A Day in My Life with the Maiden of Might by M.C. A description of a single day that I spent with my girlfriend, who just happens to be Supergirl. Author's note: This is a continuation of my previous story "My Super Birthday Present" which appeared last month. It was a lazy Saturday morning and my girlfriend Kara and I were snuggling in bed. I was running my fingers through her long, beautiful blond hair. It had been six months since Kara (known to the rest of the world - indeed the rest of the Galaxy - as Supergirl) revealed her true identity to me (See the first part of this story). And in that time, we both graduated high school and were about to enter the university - me in a pre-med program (I'd always wanted to be a physician) and Kara hadn't yet decided what she was going to study. For her, the most important thing was that we'd be together. So we rented a small apartment near the university with a secluded balcony. That way Kara could fly in and out undetected when she needed to be Supergirl. We had been watching a movie the night before but turned the sound off when we started to make lovie-dovie, and so it remained mute all night long. As we continued to cuddle each other in bed, there suddenly appeared on the T.V. screen "Breaking News Alert!" Kara reached over, grabbed the remote control and turned on the sound. "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news alert." the announcer began. "There is a massive hurricane heading directly towards southern Florida (he showed a satellite photo of it and it was indeed huge). It has just been upgraded to a category 5 hurricane, the highest category, and extensive flooding, property damage and possible loss of life is expected. All inhabitants in the area of southern Florida have been advised to evacuate immediately!" Kara sighed as she got up from the bed. "Well honey, it looks like I have a little bit of work to do this morning - this looks like a job for Supergirl." An instant later she was dressed in her Supergirl uniform (she doesn't like it when people refer it as a costume) and ready for action. "But Kara," I said, "this hurricane is massive; it must be over 500 miles (or 800 kilometers) in diameter. I mean I know you're Supergirl and all, but what can even you do against this monster of a storm?" Her reply was to giggle. "Oh Mitch, we've known each other for six months now and you still don't really know what your little girlfriend can do, do you?" Kara reached for the remote control again and turned the T.V. to a different channel. "These are pictures taken in 'real time' from a new NASA satellite for the study of weather patterns. I know this because I flew it into orbit myself just a few weeks ago. You can watch what I'm going to do to that mean ole storm from here." Kara then playfully pinched my cheek and added, "keep the bed warm for me sweetie pie, this shouldn't take too long." She then opened the bedroom window and 'SWOOSH', Supergirl was gone. I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched the T.V. screen. For the next minute or two nothing seemed to be happening. But then I did notice some- thing unusual. From the outer edges of the periphery of the storm, some of the clouds seemed to be dethatching themselves from the main body of the hurricane. And as they did so, they began to dissipate, and soon completely disappeared from view. Somehow Kara was causing this monster hurricane to unravel! How in heaven's name can even she possibly do that? And as I continued to watch, more and more clouds were being drawn off - incredibly, the hurricane was actually shrinking! After about five minutes, it had been reduced to maybe half of it's original size; and five minutes later, the once massive hurricane had vanished completely! I was in complete shock. As I sat in stunned silence in front of the television screen, I suddenly heard another 'SWOOSH' and saw a red and blue blur enter the room. "I'm back sweetie pie. Did you enjoy the show?" "How?" I asked. "How could you have possibly unraveled that monstrosity of a storm in just ten minutes Supergirl?" "Supergirl? Whatever happened to Kara?" she giggled. "Somehow after watching what you just did, 'Supergirl' just seemed to be more appropriate. But how in the world could even you take apart a huge storm like that?" "First things first Mitch. Let's get back to the bed and resume cuddling and then I'll explain everything to you." Kara removed her Supergirl uniform and we went back to snuggling each other; then she began... "You see honey, it's like this: about a year ago a spacecraft that was returning from the International Space Station developed a mechanical problem and couldn't steer properly. If they had entered the Earth's atmosphere at the angle that they were approaching it, they would surely have burned up. So I flew up, grabbed the spacecraft and gently brought it back to Earth; landing it right in front of NASA headquarters in Washington D.C. - where it remains to this day. Because I saved the lives of the seven astronauts onboard, the NASA officials invited me on a tour of their facility, and it was very interesting." Kara then began to giggle. "In fact, they even invited me play a game of chess against their supercomputer which they said was the most powerful computer in the world. You should have seen the looks on their faces when I won; tee, hee." "What? You you beat beat the NASA supercomputer in chess Kara?" "That's right honey. They thought that there must have been a glitch in the computer program. So they performed a complete diagnostic test on it and then had me play it again (Kara grinned). But after I beat it two more times they finally gave up. Anyway, getting back to the hurricane, one of the NASA scientists whose field of expertise is in aeronautic weather patterns - Dr. Nancy Wilson - then asked me how fast I can fly. I told her that I didn't know exactly but that it was many times faster than the speed of light. "She told me that the reason she wanted to know was that she had devised a theory by which I might be able to cause a hurricane or tornado to unravel. It goes like this: if I fly fast enough around the outer edges of the storm in the opposite direction of it's rotation - remember honey, hurricanes and typhoons always rotate in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere - that I might be able to create a counterforce (a vortex Dr. Wilson called it) to counteract the hurricane's strength and thereby causing it to unravel and dissipate. And as you saw, her theory worked! Although this was the first time I actually tried it, I knew it would probably work because I had gone over Dr. Wilson's calculations and they seemed to be correct." Kara then looked at me and asked, "Why are you staring at me like that honey?" "I don't know Kara. It's just that every time I think that there's nothing more that you can do that would surprise me, you do something like this. Beat the world's most powerful supercomputer in chess three times in a row. Unravel a huge hurricane in just ten minutes. I mean you're Supergirl; and I'm just a normal guy." My super girlfriend thought for a few moments before she said,"First of all honey - least you think I'm omnipotent - there are quite a few things that I'd like to be able to do but can't. For example: I cannot prevent earthquakes from happening; nor can I stop a volcano from erupting. And most important of all, I can neither understand nor stop man's propensity for going to war against one another. But rest assured, I'm working on all those things (wink). And then Kara got very serious... "Mitchell (Kara never calls me by my whole first name unless she has to say something important), I sense there might be a potential problem developing in our relationship, and I would like to nip it in the bud. Yes, I am indeed a Supergirl, and I can do many incredible things. But I'm also very much an 18 year-old girl, and not too far removed from the one you saw crying on the curb last year because she had no friends (see the first part of this story). The one you put your arm around and became not only the best friend she's ever had, but her lover; possibly the only one she ever can truly love. "Don't forget honey, I lost everything when Krypton exploded - my parents, all my friends, my home...everything. When I landed on Earth I had nothing. And while my foster parents did give me a loving home, they can't give me what you can - the lifelong friendship and love of a man. So please honey, don't you ever think that you're anything less than an equal partner in our relationship. "I'm not trying to flatter you when I say this Mitch - Supergirl doesn't need to flatter anybody - but I need you as much as you need me. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I can take on all of the challenges that this world of yours can throw at me - not to mention all the others - just as long as I know that when I come home afterwards, I come home to this - a warm, loving hug and a tender cuddle in bed. So don't ever underestimate just how you are to me." Kara paused for a moment as if she was carefully considering what to say next. "I can wipe out entire fleets of spaceships armed with advanced weapons honey; and easily beat up huge monsters dozens of times fiercer than the Tyrannosaurs Rex without even getting my hair mussed. There's not one single weapon that I know of in the entire universe that can hurt me... but you can - simply by denying me your love. So please, don't ever think that because I'm Supergirl and you're - as you put it - just a normal guy, that you're not important to me. You are the kindest, sweetest and by far the most important thing I have in my life...and you always will be." I thought about what Kara said for a while before finally saying,"I'm sorry Kara. It's just that you always seem so strong, so invincible - like you were today when you took apart that massive hurricane. It's just very hard for me to believe that you can be hurt by anything. But I will never again imply that I don't feel worthy of being your boyfriend Kara. I promise." Kara smiled. "O.K. then honey. Now that that's all behind us, let's get down to some serious cuddling." A tender and passionate period of lovemaking followed between us (how Kara can be so incredibly powerful and yet so gentle never ceases to amaze me). And when it was over and we were simply hugging each other in bed, she suddenly exclaimed,"Oh honey, I almost forgot. I have something special that I wanted to give you today in honor of our six month anniversary." "What do you mean six month anniversary Kara?" "Don't you remember Mitch? It was exactly six months ago today that you put your arm around me on the curb when I was crying and promised to be my friend - and that's when I date the start of our relationship. So I got this for you." Kara went to her cape, reached into one of the pouches and took out a small black rock. "Do you know what this is honey?" "It looks like a rock of graphite Kara." "Yes, that's exactly what it is. Now, do you remember what we learned in our geology class? That since graphite is almost pure carbon, if you put it under a lot of pressure it will eventually turn into a diamond?" "Yes, I do remember Kara. But as I recall, it has to be tremendous pressure - and even then it takes millions of years to transform graphite into a diamond through natural processes. And even with synthetic, man-made diamonds, it still takes the pressure of over 100,000 atmospheres to create them." "Yes, that's right Mitch. I'm glad you were paying attention in class that day (giggles). So let's see how long it takes for me to do it." Kara sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder (her long, beautiful blond hair was draped all over my back - a very erotic feeling for me). She held the rock of graphite in the palm of her right hand and covered it with her left; and then she began to squeeze her hands together. "I've never tried this before honey, so just bare with me." I have absolutely no idea how much pressure my super girlfriend was exerting on the rock of graphite, but I do know this: it does indeed take a tremendous amount of pressure and millions of years for diamonds to be created naturally. But it couldn't have been more than five minutes at the most after she started pressing her hands together that Kara opened up her hands and there, right before my eyes, was the largest diamond that I had ever seen in my life! "I'm guessing it's around 250 carats," Kara casually said as she examined it. "But it's still just a diamond in the rough. Now let's see what we can do with it." (I had to laugh when she said 'we'). And as amazing at what I had just seen Kara do - create a diamond from a rock of graphite in just five minutes - what she did next was every bit as awesome. She held the newly formed diamond in-between the thumb and index finger of her left hand and then, with her right index finger began to scratch away at it. I watched in utter amazement as shrouds of diamond soon began to fall off. My beautiful girlfriend was literally sculpting the hardest known natural substance - with nothing more than her fingernail! Kara paused for a moment and examined her handiwork, then she went back to work; flaking off the extraneous parts of the diamond that she didn't want. "There," she said,"it's done. And here sweetie pie is my six month anniversary present to you for being my best and truest friend - a diamond in the shape of a heart." As Kara handed it to me she glanced at the T.V. screen which was still showing the pictures from the weather satellite. "Oh look honey, it looks like they're having a beautiful day in Miami - now that that mean ole hurricane is gone. Why don't I fly you there? We can have a nice walk on the beach and, after that, a lovely dinner to celebrate our half year anniversary. And since I gave you the diamond heart, you can buy me dinner (giggles)." And that's exactly what we did. So all-in-all, it was a typical day - typical if your girlfriend just happens to be Supergirl that is (wink).