Invasion of the Amazons : Part 5 conclusion by M.C. Earth is invaded and conquered by super strong women The delegates shifted uncomfortably in their chairs as they waited for *them* to arrive. The meeting of the United Nations General Assembly was scheduled to begin at noon - in five minutes - and still there was no sign of them; would they even bother to show up ? After all, these four super women had just wiped out every army, navy and air force on Earth. Why would they even bother to discuss anything with the United Nations since not one single country had any effective fighting force left to resist the mighty Amazons. But the massive blond woman who calls herself Tania had *requested* to meet with the representatives of the countries she and her sisters had just so comprehensively beaten; so they came...and waited. One minute before noon the doors to the General Assembly opened and the four invincible women majestically entered and walked up to the front of the large hall. A hush fell over the room as the huge (each one was over six and a half feet tall) and incredibly muscular women stood before them. They were dressed in what looked like nothing more than sexy bathing suits - the same attire they wore when they first emerged from their spacecraft  only ten days before. The largest, and what appeared to be the oldest, of the beautiful women  then approached the podium and began to address the delegates as well as the worldwide audience watching on television. "Distinguished representatives and citizens of the planet Earth," Tania began in a loud and  commanding voice,"we of the planet Amazonia, having watched with dismay the way you have been abusing both your planet and yourselves for the past one hundred years, have decided that you're not yet mature enough to control your own destiny. Left to yourselves, we estimated that within a few short decades the global warming that you uninitiated will melt all the ice in Antarctica and the Artic Ocean; thus flooding all of your coastal cities. The dramatic changes in weather patterns which would have surely followed would have resulted in massive starvation, the likes of which you have never experienced before. Plagues like AIDS, SCARS and influenza would have proliferated on a worldwide scale; dwarfing even the horrors of the Black Plague of the 14th century. Social chaos would have followed as you fought each other over the dwindling resources that remained. In short, civilization as you know it, would have ground to a halt and anarchy would have become the order of the day. Though you do have the technical capabilities of dealing with these problems had you wanted to, most of your efforts were being spent on armed forces and weapons of war; totally ignoring the real threats to your civilization. The wise council of Amazonia therefore decided to intervene on your behalf and *assist* you through these difficult times. With our guidance, you will be able to avoid all of these problems. We will continue to *guide* you until we have decided that you are capable of governing yourselves. Then - and only then - will we return control of your planet back to you; leaving behind a small group of observers to make sure there's no regression." Tania paused and smiled at her sisters, allowing her message to sink in - then she continued. "As we speak, scientists and engineers from our world are already approaching Earth. Their task will be to teach you how to better use the natural resources you have on this planet. They will show you how to share the things you have here equally amongst yourselves. There's no excuse for a civilized society to tolerate starvation. As you'll have no further need of armies, they will be disbanded. My sisters and I will keep order here until such time as we've decided that you can police yourselves. The vast expenditures you were wasting on armaments and defense will now be redirected towards positive goals such as education, health care and infrastructure. I know your masculine pride resents these changes being imposed upon you - especially by women - but you've really left us with no other choice; we couldn't just stand idly by and watch as you all but destroyed  yourselves. You're a species with great potential; we'll show you how to use it." As the mighty woman continued to dictate to the world's representatives the course they would be forced to follow for the next few years, her sisters yawned. After all, except for Suzy, they had already heard this speech many times before. Having just destroyed the armed forces of an entire planet, all the younger members of the elite Amazon brigade wanted to do now was kick back and relax until they received their next assignment. With their main task completed, Sara, Lucy and Suzy just longed to go shopping, get their hair done and sunbathe on the beach. They may be superwomen on the outside, but inside they were still very much like any other females. After her speech Tania answered questions from the delegates and press for several more hours. During the course of the Q&A session, the mighty woman gave more specific details as to how things were going to be run on Earth for the next several years. Amazonians - all of whom were large, powerfully built women - would be arriving within a few days to *assist* the humans solve their problems. Clearly, there would be no more wars; all attempts to start one would be dealt with harshly (Tania didn't go into details - she just smacked her fist into the palm of her hand, creating what sounded like a loud sonic boom). All disputes between nations - as well as internal ones - would be handled by the Amazon judges. They would take into account the arguments from all sides and then make their decision based on what they felt was fair for all the concerned parties. All decisions of the Amazon court would be final and must be obeyed; there would be no appeals. Human devices that they felt were harmful to the environment, such as the internal combustion engine, polluting factories and power stations, would be quickly phased out and replaced by the much more advanced and efficient methods that the Amazonian engineers would build. Food and power supplies would be more evenly distributed throughout the entire planet so that hunger would be a thing of the past. Amazonian physicians would teach the human doctors how to cure most of the dreaded diseases that currently plague humanity. After several hours, Tania concluded: "Now I know that being a male dominated culture, many of you will find it very difficult to be ruled over by females. But let's face the facts, you men have made a mess of your world. Without our intervention, the next few decades would have been disastrous for you and this wonderful planet on which you live; it truly is a gem. And since you proved unable to 'beat your swords into plowshares', we had to do it for you. We simply couldn't allow you destroy yourselves. Those of you men who can't work together with females will be removed from your positions and replaced by women or men who can; plain and simple. Difficult as this all may be for you to accept at the moment, I have enough experience from the other worlds that we've helped to say this with confidence - future generations will look back at this time and rejoice." When Tania finished speaking there was complete silence from the men in the assembly hall; the women, on the other hand, all stood up and cheered. "It's a new dawn," one of them cried out. "Mankind...err Womankind has been saved," yelled another. As the subdued men quietly filed out to report to their respective governments, they sadly agreed. It was indeed the beginning of a new age. In the span of just one week, these four beautiful, indestructible women had completely altered the course of human history forever. "Tania," Lucy asked her sister as they left the United Nations building in New York,"are we finished ? Can we chill out now ? Suzy and I saw some cute football players that we'd like to 'get to know' a bit better. Are we free to leave ? " "You may girls; but keep your communicators on in case we have to deal with some stubborn holdouts...and do be good," Tania winked. "What's good ?" Suzy giggled as she and Lucy rose to the sky. Tania sighed as she looked over at Sara,"Oh to be young again. Say hello to Captain Adams for me when you see him." "Will do," Sara said as she took off in the opposite direction. Two weeks later... Richard Morgan, formally a captain in the U.S. Army (when the U.S. had an Army) lay on his bed. He gently touched the ample breasts of the massive woman lying next to him. "What are you doing, you silly man ?" she laughed. " I was just testing something Tania. How can your incredible body be strong enough to resist the awesome power of a hydrogen bomb and yet be sensitive enough to feel a light finger touch ?" Tania reached over and raised him up in her mighty arms. She then lowered him until he was resting on those breasts. She kissed him. "Oh honey, I really don't think you'd be able to understand the explanation as to how my sisters and I came to have our tremendous powers and invulnerability. It has to do with an experiment that was conducted on my great-great-great-great grandmother, over 200 years ago. Ever since then, the women in her line have had these amazing abilities and we've used them to help other planets straighten themselves out; like we'll do on yours." She gently placed Robert's head on her right breast and let him suck on it, giggling as he did. "How many other planets have you conquered ?" he asked her. "Well, that depends on what you mean by 'conquered', Robert. If you mean defeating their armies for the purpose of subduing the population, exploiting their resources and colonizing their territory - like the Europeans did to the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere on your planet - then the answer is none. If, on the other hand, you mean destroying their armed forces - without killing one single soldier - for the purpose of breaking their will to resist, thus enabling us to show them the way out of the dire situation they put themselves into - a situation which, if left unchecked, would lead to catastrophic consequences for the entire population - then the answer is...(Tania paused for a moment as she appeared to be counting to herself)...sixteen." "Sixteen !" Robert gasped," you've conquered sixteen planets ?" Tania sighed. "As I tried to make clear to you honey, I did not 'conquer' them anymore than I conquered yours. We 'defeated' your armies in order to force you to accept our superiority. That's the only way we could have convinced you to make the changes that you desperately needed to make. When we've decided that you can manage your planet in a responsible manner, we'll allow you to do so. Until then we'll have to be in charge. It was the same with all of the others." When  Tania saw the shocked look Robert's his face she wrapped her huge arms around him and hugged him tightly. Whispering softly, she continued... "Honey, I know it's difficult for you to accept that your mightiest armies and your most powerful weapons were useless against us - that just four women could have destroyed every armed force on your planet without suffering so much as a scratch; and that now we've effectively taken over your entire world. But you have to think of it this way. Someday you'll have children and theirs will be the first generation in the entire history of this planet to grow up in a world without war. Hunger and disease will have been virtually eliminated by then. The air will be clean and the water safe to drink. Pollution, like war and hunger, will be something they'll only know about by reading history books. Someday you'll come to realize that we did this for your own good." When she noticed he had tears in his eyes now, Tania kissed him again. "Now enough of this; let's get back to work on my breasts." "Nation shall not lift sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more" - Isaiah