The Publicity Stunt : Part 2 by M.C. Women wrestlers challenge the superbowl champs I awoke early that day,truth be told I did not sleep the entire night. The thought of these magnificant women taking on the undefeated superbowl champions, and the casual way they related to the upcoming game made me feel very uncomfortabe. Weren't we, the male of the species, the more powerful ? Didn't we do the hunting, the providing ? Hasn't it always been so ? How could these eight women even think that they had a chance against the ' best ' the male gender had to offer ? It was absurd......and yet, I was haunted by Susan's smile, that taunting facial expression that reached down to my very soul and said, " so my macho friend, you think you know us?... well you know nothing...but you will learn " I found her smile as it was frightening. As a male I felt a great deal of ambivalence towards the upcoming contest. Susan and her fellow wrestlers were so magnificant. But they were challenging the very concept of male superiority. What if they could win ? What if eight women could beat the best team in professional football. Didn't that go against everything I'd ever been taught ? And what would be the ramifications if they did win ? Would the social order, based on the assumption that the male is more powerful than the female, survive such a blow ? And, if not, what would replace it. This wasn't a very fit Billie Jean King beating a senior citizen called Bobby Riggs. This was a direct frontal assult on the male concept of physical superiority. If that proves to be a paper tiger, then what's to become of us ? These thoughts kept me up all night. I arrived at the stadium about an hour before the game was supposed to begin. The stadium was already nearly filled, a capacity crowd was expected. Like me, most of the spectators probably expected it to be no more than a publicity stunt an attempt by some eccentric women to draw attention to themselves All week long there were shows on the television and newspaper articles written by sports experts stating authoritatively that there was no way these women, strong though they may be, could stand up to a good high school football team, let alone the mighty superbowl champions. By all accounts, this was going to be a massacre, the greatest mismatch in the history of sports. The coach kept saying how his men were going to smash these women without mercy, to punish them for their arrogance. As his powerful players outweighed the "girls" by an average of at least 50 - 60 pounds - with some of the huge linemen weighing over 100 pounds more - I became very worried for their safety. It would indeed be a shame for such magnificant female specimens to be mangled and broken. Did they really know what they were in for ? Twenty minutes before the game was supposed to start.The men were all anxiously waiting for Susan and her team to arrive, but there was no sign of them. Was it all a hoax ? There was a murmer throughout the crowd of 70,000, - had they all been taken ? At exactly ten minutes to 1 P.M. a GMC van drove into the stadium, pulling a U - Haul trailer behind it. The doors swung open and eight powerfully built, gorgeous women got out. I walked up to Susan and asked, " Why are you late ? " She smiled and responded, " Late, we're not late, the game doesn't start for another ten minutes.We were at the beauty parlor, getting our hair done ". I was stunned. " You are about to play against the greatest team in the history of professional football and you went to the beauty parlor... am I crazy ??? " The women all looked at each other and began to giggle. " You're not crazy Mike ", Susan said," you're just stuck in your macho, chauvinistic view of how you think the world ought to be. But don't worry honey,before this game is over we'll have " corrected " those obsolete views of yours". She playfully tweeked my nose and added, " this is our big day and we wanted to look our prettiest. We are, afterall, the ' fairer ' sex ". It might have been the sight of these beautiful, magnificantly muscular women dressed in their sexy wrestleing outfits, or maybe it was my fear of what I thought was going to happen to them in the upcoming game. Whatever the reason, I felt a sudden urge come over me I grabbed Susan and gave her a long passionate kiss on the lips. Instead of resisting my embrace, which she could have easily done, Susan wrapped her powerful arms around me and, for a few seconds, I experienced what heaven must be like. After our embrace, Susan looked at me and said," don't worry about us honey, we're big girls, we can take care of ourselves ". As Susan and the other women began to walk towards the playing field for their confrontation with the mighty superbowl champions, I suddenly remembered that I was a reporter. "What's the trailer for ? ", I called out after them.Susan turned around and flashed me that cryptic smile of hers again " I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until after the game is over to find that out sweetie pie ". She blew me a kiss and then headed towards the gridiron.As I watched from the sidelines I couldn't help but feel apprehension. Eight beautiful women were about to confront and entire football team, the best ever. The stage was set, the drama about to unfold... end of part 2