The Panel Discussion by M.C. University students 'discuss' male superiority The University auditorium was nearly full. As the students filed in Margret Brown, the woman's athletic director, looked over her notes. For some time now the issue of funding for athletic programs had been a thorn in her side. She was hired to help build up the woman's department and, despite a severe shortage of funding, managed to put together some very good sports teams through determination and hard work. But if she wanted to bring her program up to a higher level, she'd need to attract more women athletes to the University; and for that you needed money for scholarships. The problem was that most of the scholarship funding was being channeled to the men's athletic program, specifically football and basketball. Margret tried to reason with the head of the men's athletic department - who was also the football coach - as well as the University staff but got nowhere. So finally she took her case to the students themselves and organised a discussion of the issue, after which the student body would vote on whether her women's dept. should recieve equal funding with the men. As the number of students were almost equally divided between males and females, Margret stood a good chance of succeeding. Coach Williams, aware of this threat, brought in all of his athletes in the hope of influencing the students on which way to vote. The sight of all these large football players sitting around the auditorium was somewhat intimidating; as it was supposed to be. At exactally 2 p.m., Margret rose, approached the podium and opened the discussion. Three female athletes and three male athletes would debate the pro's and con's of equal funding after which they would open up the discussion and allow students in the audience to ask questions or make comments.As each of the men spoke, he was cheered on by the male athletes, but when it was a woman's turn there was a chorus of "boos ". Each side made their points. The men: that football and basketball are very high profile sports and bring in a lot of revenue and prestige for the university. The women: that equality for the sexes is the way of the future and women should be given an equal opportunity to excell in athletics. After each side put forward their view, Ms.Brown asked the audience, " would anybody like to comment on what was said up here ? A very large man approached the microphone. Rick Meyers was the star defensive end of the football team. At six feet four inches tall and over 220 pounds, the powerfully built all - league lineman was quite a sight to behold. Many of the girls swooned as he began to speak. " This whole discussion is pure BULLSHIT ", he barked out. Who in their right minds thinks that these 'little girls' deserve to recieve the same amount of money as the football players. How many people go to gymnastics meets anyway ? " A loud murmer was heard throughout the auditorium and many men could be seen nodding their heads in agreement. Rick went on, " the reason we get most of the money is because we deserve it; we're bigger, stronger, and tougher. That's the way it is, baby; that's the way it always was, and that's the way it will always be. Those are the facts of life so you may as well accept them ". Rick looked at the female athletes on the panel in as condescending a manner as possible. Sitting next to Ms. Brown, coach Williams smirked," I couldn't have said it better myself Rick; right on !!! " When Rick finished, he recieved a loud round of applause from most of the male students. Margret smiled at one of the women on her panel, " Penny, as the only gymnast here, would like to respond to Mr. Meyers' eloquent comments ? " Little Penny Warren, all five feet and 100 pounds of her, smiled and said," sure Ms.Brown, I'd love to ". The star of the women's gymnastic team, she moved with a childlike grace up to the podium; the microphone had to be lowered so she could speak into it. " Rick, you said that you guys deserve the lion's share of the scholarship funding simply because you're bigger and touger than us 'little girls' correct ? " Rick flashed an arrogant smile in agreement. " So, let's say, for the sake of argument, that I could prove to you that that's just a myth, that we women are, in fact, the tougher sex. Would you then agree that we should be given, at the very least, an equal share ? " Laughter could now be heard throughout the auditorium. Rick smiled that arrogant smile of his again and bellowed, " girlie, if you can prove it, otherwise you're just talking shit ". Penny smiled and removed her warmup jacket, revealing her surprisingly strong and muscular body; the result of years of intensive training in gymnastics." O.K., tough guy, I want to challenge you to a 'battle of the sexes', here and now, to see which gender is the toughest, we'll see who really deserves the majority of scholarship funding ". The auditorium suddenly became very quiet as the students looked at one another. Did they just hear what thought they heard ? Was Penny Warren challenging the largest, toughest boy on the campus to a fight ? With the scholarships on the line ? How could this five foot, 100 pound girl even think she stood a chance against the six foot four inch, 220 pound football star ? Perhaps it was his desire to put an end to this debate about scholarships once and for all. Or maybe Rick felt that if he didn't accept Penny's challenge, he would lose face in front of the entire student body. It may even have been that this arrogant man wanted to teach this spunky girl a lesson. Whatever the reason, Rick Meyers accepted Penny's challenge and confidently strode up to the stage. He removed his shirt and flexed his muscles for the crowd. Many of the girls cheered at their hero ," come on Jeff...squash that puny little squirt ", someone called out from the crowd. Penny comely walked over to Margret and handed her the warmup jacket. " Please hold this for me ", she said with a wink. " My pleasure ", the woman's athletic director responded. The two women shared a giggle before Penny turned to face the mighty Rick Meyers. Despite his overwhelming size, Penny comely walked up to the massive football player and said, " Rick, you said some things that were not very nice a few minutes ago. If you apologise now, I won't be too rough on you ". Once again, laughter could be heard throughout the auditorium. The students, many of whom were sympathetic to the women's cause, still could not believe the scene before them. That this girl would dare to fight Rick seemed beyond belief. Rick stared down at her and simply laughed. " Very well, then Ricky...have it your way ". Quick as a wink, the little gymnast went into a somersault and, pushing herself up with her arms wrapped her legs around a surprised Rick's neck. Her momentum forced the large boy backwards and he fell on his back with Penny on top of him... sitting on his face. " Ooooh, what a compfy seat ", she giggled. Rick tried to throw her off with his powerful arms. Penny grabbed his wrists and held him down for a few more seconds before jumping off of him. " First point to the ' little girl ' ", she laughed. Rick got to his feet and stormed over to her, fists ready to fly. " Oh dear me, is the big, bad football star going to hit poor little old me ? " Rick roared as he let out a punch that would have flattened any boy in school. But Penny simply ducked and the blow passed harmlessly overhead. Rick's mid - section was now exposed and Penny began to pepper it with lightning fast punches from her small fists that had a surprising amount of power behind them.The crowd was heard to gasp as the girl drove her much larger opponent back. " I have to admit, your tummy makes a nice, soft punching bag - tee,hee,hee ". Again and again, Rick tried to hit her; but the little gymnast easily avoided his clumsy punches and - when the opportunity presented itself - countered with punches of her own. Unlike Rick's wild swings, Penny's always found their mark. After a few minutes Penny had given Rick a bloody nose and a swollen lip. " What's the matter tough guy, is the ' little girl ' too much for you to handle - tee, hee, hee ". Penny's superior boxing ability plus her non - stop teasing was infuriating Rick. She was beating him in front of the entire university; and enjoying every minute of it. Over on the panel, Jeff Williams - the football coach, began to feel very uneasy. " Is something wrong coach ? " Margret teased, " not enjoying the show ? " That was an understatement. Like most of the men there, he was sure that Rick, who outweighed Penny by more than 120 pounds, would have no trouble at all beating the little gymnast. But as Penny easily outboxed him, coach Williams began to worry; after all, his football scholarships were at stake - not to mention the concept of male superiority. If this little girl could beat up his toughest athlete , then his beliefs would be shaken to their foundations.Then, suddenly, his fortunes took a turn for the better. Penny slipped on some of Rick's sweat that was on the floor. Though she quickly recovered, Rick was able to take advantage of her momentary lapse. He charged at her with his arms open and engulfed the much smaller girl in a massive bearhug. Gasps were now heard from the audience as, they were sure, Rick would attempt to crush poor little Penny, with his powerful arms. Penny all but disappeared inside of Rick's huge frame. Even her friends began to worry now as Rick started to squeeze with all of his might. Infuriated as he was, he wanted nothing more than to break her apart.Penny couldn't even put her small arms completely around the huge football player. Coach Williams let out a sigh of relief. " Well, I guess this silly contest is over now ", he said smugly. " I wouldn't be too sure if I were you ", was Margret's calm response. As they looked on, a strange thing was happening. Try as he might, big, strong Rick couldn't seem to crush little Penny. She was resisting his strength. Not only that, her small arms wrapped mostly around Rick's waist appeared to be giving him some problems. He began to have trouble breathing and his face was turning red. He bagan to grunt as he put all of his strength into the bearhug. Incredibly, students sitting close to the stage swore they heard the sound of a girl....giggling. There was a look of shock and horror from Rick as he realized what was happening. His arms lowered. Penny's pretty face could be seen...smiling. She was looking up at him. " Oh Rick, you're so cuddily - tee,hee,hee ". The powerful arms that Rick thought to crush Penny with now hanging uselessly at his sides. Had she have wanted to, Penny could have ended it right then and there. Rick was helpless in her iron bearhug...but she was having too much fun. Penny opened her arms and let Rick slide gently fall to the floor. " Rest up for a few minutes sweety pie... then we'll continue this little fight of ours ". While Rick tried to recover, Penny did a few of her gymnastics routines for the audience. She had won them over. After performing some floor exercises, she stood in front of them and flexed. Rick, overcome with rage at the way he was being totally humiliated by this pipsqueak of a girl, suddenly charged at her from behind. Penny didn't seem to pay any attention to him. But when he was only about two feet away, she - without turning around - drove her elbow into the pit of his stomach. " Now, now Ricky. Sneaking up behind me ? That wasn't very nice, was it ? Looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson, big boy ". Penny 's blow knocked the wind out of Rick and he went down on his hands and knees. Penny took a few steps backwards, got a running start, completed a perfect flip in the air and landed on Rick's back. She wrapped her small but powerful legs around his abused waist and slapped his bottom hard with her open hand. " Ride 'em cowgirl ", she laughed. Rick tried hard to throw her off but she wouldn't budge, "EEE doggie !!! ". The entire auditorium broke out with laughter at the scene of little Penny Warren riding the once feared Rick Meyers around the stage. "Giddy yap horsie, tee,hee,hee !!! " Coach Williams had had enough. To see his mightiest athlete, totally humiliated by this small girl was too much for him. " I'm going to put a stop to this farce RIGHT NOW !!! " As he got up, he felt a vicelike grip around his upper arm. " And just where do you think you're going ? " Margret asked. Before he had time to answer, he was yanked back into his seat with tremendous force. He stared in shock at Margret's smiling face. " If you so much as raise your backside one inch off that chair again, I'm going to take you across me knee and spank you in front of the entire student body. Do I make myself clear ? " Needless to say, coach Williams remained seated. By now the once mighty Rick Meyers was reduced to a shell of his former self. He'd been battered, beaten and humiliated in front of everybody by little Penny Warren. The once proud football star was now reduced to being a laughingstock...all by a five foot 100 pound girl. As she rode him around the stage, he broke down and began to cry. " My poor baby ", Penny teased. " I guess the ' little girl ' is too tough for you isn't she ? " In a voice barely audible Rick sobbed , " yes ". Penny smiled. She got up off of Rick's back and helped the humiliated boy to his feet. But she wasn't through with him fact, she was just beginning. Penny bent down and, as the audience sat stunned in amazement, lifted the 220 pound boy up over her shoulder. She wrapped her right arm around his ankles and, smiling and waving with her left hand, began to leave the stage. " Where are you taking me ? " Rick asked, sobbing. " You're coming back to my dormatory with me, honeybunch. You haven't completely learned your lesson yet....but you will; and then you're going to be my boyfriend ". Penny winked at Margret as she left the stage carrying the sobbing Rick Meyers over her shoulder. The entire auditorium got up and cheered. Margret Brown rose and approached the podium. " Well, I guess that concludes our panel discussion for today; unless, of course, somebody else would like to make a comment...