Greta, the Mighty Amazon Warrior: Part 7 by M.C. Greta the Invincible. Jason and Constance (his sister) stood to the side with trepidation. For despite Greta's confident swagger, the man confronting her was enormous. Seven feet tall if he was an inch and his powerfully built body must have easily exceeded 500 pounds. Both the Amazon and the giant were unarmed; Greta choosing to fight the monster hand-to-hand. Although Jason had already seen this amazing woman perform several feats of strength that night that he would have thought impossible for anyone - let alone a woman - to do (like kill a 15 foot crocodile with her bare hands, scale a 25 foot vertical wall with his 200 pounds clinging to her back, and smash a large wooden prison door to pieces) this challenge may be more than even she could handle. Greta was giving up nearly a foot in height and well over 200 pounds in weight to a tough, experienced warrior. But if the Amazon Princess was concerned by any of this there was no outward indication of it. To the contrary, the large woman warrior appeared to be eagerly anticipating the 'clash of titans'. As Greta approached this mountain of a man - the smile still on her beautiful face - she untied her hair and let the long, beautiful brown locks fall across her shoulders and down her back. The Amazon wanted there to be no doubt in the giant's mind that he was about to do battle with a woman. As they were located in the dungeon - deep beneath the castle where no one could hear them - Greta didn't have to worry about being quiet."Tell you what big boy," she said in a strong, confident voice,"if you stand aside and let us pass, then I won't beat you up too badly. I'll just knock you out so you can't follow us and warn the others." Obviously Greta knew the giant had no intention of doing anything of the sort. In fact, she'd have been very disappointed if he had - so looking forward to this confrontation was she. Needless to say he didn't disappoint her. Greta's huge opponent moved away from the passage he was blocking and, with a look of supreme confidence, walked out to the center of the room to confront her. It was there that the dreaded giant and the Amazon warrior would battle it out; mano-al-womano. When Greta came within range, the huge man took a swipe at her with one of his powerful arms. But he was too slow and the smaller woman easily avoided the blow. He tried several more times but Greta, content for the moment to play cat-and-mouse with her opponent, simply backed out of his range. As it was a large room, she had plenty of space to maneuver around in. Her only regret was that there were only two other people there - a fight like this should really have taken place in the Amazon combat arena in front of thousands of spectators. Oh well, she sighed, what can you do? Another missed blow gave the Amazon her first chance to launch a counterattack. Moving in quickly, Greta landed a series of rapid punches to the big man's body; then retreated as he made another angry, but useless, swipe at her. Again she closed in, fired off a flurry of punches - to his face this time - and darted back. Greta's fists, toughened through her many years of practice in all the known forms of martial arts, were as hard as stone. And although not nearly as large as the giant, she was nevertheless a six foot-four inch, 275 pound, finely tuned fighting machine with more than 25 years of intensive Amazon combat training and experience behind her. As she circled around her opponent, landing blows whenever an opportunity presented itself, the Amazon appeared to be taking complete control of the fight. Greta knew she would eventually wear him down to the point where she could deliver the knockout blow. There was only one problem with her strategy however...she didn't really have the time. Sooner or later those two guards she knocked out would wake up. Or her hook and rope latched to the side of the wall would be discovered. And then there were those two dead guards in the watchtower; or the crocodile floating in the moat. The Amazon warrior knew that was only a matter of time before somebody saw something. So, much as she was enjoying this exercise, Greta would have to rachet it up a notch or two before their presence was discovered and her mission (as well as their lives) was put in jeopardy. "POW!, POW!, POW!," three solid punches to the giant's jaw, followed quickly by three more to his stomach, and then four more to his face and the mighty woman drove the large man back into one of the corners of the room. She then began to pummel him relentlessly with her fists. Though the giant would still lash out at her with his huge arms, Greta seemed totally unconcerned about it now. The attack from her rock-hard fists was hurting him and his ridiculously slow swipes at her were nothing more than acts of desperation which she easily avoided. Pinned back in the corner, the Amazon warrior was using the once feared giant as nothing more than target practice for her lethal hands. His eyes were soon swollen, his nose broken, and many of his teeth lay shattered on the floor beneath him. The beautiful woman was beating him into a bloody mess and there absolutely nothing he could do about it. Their fight soon became nothing more than a pathetic massacre. As he and his sister watched this amazing spectacle from the sidelines, Jason actually found himself feeling pity for the giant and once again asking,"is there anything this incredible woman can not do?" "WHAM!" One more powerful blow from Greta's right fist and it was as good as over. The giant's huge arms now hung uselessly at his sides and he had a dazed look on his face. Greta reached out, grabbed him by his beard and dragged him to the center of the room. She then placed her index finger in front of his mangled face and gave him a tiny push. "THUD!" the whole room shook as his 500 plus pounds crashed to the floor. "Jason, you and your sister can start going through the passageway now," Greta said as she stood over her battered foe,"I'll be along shortly; there's something I still have to do here." When she saw the look on Jason's face, Greta added in a much sterner tone," I said I wouldn't kill unless it was absolutety necessary and I meant it...NOW GO!" After they left, Greta turned her attention back to the battered man lying on the floor. Though still conscious, he was totally incapacitated and no longer a threat; to her or anybody else. She smiled down at him and removed her undergarments. Straddeling his huge chest, the victorious female said," so that you never forget it was a woman that gave you this beating, here's a little reminder." She scooted up so that her pussy was directly in from of his face. Grabbing the giant firmly by the hair, Greta proceeded to pussy whip her conquered foe for several minutes; relishing in her total dominiation over him. She climaxed all over his face. Rarely had the invincible Amazon warrior enjoyed a thiumph so much as this one. Then, remembering her commitment to Jason and his sister, Greta rose, quickly dressed and headed for the passageway. She paused briefly at the entrance and turned around. "I want to thank you for this lovely workout," she laughed, twirling her long, beautiful brown hair around as she spoke,"we'll have to do this again sometime." And then she was gone; leaving the battered, broken and totally humiliated giant crying on the floor. "Well, that sure was fun," Greta said as she caught up with Jason and Constance. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your sister Jason? Where are your manners?" Before he had time to respond, they heard loud voices coming from outside in the courtyard; they had been discovered. "I guess we'll have to let the introductions wait for later," the Amazon warrior sighed. "Now listen up, here's what we're going to do..." The mighty woman stood before the door leading to the outside, sword in hand. "Remember Jason, do exactly as I told you to...exacty!" She then raised her right foot and slammed it hard into the door. It burst open and out they ran. Greta immediately charged towards a group of surprised guards and, with three vicious swipes from the sword, dispatched them. A few moments later they were joined by two more. While the mighty Amazon was wrecking havoc all over the courtyard and diverting all the guards' attention, Jason and Constance made their way over to the watchtower and began climbing up the stairs. They reached the top and began running towards the hook and rope. Jason glanced down to the courtyard as they ran. Although he couldn't see much because of the darkness, he did make out quite a few bodies lying on the ground and heard the constant clashes of steel. He also heard cries...all of which seemed to be coming from men. Jason and Constance reached the place where the hook and rope were and began to climb down; all the awhile the sound of swords clashing continued did the cries. They reached the bottom and stared at moat. The thought of swimming across the crocodile infested body of water with his sister - without Greta's powerful presence there to protect them - weighed heavily on Jason's mind. But they certainly couldn't wait where they were not knowing the outcome of the battle taking place inside the castle. So into the water they went. As they did so, Jason noticed the battlesounds coming from inside the fortress had ceased. Was it over? Was Greta killed? Or did this amazing woman manage to overcome all the guards on the nightshift? And what about the evil landlord? Wouldn't he come after them at daybreak with his remaining gang of thugs? Alone in the darkness Greta could create havoc, but what about in the daylight when the landlord and his men could see?...and what is that large object following them in the water...getting closer and closer? Was it a...? He felt his heart stop. "Jason!" he heard a familiar voice scream from the top of the wall,"don't give up now, I'm coming." Looking up against the night sky, Jason saw a female figure leap out from the ramport and dive into the moat - completeing two mid-air sumersaults on the way down. Greta splashed into the water only a few feet away from the crocodile and grabbed it firmly by the tail. The large reptile stopped swimming after Jason and his sister and turned around to attack her."Swim for the shore Jason and wait for me in the forest!" The water behind them became very turbulent as Amazon warrior and crocodile battled it out in the dark, murky depths of the moat. Jason and Constance reached the shore and quickly looked back, but all they could see was darkness and hear the sound of water violently thrashing about. A minute later the turbulance subsided and was replaced by an eerie silence that pervaded the area; broken only by cries of the wounded men coming from inside the fortress. After a few moments Jason felt his sister tug on his wet shirtsleeve. "Come brother," she said softly,"we'd better get to the forest. They'll coming after us soon." Jason stared at the still water in dsbelief. Was this it? Had the mighty woman finally met her match? Turning slowly, Jason took his sister by the hand and began heading for the forest. "Hey guys, wait for me." If Jason lives for another hundred years, he will never hear a more beautiful sound than the one he had just heard. Fighting to hold back his tears, he turned around to see the most wonderful sight his eyes would ever behold; that of the powerful Amazon warrior emerging from the moat, dragging the dead crocodile by the tail behind her. "I'll have to come back here when this is all over," she said with a smile,"I've been told that you can make the most wonderful shoes from their skin." Jason ran to Greta and embraced her. It was the single most passionate moment of his life. For in that moment, Jason realized that there was nowhere else in the world that he would rather be than in the powerful arms of this gorgeous, incredible woman. "Greta...I love you." As they embraced, the sound of the castle's drawbridge slowly lowering could be heard. The landlord had awakened what remained of his army of thugs and was hell bent on exacting revenge. "Sorry honey," Greta said," but I'm afraid I still have a bit more work to do." Releasing the man she loved, the mighty woman warrior went over to the entrance to the drawbridge; exactly where she had placed her heavy sword. "Stay hidden in the bushes," Greta cautioned Jason and Constance," you'll be safe there." In the early morning light, she turned to face the landlord and his henchmen who were preparing to gallup out of the castle once the drawbridge had been lowered. When the bridge touched down on the opposite side of the moat, the castle gates began to open. Twenty armed horsemen prepared to charge out. But when the gates were fully opened, they were confronted by an unexpected site; that of a very large woman holding a long sword waiting for them at the other end of the bridge."O.K. boys," the fearless Amazon said in a loud voice,"let's end this now, shall we." "Kill the witch!" the evil landlord ordered (he was safely positioned in the rear),"make her pay for what she's done." The mighty woman stood, sword in hand, ready for action. Because it was a very narrow bridge, only two horsemen could come at her at the same time. As the first two galloped forward with their swords draw, the Amazon easily cut them down with a speed and sword wizardy that they had never before seen in anyone - man or woman. Seconds later two more fell victim to her blade...and then two more after that. In less than a minute, Greta's sword had slain six men. Those that remained realized that they were no match for this woman. They lost their nerve and fled back into castle. Greta followed them inside. She had fought enough battles against men to know that they were all but beaten; she could see the fear in their eyes as they ran. Remembering her promise to Jason, she decided to show mercy. "Whoever drops their sword and surrenders to me now, I will allow to live. Those who do not, will soon join your comrads in hell. You have until I count to ten to make your decision. Choose wisely. One...two...three..." "Kill her men!," the landlord shouted,"are you all cowards? Kill her!" "Four...five...six..." "Attack her all at once! She can't possibly beat you all." "Seven...eight...nine..." There was the sound of swords dropping onto the ground as the remaining men surrendered; vanqished by just one Amazon warrior. Only the landlord held out. "Keep away from me you sorceress," he shouted as Greta began to approach him. Just then the giant staggard out of the passageway; still dazed from the beating he had recieved from the mighty woman. "Kill her," the landlord yelled at him, kill that witch!" Even the other men suddenly took heart when they saw the giant emerge (none of them were aware of the events that took place in the dungeon earlier). Greta smiled at the huge man."That's right big boy, kill me...if you can." She moved towards him and, as she did so, the giant began to shake uncontrollably; and then retreat. "Kill her!" the landlord screamed," she's only a woman!" "That's right, I'm *only* a woman," Greta laughed. She was now only a few feet away from the giant who had backed himself up against a wall. "Please," he began to plead,"please don't hurt me again." He actually got down on his knees before her. When the landlord and his remaining men saw their last hope of defeating the mighty woman groveling at her feet, they were shattered. Their will was completely broken now...Greta had won. It was at this point that Jason and Constance entered the castle; and the scene they saw before them was one that neither of them would ever forget. Greta, the gorgeous, invincible Amazon warrior, stood in the courtyard facing the kneeling giant. Strewn all about her were the bodies of at least fifteen men that she had killed during the night (while crossing the drawbridge they passed by six more). The remaining guards, some of whom were wounded, stood meekly by; their swords at their feet. And the landlord, once the most feared man in the entire territory, sat on the ground in tears. The entire garrison had been crushed by one amazing woman. Greta looked down at the giant."I'm putting you in charge here. If you do as I say, no harm will come to you. Disobey me and I'll hunt you down; and when I do, you'll wish I'd killed you here and now. Do you understand?" Meekly he nodded. "First; you'll put the ex-landlord in the dungeon until I've decided what's to be done with'll probably have to replace the door. Then; you'll bury the bodies of you're fallen comrads and tend to the wounded. Third; I'm going to give you two weeks to return all of the money that's been extorted from the villages around here and to make ammends for the things you've stolen. You're also to apologise for your past behavior. I'll be sending a patrol of Amazons around soon to check on your progress; and progress there'd better be. It would be very *unfortunate* for all of you if I have to come back here again." After she finished laying down the law, Greta walked over to Jason and Constance. "Well, I guess my work here is done. We'd better get started if we're going to reach your village by tomorrow afternoon. I understand there's a wedding scheduled and we wouldn't want to be late, would we?" The Amazon winked at Constance. Sheathing her sword, Greta grabbed Jason and Constance by the hand and led them out of the castle. "Well, that was a rather interesting night if I do say so myself," the beautiful woman laughed. "And now, since we're all going to be family...err, we are going to be family aren't we Jason? (she squeezed his hand tightly), I suggest we use this opportunity to get to know one another better." Arm-in-arm, the three of them entered the forest where their horses had been peacefully grazing since the previous night.