The Lesson by M.C. A strong high school boy takes part in an interesting class lesson Sharon Davis entered the high school weight room and looked around; she appeared to be searching for someone specific. She rested her gaze on a group of students in the center of the weight room who were gathered around a very large and well built boy. He appeared to be attempting to lift what looked like an impressive amount of weight. Smiling, the pretty 18 year-old high school senior approached the group. As they all looked on, the muscular boy began to raise and lower the barbell which must have weighed 300 pounds. One...two...three, he seemed to lift it effortlessly; four...five...six...he was showing signs of strain now; seven...eight...he was definitely struggling...nine. He gave it all he had left and...TEN ! All the students that were gathered around began to cheer as he returned the bar to it's stand. The boy rose from the bench and raised his powerful arms high above his head. " I did it...a new school record ! I'm the weightlifting champ of Cleveland high ! " When the accolades had died down and the students began to disperse; Sharon approached him. "Congratulations Jim," she said," that was truly wonderful. " " Why Sharon, odd to see you in here. I thought you intellectual types looked down your noses at us weight lifters. You know, 'our biggest muscles are located in between our ears'. To what do I owe this great honor from little Miss Perfect ? " Sharon gave him a cryptic smile before answering. " Well Jim, it's like this. I teach a class for women on Wednesday nights and I was wondering if you'd be kind enough to drop in tonight for a little *demonstration*. It shouldn't take more than an hour of your time and I'm willing to pay you $ 50 for your trouble." Jim thought it over for a minute. An hour of his time on a free evening for $ 50; he could certainly use the money. " Sounds good to me," he said," what kind of class is it anyway; and what, exactly, am I supposed to do ? " "Oh, the class is nothing important really. You know, just girl stuff. Your job will be sort of like a prop. I'll explain everything when you arrive. Here's the address (she handed him a piece of paper). I'll expect you around seven this evening...and thanks." "Girl stuff, huh? Guess you gals need a big, strong guy to show you how to do some things. Where in the world would you women be without us men ? " Had he been paying attention, Jim would have seen Sharon's cryptic smile again as she left the weight room. At around 7:15 that evening, Jim drove his car up to the address Sharon had given him. He stared at the building in front of him and wondered to himself," why would Sharon ask me to come to a karate dojo ? " The answer to his question was inside. As he entered, Jim saw a group of five young girls dressed in karate outfits (gis) sitting in a semi-circle around their instructor Sharon - she was wearing a black belt. Sharon smiled at Jim when she saw him. " Welcome Jim, how nice of you to drop by." Then, turning to her students she said," girls, I think it's about time you all had some *practical* experience in the techniques I've been teaching you. So I invited Jim, the strongest boy in my school, to come here this evening and help us." The girls, who all appeared to be of junior high school age, looked up at the large, powerfully built boy and giggled. " Just remember what I've taught you and none of you should have a problem," Sharon added with a wink. Noticing the look of confusion on Jim's face, Sharon began to explain to her bewildered guest what was about to happen. " As you've probably guessed by now Jim, I'm a martial arts instructor and this is my advanced class. These girls are all between 14 and 16 years old. All you have to do is try to subdue each of them. I want them to see what they're capable of doing in a *real life* situation. I'm sure a big, strong boy like you shouldn't have too much trouble; after all, they're just a bunch of girls. When the lesson is over, I'll give you the $ 50 I promised you." Then, turning back to her students, Sharon asked," O.K. girls, who wants to be first ? " Amy quickly raised her hand. " Very well then Amy, you can begin...good luck." The cute 15 year old girl - all five feet five inches and 120 pounds of her - stood up and walked over to the six foot three inch, 235 pound weight lifter. She had a smile on her pretty face. Jim looked over at Sharon and asked," all you want me to do is subdue her ? " Sharon nodded her head," yes Jim, that's all." Jim gave her a smug smile." Very well then," he said," here goes nothing." He tried to grab her but Amy, quick as a wink, grasped his hand instead and in a perfect judo throw, sent the large boy crashing to the mat with a loud "THUD !" All the other girls giggled when she did this. Jim, surprised, quickly rose to his feet and angrily attacked her again. This time Amy met his charge with a surprisingly strong kick to his solar plexus that knocked the wind out of him. As he keeled over Amy landed two hard punches to his jaw. Despite her petite size Amy, after seven years of karate training, was capable of shattering boards with her fists. Her two thrusts sent Jim flat on his back in a daze. She then put one foot on his chest and flexed her tiny muscles as her friends cheered. " Excellent; very well done Amy. I'm proud of you !," Sharon exclaimed as she gave Amy a hug. " Let's let Jim recover for a bit, shall we ? Now, which one of you wants to be next ? " The remaining four girls all shot their hands up immediately. "Patience girls,'ll all get your turn," Sharon laughed." Cindy, you can go now." As Jim slowly got to his feet, Cindy, also 15 years old, boldly walked over to him. " I heard you're a real tough guy Jimmy," she teased, " let's see what you've got." Furious at having been so easily 'girl handled' by Amy, Jim charged the equally small girl. To any boy in his high school, the sight of Jim angrily approaching would have sent shivers down his spine. But Cindy was neither a boy, nor was she in his school. She calmly waited until Jim was within striking range and then - in what could only be described as a blur - whipped her right foot around; catching her attacker squarely on the side of his face. Stunned by the force of her kick, Jim was stopped dead in his tracks. Cindy then whirled around again and landed another hard kick to his face...followed by a third which sent the powerful boy back to the floor; again in a daze. Now it was Cindy's turn to crow. Instead of simply flexing her muscles as Amy had done, she stood over the boy she had just flattened and beat on her chest like a female Tarzan; much to the delight of the other girls." You're making me look good tonight girls," Sharon said as she playfully tweaked Cindy's nose." Susan, I think it's your turn now." By now it was beginning to dawn on Jim that he'd been set up. But there wasn't really anything he could do about it. He couldn't just get up and leave; he was, after all, the strongest boy in Cleveland high. What if word got out that two 15 year-old girls had just kicked his ass; he'd be the laughingstock of the entire school. The mighty Jim Rodgers, beaten up by two 15 year-old girls. The only way he could even hope to salvage his pride was to overwhelm the remaining three. They were just little girls for God's sake. He had to be able to beat them. Slowly, Jim got up and prepared to face Susan. Susan was 16 years old and just began attending the same high school as Sharon and Jim. Although she knew who he was, Jim had never even noticed her before. She smiled up at the large boy standing before her. " Are you sure you're ready Jim ?," she asked in a soft, sweet voice. " I wouldn't want to take advantage of you if you're not. I can wait a few more minutes if you'd like. You're kind of cute you know." " I'm ready," he growled as he closed in on her. When Jim was only about four feet away from her, Susan bent her knees and leaped up at least three feet in the air. She then shot out her right foot, catching Jim underneath his jaw; snapping his head back. When she landed, Susan immediately began peppering Jim's mid-section with lightning fast punches, perhaps twenty of them in rapid succession. All the while the smile never left her face. Her last punch was a hard right uppercut to his jaw, sending Jim, yet again, flat on his back. Unlike the two girls that preceded her though, Susan didn't rub it in. She simply leaned over the stunned boy and said softly ," thank you Jim, for this lovely workout; we'll have to do it again sometime." She then kissed him on the forehead. Sharon slapped Susan five as she returned to the others," you go girl. Carol, you're up next." Carol was by far the prettiest girl of the group; in fact she was gorgeous, and she knew it. She had long, beautiful blond hair that reached almost down to her waist of which she was very proud; proud to the point of being vain. While she waited for Jim to recover from Susan's beating, Carol stood in front of a mirror and began brushing her hair. As he rose to his feet, Carol - without even turning around - said, " just wait until I finish brushing my pretty hair, tough guy, and then we can fight." The shock he was feeling at having been beaten up by three much smaller girls now turned to rage. This one was more interested in her hair ? Jim went livid. He stormed over to her but she didn't seem to pay any attention; she just continued to brush her hair. When it seemed as if he was about to smash her, Carol suddenly whirled around. " I told you," WHACK ! - her right foot smashed into his face - " to wait until," SLAM ! - her left foot connected hard into his jaw - " I finish," THUD ! - her right foot sank deep into his stomach - " brushing my hair," WHAM ! Her final kick to the side of his face sent Jim spinning around and - for the fourth time - flat on his back. Carol then calmly sat down on his chest and continued brushing her hair." I hope this taught you a lesson big boy; never disturb a girl when she's brushing her hair." Sharon looked over at Alice - at fourteen and only 100 pounds the youngest and smallest of the group. " Are you ready ? " she asked her. Alice, a talented gymnast with a bubbly personality who loved to giggle all the time, responded without hesitation," of course. I just hope he has something left for me, tee, hee, hee." She walked over to where Jim was lying. His face was badly swollen from the pounding he'd received so far. "Oh you poor baby," she giggled," I'll tell you what, I won't hit you in the face O.K ? - it looks like it's been through enough." She then reached down and helped the battered boy to his feet. Staring up at Jim, who towered over her by nearly a foot and weighed 135 pounds more than she did, Alice giggled," fighting you now hardly seems fair. I'll try to take it easy on you, tee, hee." With whatever strength he had left in him, Jim surged least this one he could beat. Alice quickly somersaulted through his legs and came up from behind him. She jumped on Jim's back and grabbed him firmly around the neck with both of her arms. She also wrapped her surprisingly strong legs around his waist - or at least as far around his waist as they would go - and began to squeeze. Jim tried to pry her arms apart but her grip was too strong. In desperation, he began to spin around in an attempt to dislodge her. " WEEEEE !!!, this is so much fun, tee, hee," Alice giggled as she clung on to his back. Sharon and the rest of the girls all began to laugh hysterically at the scene that was unfolding before them; a one hundred pound, 14 year-old girl was overpowering a 235 pound, muscular weightlifter. Jim could barely breath now and he slowly slumped to his knees. Battered, beaten, and humiliated by a bunch of girls, the mighty Jim Rodgers - who only a few hours before had set his school's bench press record - was now a pathetic sight. His ego completely destroyed, Jim broke down and began to cry. He was finished. With her strong legs still firmly wrapped around his waist, little Alice raised up her arms in victory. "Girl power ! Girl power ! " she squealed. Jim was in no position to argue as he lay on the floor sobbing. Sharon took out her camera and asked all the girls to pose for some photographs with the boy they had just defeated so comprehensively.They rolled the humiliated Jim over and took various 'victory' poses with him, laughing as they did. Finally Sharon said," well girls, it looks like we all had an enjoyable lesson tonight but I'm afraid it's time to call it a night. Change your clothes and we'll see you all back here next week." As her students removed their gis and put on their shoes, Sharon sat down on Jim's chest. The expression on his face as he looked up at her said it all ..." why ? " " Two reasons Jim," she replied. " First, I really wanted to see how well my girls could handle themselves in a *real* fight against a much larger and stronger opponent. As you may have noticed, they did do rather well, didn't they ? This lesson will increase their self-confidence; not just in being able to defend themselves but in everything they attempt to do in their lives. They are empowered women now, ready to take on the world on their own terms." " The second reason is that you are, quite simply, an arrogant bully. I see the way you push the other, weaker kids aside when you walk through the halls. You think that just because you're the strongest boy in school that gives you the right to pick on others. I thought of dealing with you myself - by kicking your ass in front of the whole school - but that would have made me just as much a bully as you are. Then I had this great idea. What better way to teach a bully humility, than to get beaten up by group of young teenage girls." As Sharon spoke to Jim, Alice approached. " Ms. Davis, I really enjoyed the lesson tonight and I was wondering if Jim will be coming back next week." Sharon looked down at the battered, tearful face of the once proud boy and laughed. " Somehow I don't think so, Alice. I guess you girls were just too tough for him." "But he was a lot of fun. What if we all promise to take it easier on him next time ? " Sharon thought for a moment." Girls, I have a wonderful idea. Jim here isn't the only bully in my school. There are lots of other macho jocks that need to be taught a lesson. How about if I try and recruit a different one each week ? " " That's a wonderful idea," Alice said and all the girls all nodded in agreement. "O.K. then, that's what I'll do." She looked down at Jim and said in a stern tone of voice," if you try to warn anybody about this, if you so much as breathe a word, then I'm going to tell everybody in school about how the mighty Jim Rodgers was beaten up by a bunch of little girls. In fact, I'll even invite them to our school and let them show everybody exactly how they did it. Do I make myself perfectly clear ? " With tears in his eyes, the once mighty boy agreed. " That's a good boy," Sharon smiled. " Oh, and I believe this is for you." She took out a $ 50 bill and stuffed it in his shirt pocket. "Now, there's just one more thing I'll ask you to do. Since I didn't know at what time we'd be finishing, I asked their parents not to pick them up. Would you be so kind as to drive the girls home ? " They all giggled when they heard this. When Jim seemed reluctant to do this - for obvious reasons - Sharon added," or maybe you'd like us to continue the lesson tonight; after all, I still haven't had my turn." Without further delay, Jim agreed to drive Sharon's students to their homes. The drive was very humiliating for him. Here were these five girls - all of them much smaller and younger than himself - laughing and giggling the way teenage girls do when they get together. What Jim had to keep reminding himself was that each and every one of them had beaten him to a pulp that night. One by one, he dropped them off. "Good - bye Jimmy, we sure was fun tonight," they all giggled as they left his car. The last one he dropped off was Susan who lived less than a mile away from his home. " Well handsome, do you have any plans for Saturday night ?, " she asked him. " What makes you think I'd want to go out with you, after what you and your friends did to me tonight," he said; still fighting to hold back his tears. " I can only think of one reason, Jimmy. Because if you don't take me out this Saturday night, I'm going to beat the crap out of you in front of the entire school on Monday; and you know I can. Is that a good enough reason ? " Jim was not used to being ordered around by anybody; least of all by a 16 year-old girl. His pride shattered by the events of that evening, he began to cry. " Susan put her arm around his massive shoulders and kissed him on his swollen cheek. " There, there now honey. It won't be so'll see. I think you and I are going to be very good friends. You just needed to be taken down a few rungs, that's all. I'll expect you to pick me up here at 7:00 pm sharp." Susan made a fist and playfully tapped Jim on his swollen jaw," and I wouldn't be late if I was you." She flashed him her prettiest smile as she got out of his car. In utter silence, Jim drove home; still trying to come to terms with what had happened to him that evening; it would take him a long time to do so. Epilogue In the weeks that followed, the students at Cleveland high school began to notice something very strange happening. Every Thursday, one of the strong, tough macho jocks - football players, wrestlers, boxers - would show up at school; badly beaten. He would usually have a black eye or two, a fat lip and a swollen face. Never would even one of them divulge what had happened - neither to the students nor the teachers. It was a complete mystery. They also noticed something else about these boys. From the time of their beatings, their behavior changed dramatically. They began to treat the other students with respect. They seemed to have acquired humility ...very strange indeed.