My Girlfriend, My Protector By M.C. A high school senior describes the advantages of having a martial arts expert for a girlfriend. Chapter One: The Confrontation Having just witnessed what Cindy had done, I was completely overwhelmed as I approached my pretty girlfriend. Unable to control myself, I put my arms around her and gave her a long and loving hug. "Oh Cindy," I began, "you were awesome; totally magnificent! You beat up three of the largest and toughest guys in our entire school all by yourself! And without even getting your pretty hair mussed either. It's just as soft and fluffy now as it was before the fight began." As we hugged I couldn't help but look down at the three large and very well built guys that were lying - battered and beaten - on the ground near-by. All beaten up by just one single girl! "Why thank you Jeffie (my name is Jeff); what a nice, sweet thing to say. I guess that's why I like you so much." We were standing in the parking lot just outside of our high school. Cindy had found out that these guys were bullying me and, as stars of our high school's football team, they would probably be in the weightroom working out on a Friday afternoon - and sure enough that's where she found them. With surprising calmness, Cindy walked over to them and issued her challenge. "So, you're the tough bullies that have been making my Jeffie's life miserable lately because he refuses to do your homework assignments for you. I'll tell you what, why don't we take a little walk over to the parking lot where we can settle this once and for all - mano al womano as they say." It may seem strange to you that my girlfriend - all five feet-six inches and 125 pounds of her - would be challenging these three strong and well-conditioned athletes to a fight since each of them towered over her by at least six inches and must have outweighed her by well over eighty pounds; but that's exactly what was happening. And if Cindy was concerned about it (I certainly was) you couldn't tell by the expression that she had on her pretty face. She seemed as calm and relaxed as if nothing out of the ordinary was about to happen. We all left the weight room, walked through the school gate and into the parking lot. "You bullies have had this coming to you for quite some time," Cindy said as she removed her shoes. Then she tied her long, pretty brown hair back into a ponytail so that her hair wouldn't get in her eyes during the upcoming fight. "I should have done this much sooner." Her hair ready now (in 'fighting shape' as she likes to say), Cindy calmly walked over to where the three of them were standing. "So tough guys, let's see just how tough you really are. I could use a decent workout anyway." Because she was concerned about me (I'm not exactly what one would call a macho man) Cindy told me - and rather forcefully I should add - that I was only to watch from a safe distance off to the side and under no circumstances to get involved. "Jeffie, not only am I more than capable of dealing with these bullies by myself, but having you in the mix too would only complicate things for me because I would then also have to worry about protecting you during the fight." Then she lightened her tone a bit and added with a gentle pinch on my cheek, "And I wouldn't want my honeybunny to get hurt. So be a good boy and just let me handle this; O.K?" I followed Cindy's advice and kept a safe distance away. Chapter Two: The Fight What happened over the course of the next several minutes had to be seen to be believed. In fact even though I did see it, I'm still not sure I believe it. It was like watching one of those female martial arts movies where a Cynthia Rothrock or Michelle Yeoh type singlehandedly takes on a gang of ruthless bad guys and wipes them all out. Only this wasn't a movie, it was real; and it was happening right before my very eyes! My pretty girlfriend was taking on three of the largest and strongest guys on our high school's football team all by herself - and she was kicking their asses! With a series of lightning fast and well placed kicks from her board breaking feet (Cindy holds a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do), and her equally powerful thrusts and punches from her rock-hard fists (she also holds a black belt in karate) my 125 pound girlfriend hammered first one of my tormenters then quickly moved on to the next; and then to the third. Her hands and feet were moving so fast that I could barely follow them - and I was standing only a few feet away from her. It's no wonder that none of the strong, tough football players were able to block or avoid any of Cindy's punches or kicks; they were simply coming at them too fast. Before one of the bullies even had time to fully recover from Cindy's initial attack, she returned to batter him around again with another series of quick and lethal punches and kicks; then moved on to the second and the third. Such was the power behind her blows that even the strongest guys in our school couldn't stand up to them. I have to admit that watching my beautiful girlfriend beating up three of the largest and strongest guys in our school - with her long, pretty ponytail swishing around behind her as she did - was a very erotic experience for me; a fact that didn't escape Cindy's attention which I would only find out about later and much to my embarrassment. And if all this wasn't enough, as the fight wore on and the bullies began to weaken, (they were taking more time to recover from her blows) my amazing girlfriend even found time to take a brief pause. Cindy untied her ponytail, fluff up her long, pretty brown hair and then tied it back into a ponytail again (Cindy told me afterwards that she did this to rub in the fact that these macho guys were all getting beaten up by a girl). She then blew me a kiss before turning her attention back to the bullies to resume pounding them. Cindy was so much in control of the fight by now that she even began to giggle and tease them while she worked them over. "I'll say this for you boys, you sure do make good punching bags for me to practice my punches and kicks on. I should invite you to come to the martial arts classes that I teach so that my 'girls' (Cindy's female students) can use you for target practice too; tee, hee." Cindy continued to batter them around the parking lot until not one of them was left standing. All three were lying on the ground now, too badly beaten by to even try getting up - beaten into submission by a five foot-six inch, 125 pound girl who didn't have so much as a single mark or scratch on her when the fight ended! Flush with her victory over them and still in a teasing mood, my amazing girlfriend smiled down at the battered boys, untied her ponytail and fluffed up her pretty hair again (again to remind them that they were beaten up by a girl). "I want to thank you boys for this lovely workout. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did; tee, hee, hee." But then Cindy got serious. "Let this be a lesson to you and all of your friends here. Whoever messes with my Jeffie, messes with me. And the next time that I have to teach any of you a lesson, I promise that I won't be as gentle with you as I was this time. Is that clear? I hope for your sake that it is." Gentle? Cindy literally beat the crap out of them. It will probably take them a few days to recover from the beating that she just gave them. Was she serious? Or was she just trying to put the fear of god into them. Fortunately I never had to find out because after word about what happened that day spread around school, nobody ever bothered me again. In fact everybody stepped aside when I walked through the halls - even when Cindy wasn't with me. Such was the respect (or fear) that everyone in school had for my girlfriend now. Before leaving the parking lot, Cindy reached down, grabbed the three battered bullies by their shirt collars and yanked them to their feet. Then she forced each one to apologize to me and promise never to harass me again. After they had done so, Cindy gently took me by the hand. "Come Jeffie, let's walk home together (we live on the same block). My parents are away visiting relatives for a few days and won't be back until late Sunday night. So we'll have the house all to ourselves for almost the entire weekend and I think we should take full advantage of that; if you catch my drift (wink). We'll do our homework and then get down to some serious cuddling." Cindy then grinned and added, "After all, don't you think that your little girlfriend deserves a reward for smacking these nasty bullies around?" Hand-in-hand Cindy and I left the parking lot and began to walk towards her home. Chapter Three: Later that Afternoon Two hours later our homework was completed. I was sitting behind Cindy on her bed and engaging in one of my favorite activities; brushing Cindy's long, beautiful brown hair. As I brushed her hair, Cindy reached back and put her right hand into the training pants that I was wearing. Then she gently began to fondle my penis which quickly began to get hard. "Jeffie, I think it's about time that you and I had a serious discussion." "A serious discussion? About what Cindy?" "Well sweetie pie, while I was beating up those bullies earlier today I noticed that you were getting a hard-on as you watched me smack them around. I think that you have a 'thing' for strong, tough females like me, don't you? Does being around a girl who can beat up three of the strongest and toughest boys in our school all at once excite you? Does it 'turn you on'?" I began to blush with embarrassment when Cindy said this and my penis (which was already getting hard) got even harder. After an awkward few moments of silence, Cindy turned around, put her arms around me and we engaged in a long and loving hug. "It's O.K. honey," Cindy continued in a soft tone of voice. "The truth is that I've sensed this about you for a very long time; ever since I battered and humiliated that gang of bullies in the park when we were young." Explanation: Cindy and I were around twelve years old at the time and her family had recently moved into the neighborhood. There was this gang of about four older kids that were always harassing the smaller kids at the local park - until Cindy took care of them that is. First she beat them all up. And then, one-by-one, took them across her knees and gave each a good, hard spanking. They all left the park crying and never came back again. "But instead of appreciating what I did to protect you guys, none the other kids in the neighborhood my age wanted to be my friend after that - except for you that is. You became the best friend that I ever had - as you still are and perhaps always will be. You're the only boy who doesn't seem to be intimidated by being with a girl who can beat up a gang of bullies all by herself. In fact, I suspect that even then you were attracted by strong, powerful girls. I think that's why you always came over to my house whenever I told you that I had just bought a new Wonder Woman comic book. So that we could read it together." Then Cindy added with a grin, "As you still do to this very day. By-the-way Jeffie, I bought a new one just yesterday; we'll read it later." After a short pause Cindy got serious and continued. "But what I find a bit disturbing about you Jeff is why you couldn't bring yourself to tell me about what was going on with those bullies that I beat up this afternoon (Cindy never calls me Jeff unless she has something serious to say to me). Why did I only find out about how they were tormenting you when your little sister Amy told me about it? You should have been able to tell me yourself Jeff. I've been studying martial arts since I was four years old. What's the point of being an expert in martial arts if I can't use my fighting skills to protect the people that I deeply care about? So Jeff, I want you to promise me that this will never happen again. That from now on whenever someone is harassing you, either in school or anywhere else, you'll tell me about it so that I can 'take care' of the situation for you; just like I did earlier today. Do we have a deal Jeff?" With my head bowed I nodded. "Yes Cindy. I promise that from now on whenever something like this happens I'll tell you about it." "Good. Now that that's been taken care of, let's take advantage of my parents not being here and get down to some serious cuddling. We have the whole house to ourselves. So let's make good use of this opportunity. O.K. Jeffie?" And so we did.