Greta, the Mighty Amazon Warrior: Part 3 by M.C. Before her confrontation with the evil landlord and his army of thugs, a powerful woman warrior reflects back on her life as an Amazon. From the Amazon capitol to the castle of the evil landlord where Jason's sister was being held was a journey of four days. Greta and Jason used that time to get to know one another better. During the day while they traveled, Greta explained to her husband-to-be what Amazons were really like (she was amazed at Jason's ignorance on the subject and wondered if all men felt the same way). At night, they would get better acquainted with different aspects about each other. Unfortunately for Greta, Jason's virility was no match for her sex drive and the mighty woman would wear him down after only an hour...two if she went easy on him."Men," Greta sighed after their third night on the road together,"they're such weaklings. It's no wonder why they're afraid of powerful women." As she lay there in the forest on her bed of leaves under a canopy of tree branches, Greta wrapped her muscular arms around the exhausted Jason and reflected back on her life as an Amazon warrior. Shortly after she began to walk, Greta started learning how to fight; such was the way of the Amazons. Boxing, wrestling, archery, swordsmanship, the lance and spear; all the things a female warrior needed to know. Such was her desire to learn, and her amazing ability, that it wasn't too many years before the precocious girl had mastered them all. Greta also became an excellent equestrian and, as would be proven much later, a surperb military tactician. The daughter of Hilda - the Amazon Queen and a mighty warrior in her day - and Demetrias - a Greek general whose army Hilda had destroyed (and whom she subsequently took to be her personal slave before making him her husband) - Greta's unique combination of genetics, physical strength and intensive training combined to make her unbelieveable fighting machine; unmatched by male or female. Because the men of the surrounding kingdoms despised and feared the women warriors (they wanted nothing more than to conquer and enslave them), the Amazons were constantly forced to defend their territory against their aggressive neighbors. By the time she was 14, Greta, already among the strongest of the Amazon women, entered the army. At 15 she participated in her first confrontation against an invading army of men. Instead of being afraid, the young girl was exhilirated by the battle and distinguished herself by slaying six of the enemy; a fact that wasn't lost on her superiors. Greta recieved her first command at 17. As her exploits grew, she quickly rose up through the ranks until, at the young age of 21, the the muscular, six foot-four inch, 275 pound woman found herself appointed commander of the Amazonian army. Not even her mother, whose fighting skills were legendary, had advanced so rapidly. Greta's string of successes continued as she led the Amazons to victory after victory. She was never defeated; either on the battlefield or in the combat arena. Because of her great physical strength and superior fighting abilities no single combatant - man or woman - could stand against her. She would even fight several opponents at the same time; but it didn't seem to matter. For regardless of the odds, the massive woman would alway prevail. Even bears and bulls were no match for Greta's incredible strength. On her 25th birthday she was pitted against an 800 pound black bear; Greta knocked him out with one punch. And, for her 30th, she squeezed a 1500 pound bull into unconsciousness with her powerful thighs (see part one of this series). She was the epitome of the Amazon warrior, what they all strived to be - strong, fearless and unbeatable. But Greta was also something else, a beautiful woman. Despite her tremendous size, strength and a lifetime of intensive training in the arts and practice of war, the powerful female could never completely supress her feelings for handsome men. She often surprised her fellow Amazons by showing mercy to males whom she had defeated on the battlefield or in the combat arena. "It's not our way," some of them would admonish her after she spared the lives of men she had subdued. "But I just can't kill them," Greta would respond,"they're so helpless." As general of the Amazonian army, Greta instituted a policy of leniency towards males captured in battle. She even allowed them to return to their homes if they had families and promised never to invade the Amazon territory again. To make sure they kept their word, the men were branded with an "A" on their forehead before being released. Any such men caught taking up arms against the Amazons again were executed without mercy; tolerance has it's limits. Single men weren't so lucky however. Amazonian society was not just a matriarcy but a place where females dominiated every aspect of life. Males were necessary for breeding of course. Those that were captured in battle, or in the raids that the warrior women would occasionally conduct on the surrounding towns in search of suitable mates, were usually enslaved. They were used for the women's sexual pleasure as well as to attend to their other needs. After a successful (that is to say female) offspring was produced, the woman would then decide if she wanted to keep her man-slave. If she decided to keep him - and the man had absolutely no say in this decision - then he would officially be recognised as her property. If she chose not to retain him, he would be given to another female for her pleasure. Male offspring were not - as was commonly believed - killed, but raised as servants. It was they who did the farming that provided food for the Amazons. They were also the builders, craftsmen, and did all of the menial day-to-day labor that the powerful women warriors felt was beneath their dignity to do. Though they were completely subserviant to their Amazon overlords, men were usually treated well; so long as they knew their place and stayed there. Insubordination was not tolerated and it wasn't an uncommon sight to see an Amazon woman beating up a man on the street because of something he might have said or done that she percieved as defiance of her authority. This was especially true of men who had been captured recently and weren't *broken in* yet (Amazionan women prided themselves on how well heeled their men were). Though the beatings were seldom brutal - they usually ended with the man in tears begging the woman's forgivness whereupon she graciously granted it - they did drive home the point: in Amazionan society, females ruled males served. Greta, for all her innate compassion, was still very much a product of her environment. She believed in the complete superiority of women and the subservience of men. And what better example of that than she herself. In hundreds of confrontations with men on the battlefield over the years she has never been defeated. In the combat arena where the Amazons entertained themselves by watching their warriors fight against captured men or even wild beasts (not unlike the Coliseum in ancient Rome), Greta always took on the strongest opponent and sometimes even several at a time - she always prevailed. Jason and his *strong* friends were just one more feather in her already huge cap. Greta smiled to herself as she recalled her first contest in the great arena. She was just a girl then, only 16 years old. Still, she stood six feet tall and weighed over 200 pounds. She was led out to the center of the arena and stood in front of several thousand cheering Amazon spectators. As it was her first time fighting there Greta was very nervous. After all, she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of everyone; least of all her mother, the Queen. Then they led her opponent out. He must have stood at least six feet-five inches tall and weighed well over 250 pounds. So strong was he that his fellow soldiers had nicknamed him Hercules after the Greek god of strength. As the powerfully built, handsome man stood naked before her, Greta - for the first time in her life - saw what a man's naked body looked like. Despite being taught from early childhood to view men as inferiors, Greta nevertheless felt a strange sensation as she gazed upon his well muscled body. They were to engage in hand-to-hand combat. He was fighting for his freedom; Greta for Amazon pride. When her mother lowered her scepter, they began to fight. Cautious at first, the young woman kept her distance as the massive man threw wild punches at her. She only struck back when she saw a safe opening. But her fists were hard as rock and, when she did hit him, he felt it. The large man seemed to be relying solely on his huge size advantage to win, whereas Greta, trained to fight since she was three years old, used cunning and skill. As their fight wore on, Hercules, extremely confident at first, began to tire. Greta could see by the look in his eyes in that he wasn't so sure of himself anymore and decided it was time to become the aggressor. With a sudden quick flurry from her solid fists, the smaller girl began to drive the large man back; much to the delight of the Amazon spectators. The sight of a woman battering a male around the arena was one they could never get tired of seeing. And a smaller female, just a girl actually, smashing a much larger man only reinforced their philosophy: that females, when properly trained, were the superior sex. Spurred on by their cheers, Greta increased her onslaught; pounding the exhausted and nearly defenseless Hercules almost at will. She smiled as she saw the look of fear spread across his face."What's the matter Herky," she teased,"am I too tough for you?" He didn't answer. He was being beaten by a smaller girl and there was nothing he could do about it. After several more of Greta's powerful fists slammed into his body, the huge man's arms dropped to his sides; he was finished. But Greta wanted more. She wanted there to be no doubt in his mind that she was indeed his superior. "O.K. you big, tough man; let's see just how strong you really are. How about a little bear hug?" Completely outfought by this 16 year-old girl, the large male warrior saw this as his last chance to win his freedom. She may have been a much better boxer than he was but, in a test of brute strength, he should be able to overwhelm her. Hercules opened his huge, muscular arms wide and began to approach; Greta replied in kind. The two of them - the massive man and the Amazon girl - met in the middle of the arena; bear hug against bear hug. The large crowd of women stood in complete silence as they watched the test of strength taking place before them. They knew that Greta, daughter of the great Queen Hilda, was a very talented fighter (didn't she just batter the larger man with her fists?) but could she actually be stronger than the huge brute? They didn't have to wait long for their answer. Hercules squeezed with all his might, his face grimacing in pain as he did. Greta simply looked up at him with a pretty smile on hers. "Oh come on now big boy,"she giggled,"is this the best you can do? Is the little Amazon girl too strong for the mighty Hercules? Tee, hee, hee." Knowing that this would be his last chance to avoid a life of servitude at the hands of women, the powerful man put all he had left into one last surge of strength. But as he gazed down at the smaller girl, he saw a sight that shattered him, a sight that completely broke his will, a sight he would never forget as long as he lived. For while he was squeezing with all of his strength, Greta was yawning! The huge warrior dropped his arms at his sides. His defeat was now total, he was broken. Greta released her grip on him and gently lowered crying man to the ground. She put her right foot on his chest and flexed her large muscles for the cheering crowd of women. "Greta! Greta! Greta!" they all began to shout. It was a moment the Amazon warrior would never forget - that she, a 16 year-old girl, had completely destroyed this mountain of a man in hand-to-hand combat. That night the naked Hercules was brought to her tent; it was an Amazon ritual. As this was her first *conquest* he was Greta's to do with whatever she wished. Though only 16, Greta knew exactly what that would be. "Come over here you big, strong gorgeous hulk of man," she ordered as she sat, also naked, on the edge of her bed," and if you're a good boy and do as mommy says, then I won't have to spank you." Humiliated beyond belief, the once proud male warrior broke down completely and, despite his enormous size, became as docile as a kitten in Greta's masterful hands. She dominiated him as easily in bed as she had in the arena. Greta had come of age. Now *officially* a woman, Greta was allowed to have a personal slave, and she chose Hercules. Greta laughed as she recalled how, as just a 16 year old girl, she delighted in showing off the huge man - her "Herky" - to her fellow Amazons. She would often make him perform humiliating tasks in front of her friends - like brushing her long, beautiful brown hair for hours on end, or kissing and licking her feet. Greta took great pride in having this giant man comply with her every wish. But what she liked most of all was wrestling naked with him. Greta would always win. "Poor, poor Herky," she would tease,"looks like the little girl wins again, tee, hee, hee." And then she would rape him. After a while though, Greta tired of her *boy toy* and passed him on to another Amazon. She was more interested in fighting at this stage in her life and had little use for members of the *weaker sex* other than to pleasure her. Hercules is still around though; still being passed from woman to woman. Occasionally Greta will see him. "Hello there Herky" she'd say as she passed him by on the street (male slaves always had to stand to the side whenever an Amazon warrior passed by). Then she would laugh to herself, recalling that first conquest. It was almost dawn now and Greta wanted to get an early start. She wanted to reach the evil landlord's castle before nightfall. That way she could reconnoiter it's defences and formulate her plan of attack while there was still some light left. The Amazon warrior knew she would have to strike at night in a surprise assult if she was to have any chance of success. After all, taking on an army of forty men in a fortified castle was a pretty tall order, even for her. "Wake up sleepy head," Greta said as she gently nudged Jason," it's time to get started." They packed their things, mounted their horses and continued on their way. By late afternoon Greta and Jason reached their destiniation. "Hmmm...not bad, not bad at all," the woman warrior said as she viewed the castle's fortifications in the dying afternoon light. She and Jason were hidden behind thick brush about 200 yards from the fortress. They had left the horses in the forest so as not to be discovered and walked the final mile. As Jason stared at the formidable ediface and realized it was guarded by some forty men, not to mention the crocodile infested moat and the legendary giant inside, his heart sank. "Why the long face honey?" Greta asked him as they walked back to where the horses were. She had to wait until night before making her attack and needed the equipment that was packed on the horses' backs. "Why the long face? Why the long face? Greta, didn't you see that place? It's impregnable. How do you expect to get in there, deal with forty men, a giant, and make it out with my sister alive? I admit it Greta, you're a fantastic warrior; but let's face the facts. It's insane, totally insane!" The mighty woman sighed. "Oh Jason, Jason, Jason. It looks like I still have a great deal more to teach you about Amazons; and tonight, my dear, I will." When they reached the horses, Greta sat down and put her back up against a tree. She motioned for Jason to sit down beside her. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to formulate my plan of attack. So why don't you just rest your pretty little head on my shoulder until mid-night; we can't do anything before then anyway." He did just that. Greta kissed him on the forehead and said in a soft voice,"don't worry honey, everything will be all right...I promise you." Jason awakened to the sound of a sword being swished around."Sorry to wake you Jason, I'm just warming up." In the dim, moonless night he could only make out her large form gracefully moving around. As he watched her practice, Jason was awed by the speed and power Greta displayed as she danced around the forest floor. She moved like a gazelle with a beauty he had never seen before; silently slashing imaginary opponents to pieces with her large, steel sword. But could she really take on the landloard's thugs all by herself? Needless to say he wouldn't be of much help; Greta wouldn't even let him touch her sword. After about ten more minutes of her awesome display of swordsmenship, the beautiful woman warrior sheathed her blade. She then picked up the large bag of things that she had packed and slung it over her massive shoulder."It's time honey," Greta said to him with a smile," it's time for you to see what an Amazon woman can really do." Together, hand-in-hand, they began to walk towards the castle. End of part 3