down, the huge woman put her hands underneath the child's armpits and lifted her up as one would a small kitten. "There is no reason to thank me," she replied, "it is what I am supposed to do. What is your name little one?" "Brenda, and yours?" "I am called Tara." "Why did you say, 'it's what I'm supposed to do', Tara?" "Because on my island I'm known as 'The Mighty One', the protector of my tribe. My mother is also very large and strong, as was her mother before her and so on as far back as anyone can remember. We have always used our strength to protect people from harm. Saving you and your mother from that truck was simply my duty. If I hadn't, the two of you would have been crushed." "That's fantastic Tara!" Brenda said, her eyes bulging out with excitment."How strong are you?" "I don't really know; I've never tested my strength to it's limit." Tara then withdrew all but her index fingers, and was still able to easily support Brenda's 100 pounds in her outstretched arms. Dangling her giggling new friend six feet above the ground with just two fingers, the powerful woman felt - for the first time since she arrived in this strange city - like she was back on her island; until she noticed the worried look on her mother's face."I think, perhaps, your mother would like you back now Brenda," Tara sighed as she slowly lowered the 15 year-old girl back to the ground. She then led her over to where the stunned woman was standing. "Tha...thank you," Joan (Brenda's mother) managed to say after a long pause,"thank you for saving our lives. You...you were incredible....absolutely awesome. It's hard to believe that a woman, or anyone for that matter, could have done what you did the other day. You saved my daughter's life, and mine. Thank you." "It was my pleasure," Tara replied somewhat confused. The powerful woman still could not quite grasp the fact that what she had done - lifting a large truck off the car that it had jackknifed onto (threatening to fatally crush Brenda and her mother in the process), shoving it into an upright position and then ripping off the smashed roof of the car so that they could escape - was anything out of the ordinary. After all, wasn't that what she was supposed to do with her strength...help people in need? "This *civilization* is indeed very strange," Tara thought to herself. "Mommy, can Tara join us today?" Brenda asked excitedly. "It's...it's up to her honey. All we're going to do today is go to the zoo; after I finish my chores at the bank that is." The small girl tugged on Tara's dress. "Would you like to go to the zoo with us today?" "Zoo? What is a zoo?" Brenda began to giggle,"you mean you've never been to a zoo before?" "No," Tara replied, perplexed,"never. I'm ah...I'm kind of new here." "Well then you'll see what a zoo is. We're going there after we go to the bank." "What is a bank?" Brenda began to laugh now. 15 minutes later... As Brenda's mother stood in line at the bank, waiting to deposit her bi-monthly paycheck, Tara and Brenda stood off to the side. Brenda was bored by a routine she had witnessed many times before but Tara, intrigued by the fascinating concept of money - a concept that she couldn't quite seem to comprehend (on her island the inhabitants usually bartered for the things they needed) - watched the goings on with fascination. She kept peppering Brenda with questions which the 15 year-old tried to answer as best she could. Just as Joan finished her banking chores, a loud "BANG!" was heard...it was a gun shot. "Everybody get down on the floor and nobody will get hurt!" the large man wearing a ski-mask over his head and armed with a pistol yelled. He was flanked by two other masked men who were also armed. "Get down...NOW!" "What is going on?" Tara asked as she noticed the looks of panic that suddenly appeared on everyone's faces. "It's a hold up," Brenda said,"we have to do as they say. Get down!" Tara could see that the little girl was very frightened, though she still couldn't quite understand what was happening."What's a 'hold up'?" "Those men are robbing the bank...stealing money. You have to get down on the floor Tara, or else they might shoot you." Tara wasn't familiar with the term 'robbing', but she did understand what stealing was. When a neighboring tribe once sent a group of tough warriors to steal food from her village, the mighty woman beat them all up. She then loaded their battered bodies onto a wagon and carted them back to their village; several miles away. As punishment for ordering the raid, Tara then took the leader of the village - as well as his warriors - across her knee and gave them all a good spanking. She also forced the entire village to watch their humiliation. They never stole from her tribe again. "Stealing is wrong," Tara said to Brenda. "Yes it is, but tell that to them," the young girl said as she pointed to the three masked men holding guns. "I will," the Amazon replied with surprising calmness. "Didn't you hear what I said big momma?" the large man, who seemed to be the leader of the gang, screamed at Tara as he approached her with his gun drawn."Are you deaf? Get your ass on the floor...NOW!" "You're not a very nice man," Tara said calmly,"and stealing from others is wrong. I'm going to have to teach you and your friends a lesson." Before the bank robber even had time to respond, the muscular woman shot out her left fist which landed squarely on his jaw, snapping his head back. She then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with her left hand and his belt buckle with her right. Effortlessly, she lifted the 230 pound man up above her head and hurled him twenty feet through the air - slamming him into his two surprised comrades with such force that all three were sent sprawling across the floor. Tara then completed the job of disabling them with a light (for her) punch to each of their jaws, sending them all into dreamland. In less than twenty seconds, the amazing woman had reduced the three armed, would-be bank robbers to a state of unconsciousness. "Tara, you were awesome!" Brenda squealed as she ran up and hugged her."But there's probably another one waiting for them in a car outside - the getaway driver." "Let's go outside and look then," Tara said, not quite understanding what a 'getaway driver' was. Exiting the bank, they saw a car standing by the curb with the motor running. "That's probably him," Brenda said excitedly," it's the getaway driver. Don't let him get away Tara!" Tara wasn't quite sure what was going on but she intuitively felt Brenda did; so she began to approach the car. As she did so, the nervous driver - sensing that something had gone wrong with the heist - shifted the car into first gear and prepared to speed off. "Don't let him get away!" Brenda shouted. Knowing now that the robbery had failed, the getaway driver felt he had to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. He pressed down on the gas pedal and his rear tires began to shriek; but for some reason he didn't seem to be moving forward. He checked again to see if the car was in gear - it was, but he still wasn't going anywhere. Then he looked up...and his mouth dropped. For there, standing directly in front of him, was the massive woman holding his car in place. Tara was bent over with her hands pressed firmly against the hood of his car. Somehow she was able to prevent the car from moving forward. As he was parked directly in front of another car, he couldn't back up. So the driver shifted into second gear and pushed the gas pedal to the floor - but incredibly, the vehicle remained where is was. The screeching sound of tires as they rotated rapidly on the asphalt - as well as the repugnant smell of burning rubber - permiated the air; but still this amazing female held the car in place. The getaway driver could not believe what was happening. "You may as well stop trying to move this machine of yours," Tara said as she looked up at him,"you're not going anywhere." In desperation the driver panicked. He opened the door and tried to flee, but he didn't get far. After running only a few yards, he felt a strong hand grab him from behind; stopping him in his tracks. "I told you you weren't going anywhere," the female voice said again. The getaway driver, a muscular, 220 pounder who had been a pretty good boxer in his youth, whurled around and landed a solid punch to Tara's face "CRACK!". He then began to scream in pain as he held his now broken right hand in his left; shattered against the mighty woman's jaw. He then found himself being lifted off the ground and carried inside the bank where the huge woman ploped him down alongside his unconscious partners in crime. Although she would have liked to have taken each of the bank robbers across her knee and given them a good spanking, Tara felt it wasn't her role to do that. She was, after all, a visitor in their world and Mike, her husband, had told her many times that things are done very differently in the *civilized* world. Nevertheless, Tara wondered to herself if a spanking wasn't what these guys really needed. Her experience on her island had taught Tara that after a good, hard spanking, disobediant men never repeated their transgressions. But here however, they prefered to lock criminals away in prisons for years."This is a very strange world," the mighty woman thought to herself yet again,"a very strange world indeed." Tara was now treated to a sight that she was still unaccustomed to seeing - that of the greatful throng of bank customers and employees who were ecstatically cheering her. "Thank you," they said, virtually in unison. Though still unfamiliar with such accolades, Tara graciously bowed her head (she'd seen a princess do that in a movie she watched on that strange little picture box - what's that thing called...oh yes, a television - the night before) and said,"you're welcome." "You were great Tara!" Brenda exclaimed,"totally awesome!" "Thank you," the huge jungle Amazon said to her new little friend. "This bank was very *interesting*. Are we through here now? When can we go to the zoo?" "Yes, we're finished here Tara. We can all go to the zoo now." And so once again, as with the traffic accident a few days earlier, Tara, the powerful jungle Amazon, slipped away before the police and news crews could arrive on the scene to question her. End of part three.