Tara, The Jungle Amazon Part 2 by M.C. Tara accompanies Mike back to civilization Author's note: This is the second installment of a story that was inspired by the illustration of the massive woman holding a huge club in the clubhouse section of Diana's website. Part one can be found in the M.C. bookshelf. It had been three years since Mike crash landed near a remote island in the Pacific ocean and was rescued by an enormous woman. After his initial period of resistance - described in part one - he fell in love with her. Despite his deep affection for the massive six foot, six inch 350 pound muscular Amazon, Mike was finding it hard to adjust to the simple, primitive lifestyle of the villagers with whom she lived. Tara felt his pain but did not know how to help him. As her English improved she would sit by him at the nightly campfire; listening for hours as Mike spoke about the city he lived in and the many places he had visited. As he described the outside world to her ( and such magical devices as televisions, computers, automobiles, jet planes and the other items one usually associates with civilization ) - and how much he missed them - she felt sad that there was nothing she could do to help the man she loved. Despite her tremendous physical strength, this - it seemed - was beyond her. Then one day, all that changed. Tara and Mike were walking hand-in-hand along a desolate beach. Suddenly, way off in the distance, Tara spotted something she had never seen before. " What's that?," she asked Mike, pointing far out into the ocean. Mike looked in the direction she was pointing and gasped," My god Tara, it's a ship, it's a ship !!! " He began to wave his arms frantically up in the air and shout at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, the boat was several miles offshore, way too far out to see or hear him. To make matters worse, it was heading away from them. In desperation, Mike started to enter the water. A strong hand then grabbed him by the shoulder and prevented him from going any further. " It's dangerous to swim out there Mike," Tara gently told him. " You remain here and I will get them for you." As Mike watched in awe - he never ceased to be amazed by what Tara was capable of doing - she dove into the water and, like a human torpedo, began swimming rapidly out towards the ship. It couldn't have been more than a half an hour later that Mike noticed the vessel changing course and begin to move shoreward. " What in the hell are you doing way out here in the middle of nowhere ?," the stunned captain asked Mike when he came ashore. " We were positive that this island was completely uninhabited." He was the captain of a scientific research vessel sent to their remote part of the world in search of strange and unusual flora and fauna. The ship was based in La Jolla, California - just north of San Diego - and was associated with the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Mike couldn't believe his luck. Before the jet crash he had lived a mere two hour drive north of there. He proceeded to tell the captain about the crash and how he was rescued. Mike prudently opted not to mention about the prehistoric life forms that inhabited the island, nor Tara's tribe. He feared that it would attract enormous worldwide attention and spoil the unique, pristine environment that existed there. Although he himself was having a difficult time adjusting to the sedentary lifestyle of the village, after three years he had come to know - and love - the people there too much to want to see them exposed for the world to see. The captain recalled hearing of the plane crash, but that was supposed to have been several hundred miles north of where they were. They were really off course, no wonder why they were thought to have vanished without a trace. " Three years eh ?," the captain said and shook his head. " Must have been very difficult for you here." He then gazed at Tara who was standing nearby and added with a good natured smile," well, maybe not too difficult." Tara didn't understand why Mike and the captain were laughing. " Well, we're scheduled to leave in a few days, going back to civilization. You and your gargantuan lady friend here are certainly welcome to accompany us." Those are the words Mike had dreamed of hearing for nearly three years. They agreed to meet back at the beach in three days time, when the research vessel would be departing. As Mike and Tara walked back to the village, he was singing; Tara, however,was somewhat more subdued. Although she had to admit that she'd never seen the man she loved so happy before (and, after listening to Mike's stories about what ' civilization' was like, she too wanted very much to see it ) she found herself in something of a dilemma. For she was Tara, the protector of the village and it's inhabitants. If she were to leave now, who would defend her people from the dangerous animals that stalked the primeval island ? Who would they look up to when danger threatened ? Who would give them the sense of security that Tara - and countless generations of women in her genetic line that preceded her - had given them ? She had a responsibility to them, and yet, she knew how much it meant to Mike to go back to the home he missed so badly. Tara simply did not know what to do. The solution to her problem came from Mara, her mother and predecessor. Feeling her daughter's anguish, she volunteered to reassume the job of protector in Tara's absence. To allay her daughter's fears as to whether the old lady still 'had what it takes', the 50 year-old woman woke up early the next morning, borrowed one of Tara's huge clubs - which used to belong to her - and ventured out into the jungle. Less than two hours later she returned, comely dragging behind her the lifeless body of a large, fierce saber tooth tiger. As they met in the center of the village, Mara smiled at her daughter and said - loosely translated from their native language - " See kiddo, I told you there was nothing to fear. This old girl still has a few good club swings left in her." Looking down at the battered animal, Tara had to agree. " Now, off you go with Mike and have a good time; momma will take care of things until you return." She seemed to have no doubt whatsoever that they would return. Freed from her responsibilities, Tara could now prepare to accompany Mike back to his former home, and civilization. Tara traveled light. In fact, except for her clubs ( and it took quite a bit of persuasion from Mike to convince Tara not to take even one ), her only worldly possessions were - quite literally - the clothes on her back. Mike began to realize that there were going to be some rather 'interesting' hurdles to overcome; not the least of which was, how do you find clothes to fit a six foot - six inch, 350 pound muscular Amazon? Another was how would Tara - who had spent her entire life on this isolated island and had never even seen a boat before the preceding day - be able to adjust to life in the fast paced, modern 21st century megalopolis of Los Angeles? Problems perhaps; but Mike loved his Amazon superwoman so much - and she him - that he felt they would be able to overcome whatever situations life in the big city would throw their way. Two days later, at the appointed time, Tara and Mike bid farewell to their island home and its inhabitants; boarded the research vessel, and set sail for California. As the boat pulled away, Mike couldn't help but think about the talk he had with Tara's mother the night before. Speaking as best he could in her language, he tried to make her understand that he would watch over Tara. He would protect her in the strange new world to which she was headed and that she - Mara - should have nothing to worry about regarding her daughter's safety. What struck Mike the most about their conversation, what he couldn't get out of his mind, was the cryptic smile Mara gave him when he finished. The ocean voyage back to California was long and, for Mike, filled with anxiety. Now that he was finally on the way home, he was anxious to get there as soon as possible. He was also worried about how Tara would adjust to her new surroundings. On her primitive island, she ruled. But how would his jungle Amazon fare in the modern city of Los Angeles ? Worrying about this caused him many a sleepless night on the journey home. Since they had nearly three weeks on the open sea before they would arrive in California, Mike decided to take the opportunity to introduce Tara to the type of environment that awaited her in the 'civilized' world. He patiently tried to explain, as best he could, what she should expect and be wary of in 'his' world. Crime (what's crime ?, Tara asked ), banking, (even the concept of money eluded her), sleeping on a normal bed (Tara had never done so and preferred to sleep on the hard floor of their cabin as it was closer to what she was used to), shopping, smog, social etiquette etc. Tara did her best to try to understand what he was talking about but she found most of his explanations overly pedantic and - quite simply - boring. Although she did appreciate his concern, Tara felt she would deal with his world when she got there. In the meantime she was enjoying what the ship had to offer - which for her was a lot. Having never experienced anything other than the isolated island on which she had spent her entire life, nor having ever met anyone outside of her the small village in which she lived - Mike being the one notable exception - Tara found her time aboard the ship fascinating. New people, interesting foods, strange technologies; all of which was completely alien to her. The more she saw, the more she wanted to see. Naturally vivacious and - thanks to Mike - fluent in English, she was able to converse freely with everyone on board the ship. Tara clearly loved the interaction with these new acquaintances. At first the people onboard - the scientists, students and members of the ship's crew - thought of the enormous, primitive woman as some sort of curiosity; a stone age relic that time had simply passed by. Then, an incident occurred that would change the way they thought of her. Tara and Mike were being taken on a tour of the boat by the captain. They were visiting the lower section where many of the specimens that the researchers had collected on the expedition were being stored for the voyage home. Several of the scientists were loading their finds into one of the heavy crates when - quite unexpectedly - a large ocean wave rocked the ship. One of the crates which was stacked high above them, teetered and then began to fall. Weighing several hundred pounds, it would have certainly crushed the unsuspecting researchers to death. Reacting instantly - while the captain and Mike watched helplessly from the side - Tara raced over and caught the falling crate just before it fell on the scientists. Seemingly without effort, the mighty woman carried the crate off to the side and gently lowered it to the floor. After word of this spread throughout the ship, Tara became something of a celebrity among the passengers and crew. Many of them, when learning of the circumstances which brought her onboard in the first place, now offered her their assistance. Clothes were sewn and fitted to her massive girth. Her hair was, for the first time in her life, set. With the help of some of the female students, she even experimented with make - up; although Tara had no idea why a woman would want to paint her face in such a manner. When the women explained to her that it was to look appealing to the opposite sex, Tara stared at them in total confusion. " Isn't it much easier to just take the man you want ? " she asked innocently. Their laughter left her somewhat perplexed. Cosmetics, jewelry, social manners rules, regulations; all these things she found both intriguing and confusing at the same time." I do have a lot to learn about this 'civilization' ", she sighed. Because this was a research vessel, some of the scientists now found Tara as interesting as she did them. One in particular, Dr. Margaret Jones, took a special interest in her. A molecular biologist, she was very impressed with Tara's immense size and physical strength. She had watched in awe as Tara easily moved several of the large crates around so that a similar accident wouldn't reoccur; crates that weighed hundreds of pounds each. One day Dr. Jones invited Tara into her laboratory to run a few medical examinations. She stood spellbound as Tara easily bent inch thick steel bars into pretzels with her bare hands. When Dr. Jones attempted to take a sample of Tara's blood for examination, her hypodermic needles kept breaking; it was only with Tara's help that a needle was finally able to penetrate her skin. What Margaret found, defied explanation. Tara seemed to have twice the normal amount of mitochondria ( the substance in the human cell which produces the enzymes essential for energy metabolism and is transferred solely through the maternal line ) in her cell structure. That translated into incredible physical strength. How she could have possibly acquired such an amazing genetic mutation, Dr. Jones couldn't even venture a guess. What she did know was that Tara was, quite possibly, the strongest person in the world; perhaps even the strongest person who had ever lived. For her part, Tara seemed to take all this in stride. After all, she was used to being ' special ' as were all the women in her line for as far back as anyone could remember. That's simply the way it always was. Dr. Jones, who had by now come to like as well as respect Tara and didn't want to add any further complications to her life, wisely decided to keep her discovery a secret. As the ship neared California, Mike began to contact some of his friends and work colleagues to inform them that he was still quite alive and on the way home with a 'friend'. Wanting to keep things low key at first - at least until he and Tara had time to adjust to their new environment - he only told the people he thought absolutely needed to know. They arranged to be picked up and driven to an apartment in Los Angeles. The day before they were due to dock, while they were still in international waters, Mike asked Tara to marry him. Although he had explained the concept of marriage to her several times, Tara still did not fully understand what it was and why it was necessary. After all, didn't she choose him as her mate ? And didn't he - after some mild 'convincing' - agree ? Why this need for a marriage ? It was obvious to her, however, that Mike thought it was important; so she agreed. Later that evening - in the presence of most of the passengers and crew - the captain pronounced Mike and Tara, " man and wife." It was an emotional moment when Tara bid farewell to the friends she had made on the voyage. Though awed by her physical strength, they were equally won over by her personality. Margaret promised she would keep in touch with them, as did Robert, the ship's captain. Tara's introduction to civilization was a ride in a very strange vehicle. Although Mike had explained to her about automobiles many times, the experience of actually riding in one was something she wasn't quite prepared for. Riding along the highway at 75 M.P.H. in the SUV, watching the other vehicles whiz by, was something that Tara simply wasn't prepared for. She laughed when the driver beeped the horn, Tara had never heard such a strange sound before. When they arrived at their apartment, Mike - overwhelmed by the experience at finally being back home - excused himself, saying that he needed a few days to re-adjust to life in the big city. When he and Tara were alone, Mike warned her again about the potential dangers that existed in L.A. " Please don't go anywhere without me. This place isn't like your island or the ship, it can be very dangerous if you're not careful. And wherever you go, please take your purse ( a wedding gift from Margaret Jones) with you. It has all the things - documents, money - you'll need; just in case you get into any trouble, or lost." The six foot, six inch 350 pound muscular woman looked at her new husband lovingly... thoughtfully... but said nothing. Tara goes for a morning walk Tara awoke early the next morning. Not used to sleeping on a soft bed she tossed and turned throughout the night. Seeing Mike sound asleep next to her she decided not to disturb him. Instead, she would explore her new surroundings by herself with a short walk around the neighborhood. Remembering his warning, she decided she wouldn't go far; and she'd try not to be gone long. It took her a little while to figure out how to put on the strange new garments that her friends on the ship had made for her - the zipper really through her for a loop. It all seemed so unnecessarily complicated compared to the way she dressed back on her island. At length, she managed to dress herself and, taking the strange purse that Mike insisted she carry with her at all times - the purpose of which she was still rather unclear - Tara quietly left the apartment. The first thing she noticed when she left the building was some more of those strange vehicles rolling along. Since it was still rather early in the day there weren't quite so many as there were the day before. Tara laughed again at the "beep, beep" sound they sometimes made. She walked along the street, gazing at all the strange new sights; quite unaware that she was turning heads left and right as people who had never seen such a massive woman before stopped and stared at her. Walking along the sidewalk, Tara gazed into the windows of every shop she passed by. Each one offered items she had never seen before in her life. Tara came to a jewelry store and stared at the display; she had never imagined anything so beautiful. There were necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, pins - each one adorned with the prettiest colored stones she had ever seen. As Tara stared mesmerized at the window display, her purse dangling loosely over shoulder, she didn't notice the man on bicycle speeding towards her. " This is too good to be true," he said to himself as he bore down on the unsuspecting woman. " I'll grab her purse and disappear before she even knows what hit her." That fact that such a jolt could dislocate a woman's shoulder - as he had done on several previous occasions - didn't seem to bother him. As he sped up, the would be purse snatcher reached out his right hand and prepared to grab the strap of Tara's purse. Through years of experience he had perfected his technique and his timing was perfect. He grasped the strap firmly and tugged hard...and then a strange thing happened. As he tried pulled away he himself received a jolt which lifted him off his bike. His momentum carried him up until he was parallel to the ground where he seemed to hang for a brief moment. Then, the stunned man released his grip on the strap and fell to the sidewalk; knocking himself out. So engrossed was Tara with the jewelry display that she wasn't even aware of what had just happened; she didn't feel a thing. After a few more minutes she was finally able to pry herself away. Turning around she saw a peculiar sight. A large man was lying on the pavement next to her. " How strange," she thought to herself, " instead of sleeping on a bed when tired, here they simply lie down on the sidewalk. I have so much to learn about this civilization." Carefully, so as not to disturb him, Tara stepped over the unconscious man and continued on her way. She walked on for several more blocks and then Tara saw something which reminded her of home. There was a large wooded area off to the side. Although the trees were of a different variety then the ones she - living in a tropical climate - was familiar with, they nevertheless gave her a feeling of 'home'. It was, of course, a park - which Tara entered. Her attention was drawn to the sound of several small girls laughing as they played on a rather unusual contraption, a merry-go-round. Tara smiled as she watched the girls - who couldn't have been more than ten or twelve years old - push each other around and around; it reminded her of the children playing back home. Then something happened that caused her to get angry. A gang of boys - perhaps around 15 or 16 years old - came and rudely pushed the girls off the merry-go-round and began to play on it themselves. The girls began to cry. " That's not right," Tara said to herself," I'll have to do something about this." Tara approached the merry-go-round. " What's bugging you lady ?," one of the boys asked in an arrogant tone. Tara looked down at the eight boys who were sitting on the ride and thought for a moment. " I just wanted to know if you boys wanted a little push," she said. Smiling, they responded in unison," of course." Tara smiled back. Leaning over, she grabbed one of the outside bars and gave the merry-go-round a twirl. But not just any twirl...a Tara twirl. The merry-go-round began spinning at a tremendous pace. Several of the boys were thrown off immediately - some landing as far as 15 feet away. Those that managed to hang on began to scream; even cry. The girls, watching from the side, started to laugh. " Stop this thing, I'm getting dizzy....please, make it stop ! " the boys pleaded. Tara winked at the girls and let it spin around a while longer. Finally, she grabbed the edge of the merry-go-round and stopped it in an instant...tossing the remaining boys off in every direction. Tara approached the arrogant boy - who like his friends was lying on his back, stunned - and comely said," it's not nice to take from others just because you're stronger than they are; don't do it again ! " Turning back to the girls, Tara smiled," you can come back and play on this thing now, I don't think these boys will be bothering you anymore." The girls all ran up to her and gave the mighty woman a hug. As they climbed back on the merry-go-round, one of them asked Tara for a push. " But not as hard as you gave the boys," she said seriously. Tara laughed and said, " O.K., I'll try to be gentle; but hang on...just in case." Off in the distance, on the other side of the park, Tara saw a strange sight. Waving good-bye to the girls on the merry-go-round, she decided to go investigate. There must have been at least 25 men, or at least they appeared to be men, dressed in strange costumes. On their heads they wore very peculiar things; circular hats with sort of a cage on the front. Their shoulders seemed unusually large, as did their thighs. But it wasn't so much their appearance that struck Tara as strange, it is what they were doing. They would all line up against each other and then knock each other down. They would then get up and do it all over again. As Tara watched, they repeated the exercise over and over again.The object of their attention seemed to be an odd shaped, brown ball of some sort. Tara also noticed a man standing off to the side yelling at them. " Come on guys, can't you hit any harder than this? You play football like a bunch of women ! " One of the players came over to the coach and pointed to the very large, well built woman who was watching them. " Coach, maybe can use her for tackling practice." The college football coach laughed at the suggestion at first. But then, after he noticed just how large and powerfully built she was, walked over to her. " Ever play football, miss? " he asked. Tara looked at him perplexed," what's football ? " The men that had gathered around all began to laugh. " Oh, I see you're new around here," the coach smirked. Tara smiled innocently and said," yes, I am." He held up one of the odd shaped objects," this is a football, lady; and all you have to do is go from that side of the field - he pointed to the opposite side - to here; pretty simple isn't it ? " Tara had to agree that it was indeed simple. She smiled again and put down her purse. " O.K., I'll try it." She took the ball in her hand and walked over to where the coach had pointed. As she began to walk back towards the coach, he said to his players," all right men, I want to see some real tackling now." Tara couldn't understand why eleven men were suddenly running at her but, remembering the coach's instructions, she kept walking forward. The first player to hit her was a 250 pound lineman, running at full speed. " WHAM ", he bounced off Tara like a tennis ball against a brick wall and collapsed on the grass. " SMASH, THUD ", two more linemen went down. " Come on you wimps, can't you stop one woman ? " the angry coach screamed. Tara continued comely walking towards the other end of the field, seemingly unimpeded by the football players who were trying to tackle her. She looked to the side and noticed the little girls cheering. Tara smiled and waved back. " CRUNCH, WHACK , POW ", three more tough football players slammed into her, and went down as if they had run into a tank. Several of the players that remained standing tried to grab Tara's legs; a few more climbed on her massive back in an attempt to bring her down. Amazing as it seems, Tara continued to walk as if they weren't there, easily dragging them all along. One by one they fell by the wayside - their bodies bruised, their egos destroyed. The few that did manage to hang on, Tara playfully tossed aside. When she reached the speechless coach Tara handed him back the football; giggled and said, " thank you for letting me play with you. But now I must go. Maybe I'll come back soon and we can play again." She picked up her purse and began to walk out of the park; leaving behind the stunned coach and his battered football team to come to terms with what just happened. As she made her way back to the main street, Tara couldn't help but wonder to herself," what a strange game they play here; I still have no idea what I was supposed to do. But it was nice of them to let me play." Tara returned to the street and began to walk back to Mike's apartment. " He'll be up soon and I don't want him to worry about me." There were a lot more vehicles on the road now and they made a cacophony of sounds of which she was unfamiliar. All of a sudden, Tara heard something that, even to her untrained ear, sounded ominous. It began with a loud," SCREEEECH !!!, followed by an even louder " CRASH !!! " Tara heard yelling and screaming. She quickly walked in the direction of the commotion. Tara reached an intersection and saw what had happened. A large truck had tried to make a left-hand turn too quickly and overturned, falling over a small car. There appeared to be people trapped inside the car which was slowly being crushed by the heavy truck. All around people were in a panic and nobody seemed to know what to do; nobody that is except Tara. The truck lay at an angle on the car. Tara managed to crouch low and get her massive body in between the two vehicles. She made her way to the trapped people - a mother and her small daughter - who pleaded," please help us, we can't get out ! " " Don' t worry," Tara responded," I will save you." Placing her hands against the side of the truck, the mighty woman - her massive thighs and her powerful arms straining against the truck's weight - began to push upwards. As she did so many in the crowd that had gathered, gasped in disbelief. Slowly, unbelievably, the truck began to rise. When she stood up straight with her arms fully extended, Tara bent her knees a little and gave the truck a push. Gasps were again heard from the onlookers as the huge truck was sent into an upright position. Nobody said a word, they were all in a state of shock. Turning around, Tara noticed that the roof of the car had been crushed and the doors smashed so that they couldn't be opened. The mother and her daughter were lying helplessly on the front seat; the crushed roof just inches above them. Tara put one of her hands against the flattened roof of the car and the other on the door. There was the sound of creaking, bending metal and steel as the powerful woman easily ripped off the car door and bent the roof back; freeing the trapped people. Quickly, the woman grabbed her daughter and ran out of her car. An awkward moment followed as the crowd of spectators stared at Tara in dead silence; not believing what they had just seen her do. How could one woman, albeit a very large and powerfully built woman, lift that heavy truck off the car and push it to an upright position? Then rip off the car door and bend back the roof ? It was simply beyond their comprehension. Even the mother whom Tara had rescued from certain death, couldn't bring herself to speak. Suddenly, the little girl broke away from her mother and ran to Tara. She wrapped her small arms around one of Tara's massive thighs and cried," Oh thank you, strong lady, for saving my mommy and me !!! " The silence now broken, the crowd spontaneously began to cheer. Even some of the football players that Tara had unintentionally battered, whistled loudly. Tara picked up the little girl, her tiny frame dwarfed by Tara's huge one, and carried her back to her mother. She smiled at the crowd, but inside was very confused. " Why are they all doing this ? " she asked herself. " Isn't this what I'm supposed to do ?... protect people as I always have. Why are they making such a big deal about it ? " Off in the distance, there was the sound of sirens approaching. Tara remembered that Mike would probably be up by now and she had to get back to him; least he worry. Grabbing her purse, she waved to the crowd and kissed the little girl on the forehead. Then, turning around, she quickly walked away from the scene. By the time the police and news crews arrived, Tara was long gone. Mike was nervously pacing back and forth when Tara returned to their apartment. " Thank God you're all right ! ," he exclaimed," I was worried sick about you." As they embraced Mike pleaded, " Tara please don't go off by yourself again, this can be a very dangerous place if you don't know what to expect." Gently cradling her husband in her powerful arms, Tara thought about the morning stroll she had just taken, and about Mike's warning. " Yes," she sighed to herself again," this civilization is strange indeed." End of part two