Tania, Wonder Woman's Super Amazon Back-up By M.C. Most people aren’t aware of this but there is another Amazonsuper-heroine, my girlfriend Tania. As I was sitting on our bed and brushing my girlfriend Tania's long, beautiful blond hair (my favorite Saturday morning chore), I couldn't help but reflect how I, a normal run- of-the- mill doctor, could have been so lucky to have met - and fallen in love with - this immense and powerful Amazon. And by Amazon, I don't mean just a big, strong woman but a 'real' Amazon warrior from Paradise Island, just like Wonder Woman herself. Although not nearly as well-known as her more famous Amazon sister (Amazons always refer to each other as sisters. Whether they're actually related to each other or not is a source of speculation as not too much is known about the culture of these mighty warrior women in the outside world) she's none-the-less a very powerful woman. "We don't do DNA tests Mike," Tania told me when I asked if Wonder Woman really is her sister. "Unlike your 'Man's World' (which is how Amazons refer to everything outside of Paradise Island) we all love one another and, therefore, think of ourselves as sisters. I think you'd do well to copy our example. Your lives would all be a lot less violent and much more peaceful if you did Mike." Touch was all I could say in response. Before I continue with the amazing events that would happen soon, I think a little bit of background information is necessary. As I already mentioned, Tania is a real Amazon warrior from Paradise Island. After Wonder Woman left with her boyfriend Steve Trevor, her mother - Queen Hyppolita and ruler of the Amazons - began to get worried. Not so much for her daughter Diana's well-being (I will henceforth use both the name Wonder Woman as well as her birth name of Diana interchangeably throughout the rest of this story), for she knew that Diana was more than capable of dealing with any situation that she should encounter, as indeed she has, but for Diana's emotional well-being. For despite Wonder Woman's tremendous power and strength, Queen Hyppolita was worried (as indeed all mothers are) that the strain of trying to solve all of the problems that mankind has set for itself will eventually get to her and she might decide at some point to just 'chuck it all' and return to Paradise Island. But because she felt that her daughter's mission was far too important to give up, Queen Hyppolita decided to send another powerful Amazon warrior out into the man's world to assist Wonder Woman. So a contest was held to find the mightiest Amazon warrior (outside of Diana of course) to join the princess in her never-ending fight to save humanity from itself. And after a series of incredibly rigorous tests and challenges which no man could possibly hope to survive - like lifting or moving huge objects like boulders and trees, tremendous tests of speed and endurance, and, of course, deflecting bullets wearing indestructible bracelets - Tania emerged as the winner. She was thus awarded with her own uniform, a pair of Amazon bracelets and a magic lasso, just like Wonder Woman's. And then she was sent out into the savage and (by Amazon standards) barbaric world ruled by men - in other words 'our world'. One of the first things Wonder Woman did for Tania when she arrived was give her a secret identity. "You'll need a secret identity to hide who and what you truly are. That way you can have relationships with the women and men of this world and not fear them getting harmed. You see Tania, the people in this world are not like us Amazons. There are some very nice and kind ones to be sure, but there are also many others who are mean and cruel, And if they can't hurt me or you, they will try to hurt the people that we like - or love. So that's why it's absolutely imperative that we preserve our secret identities - for their sake if not for ours. "So here, when I'm not dressed in my Wonder Woman uniform, I'm known as Diana Price, and archaeologist and translator who works at the museum of natural history. And you will be Tania Simpson. Because of your extensive medical knowledge, you will be a nurse in the local hospital. I know it will be difficult for you to have a secret identity at first - as indeed it was for me - especially since our strength, power and knowledge vastly exceeds that of even the strongest and smartest of men. But if we are to succeed in our mission and still want to live a somewhat 'normal' life, a secret identity is an absolute necessity." And that's how I first met Tania. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a doctor in the hospital where Tania went to work. And even though I am not gifted with the greatest amount of insight, I could tell right from the get-go that there was something very different about her. For starters, she must have stood at least six feet tall and weighed around 200 pounds - and boy was she fit and beautiful (after we got together, Tania told me that she was actually six feet-two and weighed 210 pounds). She was also incredibly intelligent too. In fact, I've never seen anyone with her kind of knowledge before, nurse or doctor (and I've been around some very good ones). But this woman puts them all to shame. For example: Tania can diagnose a disease faster than anybody I've ever seen before, and then recommend the proper treatment for it almost immediately - and she's never been wrong! So, you're probably wondering how this magnificent woman and I finally got together. Well, it happened like this: After working together for several weeks, I finally got up the courage to ask Tania out - nothing special, just a bite to eat after work. And, to my surprise, she accepted! So after work, we showered and changed at the hospital's locker room and walked to a near-by restaurant. We sat down at a table, ordered our food and had what I thought was a pretty good time just talking. I found her very easy to talk to and very unassuming. But what really amazed me about her was how broad and deep her knowledge was on practically every topic. Even in subjects where I thought I was very good at - like medicine, history, Spanish and French - Tania's knowledge literally dwarfed mine (I was too embarrassed to ask her how many languages she knew, but I bet it was a lot). She wasn't trying to show me up or anything like that, it was just kind of coming out during our conversation. And then it happened - an event occurred that would change both of our lives forever. Just as Tania and I got up to leave, four large, armed men with ski masks over their faces burst into the restaurant and shouted, "don't anybody move! This is a hold-up!" Instinctively I stood in front of Tania in an attempt to protect her. But then I felt a surprisingly strong arm push me aside (I weigh 190 pounds so that couldn't have been easy) and then Tania stood in front of me. "It's O.K. Mike," I heard Tania say with a calmness that seemed a bit surreal, considering the situation we found ourselves in. "I've got this. You just be sure to always stay behind me and you'll be safe." Then she turned to the four armed gunmen. "All right tough guys, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours." And what happened next is something that I will never forget for as long as I live. I guess seeing this large, strong woman confronting them was too much of a surprise for one of the gunman. He panicked and fired his Beretta 9mm handgun at her. But faster than you can blink your eye, Tania's right hand shot up and 'ping' the bullet harmlessly bounced off the bracelet she was wearing. It landed on the floor next to me and I couldn't help but notice that the bullet was bent in half. The three other men then also opened fire and Tania was being shot at by four different guns simultaneously! But as incredible as it seems, her arms moved so fast - indeed they were just a blur - that this amazing woman managed to deflect every single bullet that they fired at her, and this was all at point blank range too! I still cannot believe that it's humanly possible for anybody, no matter how skilled and well trained they may be, to react and move that fast. But Tania did. After they used up all of the bullets in their cartridges, Tania said," O.K. boys, you've had your fun, now it's time for me to have mine." She took a couple of steps forward and WHAM! hit the largest of the gunmen (he must have weighed at least 250 pounds) with a right uppercut underneath his jaw. So powerful was her punch that it lifted him completely off the floor and sent him flying halfway across the restaurant where he slammed against a wall and fell, unconscious, to the floor. He was soon joined by his three friends. "There," Tania calmly said as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened, "so much for them." When Tania saw the look of utter amazement that I must have had on my face, this awesome woman took me gently by the hand and smiled, "Mikie (it was the first time that she had ever called me that), I suppose you have a few questions about what just happened that you'd like to ask me. So let's pay for our meal and go over to my place for a drink. I just happen to have a nice bottle of wine that's begging to be consumed (wink)." Stunned, and still trying to come to terms with what I had just seen her do, Tania led me out of the restaurant and we walked over to her apartment. I won't go over all of the details of what we talked about over the course of the next few hours, and what we did afterward for the rest of that night. But basically Tania told me everything that I had mentioned earlier about her life growing up as an Amazon warrior on Paradise Island. About the intensive physical and mental training that every Amazon must go through. About how, when Queen Hyppolita wanted another Amazon to go into the world of men to assist her daughter, she won the contest to decide who would go. About how Diana explained to her the importance of having a secret identity. Before we began our discussion Tania did, of course, make me swear never to reveal anything at all about this (I'm only telling you because I know I can trust you too - wink). So now that I've brought you up-to-date, this is what happened earlier today. As I said, we were both sitting on the bed and I was brushing Tania's long, beautiful hair when the phone rang. "It's Wonder Woman honey, perhaps she needs my help." Tania put the phone on speaker mode so that I could also listen. "Yes Princess, what can I do?" In the background we could hear the sounds of gunfire and the now familiar 'ping, ping' sound of bullets bouncing off bracelets. "Hello Tania, I have a bit of a problem today and will require your assistance. I'm on a freighter off the coast of Texas in the Gulf of Mexico now, taking on a vicious gang of about fifty armed members of a drug cartel. Please excuse me for a few moments." Tania and I now began to hear punching sounds and men shouting and screaming. "Anyway, I just received a distress message that a runaway locomotive without an engineer is fast approaching your area from track number four somewhere to the south of your city (more gunshots, pings and punches were heard). And since I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, I need you to deal with this train situation before it plows into a station and injures many people. And since there is nobody on the locomotive, you can stop it anyway you choose." "Will do Diana. You know you can always count on your Amazon sister to help. After all, that's I'm here for, right? You just take care of your job and I'll take care of mine." After Tania hung up, she looked at me and sighed. "Well honey, it looks like I have a little bit of work to do today. Hopefully I won't be gone too long." And five seconds later Tania had switched to her uniform (she hates when it's referred to as a costume) and out she went. They say that Amazons can fly, but this is not true. But because of Tania's incredible leg strength she can run fast - very, very fast in fact. Exactly how fast she doesn't know as she's never been accurately clocked. All I know is that there was a news helicopter flying overhead rushing to cover the breaking story of the runaway locomotive (I turned on the T.V. and was watching) and they were describing a large, muscular woman running on track number four below them - running, it seemed, towards the oncoming locomotive at an astounding 150 miles an hour! Now bear in mind readers that a cheetah is the world's fastest land animal and capable of reaching speeds of 65-70 MPH (although only for very short distances). So Tania was running over twice as fast as a cheetah can! It couldn't have been more than five minutes before she reached a spot about a mile before the station where she decided to stop the runaway locomotive. But how on earth did she plan to do it? They said on the news that this type of locomotive weighs around 100 tons and was now traveling at over 90 miles an hour. Can even someone with the Amazonian strength of Tania - or even Wonder Woman for that matter - stop it? How? Suddenly I began to get very worried. As the powerful machine was fast approaching her, Tania stood in the middle of the train tracks with her hands on her hips. If she was apprehensive about what was about to happen in the next minute, you certainly couldn't detect it by the expression she had on her face. She actually appeared to be smiling! A news crew arrived and quickly set up shop to record the event. And although they were located a safe distance away, because they had a very sensitive microphone I could actually hear what Tania was saying to herself as the locomotive fast approached her. "O.K. big boy. You think you're so strong and tough. Well then, let's see just how strong you really are. Nobody nor nothing is going to be allowed to harm the innocent people in this city - not on my watch!" And as the powerful locomotive barreled down on her, Tania calmly crossed her arms and held them out in front of her - making sure that her indestructible bracelets were facing towards the oncoming locomotive. To say that I was nervous now would be a gross understatement, I was absolutely petrified! But incredibly, as this amazing woman braced herself for the impact, the smile never disappeared from Tania's beautiful face. There was an extremely loud CRUNCH! as the locomotive plowed into Tania at full force. For a few nervous moments nobody could make out what happened. All we could see was shattered steel and a lot of dust flying out all over the place which completely obscured our view (those were the most agonizing few moments of my entire life). But as the dust and debris slowly began to settle and it became possible to see what had transpired, I was totally stunned by what I saw. For there was my amazing Tania, still standing tall and strong directly in front of what had once been a powerful locomotive, which was now reduced to nothing more than a heap of scrap metal. And while the locomotive had been completely destroyed, Tania didn't seem to have so much as a single mark or scratch on her magnificent body (in fact her beautiful hair wasn't even mussed)! My mighty Amazon girlfriend was standing in exactly the same spot that she was standing on before the locomotive struck her and, incredibly, the impact didn't even budge her one single inch! I broke down and cried when I saw this (but please don't mention this to Tania - I don't want her to think that her boyfriend is a wimp). As Tania stood before the now totally destroyed locomotive, she calmly fluffed up her long beautiful blond hair and put her hands on her hips again. "Well tough guy, not quite as tough as everyone thought you were, were you?" (I found it amusing that Tania was relating to this inanimate object as if it were some sort of living creature who could actually understand what she was saying). Well then, let's get you off the train tracks so that you don't disturb the other trains that want to use it" My amazing girlfriend then walked around to the side of what remained of the now shattered locomotive, about half of which still remained on the tracks. She put her hands underneath one of the rear wheels and began to lift. I watched in total awe as Tania first lifted and then pushed what remained of the train (about 50 tons) over and casually tossed it off to the side so it wouldn't interfere with other trains that needed to use the track. "There, so much for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my honey (I almost came when I heard her say this)." Two Hours Later Tania and I were cuddling in bed after her 'interesting' morning when we heard a knock on the door. "Who is it? " Tania asked. "It's me, Diana," came the reply. Almost immediately Tania rose from the bed and rushed to open the door - seemingly oblivious to the fact that she was stark naked. "Welcome Princess Diana. I successfully completed the mission that you asked of me." Diana Price - also known as Wonder Woman - began to giggle when she heard this. "First of all Tania, here in the man's world, I would very much prefer that you address me as Diana and not princess. That is only used on Paradise Island because of protocol. Here you are to treat me as an equal. And after watching what you did earlier today with that runaway locomotive on the television, you have certainly earned that right. You probably saved many innocent lives today and I'm very proud to call you my assistant." Tania bowed her head. "Thank you princess, err Diana. It's truly a great honor for me to hear you say this. It means so much to me." Wonder Woman reached out and playfully pinched Tania's cheek (it amazes me that despite Tania's tremendous strength and power, she feels inferior to the mighty Wonder Woman). And it was only then that Tania realized that she was completely naked while standing in the presence of the daughter of the Amazon Queen. "Oh Diana, I'm so, so sorry." Wonder Woman began to giggle again. "Tania, I've been here a few years longer than you have and I too have a boyfriend - Steve Trevor. Do you really think that I don't know what's going on here?" Then Diana looked over at me and smiled. "He's a real cutie pie Tania - you chose well. I hope you're gentle with him though, these men can be so fragile you know." Both women (who are probably the most powerful forces on the entire planet) then began to giggle like little girls. "Anyway Tania, I just dropped by to express my appreciation for what you did today. But you know, you could have stopped that runaway locomotive simply by lassoing it with your magic lasso and then slowing it down until it stopped." "I know Diana. But you did tell me that I could stop it anyway I chose, right? And it just seemed to be more fun doing it this way. A little bit messier perhaps, but it was fun. How did it go with the drug dealers, by-the-way?" "Oh, the usual. I beat up the entire cartel of the 54 armed men that were on the boat - knocking them all out, including the cartel's leader. Then hauled the ship, it's crew and the two billion dollars of illegal drugs that were on it to the nearest Coast Guard station to be arrested. Then rescued a stranded bus that had stalled in the middle of a snowstorm by pulling it 10 miles to the nearest service station. You know, the usual day." Both Tania and Diana smirked when she said this. Then the Amazon princess glanced at her watch. "I'm afraid I have to leave now guys. I have a date with Steve at six and I don't want to be late." Wonder Woman then looked at me, then at Tania and winked. " You were indeed an excellent choice to be my back-up sister. I wish you guys a very nice evening." And then she was gone. After Wonder Woman left I said to Tania. "While I was watching you and Diana together, giggling like little girls, I was amazed. How can the two of you can be so incredibly powerful and tough, and yet so girlie and feminine at the same time?" Tania smiled, took me by the hand and led me back into the bed. "It has to do with the way we Amazons were taught from birth honey. You see, although we were trained to be the ultimate of warriors - strong, tough and invincible in battle, as both Diana and I were today, we were also taught to be women - meaning kind, compassionate and caring. If we weren't, then we'd be nothing more than female versions of men. The Amazons were taught to see ourselves as being called to a higher purpose - to teach the men of your world how, through strength combined with love and compassion, you can lift yourselves out of this seemingly never- ending series of wars, conflicts, violence and hatred that you men always seem to be engage in. We felt that we can show you the way to a better and more peaceful future." Tania then sighed and added, "although with some exceptions (she reached down and gently began to fondle my penis), I'm beginning to think that our mission, noble thou it may be, might very well be hopeless. But enough of this negative talk Mikie. All things considered, I've had a rather good day so far. So let's not break a winning streak and just enjoy it some more, shall we?" And so we did - for the rest of that evening and well into the night.