The Taming of the Bad Boys By M.C. A gang of tough bullies ruled the roost, until a tougher girl moved into their neighborhood that is. � My name is Richard Johnson and I was once the leader of a gang called The Bad Boys. We were the roughest, toughest kids in the neighborhood; in fact in our entire high school. We felt that since we were bigger and stronger than the other kids, that gave us the right to do whatever we liked. In fact George, the six foot-four inch 265 offensive right tackle of our football team, was so big and strong that NOBODY messed with him; not even the faculty at school. And we did just about anything we liked - that is until Sally moved into our neighborhood and changed everything. For as long as I live I'll never forget the day that Sally introduced herself to us. Because from that day onward our lives would never be the same. � Saturday Afternoon � Bill, Roger, George and I were all sitting around in the makeshift Bad Boys clubhouse in the local park that we had commandeered for our use only from the other kids (when you're a member of the Bad Boys you take what you want and nobody messes with you). It was the last Saturday of the summer vacation before school began on Monday when we would begin our senior year in high school. We were joking around and guzzling beers when all of a sudden there was a loud knock on the door. 'Who is it?' I asked. � 'My name is Sally Jenkins,' the female voice outside the door answered. 'I recently moved into this neighborhood and I'd like to have a little chat with you and your friends.' � 'What about?' I asked, more gruffly this time. � 'You'll find that out after you open the door and let me inside.' � I opened the door and this pretty, long-haired brunette who had moved into the house on the corner of my street two weeks ago came inside. Upon entering, she immediately closed and locked the door behind her, walked to the center of the room and faced the four of us with her hands on her hips. 'I understand that you're the bullies that call yourselves the Bad Boys and you've been tormenting the other kids in the neighborhood as well as in school for quite some time. Correct?' � 'And what if it is girlie?' I replied arrogantly. 'What are you going to do about it?' � Standing six feet-three inches tall and weighing in at a muscular 225 pounds (I was the middle linebacker on our football team), I literally towered over this five foot- six inch 135 pound girl. But despite this, she bravely approached me and said, 'I despise bullies so I'm afraid that I'm going to have to teach you and your friends a lesson in manners; something that you boys should have learned a long time ago.' And as Sally said this we all noticed that she was rolling up the sleeves of her sweatshirt and removing her sandals. � Almost as if on cue, Bill, Roger and George rose from the chairs that they were sitting on up to this point and converged around her. In effect, this 135 pound girl was now completely surrounded by four large, tough guys in a locked room who collectively weighed well over 900 pounds. But if Sally was afraid, she certainly didn't show it. She simply stood there in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips and calmly said, 'So boys, how do you want me to do this? Should I beat each of you up individually, or would you prefer that I take you all on at once? Either way it doesn't make much difference to me, you're all going to get a beating anyway in the end.' � 'The nerve of this girl!' we all must have been thinking to ourselves; at least I was. How could this 135 pound girl think that she could possibly stand a chance against four of the largest, strongest and toughest guys in our whole school? Who does she think she is? Wonder Woman? And the answer to that, I'm afraid, we were about to soon find out. 'O.K. tough guys, let's see just how tough you bullies really are.' � THUMP! As quick as a wink Sally shot out her right foot and caught George squarely underneath his jaw. I guess because he was the largest, she decided the start with him first. Such was the surprising power of her kick that George was sent reeling backwards where he fell over a chair and found himself on the floor. An instant later she drove her right fist deep into Bill's stomach and, as he keeled over, smashed him in the face with her knee. Then she whorled around and nailed Roger with a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of his jaw which caused him to completely spin around. This all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react - and I was like only six feet away from her! She even began to talk to us while she was fighting. � 'One of the drawbacks - THUD! - (Sally ducked under my wild punch and sent her right fist deep into my gut) when I fight several large hunks like you guys all at once - WHACK! - (a solid uppercut to my jaw sent me back against the wall) is that I have to fight quickly - CRACK! - (then she hit me again with another hard hook to my face) rather than take my time and play around with you like I would if I was only fighting one or two.' � PUNCH! KICK! PUNCH! KICK!! With her long brown hair swishing around behind her, Sally quickly moved from one of us to the next, expertly landing hard karate punches and kicks as she methodically began to work us all over. Despite our vastly superior size and strength, the four of us were simply no match for the wizardly of her martial arts skills. It couldn't have taken her more than a couple of minutes to put all four of us on the floor. Incredible as it may seem, the strongest and toughest guys in the neighborhood were getting their asses kicked by a 135 pound girl! � While she waited for us to get up, Sally calmly walked over to the mirror that was hanging on one of the walls and began to fluff up her hair. 'I wonder if I should get a my hair done before school starts on Monday,' I heard her say to herself. 'After all, it will be my first day in a new school and I would really like to look my prettiest for it.' I was stunned when I heard her say this. Sally was taking on four of the strongest and toughest guys in our school and all she seemed to be concerned about was her hair! When she noticed that we were getting up, Sally stopped fluffing her hair and turned around to face us again. � SMACK! WHAM! POW! CRACK! PUNCH! KICK! And for the next ten minutes or so this amazing girl proceeded to relentlessly batter me and my friends all around clubhouse. Towards the end of the fight Sally realized that she had worn us down so to such a degree that we could barely defend ourselves. She decided to ease up on the strength of her punches and have some fun with us. She began to rotate her fists so fast around each other that they seemed like a blur and then went around to each of us and rapidly punched us in the face - just like a boxer would do when punching the small bag (I swear she must have hit me at least twenty times in just a few seconds). And while Sally was doing this she started to giggle. 'I will say this for you boys, you make great punching bags; tee, hee, hee.' � By the time she finished punching out George we were all lying on the clubhouse floor. Not one of us had the ability to get up again and continue the fight; nor the desire to do so even if we could, for we all knew by this time that Sally would only put us down again. We were beaten, plain and simple. The mighty and feared Bad Boys, were all beaten into submission - by a single girl! � When Sally realized that the fight was over she calmly walked back to the mirror and fluffed up her hair again (she likes to do that). Then she went to the center of the clubhouse and smiled down at us. 'So, you're the notorious Bad Boys, the toughest guys in the neighborhood; eh? The ones that everybody is so afraid of. Well I guess you weren't quite as tough as you thought you were if a little girl like me can mop the floor with the four of you so easily. Although I have to say that you boys did give me a fairly decent workout so I guess I won't have to hit the gym today. I'll give you a few minutes to recover and then we'll have the little chat I promised you.' � When she felt that we had had enough time, Sally ordered us all to get up and stand against one of the clubhouse walls. When George refused, the pretty brunette grabbed him firmly by his shirt and slapped him back and forth across his face with her open right hand until, almost in tears, George agreed to do as Sally demanded. After we had lined up, Sally stood a few feet in front of us and looked us over. She smiled as if she was admiring her handiwork. Black eyes, bloody noses, swollen lips and jaws - while Sally didn't seem to have a single mark or scratch on her! Then she giggled again and said, 'My, my, you boys are quite a sight to behold aren't you? Tee hee, hee.' The she got serious. � 'O.K. you naughty boys, I am, as of now, officially disbanding this little club of yours. Your days of bullying the other kids are over. This clubhouse will now be open to all of the kids in the neighborhood as it was meant to be. Furthermore, you're going to apologize to all of the students at school and kids in the neighborhood that you've tormented; and I'm going to make sure that you do. We'll start when school begins on Monday. And in addition to that, I want you to go home now and spend the rest of the day thinking about how you've been behaving and what changes you can make in your attitudes in order to become better people.' � 'Tomorrow we're all going to meet here again at noon and we'll discuss what you're going to do. And when I say noon boys, I mean noon! Anybody who shows up late will be punished.' To emphasize her point, Sally walked over to our clubhouse coffee table and - CRACK! - smashed it to pieces with one blow from her karate trained right hand. Then she looked at us. 'Now, is there anything that I just said that you boys didn't understand?' None of us dared to say a word. 'Good. Now, Bill, Roger and George, you're to go to your homes and do what I asked. I'll see you back here at noon tomorrow.' Sally then turned her attention to me and grinned. 'And as for you Richie, I'm taking you home with me.' � 'What for?' I asked, surprised and confused at hearing her say this. � 'You'll see,' Sally answered with a wink. Then she unlocked and opened the clubhouse door. 'Now go!' With our heads bowed in shame, the once proud and seemingly invincible Bad Boys, the terror of the neighborhood, left the clubhouse and silently began to walk to our homes. � As Sally and I walked towards the street where we both lived, I found it impossible to talk to her; or even look at her. And while she was humming, I just kept my head down and walked in silence. 'Why is she taking me home with her?' I thought to myself. 'What does she want from me? Hasn't she done enough already? She beat up and humiliated me and my friends, force us to dissolve the Bad Boys and is going to make us apologize to everyone that we bullied. Isn't that enough?' When we got to her home I finally built up the courage to ask, 'Do I really have to go inside Sally?' � 'I'm afraid you do Richie. Unless you want me to beat you up again that is. And even if I do, I'll still make you come inside. So you see, you really don't have any choice in the matter, do you?' Faced with the impeccable logic of Sally's argument, I meekly followed her inside. � Inside Sally's Home � We entered Sally's home and were greeted by a large and well-built woman. 'Hi mommy,' Sally said. 'This is Richie. He lives just down the block from us. He's one of the strongest and toughest boys in my new school and was the leader of a gang of bullies that called themselves the Bad Boys. So I just finished beating them all up and now I'm going to teach them how to behave themselves so that they'll be good boys.' � 'That's nice honey,' Sally's mother replied as she looked me over. She could clearly see the black eye, bloody nose and swollen lip and jaw from the pounding that her daughter had given me. 'I hope you weren't too rough on them sweetie pie; after all, they're just boys.' � 'No mommy, I was gentle with them. I only beat them up enough to teach them a good lesson; just like you taught me to do. Not one of them will have to go to the emergency room this time.' I was stunned when I heard Sally say this. She had just given each of us the beating of our lives. And now she's telling her mother that she was GENTLE with us? 'What time is din-din mommy?' � 'Dinner will be ready around six honey. Will your new friend be staying?' � 'Yes he will,' Sally said before I even had time to say a word. 'What have I gotten myself into?' I wondered. 'And what does this martial arts supergirl have in store for me?' While I was pondering this, I felt a surprisingly strong hand firmly grip mine. 'Come Richie,' Sally said as she practically dragged me along (don't forget, I weigh 225 pounds to her 135). Let's go up to my bedroom. I think it's time for me and you to get to know one another better.' � Before taking me into her bedroom, Sally made me sit on the toilet seat in the upstairs bathroom. 'The first thing we have to do is get you cleaned up a bit Richie. Boy, it looks like somebody put you through a meatgrinder; tee, hee.' She then wiped the blood off my face and began to treat, as best she could, my black eye, swollen jaw and lip along with some of the other bruises that I had - bruises that she herself had given me less than an hour earlier! And while Sally was working on me I asked her, 'You were just kidding with your mother when you said that you were gentle with us, weren't you Sally?' � 'Unfortunately no Richie. Before I learned how to fully control the power of my punches and kicks, I had beaten up some bullies rather badly. Not that they didn't deserve the beating I gave them, they did. But as I got better and better at martial arts, some of my beatings were rather severe and a few of the boys I pounded did indeed have to be taken to the emergency room afterwards. But now I have a much better control over how hard I punch and kick. Remember towards the end of our fight today that I eased up on all of you, even on George? I only used you guys as punching bags, hitting you much softer than I had at the beginning of our fight.' � Sally stopped and looked me over. 'O.K. Richie, it looks like I've done about as much as I can here. Your swollen jaw and lips as well as your black eye should all start to look better in a couple of days. And in about a week you'll look just as handsome as ever.' Then she giggled and added, 'But until then I suggest that you don't get into any more fights with girls; tee, hee, hee.' Sally led me into her bedroom and closed the door behind her. � The first thing that I noticed upon entering were the trophies that she had won in various martial arts competitions. They were impossible to miss as there were literally dozens of them spread out all over the room. 'I've been training in martial arts since I was three years old Richie,' Sally said when she noticed that I was looking at her trophies. 'Both of my parents are experts and they wanted me to become one too. So now I'm also an expert.' Then she winked and added, 'As you and your friends might have noticed earlier. But that's not the reason why I brought you up here Richie.' � 'Then why did you bring me up here Sally?' I asked. I was totally clueless and very confused at this point; and nervously wondering why she was starting to approach me. � 'Oh you Silly boy you; I brought you up here for this.' Sally put her arms around me and gave me the strongest hug that I ever received in my life. It was so strong that when she finally released me I felt like I was going to collapse. Noticing this, Sally laughed. 'What's the matter tough guy? Was even my hug too much for you?' She pushed me backwards with so much force that I landed on my back on top of her bed. 'My how convenient,' Sally smirked as she leaped on top of me (it's a position that I would find myself in for many years to come). 'So you want to know why I brought you up here Richie? Well, it's like this.' � 'Two weeks ago when we moved in to this neighborhood and I saw you for the first time I said to myself��he's such a hunky guy and I must get to get to know him better'. Then I found out from the other kids that you were the leader of the Bad Boys, a gang of bullies that had been terrorizing the other kids around here for several years. Well as I told you earlier, I hate bullies. So right then and there I decided to put an end to the antics of this Bad Boy club of yours and today I did. And now that you're no longer a bully, I want you to become my boyfriend.' � Sally was lying on top of me on her bed and playfully tweaking my nose when she said this. When she saw the look that I had on my face when I heard her say this Sally teased, 'What's the matter tough guy? You don't want to be with a girl that can beat up your whole gang of rough, tough macho guys and fluff up her pretty hair while she's doing it? Well, you'd better get used to me you handsome hunk you because you're going to be my boyfriend whether you like it or not.' � 'You can't force be to become your boyfriend Sally,' I protested. 'You simply can't do that.' � 'Oh can't I? Well, we'll just have to see about that won't we macho man.' Sally got off of me and sat down on the side of her bed. Then she reached over and grabbed me firmly by my hair and yanked me across her knees. She pulled down the training pants that I was wearing as well as my boxer shorts that I had under them, exposing my bare buttocks. 'My, my, what a nice tushie you have here Richie. It's just begging to be spanked.' And then with her strong right hand she began to spank me; hard. � While Sally was spanking me the door to her bedroom opened and her mother walked in, carrying a stack of clean laundry in her arms. 'I've decided that this cute boy will become my new boyfriend mommy; just as soon as I convince him that it's in his best interest. You can put my clean clothes on the top of my dresser and I'll put them away later.' � 'Very well sweetie pie,' Sally's mother said with a smile and a wink. She put Sally's clothes on the top of her dresser and as she walked to the door Sally and her mother shared a girlish giggle between them; then she left the room. As Sally began to spank me again, she suddenly she began to giggle. 'I just had a lovely idea Richie. On Monday morning before school starts I think I'll take you across my knees and spank you again in front of the whole school. What do you think about that?' � This literally sent shivers down my spine. 'You, can't do that to me Sally; you just can't. You'll humiliate me in front of everybody in school. I'll be completely destroyed. You just can't do that to me.' � 'And why not Richie? After all, what could be a better way for a girl to introduce herself to her new school than by taking the rough, tough leader of the Bad Boys across her knees and giving him good spanking. I think that the students that you've been bullying would love to see that. It'll be fun. Yes, I definitely think I'll do that. Tee, hee, hee.' � Despite the beating she gave me in the clubhouse earlier, I managed to resist breaking down. But this was simply too much for me to bare. The thought her spanking me in front of the entire school was overwhelming and I broke down completely and began to cry. 'Pease, please,' I begged her, 'don't spank me in school. You'll ruin me. Please don't do it Sally.' � Sally stopped spanking me and let me cry for a couple of minutes. Then she reached over, took out a tissue and began to gently wipe the tears away from my eyes. 'Oh you poor, poor boy,' she cooed as a mother would do with a small child. 'I will give you a way out of this Richie, but you have to agree to do something for me in return.' � 'Name it Sally. Just name it and I'll do it. I promise. Just don't spank me in front of the whole school.' � 'O.K. then Richie. If you agree to become my boyfriend then I won't spank you on Monday. But if you don't - SPANK! - (Sally saved her hardest spank for last). Do you agree to my terms?' � 'Yes,' I answered meekly, seeing that I didn't really have any other choice. 'Yes, I'll be your boyfriend.' � 'Oh goodie, goodie gumdrops,' Sally squealed. Then she tenderly began to pat my very sore buttocks. 'It won't be so bad Richie; you'll see. I think we'll be great for each other. You need a strong, tough girl like me to keep you in line, and I need a good-looking hunk like you for a boyfriend. In fact I think we'll be the perfect match for each other.' Sally made me stand up and face the full length mirror that she had in her bedroom. Then she got up, handed me her hairbrush and stood in front of me. � 'Now Richie, the first thing I need to teach you about being my boyfriend is how much I like it when boys brush my long, pretty brown hair. I made all of my boyfriends do it. And with those big, strong muscles of yours, you'll be a natural. Every morning before school you're to come over here and brush it for me and tell me how pretty it is while you're doing it. You're to be here no later than seven. I'm a real stickler for being here on time so if you're late I'll have to punish you with another spanking. Understand?' I nodded. 'Good.' Sally then giggled and, in her cutest little girlie voice said, 'brushie, brushie.' � Sally must have made me brush her hair for at least twenty minutes. All the while she was smiling at our reflection in the mirror (no doubt relishing in the complete domination that she now had over me). 'O.K. big boy, I think that's enough for today.' She took her hairbrush back and smiled up at me. 'You did very well Richie. I knew you'd be a natural at it.' Sally looked at the clock on the wall and smiled. 'We still have half an hour before dinner will be ready. So let's get into my bed and we'll cuddle until then.' And as Sally assumed what would always be her position - on top of me - she sighed and said, ' Yes, it's going to be great having you for my boyfriend Richie.' � Sunday Afternoon � Roger, Bill and I were in the clubhouse at noon, as Sally had told us to be. But unfortunately for George, he showed up ten minutes late�� and that was a big mistake. Although George tried to explain to Sally that he had simply lost track of the time, she, aware of how much we all looked up to the mighty football star, decided to make an example of him. 'I warned you boys that I would punish you if you came late; didn't I?' Sally said in a very stern tone of voice. 'So now I'm going to have to punish you Georgie.' Nobody ever dared to call George, Georgie, because everyone knew how much he hated it. And, as I mentioned before, he's a very big and strong guy. But that didn't seem to bother Sally in the least. � Roger, Bill and I stood in stunned disbelief as this 135 pound girl grabbed George firmly by his hair and literally dragged the 265 pound All-State offensive right tackle of our football team over to the nearest chair. Sally sat down and yanked the huge guy across her knees and pulled down his pants. Then she turned to us and said, 'Now I want you boys to look at me at all times while I'm spanking your big, strong, macho hero. If I catch any of you looking away from me I'm going to give you a good spanking too. Is that clear?' Needless to say it was. � As I watched this amazing new girlfriend of mine spank the biggest, strongest and toughest player on our football team to tears, I suddenly began to feel a strange sensation. I couldn't explain what it was or why I had it at the time, but as I observed this strong, dominant girl break down the mighty George - a guy that we had all looked up to as being the epidemy of masculine strength and toughness - I began to feel (well I might as well admit it) aroused; very aroused. So much so that I was actually getting hard while I was watching it - something which, much to my embarrassment, didn't escape Sally's attention. � 'My, my Richie; what have we here?,' she giggled as she continued to spank George. Is that a hard-on I see? Why you naughty boy you; tee, hee, hee. You must really like watching a strong girl like me spank a big, rough, tough, macho guy like your friend Georgie here to tears. I guess I was right when I told you yesterday that we'll be great for each other.' � After what was undoubtably the longest three minutes of George's life, Sally stopped spanking him and let him cry for a bit. And as he did so, she turned to us and said, 'This is what I'm going do to each of you if you ever show up later that I tell you to; and I hope for your tushies sake that my message was clear.' Sally made George get up and stand beside the rest of us against one of the clubhouse walls (although to further rub in the complete domination she now had over him Sally refused to allow George to pick up his boxer shorts and pants). This powerful girl then stood before us with her hands on her hips again and, in a strong and authoritative voice, began to lecture us. 'O.K. tough guys, this is how things are going to be around here from now on.' � And so for the next half hour Sally lectured us on how we were expected to behave from then on. We were to apologize to all of the students that we had tormented and ask their forgiveness. We were never to use foul language or make lewd comments about the girls in school and were to treat them with the respect and dignity that they deserved. In school we were to become model students, ones that the other students looked up to - not out of fear as they did now, but out of respect. � From time to time Sally said that she would give us chores to do like cleaning up the park or our high school campus and helping out with charity drives; and we were to do them - or else. 'When you do these things, I believe that you can then change your name to the Good Boys,' she concluded at the close of her lecture. Then, turning to George, Bill and Roger, Sally said, 'Now I want you boys to go back home and reflect on everything that I just told you. I'll see you in school tomorrow - and you'd better be on time if you know what's good for you.' � As Sally and I walked back to her home, she squeezed my hand and said, 'That was quite a boner you had while you were watching me spank your big, strong, rough, tough hero to tears Richie.' Then she looked down and began to giggle again (in case you haven't noticed, Sally likes to giggle a lot. 'It's the little girl in me,' she said when I asked her about it). 'It looks like you're getting another hard-on just thinking about it. We shouldn't let that go to waste now, should we?' When we arrived at Sally's home her parents were out so she reached into my pants, firmly grabbed my enlarged penis and led me up the stairs into her bedroom. � Four Years Later � It's been four years since the events that I described took place. And as we begin our senior year in college, let me fill you in on some of the things that have happened since then. True to her word, Sally did indeed reform the Bad Boys; and it turned out for the best thing that ever happened to us. For under the guidance of Sally's firm but loving hand - and I do mean firm, or as she likes to call it��tough love' - this amazing girl completely changed the direction that our lives had been heading and set us off on an entirely different course. And although it took a few more beatings and spankings from her to make us see the light, Bill, Roger, George and I eventually came around appreciating what she was doing for us. � Under her watchful eye our grade point averages rose over a full point. In my senior year in high school mine rose from a 2.0 average to a 3.5 (Sally had a perfect 4.0). In fact, that may very well have been the reason that we all received university football scholarships instead of attending a local junior college. And while we were leading our high school football team to the city title, Sally was also leading her basketball and softball teams to theirs. 'That's two for me and only one for you Richie,' she teased. � Sally wasn't too pleased with Bill, Roger and Georges' choices for girlfriends though. 'They're pompous, stuck up cheerleaders,' she told me. So Sally decided to have a private discussion with my friends in the clubhouse about it. I wasn't there (she asked me not to attend) but shortly afterwards my friends broke up with their girlfriends and started dating Beth, Ann and Carol - Sally's best friends and teammates on her basketball team. I did notice some welts and bruises on their faces when I saw them in school the next day. None of them wanted to talk about it when I asked them but I kind of figured out by myself what happened during their meeting with Sally. And how did it all work out? Well, it's been four years now and they're still all together and going strong (Roger and Ann are even talking about marriage plans). � George will probably get a contract to play in the National Football League upon his graduation. But as I'm not nearly good enough, Sally directed me to set my sights on law school. Bill and Roger are also seriously thinking about a law career. Sally manages one of her parents two martial arts dojos and is the master instructor there. And when she graduates (she's working towards her MBA) her parents plan on giving the dojo to her. Then we plan to get married. So all-in-all, everything seems to be working out very well for the Bad Boys. � Epilogue � From time-to-time I think back to that fateful Saturday afternoon when Sally came into the Bad Boys' clubhouse and singlehandedly pounded us all into submission. Then she spanked me until I agreed to become her boyfriend. And although it's impossible to know for sure how things might have turned out for us had she not have done that, I'm a hundred percent certain that our lives would not have been anywhere near as great or successful as they're turning out to be. And I think I can speak for all of the former Bad Boys when I say that we owe it all to a very remarkable girl who began her relationship with us by beating us all up. Now, if that isn't irony, then I don't know what is. � A Short Side Story � Sally and I had been together for over two years now. We were living in an apartment just off the university campus that we both attended. We were lying in bed together one evening with Sally, as usual, on top. 'Sally,' I asked her, 'why can't I be on top for a change?' � 'I've already answered that question for you many times Richie - if you want to be on top, then I'm afraid you're going to have to earn it.' Then, after a lengthy pause, she said, 'I'll tell you what honeybunch, I promise that I won't use any punches or kicks on you; no karate, Tai Kwon Do or jujitsu (Sally's an expert in all three disciplines). We'll simply do straight wrestling and whoever wins gets to be on top tonight. O.K?' � 'But Sally, I'm six feet-three inches tall and weigh 225 well developed pounds and your only five-foot-six inches tall and weigh 135 pounds. That's a ninety pound difference. And as far as my endurance goes, I'm one of the fittest guys on the university's football team. Do you really think that you'd stand a chance against me in a straight wrestling match without using any of your martial arts skills?' � Sally laughed when she heard me say this and replied, 'Well then big boy, what are you so worried about? Are you afraid that your little girlfriend would also beat you in wrestling? (Was she baiting me to wrestle her?). Why don't you stop making excuses and let's get it on Mr. Macho Man; right now!' So we got out of the bed, went to the center of our living room where we'd have more room, squared off against one another and wrestled. And that night Sally was, as usual, on top.