A lovely swim in a lake. by M. C. Sheena enjoys a swim, despite three huge crocodiles. It was hot, very hot. The stifling humidity in the jungle made the it almost unbearable. As Sheena walked majestally through the jungle, she felt the oppressive heat upon her. "It's too damn hot"she said to herself, "I've got to find someplace to cool off ". She went on a little further and soon came to a beautiful little lake. "What a lovely spot, I think I'll take a swim". She removed her clothes, the tough lion skin hide that she made from a fierce lion she had killed with her bare hands. . . . when she was just fifteen years old, and entered the lake. "OOOH, that feels so good"she said. As she began to swim;strong, graceful strokes that would make an olympic champion jealous, she didn't notice the three huge crocodiles entering the lake from the opposit shore. They had been waiting for this, some unsuspecting victim entering the lake to escape the heat. Sheena continued her swim, oblivious to the danger that was fast approaching her. When the crocodiles were only a few feet away from her, Sheena took a deep breath and dove under the water. The huge crocodiles followed. For a few moments the lake was quiet, then all hell broke loose. The water became very turbulent; a terrific struggle was going on under the surface. After a minute, one of the crocodiles floated to the surface. He appeared to be either unconcious or dead. Most of his teeth had been knocked out. A minute later another appeared, in the same condition. Suddenly the water broke apart and the third crocodile appeared. He had blood comming out of his mouth and a look of sheer terror on his face. He tried desperately to swim away-but he didn't get far. From out of the water a hand appeared. It grabbed the fleeing crocodile by the tail and, despite his best efforts to escape, dragged him back down under the water. The water became turbulent again for about a minute. . . . . . and then calm returned. The third crocodile floated to the surface, in the same condition as the other two. As the current slowly carried the battered crocodiles downstream, Sheena's beautiful face appeared. She looked in the direction of the crocs and smiled. "Good-bye boys, and thanks for a lovely workout-tee hee hee". She then resumed her swim. "What a wonderful place this is; I'll definiately have to come back here".