Lola by M.C. A shy, introverted man finds true love in the arms of a powerful Amazon Jeff and several of his friends had finished their usual Saturday morning workout at the health club and were sitting outside on the front steps shooting the bull when the sleek silver Mercedes SL500  convertible pulled into the parking lot. The door opened and a very large and powerfully built woman got out. As she made her way towards the entrance of the health club, Jeff and his friends stopped their conversation and stared at her; she was definitely something to look at. Standing six-feet three inches tall, the gorgeous 250 pound woman - her long beautiful auburn hair flowing over her shoulders and falling halfway down her back - strode towards them with an air of confidence that seemed to shout,"I am in complete control."  As she approached them, Jeff and the others moved to the side to  let the Amazon pass."Why thank you boys," she said in a deep, strong voice. She then paused briefly in front of Jeff. "Your name wouldn't be Ralph by any chance, would it ?" Surprised that this awesome woman would actually stop to talk to him, Jeff groped for words. "No, no I'm...I'm not...unfortunately. I think he's still in the weight room." "Why did you say 'unfortunately' ?" "Well, if you're looking for him then he's one very lucky guy." The large woman smiled at him when he said this."What a sweet thing to say there handsome. But you don't know the reason I'm looking for him do you?" "Well no, actually I don't." "Maybe if you did, you wouldn't think he's so lucky. What's your name cutie ?" "Jeff." "Well Jeff, I'm Lola. Perhaps you can be of help and point this Ralph guy out for me." " would be my pleasure, Lola." "Thank you Jeff, you're sweet." Even though he knew he stood absolutely no chance with a woman like her, Jeff felt his heart skip a beat when she said this. Though no slouch himself - Jeff stood an even six feet and weighed in at a  well-toned 190 pounds - he felt dwarfed in the presence of this magnificent woman; dwarfed and inconsequential. But he also felt aroused as if he were in the presence of a famous movie star; only more so for this was the largest, strongest woman he had ever seen. Together they entered the health club. Lola nodded at the woman seated at the front desk whom she appeared to know; the woman nodded back. "That's Ralph over there," Jeff said pointing to the largest of the four men working out with the free weights," the others are friends of his." Lola looked them over for a few moments before turning back to Jeff. "Thank you for your help honey.You can return to your friends outside now if you like." As a disappointed Jeff went back outside, Lola sat down on a bench and removed her warm-up suit. Underneath her sweat suit all she wore were a pair of skimpy blue-jean shorts and a red tank top which left her mid-rift bare. Murmurs could be heard throughout the weight room from many of the male weightlifters as they gazed in awe at her enormous 19 inch arms and massive 34 inch thighs; the results of both her unique genetic make-up plus the countless hours she spent lifting weights. Make no mistake about it, this was one very big woman. She calmly walked over to the free weight area where Ralph and his friends were working out. "So you're Ralph, the tough guy who's been a royal pain in the ass to practically everybody in this health club, eh ? You don't look so tough to me. I think it's about time somebody put you and your friends here in your place. As the owner of this establishment, I guess that somebody means me." Ralph and his three comrades put down the weights they were lifting and stood in front of her. All four were large, muscular men - each one stood around six feet tall and weighed at least 210 pounds. Ralph, the largest of the four, must have topped 230. "And just how do you intend to do that, you  androgynous freak ?" Ralph replied in his usual pleasant manner. A deathly silence now fell over the entire health club. All attention was focused on the free weight area where the confrontation was taking place. If the large woman was intimidated, she certainly didn't show it. In fact, despite being confronted by the four tough looking men, she had a smile on her beautiful face. "Allow me to introduce myself boys. My name is Lola and I own this health club. I don't take kindly to your insults and I certainly will not tolerate the way you and your friends have been intimidating the other members here. In the interests of civility however, I will give you boys this one chance to leave peaceably.  If you apologize to me now for the remark you just made and get your collective asses out of here - and promise never come back - I'll let you walk away under your own power. But, if not..." Jeff stood on the front steps outside the health club; his friends having already departed. His mind was still spinning from the incredible woman he had just met. The 30 year old single accountant knew he could not measure up to this magnificent woman - what would she see in him anyway ? But that didn't stop him from fantasizing about her. "Who am I kidding ?" he said to himself,"what would a woman like her want with somebody like me ?" Slowly, Jeff turned to leave. Suddenly he heard loud thumping sounds coming from inside. Jeff opened the door to see what was going on and, WHAM !, had to move quickly to the side to avoid being flattened by the large man that came flying out of the health club. Jeff watched in awe as the man landed on the pavement and rolled over several times before coming to a stop. "Please leave the door open Jeff," he heard Lola's voice say from inside,"and for God's sake, get out of the way." A few seconds later Jeff heard a loud POW !, and another man came hurtling out the door; he landed next to the first. KAPOW !, a third was soon added to the pile." No, don't Lola...pleased don't," Ralph's pleading voice was heard from inside the weight room." I'm sorry, I didn't mean it...please...don't hit, don't..." SMASH !, Ralph sailed out through the open door and landed on top of his friends. All four just lay there, badly beaten up.  The powerful woman now appeared at the entrance and looked down at the pile of battered men lying in front of her. Jeff noticed that she didn't have a single mark or scratch on her magnificent body." Well Jeff," she said with a smile,"are you still disappointed that I wasn't looking for you ?" It was, of course, a rhetorical question. Then, turning her attention back to Ralph and his friends, she said, "O.K. boys, I hope I made my point. You've been bothering the patrons of my health club for far too long now. I'm canceling your memberships and don't ever let me see any of you around here again. Oh yes, and thanks for this lovely warm-up. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to for me to start my real workout." Laughing, the mighty woman winked at Jeff, turned around and re-entered her gym to the sounds of cheering coming from the people inside. Ralph and his friends were despised by just about everybody who used the club and most were happy to see them get their asses kicked. But the fact that it was  a lone woman who accomplished this feat left many of the men feeling rather uncomfortable. Jeff stared down at the four battered men. He too found it hard to accept that these tough bullies were all beaten up by one woman; however large and strong she might be. As he slowly turned to leave, the front door to the health club opened again and Jeff heard Lola's voice call out,"hey handsome, don't be in such a hurry to go; come here please." When he hesitated, a much firmer voice said,"Jeff, I'm not going to ask you again; come here...NOW ! " This was obviously a woman used to getting her way, he thought to himself as he nervously approached her. As if she read his mind, the powerful woman smiled at him and began to hum,"whatever Lola wants, Lola gets." She took him by the hand and led Jeff back inside her health club. Lola paused briefly at the front desk."I'm sorry Ginger but I've been so swamped with work lately that I haven't been keeping tabs on what's going on around here. I should never have let those punks feel they had the run of this place. Did we lose many members because of them "No Lola. Fortunately you took care of the situation before it got too far out of hand." "That's good to hear. Clowns like them can ruin the reputation of a gym. I should have been more on the ball. By the way, is the *private* weight room ( wink ) available ?" "For you Lola, always," Ginger winked back as she handed over the key. "Come handsome," the mighty auburn-haired beauty said as she took Jeff by the hand again," let me show you a part of this place that you've probably never seen before. "Do you really own this health club ?" Jeff asked Lola as she led him towards the back. "Yes I do Jeff, along with several others plus an assortment of businesses and property. What, if I'm not being too personal, do you do ?" "Me ? I'm...I'm just an ordinary accountant; a CPA," he answered shyly. Jeff felt totally inadequate now compared to the incredible woman he was with. "An accountant ?  Gee, I could sure use a good accountant for my businesses. It seems that you and I have some issues to discuss Jeffy; later that is." Lola led him into a back room and unlocked the door. Once inside he noticed something strange however...there were no weights there, just a very large bed. " Welcome to my private weight room," Lola smiled as she locked the door from the inside. "Whe..where are the weights ? " he asked. "The weights ? Hmm...well, let's see Jeff. How much do you weigh ?" "Around 190 pounds." "190 pounds; a bit light for me but it'll have to do." "What do you mean ?" "You're going to be my weights," she giggled. "I'm going to be your weights ? " Lola sighed. "I mean take your clothes off and get your ass over here sweetie pie," Lola responded with fake sternness as she lay down on the bed,"and don't make me have to get up and bring you here." Though there was a playfulness about the way she said this, Jeff sensed that he'd better do as she said; unless he wanted to risk the wrath of a six-foot three inch, 250 pound muscular woman - a woman who had just beaten up four of the toughest guys in the gym all by herself. Without further hesitation, Jeff undressed himself and came over to the bed. "There now, that wasn't so difficult was it ? You have a lovely body by the way." With her left hand Lola then grabbed Jeff's right thigh firmly while she placed her right hand on his chest. Seemingly without effort she pulled him over and lifted his 190 pounds up above her head so that he was hanging crosswise in her outstretched arms. "Let's do some bench presses, shall we." Lola then lowered him until he rested against her huge breasts before lifting him up,"one," she began,"two, three, four, five..." Despite his shock at being used as a human barbell, Jeff couldn't help but become very aroused by what this mighty woman was doing to him; a fact that didn't escape her. When the count got to ten, Lola said," this is getting boring, let's try something a little bit different." The next time, she lowered him at an angle so that his now enlarged penis was directly above her head. "Well, what have we here?" she giggled. Jeff then felt a warm sensation as she lowered his penis into her mouth. "Now *that's* a bench press," she giggled after pushing him back up. Again and again Lola lowered Jeff so that she was able to suck his penis; she must have done at least thirty presses with him. "Doesn't this woman ever tire ?" Jeff thought to himself," how can she possibly be this strong ?" Finally, she lowered him so that he was lying lengthwise on top of her with his face directly above her pussy; the classic sixty-nine position. She then rolled over so that her 250 muscular pounds were now on top of him. "O.K. Jeffy, now it's your turn to use your mouth; let's get busy." For the next several hours Jeff made love to his fantasy super woman; it was a dream come true. Although he was certain that this rich, powerful and gorgeous woman was just using him for her sexual pleasure  - and would probably not want anything to do with him once they were finished - Jeff, for the moment at least, didn't seem to care. He found himself living out a fantasy and would enjoy it to the fullest for as long as it lasted. It was sometime after three that afternoon that they both collapsed in each other's arms; an afternoon of ecstasy that neither would soon forget. Despite being overwhelmed at first by the sheer magnificence of this incredible woman, Jeff was also so inspired by her that he reached great heights; heights he'd never even approached before with another woman. As the mighty Lola lay on top of him, her head resting on his chest, Jeff - caught up in a moment of passion - whispered," I love you Lola," in her ear. As soon as he realized what he had said, Jeff began to stammer. "I - I didn't mean...well, what I meant was...I... it was just..." He was cut off by Lola's laughing. "Oh Jeffy, there's nothing to be embarrassed about sweetie pie," she said as she embraced him. "But it's silly Lola. I mean you and me; it's absurd. You''re so awesome, so magnificent so..." She put her finger to his lips, silencing him. "Jeff, do you think that just because I'm strong and rich I can't fall in love with a nice, sweet sensitive guy like you ? Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for someone with those qualities ?" "'re putting me on, aren't you Lola ?" Lola sighed, it was always the same story. All her life she had been larger, stronger and more powerful than any of her peers; boys as well as girls. She didn't know why it was, it just was. As a result, most of the kids her age shunned her. Lola's childhood was not a happy one. Being an only child she had no siblings to play with. Her size and strength intimidated those that might have been her friends. Only in college, where her physical prowess paid off through her athletic achievements, did Lola finally get some respect; respect, but no boyfriends. The untimely death of her parents in a tragic automobile accident, left her with the financial resources to use her business acumen to the fullest. She began buying up good properties and then selling them for handsome profits. Within a few years, she had earned enough money to buy and renovate several out-of-date gyms which she then - riding the fitness wave - turned into very successful business ventures. Although Lola was now quite wealthy, the 30 year-old woman felt the most important thing in her life was still lacking; the thing she wanted" Tell you what Jeff, why don't we get dressed and I'll drive you home. We can discuss this matter further over dinner if you like; and I really could use a good accountant." They put on their clothes in silence, both lost in there own thoughts. "Lola's such an incredible woman. What could she possibly see in me ?" "Yet another man who can't come to terms with my size and strength; will it ever end ?" It was Jeff who spotted them first as they left the health club and made their way to Lola's car." Say, isn't that Ralph over there ? " Lola followed his stare over to a group of six large men; the four she had beaten up earlier plus two more. When the men saw Lola and Jeff, they began moving ominously towards them. "This looks like it could be trouble," Jeff said. "Jeff, your capacity for understatement is only surpassed by your good looks," Lola giggled. She then sighed and added," I guess I'll have to teach Ralph and his friends another lesson." " Lola," Jeff replied in shock," don't you see them ? There are six of them; all big, tough guys. We can't  fight them all." He felt her strong hand gently grasp his. "First of all honey, *we* aren't going to be doing any fighting...only I will. I want you to stay off to the side where you'll be safe. This is between them and me." "But Lola, I can help you." The powerful six-foot three inch, 250 pound Amazon smiled down at her new friend. "If you really want to help me sweetie pie, you'll stay out of my way. I can deal with these bullies. But if you enter the fray, then I'll have to worry about protecting you also, which will only complicate matters for me." When she saw the look of disappointment on his face, she smiled." Here," Lola said as she took out a cell phone from her pocket and handed it to him," you can help by calling 911 and asking for an ambulance." " An ambulance ? You're about to take on six large, muscular men all by yourself and you want an ambulance ? " Lola looked at the six tough men approaching them. "You're right Jeff," she said with a laugh,"you'd better make that two ambulances. Now, just be a good boy and stay here where you'll be safe and let me handle this." She kissed him on the forehead before turning around to confront Ralph and his friends. "So boys, I see you enjoyed our earlier encounter so much you decided to come back for more; and you even brought along some new friends, how nice." The mighty woman stood before them with her hands on her hips; showing not a trace of fear. "Let's get this over with quickly, shall we. My friend and I have some rather serious matters to discuss." A large man who stood the closest to Lola, stepped forward and threw a hard punch which landed on her shoulder with a 'THUD'. To his surprise, nothing happened. " Nice punch there big fella, now it's my turn." Lola threw a punch at him which connected squarely on his jaw. It snapped his head back and spun him around twice before he collapsed on the pavement."That's one down, five to go," she giggled," who's next ?" "Let's all attack her at once !" Ralph screamed,"she can't beat all of us at the same time." The five remaining men all converged on her from different directions WHAM ! " That's an interesting theory you've got there Ralph," Lola calmly said as she flattened another man with a left hook. POW ! "But I think there might be a flaw there." She sent another into dreamland with a right cross to the jaw. "Namely - SMASH ! - that I'm at least twice as strong as any of you." A hard right uppercut lifted a 220 pound man off the ground and sent him flying several feet in the air. He landed, unconscious, on top of empty shopping cart from a near-by supermarket and the momentum from her punch sent the cart clear across the parking lot. CRACK !  Lola backhanded her fifth attacker sending him into a trash bin. "Well Ralphie, it looks like it's just you and me now honeybunch." Ralph stood there in shock. In less than one minute this incredible woman had beaten up five of his toughest friends. The few punches they did manage to land she hardly seemed to feel. Faced against her one-on-one he knew he stood no chance whatsoever. He began to run away. "Oh no you don't Ralphie," Lola said as she took off after him. "I warned you about coming back here didn't I ?" She caught up to him before he ran fifty feet. "Now I'm going to have to punish you." Lola grabbed Ralph firmly by the collar of his shirt with her left hand. With her right she made a fist and held it a few inches from his face. "Please Lola," he begged,"I'm sorry. I won't come back here anymore, I promise." Ignoring his pathetic pleas, the mighty woman began to punch him in the face; not too hard though. Lola felt that a quick knock-out would be letting him off too easy. Ralph needed to be punished. Blood was soon coming out of his nose and mouth. Both his eyes were puffed up and tears were running down his cheeks; mixing with his blood. After about twenty punches Ralph's face was a bloody mess. "Lola, please stop this," she heard Jeff's voice quietly plead," he's had enough." She stopped punching Ralph and turned towards her friend. "What was it you said to me in the bed Jeff ?" "I said...I love you Lola." "And did you really mean it ?" "With all my heart." After a short pause, a smile appeared on Lola's beautiful face. She released her grip on Ralph and he collapsed on the ground; sobbing. All around her were battered, beaten and crying men. She didn't seem to notice them anymore though; she only noticed Jeff. Lola held out her hand to him and he took it. "I want to hear it again Jeff." "Lola, I love you. You're the most awesome, amazing, incredible, beautiful woman I have ever seen." She put her arms around him and they embraced each other. As they did so, Jeff felt himself being lifted off the ground. Cradling him in her powerful arms, Lola carried Jeff to her Mercedes, lowered him into the passenger side of the car and got into the driver's seat. Off in the distance the sirens of the approaching ambulances could be heard but it's doubtful that either Lola or Jeff paid any attention to them. Lola turned on the ignition and began to drive to her home. All the way there, Jeff couldn't stop staring at her. Riding in her convertible with the wind whipping her long, beautiful auburn hair behind her, he thought she was the most gorgeous sight he had ever laid his eyes on. When they reached her mansion, she lifted him out of the car and carried him into her home. Without stopping, she carried him straight up to the bedroom. "I want to hear it again Jeff," she said as she laid him down on her bed and climbed on top of him. "I want to hear you say it to me every day for the rest of my life." "Lola, I love you..." *Author's note: Inspiration is a funny thing; I still can't describe it. The inspiration for this particular story came from an enhanced photograph I recently saw posted on Diana's site by "Antihero's Outstanding Amazons Part 4" If the link doesn't work, then it's the second to last picture of the latest Antihero gallery; the massive woman with long, beautiful hair dressed in short blue jeans and a red tank top with her hands on her hips. That's the image I have of Lola as she faces off against Ralph and his cronies at the end of my story. One more thing. The idea of a powerful woman bench pressing a naked guy and sucking on his penis when she lowers him is not mine. I read about it in one of the stories here and found it very erotic. Unfortunately, that was several years ago and I have no idea which story it was or who the author is.  Therefore, regrettably, I can't give credit where credit is due. I apologize to the author if he/she should ever read this.