The Publicity Stunt Part 3 by M.C. Women Wrestlers Challenge the Superbowl Champions As I watched Susan lead her team of beautiful, muscular women out onto the playing field, dressed in their sexy wrestling outfits, my heart pounded with anticipation. On the one hand I had a tremendous feeling of arousement for these awesome amazons; but on the other, my long held beliefs of male physical superiority created a lot of ambivalence within me.Did I want to see these eight magnificant women defeat the Superbowl champions, thereby destroying my beliefs in the superior power of the male gender ? Or did I want to see them crushed, thus maintaining the status quo that had always existed between the genders. I simply didn't know where I stood on this issue.While I wrestled uncomfortably with these feelings on the sidelines the " Battle of the Sexes " was about to begin on the field. Susan, Nancy, Judy and the other women may be large and strong by female standards, but they were clearly overmatched by their male counterparts. Averaging well over 250 pounds, with the linemen more than 300, they easily dwarfed the 200 pound women. In addition to that, the men were fully dressed in their football uniforms - helmets&pads - which made them look monsterous compared to the women who were only attired in their sexy wrestling outfits. One more thing, a football team consists of eleven men who play on offence and another eleven on defence. Susan's team consisted of just EIGHT women !! What could she possibly have been thinking about when she put forward this challenge ? As the men stared down at the women, trying to look as intimidating as possible, the " girls " simply smiled up at them; " are you boys ready to play a little football ? ", Susan laughed; if she was afraid she certainly didn't show it. The referee threw the coin up into to air. Even though the women won the toss, Susan elected to let the men recieve, " age before beauty " she said with a giggle. I watched, with growing trepidation, as they took their positions on opposit sides of the gridiron. Eleven strong, tough men - the best football team ever - against eight magnificant women.The 70,000 people grew quiet, the game was about to begin. Judy kicked the ball sending it high in the air.The deep back caught it and began to run forward behind a wall of blockers.The women converged on the ballcarrier and, as I watched in amaze- ment, knocked his protective defenders aside and tackled him. The women in the crowd stood up and cheered. I watched as the stunned men got up and saw the surprised looks on their faces. Susan and the rest of her team gave each other high - fives. As the two teams lined up the difference in their size was very pronounced. In full uniform, with helmets, these huge men towered over the scantily clad women. The ball was snapped. Before the quarterback could take even hand the ball off Susan broke through the offensive line and threw him to the ground. She pushed aside the 300 pound linemen as if they were children. " Gee this is fun ", I heard her say with a giggle. The next play went exactally the same way - except it was Sharon, a beautiful 19 year old who had the honors of sacking the quaterback.After the third play likewise failed, the stunned men were forced to punt. Susan caught the ball and began to run towards the oncoming men, now awakened to the fact that these women were not to be taken lightly. I watched Susan run, I couldn't help but be impressed by her absolute grace and beauty. She flattened the first man who tried to tackle her, and dragged two others several yards before they managed to bring her down. On the offensive now the eight women lined up against the best defensive unit in the N.F.L. Due to their lacked of knowledge regarding the finer points of football, Susan's strategy was simply take the ball and run with it, or let another woman do so. I watched in awe as these mighty women proceeded to push, by their sheer brute strength, the best team in football back.It usually took two or three men to tackle one of the "girls", and that was only after she carried them along for awhile. Despite their superior size, the women seemed to be pushing the men around with little difficulty. After the end of each play these georgous amazons would huddle together. From the sidelines, I could hear them giggling as they decided which one would get to run with the football. It took them only seven plays to score their first touchdown and take a 7 - 0 lead. Susan smiled in my direction and blew me a kiss...I began to get a strange feeling..... " Damn it !! ", I heard the coach scream from across the field. "They 're just a bunch of women, we should be creaming their asses by now !!! " On their next possession, the men managed to get a first down; but only one. After Sheila, a magnificant redhead from Vancouver, overpowered several blockers and then flattened the leading rusher in the N.F.L., the men were forced to punt again; and once again, Susan's team of muscular women battered and bullied their way to another touchdown. As the first quarter ended, the women led the superbowl champions 14 - 0. Like most of the people watching I was in shock. How could eight women be beating the greatest team in the history of professional football ? They weren't using superior tactics, they were simply overpowering them with their incredible physical strength; and they were having a great time doing so. Their complete dominance continued throughout the second quarter as they overpowered their opponents in every aspect of the game. As the gun sounded to end the first half, these awesome women led by a score of 28 - 0. At halftime the men's locker room was like a morgue "How can this be happening ? !!!" , the coach screamed at the top of his lungs. " How can these eight women be beating us so easily ? "He went on to berate his team for not trying hard enough, for taking it "easy " because they were females. As I listened to his diatribe, Susan's cryptic smile appeared in my mind. The contrast in the women's locker room couldn't have been greater. As I entered, I was greeted by the sounds of women laughing. They were brushing each others hair and seemed to be completely indifferent to what had happened in the first half. " So, how are we doing handsome ? ", Susan asked when she saw me. The question was as surreal as the scene before me " How are you doing ??? You're kicking ass on the best football team in history, but you know that ". Susan smiled. " Oh are we ? " The sarcasm was as subtle as a hydrogen bomb. Susan came over and gave me a kiss. " I'm afraid you haven't seen anything yet, honey. We were just getting warmed up in the first half; now we're ready to play ". That thought sent shivers down my spine. In the second half Susan and her team of muscluar wonder women showed the superbowl champs along with the rest of the world, just who the " superior " sex really is as they totally bullied the men all over the playing field. On defence Susan and her teammates easily pushed the hugh linemen aside and flattened the running back. On offence, they were as hard to stop as a tank. Try as they might, the men were simply no match for these mighty women. Every new stragety the coach tried was swiftly crushed by the women wrestlers as they continued to overpower the men with their incredible strength and endurance. As the rout continued , 42 - 0 at the end of the third quarter, the men lost their cool and began to play dirty. Big mistake. For as tough as the men would play, the women played tougher. In one play a 250 pound linebacker crashed into 175 pound Karen after she was already down. Calmly rising, Karen flashed him a smile. On the very next play, Karen ran with the ball and, instead of trying to avoid, her tacklers smashed right into the arrogant man that had given her the cheap shot on the previously play. As they were carrying him off the field on a streacher, Karen stood next to him and said in her cutest voice, " Oh, did I hurt you ? Poor baby....that 'll teach you not to get rough with a lady wrestler ". I watched, spellbound, as these incedible women literally ground the superbowl champions into the dust. The men in the crowd sat in stunned silence while the women cheered ecstatically. By the middle of the fourth quarter, with her team leading 56 - 0, Susan came over to me and asked, " well sweetie pie, are you enjoying the game ? " I was stunned." Am I enjoying watching you destroy the finest team in professional football ? Am I enjoying you and your amazons annihilate the concept of male superiority ? " She looked at me and smiled, not her cryptic smile, but a smile of pity - a smile that seemed to say, " Oh you poor poor man, your male ego is being crushed here today. Your illusion of yourselves as the " stronger " sex is being revealed for what it always illusion. From now on your gender will have to accept the fact that we women - with the proper training - are really the superior sex ". She said all this with a simple smile. Then she kissed me and went back to the playing field. Only a few minutes remained now. The women were leading 63 - 0. While the men appeared battered and beaten, the women looked like they just came out of a beauty parlor. After Sheila smashed through the defensive line and sacked the quaterback for the upteenth time, the exhausted men were forced to punt again. The girls all huddled together and began to giggle. Then Susan called out to the rest of the team sitting on the sidelines, " we would like to invite you all out onto the field, let 's see if all of you big strong men can stop us girls " . Enraged, the entire team - offense and defence plus reserves - stormed out, determined to salvage at least some of their pride. Surely fifty men can stop these women.The girls all winked at each other as the ball was kicked. Susan caught the ball and began to run, she had a smile on her face."Smash, Pow, Wham " three would be tacklers were sent flying." Crash, Whack, Slam !!! ", three more huge men went down for the count. As Susan and her blockers smashed into the helpless football players, bodies went flying all over the field. As she approached the goal line, Susan stopped and turned around,she was having too much fun to stop now. She handed the ball off to Sharon and began blocking for her. The women were putting on a show of unbelieveable female power.Back and forth across the field they ran, flattening men as they went. With less than a minute remaining, the mighty women stood together in the middle of the field...there was not a single man left standing. The females in the stands rose and gave Susan and her team a tremendous cheer. The scene on the field was one of total devastation. Bodies of the once mighty superbowl champs were strung - out all over the field; the arrogant coach sat on the bench...crying. The women weren't quite through yet; they had one more humiliation in store for their beaten opponents. They began to gather up all the football players and carried them to the center of the field. The sight of these incredible women, carrying the battered men around on their shoulders and neatly piling them up in the center of the field was the most erotic I've ever seen. When the entire team was together, Susan and her victorious amazons posed in front of them, flexing and giggling for the photographers. Susan looked at me and smiled," now you're going to see what we brought the trailer for ". She turned to her teammates and said,"O.K. girls, make your pick ". Each of the women picked up a football player and carried him over her shoulder to the trailer where she dumped him in. Susan walked over and put her muscular arm around me. " We have a remote cabin up in the mountains where we sometimes train ", she said. Each of the girls is taking a 'friend' along to celebrate our victory....I'm taking you loverboy ". She bent down and lifted me up on her massive shoulder." Are you going to put me in the trailer also ? " She giggled," no honey, you 're riding up front with me ". I climbed into the van with these eight superwoman. Susan winked at me, started up the engine and off we drove, laughing as we went.