The Merger: Part 3 conclusion by M.C. Bradly Wilson and his bodyguards find out just how *tough* a negotiator Helen can be. Helen Warner, the hard driving Chief Executive Officer of Warner Enterprises, led Bradly Wilson from the driving range through the country club towards the private conference room she had reserved. It was where they would conduct the negotiations for the merger of their two companies. Flanking her were his two large, well built bodyguards; each of whom stood a good 4-5 inches taller than she did and must have outweighed her by at least fifty pounds (Helen stood five-foot ten and weighed in at a rock solid 175 pounds). From her research Helen knew that Bradly was quite a good boxer and fought with distinction on his college boxing team. But if the muscular woman was concerned about this, you couldn't tell by the expression on her beautiful face. In fact, she was actually smiling. Not just any smile though, a smile that seemed to say,"I'm in complete command." Helen led them to a soundproof room at the end of a long hallway in a secluded part of the country club. She unlocked the door and went inside. When they had all entered, Helen locked the door behind her. "It's so we won't be disturbed," the beautiful brunette winked at the three men when she noticed the looks of confusion on their faces. "It's been my experience that these negotiations can sometimes get a little *messy* and we won't be bothered here." She walked over to the large mahogony table in the center of the room, opened her purse and took out a dossier. "Very well then gentlemen, let's begin the negotiations shall we?" Helen placed the documents on the table and looked up at her rival."Because I'm in such a good mood today Bradly, I'm going to make you a much better offer than you deserve. I'll make you a junior partner after we've merged our companies together. You can even keep your title; that way you'll still be able to impress the girls you like to show off to. Just as long as you realize that I'll be running the show from now on." When he heard this, Bradly Wilson became livid. "What!" he screamed,"turn over my company to you? The company my father built up from scratch? No way bitch, no fucking way!" Helen met his outburst with a surprisingly calm smile. "First of all Bratie (it was the first time she called him that), thanks to you the company your father built up from scratch is in dire straites. Perhaps if you had actually attended any of those business classes at the university instead of boxing, chasing girls and partying all the time you'd have been aware of that. Your stockholders are very unhappy with the fact that their shares have lost over 25% of their value in the three years you've been the CEO and many are starting to bail out. And second (Helen's voice now took on a serious tone) if you ever call me a bitch again I'll make you regret it. "I'm making you the best offer for your company that you'll ever see and I strongly advise you to take it. That way you can continue your life as an irresponsible playboy, secure in the knowledge that *our* company is being managed well. All you have to do is put your signature at the bottom of this page (she placed the dossier on the table in front of him) and you can go back to trying to improve that miserable golf game of yours." "Just who in the hell do you think you are!" Bradly screamed. "You can't just come in here and take over my company! And nobody - but nobody - calls be Bratie. These negotiations are over so unlock the God Damn door...BITCH!" Helen sighed and opened her purse again. As Bradly and his two bodyguards looked on, the muscular woman calmly took out a pair of gloves - the kind a boxer uses against a punching bag. After putting them on, she took out a rubber band and tied her long, beautiful brown hair back into a ponytail; then she removed her high heeled shoes."I warned you not to call me that again Bratie (her research had uncovered that 'Bratie' was the name the kids used to tease Bradly with in elementary school...before he learned to box that is). Now you are going to suffer the consquences. In my company - unlike yours - women are treated with respect and dignity. It looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson in manners." Helen stepped away from the table and stood in front of the three men. All were much larger than she was and probably quite a bit stronger too. Furthermore, the bodyguards were - no doubt - trained in martial arts and Bradly had been boxer. But the intrepid woman showed absolutely no sign of fear as she stood before them with her hands on her hips. She even had a strange smile on her face."O.K. boys, how do you want to do this? One-on-one? Or should I take you all on at the same time? Either way is fine with me." Bradly nodded at the larger of his two bodyguards who then began to move towards her. As he closed in on the smaller woman, she looked up at him and grinned,"you're kind of cute, it's a shame I'm going to have to do this to that handsome face of yours." Then, before he even knew what hit him, Helen lashed out with three solid left jabs to his face and a hard right cross to the jaw. The power of her rock-hard fists, only slightly padded by the thin gloves, caught him totally by surprise and he was driven back. Moving quickly, the agile woman pressed her attack by landing a vicious series of punches to his body and head which he seemed unable to stop. Helen wanted to finish him off as quickly as possible before Bradly and the other bodyguard had a chance to intervene. She knew that if she dispatched the largest of the three easily it would shake the confidence of other two. Helen's experience had taught her that fighting - as well as just about everything else in life - is as much about confidence as it is about skill. In her office there's a large sign which reads: "If you think you can or can't do something, your usually right." It's been Helen's motto for most of her life. "POW! POW! POW!" Three more solid punches to the stunned man's face drove him back against the table. Another rapid series of rights and lefts pounded deep into his unprotected stomach. The amazing woman then connected with a powerful right uppercut to his jaw. The force of her blow lifted the 225 pound man up onto the table and sent him reeling clear across to the other side. He came to rest a few inches from the end. Battered and beaten, he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon."That's one down and two to go," Helen giggled,"who's next?" After watching Helen's devastating performance both men hesitated. "Oh come on guys, are you two big, strong macho men afraid of me? Wait until your stockholders hear about this - Bratie Wilson, afraid of a little girl; tee, hee, hee." Realizing that they had no choice, Brad and his remaining bodyguard charged forward. Two large, strong - and desperate - men against one woman. It was a mismatch for sure...the men didn't stand a chance. With a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of his head from her board shattering right foot, Helen - who holds a second degree black belt in Shotokan karate - sent the other bodyguard flying clear across the room where he slammed head first into the wall. "Pleasent dreams sweetie pie," Helen laughed as she turned to face Bradly,"O.K. loverboy, it's just you and me now. Isn't it romantic?" They both assumed boxing stances and prepared to slug it out. The beautiful woman began to dance on the balls of her feet. Although she had just dispatched his two tough bodyguards with ease, Helen didn't take Bradly Wilson lightly. He was a trained boxer who was fighting for his company...indeed, he was fighting for his life; or his lifestyle he knew anyway. Losing his company to this 27 year-old woman would result in such a loss of face that would hound him for the rest of his life. He had to beat her, he just had to...and he would. Unfortunately for Bradly however, the powerful woman had other ideas. They met in the center of the room and began to exchange punches. Though he had been a good boxer in college, the six-foot two inch, 220 pound man hadn't boxed in nearly a decade whereas Helen boxes a couple of times a week. She'd box even more often if she could find opponents willing to spar with her (see part one of this series). So what it really boiled down to was Bradly's strength against Helen's speed and skill. The athletic woman moved with a grace and style that the larger man couldn't match. Her fists hit with surprising power; as the first bodyguard found out the hard way. After winning the first few exchanges, Helen - in no great hurry to finish this - let up a bit and began to tease her opponent. "What's the matter Bratie, am I too tough for you? Can't beat a girl? Tee, hee, hee." As she anticipated, Bradly became enraged with her teasing and charged forward. Another furious exchange of punches followed in which the beautiful woman clearly bested the larger man. "You're keeping your guard too low Bratie," she said after punishing him with a solid left-right combination to the head,"I could hit you all day if you keep doing that." She then landed another series of quick jabs to his face to prove her point."It's too bad they didn't let me box competitively in college or else I'd really have showed you macho boys something." Out of the corner of her eye, Helen noticed the second bodyguard struggling to get to his feet. "Guess his head is harder than I thought," she said to herself. Helen surged forward and hit Bradly with a solid right hook to the jaw which knocked him to the floor. Then she quickly ran over to the bodyguard, grabbed him firmly by the back of his neck and slammed his head into the wall again...and again...and again. "There, that should do it," she laughed. Returning to Bradly, who was just getting back up, the female powerhouse smiled and shook her head from side to side. "Don't you just love these business negotiations Bratie? Tee, hee, hee." He threw a wild right hook which Helen easily ducked under, she then began to pound his midsection with her solid fists. Unable to stand up to the onslaught of this amazing woman, the larger man tried to escape. He made a dash for the door...but it was locked."What! Leaving me so soon honeybunch? And we were just beginning to hit it off." Helen slowly began to approach him with an evil smile on her face; pounding her fists together as she did so. "I told you you should have taken up my offer didn't I ?" "O.K. Helen, you - you win," his voice was shaking with trepidation." I'll sign the document win." "Yes, you will sign it Bratie; but not in it's present form. I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that now. I've decided to make a few changes before you sign it. You should have accepted it when it was first offered...and then there's the small matter of calling me a bitch." Without realizing it, Bradly had backed himself into a corner. Locked in the secluded sound proof room with both of his bodyguards unconscious, he was at the mercy of this incredible woman."I'm sorry Helen, I'm so sorry for that. I apologize." "I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that also Brad (with no reason to bait him now, Helen dropped calling him Bratie, but she felt Bradly was too dignified). You need to be punished for that so let's continue this little fight of ours shall we. You'd better put up your dukes." Bradly put up his hands and tried his best to defend himself, but he was totally outclassed by the mighty woman as she literally battered him all around the room. "You know what?" Helen giggled,"I think I might have found a position in *my* company for you and your friends after all." Finally, after recieveing the beating of his life, the once proud boxer completely broke down. "Please stop this Helen," he begged,"please, please stop hitting me." "Oh, my poor, poor baby. Is the little girl too tough for big, bad Brad?" "Yes, yes please stop." He was on the verge of crying now. Helen walked over to a chair and sat down."You've been a very naughty boy Brad, and I'm going to punish you now. Come here and recieve your spanking." "Don't do this to me Helen. I said I was sorry; please don't spank me." "I said come here Brad...NOW! And kindly lower your pants to your ankles." Meekly, Bradly Wilson did as the powerful woman ordered. With tears in his eyes, he straddled across Helen's knees and she then began to administer a good, hard spanking with her strong right hand. This is the part that Helen enjoyed the most. After beating up a rival, or a male employee who needed to be taken down a few pegs, Helen loved to humiliate them; it was her way of establishing - beyond a shadow of a doubt - her complete and total mastery over them. She always spanked them in private (no need for a public humiliation) and word never got out. Helen didn't tell anyone and they, for obvious reasons, didn't either. After she was through with them, even the most macho of men became as docile as kittens in her powerful hands. They were then hers to mold as she saw fit. It's a lesson Helen learned as a young girl when she used to beat up the bullies in school. After a good beating and spanking, their egos would be completely shattered and they never bothered the other students again. After all, how could a *tough guy* look at himself the same way after being beaten up and spanked by a girl? After about a minute, Helen decided Brad had had enough. "Have you learned your lesson?" she asked him in a soft, quiet voice. "Yes," he sobbed. "Good. Now this is what we're going to do. Tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM sharp - and you'd better be punctual - you and your two friends here are going to meet with me and my lawyers in my office. I'm going to re-draw the contract to include several new clauses and then you're going to sign them...without delay. Is that clear?" "Yes," he sobbed. "Then you're going to announce our merger to all your employees. I'm going to be reviewing their records and anyone who has mistreated his secretary or any other female employee will be dismissed. If anyone gives you a problem with this you're to send them directly to me and I'll *take care* of them. Is that clear?" "Yes," he sobbed. "I'll expect you and your male collegues to treat your female employees with the respect and dignity they deserve. I've recieved some pretty disturbing reports about Wilson Enterprises with regard to this and there's going to be a change of attitude from now on. Is that clear?" "Yes," he sobbed. "O.K. then Mr. Wilson. I believe we're through for tonight, you can get up now." He slowly rose from her knees. Helen stood up and smiled at him."Well, thank you for meeting me. You and your friends have a nice evening and I'll see you all in my office tomorrow morning; bright eyed and bushy tailed." Helen looked at her watch, it was 9:30 PM. The *negotiations* had taken a less than an hour. "I hope I'm not too late," she said to herself. The beautiful woman removed her gloves and returned them to her purse. She stepped into her high heeled shoes, unlocked the door and stepped out into the hallway; heading quickly for the nearest ladies room. A few minutes later Helen emerged, looking as fresh as a daisy. Her long, beautiful hair was neatly brushed, she had on eyeshadow and lipstick and even put on a touch of perfume - something the athletic woman rarely does. You'd never know she had just beaten up three big, tough men and taken control of a large corporation. Helen walked into the bar and carefully looked around as if she was searching for someone special. She rested her gaze on the tall, handsome man standing alone at the bar. Showing uncharacteristic nervosness, the powerful, beautiful woman approached him. "Hello again Ms. Warner, how did the negotiations go?" "All things considered they went fairly well I suppose Mike (see part two of this series). There were about three rough spots that I had to *pound out* in the beginning; after that things moved along smoothly (giggles). And didn't I tell you to call me Helen from now on?" "Oooops, sorry about that." "That's O.K. Just don't let it happen again (wink). Have you thought about my offer?" "You mean the golf? Yes, I did...and I decided to accept it. I'll take the eight strokes, but I'll still play from the men's tees. I have my pride you know." "As you wish. It's your money; until Sunday that is. Say Mike, can I buy you a drink? There's something I want to discuss with you." "Sure, I'll have a large margerita in a salted glass." They took their margeritas to a small private table and sat down opposit each other."Tell me something Mike, you're an accountant aren't you?" "That's right Helen, a CPA." "And do you ever deal with large corporations?" "As a matter of fact I do. Why do you ask?" "Well, I'm about to conclude a rather large merger with Wilson Enterprises and I could really use a good, trustworthy accountant on my staff. Are you interested in the job?" "That depends, I'm doing pretty well where were I am right now." "If I'm not being too personal, may I ask what your salary is?" Mike took out a pen and wrote some figures down on a napkin. Then he shoved it across the table to Helen. "Hmmm...that's not too bad Mike. What if I were to double it? Would you come and work for me? It took a few moments for what Helen just said to sink in. "Did...did you just say, double it?" "Yes Mike, you heard me correctly; I said double it. I can always win my money back from you in golf anyway (snicker). The 28 year-old accountant thought it over for a few minutes."Do I get my own parking slot in the company lot?" Helen scratched her chin for several seconds, giving the appearance that she was giving the matter serious thought."You're a real tough negotiator there mister, but you leave me with little choice. I agree to your terms." "And when would you like me to begin, Ms. Warner?" "Be in my office at 10 AM tomorrow morning... and if you call me Ms. Warner one more time I'm going to kick your ass." "10 AM it is then...Helen." Helen and Mike shook hands (he couldn't believe the strength of her grip), finished their drinks and went their seperate ways. 5:00 PM the following afternoon. After a long, hectic day of meetings and discussions, the general details of the merger between Warner and Wilson enterprises were completed. Now Helen Warner could relax and unwind a bit. She took the elevator down to the first floor where the company gym was located. Donna, her secretary and college basketball teammate, met her at the entrance. "Your new sparring partners will be here shortly Helen." "Good," she smiled," I have a lot of stress that I need to work off today. Merging two large corporations isn't easy you know." Helen went into the locker room and quickly changed out of her business attire and into a sweatsuit. Donna helped her lace up her boxing gloves and then the strong, powerful woman climbed into the ring and began to shadow box. A few minutes later Donna led three large, well built men into the boxing area. "Well guys," Helen smiled down at them from the ring," I hope you'll all enjoy your new position here at Warner Enterprises - my sparring partners. Brad, I'll leave it up to you to decide who I take on first; you or one of your bodyguards. And I do hope you guys can give me a better workout than you did last night..." (You have to give them credit, they tried their best...but Helen still kicked their asses in). Epilogue: Sunday Morning on the golf course. Helen frowned as her approach shot bounced past the pin on the 18th hole and rolled to the edge of the green, a good 20 feet from the cup. "Gee, what a tough break Helen," Mike said sarcastically,"it looks like I'm finally going to beat you." "It ain't over till it's over Mike," she replied. Helen hated to lose - to anybody in anything. She had given her new accountant an eight stroke advantage of which she managed to make up seven. But now, on the final hole, her ball rested in an extremely difficult position while his was only about ten feet from the cup."Mike, why don't you putt out. If you make it you win; and even if you two-putt, I'll still have to make mine to beat you." Helen knew from watching Mike over the past few months, and from the lie of his ball, that it wouldn't be an easy shot for him to make - and she was right. His putt came up a foot short and he had to settle for a bogey. Helen, if she could sink this seemingly impossible putt, could birdie and win her bet. As she lined up her shot, the beautiful woman looked at him and smiled," Mike, how about a little side bet on this putt?" "A side bet? You just took over Wilson Enterprises. You're rich, brilliant, successful, an incredible athlete...and beautiful (Helen felt a flutter in her heart when he said this). What could you possibly want that you don't already have?" His question was met with a cryptic smile. "Let's just say that if I miss this putt, I'll pay you double our stake. But if I sink it, I get to choose what I want." Mike looked at the position of her ball. It was at least 20 feet from the cup and uphill at an angle. It seemed impossible, even for this amazing woman."You have a deal," he said at length. Helen stood up and concentrated for a few moments, then she putted. Mike watched in stunned silence as her ball rolled towards the hole. It was as if there was a magnet drawing it closer and closer until - Plop - in it went. "Well now Mikey, looks like I win again. Tee, hee, hee." "Yes Helen," he said dejectedly," it looks like you do." "Awww, don't feel so glum." She walked over to him and put her arm around his shoulder; then gave him a kiss on the cheek." You don't even know what I want yet. But tell me the truth now Mike, do you really mind when I beat you?" "The truth? Well...not really. It's just that you're such an amazing woman Helen and I'd like to be able to give you more of a challenge, that's all. Helen, still with her arm around his shoulder, pulled him in closer and kissed him again; a long, hard kiss on the mouth this time. "Please don't worry about it Mike. I don't care how well you play, I just enjoy spending time with you. In fact, you're the only man that I do enjoy being with. Every other man I know always tries to compete against me; then they get really pissed off when I beat them - which I always do. But not you. I guess that's why I enjoy your company so much." Helen took him firmly by the hand. "Come Mike, let's go." When they reached the parking lot Helen smiled at her handsome golf partner. "You can put your golf clubs in the trunk of your car, we'll only be needing my car now. I'll drive you back for yours later." "Where are we going Helen?" "It's a surprise honey," she replied with a wink. They got into Helen's BMW and off she drove. As he sat in the passenger side of her car, Mike couldn't stop staring at the awesome woman sitting next to him. "She's gorgeous," he said to himself. "Just the sight of her - her long, beautiful brown hair blowing in the wind, her awesome strength, her powerful personality. She never loses at anything; she's incredible. Some guy is going to be very lucky, getting to sleep with her every night; very lucky indeed. It sure as hell won't be a lowly accountant though," he sighed. Helen felt his gaze on her but said nothing. About a half an hour later she pulled her car into a driveway in front of a large house."Welcome to the Warner manor Mike." she said. "Wha-what are we doing here?" the surprised man asked. "I'm collecting on my side bet." Helen got out of her car and approached him."You asked me what I wanted didn't you?" The powerful woman bent over and easily lifted Mike's 210 pounds up over her shoulder. She then wrapped her muscular right arm around his ankles and began walking towards her home."Well, what I want is you handsome. I've wanted you since the first time we golfed together, four months ago." " mean you want me for your sex toy?" "No honey,"she laughed,"I want you for my husband." Helen opened the door to her home and carried Mike inside. Effortlessly, she took him upstairs into her bedroom where she playfully tossed him halfway across the room onto her bed; then jumped on top of him. "Why?" he asked incredulously."You're such an amazingly incredible woman Helen. You can probably get anything and anybody you want. Why me?" "You're right Mike. I probably could get anything and anybody I want; and the body I want is yours." "But why?" "Because I love you, that's why." The invincible woman put her powerful arms around the still stunned man lying next to her and squeezed him tightly against her awesome, muscular body. As she did so, Helen softly repeated into his ear,"because I love you." They removed each other's clothes and began to pleasure each other. And pleasure each other they did, for the rest of that day and well into the night. Just before sleep overtook them, Helen took Mike in her powerful arms again and whispered,"next week you get nine strokes."