The Sheriff of Black Rock Part 1 by M.C. Tough western town tamed by tougher woman sheriff (A story inspired by Sheila Burgess) It was a hot, dry day. Sheila had been traveling for several days now and needed to find a place to rest her horse and resupply before continuing on to San Francisco. As she reached the top of the hill she saw a town below her. " This looks like nice, quiet place to stop and rest for a day or two," she thought to herself. As Sheila entered the town of Black Rock, she noticed a saloon. " Nothing like a cold beer on a hot day," she said smiling. Sheila led her horse to a watering hole,tied him to a post and entered the saloon. Upon entering she removed her ten gallon hat, allowing her long, beautiful hair to fall over her sholders. and down her back. She noticed a very large man sitting at a table nearby but paid no attention to him. " I'd like a beer ", she said to the bartender. As Sheila began to drink, the man rose from his chair and began to walk over to her. "Hello there girly ", he said in a gruff voice; " lost your way ? " Sheila smiled politely and said, " no,I know exactly where I am - and where I'm going, thank you ". The man seemed to be taken aback by this display of self - confidence; after all in the macho world of the 1870's, women were to be seen and not heard. " I'm afraid you didn't quite understand me, cutie pie " he said, "what I meant was, I'm going to show you around this town - whether you like it or not ". Sheila smiled up at him. If she was afraid she certainly didn't show it. He stood about six feet three inches tall and must have weighed around 220 pounds. Sheila, at five feet six and 170 pounds appeared small by comparison. " I'm afraid you didn't understand me, honey; and if you don't back off, you'll soon wish you had " she warned. Angered by her impudence he growled " listen here girly, my name is Jim; and I'm the biggest, toughest man in this here town. What I want, I get.......and I want you ". Sheila sighed and took a sip of her beer. She hadn't planned this but neither was she one to back down from a fight - she never had, and she never will. Putting down her glass she comely said to Jim," look honey, I have no great desire to beat you up, but I will if I have to - the choice is yours ". " Why you pompus bitch, you need to be taught your place in life - and I'm just the man to teach you ". Sheila giggled when she heard this, " sweety, I've eaten tougher men than you for breakfast. Now why don't you be a good boy and go back to your chair ". Furious at this Jim threw a punch at her. Sheila ducked and, after taking another sip of beer, threw a punch of her own, sending the larger man staggering back. He attacked her again, throwing punches and swearing. None of them found their mark as Sheila easily avoided them all." I hope you have another job, big boy ", she said as she landed several hard punches of her own," because you certainly can't make it as a boxer ". A large crowd began to gather outside of the saloon. They couldn't believe that Jim - the toughest man in town - was getting his ass whipped by a much smaller woman. As Sheila battered Jim around the saloon, her beautiful smile never left her face. After about five minutes, Jim was beaten to a pulp. Sheila held him up with her left hand and said," the next time a redhead comes into the saloon for a beer, I suggest you leave her alone." She then reared back and sent a powerful right uppercut to Jim's jaw -he was unconsious before he hit the floor. Sheila comely returned to her beer, took a sip and said," yes, there's nothing like a cold beer on a hot day ". After she finished her beer, Sheila walked over to the beaten man and, grabbing him by his shirtcollar, began to drag him across the street to the sheriff's office. The crowd watched in stunned silence as she easily made her way to the door. When she arrived she was surprised to find the door locked. " There hasn't been a sheriff of Black Rock in months ", a woman from the crowd said. Sheila looked at her," and why not ? " " Every one of them have been run out of town, either by the cattlemen or the corrupt gambling interests. No man has been able to stand up to them. My name is Mary; I'm the Mayor of Black Rock ". As Sheila looked at her she saw a look of desperation on her face, as well as many of the others in the crowd. After pondering this for several moments, Sheila smiled and said, " no man perhaps - but maybe a woman can ". Mary unlocked the door to the sheriff's office and the two women entered, Sheila still dragging Jim. Mary opened one of the jail cells and Sheila tossed him inside. They then sat down to talk. " I hope you realize just what you're getting into," Mary said. This is a very tough town. The cattlemen and gamblers have the run of the place and the honest citizens just can't afford to hire enough law enforcement to confront them. Every sheriff we've hired has been forced to leave ". Sheila thought it over for a minute, then said, " I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. I don't believe it's fair that decent people have to live in fear of bullies - things are going to change around here ". Mary swore Sheila in as sheriff and the two women shook hands. For the first few hours things were fairly quiet in Black Rock. Sheila familiarized herself with the town. Later, towards evening, some of the cattlemen came riding into town looking for some fun. It didn't take long before they became drunk and began to bother people. Sheila heard the comotion coming from the saloon and sighed, " time to do some house cleaning ". She put on her gunbelt, with two six guns, and walked towards the saloon. When she entered the saloon everything became quiet. There were three tough looking cowboys standing in the middle of the room while people cowered in the corners. Sheila approached the men and said in a calm but firm voice," you boys are misbehaving, I'm afraid I'm going to have to put you in jail for the night. If you come along nicely, I won't have to rough you up ". The three cowboys looked at each other and laughed. Indeed the scene did appear to be something of a farce - a lone woman confronting three tough men. The largest of the three approached Sheila and said," now what's a pretty little thing like you doing playing sheriff ". As he reached out his hand to grab her she caught his hand and began to squeeze it...hard. His arrogant expression turned to fear as he realized the strength of her grip. With his free hand he tried to hit her but Sheila blocked his punch. " Didn't your mother tell you it's not polite to hit girls - especially if they hit back ". With that, Sheila landed a solid right cross to his jaw, sending him flying clear across the saloon. Seeing this, his two friends drew their guns.Before they got their guns out of their holsters, however, they heard two shots and their guns flew out of their hands. Sheila smiled as she pointed her guns at them. " Resisting arrest, I'm afraid that now you boys will be going to jail for awhile instead of just one night.....bad choice ". As Sheila holstered her guns the two men attacked her. Two large men against one woman. It appeared to be a was....the cowboys didn't stand a chance. Three minutes later they were lying unconscious on top of their friend. The citizens began to cheer as Sheila grabbed the men by their collars; two with her right hand the third with her left. Despite the fact that they weighed nearly 600 pounds, Sheila had little difficulty dragging them across the street. She opened the door to her office dragged them into a cell and placed them inside. She smiled at a stunned Jim and said," you seemed lonely in here all by yourself Jimmy, so I brought you some company - I'm sure there will be a lot more in here before I'm through with this town ". She winked at him and closed the door. The rest of the night passed without incident. NEXT MORNING " What the hell do you mean they're in jail ? " the Rancher demanded. Bill Walker was one of the most feared cattlemen in the state. He owned a huge cattle ranch with thousands of head of cattle. With the spring round -up only a few days away he needed every available man ready for work. " I only heard about it this morning when they didn't return from town last night ", his trailboss answered." It seems there's a new sheriff in town - a woman -and she arrested them for disturbing the peace ". Bill Walker stared at his trailboss. " A woman sheriff arrested three of my men ?'ve got to be crazy ". " I didn't believe it myself until I sent some of the boys to check it's true boss". Bill slammed his powerful fist on his desk and bellowed, " well then - we're just going to have to ride into town and straighten this here sheriff out, won't we ".Bill got up and stormed out .He gathered six tough cowboys together, " saddle up men.....we're going to introduce ourselves to the new sheriff ". Sheila sat in her office, comely brushing her beautiful hair. So far her first day as sheriff was fairly quiet, she beat up only four men. Off in the distance she heard the sound of approaching horses. She smiled to herself," men, they're so predictable ". As the horses came closer Sheila got up and put on her gunbelt. The beautiful redhead tied her hair back into a ponytail and waited for the arrival of her " guests ".The horses stopped outside her office and a loud, gruff voice bellowed out, " sheriff, we'd like to have a word with you ". End of part one.