Sandra, The Queen of the Road by M.C. How I learned the true meaning of love from a chance encounter with a big, strong biker woman. To the best of my recollection, it was sometime around three o'clock on a Sunday afternoon when it happened - a seemingly innocuous event that would change my life forever. Ace, Rick and I were on our way home to the San Fernando Valley (located a little north of Los Angeles) from our semi-annual sojourn to Las Vegas when we decided to make a short pit stop at the small desert town of Pearlblossom to fill up the gas tank. And while we were there, we decided to have ourselves a beer at the local bar. Every six months or so my two best friends and I, buddies since we played football together at Cal State Northridge, took a break from our normal, mundane lives and headed off to Vegas for a weekend of fun, relaxation and (of course) gambling. It was our "escape from reality" so to speak. This time we were somewhat giddy as we had all come out winners (although if you factor in all of our expences like gas, food and lodgings - that Bellagio costs an arm and a leg - we probably only broke even at best). But what the hell, we went for a good time didn't we? And we had one. After filling up the tank, we entered the bar, ordered a pitcher of beer and sat down at a table. Not long afterward I heard the loud sound of a motorcycle driving up."That must be a Harley Davidson," I said to myself. "Only a Harley could make that kind of noise." As my friends and I sat at our table and sipped our beers, the doors to the bar suddenly flung wide open and in walked what was undoubtably the largest woman I had ever seen in my life. She must have stood six and a half feet tall (I found out later that she was *only* six foot four but in her biker boots she appeared to be taller) and weighed around 300 pounds (I was close, she weighed 280, give or take an ounce). You get the idea though, this woman was HUGE! She had long auburn hair that fell halfway down the black leather jacket she was wearing. Her hair would have looked pretty had she bothered to take care of it; but, this being a biker chickm and physical appearences were probably of little importance to her. She strode up to the bar as if she owned it and, in a deep, comanding voice, said,"the usual John, I'm thirsty." I noticed the bartender's hand's were shaking slightly as he prepared what appeared to be a gin and tonic. After he added the slice of lime, this giant of a woman took the glass and gulped it down in about three seconds. "Not bad John," she said as she wiped her lips off with a dusty sleeve,"but I'd put more gin in the next one if I was you." "Yes Sandra," the bartender meekly replied and proceeded to do as she demanded,"coming right up." (This bartender was no slouch by-the-way. He looked to me to be well over six feet tall and quite muscular; and yet he jumped to this woman's command as if she were a queen and he was her servent). "Something very strange is going on here," I thought,"something very strange indeed." But while I found the situation to be merely curious, Ace and Rick thought it was downright funny and began to laugh, afterwhich I too started laughing (although it was more out of solidarity with my friends than at this woman who - for some unexplained reason - I found to be very sexy). Our laughter didn't go unnoticed by the huge woman at the bar. After draining her second drink, this massive female glared over at our table."You boys over there wouldn't be laughing at me by any chance now, would you?" "Of course not," Ace replied with a smirk, knowing full well - as did she - that we were. "That's just plain old bullshit!" she said in a voice that seemed to shake the entire room. "You're laughing at the big biker girl, aren't you?" "And what if we were?" Rick chimed in. "What are you going to do about it?" As I mentioned before, Rick, Ace and I played football together in college; and even though that was more than five years ago, we were all big, strong, athletic guys and still in fairly good shape. Each of us stood at least six feet tall (I'm 6' 2"). Rick and Ace probably weighed in at around 230 pounds each while I was a fit 220. So when this enormous woman began to walk over to our table, we weren't too concerned. I mean she may be big, but she's still just a woman right? How tough can she be? The woman the bartender called Sandra strode up to where we were sitting and put her hands on her large hips. She looked each of us over (I couldn't help but notice that she spent far more time on me than she did on either Ace or Rick), and then said in a very intimidating tone,"I'm only going to say this to you boys once - you'd better apologise to me right now...OR ELSE!" "Or else what?" Rick said defiantly. The three of us rose from our chairs. To the few patrons in the bar at the time it must have looked like a showdown in a Western movie: three large, athletic guys being confronted by an even larger woman. But would this big biker chick really try to take the three of us on all by herself? We didn't have to wait too long to find out. "Or else this, tough guy." POW! I couldn't believe what I just saw. In the blink of an eye, this humongous woman punched Ace in the jaw with her right fist. She whacked him so hard that he was sent reeling halfway across the room where he slammed into a table and fell to the floor. CRACK! Then she hit Rick (who was considered to be one of the toughest guys on our football team - his nickname at the time was Rock) with her left fist and knocked him almost as far as Ace. And while I stood there in complete shock at what I'd just seen her do, Sandra backhanded me hard across the face - so hard in fact that I too was knocked to the floor. I have been in my share of fights in my life, but never have I been hit as hard as I was when this Amazon smacked me with the back of her hand...never! Before moving on towards my stunned friends, Sandra gazed down at me and said,"I'd stay down there if I was you'll be safer." Then she added omniously,"I'll deal with you after I teach your two friends a lesson in manners." As she stepped over me and moved towards Ace and Rick, I realized that she was probably right; so I followed her advice and stayed put. What I saw this big, strong woman do next was nothing short of incredible. While I lay on the floor with my head still spinning from the hard slap she gave me, I watched her pummel Ace and Rick all around the bar; and she seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. This Sandra was so strong in fact, that when one my friends did managed to hit her, she simply laughed it off; or even worse, she'd tease them. "Is that the best you can do big boy?" she asked Rick after he landed what I thought was a pretty solid punch to her mid-section; a punch she barely seemed to feel. "Pathetic, simply pathetic. Here, let me show you what a *real* punch feels like." WHAM! And with a mighty right cross to the side of his face, she sent my 230 pound friend sailing across the room. At one point, after knocking both Ace and Rick down, Sandra turned to me, smiled and asked,"are you enjoying the show hon?" And the truth was - ironically - yes, yes indeed I was; in strange, erotic sort of way. For the more I watched this awesome woman batter my two toughest friends around the bar, the more sexually aroused I became. In fact I was even getting a hard on (something which - much to my embarrasment - didn't escape Sandra's notice). "So, I see you like big, tough women eh hon?" she said after punching Rick in the jaw for about the tenth time. "Well keep that little man of yours contained. I might have use for him later." It couldn't have been more than a few minutes before Sandra had beaten Ace and Rick completely into submission. She then grabbed each one by their shirt collars and pinned them back against the wall (she actually lifted both of them several inches off the floor; I couldn't believe it)."O.K. boys," Sandra said in a calm, relaxed tone this time," let's try this again, shall we. Are you going to apologise to me now? Or do I have to work you over some more?" With blood gushing from their noses and mouths, their eyes blackened and faces swollen, two of the toughest guys I have ever known swallowed their pride and, in display of abject humility that I would have never thought possible, actually began sobbing."We're sorry," they cried out. "We're so sorry we laughed at you." Sandra held them there for several more seconds, leaving no doubt in their minds that she was in complete control."Let this be a lesson to the both of you then: even big, strong biker girls have feelings; and you'd be wise to respect them from now on (I'm sure it's a lesson neither Ace or Rick will ever forget). Sandra then banged their heads together and let them go; and as Ace and Rick slumped to the floor, this powerful woman turned her attention back to me."Well now handsome, now that I've taken care of your friends, what am I going to do about you?" I started to shake uncontrollably as this massive female began to approach me. This is a woman who had just beaten up my two strongest friends without even working up a sweat. "What's the matter hon?" she asked when she noticed my trepidation,"afraid of a *little* girl?" "No, I'm not afraid of you," I replied - an acting performance that fooled absolutely no one; least of all this Amazon who was now standing above me. "Oh, is that so," she said with a laugh. The tough biker girl then reached down with her left hand, grabbed me firmly by my shirt and yanked me to my feet. "O.K. then tough guy, I'll give you two choices. Choice number one: I can work you over and then you can join your friends over there on the floor. Or choice number two: you'll agree to come home with me." Still holding me up with her left hand, this amazing woman cocked back her right fist (a fist that she just used to bash Ace and Rick senseless) and added,"I'll give you exactly one minute to make your decision...and I hope for your sake you make the right one." As Sandra held me there, literally dangeling by my toes (all 220 pounds of me!), I too broke down."Please don't hit me," I cried out. "Well then big boy, make your decision. Are you going to come home with me? Or should I start rearranging your face? It would be a pity to do that though because you're such a cutie pie. But I'll do it if I have to. So hon, what's it gonna be?" I glanced over at Ace and Rick - lying battered and unconscious on the floor - gulped hard and stammered, "I'll...I'll come home with you. Please don't hurt me." Sandra released her grip on me and I too slumped to the floor, still shaking with fear."There, there now hon," she cooed like a mother would to a small child. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Mommy's going to take her little man home for some fun." She reached down, grabbed me by my shirt again and began dragging me out of the bar. On her way out, she turned to the bartender and said,"John, when these two sleeping beatuies (nodding at Ace and Rick) wake up, tell them I took their friend home with me...and buy them another pitcher of beer on my tab for their troubles." "Yes Sandra," he replied meekly. She dragged me out to where her motorcycle was parked. "Get on hon, we've got some riding to do." When I showed some reluctance to do so, I felt her strong hand grab me firmly by the back of my neck."I'm not going to ask you again: get your ass on my bike....NOW!" As her vise-like grip began to tighten around my neck, I realized I had no alturnative but to comply; so I got on the seat of her motorcycle."That's better," she said. "Now scoot all the way back so I can get on. In case you haven't noticed, I'm rather large (wink)." After I had done so, this enormous woman mounted her bike."Feel free to put your arms around my waist as I drive hon. Being new at this you might find the ride a little bit scary." She then fired up the engine of her 1500 cc chopped Harley and off we went. A *little bit* scary? Within a few seconds Sandra was driving 75 miles an hour, and after a few more the speedometer topped 100. I was hanging on to her for dear life (although I do have to admit that having my arms wrapped tightly around this powerful woman's waist was a very erotic experience for me. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it even more if I hadn't been completely petrified at the time though). We must have driven for about fifteen or twenty minutes before Sandra turned off from the Pearlblossem highway and onto a smaller, more rural desert road. She then slowed down a bit - to a mere 80 mph. After several more minutes she turned again, onto a dirt road which eventually led to a surprisingly large house. I had absolutely no idea where we were now but I did know this - this powerful woman had me completely at her mercy, because out here in the middle of nowhere nobody would ever find me. Sandra parked her Harley near the entrance to the house. "Welcome to my humble abode," she said as she yanked me off the bike. The next thing I knew, Sandra bent down and lifted me up like I was a sack of potatos. She placed me over her right shoulder and effortlessly carried me inside (remember, I weigh 220 pounds). "I'm taking you over the threshhold hon," Sandra laughed. Once inside, she carried me straight into the bedroom and tossed me down onto her large bed. "Do you have a name hon?" "Gary. My name is Gary." "O.K. then Gary, you have exactly one minute to remove all your clothes before I rip them off you," (does this woman ever do anything gently?) After I had done what she ordered, Sandra began to undress too; and as she did so, I realized why Ace and Rick never stood a chance against her in their bar fight. For not only did this mountain of a woman stand six feet-four inches tall and weigh 280 pounds, she was also built like a tank - and was probably just as strong. Sandra wasn't just the largest woman I'd ever seen, she was also the most muscular (being a jock in college I was used to seeing strong, athletic females. But this Sandra would have put even the strongest of them to shame). Her biceps measured eighteen inches around, and her thighs, an amazing twenty-eight! (She let me measure them later so that's how I know for sure). After removing her clothes, this awesome woman stood before me and flexed her huge biceps."Like'em hon?" she asked with a knowing smile."I know you like strong women; I saw you getting hard while I was beating up your friends." Sandra gave me a few more muscle poses to get me aroused, then said," O.K. Gary, fun time is over; now it's time for you to get to work." Sandra made me lay down on the edge of her bed with my head hanging out over the side. She then sat down on my chest and placed an enormous thigh on each side of me. "Comfy down there Gary?" she asked with a giggle. Reaching behind my head, Sandra forced my face up into her gigantic pussy."Now pleasure me hon. And you'd better be good...or else!" And pleasure her I did - throughout the rest of that day and well into the night. When we awoke the following afternoon, Sandra rolled over on top of me and pinned me on my back with her 280 pounds. "What exactly is it that you do for a living Gary?" "I'm a accountant, self employed." "Well, good for you then." "Why do you mean by that?" I asked, perplexed. "Because in that case, you won't have to explain to any boss why you'll be quitting your job and moving in here with me. I have a need of a personal accountant." "I don't understand Sandra." She smiled down at me and simply said,"you will Gary, in time you will. But for now, your primary job is to pleasure me like you did last night." So once again she forced my face into her pussy and I pleasured her until I was too exhausted to continue. As I lay there in bed next to this amazing woman, she put her powerful arms around me and squeezed me firmly against her large breasts. "I have a business proposition to discuss with you Gary. I want you to be my personal accountant. You'll be in charge of my finances, in addition to some other things of course. What do you say?" "I...I don't know Sandra. This kind of came in out of the blue you know." She squeezed me even harder. "I'll tell you what Gary. I won't force you to stay here against your will, but I do want you take a few days to get to know me better and consider my offer. If after a few days you decide not to stay here, then I'll drive you home and that will be that." Over the course of the next several days I began to learn more about the incredibly strong, assertive and very independent woman who had virtually kidnapped me. Always bigger and stronger than her classmates in school, Sandra had little tolerance for the tough guys who picked on weaker kids. In fact, she actually enjoyed giving them a good beating. Once after beating up an entire gang of bullies in high school, she took the gang's leader over her knee and spanked him in front of everyone. But while she may have solved her school's bully problem, it didn't make Sandra very popular with guys - after all, who'd want to date a girl who could singlehandedly beat up an entire gang of bullies? This was a cross that Sandra learned she would have to bare for most of her life. But she wasn't prepared to compromise either. Sandra was big and tough, and she felt it was up to the world to accept her as she was rather than try to "fit in". But it still meant a rather lonely childhood. Sandra found solace in the weight room where she spent many hours a day - thus becoming even stronger and more intimidating than she already was. After graduating from high school, Sandra - a hefty six feet-four inches tall and weighing 250 muscular pounds - bought herself a motorcycle and began to travel around the country. Because of her size, strength and sheer toughness, she soon earned herself the nickname "The Queen of the Road" in biker circles (in fact, she claims never to have been beaten in a single fight - to either a man or woman). And far from considering her moniker an insult, Sandra relished in it. Because it was a sign of respect; a respect that this big, strong girl had never received before."Bikers respect me because I'm as tough as they are; tougher actually." Sandra cruised around the country for about ten years afterwhich she finally decided to settle down near the small desert town of Pearlblossem in the Mojave desert; a place where, as she likes to say,"is quiet and peaceful;and nobody bugs me about my size (well almost nobody, think Ace and Rick)." With a fairly sizeable inheritance from her parents, she bought herself a home and made a few investments; and, because I'm an accountant, she asked me to look them over. I did...and was flabbergasted at what I saw. Those *few* investments Sandra made with the money her parents left her - about a million dollars - were now worth over ten million! "Oh it was just woman's intuition" she replied with a laugh when I asked her how she managed to invest her money so wisely. "That plus a little bit of luck." "Luck? Luck? Sandra, you increased your net worth more than ten times in just a few years? How in the hell did you manage that?" "I have my ways Gary," Sandra replied with a cryptic smile. She then wrapped her strong right arm around my waist, lifted me up off the chair (I was sitting in front of her computer at the time going over her accounts) and carried me back into her bedroom for some more pleasuring, which, I guess, was still the primary purpose I was there. After pleasuring her for several more hours, she grabbed me firmly by the back of my head and forced me into her massive breasts where I obediantly began to suckle them. "So hon," she moaned as I sucked on her tits,"you want to know the secret to my financial success, do you?" "Yes Sandra, of course I do. I have a lot of clients, but I've never seen anyone increase their wealth tenfold in just a few years." "Well, I'll tell you then. In fact, I'll do even better than that - I'll share it with you...provided you agree to one simple, little condition." "What condition is that?" "That you agree to become my man." " mean you want me to marry you Sandra?" "That's right hon." "Why?" "Isn't it obvious? For over a decade now I've been searching for a warm, tender man to love me. But when you're a woman as big and strong as I am, those kind of men are very difficult to find. It's been my experience that most of the members of your gender are very insecure Gary. They're to intimidated by a woman who can kick their ass to have a loving relationship with her. It's that male ego thingy you guys have. But for you hon, there might be hope." "Why do you say that?" Sandra squeezed me even tighter into her breasts and continued," Oh come on now Gary, don't play dumb with me. I noticed that hard-on you got while I was pounding your friends around the bar. Why do you think I took it so easy on you? You were laughing at me too, weren't you? So you also deserved a good beating; but instead I just slapped you. Admit it, strong, powerful women like me turn you on - and let's face it, you're not likely to find a stronger woman than me (as if to emphasize her point, Sandra increased the pressure of her arms forcing me even deeper into her breasts; nearly suffocating me in the process)." "No," I gasped when she eased off me a bit allowing me to breathe,"I rather doubt that." "And as you saw when you were looking over my accounts, I'm also fairly well-to-do." "Yes, that's true (if anything that was an understatement; for as I mentioned before, this woman was worth over ten million dollars). "So for you I'd be quite a catch, wouldn't I Gary?" (Sandra began to squeeze me tighter again)."After all, I'm big, strong, tough...and rich; the perfect woman for you." (Again I felt like I was going to pass out before Sandra eased up on her bear hug). "Yes Sandra," I replied weakly,"you would be quite a catch." "So then, what seems to be your problem hon? Is it that silly masculine pride thingy you guys tend to have? Your macho ego won't allow you to accept being with a woman who's so much stronger and tougher than you are?" "I...I suppose that's probably it." "Hmmm...well if that's the only thing that's keeping you from becoming my hubby, then maybe I should just beat that chauvanistic attitude out of you (I felt a shiver go down my spine when Sandra said this). I've done it before, many times in fact; and I think in the long run the guys better off for it; although they probably didn't think so at the time (giggles)." Then she smiledn at me and said,"but I have a better - and somewhat less painful - way of solving this macho ego problem of yours." Sandra released the bear hug she held me in and seated herself on the edge of the bed. Then she grabbed me firmly by my hair and yanked me across her knees."Mark my words hon," Sandra said as she raised her strong right hand prepared to spank my buttocks, "someday you'll thank me for this." It couldn't have been more than five or six hard whacks on my behind before I started to plead with her to stop."Sandra, you're hurting me! Please stop!" "So you agree to become my hubby then?" When I didn't answer right away, she continued to spank me. "I can keep this up all night Gary. And don't forget, we're literally miles from nowhere. Nobody's gonna here your screams way out here." After about ten spanks I realized that I didn't seem to have much of a choice - this woman was in complete control of the situation and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. But more than that, I also began to realize that Sandra was probably right - that I really did enjoy being with this big, strong, dominiant woman; and it was only my silly masculine pride that prevented me from admitting it. By the fifteenth spank, my belief in the superiority of the male gender (a belief which was, no doubt, the result of thousands of years of cultural conditioning), began to crumble; and by twenty, it vanished completely. "Please stop Sandra," I begged. "Please stop spanking me!" "Do you agree to become my husband then Gary?" She had her hand raised above her head, prepared to strike my defenceless (and by now very sore) rear end again if my answer didn't meet with her approval. "Yes Sandra! Yes! I'll marry you." "YES!" she yelled out thiumphantly. "Another male ego bites the dust at the *hands* (she laughed at her pun) of the 'Queen of the Road'." As I was lying across Sandra's massive thighs, sobbing from both the humiliation of being spanked by a woman and the pain itself, I felt her hand - the same hand that had broken my will only a few seconds before - now begin to caress me."Oh you poor baby," she cooed. "Was mommy too hard on her little man?" (You have to remember that I'm six feet two inches tall, weigh 220 pounds, and played football in college; and yet this enormous woman was treating me as if I was a small child). "So you're going to be my hubby Gary?" she asked me again. "Yes," I repeated, still sobbing. "Yes, I'll be your husband Sandra. You are the biggest, strongest, most magnificant, most beautiful woman I've ever met. I...I love you Sandra." "And I love you to Gary. So now let's celebrate." In a move that has now become all to familiar to me, Sandra lifted me up as if I were a rag doll and placed me on my back with my head hanging over the side of her bed again. She sat down on my chest and forced my face deep into her huge pussy."O.K. hon, you know the drill." And as I began to pleasure her yet again, Sandra smiled down at me and repeated,"someday you will thank me for what I did to you today. It may take some time, but eventually you'll come to understand that meeting each other in the bar a few days ago was the best thing that ever happened to you...and to me too." Epilogue: Well it's been five years since the events that I described above took place and I have to admit that Sandra was right - meeting her was definiately the best thing that ever happened to me. Because not only is she the strongest and toughest person (male or female) that I have ever met, but she's also the most tender, loving and compasionate - at least with me that is. Many others (like Ace and Rick for example) might have a different opinion about her; but to me she's always kind and gentle. And, in addition to all that, Sandra is also the richest person I know. She really does own that bar in Pearlblossem where we first met, along with a multitude of other - and far more valuable - real estate properties that are worth literally millions. And the bartender who served us on that fateful day Sandra and I met, he was the local bully at one time. Sandra gave him a rather severe beating when he also made the mistake of insulting her; and as a sort of compansation, she hired him to work in her bar after he got out of the hospital. I asked Sandra once how she felt about the fact that practically everyone she meets is either afraid of her or, at the very least, intimidated; that they didn't know - like I did - what a warm and loving person she could be. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and replied,"hon, as long as I have a decent man like you to love me, why should I give a damn what anyone else thinks?" Nuff said. My main job (in addition to pleasuring Sandra whenever she requests of course) is to keep close tabs on her ever growing financial empire - not an easy task as Sandra's holdings are now worth nearly $20 million. Her business acumen rivals her physical strength. But the free spirit of this big, tough biker girl still holds sway and as a result, we spend a lot of time out on the road cruising around the desert on her motorcycle. So if you're ever out driving somewhere in the vicinity of the Mojave desert and happen to see an enormous woman with long, beautiful auburn hair driving a chopped Harley Davidson motorcycle, you'll know that it's Sandra - the undisputed Queen of the Road. And my advice to you is: don't insult her; because she's one rough, tough, kick-ass girl that you really don't want to mess with. Oh, and that guy you'll see sitting on the seat behind her with his arms wrapped tightly around her rock-solid waist, clinging to her for dear life...that'd be me.