My Amazing Girlfriend Sally By M.C. I thought that there was nothing my incredibly strong girlfriend could do that would surprise me anymore, and then. *Authors note: I know this is a theme that I return to time and time again in my stories. But what can I say? I just happen to find it very erotic (ever since I was a kid), and every now and then I get the urge to write about it again. My girlfriend Sally Armstrong is indeed strong, incredibly strong (Armstrong is actually just her stage name, her real last name is Johnson). She's a strongwoman in a circus who bills herself as the 'World's Strongest Girl'. But the truth is she's not just the strongest girl in the world - she's the strongest PERSON in the far. Although she's been examined by many experts, nobody seems to be able to explain how she acquired her tremendous physical strength. But at six-feet three inches tall and weighing in at a power packed 250 muscular pounds (though she somehow still retains her gorgeous feminine figure) Sally is a sight to behold. I've known her ever since she moved into the house across the street from me when we were both twelve years old and we've been friends ever since. Even then she was big and strong. She proved it to me one day when we were walking home from school and were confronted by the gang of fifteen year-old bullies that had been terrorizing all the kids in the neighborhood (there were six of them, all larger and stronger than me). Well, after they ignored Sally's warning to stop bothering me, she beat them all up. Then she took each one across her knees and gave them all a good spanking. And when one of the boys' fathers (a large, gruff man) complained about the beating and spanking Sally gave his son, she beat him up too, though she didn't spank him. "Although I could have spanked him, and he probably deserved it, that would have been a bit too much. After all, I'm just a kid," she told me afterwards with a grin. Those bullies never bothered me again, nor anyone else in the neighborhood for that matter. Whenever I asked Sally how she became so amazingly strong, she would simply smile and say, "that's my little secret Jeffery. But perhaps someday I'll tell you." As we grew older, the relationship between Sally and me grew stronger, as did she. By the time she was sixteen years old, Sally, who was now my girlfriend, had broken every weightlifting record in the world - for both women and men. In fact she was so strong that our high school banned her from being on the wrestling, boxing and football teams - for fear she'd accidently hurt somebody. So, what's a super strong girl to do? After we graduated high school she became a strongwoman with her own circus act, and was an Immediate hit. People were amazed at just how strong she was - the amount of weights she could lift, engaging in tug-of-war contests against two horses, and winning! She once took on the entire front line of the super bowl champions in a tug-of-war and beat them - giggling as she did so. The circus once asked Sally to wrestle against a Kodiak bear (the largest land carnivore in the world standing nine feet tall and weighing over 1200 pounds) during her act, but she refused. "He's so soft and cuddly. I'd feel very bad if I accidently hurt him," she said. Nevertheless, my amazing girlfriend was always looking for new ways to test her strength. Which leads me to describe to you the incredible thing I saw her do last Saturday afternoon. Sally and I were lying in our bed (we live together now and plan to get married soon). I was running my fingers through her long, beautiful brown hair. "Honey," she began, "I heard that they just opened up a brand new exhibit at the zoo that's supposed to be quite amazing. It's been quite a while since we were there anyway. Let's go see it. O.K?" "Sure Sally, I'd love to. It's just a mile away so we can walk." We got out of bed, dressed and ambled over to the zoo. When we got there, there was a large sign that read 'Entrance to the Dinosaur Exhibit'. Dinosaur Exhibit? Weren't they all killed off by an asteroid that smacked into the earth like 66 million years ago? "This has to be some kind of joke, right?" I asked the man at the ticket booth. "Is this some sort of Jurassic Park rip-off?" "No," he replied quite seriously. "As incredible as it sounds, they discovered an isolated island located a thousand miles southeast of New Zealand which, for some reason, had been cut off from the rest of the world for millions of years and was only recently discovered by satellites. And when a group of scientists went there to explore it, they found, much to everyone's surprise, a pristine, primeval world, inhabited by, yes, dinosaurs. This discovery was kept top secret from the rest of the world for several years. Finally, it was decided to share it. Several of the dinosaurs were tranquilized and brought to the United States, and our zoo has the honor of displaying the first specimen in a large compound built especially for it. I hope you and your girlfriend (he stared up at Sally - did I mention that she's rather large for a woman?) enjoy the exhibit. That'll be twenty dollars please." I paid the man and we entered the compound. A large crowd was gathered around a concrete wall about four feet high which was topped by a steel guard railing. As we approached, Sally and I could see a large pit that must have been at least twenty feet deep below us. And as we peered over the railing what did we see? I had to rub my eyes to make sure it wasn't an illusion. For what we were now looking at was a monstrous, fully grown 17 foot tall, eight ton Tyrannosaurs Rex! Now I felt that we really had entered Jurassic Park. "They call him the 'King of the Dinosaurs,' Sally," I said. "And he's probably the most ferocious creature ever to have walked the earth." For some reason my girlfriend didn't seem all that impressed by what I just told her. After a pause of a few seconds she reached into her pocket, took out a headband and tied her long, pretty brown hair back into a ponytail. And before I even had time to ask what she was thinking, Sally climbed up to the top of the railing, looked at me and said with a smile, "most ferocious creature even to have walked the earth eh? Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we?" While everyone watching gasped in amazement (myself included), Sally leaped down the twenty feet (well, twenty-five counting the railing) into the pit. She landed on her feet and calmly began walking over to the huge beast. "I hear you're a real tough guy," Sally said as she approached him. "You don't look so tough to me. Let's see just how tough you really are." The enormous creature let out a loud, blood curdling roar, opened his huge jaws and prepared to rip Sally apart. But then WHAM! With a powerful right uppercut from her right fist, my amazing girlfriend smashed the beast in the jaw, snapping his head back and knocking out several of his six-inch, dagger-like teeth (I saw her pick up one of them and put it in her pocket). An even louder roar followed and the now enraged monster attacked her again. POW! But with another devastating punch from her mighty right fist, Sally stopped the beast cold. Then she moved to the offensive. THUD! I watched in utter amazement as this amazing friend of mine sunk her fist deep into the underside of the T-Rex's belly, which was as far up as she could reach (don't forget, a fully grown Tyrannosaurs Rex stood 17 feet tall). "A little soft in the tummy I see," Sally teased as she slammed several more punches deep into his lower abdomen. And whenever he tried to lower his head and bite her, she would smash him in the jaw with tremendous force. As I, along with the many other spectators that had gathered around to watch this incredible spectacle all looked on in total amazement at what was taking place right below us, my incredible girlfriend began to drive the huge beast back. I have to admit that watching Sally batter this enormous creature around with her mighty fists with her pretty ponytail swishing around behind her was a very erotic experience for me. So much so that I couldn't hide the hard-on I was getting. They say that dinosaurs weren't very smart. But this one must have been because it didn't take him too long to come to the realization that, against Sally, he'd met his match - and then some. After another series of powerful punches from my mighty girlfriend, he turned to flee, but he didn't get far. "Hold on there big boy," Sally said as she grabbed the fleeing dinosaur by the tail. "Where do you think you're going? I'm not quite through with you yet." I was now well beyond amazement as I watched her literally drag the huge creature back to the center of the compound. But as incredible a testament to Sally's awesome physical strength as that was, what she did next totally defies explanation. Still holding the ferocious creature by the tail, this awesome girlfriend of mine then proceeded to lift him completely up off the ground (don't forget, a fully grown T-Rex weighs over eight tons!) and slammed him to the ground, and when she did so the ground shook like a small earthquake. "Wheeee, that was fun Mr. Dinosaur, wasn't it?" Sally laughed. "Let's do it some more, shall we?" Back and forth my incredible girlfriend (how many more times can I say this?) slammed the 'King of the Dinosaurs' to the ground. "I should include you in my circus act," she said with a laugh (my girlfriend likes to laugh and giggle a lot). CRASH! After my amazing girlfriend slammed him to the ground one last time, she jumped up on top of him, walked up to the underside of his neck and sat down, straddling his neck with her powerful legs. She then began to rotate her fists round and round against his jaw, just like a boxer would do when hitting a punching bag. "Oh Mr. Dinosaur, you make such a lovely punching bag, and such a comfy seat too. Tee, hee, hee." With his once ferocious roars now reduced to nothing more than pathetic shrieks, I actually began to feel sorry for this totally outclassed creature. But I knew Sally wouldn't hurt him too much. For despite her tremendous strength, she was a kind, sweet person at heart who would never brutalize anything (remember the Kodiak Bear?). She was just having some fun with him, the most ferocious creature ever to have walked the earth! Sally stopped punching the now hapless creature for a few moments, untied her ponytail and fluffed up her long, beautiful brown hair. She then reached into her pocket with her left hand and took out her hairbrush and began to brush her hair, then resumed punching the 'King of the Dinosaurs' with her right. She looked up at me and giggled, "You see sweetie pie? He isn't so tough. I can beat him up and brush my pretty hair at the same time. Tee, hee, hee." (Did I mention that Sally likes to giggle a lot?). Then she looked a little bit lower in my anatomy and said with a smirk, "Save that for later honey, I think I'll have use for it." (I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my life). Finally - mercifully for the Tyrannosaurs Rex that is - Sally said, "O.K. Mr. Dinosaur, I sure had fun today. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. But I'm afraid that all good things must come to an end. So I'm sending you to beddie-bye now. Pleasant dreams. She cocked back her right fist and WHAM! sent the ferocious T-Rex into dreamland. Sally continued to brush her beautiful hair for a bit before putting her hairbrush back into her pocket. Then she stood up on top of the now unconscious beast that she had just battered to a pulp and flexed her awesome muscles for the large, cheering crowd and blew them kisses. After she climbed out of the pit I gave my amazing girlfriend a long, loving hug. "Oh honey, you were incredible! Totally awesome! (Forgive me, but I've completely run out of adjectives about how to describe this amazing girlfriend of mine). The way you beat him up, you made it look so easy." This was met by another giggle. "That's because it was easy honey. He really wasn't all that tough. If I had wanted to I could have knocked him out sooner, I just wanted to have some fun with him first. Personally, I think the T-Rex is grossly overrated." Then she reached into her pocket and handed me the six-inch tooth that she had knocked out of his mouth early in their fight. "Here Jeffie, it's a little souvenir for you to remind you of today." After another long and loving hug I felt myself being lifted off the ground and gently cradled in Sally's powerful arms, then she began to walk towards the exit. "Come sweetie pie, let's go home and cuddle in bed. After all, there's nothing like beating up a mean ole dinosaur to put a girl in a sexy mood. Tee, hee, hee." Several Hours Later Just as our day had begun, I was lying next to my incredible girlfriend, running my fingers through her beautiful hair after a long and passionate lovemaking session. "Honey, you were so wonderful today. I just loved the way your ponytail was swishing around while you were beating him up. Your hair is always so soft and fluffy. And I especially loved it when you were brushing your hair while you punching him out. That was totally awesome! How can you be so strong and tough and yet so feminine at the same time?" "It's because I'm a woman honey. And I did that mostly for you because I know how much you like when I do girlie things and strong, tough things at the same time. I also wanted to show the people watching that I'm not just a strong, tough girl - that there's also a softer, more feminine side to me too. Sometimes I feel as if I'm just a little girl trapped inside the body of a Superwoman. For about the umpteenth time I asked her, "Sally, how on earth did you ever get to be so incredibly strong? That you can beat up the dreaded Tyrannosaurs Rex and brush your hair at the same time?" She sighed. "Well honey, since we're going to be married soon, I guess it's time to share my secret with you. But please promise me that you won't tell anyone. it could create 'complications'. Only my mom, dad and I know about this." After I promised Sally never to tell a soul, she began: "You see Jeff, it's like this. I wasn't always the large, super strong girl that you've known ever since my family moved across the street from you when we were both twelve years old. In fact, it's quite the contrary. When I was small, I was a very weak and sickly child and the doctors had absolutely no idea what was wrong with me. Fortunately, my mother is a brilliant scientist who specializes in medical research. So she decided to try and find a cure for whatever it was that was causing my condition. Working alone and in secret, my mother created a special serum that enhanced the female sex hormone estrogen, and thus created a kind of wonder drug. But because it only works with estrogen, it's only effective on females. "Because I was so weak at the time and my mother was afraid that I was going to die, she decided to immediately inject me with the serum without first testing it on laboratory animals to see if it would be effective and what the possible side effects from using it might be. The results, as you clearly saw today (smirk), was to turn me into some kind of Supergirl. Her serum not only cured me of my ailment, it increased my physical strength more than a hundred times! "After seeing these amazing results, my mom decided not to reveal her discovery to the world as she didn't think the world was ready for a generation of super females. She swore me and my dad to secrecy, just as I did you Jeff. Then she destroyed all the notes of her research so nobody could reproduce the serum. So sweetie pie, now that you know my secret, what do you think of your girlfriend?" "The same thing I thought of you after you beat up that gang of bullies that were terrorizing our neighborhood Sally. You're awesome. Totally AWESOME!" Sally put her tremendously strong arms around me and gave me a massive hug. Then she reached down with her powerful right hand and gently began to fondle my penis (it never ceases to amaze me how she can be so incredibly strong and yet so gentle at the same time). After about a minute she gave my penis a firm squeeze. "Remind me again sweetie pie, who did you say was the most ferocious creature ever to walk the earth?" "Why.err, you are honey." For the umpteenth time that day Sally giggled and said, "That's right Jeffie, and don't you ever forget it. Tee, hee, hee." And after watching what this amazing girlfriend of mine did to the dreaded Tyrannosaurus Rex earlier this day I, doubt that neither me, nor anybody else who witnessed her awesome display of raw female power, ever would. Epilogue The next day newspapers all across the country had the same picture on their front page - that of Sally sitting on top of the ferocious Tyrannosaurs Rex calmly brushing her hair while punching him out. The only differences were the various headlines they used to describe it. Here are a few examples: "Fiercest Dinosaur Battered By Powerful Woman!" "Tyrannosaurs Rex Meets His Match!" "Circus Strongwoman Pummels T-Rex to Pulp!" "King of the Dinosaurs Dethroned by Mighty Woman!" As we searched through them on the internet, Sally giggled and said, "Oh Jeffie, this is just fantastic publicity for my circus act. Tee, hee." "Yes honey, it certainly is. But I've been doing some research and it appears that the T-Rex may not have been the fiercest creature ever to have walked the earth after all, excluding you of course (Sally grinned when I said this). It seems that there was an even a larger and fiercer dinosaur called the Spinosaurus that was more powerful than the T-Rex." Sally thought about this for a few moments, then laughed and said, "well then I guess we'll just have to go to this island and find one of these Spinosaurus thingies so I can beat him up too. After all, my reputation as the 'fiercest creature ever to walk the earth' is at stake here, isn't it? But in the meantime honey (she gently grabbed me by the penis as we were both naked) let's get into bed and cuddle." And so we did.